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Spring 2017

Physics I
Tutorial Problems (week 8)

Physics I Group
Dr: Ashraf A. Abul-Magd
Ebrahim Sedqy
Hisham Yahia
Emtnan Oda
Spring 2017
Physics I - Week Eight

Week eight

Fluid Mechanic

14.1 Pressure

14.2 Variation of Pressure with


14.3 Pressure Measurements

14.4 Buoyant Forces and

Archimedes' Principle

14.5 Fluid Dynamics

14.6 Bernoulli’s Equation

14.7 Other Applications of Fluid Dynamics

Physics I - Week Eight

Objective Questions:
1. Figure OQ14.1 shows aerial views from directly above two dams.
Both dams are equally wide (the vertical dimension in the diagram)
and equally high (into the page in the diagram). The dam on the left
holds back a very large lake, and the dam on the right holds back a
narrow river. Which dam has to be built more strongly? (a) The dam
on the left (b) the dam on the right (c) both the same (d) cannot be

Conceptual Questions:
1. Because atmospheric pressure is about 105 N/m2 and the area of a person’s chest is about 0.13 m2, the
force of the atmosphere on one’s chest is around 13 000 N. In view of this enormous force, why don’t
our bodies collapse?

2. (a) Is the buoyant force a conservative force? (b) Is a potential energy associated with the buoyant
force? (c) Explain your answers to parts (a) and (b).
Physics I - Week Eight

3. How would you determine the density of an irregularly shaped rock?

1. A large man sits on a four-legged chair with his feet off the floor. The combined mass of the man and
chair is 95.0 kg. If the chair legs are circular and have a radius of 0.500 cm at the bottom, what
pressure does each leg exert on the floor?

2. The nucleus of an atom can be modeled as several protons and neutrons closely packed together.
Each particle has a mass of 1.67 x 10-27 kg and radius on the order of 10-15 m. (a) Use this model and
the data provided to estimate the density of the nucleus of an atom. (b) Compare your result with
the density of a material such as iron. What do your result and comparison suggest concerning the
structure of matter?
Physics I - Week Eight

3. A 50.0-kg woman wearing high-heeled shoes is invited into a home in which the kitchen has vinyl
floor covering. The heel on each shoe is circular and has a radius of 0.500 cm. (a) If the woman
balances on one heel, what pressure does she exert on the floor? (b) Should the homeowner be
concerned? Explain your answer

4. Estimate the total mass of the Earth’s atmosphere.(The radius of the Earth is 6.37x 106 m, and
atmospheric pressure at the surface is 1.013 x105 Pa.)

5. Calculate the mass of a solid gold rectangular bar that has dimensions of 4.50 cm x 11.0 cm x 26.0

6. The small piston of a hydraulic lift (Fig. ) has a cross-sectional area of 3.00 cm2, and its large piston
has a cross-sectional area of 200 cm2. What downward force of magnitude F1 must be applied to the
small piston for the lift to raise a load whose weight is Fg 5 15.0 kN?
Physics I - Week Eight

7. What must be the contact area between a suction cup (completely evacuated) and a ceiling if the cup
is to support the weight of an 80.0-kg student?

8. A swimming pool has dimensions 30.0 m x 10.0 m and a flat bottom. When the pool is filled to a
depth of 2.00 m with fresh water, what is the force exerted by the water on (a) the bottom? (b) On
each end? (c) On each side?

9. A table-tennis ball has a diameter of 3.80 cm and average density of 0.084 0 g/cm3. What force is
required to hold it completely submerged under water?

10. The gravitational force exerted on a solid object is 5.00 N. When the
object is suspended from a spring scale and submerged in water, the
scale reads 3.50 N (Fig.). Find the density of the object
Physics I - Week Eight

11. Water flowing through a garden hose of diameter 2.74 cm fills a 25-L bucket in 1.50 min. (a) What
is the speed of the water leaving the end of the hose? (b) A nozzle is now attached to the end of the
hose. If the nozzle diameter is one-third the diameter of the hose, what is the speed of the water
leaving the nozzle?

12. A large storage tank, open at the top and filled with water, develops a small hole in its side at a point
16.0 m below the water level. The rate of flow from the leak is found to be 2.50 x10 23 m3/min.
Determine (a) the speed at which the water leaves the hole and (b) the diameter of the hole.

13. Water moves through a constricted pipe in steady, ideal flow. At the lower point shown in Figure,
the pressure is P1 = 1.75 x 104 Pa and the pipe diameter is 6.00 cm. At another point y = 0.250 m
higher, the pressure is P2 =1.20x 104 Pa and the pipe diameter is 3.00 cm. Find the speed of flow (a)
in the lower section and (b) in the upper section. (c) Find the volume flow rate through the pipe

Physics I - Week Eight

14. Figure shows a stream of water in steady flow from a kitchen faucet. At the
faucet, the diameter of the stream is 0.960 cm. The stream fills a 125-cm3
container in 16.3 s. Find the diameter of the stream 13.0 cm below the
opening of the faucet.

15. Thebody of a man whose weight is 690 N contains about 5.2 × 10-3 m3 of blood. (a) Find the
blood’s weight and (b) express it as a percentage of the body weight.

16. Inthe hydraulic car lift, the input piston on the left has a radius of r1 = 0.0120 m and a negligible
weight. The output plunger on the right has a radius of r2 = 0.150 m. The combined weight of the
car and the plunger is 20 500 N. Since the output force has a magnitude of F2 = 20 500 N, it
supports the car. What is the magnitude F1 of the input force that is needed so that F2?

17. A livingroom has floor dimensions of 3.5 m and 4.2 m and a height of 2.4 m. (a) what does the air
in the room weigh when the air pressure is 1.0 atm? (b) What is the magnitude of the atmosphere’s
downward force on the top of your head, which we take to have an area of 0.040 m2?
Physics I - Week Eight

18. Ethanol of density ρ = 791 kg/m3 flows smoothly through a horizontal pipe that tapers in cross-
sectional area from A1 = 1.20 × 10-3 m2 to A2 = A1/2. The pressure difference between the wide and
narrow sections of pipe is 4120 Pa. What is the volume flow rate of the ethanol?

19. A solid, square pinewood raft measures 4.0 m on a side and is 0.30 m thick. Determine whether the
raft floats in water.

20. A garden hose has an unobstructed opening with a cross-sectional area of 2.85 × 10-4 m2, from which
water fills a bucket in 30.0 s. The volume of the bucket is (about two gallons). Find the speed of the
water that leaves the hose through (a) the unobstructed opening and (b) an obstructed opening with
half as much area.

21. The figure shows how the stream of water emerging from a faucet “necks
down” as it falls. This change in the horizontal cross-sectional area is
characteristic of any laminar (nonturbulant) falling stream because the
gravitational force increases the speed of the stream. Here the indicated
cross-sectional areas are A0 = 1.2 cm2 and A = 0.35 cm2. The two levels are
separated by a vertical distance h = 45 mm. What is the volume flow rate
from the tap?
Physics I - Week Eight

22. How much work is done by pressure in forcing 1.4 m3 of water through a pipe having an internal
diameter of 13 mm if the difference in pressure at the two ends of the pipe is 1.0 atm?

23. In the figure, water flows through a horizontal pipe and then out
into the atmosphere at a speed m/s. The diameters of the
left and right sections of the pipe are 5.0 cm and 3.0 cm.
(a) what volume of water flows into the atmosphere during a 10 min period? In the left section of
the pipe, what are (b) the speed and (c) the gauge pressure?

24. In a car lift used in a service station, compressed air exerts a force on a small piston that has a
circular cross section and a radius of 5.00 cm. This pressure is transmitted by a liquid to a piston
that has a radius of 15.0 cm. What force must the compressed air exert to lift a car weighing 13 300
N? What air pressure produces this force?
Physics I - Week Eight

1. A stonecutter's chisel has an edge area of 0.7 cm2. If the chisel is struck with a force of 42 N, what is the
pressure exerted on the stone?

a.600 N/m2 . b. 30 000 N/m2 c. 300 000 N/m2 d.600 000 N/m2 e. 6 000 N/m2

2. When water freezes, it expands about nine percent. What would be the pressure increase inside your
automobile engine block if the water in there froze? The bulk modulus of ice is 2.0 × 109 N/m2.
a. 18 ATM b. 360 ATM c. 1 100 ATM d. 1 800 ATM e. 600 ATM

3. All people come very close to being able to float in water. What therefore is the volume (in cubic meters)
of a 50-kg woman
a. 0.007 b. 0.035 c. 0.050 d. 0.070 e.0.085

4. Find the average density of a white dwarf star if it has a mass equal to that of the sun (2.0 ×10 30 kg) and
a radius equal to that of the Earth (6.4 ×106 m).
a.9.0 ×106 kg/m3 b. 1.8 ×07 kg/m3 c .1.8 ×109 kg/m3 d. 3.6 ×1010 kg/m3 e. 9.0 ×107 kg/m3

5. Find the average density of a red giant star with a mass of 20 ×1030 kg (approximately 10 solar masses)
and a radius of 150 ×109 m (equal to the Earth's distance from the sun)
a.1.41×10-4 kg/m3 b. 0.007 kg/m3 c. 1.41 kg/m3 d. 710 kg/m3 e. 1.41×10-3 kg/m3

6. What it is the total mass of the Earth's atmosphere? The radius of the Earth is 6.4×106 m.
a.5.3 ×1016 kg b. 1.1 ×1018 kg c. 5.3 ×1018 kg d. 1.1×1020 kg e . 5.3×109 kg
Physics I - Week Eight

7. A h7.hydraulic lift raises a 2 000-kg automobile when a 500-N force is applied to the smaller piston. If
the smaller piston has an area of 10 cm2, what is the cross-sectional area of the larger piston
a. 40 cm2 b. 80 cm2 c. 196 cm2 d. 392 cm2 e. 160 cm2

8. A fountain sends water to a height of 100 meters. What must be the pressurization (above atmospheric)
of the water system?
a. 1.0 ATM b . 4.2 ATM c. 7.2 ATM d. 9.7 ATM e. 8.2 ATM

9. How much power is theoretically available from a mass flow of 1 000 kg/s of water when it falls a
vertical distance of 100 meters
a. 980 kW b. 98 kW c. 4 900 W d. 980 W e. 9 600 W

10. All fluids are:

A. gases B. liquids C. gases or liquids D. non-metallic E. transparent

11. 1Pa is:

A. 1N/m B. 1m/N C. 1 kg/m · s D. 1 kg/m · s2 E. 1N/m · s

12. To obtain the absolute pressure from the gauge pressure:

A. subtract atmospheric pressure B. add atmospheric pressure C. subtract 273
D. add 273 E. convert to N/m2

13. The vessels shown below all contain water to the same height. Rank them according to the pressure
exerted by the water on the vessel bottoms, least to greatest

A. 1, 2, 3, 4 B. 3, 4, 2, 1 C. 4, 3, 2, 1 D. 2, 3, 4, 1 E. All pressures are the same

Physics I - Week Eight

14. An airtight box, having a lid of area 80 cm2, is partially evacuated. Atmospheric pressure is 1.01 ×
10 Pa. A force of 600N is required to pull the lid off the box. The pressure in the box was:
A. 2.60 × 104 Pa B. 6.35 × 104 Pa C. 7.50 × 104 Pa D. 1.38 × 105 Pa E. 1.76 × 105 Pa

15. If p is a pressure and ρ is a density then p/ ρ has units of:

A. m2 B. m2/s2 C. N/m2 D. kg/m2 E. m3/kg

16. The equation of continuity for fluid flow can be derived from the conservation of:
A. energy B. mass C. angular momentum D. volume E. pressure

17. An incompressible liquid flows along the pipe as shown. The ratio of the speeds is:

18. Water flows through a cylindrical pipe of varying cross section. The velocity is 3.0m/s at a point
where the pipe diameter is 1.0 cm. At a point where the pipe diameter is 3.0 cm, the velocity is:
A. 9m/s B. 3m/s C. 1m/s D. 0.33m/s E. 0.11m/s

19. Bernoulli’s equation can be derived from the conservation of:

A. energy B. mass C. angular momentum D. volume E. pressure

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