English Part B-Speech

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Hello everyone,

Today I’m going to be talking about

why it’s important to discern
what the truth is when looking at the media

And why it’s important for the media

to write everything according to the truth

One of the main reasons that it’s good

for the media to tell the truth in their articles
is because people usually believe that
what the media writes is true

So, if the article is a lie

than people will be believing what is said
and potentially spreading lies to other
people, which can have a big impact
on those people who are getting
lied about by the media

Another reason that it’s a bad thing

to tell lies in stories that the media tells
because it can cause havoc & influence
People to dislike or hate something-
Because the media tells them
And if the media is telling them a lie
than the people who believe those lies are
hating someone or something
for no reason

More reasons why it is bad for the media to tell lies

is that it can cause people to stress
when they see the news or the media

An example of this can be seen in what happened

with COVID 19 when people started to panic
buy toilet paper because the media was
showing them that there was no toilet
paper in shops as well as showing
people fighting over it

This causes people to start panic-buying

& this wouldn’t have happened if the media
given an honest account of the toilet paper

Also, it’s not fair to the people reading

or watching the media report to get an
untruthful report and have to panic about-
something that’s actually not really happening

Further to this, a reason the media lies

is because they’ve nothing to report on so they
make up stories that are not actually true
just to get people to view their stories
so they make money
or keep their job.

Some other reasons why it’s bad for the media to

lie is because if one source of media says one
thing and another source says the
opposite than it can confuse people
and then they don't know which
article is true.

The media is out there to help inform people

about what’s going on in the world
not confuse them.

The 3 articles that I chose for part A

of my assignment have some lies in
one of the 3 articles, about the bombing
it says that it’s terribly disrupting to the
lives of families and their children
When it’s actually not disrupting their lives
that much

It’s just making them delay a test

and evacuate for a bit.

Another lie in one of the 3 articles

is that it says that the hacker who sent all the
hoax bomb reports to the schools in 2020
comes from Australia when the hacker
was actually found in London

So that’s why I think the media should tell the truth

so that they do not lie and people do not get
thank you for listening.

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