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The frst step in a hostage situntion

D control


The study of slandards of conduct and moral puagment

a communty lelations

c logic


68 It refers to the commtment,dignty and ath de of an indivdual towands work and Ns integnty and
his practice of the core moral value princip'es

a conduct


b morality

d ethcs

69 Wmich of the following ia not a police custom on courtesy?

a satute

(c giving gifs

b address/ttle

d ccurtesy cal

70 The branch of moral science which treats of the dubes which a police offcer owes to tre publc
and community

a police philosophy

c police conduet

b palice professionalism

d.police ethics
71 It is the essence of good manners,a manfestation ol sportsmanshp and an exposton et gantilty
and culture

a courtesy

c loyalty

b. discpline

d mora'e

72 A mental or moral training that makes a man wling to be subject is controls and reguiatons for
the good of the entire group of which he is a member

a. courtesy

c. loyalty

b discipline

d morae

73 The concealment or distortion cf truth in a mater of fact resevant to one's office or

connected with the performance of h du

a gross misconduct

c dishonesty

b incompetence

d dsloya'ty

74 The doing ether through ignorance.inattenton er maice of that which the police officer
tad no legal right to do at all,as where he acts wthout any authonty whatscever or exceocs gnares or
abuses his powers

a incompetence

c misconduct

b dishonesty

d neglect of cuty

75·The cmission or refusal,without sufficient excuse,to perform an act or duty.which is the afficer's legal
obligation to pertorm

a incompetence
(c.)neglect of duty

D misconduct

d bnbery

76 As a general rule police officers are not permitted or allowed to engage inany other
business of calling

a brbery

c. neglect of duty

d misconduct

77 Police officers shall treat official business as such,and shall not mpart the same to anyone except
those for whom it is interded.of as directed by his superor otficer,or as requred ty law b admsson

a crimnal investigation

c confession

confidential information

78 A voice of reason bidding oneself to avod evil and do good

a. virtue




379.Authonty of a person he exercised over his subord nates

a chain of command

c responsibility

b command responsibility

d command

80..The courage to endure without yielding


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