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Student Handbook

Powell County High School

700 West College Ave.
Stanton, Ky. 40380
Office (606) 663-3320
Fax (606) 663-3406

On behalf of the entire staff at Powell County High School, we would like to welcome you to our school.
We look forward to the opportunity to educate, inspire, and challenge our students for the 21st century.
Powell County High School is the heart and soul of our community. We will discipline the whole person
and will expect each child to discipline himself or herself to achieve maximum efficiency. We are humbly
proud of our school and community and strive to be here for you.


Powell County High School does not discriminate on the basis of sex in the educational programs or activities that it operates, and
is required by Title IX, of the educational amendments of 1972 (P.L. 92-318), not to discriminate in such a manner. Further, the
board of education does not discriminate on the basis of handicap, in treatment, admission or access to, or employment, in
programs or activities as required by the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (P.L. 93-112), as amended, Section 504, nor does the board of
education discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, as required by the Title VI, of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, nor
does the board of education discriminate on the basis of age, religion, or marital status, in the educational programs or activities it
operates. Any concerns can be addressed to the affirmative action officer at the board of education or to : U.S. Dept. of Education,
Office for Civil Rights, 3535 Market Street, Rm 6300, Philadelphia, PA 19104-332.

General Information

School Telephone Numbers

Powell County High

663-3320 Bus Garage 663-3310
Powell County High
663-3406 Board Office 663-3300
School Fax
Guidance Counselors 663-3328 Alt. Ed. 663-3505
Youth Service Center 663-3327 Annex 663-3330
PCMS 663-3308

Important Addresses

Powell County High

Powell County Board of Education
700 West College Ave. 691 Breckenridge Street
Stanton, KY 40380 Stanton, KY 40380

Doug Brewer – Principal
Meredith Robinson - Assistant Principal
Guidance – Martina Skidmore
Guidance – Kristie Marcum
English – Laura Davis
Math – Cassandra Rose
Science – David Lester
Social Studies – James Clapp
Arts and Humanities – Michael Estep
CTE– Shana Bailey Purdue

SBDM Council
Doug Brewer – Principal
Tim Jones – Teacher
Jessica Neal – Teacher
Cassie Rose– Teacher
Angel Brooks – Parent
Christina Ware - Parent

2019-20 School Calendar

8-13-19 Students First Day

8-16-19 No school- Teacher Work Day
9-2-19 No School Labor Day
9-13-19 No School Fair Day
10-18-19 Begin Fall Break (October 18 – 21)
11-5-19 No School – Election Day
11-27-19 No School
11-28-19 Thanksgiving Holiday
11-29-19 No School
12-23-19 Begin Christmas Break (Dec. 23 – Jan. 3)
1-6-20 No School Students – Planning Day for Staff
1-20-20 No School Martin Luther King Holiday
2-17-20 No School President’s Day / Staff Planning Day
4-6-20 Spring Break Week Begins (Tentative make-up days)
5-15-20 Tentative Last Day for Students

Powell County updates the school calendar whenever we miss for any school days. Please check for an updated calendar at Parent page.

School Bell Schedule

8:05 Students report to 1st period

8:10 – 8:58 1st Period
9:03 – 9:51 2nd Period
9:56 – 10:44 3rd Period
10:49 – 12:38 4th Period / Lunch
12:43 – 1:31 5th Period
1:36 – 2:24 6th Period
2:24 – 2:32 Break
2:32 – 3:20 7th Period

Closings and Delays

Cancellations Due to Inclement Weather

When inclement weather or any other incidence causes school to be closed, announcements regarding the close of school will be
made over the following stations: WSKV -104.9, Lexington Channels 18, 27 and 36.

With the implementation of the School Messenger call feature, all parents/guardians will be notified by phone if school is
cancelled. If you are not receiving a call or do not wish to be called, please contact the attendance clerk at the school to make
those arrangements.

An announcement may be made that school is in session on a one or two hour delay. School staff does not report until one or two
hours later, so do not drop off students at regular time. School staff is not responsible for having supervision at regular time on
those delay days. Powell County will continue to utilize NTI days for the 2019-20 school year. When an NTI day is called,
students will stay home and work on their NTI assignments but school staff will report to school.

Plan B Schedule   Check Point Pick-Ups – School will start at the normal time.  However, there are some routes that we cannot
run because of snow or ice.  We will pick up those students at a designated point where parents can bring them. 

Club Day Schedule

4th Friday of each month
 Beta Club
 Card Club
 Family, Career and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA)
 Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA)
 Future Farmers of America (FFA)
 Health and Occupational Science Association (HOSA)
 Science & Ecology Club
 Spanish Club
 Badminton Club

General School Information
Parent Volunteers
Parent volunteers are always needed at Powell County High School. When the school and community work together to
provide the best instructional program possible, student learning is enhanced to a level that is not possible without
teamwork and collaboration. “It takes a whole village to educate a child”. If you would like to volunteer to help tutor
students, assist teachers, or answer phones in the office please contact the principal directly to set up a day and time.
Volunteers are always encouraged to help chaperone field trips. Prior approval from the principal is required. To ensure
the safety of our students and staff, all volunteers must submit a current criminal background check prior to volunteering.

Pest Management

In order to provide a safe, clean, and healthy environment at Powell County High School, we periodically undergo
inspections for unwanted pests such as rodents and insects. When a problem exists, our contracted pest management
personnel may use chemical sprays to rid our school of any unwanted pests. Due to possible allergies among our
students, our school will provide any parent or student written notification prior to the use of any chemicals. If you would
like to receive notification, please send a written request which includes your mailing address to the address below:

Powell County Schools

Pest Management Request
Attention: Monroe Jones
Powell County Board Annex
40 Bruen Ave.
Stanton, Ky. 40380


Under procedures developed by the superintendent, a student may be permitted to carry medication that has been
prescribed or ordered by a physician to stay on or with the pupil due to a pressing medical need.
Provided the parent/guardian and physician files a completed authorization form each year as required by law, a student
under treatment for asthma shall be permitted to self-administer medication.2
Students shall not share any prescription or over-the counter medication with another student. Each year, the district shall
notify students in writing of this prohibition and that violations shall result in appropriate disciplinary action, including
but not limited to suspension or expulsion.
All medical forms can be found at

Student Services

Class Officers
Class officers are elected each year at Powell County High School and all candidates must meet certain requirements to
be eligible.

1. A cumulative 3.5 GPA in the previous school year
2. Enrolled in the appropriate grade if they wish to become an officer
3. Must not be a truant student or chronically absent (15 or more excused or unexcused absences)
4. Must have no major discipline infractions during the previous and current school year. A major infraction would be any
Level II infraction. First offense would be a conference and possible removal from office if elected. Second offense is
removal from office and the vice president would take over as president. If the vice-president is removed, then the
principal would go back to the original ballots and have the second highest vote getter for president take his/her place.

Elections and Nominations

1. Senior class will elect a president, vice-president, secretary, treasurer, and reporter. Freshman, sophomore and junior
classes will elect a president, vice-president, treasurer, and the secretary and reporter positions will be combined.
2. Nominations will be taken until the 2nd Friday after the beginning of the school year.
3. Elections will take place on or after the 4th Friday after the beginning of school. All officers must run on a single
ticket. They must have a prepared speech that is no longer than 5 minutes and must address points on why they
would make an excellent class officer. ALL speeches must be proofed and approved by their grade level English
4. Ballots will counted by the principal or his designee and one other person. Ballots will be kept for one year.
5. If candidate is unopposed, they do not have to deliver speech if they choose not to.

Students will only be permitted to sign up for one class office. At the end of the one-week sign up period, the head class
sponsors, counselor, assistant principal, and principal will work together to make sure that all candidates meet the class
officer requirements above (transcript check, discipline records check, attendance check, and GPA check). The head class
advisor in cooperation with the counselor, assistant principal and principal will develop a list (election ballot) that will
include all eligible candidates. This will be used for the election process. Ballots will be developed and copied by the
head sponsors and kept in a safe place until the election. All students will be notified of Election Day for class officers at
least three days prior to the election. Students will vote in their homerooms. Only the student’s present the day of
elections may vote (students who are absent or in ISD will not be allowed to vote). After voting, class sponsors will count
all ballots. The winners will be announced at the end of that school day.

Duties and responsibilities

Senior class officers will work on the facilitation of fund raising and planning of the senior trip. Junior class
officers will primarily be responsible for prom preparation. All class officers must be in attendance at all class officer
meetings and at all class sponsored events (only one absence will be allowed before the student will be removed from
office). Advisors will be those teachers with that grade level homeroom. The assistant principal and/or guidance
counselor will meet with the class officer to set class meeting agendas.


As per KRS 159.035, … a public school principal shall give a student an excused absence of up to ten (10) school days to pursue
an educational enhancement opportunity determined by the principal to be of significant educational value, including but not
limited to participation in an educational foreign exchange program or an intensive instructional, experiential, or performance
program in one (1) of the core curriculum subjects of English, science, mathematics, social studies, foreign language, and the arts.
A student receiving an excused absence under the provisions of this subsection shall be considered present in school during the
excused absence for the purposes of calculating average daily attendance as defined by KRS 157.320 under the Support Education
Excellence in Kentucky program. An EHO will not be issued for dates when state testing is taking place at the high school.

Parents must apply for an Educational Enhancement Opportunity a minimum of 5 days prior to the first day of the event requested.
Board Policy form 09.123 AP2 is to be used to request an EHO. This form can be picked up from the school office or printed from
the Powell County Schools web site.
Educational Field Trips
Field trips will occasionally be scheduled to help students better understand the concepts that they are learning. Field trips
will not be scheduled during the final week of each grading period. Only field trips that have a direct relationship to the
concepts being taught in a course will be allowed. The principal must approve all fieldtrip requests. Board policy requires
that all schools must pay a fee per mile for all field trips. Because of this expense, students may be required to pay a small
fee to go on field trips. Sponsors of the field trip must have at least one medically trained employee on the trip and must
submit field trip student list to the school nurse one week in advance. Sponsor(s) must also notify the cafeteria of the trip.
1. Students may not attend any field trip on assigned ISD days.
2. Students must be passing 5 of 7 classes to attend field trips.
3. Students with more than 3 unexcused absences per semester will not be permitted to attend field trips.

In School Extended School Services

In School ESS will be offered for math and English on an as needed basis. Parents and students need to contact the
school to request tutoring during or after school. Teachers will try every means possible to schedule those times for In
School ESS during elective classes. This is not to be used as an opt-out from doing class work during the regular class

Summer School
If money permits, fifteen days of summer school will be offered for students who have failed a course required for
graduation. Students with a grade below forty-five percent (45%) in a class will not be eligible to participate in summer
school for that class. Summer school students will be able to raise their grades to passing - which is a D, or 60%.
Our summer school program has changed dramatically from past summer schools. Summer school begins around the first
week we are out of school and typically runs three weeks. Summer school starts daily at 9:00 a.m. and ends at 1:00 p.m.
Our students at Powell County High School may “recover” as many as three (3) credits during the summer in order to
keep them on track to graduate. All credit recovery will either be completed through on-line courses on the school
network or through assigned work from the summer school teacher.
 Attendance: Students are expected to attend daily (9am – 1pm, a 30 minute lunch break is provided by
the school)
 Students are expected to be present during the full four hours of summer school each day.
 Grading: students must pass the assigned credit recovery course (this includes the initial assessment
and all submissions) with a 60% D or better in order to attain credit for the class. Students may only
receive a 60% D for the class on their transcript.
 Discipline: students must follow the Powell County High School Code of Conduct at all times
o Warning One – the teacher will issue a verbal warning for the behavior
o Warning Two – the student will be referred to an administrator
 Any student that creates a severe disturbance or has more than two warnings for
behavioral issues will be dismissed from summer school and not allowed to make up
the credit during the remaining summer school period.

Open House
In an effort to communicate with the parents/guardians of our students at the high school, we conduct at least two (2)
open houses (one per semester minimum). Open houses will be scheduled by the administration and announced on the
radio and advertised in the newspaper. Open houses allow parents and teachers a chance to talk to each other about a
student’s progress at school. This will help to encourage students who are not performing well and are in danger of
failing. All teachers are required to attend all scheduled open houses. All students, their parents/guardians, and their
families are invited to attend.

Parent/Teacher Conferences
When students are not passing a course or when consistent behavior problems are occurring, teachers will request a
parent-teacher-student conference. Most problems can be solved by simply discussing the problem with all those involved
and seeking a resolution. Teachers will always make an effort to meet with parents and attempt to solve as many
problems as possible. This improves classroom discipline and helps to keep a good relationship with the community.
Parent-teacher-student conferences shall be done face-to-face. Parents are encouraged to ask for parent-teacher- student
conferences as well. If a parent/guardian feels that their child is falling behind in a class or not performing well, the
parent/guardian can set up a parent-teacher-student conference by calling a guidance counselor at 663-3328 between the
hours of 7:45 a.m. and 3:45 p.m., Monday thru Friday.

Student of the Week

A bulletin board in the main hallway has been set up to recognize students for their academic/citizenship
accomplishments. Each teacher will be allowed to nominate any individual to be recognized as a student of the week on a
regular basis. Nominations are to be submitted to the Student of the Week coordinator. The coordinator will submit the
list to staff for a vote. After votes are taken the winner for that week will be recognized with a picture displayed on the
board and an article in the Clay City Times. The coordinator must acquire student permission in order to place the student
on the Student of the Week board. A student can only be recognized for their accomplishments on the Student of the
Week board one time per year.

Checking In and Out of School
If a student drives, he or she may present an appointment card in order to check out (parent authorization via telephone will be made). The
parent or guardian must notify the school in person of any change regarding the information on the pick-up list.

Without an up-to-date verification form from the parent, only the persons listed on the current form will be allowed to check the
student out of school or authorize the release of a student who has driven to school.

1. Parents must come into school and sign student out on the appropriate form.
2. Parent must have proper photo identification to check out student.
3. Any student under the age of 18 living with a parent/guardian must have the parent/guardian verify (by written notice) or
sign them out.
4. Any student, 18 or older cannot sign back in to school without an approved academic, doctor or courthouse excuse.

Parent/Guardian Requested Absences and Tardies

Personal excuses are provided automatically for the first 6 absences and 6 tardies in which another excuse is not provided.
Please see District Code of Conduct and handbook.

It is the responsibility of the parent to ensure all doctor’s notes, funeral notes, etc. are submitted to the school to be
recorded. Parents may check Infinite Campus to make sure absences were excused or may inquire with the attendance
clerk at any time. All schools have a process for students to submit excuses. However, parents who send excuses in with
their children should check with their child to make sure the excuse was submitted including, but not limited to, looking
through younger children’s folders and backpacks and talking to older children to make sure excuses were submitted.
Parents should not rely upon a doctor’s office to fax an excuse without checking with the school to make sure it was
received. Parents are also welcome to bring excuses to the school themselves or mail them to the school as long as the
excuse is received by the school no later than 10 school days after the absence.

See the District Code of Conduct relating to grades entered for unexcused absences.
A call will be made by the automated calling system when the final personal excuse is entered so that the parent will
know any further absences MUST be followed up with a written excuse from a physician, court, funeral, etc. Otherwise,
the absence will remain unexcused.

Attendance Procedures
All pupils are expected to attend school regularly in order to benefit from the instructional program, and also to develop desirable traits of
punctuality, self-discipline, and responsibility. Therefore, the Powell County High School has adopted the following guidance provisions:

1. A student shall be permitted to make up work missed for any excused absence for up to 5 school days from date of
absence unless otherwise approved by principal.
2. A phone call is not accepted as an excuse, but if a parent calls the school prior to 10:30 am to let the attendance clerk
know his or her child will be absent, they will be removed from the automated attendance calling system.
3. A physician statement must include (1 date of appointment, (2) when the student is able to return to school, and (3)
the physician’s signature.
4. Students who have relatives and/or friends that are sick may not use the doctor notes in family member’s names to
excuse their absence. Doctor notes will only be accepted if the students themselves have been seen by the physician.
5. Student with extended illnesses are encouraged to apply for homebound services.
6. A student must report to the attendance clerk between 7:30-8:05 to turn in an excuse. Student will not be permitted to
leave class to bring excuses to the office.
7. Students are expected to turn in excuses within ten days of the absence.
8. Students who are absent for driver’s permit or driver’s test will be given a two-hour window. If the students take
more than their allotted two hours, they must use a personal excuse or have a doctor’s note or they will be charged
with an unexcused tardy or absence.
9. Any male or female student who has children may use their child’s doctor visit as a doctor excuse for themselves. A
note must be brought in from the doctor with the child’s name and the student’s name indicating they were in the
office for the doctor visit. All dates to be excused must also be on the note.
10. Students will be allowed to make up work for the first 6 unexcused absences, unless these absences are due to
suspension. Starting with the 7th unexcused absence a score of 0 will be entered for all missed work unless there are
extenuating circumstances and approved by the Principal, in writing.

****Any student with six (6) or more unexcused absences will not be allowed to attend prom. Any
senior with ten (10) or more unexcused absences will be excluded from the graduation ceremony,
senior breakfast, and senior trip.

Tardy Discipline Procedures

1. Personal excuses will be provided automatically for up to six (6) tardy events per school year.
2. A student who is absent 35% or less of the regularly scheduled day is tardy.
3. Students are expected to turn in excuses within ten days of the tardy. After ten days the tardy will remain unexcused.
4. A student with three or more (3) unexcused tardies will be assigned ASD until the maximum of ten (10) unexcused
tardies are met, at which time FNS will be assigned.
a) In addition to the above procedures, driving/parking privileges will be suspended for ten (10) days
after the 6th unexcused tardy.
b)In addition to the above procedures, driving/parking privileges will be suspended for twenty (20)
days after the 7th unexcused tardy.
c) In addition to the above procedures, driving/parking privileges will be suspended for the remainder
of semester or (20) days whichever is longer after the 8th unexcused tardy.
d)In addition to the above procedures, driving/parking privileges will be suspended for the year after
the 9th unexcused tardy.
When driving/parking privileges are suspended, student will be required to relinquish their parking pass to administration
and will be given the date that the pass will be returned. If a student has unexcused tardies during the time their driving
privileges are suspended, the next consequence listed above will be administered.

School To Work
Students have the privilege during their senior year to be enrolled in the School to Work Program. This program allows
students to leave school at the end of 5th or 6th period to attend their approved jobs. In addition to meeting all requirements
of the School to Work Program, no student who has been habitually truant (six or more unexcused absences) during
their junior year will be allowed to participate in the School to Work Program as a senior.

No Pass/ No Drive KRS 159.051

The "No Pass/No Drive" statute results in the denial or revocation of a student's driver's license for academic deficiency,
or dropping out of school as a result of excessive or unexcused absences. Academic deficiency is defined as a student
who does not have passing grades in at least four courses, or the equivalent of four courses, in the preceding semester.
Because Powell County High School has 7 classes in a day, a student must pass a minimum of 5 of their classes to
be able to keep their driver’s license. A student is deemed to have dropped out of school when he/she has nine or more
unexcused absences in the preceding semester. Any absences due to suspension shall be unexcused absences. Reports
for revocation can be made earlier than a complete semester for accumulated absences.

Drop Out Prevention Procedures
A team approach will be used in the efforts of the school and district to assist students in making a positive decision to
stay in school and earn a diploma. The counselors, attendance clerk, drop-out coordinator, principal, teachers, alternative
education administrator, director of pupil personnel, and special education director or resource teacher will all play a role
in drop-out prevention.

1. After review of student data, including but not limited to the Persistence to Graduation Report, or after a student reports
s/he is interested in dropping out of school, the high school counselor will:
A. meet with the student and his/her parent at school,
B. meet with the student and his/her parent at his/her home, or
C. meet at another agreed upon location.
2. Complete the Dropout-Prevention summary sheet (08.141 AP.2)
3. Discuss the student’s problems/issues at/with school.
4. Review student’s goals and aspirations.
5. Review ILP.
6. Review Discovery Education data, attendance, and any other pertinent information.
7. Review special needs – bring special education director or teacher into discussion if appropriate.
8. Problem solve, suggest alternatives, and document conversation.
9. Discuss Option A – Student remains at school to earn a high school diploma.
A. Complete the following:
1. A contract for student success that includes attendance, effort, and additional opportunities the student may
want to access;
2. Courses needed for graduating with a Powell County High School diploma;
B. Put supports in place to ensure student success;
C. Make adjustments as needed;
D. Celebrate small steps toward student success; and
E. Schedule a follow-up meeting to discuss progress with student and parent.
F. If Option A is not chosen proceed to Option B
  10. Discuss Option B – Student remains enrolled in school with an alternate school setting.
A. Discuss the possibility of allowing the student to take one, some, or all of his/her classes through an alternate school
setting. This may be using the credit recovery system to take classes at a location in the high school or a placement at
the alternative education center may be explored. If alternative placement is considered, the alternative education team
consisting of the principal, guidance counselor, alternative education administrator, director of pupil personnel and/or
special education director or resource teacher will meet to discuss possible placement.
B. Following the placement decision, complete the following:
1. A contract for student success that includes attendance, effort, and additional opportunities the student may
want to access in their alternative placement;
2. Courses needed for graduating with a Powell County High School diploma
C. Put supports in place to ensure student success;
D. Make adjustments as needed;
E. Celebrate small steps toward student success; and
F. Schedule a follow-up meeting to discuss progress with student and parent.
ONCE ABOVE STEPS ARE COMPLETED, a copy of the Drop-Out Prevention summary sheet, as well as any contracts
created are scanned and emailed to the principal and the director of pupil personnel. Original forms will be filed in the
counselor’s office or the alternative education administrator’s office.

11. If the student and/or parent is not convinced that the student should remain in school or attend an alternate placement:
Set up an appointment for the student and parent to meet with the principal to review reasons for dropping out and
determine if any changes can be made in schedule or any issues/problems at or with the school can be resolved.
12. If the principal is unable to convince the student and parent to remain in school or attend an alternate placement:
call the central office and arrange an appointment for the student and his/her parent to meet with the director of pupil
personnel and/or the director of special education. During this meeting the DPP or special education director will:
A. review possible consequences of dropping out- ie. hardship in obtaining employment, loss of credits if the student
decides to return at a later date, loss of permit or license, length of time that must pass before working towards GED,
B. provide dropout brochure which includes possible educational resources,
C. ask if student and parent want any additional information or are now interested in taking advantage of Option A or
Option B. If the student or parent decides to follow one of the options, congratulate them and follow the steps listed
with the selected option, and then
D. proceed to the next step if the student and parent still wish to drop out.
13. Complete state and district dropout forms. Keep originals, and scan and e-mail dropout prevention worksheet and
state and district dropout forms to the administrator meeting with the student and his/her parent.
14. Following conference with administrator, if student and/or parent cannot be convinced or encouraged to take advantage
of options offered by school or other suggestions for finishing high school, sign form and scan and e-mail documents back to
high school guidance office staff and principal. The DPP will withdraw the student with a W25 withdrawal code and it is
only at this time that the student is considered to have dropped out of school.
Throughout the time a student is considering dropping out of school, it is expected that the student attend school daily.
Dropping out of school is a serious decision and should not be made quickly or be taken lightly. Should a student choose not
to attend school while waiting on meetings to occur or choose not to attend meetings, the student and/or parent should expect
the truancy laws to be enforced and understand that charges in the courts are possible.
Homebound Services
Students who are sick and may miss five (5) consecutive days of school are eligible for homebound instruction. All
homebound requests must be submitted to the homebound coordinator at Powell County Board of Education. Students
who are granted homebound instruction will be assigned a homebound instructor. A student on homebound instruction
will remain on IC and will be left in their regularly scheduled classes. The homebound teacher will then work with the
student’s regular teacher on a weekly basis.

The homebound teacher will provide a minimum of 2 hours of instruction per week. When a student on homebound
completes an assignment, the homebound teacher shall submit the assignment to the regular teacher for grading. This will
be done weekly in a timely manner.

School Sponsored Events

Conduct at School Events
All students, faculty, and staff are to conduct themselves in an appropriate manner at all school events and should be
especially careful not to create disturbances that might negatively reflect on the good name of the school or the reputation
of the student body. Students are to remember that, regardless of where they are, in the public eye they are representatives
of Powell County High School. Students should accept this responsibility with pride and conduct themselves as worthy
representatives of the school. All school policies and disciplinary actions will apply to students at school-sponsored
events, both home and away.
Junior/Senior Prom
Each year the junior class at Powell County High School sponsors a prom for all junior and senior students and their dates.
Only Powell County High School students and their dates will be eligible to attend the prom*. Middle school students and the
children (including babies) of PCHS students or their dates will not be allowed to attend prom. A fee to attend prom will be
charged for juniors. All students who meet any one of the following criteria below will not be allowed to attend prom.
1. No more than seven (7) unexcused absences
2. No more than 10 unexcused tardies to school

3. Any student referred to Powell County Academy
*Also, any person that is attending the prom that does not attend Powell County High School must acquire permission from
the administration. An application request to attend prom must be completed by the PCHS student or their date if the date is
not a student of Powell County High School. The request must be submitted to the sponsor of the Junior and Senior Prom for
approval by the administration. Students may not bring a date older than 20 years old. Students may only bring one date to the
prom. All students are expected to behave in a manner appropriate for the occasion. Juniors may work a minimum of 9 hours
to receive a free ticket. Students may not transfer hours to another student. Seniors do not have to pay for their ticket.
Freshman and sophomores enrolled at PCHS may attend the prom with a junior or senior escort. All students are expected to
wear attire appropriate for a formal occasion. Remember that children (including babies) of students or their dates shall not
attend prom. Attendance at school is mandatory on the day before prom. Administrative discretion may be used in extreme

Parking Procedure
Parking Rules
Students who meet the following criteria for parking, and who wish to apply for parking privileges, must provide the office
with a valid Kentucky driver’s license, proof of insurance, information about the vehicle to be driven, the license plate number
of the vehicle to be driven, and the Consent to Test form signed by parent/guardian and student agreeing to PCHS drug testing
policy and procedures. Eligible students must complete all required forms (must be notarized), providing all information
requested, and return them to the assistant principal’s office prior to driving to school. Failure to do so will remove the student
from consideration for a parking permit. Students who are approved for parking permits must pay $7.00 for the year. Students
who drive to school without a parking permit will be towed at owner’s expense without warning. Attendance rules and
policies governing parking permits will be enforced. Students who drive to school must obey the following rules:
1. All drivers SHALL immediately enter the building when they arrive at school. Students who loiter in the parking lot may
lose their parking privileges for one grading period for each occurrence (no warning is required).
2. Students are NOT allowed to go to their cars during the school day for any reason unless given permission by the
principal or assistant principal. Any student caught in the parking lot or in their car during the school day may lose their
parking privileges for the remainder of the year.
3. Students SHALL obey all speed limits posted around the school and drive in a safe manner. Any student who drives
recklessly, speeds, guns their engine in a loud or annoying manner, or plays their music loud may lose their parking
privileges for the remainder of the year.
4. All students SHALL park ONLY in designated student parking assigned space. Students who park in someone else’s
designated space will receive a warning and then parking privileges will be revoked. Student vehicle may be subject to
towing at the owner’s expense without warning and lose any parking privileges for the remainder of the year.
5. The assigned parking permit SHALL be displayed in the vehicle at all times. Failure to display the sticker may result in
the vehicle being towed at the owner’s expense or a fine shall be issued.
6. Any vehicle entering the parking area of Powell County High School is subject to search by school authorities and law
enforcement personnel working with them. Such a search may be conducted for any reasonable purpose without a warrant
being obtained. Search of the vehicle includes all compartments and components thereof. Once a search begins, the
person in control of the vehicle will not be permitted to remove it from the premises during the reasonable duration of the
7. Students who leave the school grounds (either driving or riding with someone else) without permission in an automobile:
1st offense - Suspension of driving/parking privileges for 10 days.
2nd offense - Suspension of driving/parking privileges for 15 days.
3rd offense – Suspension of driving/parking privileges for 20 days.
* Students driving a different vehicle than the one registered in the office must notify the office upon arrival to school to
prevent towing. Failure to do so by the student may result in a towed vehicle.

Powell County High School provides a student parking area on the south end of the building beside the gymnasium.
Students may request parking privileges at any time during the year. Seniors will be assigned space first come first
served, and then juniors or sophomores (providing space is available) will be assigned spaces.

When a student’s parking privileges have been suspended, the student must give their parking sticker to the principal or
assistant principal. During parking suspensions, students are not allowed to drive or park on campus during the
suspension time. This includes all Powell County School District property, including Powell County Middle School.
Students who park on Powell County School District property during a suspension will be towed immediately without
warning and at the owner’s expense and receive the harsher consequences outlined above.

Student Dress Code
Dress Code
Students are expected to dress in clothing appropriate for the season and for the school activity that they are attending.
Clothing that is excessively revealing, extremely tight fitting, distracting, or that causes undue attention cannot be worn.
Any clothing that might be disruptive to the learning environment of a classroom cannot be worn.

Prohibited items and guidelines:

1) Clothing or accessories with obscene language, crude pictures, or statements pertaining to alcohol, drugs, tobacco,
racial comments, or sex. This includes implied meaning.
2) Clothing that has controversial phrases, pictures, or symbols cannot be displayed or worn at school. This includes
sexual innuendo phrases, profanity, and racially charged clothing such as the KKK, swastika, white supremacy, black
supremacy, etc.
3) Clothing that has advertisement logos for alcohol, tobacco, drugs, or sex will not be allowed (this includes NASCAR
shirts that advertise alcohol and/or tobacco, Hooters clothing, Playgirl clothing, Hustler clothing, Playboy clothing,
4) Bandanas, sunglasses (unless prescribed by doctor and a note is available), or extremely unusual non-prescriptive
contacts are not to be brought into the building or worn in the building. Headbands or head wraps cannot be worn to
school unless the band or wrap is worn to hold a student’s hair back out of their face. Bandanas cannot be worn as
headbands or wraps. Special circumstances will be made for students undergoing medical treatments that require
head wraps.
5) Blouses and shirts must meet the skirts, trousers, or pants being worn.
6) Tank tops may not show bra straps or undergarments at all. Mesh shirts, see-through blouses or shirts, tube tops,
halter-tops, muscle shirts, and shirts with exposed sides cannot be worn.
7) All shirts must meet the pants and show no midriff or back when the arms are raised. The administration suggest that
students wear t-shirts or similar undershirts under clothing that may be considered borderline appropriate.
8) Trench coats are not permitted.
9) Shoes must be worn at all times.
10) All shorts, skirts, and dresses must be at least a driver’s license length from the top of the knee. No exceptions.
11) Undergarments and underwear cannot be visible or exposed at any time and shall be covered by appropriate clothing.
This includes sagging jeans.
12) No oversized low-riding pants will be permitted. This means NO SAGGING. All pants should be worn at waist
13) No chains are to be attached to any clothing items. No spiked bracelets or chains are allowed in the building,
including chains on billfolds, book bags, or purses.
14) Clothing, specifically pants, with holes anywhere above the knees cannot be worn.
15) Blankets, throws, shawls, quilts, etc. cannot be used during school hours.

Consequences for Dress Code Violations

Students who violate the dress code will be provided a change of clothing from the Youth Service Center or parents will
be notified to bring appropriate clothing. Students will remain in In School Detention (ISD) until which time they are in
compliance of the school dress code. Upon second offense, the student will be assigned 2 days of lunch detention and the
parent will be notified. After the third offense, the student will be assigned to 1 day of ISD. Further subsequent offenses,
consequences will be determined by administration. Students will not be sent home or allowed to leave school ground to
obtain appropriate clothing.

Code of Student Conduct

Behavior Expectations for Students
In order to provide an environment that fosters student achievement, the faculty needs the help and cooperation of
students, parents/guardians, the community, and the local board of education in establishing proper conditions for
learning. All students at Powell County High School are expected to behave in a manner that creates a positive school

environment. Students should feel proud of the school they attend and school pride only occurs when students are
respectful, positive, and make every effort to follow all school rules. Rules are not made to impose on student rights; rules
are made to protect all students’ rights in the school. All teachers, staff, and students should be respectful to each other at
all times. Together we can make our school a school that we are all proud of. The primary goal of the faculty and staff of
Powell County High School is to provide every student with the opportunities to achieve their life goals, even if no goals
have yet been established. The faculty and staff will administer the discipline code in a firm, fair, and consistent manner.

Punishments Used for Student Misconducts

The rules that have been established by Powell County High School are set to ensure that our school is successful in
preparing all our students for the future. When students do not follow the rules set by the school, they will face certain
consequences carried out by the administration. These consequences are meant to deter students from doing things that
prevent other students from making the most of the educational opportunities that our school is providing to them. Some
of the consequences include lunch detention, Friday Night School (FNS), ISD, after-school detention (ASD), out-of-
school suspension, alternative placement, and expulsion. Each of these consequences is described below. Any student
who is arrested during the school day, may not return to school on that day.

Lunch Detention
Students who commit minor misbehaviors in the classroom will be assigned lunch detention by the teacher or
administration. Teachers may assign lunch detentions to a student for Level I offenses.
1. Lunch detention will be assigned by the teacher.
2. Student must sit in designated area with desk turned toward the wall.
3. No talking in lunch detention
4. No cell phone use in lunch detention.
5. It is the student’s responsibility to check in with the lunchroom supervisor.
6. If student misses 5 minutes of their assigned lunch detention, they will serve the remainder of their time and
be assigned an additional day.
7. It is not the lunchroom supervisor’s responsibility to “find” students that are assigned lunch detention.
8. Students are given written notice of lunch detention.
9. After any teacher assigns more than 4 lunch detentions in one class, the teacher will refer them to the office
for ASD, FNS or ISD.

After School Detention (ASD)

The following are the basic tenets of the ASD program:
1. As a disciplinary response option, the principal and teachers may assign a student to ASD.
2. The principal or teacher shall notify the student of the assignment to after-school detention. Administration will notify parents,
by phone, if ASD is assigned. It is also the student’s responsibility to notify the parent about the assigned detention.
Transportation from after-school detention is the responsibility of the student/parent.
3. A student may be assigned to ISD and ASD on the same day.
4. Checkouts for doctor’s appointments that are made prior to the assigned ISD or ASD shall be the only sufficient reason for
excusing a student from the assigned time in detention. Principal must be given the excuse before assigned ASD date.
5. Detention will be on Thursday each week and will begin at 3:30 and end at 4:30. Students must arrive on time. Students who do
not arrive on time or leave early will be assigned additional ASD.
6. If a student fails to attend an assigned detention time, the student will be assigned a day of ISD the following day.
7. During detention time, students will follow the guidelines listed below:
a) Students will bring materials to work on or books to read; if not, students will be assigned an activity by the detention
b) Talking is absolutely prohibited.
c) No disruption of any type will be tolerated.
d) Failure to follow the above rules will result in an additional day of ASD or ISD. The student will be notified of the
detention time only once. It is the responsibility of the student to keep up with detention assignments.
8. Employment is not a valid excuse for missing detention. Students who present a work schedule may serve detention before the
assigned date. Students and parents are asked to refrain from requesting detention date changes for any other reason.

Friday Night School (FNS)

Friday Night School will follow the same rules as ASD listed above. FNS is assigned from 3:30-5:30, twice a month. Students
are responsible for providing their own transportation from FNS. Parents will be notified by phone if a student is assigned FNS,
notification will be sent in the mail, it is also the responsibility of the student to notify the parent. Skipping FNS will result one
day of ISD.

In-School Detention
When a student is reprimanded for certain violations of the Powell County Code of Acceptable Behavior and Discipline,
they may be assigned by the administration to the In-School Detention Program. The ISD Program is an alternative to
out-of-school suspension because of inappropriate actions taken by students.
1. ISD is from 8:10-3:20.
2. Students must sit in assigned seat.
3. Students may undergo metal detection when they enter ISD.
4. Cell phones will be taken as soon as students enter ISD room. Students are encouraged not to bring cell
phones on those days assigned to ISD.
5. Students assigned to ISD are ineligible to participate in any extra-curricular activities on the days and
evenings they are assigned to ISD. Practices are excluded.
6. The ISD teacher has the authority to assign an additional day of ISD for students not in compliance
with the ISD rules.
7. Three scheduled breaks will be given during ISD.
8. Lunch will be approximately 15 minutes before the scheduled time for the rest of the student body.
9. Each morning, all ISD students will fill out a daily assignments sheet to be used by the assigned ISD
helper to collect all daily assignments for all ISD students and provide those assignments to the ISD
teacher for distribution.
10. All ISD students must checkout of the ISD program each day. To checkout, students must fulfill the
obligation of their ISD contract.

Alternative Setting
When a student is consistently experiencing problems at Powell County High School and the learning environment of the
school is being impaired, the student may be removed and placed at Powell County Academy. Students placed at
alternative school will be served by a teacher at the Powell County Academy behind the Powell County Board of
Education. Every attempt will be made to have students remain in the same courses as they had at PCHS. Students will be
placed at the alternative school for a minimum of 20. Students will return to the PCHS at the recommendation of the
Academy School staff.

Suspension and Expulsion 

 Refer to Code of Conduct and District Handbook for procedures regarding suspension and expulsion.
Non-Compliance with Disciplinary Consequences
Students who do not complete punishments received for misconducts that are assigned by the principal or assistant
principal will be subject to further disciplinary actions. Students who miss school and are unable to attend lunch
detention, ISD assignment, or after-school detention must make up the punishment immediately upon return to school.
After-school detention must be made up on the next day that after-school detention is held. Students who attend school
and are unable to attend after-school detention due to any reason, including medical appointments, must provide a valid
written excuse to the principal or assistant principal at least one day before the assigned detention. Students who skip ISD
will be assigned to one additional day of ISD on the next school day. Finally, excuses for missing an assigned ISD will
not be accepted the day after a detention is missed.

School Cancellations and Suspension

When a student is suspended from school and school is cancelled for any reason (including weather related closures), the
cancelled dates do not count as suspension dates. When a student is suspended, they are ineligible to attend school for the
number of days assigned by the administration as a consequence for misconduct.

Cafeteria Behavior
Powell County High School provides our students and staff a breakfast and lunch program each school day in the
cafeteria. While students are in the cafeteria they must follow the rules listed below:
1. Students should show good manners and courtesy.
2. Students are expected to enter and exit through appropriate doors.
3. Students are to stay in the cafeteria until their lunch period is over. If you leave early, you will be disciplined.
4. Students may be assigned tables by their 4th period teacher. Refusal to sit at the assigned table will result in discipline.
5. Students are to keep tables clean by returning trays and clearing tables of trash. Leaving trash will be disciplined.
6. All food must be eaten in the cafeteria.
7. Students can only go to the bathroom before or after their lunch period, or with permission from the staff member
supervising the cafeteria.
8. No one is to be in the serving line that is not purchasing food.
9. Students and staff are NOT allowed to order food from local restaurants during the regular school day or have
parents/friends deliver food to the school.

Consequences of cafeteria rules

1st Offense- Lunch Detention
2nd Offense- One (1) day of ISD or One (1) Lunch Detention and help custodians clean
3rd offense- Up to three (3) days of ISD and table assigned

Outside Food & Drink

Students shall not be permitted to bring outside food or drink inside the school building at any time during the school day.
This includes students having parents, guardians, friends, etc., deliver food to students during the school day. Students
will be told to dispose of food or drink immediately if seen with it in the school building during school hours. Bottled
water in its original container is the only permissible drink brought in from outside. Students who violate these
prohibitions while under the supervision of the school shall be subject to penalties set forth in the school code of
acceptable behavior and discipline, consistent with the following:

 First Offense - Verbal warning and disposal of food or drink immediately

 Second Offense and subsequent offences – refer to consequences for defiance staff of staff or administration.

Administration may refer to higher level of student offenses and consequences upon fifth offense or further offenses.

Tobacco Products (Possession and Use of Tobacco)

Students shall not be permitted to use/or have possession of any tobacco product, alternative nicotine product or vapor product
as defined in the KRS 438.305 on property owned, leased or operated by the Board, inside board-owned vehicles, on the way
to and from school, or during school-sponsored trips and activities. Students who violate these prohibitions while under the
supervision of the school shall be subject to the following:
Smokeless Tobacco:
 First Offense—One (1) day ISD
 Second Offense--Two (2) days ISD
 Third Offense— Three (3) days ISD
 Fourth Offense—Four (4) days ISD
 Fifth Offense – One (1) day Out of School Suspension, Two (2) days ISD
 Sixth Offense – Two (2) days Out of School Suspension, Three (3) days ISD

Smoking Cigarettes:
 First Offense – Two (2) days ISD
 Second Offense – Three (3) days ISD
 Third Offense – Four (4) days ISD
 Fourth Offense – One (1) day Out of School Suspension, Two (2) days ISD
 Fifth Offense – Two (2) days Out of School Suspension, Three (3) days ISD
 Sixth Offense – Three (3) days Out of School Suspension, Four (4) days ISD
 Seventh Offense – Administration reviews behavior for possible referral to PCA.

*Administration may add additional Out of School Suspensions and/or refer student to Powell County Academy upon further
offenses. After first tobacco offense, administration reserves the right to conduct daily individual searches. In addition, all
tobacco products, including vapes, confiscated by PCHS, will be destroyed and not returned to the student, parents, or

Possession of Cell Phones, I - Pods, and Similar Devices

While on school property or while attending school-sponsored or school-related activities, whether on or off school
property, students shall be permitted to possess and use personal telecommunications devices as defined by law, provided
they observe the following conditions:
1. Devices shall not be used in a manner that disrupts the educational process, including, but not limited to:
a. using any social network site (this includes, Facebook, Twitter, SnapChat, Topix or any other site that poses a
disruption in the educational/instructional day) that is prohibited at Powell County High School during the
school day,
b. posing a threat to academic integrity, such as cheating,
c. violating confidentiality or privacy rights of another individual, If you take any pictures of any student, teacher
or staff and do not obtain specific permission from that individual to post their picture, this is a rights to privacy
d. using language that is profane, indecent, or obscene,
e. promoting illegal activity or activity in violation of school rules, or
f. promoting, sending, sharing, or possessing sexually explicit messages, photographs, or images.
These restrictions shall not be interpreted to prohibit material protected under the state or federal constitutions where
such material does not otherwise materially or substantially disrupt the education process or intrude upon the rights of
Unless an emergency situation exists that involves imminent physical danger or a certified employee authorizes the
student to do otherwise, devices may be turned on and operated only before and after the regular school day, during
break, breakfast time, during class change, or the student’s lunch break.
When students violate prohibitions of this policy, they shall be subject to disciplinary action, including losing the
privilege of bringing the device onto school property and being reported to their parent/guardian. A violation also may
result in a report being made to law enforcement. In addition, an administrator may confiscate the device, which shall
only be returned to the student’s parent/guardian.
2. Students are responsible for keeping up with devices they bring to school. The district/ school shall not be responsible
for loss, theft, or destruction of devices brought onto school property.
3. Students shall comply with any additional teacher specific rules developed by the school concerning appropriate use of
telecommunication devices.
First Offense - device held in front office or assistant principal’s office. Student may pick at the end of 7 th
Second Offense - device held in front office or assistant principal’s office.
 1 day of ISD
 Parent must pick up phone.
 Parent/guardian must sign letter acknowledging cell phone violation consequences following
the second offense.
Third Offense - loss of device for three (3) days – not to be present with device on school property;
parent/guardian must pick up the device in the front office or assistant principal’s office.
 Up to three (3) days of ISD

Fourth Offense - loss of device for ten (10) days – not to be present with device on school property;
parent/guardian must pick up the device in the front office or assistant principal’s office. Up to five (5) days of
Anything beyond the 4th offense, a meeting with parents/guardians and administrations will be required and 4 th offense
discipline will be applied.
*Any student refusing to give up their cell phone to a teacher, staff member, or administration will be deemed
as being in defiance of administration and subject to the corresponding consequences in the Student Handbook.
Level I Misconducts/Consequences
Level I Misconducts are mainly those that are to be corrected by the teacher. Therefore, the teacher is responsible for
assigning the lunch detention or class time ISD (assigned for the student to go only during that teachers class)
 Cheating- discipline and student will retake test/quiz.
 Dress code violation- discipline and change clothes
 Failure to follow classroom rules
o Not bringing necessary materials to class
o Sleeping
o Refusing to do work
o Refusal to change seats
 Horseplay- without injury or contact
 Leaving on the wrong bell- includes dismissal and leaving lunchroom early
 Minor classroom disturbances
 Minor disruptive attitude
 Unwanted minor physical contact
 Minor profanity (non-directed)
 Plagiarism

The consequences for Level I misconducts are as follows:

First Offense - Verbal warning/ conference
Second Offense - Teacher assigns one (1) day lunch detention.
Third Offense - Teacher assigns one (1) class time ISD.
Fourth Offense - Teacher assigns two (2) class time ISD assignments.
Fifth Offense - Administration can assign ASD, ISD, or FNS at any point in this process for habitual inappropriate
student behavior. Any continuation of Level I misconduct beyond this point may result in Out of School Suspension
and/or placement at Powell County Academy.

Tardies to class are considered Level 1 offenses but carry the following consequences:
First Offense – Warning
Second Offense – One (1) day Lunch Detention
Third Offense – One (1) day ASD
Fourth Offense – One (1) day ISD
Fifth Offense – Refer to administration for further consequences.

Public Displays of Affection

PDA is defined as anything above or beyond holding hands while moving. No students are allowed to hug, hold hands
while seated, kiss (on mouth or any other part of face or body), and walk with arms around each other. Students are only
allowed to hold hands while moving.
First Violation - One (1) day, lunch detention
Second Violation - One (1) day ASD and parent notification.
Third Violation - One (1) day ISD.
*Students who habitually violate Level I consequences may receive additional consequences at administrator’s discretion.
Level II Misconducts/Consequences
 Contributing to an Altercation (verbal, digital or by spreading false information)*
 Insightful behavior – creating or continuing with drama, going between students for the purpose of creating an altercation
or argument, continuous loss of staff time due to conflict resolution, refusal to follow administrators’ or counselors’
directives to stop the behavior.
 Defacing School Property
 Forgery (Writing or Using a Forged Note)
 Inappropriate Comments
 Major Horseplay with injury or contact
 Lying
 Out of area inside/outside of school
 Major Profanity (directed toward student or staff)
 Mild Disrespect to a Teacher
 Walking out of class without teacher permission
 Impolite, discourteous, or disrespectful communication with peers
The consequences for all Level II Misconducts are as follows:
First Offense - One (1) day of ISD and notification of parents by mail, or ASD at administrative discretion.
Second Offense - Two (2) days of ISD and notification of parents by mail or phone
Third Level Offense - Three (3) days of ISD and notification of parents by mail and phone call.
Further Level II Offenses - Administration may assign ISD or out of school suspension or alternative placement.
*At any time a continuation of level II offenses occur, administration may assign, ISD, out of school suspension or
and/or placement at the Powell County Academy.

*The consequences for Contributing to an Altercation are as follows:

First Offense - Two (2) days ISD and notification of parents by mail
Second Offense - One (1) day of Out of School Suspension and notification of parents by mail and phone.
Third Level Offense – Two (2) days out of school suspension and possible alternative placement. notification of parents
by mail and phone call

*Students who habitually violate Level II consequences may receive additional consequences at administrator’s discretion.

Level III Misconducts/Consequences

 Aggressive behavior
 Defiance of authority
 Destruction of school property
 Disrespect to faculty/staff
 Extreme vulgarity
 Fighting
 Videoing a fight or altercation
 Habitual violation of school rules (Level II and III only)
 Possession of a narcotic prescription medication (prescription is in student’s name and was not given to school personnel
as required by school policy)
 Possession of a non-narcotic prescription medication (prescription is in student’s name and was not given to school
personnel as required by school policy)
 Possession of a pocket knife with a blade under 3”
 Refusal to go to ISD or ASD
 Skipping school (includes leaving building or never showing up when sent to school)
 Tampering with an alarm system
 Tampering with computer equipment
 Tampering with fire alarms
 Tampering with fire extinguishers
 Tampering with surveillance cameras
 Theft
 Trespassing
 Vandalism,
 Verbal aggression towards a faculty/staff member
 Verbal confrontation with faculty/staff member
 Videoing or possession of a video of an altercation
 Viewing pornographic material.

The consequences for all Level III misconducts vary and are described individually.

Aggressive Behavior
First Violation - Two (2) days out-of-school suspension and parent notification (telephone, email, or letter)
Second Violation - Three (3) days out-of-school suspension three (3) days ISD with parent conference, loss of
all extra-curricular privileges (participation and attendance) for the remainder of the school year or next school
Further Violations - Five (5) days out-of-school suspension and recommendation to alternative setting.

Destruction of School Property

First Violation - One (1) to five (5) days of ISD and restitution
Second Violation - One (1) to five (5) days of out-of-school suspension and restitution.
Further Violations Referral to alternative setting
*Restitution for any and all damages will be required and the student must participate in any cleanup work that is needed
due to the infraction.

Direct Defiance of a Teacher

First Violation - One (1) to three (3) days of ISD and parent notification
Second Violation - Two (2) days of out of school suspension and parent notification.
Third Violation - Three (3) days of suspension and parent conference.
Further Violations – Five (5) days out-of-school suspension and possible recommendation to alternative

Direct Defiance of the Principal or Assistant Principal

First Violation - Two (2) day of out-of-school suspension with a required parent conference
Further Violations - Five (5) days out-of-school suspension and recommendation to alternative setting.

Disrespect to Faculty/Staff
First Violation - Three (3) days ISD and parent notification / possible suspension
Second Violation - Five (5) days ISD and parent conference / possible suspension
Further Violations - Three (3) days out-of-school suspension and request alternative setting or expulsion.

Extreme Vulgarity
First Violation - Three (3) days in ISD and parent notification
Second Violation - Five (5) days in ISD and parent conference
Further Violations - Three (3) days out-of-school suspension and parent conference.

First Violation - Three (3) days of out-of-school suspension and three (3) days in ISD (after the suspension has
been served) as well as parent notification (telephone, email, or letter).
Second Violation - Five (5) days of out-of-school suspension and five (5) days in ISD (after the suspension has
been served) as well as parent notification (telephone, email, or letter).
Further Violations – Referral to PCA.

**Individual consequences for fighting subject to change based on administrative discretion.

* When a fight occurs at any time during the school day or at school sponsored events, the students will be isolated from
other students, reprimanded by the principal or assistant principal and sent home immediately. The consequences for
fighting will begin at the time the student is signed out from school. If the fight resulted in physical harm in the
manner of an assault, or if the fight is pre-meditated, criminal charges may be filed. At any time, the parent
reserves the right to file charges outside the auspices of the school.

Videoing a fight or altercation

First Violation – Three (3) days ISD and possible cell phone violation
Second Violation – Five (5) days ISD, parent notification, and possible cell phone violation
Third Violation – Three (3) days Out-of-School suspension, notification of parent, possible cell phone
violation, and possible referral to Powell County Academy
Possession of any type of Knife with a Blade Under 3”
First Violation - One (1) day out-of-school suspension, two (2) days ISD, and parent notification
Second Violation - Two (2) days out-of-school suspension, three (3) days ISD, and parent notification
Further Violations - Five (5) days out-of-school suspension and recommendation to alternative setting.

Possession of a Prescription Medication (Prescription is in Student’s Name and Was Not Given to School
Personnel as Required by School Policy)
First Violation - Warning, confiscation of medicine by staff, parent notification, and parent must pick up
medicine after school
Second Violation - Two (2) days ISD, and parent notification.
Further Violations - Two (2) days out-of-school suspension and recommendation to alternative setting or
expulsion (per board policy), and parent notification.

Refusal to Go to ISD
First Violation - One (1) day of out-of school suspension and student will serve the imposed day of ISD when
he/she returns form suspension
Second Violation - Two (2) days of out-of school suspension and parent conference, and student will serve two
(2) additional days of ISD when they return from suspension

Skipping School*
First Violation - Two (2) days in ISD and parent notification as soon as the school is aware the students is
Second Violation - Three (3) days in ISD and parent notification
Third Violation - Four (4) days in ISD and parent conference
Fourth Violation - One (1) day suspension, five (5) days ISD and parent conference
Fifth Violation - One (2) day suspension, five (10) days ISD and parent conference
Further Violations Recommendation to alternative setting
*Skipping class is defined as being present at school and not going to a class, but the student remains inside the building.
This is a level II violation and is listed in that section. Once a student leaves the building or skips more than one class, the
student is considered to be skipping school. Skipping school means coming to school and then leaving the building
without permission from school authorities; being sent to school by parents, but never showing up at school; coming on
campus, never entering the building, and then leaving; and also failing to show up for more than one class even though
the student is in attendance at school (even if the student remains inside the building for two periods or more).

Tampering (Intentional) with an Alarm System, Fire Alarms, and/or Fire Extinguishers*
First Violation – Up to five (5) days of out-of-school suspension, notification of parents (telephone, email, or
letter), and possible notification of law enforcement officials
Further Violations – Notification of superintendent, notification of parents (telephone, email, or letter), parent
conference required for student to return to school, notification of law enforcement officials, and possible
referral to PCA.
* Restitution for any and all damages will be required and the student must participate in any cleanup work that is needed
due to the infractions listed above.

Tampering with Computer Equipment and/or Surveillance Cameras*

First Violation – Up to five (5) days of ISD and notification of parents (telephone, email, or letter)
Further Violations - Five (5) days of out-of-school suspension, notification of parents (telephone, email, or
letter) and parent conference required for student to return to school
* Restitution for any and all damages will be required and the student must participate in any cleanup work that is needed
due to the infractions listed above.

First Violation – Up to three (3) days of ISD and notification of parents (telephone, email, or letter)
Second Violation – Up to five (5) days of ISD, parent notification (telephone, email, or letter) and parent
conference required for student to return to school
Further Violations - Two (2) days suspension and parent notification (telephone, email, or letter), and parent
conference required for student to return to school
* Restitution or replacement for any stolen items will be required as well as restitution for any damages to school
property caused by the theft. The student must participate in any cleanup work that is needed as well.
Possession/Use of a Prohibited Item
First Violation – Up to three (3) days of ISD and parent notification
Second Violation – Up to five (5) days of ISD and parent conference required for student to return to school
Further Violations – Up to eight (8) days of ISD, parent notification (telephone, email, or letter) and parent

First Violation – Three (3) days of ISD and parent notification (telephone, email, or letter)
Second Violations – Three (3) days out-of-school suspension, parent notification (telephone, email, or letter)
Further Violations - Referral to alternative placement
* Restitution or replacement for any damages to school property caused by vandalism must be made. The student must participate in cleanup work that
is needed.

Verbal Aggression towards a Faculty/Staff Member

First Violation - One (1) to three (3) days out-of-school suspension and parent notification (telephone, email, or
Second Violation - Three (3) to five (5) days of out-of-school suspension and parent conference.
Further Violations - Referral to alternative setting

Viewing of Pornographic Materials (Includes On-Line Viewing)

First Violation - Three (3) days of ISD, loss of computer use privileges, and parent notification (telephone,
email, or letter)
Second Violation - Five (5) days of ISD, loss of computer use privileges, and parent conference
Further Violations - Five (5) days of ISD, two (2) days of out-of-school suspension and loss of computer
privileges the remainder of the school year

Habitual Violations of School Rules (Level II and Level III Only)

When a student has committed more than five (5) Level II and/or Level III misconducts or has acquired more than ten
(10) days of ISD, then the student is considered to be beyond the control of the school. The principal or assistant principal
may file “Beyond School Control” with the local courts. In lieu of “Beyond School Control” charges, the administration
has the right to request placement an alternative setting if necessary to protect the learning environment of the school.

*Students who habitually violate Level III consequences may receive additional consequences at administrator’s discretion.

Level IV Misconducts/Consequences
 Arson
 Assault and/or battery of another student
 Assault and/or battery of a school employee
 Bomb threat
 Distribution and/or trafficking of alcohol, drugs, look-alike substances, and drug paraphernalia
 Extortion
 Harassment
 Intimidation
 Malicious remarks
 Physical aggression towards an adult
 Possession of a firearm; possession of a knife
 Possession of or selling of stolen property
 Possession of other weapons
 Possession of pornographic material
 Robbery
 Sexual misconduct
 Threats to faculty, staff, or students (non-terroristic threatening)
 Terroristic threatening
 Under the influence of drugs or alcohol at school
 Use or possession of alcohol, drugs, look-alike substances, and drug paraphernalia
 Use of a weapon.
The consequences for all Level IV Misconducts vary and are described individually.

First Violation - Notification of parents (telephone, email, or letter), and notification of law enforcement

Assault and/or Battery of a Another Student

First Violation - Five (5) days of out-of-school suspension, notification of parents (telephone, email, or letter)
and notification of law enforcement authorities

Assault and/or Battery of a School Employee

First Violation – Five (5) to eight (8) days of out-of-school suspension, notification of parents (telephone,
email, or letter), notification of law enforcement authorities, and possible expulsion request to board

Bomb Threat
Refer to District Student Code of Conduct & District Handbook.

Refer to District Student Code of Conduct & District Handbook.

Bullying/ Hazing (09.422)

In order to effectively participate in the democratic process as adults, students must learn to respect the rights of
others and to interact with them in a civil manner. Therefore, students are required to speak and behave in a civil
manner toward students, staff and visitors to the schools. Students that believe they are victims of
bullying/hazing shall inform their teachers and/or school principal to report such incidents and may call the DPP
at the district office if they feel action to resolve the bullying is not being taken care of at the school.
Students who believe they have been a victim of bullying or who have observed other students being bullied
shall, as soon as reasonably practicable, report it to the counselors or administration for an investigation of the
bullying allegation.
The use of lewd, profane or vulgar language is prohibited. In addition students shall not engage in behavior such
as hazing, bullying, menacing, taunting, intimidating, verbal or physical abuse of others, or other threatening
behavior. This policy extends to any/all student language or behavior including, but not limited to, the use of
electronic or online methods. Such behavior is disruptive of the educational process and interferes with the
ability of other students of take advantage to the educational opportunities offered.
These provisions shall not be interpreted to prohibit civil exchange of opinions or debate protected under the
state or federal constitutions where the opinion expressed does not otherwise materially or substantially disrupt
the education process or intrude upon the rights of others.

Refer to definition of bullying in the Student Code of Conduct & District Handbook

Harassment/ Intimidation/Malicious Remarks/Discrimination

Intimidation by threats of, or actual, physical violence; the creation, by whatever means, of a climate of hostility
or intimidation, or the use of language, conduct, or symbols in such manner as to be commonly understood to
convey hatred, contempt, or prejudice or to have the effect of insulting or stigmatizing an individual, due to an
individual’s race, color, national origin, age, religion, marital status, political beliefs, sex, genetics, or disability
is prohibited.

According to Board Policy 09.42811, the following constitute harassment:

Conduct and/or actions including, but not limited to:
1. name calling, stories, jokes, pictures, or objects that are offensive to one’s gender, race, ethnicity,
religion, or disability.
2. unwanted touching, sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and spreading sexual rumors.
3. members of one gender being subjected to sexual remarks of the other gender in the context of the
4. impeding the progress of a student in class by questioning the student’s ability to do the required class
work based on the gender, race, color, religion, national origin, or disability of the student.
5. limiting student access to educational tools, such as computers, based on the student’s gender, race,
color, religion, national origin, or disability of the student.
6. teasing a student’s subject choice or assignment based on the gender, race, color, religion, national
origin, or disability.

First Violation – Up to three (3) days of out-of-school suspension, parent notification (telephone, email, or
letter), notification to law enforcement and harassment documentation filed in student record and reported to
Further Violations – Up to five (5) days out-of-school suspension, parent notification (telephone, email, or
letter), notification to law enforcement and harassment documentation filed in student record and reported to
superintendent, and possible request to the board for expulsion

Physical Aggression towards an Adult; KRS 161.190

All Violations - Notification of parents (telephone, email, or letter), notification of law enforcement authorities

Possession of a Pocket Knife with a Blade 3” or Longer or Possession of a Deadly Weapon Other than Firearm
(KRS 537.010 and KRS 500.080)
All Violations - Notification of parents (telephone, email, or letter), notification of law enforcement authorities

Possession of Pornographic Material

First Violation - Two (2) days of ISD, possible notification of law enforcement authorities, and parent
notification (telephone, email, or letter)
Further Violations – Five (5) days of ISD, possible notification of law enforcement authorities, and parent
notification (telephone, email, or letter)

Possession of or Selling of Stolen Property

First Violation – Up to three (3) days of out-of-school suspension, up to three (3) days ISD, notification of law
enforcement authorities, and parent notification (telephone, email, or letter)
Further Violations - Notification of law enforcement authorities, up to five (5) days of out-of-school

Possession of other Weapons

First Violation - One (1) day out-of-school suspension, two (2) days ISD, and parent notification
Second Violation - Two (2) days out-of-school suspension, three (3) days ISD, and parent notification
Further Violations - Five (5) days out-of-school suspension and recommendation to alternative setting.

Sexual Misconduct
First Violation - Five (5) days of out-of-school suspension, up to (5) days ISD, notification of law enforcement
authorities, and parent notification (telephone, email, or letter)
Further Violations - Notification of law enforcement authorities, and alternative placement

Terroristic Threatening
Refer to The District Student Code of Conduct & District Handbook.
Possession of a Firearm
Refer to The District Student Code of Conduct & District Handbook.

Use of a Weapon*
Refer to The District Student Code of Conduct & District Handbook.




The names of all students in grades nine through twelve (9-12) in the following categories will be placed in
the Testing Pool and be subject to random drug testing:
1. Students participating in any extracurricular activity, including athletics
2. Students who drive to school or park on school property, and
3. Additional students who, with parental consent, volunteer to participate.
Students become eligible once they and their parent/guardian complete a Consent to Test form, which must
be submitted to the appropriate coach, advisor, Principal in charge of parking permits, or Drug Testing

School Bus Safety

Refer to the Student Code of Conduct & District Handbook

Extra-Curricular Activities
Extracurricular Eligibility
Powell County High School makes every effort to offer our students a variety of extra-curricular activities in which our students
can participate. Our school offers the following extra-curricular activities: academic team, baseball, basketball, bass fishing,
cheerleading, cross country, football, golf, softball, track & field and volleyball. In order for any student at Powell County High
School to participate in any extra-curricular activities, the student must meet the following requirements:
1. All students must meet proper credit requirements for each grade level based on the graduation requirements of the
school. The KHSAA (Kentucky High School Athletic Association, telephone 1-859-299-5472) policy on this reads as
follows: “On the first day of school, guidance counselors or other personnel [Athletic Director] should determine
eligibility based on the local school districts [and SBDM council] requirements for graduation.
2. Students must be passing two-thirds (2/3) of their classes at all times to be eligible to participate in any extra-curricular
activity. To verify eligibility, the athletic director or their designee will check extra-curricular student eligibility on every
Friday of the season for each extra-curricular activity that a student is involved. The eligibility will be checked using IC.
The KHSAA policy on this reads as follows: “On a weekly basis, a student shall also be passing [cumulatively for the
credit period] in at least … the equivalent of four hours of instruction acceptable to graduation in order to be eligible to
participate in athletics during the next seven day period (Monday through Sunday) and through the next opportunity to
examine grades in this manner. No special tests or recitations are to be given for the purpose of making the student
3. For all club participation, students must be a full time student at Powell County High School.
4. Students who are involved in extra-curricular activities or programs who do not follow school rules may become
temporarily or completely ineligible to participate in extra-curricular activities.

Grade Level Requirements
In order for a person to be considered on their cohort grade level, and on track to graduate in four years, they must meet the
following yearly requirements:

 To Be Considered a Freshman – Must be promoted from 8th Grade

 To Be Considered a Sophomore – Must acquire 3 high school credits
 To Be Considered a Junior – Must acquire 11 high school credits
 To Be Considered a Senior – Must acquire 19 high school credits

Graduation Requirements

Twenty seven (27) Credits Required by Each Student to Graduate

Dual Credit
Regional universities will offer dual credit courses provided the student qualifies academically. Dual Credit courses allow students
the opportunity to receive college credit and high school credit simultaneously. Students who enroll in AP classes and pass the AP
exam can receive college credit in the particular AP class they’re enrolled. Students must have a minimum GPA of 3.0 and a
composite ACT score of 18 to be enrolled in the Early College Program. Listed below are specific university guidelines for course
placement. Any student enrolled in a dual credit course will receive a weighted GPA for that course.

MSU Biology: Composite ACT 18 and 3.0 GPA

MSU Chemistry: Composite ACT 18 and 3.0 GPA
MSU English: Composite ACT 18 and 3.0 GPA
MSU Geography: Composite ACT 18 and 3.0 GPA
MSU Algebra: Math Score 22 and 3.0 GPA
MSU Trig: Math Score 22 and 3.0 GPA

Students may also enroll in Eastern Kentucky University through EKU Now and be enrolled in freshman level courses. Students
may sign up for other classes but only courses required by the school to complete graduation requirements will be calculated into
the GPA.

Graduation and Senior Activities Participation

Any Powell County High School senior (or student eligible for graduation) with ten (10) or more unexcused
absences, or fifteen (15) or more unexcused tardies to school, will be excluded from the following: senior
breakfast, senior trip (including mini minus), and graduation ceremonies.

General Diploma Requirements (Class of 2020)

Content Area Credits Required Specific Course Names

Language Arts 4 English I, II, III, IV

Social Studies 3 World Civ, Int SS, US History
Mathematics 4 Algebra, Geometry, Alg II, Additional Math
Science 3 Int Science1, Biology, Chemistry
Health and Physical Education 1 Health ½, Physical Education½
Humanities 1
Electives 11

Honors Recognition (Pre-College Curriculum)

Language Arts 4 English I, II, III, IV
Social Studies 4 World Civ, Int SS, US History, Add. SS
Mathematics 4 Algebra, Geometry, Alg II, Adv Math
Science 4 Int Science, Biology, Chemistry,
Additional Science
Health and Physical Education 1 Health ½, Physical Education½
Humanities 1
Foreign Language 2 Spanish I, II
Electives 7

Summa Cum Laude (Class of 2018, 2019, & 20)
4.0 + GPA
4 AP or Dual Credit courses and pre-college curriculum

Magna Cum Laude (Class of 2018, 2019 & 20)

3.7-3.99 GPA
2 AP or Dual Credit Courses and pre-college curriculum

Cum Laude (Class of 2018, 2019 & 20)

3.5-3.69 GPA and pre-college curriculum

The valedictorian will be the student with the highest overall weighted GPA with honors coursework.

Beginning with The Class of 2021, PCHS will no longer recognize Valedictorian distinction but will recognize
different levels of academic achievement based on the following:
Gold V Stole – Summa Cum Laude: GPA greater than 4.0
Silver V Stole – Magna Cum Laude: GPA 3.75 – 4.0
Black V Stole – Cum Laude: 3.5 – 3.749

Teal Cord – Transition Reay

Schedule Changes
The principal, parent, student, and guidance counselor must sign all schedule changes after the first week of school. No schedule
changes will be made after the first six weeks grading period unless approved by the principal.

All teachers at PCHS will use the following grading scale for all assignments. Bonus worked may be assigned at the discretion of
each teacher.

100 – 90 = A
89 – 80 = B
79 – 70 = C
69 – 60 = D
59 – Below = F


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