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K. V . M Sharma Question Bank M -5C Advanced Mfg.



[Q01] Define ROBOT. What is an Industrial Robot?

[Q02] What are the applications of ROBOTS in Material handling?

[Q03] What are the applications of ROBOTS in Inspection?

[Q04] What are the applications of ROBOTS in Assembly?

[Q05] Explain the common ROBOTIC configurations.

[Q06] Explain the anatomy of ROBOTIC, joints & links.

[Q07] What is CNC. Explain its components with a neat block diagram?

[Q08] what are the advantages and Disadvantages of CNC

[Q09] Explain with a schematic diagram open loop & Closed loop system.

[Q10] Write a short note on (a) CNC turning centers (b) CNC machining
Additional / Desirable/ Not essential

[QA1] What are the advantages and disadvantages of ROBOTs

[QA2] what is automation? What are the needs AND Applications of


[QA3] What are the advantages and limitations of automation?

[QA3] Explain the types of automation with examples

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