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Making a Better World Source Analysis

By Noah Dillon

T Type

O Origin

M Motive

A Audience

C context

R Reliability

U Usefulness

Source 1

T- The facts about the slave trade are secondary source.

O- This source was written by Steven Mintz and was found on a website too.
M- The sources motive was to educate the reader about the Atlantic slave trade.
A- The audience is people who want to learn about the Atlantic slave trade and the life after being transported to
C- This source is about the Atlantic slave trade and it is also about slave life after they have been transported
and the death tolls on the ship and during slave life.
R- This source can be considered reliable; its motive was to educate, not mock so it is not biased; it was also
written in hindsight so it had access to all the historical evidence from before it.
U- This source is useful because it is used to educate people about the Atlantic slave trade and how harsh
slavery was after traveling to America. The perspective of the source is a secondary perspective; it is not first-
person perspective the source was written from other informal historical textbooks.

Source 2

T- This source is a drawing on the ships on the Atlantic slave trade.

O- It is a secondary source because it was not drawn on the ships during the events, rather it was actually
illustrated by another person's perspective on what they thought the life of a slave may be like. This source
originated on a website.
M- The motive of this source is to give the reader a chance to see what it would be like aboard a slave ship back
when the Atlantic slave trade was happening.
A- The intended audience was anyone who came on the website to research about the Atlantic slave trade.
C- This drawing is about the slave ships and crew mates checking on the slaves.
R- This source can be trusted because there are lots of facts on the slave ships in text books where he can get
the images from. However, this source can be questioned because it is not a primary source and the illustrator
can add things to the image to make it how they like it so it is not 100% accurate.
U- This source can be useful for the reader to see an image of what it would have looked like aboard a slave
ship. The perspective of the source is secondary because the illustrator got his images of inspiration from
textbooks of a reliable source.
Source 3

T- This source is a movie on a novel written by Solomon Northup by Steve McQueen. It is a secondary source
because it is a recreation of a primary source novel.
O- The origin of this source is a movie by Plan B Productions; it was made in 2013 in American studio.
M- The motive of this film is to educate on the story of Solomon Northup and also to educate about slavery and
the harshness of slavery, and it was also made to entertain the viewers of the film to make it entertaining.
A- The intended audience is anyone who watches the film; it was intended for anyone to watch and who also
wants to know about slavery.
C-it is about Solomon Northup getting kidnapped and living 12 years as a slave and him getting back with his
family again.
R- This source can be reliable because it was based on a true story novel about Solomon Northup. However, we
can question the reliability of this source since the purpose was to entertain so they could have added and
changed stuff to make it more entertaining.
U- This source is useful because it is mostly true and it can show you how bad slavery was back then. It can be
used to educate people about information they need to know. The person in the movie is sad because he was
captured and sold as a slave and he could no longer see his family again.

Source 4

T- This source is an advertisement trying to sell a female slave back in 1797. It is a primary source because it is
a picture taken of the advertisement, therefore, it is a primary source.
O- This source originated in 1797 as an American advertisement, but the image can now be found in the digital
public library of America and can also be accessed through google images.
M- The motive of this source is to try to sell slaves back in 1797 so they put up advertisements to sell the slaves.
A- The intended audience is anyone who wanted to buy a slave back in 1797.
C- This source is about an advertisement trying to sell a 22-year-old slave and her 9-month-old daughter.
R- This source can be reliable because they are trying to sell a slave and, on the advertisement, it says so and,
on the advertisement, also has some true information on it. However, we can question the source because it can
be biased because the seller is trying to make the slave look good so someone will come and buy them.
U- This source would have been useful back then in 1797; it can also be used to inform people of our days that
they used advertisements, but apart from that it is not that useful. The perspective of the source is really anyone
who reads the advertisement

Source 5

T- This source is a painting by Jean Baptiste Depret of an overseer punishing an African slave in Brazil. It was
painted in the 19th century.
O- This source originated in the 19th century.
M- The motive of this source is to give the reader a chance to see how harsh the punishments where back when
slavery happened and how cruel the punishments were.
A- The intended audience is anyone how wanted to see what slavery punishment was back then when slavery
was at its prime.
C- This source is about an African slave being punished in Brazil.
R- This source can be reliable because it is of a true event and there are lots of historical events that back up the
image. However, when can question the reliability because the image came from the illustrator's head and he
could have added things that did not actually happen and the event did not actually take place. The perspective
of this source is the illustrators thought on what punishment was like back when slavery happened.
U- This source is useful because it can educate learners on how harsh and bad the punishments for slaves were.
Source 6

T- This source is an image on the designs of a slave ship that was a part of the Atlantic slave trade. It also shows
how many slaves they could have on board the ship.
O- This source originated of a British slave ship plan in 1789 and can also be found in some modern-day history
M- The motive of this source is to educate the reader on what slave ships looked like and how they would hold
the slaves in the ships. Also, how many slaves they could hold on the ships.
A- The intended audience is people who want to learn about the British slave ships and what they looked like.
C- This source is about how a slave ship stores slaves on the ship and how many slaves they can hold.
R- This source is reliable because it is made to educate so it is not biased. Also, it is of true primary source plans.
U- This source is useful because it shows us how the ships looked and how they held slaves and it is very good
for educational purposes. The perspective of this source is the person who designed the ships plans so the ship
plans come out of their perspective.

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