Modelling 3D Scanned Data To Visualise and Analyse The Built Environment For Regeneration

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Surveying and Built Environment Vol 17(2), 7-28 December 2006 ISSN 1816-9554

Modelling 3D Scanned Data

to Visualise and Analyse
the Built Environment for Regeneration
Yusuf Arayici, Andy Hamilton1 and Pedro Gamito2

The renovation and refurbishment market is rapidly expanding in the construction industry. The
regeneration and transformation of cities from the industrial age (unsustainable) to the knowledge
age (sustainable) is essentially a “whole life cycle” process consisting of: planning, development,
operation, reuse, and renewal. Advanced digital mapping technologies are enablers for effective e-
planning, consultation, and communication of users’ views during the planning, design, construction,
and life cycle process of the built environment. Those technologies can be used to enhance productivity
gains by promoting a free-flow of information between departments, divisions, offices, and sites, and
between themselves, their contractors, and partners. Such is the case with the 3D laser scanner,
which enables digital documentation of buildings, sites, and physical objects for reconstruction, and
restoration. It also facilitates the creation of educational resources within the built environment, as
well as the reconstruction of the built environment. The use of a 3D scanner in combination with a 3D
printer provides the transformation of digital data from the captured CAD model back to a physical
model in an appropriate scale - reverse prototyping. The use of these technologies act as key
enablers of the creation of new approaches to the “Whole Life Cycle” process within the built and
human environment for the 21st century. This paper describes the research for building data integration
in the INTELCITIES project undertaken by a European consortium of researchers and practitioners
under the Framework 6 research programme to develop a prototype system for the e-City Platform in
order to pool the advanced knowledge and experiences of electronic government, planning systems,
and citizen participation from across Europe ( The scope includes capturing
the digital data of existing buildings using 3D laser scanning equipment and illustrating of how
digitised building data can be integrated with other types of city data, using nD modelling, to
support integrated intelligent city systems for enhancing the refurbishment process in the built environment.

3D Laser Scanner
Data Integration
Building Modelling
Object Recognition

School of Construction and Property Management
University of Salford, Greater Manchester, UK,
University LusÓfona de Humanidades e Tecnologias, Lisbon, Portugal
Modelling 3D Scanned Data to Visualise and Analyse the Built Environment for Regeneration

INTRODUCTION field. A key objective is to develop existing

systems, such as Geographical Information
Cities are transforming themselves from industrial Systems (GIS), Virtual Reality (VR) tools, and
to post-industrial. This regeneration is seen as a decision support systems for buildings, and to
“Whole life cycle” process of construction employ city planning for use in urban
consisting of: Planning, Development, Operation, regeneration and integrating all with the laser
and Reuse. In regards to cultural heritage, scanner to attain the benefits of working in a
intervention within the areas of historical and holistic environment. The new integrated system
architectural importance, where one finds will facilitate a holistic approach to problems
groupings of monumental and cultural heritage, and thus have a much greater functionality than
is a complex task that implies a great the individual sub systems.
responsibility, since inappropriate restoration can
result in irreversible damage (Yamada and In the next section, the 3D laser scanning
Takase, 2004). Therefore, it is fundamental to technology, its features, advantages, and
have both detailed information and the tools and disadvantages will be explained.
technologies to allow for an ef fective
manipulation and operation of data generated
during the complete life cycle of an historical 3D LASER SCANNER
landscape. TECHNOLOGY
Recently, new instruments were introduced in the
Virtual 3D models of monuments and structures
field of surveying that are able to acquire portions
that have largely disappeared offer great
of land and objects of various shapes and sizes.
potential. The use of 3D digitization and
These instruments, based on laser technology,
modelling in documenting heritage sites has
are commonly known as terrestrial laser scanners.
increased significantly over the past few years.
While laser scanner instruments based on the
This is mainly due to advances in laser scanning
triangulation principle and high degrees of
techniques, 3D modelling software; image-based
precision have been widely used since the
modelling techniques, computer power, and
1980s, TOF (Time of Flight) instruments have
virtual reality (Balletti, et al, 2004), (Arayici and
Hamilton, 2005). The difficulty in visualising 2D been developed for metric survey applications
plans of building elements and components only in the last five years (Bornaz and Rinaudo,
brings about errors in interpreting design 2004, Boehler and Marbs, 2002).
specifications in terms of accuracy, and
completeness. Besides, accessibility is another These types of laser scanners can be considered
major problem encountered by surveyors. A highly automated total stations. They are usually
number of strategies has been set out to improve made up of a laser, which has been optimised
efficiency and the quality of design within the for high speed surveying, and a set of mechanisms
built environment. Capturing and modelling the that allows the laser beam to be directed in space
3D information of the built environment is still a at a range that varies according to the instrument
big challenge. A number of techniques and that is being used. For each acquired point, a
technologies are now in use. These include distance is measured on a known direction: X, Y,
Electronic Distance Measurement (EDM), Global and Z coordinates of a point can be computed
Positioning System (GPS) and photogrammetric for each recorded distance direction. Laser
application, and remote sensing applications. scanners allow millions of points to be recorded
However, the 3D laser scanner comes with a in a few minutes. Because of their practicality and
stronger advantage compared to the above versatility, these kinds of instruments are today
applications, as it is not limited to the surveying widely used in the field of architectural,
Surveying and Built Environment Vol 17(2), 7-28 December 2006 ISSN 1816-9554

archaeological, and environmental surveying hazardous areas. Consequently, it facilitates “virtual

(Valanis & Tsakiri, 2004). refurbishment” of buildings and allows the existing
structure and proposed new services to be seen in
This innovation is significant because it has the an effective manner (Ahmed, et al, 2004).
potential to solve problems that have always been
associated with the design and construction of In the research undertaken for the INTELCITIES
existing buildings with reuse goals. For example, it project, laser scanner technology was
can provide faster, better quality, and more precise brainstormed in a SCRI workshop in October
analysis and feature detection for building surveys. 2004, in a Construct IT workshop in November
Besides, in the built environment, the use of the 3D 2004, and in three interviews with two architects
laser scanner enables digital documentation of from Japan and Spain and one building surveyor
buildings, sites, and physical objects for from the UK. The following potential beneficiaries
reconstruction and restoration. It also enables the is described.
creation of educational resources within the built
environment, including cultural heritage. As a result, this study has potential benefits and
Furthermore, it can provide reverse engineering in practical applications to the construction industry.
construction when existing buildings are It can provide better support for the evaluation and
redeveloped. Producing building design and visualisation of building maintenance works so that
Computer Aided Design (CAD) models and VR informed policies can be effectively targeted. These
models from an existing building by means of the interviews can be supported by other research
laser scanner will facilitate the communication activities, such as the use of 3D laser scanners to
between stakeholders through 3D visualization and mark the construction schedule and as-built progress
facilitate an analysis of the latest conditions of the (Shih and Wang, 2004). The advantages and
buildings. Besides, it has also the potential to disadvantages of this technology are shown in the
accurately record inaccessible and potentially table below (Arayici, et al, 2004).

Table 1: Advantages and disadvantages of 3D laser scanning technology

3D Laser Scanning
Advantages Disadvantages
Applicable to all 2D and 3D surfaces Some systems do not work in sun or rain
Rapid 3D data collection Large 3D data sets require post-processing to produce a
useable output
Very effective due to large volumes of data collected at a Difficulty in extracting the edges examples from indistinct
predictable precision data clouds
Ideal for all 3D modelling and visualisation purposes Output requires manipulation to achieve acceptable
recording quality
3D position and surface reflectance generated can be No common data exchange format currently in use
viewed as an image
Rapidly developing survey technology Difficult to stay up-to-date with developments
Extensive world-wide research and development Hardware expensive and sophisticated software required
currently undertaken to process data

Figure 1: Potential use and benefits of laser scanner in the built environment
Modelling 3Dand

Planning Design Construction Maintenance


• As a communication tool • As a communication tool


Building Services (Professional) (Professional)

- Electricity • As a general check tool of finish
- Air Conditioning (Professional)

- Health & Hygiene

• As a presentation or advertisement • As an easy measurement tool (level • As a communication tool of the spot • As a presentation tool for the
for real estate of design) (Professional) layperson

Interior & • As an easy modeling method to • As a modeling tool of space planning

and Analyse

Workplace explain the structure

• As a tool of explanation for concrete

imaging (client/supplier)
the Built

• As an easy measurement tool (level • As a study modeling (Building • As an alternative of model rooms • As a deterioration measurement tool
Building of first diagnosis) Design) (level of first diagnosis)

- New Construction • As an easy modeling method to • As a communication tool to form


- Renewal explain the structure consensus

by Two

• As a tool to conserve the date of

- Conservation

• As an easy measurement tool (site)


Mixing Approach

• As a tool to experience landscape • As a study modeling (Urban • As a communication tool • As a tool to conserve the data of the
City Planning Design) (Professional) memories, renewal, and history of
• As a tool to examine landscape from
- Wide Area various perspectives • As a communication tool to form city
- Region consensus
- Community • As a communication tool
17(2),15-26 December 2006
7-28 December 2006 ISSN
ISSN 1816-9554


The INTELCITIES (Intelligent Cities) Project is a This section describes the various stages
research and development project that aims to adopted for the elaboration and evaluation
help achieve the EU policy goal of a knowledge process of the building data integration system
society. The INTELCITIES project brings together based on the research undertaken in the
the combined experience and expertise of key INTELCITIES project. The research strategy is a
players from across Europe, focusing on e- case study using a prototyping research
Government, e-Planning and e-Inclusion, e-Land approach. The case studies of the project are
Use Information Management, e-Regeneration, the Jactin House building under refurbishment
Integration and Interoperability, Virtual Urban in East Manchester and the Peel Building on
Planning, etc. ( the campus of the University of Salford. The
goal of the research methodology is to describe
This paper focuses on certain tasks related to a systematic mechanism to achieve the tasks
the laser scanner research in the e-Regeneration as cited in the previous section. The evaluation
work package of the project. These tasks are: process was carried out in four stages, as
illustrated in Figure 2. According to the figure,
 Building data capture: Captures the digital at the first stage, the vision for a conceptual
data of existing buildings using 3D laser system of building data integration is described.
scanning equipment. Shows how this data The concept covers the integration of laser
can be used as an information base to scanner technology with other technologies and
enhance the refurbishment process. systems, such as virtual reality (VR), GIS, CAD,
 Building data integration: Build the concept the nD modelling database, and so on. At the
nD modelling system and relate to other data second stage, the integration of the laser
structures, including relational databases, to scanner technology with CAD systems, VR
illustrate how data can be integrated to toolkits, and 3D printers is further elaborated
support intelligent city systems. on for modelling real world data, such as
buildings, by means of a prototyping technique.
In the next section, the research methodology for At the third stage, the concept of a visual
how to achieve the above tasks will be explained. decision making support system through the
Figure 2 illustrates the research methodology of integration of a laser scanner with GIS is
the rest of the paper, based on which is elaborated on. Last, the research findings and
considered the vision for the use of 3D laser progress on integration with nD modelling
scanners and their integration with various systems database are presented, which explains the nD
to enhance the refurbishment process. modelling database, pattern matching, and
Figure 2: The research methodology that describes the structure of the paper

1. Describe the Vision for the Conceptual System of Building Data Integration

2. Identify the prototyping approach for real world data modelling for integration with 3D printers and VR
equipment according to the vision

3. Describe the system architecture of a Visual Decision Making Support System for the integration of laser
scanners with GIS

4. Identify the Strategy for the integration with an nD modelling database that is described in the vision

Modelling 3Dand Sorptivity
Scanned DataoftoRecycled
VisualiseAggregate Concrete
and Analyse Produced
the Built by Two
Environment forStage Mixing Approach

object recognition approaches for data refurbishment process.

modelling from point cloud data to object-
oriented information. This section describes the The use case diagram in Figure 3 illustrates the
approaches adopted for this process. building data integration system. The use cases
were used for the conceptual modelling of what
the system should do from the user’s point of view.
The Vision of Conceptual System of
It also indicates a number of actors who will be
Building Data Integration
engaged in system. While the implementer
The scope for the conceptual system of building data captures the building data and develops VR
integration in the INTELCITIES project is depicted in models of the buildings, the developer will
Figure 3 below. It includes the integration of laser integrate the VR models of the laser scanned
scanner technology with various systems, such as CAD data with various systems to make it ready for a
systems for 2D and 3D CAD plans, and the use of variety of users for building refurbishment and
the virtual environment tools, such as workbench, a planning. For example, members of the public
VR projection system, a video conferencing system can visualise the model, and the building
for visualisation and communications, along with a surveyor can put the CAD models of the building
3D printing system for prototyping, a GIS for a visual up for refurbishment, while the planning officer
decision making support system, and the nD modelling and heritage manager use 3DGIS (3
repository for storing the Industry Foundation Classes Dimensional GIS) for context and environmental
(IFC) building information. These are produced with analysis and specialist produce physical models
a laser scanning system in a database that embraces from digital models and IFC data for the nD (n
information in various formats for future use during the Dimensional) modelling database.

Figure 3: Use case diagram for the conceptual modelling

3D Laser Scanning

Multiple Scan alignment


<<include>> Generate Polygonal Model

Developing digital building

information Building Surveyor

Feature extraction for CAD

<<include>> implementation

Developer <<include>>

Integration of the Information

integration with the nD Modelling
<<include>> Database Specialist

integration with 3D printer for the
Visualisation Physical building Mod...

Planning Officer

Integration with 3D GIS&VR
system for decision making

Heritage Manager

17(2),15-26 December 2006
7-28 December 2006 ISSN
ISSN 1816-9554

According to the use case model above, when object or building under refurbishment.
the concept of a building data integration system
is implemented, a variety of actors can benefit Regarding architecture and construction,
from the system. For instance, in regards to cultural architects frequently need to determine the “as
heritage, many historical sites are slowly built” plans of building or other structures, such
deteriorating due to exposure to the elements. as industrial plants, bridges, and tunnels. A 3D
Although remedial efforts can reduce the rate of model of a site can be used to verify that it was
destruction, a digital model of the site will preserve constructed according to specifications. When
it indefinitely. Models of historical artefacts also preparing for a renovation or a plant upgrade,
allow scientists to study the objects in new ways. the original architectural plans might be
For example, archaeologists can measure artefacts inaccurate, if they exist at all. A 3D model allows
in non-contact fashion, which is useful if an object an architect to plan a renovation and test out
is fragile. Also, digital models allow objects to various construction options.
be studied remotely, saving time and travel
expenses and enabling more archaeologists to In regards to engineering, the process of modelling
study them. Besides, the heritage manager and from reality offers an efficient alternative for
planning officer can utilise the system by using engineers and surveyors. For example, engineers
the building information captured by means of a can use the information that is converted into IFC
laser scanner in the decision making process and in the building life cycle for regeneration.
verifying the coherence between cultural heritage
and city planning interventions. Often the The following section describes the integration
materials, constructive pathologies, and systems of laser scanner technology into 3D printer and
are insufficient or deficient for archiving and the Virtual Environment tools.
sharing of information in the documentation of
historic buildings, sites, and objects for Real world data modelling
The main purpose of the conceptual model
In regards to deformation and inspection, described above is to help one think about real
bridges, for example, need to be surveyed world problems. The same dimensions of
periodically to determine whether significant integration in the conceptual model can be
settling or other movement has occurred. A 3D implemented by using the BUHU (Research Institute
model of the site allows engineers to make the of Built and Human Environment) equipment.
same measurements with the equivalent accuracy
in a fraction of the time. The spatial data can be obtained by using a
3D scanner. By post-processing the captured
With regards to reverse and rapid prototyping, spatial data, outputs for different purposes can
modelling from reality can be used to reverse be obtained, such as CAD modeling, physical
engineer real objects, for which a CAD model modeling by prototyping, and visualization on
may not be available or has never existed. The different platforms. It is depicted in Figure 4.
process of modelling from reality imports the real The use of these technologies is a key enabler in
world objects into the computer environment, the creation of an integrated system to capture,
creating a digital model that can be edited with process, and display 3D information.
a CAD program and then creating a physical
model of the same object. This will be useful for For example, these technologies can be used
the communication between the stakeholders in for civil engineering and environmental analysis.
the refurbishment process, in particular the client It permits the user to acquire irregular point clouds
and architect, and for the publicity of the real of land areas, rivers, and infrastructure in a fast

Modelling 3Dand Sorptivity
Scanned DataoftoRecycled
VisualiseAggregate Concrete
and Analyse Produced
the Built by Two
Environment forStage Mixing Approach

Figure 4: Integration of spatial data with 3D printer and the virtual environments

and cheap way. The use of raw laser scanner a variety of errors regarding the accuracy and
data requires orientation and filtering procedures the actual design of a building due to a wrong
to generate a 3D model of the surveyed object. assumption or judgement.
It is possible to automatically derive a set of
geometric information from this 3D model that is The use of a 3D laser scanner has the potential
useful for a variety of particular engineering and to benefit building surveyors and their clients in
environmental applications, such as dense Digital terms of accuracy, speed, and productivity in plan
Terrain Model (DTM) generation, sections and preparation, and then to extend the range of
profiles, contour maps, volumes, and so on services offered through modelling applications.
(Bornaz, et al, 2002). The output of feasibility studies would improve
immeasurably through modelling in areas, such
Integration of spatial data can also provide faster, as those concerning disabled access and fire
better quality, and more precise analysis and safety. With current demand for whole life
feature detection for building surveys (Arayici, costing, asset management planning, and
et al, 2004). One of the major problems that database application, building surveyors are
building sur veyors have encountered is called upon to link information in CAD files to
inaccessibility. That is to say, on some occasions, database files. The possibility of linking this
they have to measure the details of building and information to 3D models would suggest all sorts
relevant architectural details on the walls for of additional benefits. For example, producing
example, particularly when developing elevation a computer model of historical building with 3D
plans. In these circumstances, building surveyors laser scanner technology can only take a week,
are required to estimate the measurements of and this includes scanning the interior and exterior
these details, which is very much likely to involve of a building in two days and post-processing

17(2),15-26 December 2006
7-28 December 2006 ISSN
ISSN 1816-9554

the point cloud data in three days. For this work, and co-planar surfaces with different distances
only two people would be required to both and depths are defined according to the
complete the initial scans and post-process the model’s facade. Some planes are parallels
raw data. Consequently, this technology is to the model and others perpendicular. Next,
significantly faster and more effective than any vertices on the corresponding surfaces are
other surveying application in use. However, the selected and projected to the co-planar
post-processing part may continue depending surfaces previously defined. With this process
on the end product sought. For example, if it is of projection of points onto the co-planar
aimed at rapid prototyping, another two weeks surfaces, the edges are also defined. Then,
of work will be necessary to complete it. the mesh model is optimised to rectify the
imperfection in the triangulation that existed
Rapid Prototyping in the initial model. Cross-sections are inserted
The term rapid prototyping refers to a class of into the co-planar surfaces to obtain the feature
technologies that automatically construct physical lines of the model. Last, the cross-sections are
models from Computer Aided Design (CAD) exported in dxf and then imported into
data. These “three dimensional printers” allow Microstation. The result in Microstation is a
designers to quickly create tangible prototypes regular 3D CAD model of the building.
of their designs, rather than just two dimensional
pictures. Such models have numerous uses. They 2) Convert the CAD model to STL format:
make excellent visual aids for communicating To e s t a b l i s h c o n s i s t e n c y, t h e S T L
ideas with co-workers or clients. In addition, (Stereolithography) format has been adopted
prototypes can be used for design testing. There as the standard of the rapid prototyping
are research activities in rapid prototyping for industry. This format represents a three-
the reverse engineering and design of buildings dimensional surface as an assembly of planar
in particular historic buildings. For example, Alves triangles. The STL file contains the coordinates
and Bartolo (2006) proposed integrated of the vertices and the direction of the outward
computational tools for virtual and physical normal of each triangle. Because STL files
automatic construction using the human vision use planar elements, they cannot represent
approach and 2D photos for 3D computer curved surfaces precisely. Increasing the
modelling. However, in this paper rapid number of triangles improves the
prototyping is conducted in accordance with the approximation, but at the cost of bigger file
ground-based 3D laser scanner data. size. Large, complicated files require more
time to pre-process and build, so a designer
Although several rapid prototyping techniques must balance accuracy with manageability
exist, all employ the same basic five-step process. to produce a useful STL file. Since the .stl
These steps are as follows: format is universal, this process is identical to
all of the rapid prototyping techniques.
1) Create a CAD model of the design: First, the
object to be built is modelled using a 3) Slice the STL file into thin cross-sectional layers:
Computer Aided Design (CAD) software In the third step, a pre-processing program
package, such as Microstation, which is used prepares the STL file to be built. Several
together with Polywork point cloud modeller programs are available, and most allow the
in order to create a CAD model from the laser user to adjust the size, location, and
scanned data of real objects, such as buildings. orientation of the model. The pre-processing
software slices the STL model into a number
First, a model is lined up against the reference of layers from 0.001 mm to 0.07 mm thick,
for the coordinate system of Polywork software depending on the build technique. The

Modelling 3Dand Sorptivity
Scanned DataoftoRecycled
VisualiseAggregate Concrete
and Analyse Produced
the Built by Two
Environment forStage Mixing Approach

program may also generate an auxiliary 5) Clean and finish the model: The final step is post-
structure to support the model during the processing. This involves removing the prototype
construction. Supports are useful for delicate from the machine and detaching any supports.
features, such as overhangs, internal Some photosensitive materials need to be fully
cavities, and thin-walled sections. cured before use. Prototypes may also require
minor cleaning and surface treatment.
4) Construct the model one layer on top another:
The fourth step is the actual construction Figures 5 to 10 show the Jactin House example,
of the part. Using one of several which is the case study building in East
techniques, rapid prototyping machines Manchester, for VR models produced from the
build one layer at a time from polymers or building data captured by the 3D Laser scanner
powdered metal. and CAD models extracted from the VR models.

Figure 5: 12 scans were conducted around Jactin house; the picture below is one of the scans

Figure 6: The individual scans are processed to create the VR model below

Surveying and Built Environment Vol 17(2), 7-28 December 2006 ISSN 1816-9554

Figure 7: Using co-planar surfaces and creating sharp edges from curves in the model in Figure
6, the CAD model below is developed using Polyworks modeller and Microstation

Figure 8: Polygonal models for printing can be generated from the CAD model above

Figure 9: The images below are samples of the Jactin House model

Modelling 3D Scanned Data to Visualise and Analyse the Built Environment for Regeneration

Figure 10: Peel building data captured by the laser scanner is textured and presented

The sequence of figures from Figure 5 to Figure In the next section, another dimension of the
10 also illustrates the process of data from real integration of a laser scanner with GIS will be
world to digital modelling and to physical discussed for a Visual Decision Making Support
modelling, which is one of the dimensions of System in regeneration.
integration between the laser scanner and the
3D printer depicted in the conceptual model of
An Approach for a Visual Decision
building data integration system in Figure 3.
Making Support System
As illustrated in Figure 4, the system can collect The aim of this section is to describe a framework
data from the real world and manipulate it for that includes a geospatial database, such as the
integration. For example; the geometric information nD modelling database, the 3D laser scanner,
can be obtained using a 3D scanner. By editing and a series of analytical tools that will enable
and integrating the data, a model of the object various stakeholders in the regeneration process
(building/urban area) could be created to be used to make decisions relating to building maintenance
in the decision-making process. The model can be works (Ahmed, et al, 2004). This framework is
presented in different ways, for example, as a depicted in Figure 12, and includes:
physical model or VR projection system for reverse
and forward prototyping, which is shown in Figures 1) The development and population of a geo-
5, 6, 7, 8, and 9. An example of visualization in spatial project database with the digital data
the VR projection system is illustrated in Figure 10. of existing buildings captured with laser
scanning equipment.
This implementation depicted in Figure 10 is the
dimension of integration of the laser scanner with 2) The analysis of complex building information
the VR environment tools shown in the concept maintenance options within a knowledge
model of building data integration system in repository environment, in which digital
Figures 3 and 4. building data that was captured by the laser

Surveying and Built Environment Vol 17(2), 7-28 December 2006 ISSN 1816-9554

scanner is retrieved with a 3D GIS system for some of the attributes (e.g. component supplier
the analysis. information) made available through the
communication layer.
3) The visualisation of project information through
a range of different interconnected graphic GIS software will be used to generate and
windows. The laser scanner VR model can analyse thematic developments relating to the
be visualised on different platforms. building properties and associated refurbishment
management strategies. Such software will
The geospatial database describes the retrieve the building information from the
geometries of both the building frame and its database through the communications layer,
components. Simple open geometric descriptions which provides users situated in various locations
are used, but each entry will also be associated with access to the database.
with the data on inventory information, such as
name, supplier, date installed, replaced, number The VR environment will be created in a Virtual
of replacements, etc (Ahmed, et al, 2004). Reality Modelling Language (VRML) interface.
The systems are developed based on the sharing
The system will enable the capture of geo-spatial of construction information via a central object
data using a laser scanner. This data will be orientated project database. Typically, the CAD
processed and building frame and components application allows a user to create and
will be determined in a CAD environment. manipulate the components of a facility. The
Inventory information relating to each frame and components are stored as instances of classes
component will also be captured within the in an object-oriented database. These instances
relational structure of the database. Such are read by the VRML interface in order to create
information will be accessible in real-time with a 3D view of the facility, which gives the user a

Figure 11: Structure of a visual decision making support system

Modelling 3D Scanned Data to Visualise and Analyse the Built Environment for Regeneration

better environment for navigation and Figure 12 shows the n-dimensional conceptual
walkthrough. Therefore, the results of the spatial urban data model. Entities such as ‘road, railway,
analysis obtained within the 3-D GIS environment pollution, and IFC Building’ have been
can be evaluated in real-time with the options of described. The core of the conceptual data
viewing building refurbishment alternatives model is the abstract entity of ‘administrative
(Mahdjoubi and Ahmed, 2004). boundary’. An administrative boundary is
defined as the limit of responsibility area. A
In the next section, the research methodology ‘country’ could be the largest administrative area.
for the actual development and implementation Countries are composed of counties, cities,
of the conceptual system of building data districts, and parcels. A parcel can also be
integration will be described. divided into smaller units called ‘partition
parcels’. The attributes of the administrative
boundary are all inherited by these sub classes.
Integration with the nD modelling
The ‘administrative boundary’ classes, such as
countries, counties, cities, districts, and parcels,
The building data captured by the laser scanner have relations with geographical entities, such
is processed to generate information that will be as roads, railways, water elements, heritage
stored in the nD modelling database in IFCs elements, etc. A parcel may have a building on
(Industry Foundation Classes). The information it. IFCs were used to model the building related
stored in the database will be available for the data. An administrative boundary may also
decision making process and be reused in the attract crime and pollution. A city, a parcel, or
refurbishment process in the future. To make a user-defined boundary unit may be selected
progress in modelling, conversion issues of 3D for the air, noise pollution simulations (Tanyer, et
scanned data need to be solved. There are certain al, 2005a, 2005b).
barriers related to laser scanner data. For example,
there are no standard formats for the distribution
of scanned data. This leads to issues relating to
compatibility, the exchange of information, and
data archiving. These barriers can be overcome
through data conversion from scanned data to
standard data formats such as IFC (IFC2x2,
2005). Once this conversion is achieved, it is
time to store this information characterised by IFC
schema in the nD modelling database.

In this section, the integration concept with the

nD modelling database will be elaborated on.
The nD modelling database is a multi-dimensional
data storey to keep information for various
systems in the building life cycle. The aim of the
database development is to design, build, and
evaluate the components of an interactive virtual
urban planning environment as part of the e-
City platform. The nD modelling database is the
base of this interactive virtual urban planning
environment (Hamilton, et al, 2005).

Surveying and Built Environment Vol 17(2), 7-28 December 2006 ISSN 1816-9554

Figure 12: Conceptual urban data model (Source: Tanyer, et al, 2005)

Modelling 3D Scanned Data to Visualise and Analyse the Built Environment for Regeneration

From 3D Scanned Data to nD Modelled Data processes such as shape, sides, width, height,
The research to date about object recognition thickness, line type, line thickness, line colour,
from the laser scanned data has focused on a and so on. Besides the automatic feature
pattern matching approach. Pattern Matching recognition, users can also input further criteria
addresses issues of searching and matching into the matching process. However, this process
strings and more complicated patterns, such as is being completed manually in Microstation
trees, regular expressions, graphs, point sets, and Triforma for now because the pattern matching
arrays (Johnson, 2002). The diagram below algorithm definition is still under investigation.
shows the pattern matching approach in the The IFC building model of Jactin House is
INTELCITIES project for object recognition from presented in Figure 14.
the laser scanned data.
Microstation triforma employs a single building
3D CAD models using semi-automated model concept. All information about a building
techniques were extracted from the polygonal is recorded in a 3D model. Traditionally, a given
mesh model developed in the laser scanner door in a building would be drawn in at least
system. The extracted CAD model is presentable three or four places (plan, building elevation,
in any commercial CAD software. According to building section, interior elevation, etc). In the
Figure 13, the pattern matching interface being single building model, it is constructed once and
designed will invoke the 3D CAD model to its these various drawings are later extracted
display screen. Highlighting any building frame automatically. The single building model requires
in the model will enable the pattern matcher to building objects, which are defined, edited, and
define geometric features as criteria for matching stored in the triforma library.

Figure 13: Data Conversion approach for laser scanned building data

Laser scanner Produces 3D CAD 3D CAD

system Model

Invoke the

Search, match, and retrieve

object attributes in the library
Triforma Pattern matching
Object Library interface

Assign the object attributes to the 3D

CAD Model

Save and store

nD Modelling the model in the IFC data model Object-Oriented
database CAD Model

Surveying and Built Environment Vol 17(2), 7-28 December 2006 ISSN 1816-9554

The pattern matcher will access the triforma the pattern matcher matches the frame to triangle-
library with the criteria to do “search and match”. 1, triangle-2, triangle-3, and triangle-4. The
Two different types of matching can be done: 1) constraint (value <4) limits the value of sides to
the exact pattern matching, and 2) the less than 4.
approximate pattern matching. Exact pattern
matching consists of finding the exact pattern. In In respect to variable types of pattern form,
the case of approximate pattern matching, it is patterns may also include variable references.
a generalisation of the pattern sought and a Variables in patterns can be used to relate values.
determined number of differences between the The first occurrence of a variable in a pattern
pattern sought and the objects found in the library causes the value in a frame to be bound to that
is allowed. variable. The second occurrence forces a
constraint that the value will be equal to the value
There will be three types of pattern form: simple, bound to the variable. For example, pattern
constrained, and variable. All three forms can (width a, height a) describes objects with widths
be accommodated by the pattern matcher equal to their heights.
interface. However, the pattern matcher will
handle them differently to improve efficiency. Variables may also be used in constraints to relate
Simple patterns are simple matches on values. values through more complex relations than
The pattern describes which values must be simple equality. For example, pattern (width a,
included in the search. For example, the pattern height {value >a}) describes objects with heights
matcher tries to match an instance of a square greater than width. Variables may also be used
(a frame) and it finds square-1, square-2, square- to relate values across patterns. Since each
3, and square-4, which are all the squares in pattern refers to values in a single frame, relating
the example database. values across frames requires multiple patterns
(Yates, 2004). The function, multiple-pattern
In case of a constrained pattern form, it is possible match, searches for frames that match a set of
to specify a constraint on a value instead of a related patterns. The multiple-pattern match returns
specific value. To do so, a function to be a list of sub-lists in which the sub-lists contain the
provided will test the constraint. For example, value of the variables followed by the frames

Figure 14: The building details are defined as triforma objects

Modelling 3D Scanned Data to Visualise and Analyse the Built Environment for Regeneration

that match each pattern within the set. The IFC is an international data standard model for
variables can also be related across frames with information sharing and interoperability in the
constraints. For example, pattern (width a, construction industry. On the other hand, IFG
height {value >a}, sides 4) describes all objects also makes it possible to communicate relevant
with heights greater than the width and with 4 intelligent information from various GIS
sides. standards to CAD systems using IFC (Wang
and Hamilton, 2005).
As a result of various matching processes, object
recognition can be worked out for the interested In the INTELCITIES research programme, we
building frames in the 3D CAD model. Attributes have an approach for object recognition through
of the objects matched in the library will be assigned the simultaneous recognition of multiple objects
to the building frame in the CAD model, which in the scenes of polygonal mesh models
result in the building frames to be defined as building produced from the laser scanner point cloud
objects. Subsequently, an object-oriented (OO) data, which contains clutter and occlusion.
CAD model will be obtained. This OO CAD model Recognition is based on matching surfaces by
will be mapped into IFC schema to be saved and matching points using spin image representation.
stored in the nD modelling database. Spin imaging is a data level descriptor that is
used to match surfaces represented as a surface
The Object Recognition Approach mesh (Johnson and Hebert, 1999). Figure 15
To progress in the area of modelling, conversion below describing the process of object
issues of 3D scanned data need to be solved. recognition from the laser scan data was
The general problems of 3D data integration developed based on a spin image definition from
in the built environment were considered by Johnson and Hebert (1998, 1999).
Wang and Hamilton (2005). This section
specifically addresses the problem of object Through surface matching, an object can be
recognition. This is important in realizing the identified in a scene of laser scanned data by
visualization of 3D models of the built comparing a targeted surface to an object
environment because visualization will be surface stored in a database. When the object
undertaken with the real characteristics and surface is matched, an interrelation can be
features of real world objects, as opposed to established between something known (the
raw 3D models of laser scanned data, which object) and something unknown (the scene of
is difficult to handle for many visualization laser scanned data). As a result, information
software applications due to large file sizes. about the world is acquired.
As a result, data modelling and analysis of laser
scanned data can also be done more effectively Surface matching is based on matching
and precisely. This also facilitates the use of individual surface points in order to match
CAD and GIS software, which will not normally complete surfaces (Johnson and Hebert, 1999).
support raw scanned 3D models. By matching points, the problem of surface
matching is broken down into many smaller
There are certain barriers. For example, there localized problems of point matching. As a
are no standard formats for the distribution of result, matching points provides a method for
scanned data. This leads to issues relating to handling clutter and occlusion in surface
compatibility, the exchange of information, and matching without first segmenting the scene.
data archiving. These barriers can be overcome Clutter points on one surface will not have
through data conversion from scanned data to matching points on the other, and occluded
a standard data format, such as IFC (IAI, 2004) points on one surface will not be sought on the
or IFG (Industry Foundation Classes for GIS). other (Ullman, et al, 2002).
Surveying and Built Environment Vol 17(2), 7-28 December 2006 ISSN 1816-9554

Figure 15: Object recognition from the laser scanner system

VR model of Produce scene API (does object Produce scene Object

a building spin image recognition spin image database

Match the scene spin image

with the object spin images

Assign the objects from object

spin images to the corresponding
elements in the scene spin image

Write the recognised Write the recognised

object into IFC schema objects into IFG schema

Store the data in Store the data in

the database the database

nD modelling database

To differentiate among points, 2D images were then established between the selected
associated with each point were constructed. point and the points with the best matching spin
Oriented points, which are 3D points with images on the other surface. This procedure
associated directions, were used to create spin was repeated for many points until there were
images. An oriented point was defined at a a sizeable number of set point correspondences.
surface mesh vertex using the 3D position of the The point correspondences were then grouped
vertex and surface normal at the vertex. The and the outliers eliminated using geometric
surface normal at a vertex was computed by consistency.
fitting a plane to the points connected to the
vertex by the edges at the surface mesh (Johnson This surface matching can be extended to object
and Hebert, 1998, 1999). recognition as follows. Each object in the object
database is represented by a polygonal mesh.
According to Figure 15, the polygonal model Before recognition, the spin images for all
mesh was invoked by the API (Application vertices on all models were created and stored.
Programming Interface) to be developed in At recognition time, a scene point was selected
order to create a scene spin image based on a and its spin image was generated. Next, its
selected scene oriented point. At the same time, spin image was correlated with all the spin
the system will access the object database to images from all the objects. The best matching
create spin images for each object model in model spin image will indicate both the best
the database, and these spin images are stored matching model and model vertex after
in a spin image stack. Point correspondences matching many scene spin images to model

Modelling 3D Scanned Data to Visualise and Analyse the Built Environment for Regeneration

spin images. The result was a simultaneous described. The research undertaken in the project
recognition and localization of the objects that for 3D laser scanner technology mainly focused
existed in the scene (Stein and Hebert, 2005). on data capture, modelling, and integration.
Case studies of Jactin House and the Peel
The following step is to assign and populate Building were given as examples for CAD and
objects to the corresponding elements in the VR modelling and integration with other
scene of the laser scanner VR mesh model. In technologies, such as the 3D printer and VR
the end, a new VR model is an object-populated projection system. Furthermore, the potential
mesh model. The following step is to write these benefits of using a 3D laser scanner were
objects at the scene into the IFC schema at addressed. Last, an approach to object
building scale or IFG schema at city scale (Wang recognition for object-oriented data modelling
and Hamilton, 2005). IFC-enabled CAD from the 3D scanned data was discussed. The
software assists professionals when they plan a benefits of this approach were noted. For
building or an area with buildings by supplying example, providing information in standard
an attribute information type of window, cost formats, such as IFC and IFG on the built
and performance, directly connected to the 3D environment using the laser scanner through
model. For larger scale integrated data, it is object recognition approach, will enable one
also necessary to extract parts of the site and to communicate with other city and building
building information (in IFC form) and make it systems, including CAD and GIS systems.
available in GIS standards.
Generally speaking, the present use of laser
The information characterised by either the IFC scanners in the built environment was criticised
schema or IFG schema will be stored in the nD as being too laborious and time consuming.
modelling (Lee at al, 2003) database. The nD However, the approaches explained in this
modelling database is a multi-dimensional data paper can lead to answers for overcoming these
storey for keeping information for various systems issues, and it is envisaged that when the data
at the building scale and urban scale. This is an conversion problems are solved according to
ongoing progress, and the focus of future work the methods explained in this paper, the use of
will be on the algorithm definition of object laser scanner VR models can be developed
recognition for data conversion from scanned quickly, which will make it feasible for intelligent
data to nD modelled data. visualizations to be produced for a wide range
of applications.

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Surveying and Built Environment Vol 17(2), 7-28 December 2006 ISSN 1816-9554

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