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21st Century Literature from the Philippines and the World

Robi Erin T. Bernardo

ABM 11-2

In the Arms of Truth

After spending 27 years in prison, Khaliah finally gets out. The night before the day of her release she
packed her things which weren’t really that much and bid goodbye to her inmates. She couldn’t sleep of
excitement, excited to walk on the ground again, to feel the warmth of the sun against her skin, to be
free to do anything she wants.

28 years ago, Khaliah was a housewife the kind of woman who will do anything for her family especially
her husband. Khaliah didn’t have any friends, she lost contact with her parents years ago, and she didn’t
have any kids, she only had her husband, he who shall not be named. They have been married for 3
years now and for the first two years she could say that it was a nice marriage. Her husband started to
change after two years, the first time he hurt Khaliah was when she prepared the wrong color of tie he
was going to wear for work, it was a bruise on the cheek. He made up for it, the next day he apologized
to Khaliah and brought her a new pair of earrings promising that it won’t happen again. Clearly, it
happened again. A month later Khaliah was buying groceries and she went to a diner after, she ordered
a soda and a waffle by the time she got home, her husband was furious accusing her of being with
another man just because of minutes she spent on the diner. This time it was a bruise on the arm, on
the cheek, and cigarette burns on her leg. As per usual, he apologized for it and swore he won’t do it
again. Khaliah was a very understanding wife; she is willing to endure everything to maintain a happy
marriage. Despite of these Khaliah still looked at her husband as a very great man, working and
providing for his family, she still hoped that he will change. He never stopped hurting Khaliah, but still
she remains obedient and faithful to him, she never thought of bringing this matter in the hands of law.
Not until the 6th day of May 1998, Khaliah was supposed to buy groceries but on her way to the south
side of the town her car broke down, she called a mechanic and helped her tow her car. She rode a taxi
to get home, when she opened the door, she immediately knew there was something wrong. Her
husband was home early from work and he was not alone. Khaliah couldn’t help but wail, she couldn’t
feel anything, her arms, her legs, her whole body was shut down. “What did I do to deserve this?”, “I’ve
done everything just to keep this marriage working” she gave her all, but none of it mattered for him.
The moment her husband realized that Khaliah was home early, he was enraged. He hurt Khaliah in so
many ways that only her eyes were not wounded. Khaliah didn’t realize it until her husband was lying on
the ground with a stab wound on the chest, and now the neighbors finally cared. Khaliah thought to
herself “Finally, he won’t be able to hurt me, I’m free”. A month later she was found guilty for the death
of her husband, her bruises didn’t matter, her story didn’t matter, the truth didn’t matter. She didn’t
care if no one believed her, she was just relieved that he could never hurt her again.

June 19, 2025 the day Khaliah waited for the most. It was a start of a new journey for her, she could do
whatever she wants. But is this really the freedom she wants? Had she forgiven her ex-husband? Had
she forgiven herself? Would she be truly living a free life if she hadn’t?

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