Weaknesses Alfalfa

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Weaknesses of Alfalfa

Organic Farmer and consumers argue that the GMO plant will cross-pollinate will the Non-GMO
“Contaminating” the organic crop. Only effectively one percent of the total Alfalfa crop is
organic, these risk of cross. If the organic Alfalfa contain any traces of GMO, then it lead to
Fewer organic Alfalfa crops, fewer organic dairy farmer and higher prices, less organic meat, it
can make skin more sensitive to the sun, and it has negative effect on pregnant
GE Alfalfa would involve farmers using alfalfa seeds that have been genetically manipulated to
withstand dousing of the chemical round up. Researchers from USDA and Purdue University
have found glyphosate to be quite dangerous, leaving plants susceptible to disease and unable
to take up from the soil trace minerals that humans need to survive. The overuse of round up
has also led to the emergence of superweeds resistant to chemical weed killer, and opponents
of GE crop will only worsen the superweed problem. There’s also the issue of cross-
contamination, meaning that the genetic material from GE Alfalfa could cross-pollinate and
contaminate organic Alfalfa used in organic dairy and grass-fed beef operation.

Grazing Alfalfa
The most frequent concern of producers considering grazing Alfalfa is Bloat, but it can be
minimized with precautions. Gm Alfalfa will ruin export markets for alfalfa products,
contaminate family farms, make it more difficult for farmers to control weeds, and threaten the
future of organic foods.

Side effects of Alfalfa to our health

The US NIH report that there is some insufficient evidence of effectiveness of Alfalfa,
Furthermore the US NIH has identified several safety concerns and medication interaction.
Alfalfa leaves are possibly safe for adults, but taking alfalfa seed for long term is likely unsafe.
Alfalfa seed products may cause reaction that are similar to the autoimmune disease called
Lupus Erythematosus.
Pregnancy or breast-feeding: Using alfalfa in amounts larger than what is commonly found in
food is possibly unsafe during pregnancy and breast-feeding. There is some evidence that alfalfa
may act like estrogen, and this might affect the pregnancy.
Auto-immune diseases: Alfalfa might cause the immune system to become more active, and
this could increase the symptoms of these diseases.
Hormone-sensitive conditions (such as breast cancer, uterine cancer, ovarian cancer,
endometriosis, or uterine fibroids): Alfalfa might have the same effects as the female hormone
Diabetes: Alfalfa might lower blood sugar levels.
Kidney transplant: There is one report of a kidney transplant rejection following the three-
month use of a supplement that contained alfalfa and black cohosh. This outcome is more likely
due to alfalfa than black cohosh. Alfalfa's immune system boost might make the anti-rejection
drug cyclosporine less effective.

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