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bGive in to all of me lerronas demandi

C Comorve your concesson

d.Make sure you got something n retum tor a concestion.

52 The tollowing are qualties whch must be possessed bya polce negotiatar except one

a Bexible (b,imatonal c patent d knows csychalogy

53 A ghenomena in a hostago situaton whers the hostages becorre symsathete to the hotage

a Osio Syndrome bStockho'm Syndrome

c Hostage Syndrome d Helsink Syndrome

54 The following are charactenistcs common to terrorists eicept one

a operate openly b highly mobile

c promote feat d)pessess imied rescurces

55 The following are short range tertorsts goal except one

a obtain money,weapon or equipment

b cause dramatic change in the govemment

c. satisty vengeance

d free prisoners

56 According to Fredenck Hacker,these are terronsts who are using terrorsm to change socety b

a. crusaders d mercenaries

c cnminals

Which of the following is nat a terroristic tacte? D assassinaton

57 a nolse barrage
d kidnapping

c bombing
58 The effective planning formulation of policies,procedures and technques tor ceaing win sudden
violent acts of terrorsts b) Ciss Management

a Threat Analysis d Hostage Negotaton

c.Stress Management

li is a memod whereby an organzed group or party seeks to azheve its avowed ams cniefiy through the
systemate use of volence


a convenbonal wartare b insunectan

c terrorism d insurgency

60.The most important consideraton in a hostage taking stuation b media coverage

a protection cf lite d capture of the hostage taker

c pratecton of property

61 In dealing with the nostage taker,the negotator shoula nct

a. give his name

b give his tank and cesgnation

give in to al demands

d. look friendly or accommodating

62 In a hostage situation.this is a non-negobable tem

a food b meda access

c telephone d frearm

63 The highest ranking feld commander should not also be the chief negetiator because

hostage takers will be afraid

b.he is nat authonzed to grant concessions

of conflict of interest as mediator and decision maker

d hostage takers will not trust him

64 It means to arrange by conferting or discussing

b negonalte

c.extricate d congregate

The last option in a hostage situation b. crowd control

65 a negotiation in to


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