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Robi Erin T.

Bernardo Physical Education and Health 2

ABM 11-2

The Impact of Sports on the Emotional Well-Being of a Student

Playing sports is one of the ways students can use to develop their well-being. Taking
care of our physical health is just as important as taking care of our mental, emotional,
and spiritual health. Playing various sports is a big step in developing one’s well-being
preparing and training young adults for the future.

Exercising benefits us in many different ways, from strengthening our bones, reducing
the risk of stroke, high blood pressure and diabetes, improving our muscular and
cardiovascular endurance, to improving our self-esteem, sleep, and our mood. Since
our brain releases chemicals such as endorphins which are known for being the “happy
hormones” and they are responsible for controlling our pain and pleasure responses
which is also why physical activities makes us feel euphoric. Playing sports as a form of
exercise is actually good for us not only by building our physical body strong and
healthy but also by improving our mood, memory, and sharpens our focus teaching us
sportsmanship and we get to learn about our strengths and weaknesses and how to
improve it. Playing team sports gives much more benefits to one, sports like volleyball,
basketball, baseball, hockey, soccer, etc. teaches one to trust, help and accept help,
commit, follow and lead their co-team players. As students and young adults, it is
important to take care of our health and well-being by playing sports as it will improve
our confidence and our cognitive mind. These sports help us to prepare, train, and mold
ourselves to become a better person now, and the future.

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