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Language and Linguistics Project











LG243 1C

The Cooperative Principle (Grice, 1975), is a theory that was proposed by philosopher H.
Paul Grice 1975. He proposes that a genuine dialogue is marked by cooperation. Thus, the
cooperative principle of Grice is a set of conversational norms. Language is a medium of
communication and in order to have a conversation that shows clarity, information, and
relevance, it needs cooperation by every party involved in a set of dialogue. The Cooperative
Principle by Grice promotes clarity of pragmatics in English by introducing maxims. These
maxims consist of components that show information, truthfulness, unambiguousness, and

The first maxim that can be extracted from the principle theory is the maxim of quantity.
Maxim of quantity requires the speaker to be more informative and specific as the conversation
requires. It is suggested that the speaker do not include something that is unnecessary in the
conversation. The second maxim from the principle is the maxim of quality. Maxim of quality
requires the speaker to be more truthful and not say anything misleading without any evidence.
Speakers must mention things that are supported by evidence only and not false info.

The third maxim from the principle is the maxim of manner. When using the maxim of
manner, speakers need to put what they say in the clearest, briefest, and most orderly manner.
In other words, they need to be straight to the point when having a conversation to avoid
ambiguous understanding with other speakers. The fourth and last maxim from the principle is
the maxim of relevance. Maxim of relevance requires a speaker to be more relevant in his
arguments under any discussions. Speakers must talk about something that is relevant and
related to the topic of the conversation.

During a conversation or an interaction, speakers might sometimes flout or violate the

properties of maxims. Flouting a maxim is an act of choosing a maxim intentionally in a
conversation in order to persuade listeners into believing or strengthening the arguments given
by the speakers. Likewise, violating a maxim means deliberately disobeying the properties of a
chosen maxim in a communication. Based on certain circumstances, flouting and violating a
maxim can affect the effectiveness of communication. The outcomes can be both persuasive
and misleading according to the elaborations and the choices of a speaker in engaging with a
In producing efficient communication between speakers, maxims can be used to convey or
give out information as simple and brief as possible inside the context of the topics discussed in
the conversation. Using maxims in a conversation also maximises the contextual conveyance in
a conversation aside from allowing us to say things indirectly without involving emotional
regards that might result from a direct speech with or without intention. The surrounding factors
of certain distinguishing speakers can sometimes make it hard to ensure effective
communication among one another. Through observations and understandings, a person will be
able to pursue a better engagement in order to ensure efficiency between dialogues.


The purpose of this project and research paper is to study whether the speakers or in this case,
the characters in the movie, have violated or flouted any of the maxims in their conversations, in
our chosen movie, Encanto. Our task for this project is to determine the maxims violated by the
characters in the movie, also depending on the situation and contexts. Since we are LG243
students that have learned about Language and Linguistics in our first semester of Degree, this
research paper would be evidence of how much we have learned about linguistics, specifically
the maxims.

The reasons for flouting or violating the maxims would be when a speaker is violating a maxim,
it would be due to the fact that there is a possibility that he or she is liable to mislead the other
person on purpose. Nevertheless, when it comes to a situation where a speaker is flouting a
maxim, this would mean that if he or she does not observe a maxim but has no intention of
deceiving or misleading the other person; in other words, unintentionally and accidentally.


3.1 Brief information about the selected movie

Encanto is an animation movie set in rural Colombia, portraying a family that has magical
powers. These magical powers are obtained at a certain age. The main character, Mirabel,
however, did not gain a magical power even though she was already 15 years old. The
background of the movie shows that most of them gain magical powers at the age of 5, so the
movie shows the struggle she went through to acquire her grandmother’s validation as she was
the only one in the family without magical power. The movie was also a very newly-released
movie as it was released in Malaysia in November 2021. Therefore, we were excited to watch it
and when we saw it for the first time, we did not think of having to watch it for the assignment.
3.2 Data collection procedure
To secure all the data that we need for this assignment, we had watched the movie Encanto
twice on our own, and once together, to be sure that the data that we had collected by ourselves
are correct and can be used. Throughout watching the movie, we would try to understand the
sentences used by the characters and analyse if they were violating any maxim. We showed
our findings to each other and figured which one can be used, and which one cannot. Given that
it is a fun and easy-going movie, it was not a hassle to watch some scenes multiple times.
When writing the report, we needed extra information from some websites on the Internet. So,
we have also done more research on the movie to understand why some characters might have
flouted or violated the maxims.

3.3 Data analysis procedure

Once we have shown our findings to each other, we analysed and discussed the findings to
make sure they are accurate and useful for the report. We went through the screenshots that we
have taken of the scenes and figured out what maxim that the characters might have violated or
flouted. We also discussed whether their actions were on purpose or did they happen by
accident. Along the way, we figured out why they flouted and violated the maxims.

4.1 Excerpt 1

Minute: 00:00:55
The maxim used in the scene is maxim of quantity and manner. Mirabel is asking for the clarity
of where their magic comes from, and Abuela answers it by saying the candle they are looking
at is holding the miracle given to the family, indicating that the magic comes from the candle.
The scene violates the maxim of quantity and the maxim of manner. The reason why it caused
implication is when the maxim is flouted, Abuela in the scene did not answer it directly but in a
slightly different context making it obscurity of expression. Abuela might be saying that the
magic comes from the family itself but not exactly telling Mirabel about the origin of the magic.
4.2 Excerpt 2

Minute: 00:03:33
The maxim used in this scene is maxim of manners. The violation of maxims in this scene is
maxim of manners, it is because the answer for Mirabel’s question is too ambiguous. We are
not sure of what Abuela was implying by saying that “You are a wonder”. It does not answer
Mirabel's curiosity. The implicature in this scene is also due to the maxim of quality being
flouted. Abuela might be telling Mirabel the false information because Mirabel might get or might
not have her gift. There is a possibility that it could happen. If Abuela answered it differently, it
could be a successful discourse.
4.3 Excerpt 3

Minute: 00:04:31
The use of Maxim in this scene are Maxim of Quantity and Maxim of Relation. However, Mirabel
did not obey the maxim. The reason why it causes implicature to the maxim is because Mirabel
did not answer the question directed to her. The information in the context is not enough to be
an answer. As for the reason for it to be violating the maxim of relation is that Mirabel is not sure
if it is relevant enough to give answer for when will the magic gift happen so she answered
with,”my cousin’s ceremony is tonight”.

4.4 Excerpt 4
Minute: 00:04:35
The maxim used in this scene is Maxim of Manners but is it causing an implicature to the
pragmatics because it is too ambiguous. It is not in order or in sync with the question being
asked to Mirabel, “What’s his gift” as her answer to it was, “We’re gonna find it out”. It makes the
maxim to be flouted because it also causes obscurity of expression. Mirabel herself had no idea
what Antonio's gift was until it was finally the time for the gift to be given.
4.5 Excerpt 5
Minute: 00:04:46
The maxim used in the excerpt is maxim of relation. Mirabel’s answer has caused the maxim to
be violated because it is not relevant to the matter under discussion. The discussion in context
is the kids were asking about her gift but she answered it with, “Who’s asking”. It is an
implicature that makes the maxim flouted as it opens a window which makes the answer to be
interpreted differently, not even logical to the question being asked by the kids.
Minute: 00:04:50
The maxims used in this excerpt is a maxim of quantity but Mirabel violates the maxim by not
contributing any information as an answer. It violates the maxim of quantity because Mirabel
should give answers that are as informative as is required, more or less but she gave nothing on
the information. Mirabel’s remarks go to the extreme by asking the kids, “Ah, you’re not gonna
leave me alone, are you?”. A maxim in this excerpt is violated when Mirabel chooses to be
uncooperative for whatever reason.

4.7 Excerpt 7
Minute: 00:08:50
The maxim flouted during this scene was the maxim of manners. In this scene, Abuela was
seen to be mad at Mirabel as she was singing and having fun outside of the house while
everyone in the house were preparing for the big night, which was the night her little cousin,
Antonio was going to get his magical power, the gift. When asked about what she was doing,
Mirabel answered ambiguously by stating about the kids asking about the family’s gifts. The
most possible reason for Mirabel to flout this maxim was because she was surprised by the
presence of Abuela there and it is true that they asked her about the family.
4.8 Excerpt 8

Minute: 00:32:42
This scene shows Dolores, Mirabel’s cousin violating the Maxim of Manner. The context in this
scene is that Abuela wants to know when the Guzemans are planning to come by their house to
propose to Isabela. It is flouting the maxim as Abuela was asking if there was a date. Instead of
saying yes or no, as she should, Dolores stated that it will be that night, and added ‘he wants
five babies’, an answer to a non-existent question. The possible reason for Dolores to flout the
maxim is that she might want validation from Abuela as it was shown throughout the movie that
every character was trying to get her validation.

4.9 Excerpt 9
Minute: 00:44:02
The maxim used in this excerpt is a maxim of manner, if the maxim is obeyed in this excerpt,
implicature will be devoid but Mirabel did not answer Abuela’s question. She was implying
obscurity of expression by having difficulties in giving answers to the question. In this respect,
implications are different from each entailment.
4.10 Excerpt 10

Minute: 00:45:37
The scene shows Pepa violating the Maxim of Manner when Mirabel was asking her about
Bruno. This is a violation of the maxim as Pepa refuses to answer Mirabel’s question. Instead,
she just started explaining about Bruno’s vision about her wedding day that ruined that special
day. For context, Bruno’s magical power was that he was able to read the future. Sometimes,
when he saw misfortunes in someone’s future, they would say it was somewhat a curse.
Therefore, he just decided to disappear as he gets hate from almost everyone including his own
family members. Since then, they stopped talking about him and that was the most possible
reason Pepa violated the maxim.

4.11 Excerpt 11
Minute: 00:56:10
In this excerpt, the maxim violated is maxim of quantity and maxim of manner and maxim of
relation. It is because Bruno’s response is not as informative as it should be, it should have
been more informative as it is not enough to make sense at all. Bruno chose to be
uncooperative with Mirabel. As for violating the maxim of manners, it gives an obscurity of
expression and it causes implicature that makes the maxim of relation being flouted, Bruno
saying, “knock, knock, knock..” is not relevant to the question being asked by Mirabel.

4.12 Excerpt 12
Minute: 00:59:53
The maxim violated in this scene is the Maxim of Relation. This is because Bruno did not
answer the question asked by Mirabel directly. Mirabel asked if he had left to protect her but he
did not say either yes or no, instead he stated that he did not know which way it would go. For
context, Bruno saw the house falling apart and Mirabel was in front of the house, therefore, he
was not sure what was going to happen, and he left to stop people from finding out the vision he
saw about Mirabel. So, in a way, even though he violated the maxim, it was understandable that
he wanted to say yes to the question.

In our opinion, the types of maxims being violated and flouted by the speakers in the movie
were both depending on the situation. Where supposedly, there are certain situations where the
maxims are being violated on purpose whereas there are certain situations where maxims were
flouted due to the event occurring. There are times that the characters should violate maxims
but there are times where the characters accidentally flouted the maxims in order to bring
meaning to their conversations and also to enhance the context of the situation in the movie,

Based on our main textbook for linguistics, which is Language Acquisition and the Introduction
to Language, it states a quote which is

"POLONIUS: though this be madness, yet there is method in't"

by WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE, hamlet c.1600

Even though most people do not always cooperate with one another, nevertheless with the help
of the solution in the existence of maxims in linguistics, communication and understanding
among people would be a possible success slowly but surely.

Davies. (2007, December). Grice's cooperative principle: Meaning and rationality. | Science, health and medical journals, full text articles and books.

Atkin, E. (2022, January 21). Where is Disney film Encanto set? The South American

location revealed. Metro.



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