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Fundamental Problems Partial Solutions and Answers Chapter 1 FIL Entire beat (+ EMy =O 6) — 10(2) — A,(2)= 0 A, = 204N Left seamen SEF, ~0: Neno vs 415K, = th -Vve~0 Vou WAN As GDM e =O: Mg + 60 —20(1) =0 Me Ane Fi-2 Entire beum UBM © 04 8 (3) — 104150025) ~ 20042-5225) =0 4H, = 2828 Right segment SEE, Ane 4TER, =o 5 — 2015) =0 Ve=315N Ane (tEMe =n 2625(15) ~ 200(1 50.95) ~ Me=0 Me-= 160 Nem Ans P13 Entire beam SEF, =\; Reo (+E Ma = 0 221) ~ BA = Right semen SEF, =o; Ans HEE, =o Aas (4EMe = 0 Me==20KkNem Ans FI Entire bean! (ADM = 0 Hamjeaya) + 1aXas) — 2,6) =0 Ay=25KN Left segment FEF, =: Newo Aes +1EF, =o. 215-1013) Ve=0 Vo=-25iN Ara (HEMe =O Me + 103)(1.8) 27513) =0 Me=375KNem Ans FILS Entire beam AEF, =te Ae=0 (tM =o 30146}(3) = H300})E1) = AN6) = 0 Left segment SER, =: Ne=0 Ane +1BK, = 01 25 ~ 3003) — Ve=0 Ans LEM =O Mg + 500(3)(1.5) ~ 82503) = 0 Mc=11251b-f Anes ato FUNDAMENTAL PROBLEMS PARTAL SOLUTIONS AN ANSWERS 811 FI-6 Entire beam 3 LEM, = Fal §)9 5610) =0 fps s7848 SER, <0; ws2)-a,<0 Ay 30KN 3 +TERy = 0; 4, + 375(3) 5) = 0 75kN Lett segment: New H0KN Ans 75-52)-Ve=0 “25KN dns Me + 52M) = 750) =a Me=SkNem Ans ra 062i, Ay = Se = 153ksi(T) An Tbk = 768 Ksi(C) Ane go> TE = aay 7 ak cr) Awe Rod CD: = Ayo) = Fay= 8981) N=4905 N 28m jm: SH aD Ee Fi§ A= s(lht?—008") 36010 x » x00 Anr,=t; 817s{Z}—Fu=0 Fug = 64N eae ae (3) 1 360 a irks . Ag = Znon) = 16(10°F) =m? Fig A=3f4(1)]= 12 in? + 8 paket } 3 Ei il oA s Ans an 1610 9 FLAW) Consider the cross scetion to bea rectangle and ‘wo ria, FES Ring 0 2Feos tl 20981) = 0 F=1962N oisoaya 13] (an Has) + 13F, (lng = 15410 = 04022) + Huz6y0 i = 013 m = 130mm Ans P_ eonuie') A= 0.00408 m= 4.08 mam Oy = = OS ore Ans, oo M8 Used =$ mm nx a2 FUNDAMENTAL PROBLEMS PARTIAL SOLUTIONS AND ANSWERS FIM Entire fame F-20 BP, = 0; A, = 4h Nip 30=0 Nip=30kip EMy= 0, A, = sith Nye 15-18-40 0 Nae= 60 kip Fy = V (600) = (BAO) = 1000 bs 5 Beret 1a0n/2 i ee (rao 2ksi Ans A Hoasy Double shear 3F,=0, 4V-0=0 FIs ve2Skip af? 2(2) ara te eee Ans, A” Oe FIG Single shear BR = Ped Vas = (ua P=2.262(10') N= 2.264N Ans V—Powar=0 V=05r (0.025) = 1.4833(1079) m2 asp 1.434105) P=A732009 N= LTAN Ann The resultant free onthe pinis F = Vie+ 4 = SORN, Here we have double shear fn0(20") Fils P FS asin Faas) = 022910°}e0? v 2540) ty = Ee sara ane 7 TE Flip S5F, <0; W-N=0 N=MiN erin 2 = SE 6667 uu te 196:57(17) u Se a= 1514mm Use d=16 mm Ans y= 18in, i 705) Jy= 36in Use hy = 12 in aa Am Fiat N=P oy 7 ey #-D- nse (08) = 1.2566(10- 9 Aes = 240,06 —0.08)(005) = 30079) m? The rod wil fal ft aoe = 125104) = y TBH} P= 157.08(10") N= LS7KN Ans B)-2V=0 Ve avkN 10 MMe ayn tMP oy _ $0010") 4o(u0") = Se + «d= 0.03868. m = 38,68 mm Used = 36mm Ans Fi2 Var Tater = FE = Ts ‘Area ofshear plane for bolt head und plate: -a((.04)(0.078) = 04008 m = walt = -(0.08)(0003) = C0024 m* 48MPa FUNDAMENTAL PROBLEMS PARTIAL SCLUTIONS ANG ANSWERS 813 ‘Sinow the area of shear plane for the plate: is re small, ae Tate BUY Tse Lype= VG — 3+ GON SF = 502.2290 mm P=36L9(U)N=362KN Ans, Siig on 00747 rack Fig y= ba = Lane _ 5122250 ~ 500 sists Camis i ia (ema Tx eae (tay =o; Ys0jeay6) - ov) <0 V= 1300 : = 0.046 m/min Anis Ans, tan (28 sree (F) Chapter 2 ‘ ne fe a eh ae Ree Ans Ns 1.00) A : eo = P= SS ~ 001 mm/mm i Len 300 Chapter 3 aa 31 Material has uniform properties throughout. Ans i 3.2 Proportional limits An 4 He Jed = 9.491(10") rad timate sressis D. Ans dig ~ Ot gy = 0.3491(00-9¥600) = 0.2084 mom F23 Tien slopeot thew ~ediggram, dns fe = Wage = 03491(10 (1200) = 04189 mm FH The. Ans. FSS Fake Use the orginal crosssectional aca 44107) omm/omm Ans, and length, Ans F346 False. It will normally decrease, Ans = 0,698(107) mm/mnm Ans o P 5 ae me EAE j= Pi sony) AE” Ho0isy 200(107) -4+ 003m A= yyy 7 01888 1a 128m ie mt aE PL et 7] baa _ 00048) = 005 — 000333 eee WE 0.00833 rad Am Ans ana Fey RH Fu Pan FUNOAMENTAL PROBLEMS PARTIAL SELUTIONS AND ANSUERS 5104 Fay oa) As 31831 MPa ‘Since @ < vy ~ 450 MPa, Hooke’s Law is applicable oy _ $5000" ae puns ~ 200GPa HSH} = = ED 001502 mm/min Tou!) ' mee B= el 000189250) = 007% mm Ans Since or > fy = 450. MPa, Hooke's Law isnot applicable. From the geometry ofthe stress-strain slagram, = 000225 47746 - 430 a — 0.00228 ~~ S00 — 450 = O0I7H3 ‘When the load is removed, the strain along a line parallel tothe original elastic line. oy _ 450i") ty UMS The elastic recovery is a _ ATTN) Ec) = e =e, = 017483 — Qom2397 Here 20GPa = 0.002387 min = 0.00511 mm/mm 01511( 50 el 185mm Ans = 0,6667(10°%) nm /mm "ene = ul 10°)(06667(10")] = 1ss33MPa Sines ny < oy = 250 MPa, Hooke’ Law isa F, fi oy 33.33(10) = = ay ae RET Fre = 942.48 (HEM, = 0; 9424804) — P(U6) = P= 62831 N~ 628N Ans pe 2 IO sso TE Ta” Fos dee, = = SSMU) .35(0,808(10"")) 0.28310") ~10.283(10-))(15 mm) = ~424(10-7) mm Any s04it) FO) f 220 | 1.002335 mn/oum row 180.15 MPa on 150) ae sau = 882 GPa Ans ‘ BART _0815(0° mm/mm w ABBOT) 3493-039 ona " 6421 Sa 7 SIGPa Ams, Wien +0303) pes = 5 — naman ee et = yet- 8667 MPa 86.57(108) = asco) 200 kN Ans se ‘When P is removed, the shear strain roeovers along a line parallel to the original clastic Line 008 rad = 002 — W005 = O01S rad Ans FUG w O42 rad 02 ead Chapter 4 Pet FH) = 01(10 emt Lriesssgs fe = Spl 10 4 + [-60(10)(600)} =20(10/) Nemm 7. AE = -0318mm anc FL Fas Fu Fes FA FUNQAMENTAL PROBLEMS PARTIAL SCLUTIONS ANG ANSWERS Aig (1100p Ae 017800} a Ps [-10;10°)j1400) [iGo yeyeR ay [10c10'))¢400) te [O.175(10-) er] [68-9000")] {20410 k600) Tao yysKoT 0225007) enF rl quay Poc'as + [-anolyao)} arm} m = 0772 mm Ans b feaieryusy Sa AE TORT p20) = 07639010} 00) _1200°)m | = 65+ ban Ba = 1.20007) + 076391107) = 19699(10-) m= 196mm | Ans (002°) = 0.0 em? 1 Internal load Px) = 30( 10") pe de WLU ee = Nis 1529(107") m= 0.529 mm Ane 510) 5 Distebuted load Pls) - =e ~ SOI} N/m Tnicenal load Pix) = H50(10))x(x) = 25(108) x? *Pixldx iE 1 ee a jhe mail Rae = 0.265 mm Any B15 Chapter 5 Fs3 rs (uot) = 1.28010} mt Te _ SUM MOA8) ie JO7MPA Ans ant =p MPA An iar Ton _50'Vs5 ~ Zon _ UO) 503MPA dink J Lagu (0,06 — 0,084) = 5.2(10°%)ar m4 Te _ 10(10°)(0,06) ca tg MO ee ae sai ny W(t) yx Te a e aaa 5240-9 coos! — 003!) = x75" Lae = 0s) = .28(0r pe mt Tuaca _(200')K005) (athe ape i Tia U875(00 Tactic _ (4104) HO CT oa 597 MPs ans Zo.o2') = 800 Te fiMO02) sg Tass ay ye 7 77 Ma Ans Jro= Tone! — 00) = 04nsa0tpem! 2100.08) O875(10% 2 = 306 MPa Ane Tae (uehas ¢ = SQ1!) Nm/m Interna tongue is T= 5(10°)(08) = 4000 Nim 7 = E0044) = 1.28(10-%e mt Tye 0040.04) S98MPs : BMP Ans 816 FST FS Fs FS10 rs FUNOAMENTAL PROBLEMS PARTIAL SELUTIONS AND ANSUERS 7 Zon = 0.05410 ¢ 8 1 thao = —2(10")] (0.6) Faas paypue 8) +1100) =~ (00898 rad = ~0480 An 7- Zone) = “he of ‘enKIL45), jad) xy/75110)] = 001432 rad = 0821 Ans 2 = Zoos — 0034) = assur mt 310109) ase Vela) Turks ean" Te * (3778 rad Ty _ 300) 0} HH ous = 00333 4 400718 = 007111 rad = 407 Ans 1.03333 rad 2 = F000") = s0(10-%2 mt by, 60) + (—300) Fa 20 + 500) = (101061 rad = 08 Ans 1-H) = aao-hem 1 = 3410) Nem/m Internal torque ig SUMP) Nom Pye bur [ = IG ‘Ea Sci0hede = (00531 rash = 1.304 Aids 2810-%) eo! 1500) Distributed torque is (=) 8 = 25610 )x Nem/m Internal nga fs T(x) = = 12505) Nm i Todds | Tyo a= [ Tends | Toes toe (251)(x) he ; 06m i 2.5110") 2d + 4500(0.4 Tears tear sem 008982 rad = 0513 An Chapter 6 Fel + TER <0 -V-9=0 V=-9KN Ane LEMa =O; M4 9%= 0 M= [9 KN-m tn Fea + TSR, ~2=0 V=[-2i kip Ane panne, weed) ie M=[18—s'}kin-ft Ant FES E1SA WO, “Vda 0 Ans E My =0,M4 anc Fo An M=4=0) M=4kNem anc zi —9KN Ans M+%x~15)~4=0 M~ {17.5 ~ 95) Nth Ans F6-5L+EMp=0; A,(6)-W=0 Ay SKN +1ZF, <0; VaS=0 Va aSkn ne [O2My <0) MASE 0. ADs [-SykNem ane F6-6 [+3My=0) A, (6) +20-50=0 HIER <0 -V-s-0 Vv [eDMy =O; Mase M=(80-SxfkN-m Ane so=0 Fo7 Fos Foo Few Fou Fo-12 FB FUNQAMENTAL PROBLEMS PARTIAL SCLUTIONS ANG ANSWERS B17 ‘Shear diagram. V = 4, = 0, Zewv Shope tox = 6, Moment diagram. M = 0 x = 0, Constant rnepatve slope to M=—16,.x-4. M=Br=4', ‘Constunt negative slope to M = 0, x = 6. Shear diagram. ¥ = =6,x = 0, Zeroslopeto x = Movnent dlagran, M = 0, = 0, Constant negative siope ws M = ~9,x = 18M x= 18°, Constant negative slope 10M x3, Sheu diogvasn. V = 0, x = 0. Zero slope = 1S V=4 r= 18" Zeto slope to x= 48, Vly =45° Zetoslope to Ve0x=6 Moment dhagrame, M = 6, = 0, Zero slope to v= 15, M=6,x = 15, Constant postive slope tox =45.M= 18,145. Zeroslopeto M= Re 6 ‘Shear diagrarn, V" = 16.5, = 0, Constant negative slope to.t = 3.V=0,4= 295, = 15.13. Negative decreasing slope.V = ~105,x = 6 Moment diagran, M = (hx = 0, Posts decreasing slope M 15. deer easing slope to M ‘Shear diagraan, V ~ 0.x ~ 0) Negative constant slope, V= ~6,1 = 15, V=0,e= 15° Zero slpetox = 43.V= 0,1 =45.V= 60-45". Constant negative slope, V= Ux = 6, Moment diagram, M = (x = 0, Negative incteasing slope, M = ~45,x = 15, Zero slope, M = 45, = 45, Positive decreasing slope M=00= ‘Shear diagrarn. V= 18,1 = slope to zero slope at x = [Negative inereasing lope to V Negative decreasing y= x =O, 18,4 Moment diagrare, M = (hx = 0, Positive eereasing slupe to 2er0 slope al. = 3 M = 15,.x = 3, Negative increasing slope: M=0,x ‘Shear diagrart. V = 105),.x = 0, Constant negative slope, V= 0, x = $25, V= -150, «= 6 Zero slope. V = ~180,1= 9 70.1 =9 ‘Zeroslope. V = ~T5H,.x = Morment diograns, M = (hx = 0, Positive decreasing slope to x = 5.25. M = 7756, r= 525. [Negative increasing slope to M = Constant negative slope. M = 290, x = 9. Constant nepative slope, M = Ox = 12. P64 Shear diegram. V = 3.x = W. Constant negative slope, V= x= 15, V=-50,0 = 4.0 r= 4°. Zeroslope, ¥ = 20,6 = 6 Moment liageam. M = 0, «= 0. Positive cereasing slope to zero slope at x = 18 M = 225, y ~ 1.5, Negative inereasing slope M = 40, = 4 Positive eonstant slope, M=Or=6 Wes 1 2|4anaayo2| + Luanuse') = 2684410°4) mt oro HE BOOED) need ac) 66 F=S=o1m Jaana) “Me _ sanyo = 0) (ae Toast = HAMPa(C) Ans My _50(004(04) or ae 2510" 3) me 22MPa(T) Ans (cue T6171 = han 3)- sw 18)(026") = 0.18636 (107 mt wa Me — Suan 5) ws “7 TREC U2MPa Ane Fos : =] one) +2 0.1403 + 0364003)015) = 050963107) it 1oqun}02) 5096510) an =392MPL Ans Fo-19 1= sony a[s0m09 0.3791 7110") m* Mvy _S1004115) 1 oan) 98 MPa (T) an 818 FUNDAMENTAL PromLEWs Pam SeLUTIONS AND ANSHRs 4 rea M,—0(4) = a0KNm 3 v.-a(2) = 0uN-m 1) FOBHUD = 021107 nt 045¢107) mt ins anvoryos) mga 000 =30MPa(T) Ane. __oae}035) , woaw'yK0.) we oasn) 00) nap = 10MPa(T) ns 1 tane= und 04507 sie EAA) ax | mais Ans F621 Maximur snes occurs at D or A (Sicos01263) | (0 ox) -§ NG) = WA psi Ans, FS Chapter? ra 1=2{54002y02)] + 2) = 2684(10°%) m* 24 = bss(0.0}(042) = 910°) ae? = VO act) 9400"9) ae ie 2 [aan a = RAMP An rea re Karynsy + Ho2yon)-nanercio yt Quasiai ty’ ~ Pes ais aa = 1395(10"7) a! Oy ~ §'vA's = ON(0.1)01) = 110) 0? VQ _ 5000) 375(10-') Tn [omnEr0 VOZ VO __ enue eT eNO VO.) = ILA MPa Ane 28MPa Ane Vous = 45 kip 45(10})135) 3033) ar rax +0. 140.05)0155] = 0.5063(10"%) mt Qu = 2¥' VA" + VA's 40.1)(02)(008) + (0:15}(0.14}(0003) = 1.83(107F) VO 20(10%/1.8500°%) eh S096 10" y(03)] ' = 120 MPa Ans: 1=acnaat AL nnesy] = 37917(20') Qiae = 2y'A'y + y'pA' = 260.075)(0.025)(0,15) + (0.0)(0:05)(0.2) = 1.5625(10°) m? VO any _ BIO" 56284105) = 165MPs i L usp hd pll3}24) = 024007 O=y'A* = 0.05(0.1)(03} 510) FY) -215(10%)] — 30¢10") fag) IO 3 @ 3010!) _ saqio4f1.500-)} Gatun = Y 0200) (8m = 80 mm Ans, FUNQAMENTAL PROBLEMS PARTIAL SCLUTIONS ANG ANSWERS 819 ra 1 fosyn2 = aay mt Chapter 8 = yA" = 015 (04 (03) = 150109) Fit +17, = (Fp) -30—0=F FY _ 21500) — 804 stan = 2( =) =O. snac05) / ae () M1 oon DM = 6: 300005) — SOL) = My ve vps") My= -35kNom tt = BM, =6 0040.1) ~ Sw) = Mf, ‘ My =-20kN-m V= socio") N=40KN Ane F A=0303) = 009m? 1 iy 200% = 06800) 4.19)(028) ra rodogny 4 0010) | (20001045) | 3800} 015) = 037510) mt ae ee) aT GATE) OTRO Q= y'a" = 01640024(0.2) = 0410-7) m! = SS89)MPa = 433MPa (7) Ans , z —s0ny0") | (20,0810. (38(R0 KO F) 23000) _ 6 eR tiam=2(5) = SOOT Ue) om MeO) AIO) ae s =-1222 MPa = 122MPa(C) ane vo. sto!) 300401064010") : : wa, AS eee 2 413%, - = 4008 nue =p 7 paTsI0y ea HIBR-& Voo-0 von ecinibinpesiliatie My =0; M4005) =0 = —200KNm Uses= 6 mm Ane r=A4n.njo3%) = 0.25107) m* rm 4 ya = 001 ya) = 14) mt 1 [Eon2503)] +2] Susy) + n9ay0. Ho 408) K(-005) : : ox5(10-} = 062917010) at 4444MPa= 444MPa(C) an = ya’ = 5(02)(005) = 180-9) mw? sony (00°9 t MUON aMPa Ai (= a Tay me) ge F8-3- Loft reaction is204N. vg 1600) 200041500) Left seamen: fe +7 92017007) HISAR =o W-v=0 | v=20KN =a w ane (EM =O, N= 20(05)= 0 = 101m Use mm ‘Ate rao 102) rrao i= Faye) + | Ha.sya) + 05293 = ns at eanaiet Qh= viAy + vas = ooTIO0IyU01) 405) = in? + 11dos0.1y0.01) = 01230007) m? = Ma [nou 008) HST paper 650 = -2181 MPa = 218 MPa (C) Ans 3 a6 “4 _¥O4_ 2mo9jo2400°5) a [22.9267(10°°)] (101) 10.7 MPa Ans. =, Ans, 820 FUNDAMENTAL PROBLEMS PARTIAL SOLUTIONS ANG ANSVAERS F84 —Atthe section through cemtroidal axis WlQa eral “ap = 1061 MPa Combining hese tuo shear-stress components (2a)4 = 47786 + Lot = 488 MPa on. Gy) sia FET Risht Sezment ‘iat IF. =0; V.—6 IM=6: 7,-6(03)=0 FHS Atseaion through B: EM, = 0; My~6(03) 0 M,= LSKNem N= 50008, = 4001 f= $0040) = $00 Bin, Axial load: J = 08 ~ 0.054) = 1.885(10°%e mit Pp sm 2 a (Qh = YiAd ~ AS Shear load Aa 2) _ HOM, ~ Az oos4| - VQ _ sl) _ og ie eae La ae Baap see ~ 40.9667(0-4 m® Bending moment Mye__ vag) Ani My — 4000(1) 50 psi (C) 1 09235(10 ag 5 eB KE)) Te _ [Lace y](a0s) oS) Ue drh= PACES) 558M aie TIO ©, = 41.667 ~ 250= 208 psi (C) An, Uradela = 1204 SP aso“) a= Ans ftls Td [0.922540] (0.02) ty = F7Spsh Ans = 4210 MPa ‘Combining these two sheur stress com poncats, FBG Top sexment (ya = 1553 = 4210 = 11.3 MPa ans DAO; Vy, + 1000-0 1000 N DAnt V,— 1500-0 1500 ee een EMe=0; 7.-150004)=0 Te6Nem ZAt Ve- 90-200 V.= 12008 SM, =O, Mp — 1540.2) 0 My = AOU mM Ue Ty + 8K.) MOU) = 07, = ANN SM, = M,—1000.2)= 0M =200Nem SMR My + GN + SIN = 0M, = 360m f= 1.=Ho00 = 00 yet 1, = oanst ~ om = srs Ym! J = 510024) = 80(10°% pe mt J = Zan! — 0.07!) = 0115312500°%}2 mt A OM2)F ] 6 (0). SF S005] = 538004) (i -0 ais iy " Mar COON) soir a ayn Mh ie wa), S00(02) wa agaseasanctye Ee Ae ee " Toa 6K28) ai = 47.7 MPa(T) sas Webs —T-" Tisasqioye MP Ame Te _ dour) V0), Weakley Ue] = eu an. FUNOAMENTAL PROBLEMS PARTIAL SGLUTIONS ANG ANSWERS 821 Chapter 9 PT ny 50040 sory PHL 9-100" 0, =SWKPa 6-0 Apply Eq. 941,942 “The coordinates ofthe center C of he etele and wy = 125 kPa Ans the reference point Aare yy = TIT KPa Ans AG, 0) €(280,0) FO4 = 100KPa 7, = 700KPa (Up) = 184" (counterclockivise) Ans y= —4 kPa Apply Eqs 9-7, 948 uae po Eu.04 — 1.034) = as7st10- "xm inn ~ S0OKPa Ans 2 Fayg = MOO KPa Ans Te 410° 004) = Te HO) aha FOS Atthe eross svetion through R: 7 0g7s(iirtye N=4kN V=2kN 2 seo re! = 0) = Dand zy ~ -$821 MPa P Me Ao) 410")(a03) Sey nh Me 1 A 7 003(0.06) (0.013) " m aesy{as} ‘The coordinates of the reference point A and the TeAMPs (7) ccemter Cof the circle are Notecy = Osa @ = 0 AU, 8821) cw.d) ra MPa Ans R= CA=S821 MPa @ 382 MPa An Bh ash a ~382 MPa As Segment AC: ea UGlecte=O) he ( (since C is on neutral axis) +TRR, ~ eal Ver EN, m=o=0 Ans LEEMp= 0 -M—30(03)=0 A= -DRN-m 822 FUNOAMENTAL PROBLEMS PARTIAL SELUTIONS AND ANSUERS 1 = yous = 4085.0") nt Chapter 11 Qy= vA’ = n0s(0.05}(0.05) = 0.125007) ow" rut Voy 12 EN Mygy® IBKNEm [evo jrs aye 16 MPa (T) M 810° )( a) T ~T40895t10°%) ca sayagr ~ 800) vl (10)f0.1250107 a eqn MOa _ 0H DL cgerpa ; He 1.062500" 108) psicnlaga ty y= IMPS, 7, =0,and 34, ~ 5.333 MPa Use a = 140mm Ane mt oy + 2 a oy we ! = sMPe 1 = F104) = 02561107) mt the coordinates of the reference point A and the ecater C of the circle are outa 3) Songs) = 1372007) a A (16,5333) (8,0) _ Van Qnus _ 12(00*[1-372(10 ene inaay Th” [hase )(014) 47 8+ 9615 ~ 176 MPa Ans = MPs (OK) op B- 9615 ~ -1.61 MPa Anita rou Vous" 3kIp Magy" 12 ips LEEMy= 0; 6(1)—AMIS)=0 A= 40 KN 1=4(4) ait +TEF,=0; 40-V V=40kN ‘Nee EMy = M~ 405)=0 M=20kNem Mam Aaj.) — Eqvayors’) = 29200! zit 7 2 = = via! = H05(0.00} 01) = 95(00 4) a ashes TOS Used = shin Ans 22.9267(10-") os and 5 = RSI MPA(C) 1-425) = 108i i sim ia 4425/2) VO. _s0quoypsii0 al cane gn Oa, 00050071 grep nus BAPE aay 63enin TH” pa 92671i0- (001) ree ach or.= 78.51 MPa, =0.and ry, = 1657 MPa ti a eee aden = (282 ksi < rary = 10Ksi (OK) 30.26 MPa am ries Vou =SkNem Moa The coordinates of the reference point A and the center C of the etele are A(-78, 1 sat T= Feo) SU0'Ma) 12a ‘ = W855 m = 855 mm Falane = [8] = 426 MPa Ans, Usea = 86 mm Ans: 5 FUNGAMENTAL PROBLEMS PART SOLUTIONS ANG ANSWERS 823 1=24o056!) = 364672(10-4 mt Select W410 67 45, ~ 1200(10) ei, d ~ 410i, 3 and, = 876 mm Ane c= Macrae cece nb ade ia Tawretn oe = 41.76MPe ‘75 MPs (OK) Vion Qe _ 10(i010318028(00"] Te 6672110" YC) Chapter 12 = LUI MPa < tytoy = LS MPa (OK) FR Fist (EEMa <0) Mla) = MIKNem Vin ~ 4.5 kip Muan ~ 675 kip ft any fe-4 de ; aft mas G 7s4i(4) i , 2 Elv~ 684 Ge + 94a, = 84375. (controls) Use = Si, Ans as en sisi . ARAN |6s OC ris ena dns Vous "254 Myuy = 2046+ 1500) a piostm = 10-4mm SLITS 1 = Sinn)" = 2250" b Ans M, 20850) Cae II) a b= 01036 = 1036 00m ME) ie MENS Use b= 104mm Ans =~ Jy — 10 P= 2.250.104) = 0.2632(1079) mt si Qos = 1.75(0104)1.5(0.104)(0404)] = 1.268510) om? BIT = ~~ he C) e, — Menor @mae _ 25(10)11.2655(10)] Be ire Te [263200 0.108) Blow Fr SE + Cx + Ce = LIS6 MPa < tie = 1S MPs (OK). amit ats= 3m Fue na) = 8) - 43) + C= 78m? Vue =150KN MY, Avr=3ing 0 Mu _ 150008) ‘ ; S53 Sie Fa = Sy 0 m= 1H mE NO) = ~E8)~ 59) + 180) + Cy = 1ASRN 824 FUNOAMENTAL PROBLEMS PARTIAL SELUTIONS AND ANSUERS Fs — toe +75 v= ue = 467 — 200) ee Vermrrer welt Forend A,r =0 Mite? — 16.667.° — 720 = do) r=6ft Ans ten Bl = FESO — 100) 475 a EW) non ca TROP ne =H mE Awe = 270012 in 5 caaelele coi] 4 > teen = ot SO) — SUP) +750) — 18 150th] CHE) 13s(10) = -05%6 in Ans. PA) 4 1038 = 104mm 20010") [65.0109] Fi25 Ans 4a = OF M(x) = (40 — Sx) KN-m ries PEE goa HEMp= 0: May = ($x? ~ tor) Nem . EPS = se 2542+ as 0833309 + Cr+ Cy a AO?) ~ 0.838300") + (0) + Atr=6m,0=0, ; ENO) = 20(6) — 0.8333 (6) + €,(6) + 0 ENO) = 13") - 53) 4C, Cy = 585 kNem? y= -HkN Forend A,y=0 de asco!) Oa hee = tsa Am, ti ae PESO) nc oocurn where Pred Mls 25° —90=0 Ay = 0 = 27S {+EMp=0; Mla) = (6tKie— Sit} he y= ears) 08333312.7085") ~ 90(2:7085] = fue — S00 3.60010" Hie SO) oth = Ad mk Toi SORE EVIGO] £12 = sh — 19668! + C ie Ans Ely = owe — 4.1667 42+ G ey ene (+ EMy ~ 0) Ms) = (1k + 10) Nt Xd) = 10") ~ 4.166710) + C0) + C2 fe ALr=I2 fn =0. ert = tors 10 ENO) = 10012") ~ 4.166702") + C(12) de 25 c Frbaset4 ine eG LnsssTe' ~ 7200) Due te symmetry, ate FUNQAMENTAL PROBLEMS PARTAL SOLUTIONS AN ANSWERS 825 EXO} ~S(2}-+ 108) + CG, = -7S N=? Hee a Since His a fixed support ty = 0 = Fis + 10r-95) MY 6 fy e = Wao {Bo + ae See, am on Wak Ae )o +o J 6312) ty 7540!) A) goer An = -940(10) rad As Toohey Nae a" Te JGI}GIAI0%) roa “haul AA B)o] +6 2294 Bor Since Bia fixed support, dy = 0 ; 263.25 kip? 16925(P besa sey "ti Megs i «= wal =3 37+ ey 7 Boa} a85) B70) = A) an rad Ars Zon y(6s(10- 9) Fn sige uate Due to symmetry, the slope at the midspan of the beam se hud= cal] (7) Ds 1410) [ Fl | 110, ~ = 0108 m = 1d mm An Sys = B= hay = (21 4( 2 Joa] +15} Bes aoa 6810-9) Had Cla gr) 0) +18 pp 35 kN-m? Fine i Since Bisa fixed suppor, 8 =— BA) gts = astm | Ans put {2 + 2)iy 42) {SEN omni y25010- 9) = Waal = 3(q + ea eT 45010") ~ mayR6a ae a 10] _ 360 Aa bad = tan Es "6 +26] aT xu +13 36 a) +g baal Ft ta 61.667 Nem? 6167110) a a) Er 200(167)[126(10°*)], ‘The maximum deflection accurs at point C where the slope = 0.002447 = 248 mint Any tthe elastic curve is zero, ring On = One seg meRYEE a (10), |e Senn? a | Fr Fr = 0372 rad Aree © 200712400] 5205 25 ES sans} « Laas] Beans) ol Aa= Kajal = 1 Sha) +0 N31 er 110 km! _ HBA KN “Er Er Aru) UG) —__ionsetm= 142mm) Ans = saa MSSim= 455mm Ans TeETHGoGO Ay LO 2 Tog AHIO 2, 826 FUNDAMENTAL PROBLEMS PARTIAL SOLUTIONS ANG ANSVAERS oe TER) = 0) Ay+ 2214-106) 0 A, = 379K ego Mae 9 149838) ns ue a) EI {+IM, = 0; Ma + 22.1466) — 10(6)(3) = 0 wet M, = s72kN-m i 0) Ser (41g = 0 = (ond, > (0)2 2 taaat 2138, Jone) at ae BOL)! BL By = 70kN Any, — SSF,=0, A,=0 An ae SBI HEF =40-Ay=0 Ay a0KN ny, OE) i ee +5M, = Tid) - —My= y= a (FEM,=0; TH) — 466) ~ My =0 v= ta Mj, =40kNem Ans. F Me Be Ans Pid ‘To use the deflection tables conser loading as ny superposition of uniform dissed load minus a Phy ogy SOHN) triangular oad, ca Coah = Gert —Y — *) = gerayl!? welt i (ow = Ser! (os seyt + (wads + (ends Bd (oh (EN) ag=0= (rah + (0a i 1SRI3kN-m! | 38H, FT FT Ate By = 266N Ane reas im sino! Ar tog = SOE, SONY sing RHEL 3ns{700q10")[650(10°") Be ma sit Pa == aap 10-1, (ah ET ep GONO i a oe 1) ona = oh + Come 1.05 = 0.20780 ~ 27602(10-), By = TRIM) N= PB2KN Ans, ogee (yy) = 2 = PO inser | SED afzn0(i0?) 65.0010") Chapter 13 Ryo!) : =ssiasuurtya, fF 20010" 7]]65.0000-9] by = (veh + (one 6,002 = 0.12461 — 55388(10°"B, 14(10°) N= 22.1 EN Ans A,=0 Ans. = 225 kip An S07 *iki

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