Hosting Script

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A very good afternoon to everyone and welcome to Matthew and Mariel’s wedding reception.

story about the couple)
In behalf of the couple Thank you for taking time to be part of this journey of love, in the midst of the
pandemic. We are honored and privileged to be invited to take part in this celebration and witness of
the love of Matthew and Mariel as they become one in this time.
My name is Margaux, sister of the bride and I have been asked by our lovely couple to be your emcee
and once again, they would like to extend their gratitude for attending their celebration of love tonight.
To officially start our program, let us call our set of principal sponsors.
As I call your names, please stand and wave so all our guests can recognize you! Ladies and gentlemen,
it is with great honor that we now introduce to you the young at heart and spirit, the gracious principal
sponsors who stood witness to the couple as they took their vows.
Principal Sponsors
Mr. Manuel Wong and Mrs. Consuelo Wong
Mrs. Alice Garcia
Dra. Patricia Tan
All of you are so beautiful and handsome.

We would like to acknowledge other principal sponsors: Mr. Ke Yu Ang, Comm. Kelvin Lester King
Lee and Mrs. Dorothy Bangayan Lee, and Engineer Danny Gotianuy

Ladies and gentlemen, our most distinguished set of principal sponsors. A round of applause. Thank
you for making time to be with us.

Parents of the Couple

Now, we would want to acknowledge and put our hands together for the mother and father of the bride.
As you all know, they day your little girl gets married is the happiest day, right? Let’s give a warm
applause to Mrs. Teresita Chen and Mr. Jackson Chen, parents of the bride.

And now, let’s have the father and mother of the groom, who look so happy and proud. Let’s welcome
Mrs. Lily Yu and Mr. Rudy Yu, parents of the groom. A big hand for them!

And now, we say hello to the ENTOURAGE

To the little hands that shared their precious time with the couple: Ring bearer: Master Vince
Michaelson Ngo Go;
the Flower Girl: Miss Misha Vianne Ngo Go. Thank you, our little entourage.

To the handsome best man, who is the brother of the groom, Mr. Mark Rainier Chua See Yu.
And the Maid of Honor, cousin of the bride, Ms. Shane Nathalia Jariol Co. You guys look amazing


From where I stand, it is evident in everyone’s faces that they are excited to meet the couple who
became one. But first, may we request the lights to be dimmed and let us focus on the video wall. Let’s
watch this.

Entrance of Bride and Groom

And now, the big moment. Ladies and gentleman, it is my pleasure to introduce to you for the very first
time Mariel and Mariel as husband and wife. Let us stand and welcome the pair who just entered the
world of marriage. Let us give a resounding applause to our bride and groom, Mrs. Mariel Yu and Mr.
Matthew Yu!

Congratulations and best wishes to the both of you! We all wish you to be blessed by our Heavenly

Thank you very much and let us all be seated now. Truly, this momentous event marks a milestone of
two hearts beginning a lifelong commitment. How beautiful it is.

Mother and Son Dance

And now, we would like to grace the dance floor with Matthew with the first woman in his life, his
mother. May we request for Mrs. Lily Yu, mother of the groom to share a dance with Matthew. This
song is a special song picked for you from Matthew.


Such a tender moment. Let’s clap our hands for Mrs. Lily Yu, mother of the groom and Matthew.

Father and Daughter Dance

And now, let’s have all eyes on Mariel, as she shares a dance with her father, Mr. Jackson Chen. They
look like they’re both ready for the father and daughter dance. As one of the lyrics of the song says, “I
loved her first and I held her first. And a place in my heart will always be hers… it’s still hard to give
her away. I loved her first.” Truly, a father’s love runs deep.

I remember my own wedding, dancing with my dad too. Very heartfelt. Thank you, Papa for taking care
of Mariel and I. Let’s clap our hands for, Mr. Jackson Chen, father of the bride as he hands Mariel to
Matthew for the couple’s first dance.
First Dance
Tonight is indeed a special night and will be forever etched in the memory of Matthew and Mariel. On
this joyful beginning, what could be more fitting than to celebrate it with their first dance. Ladies and
gentlemen, Mr. and Mrs. Yu with their first dance.

Cake Cutting and Wine Ceremony

Let’s give a warm applause to the couple. So now, may we request the newly weds to head towards the
cake. No diet for you guys today. In every wedding reception, there is always the cutting of the
wedding cake which actually symbolizes something. Aside from symbolizing the couple’s shared future
as one maybe sprinkled with loved and sweetness just like the cake, the bride putting the cake and
serving to the groom marks the duty of the bride to take care of the family. The sharing of food
symbolizes the couple’s willingness to fulfill each other’s needs.

To symbolize and celebrate the blending of your two lives into one, the newly weds will toast wine.
The arms of the couple will intertwine as they drink wine.



It is said that a successful marriage involves three people. The husband, the wife and God at the center.
Let us give thanks to the one who made all this possible. The author of life and love, our one true God.
To lead us in prayer, and to say grace before meals, let us welcome. Reverend Alexander Uy.


Thank you, Reverend Alexander Uy.

Ladies and gentlemen, the food is actually now ready and dinner will commence shortly. At this point,
the coordinators will approach your table for your cue to proceed to the location of the couple for
pictorial. Right after that, you may line up at the buffet counter to get dinner. Kindly wait for the
coordinators to approach your table.


As you enjoy your meals, let us be inspired with the mesmerizing voice of the bride’s uncle as he
renders these songs. Let’s all welcome, Michael Chen.

We truly appreciate you, Uncle Mike for preparing the song. We felt your emotions there.

Now, let us be energized with a quick game. This will be 1 out of our 3 games. Walang aalis ah. Take
note: the bride loves games and trivia: she hosts and plans games in her preschool classes and at church.

Again, we will have 3 games. The third game is the ULTIMATE-MOST SPECIAL GAME and the two
tables that can participate in that game is the winner of the first game and the winner of the second
game. Again, the tables that will participate in the last game is the winner of the first and second game.

So, for our first game!


Very simple. There are 3 statements about the couple and ONE OF THEM IS NOT TRUE. (repeat)
Each table will raise the letter you think is not true about them. And if you got the right answer, you
move on but if you get the wrong answer, sorry, you will be eliminated. And I will say 3-2-1, you have
to raise the card already.

A. Mariel is a teacher
B. Matthew is an engineer
C. They both graduated in the year 2011-

A. Matthew loves to play bowling

B. Mariel loves to play badminton
C. Both of them are good swimmers-

A. Matthew and Mariel first met at SM Megamall--

B. Matthew and Mariel love to watch movies
C. Matthew and Mariel both have 1 sibling

A. Mariel is older
B. Matthew is younger
C. They are of the same age-

A. Matthew and Mariel have been a couple for 5 years

B. Matthew and Mariel have been a couple for 6 years-
C. Matthew and Mariel got engaged last August

A. Matthew shops at Lazada more

B. Mariel shops at Shopee more
C. Mariel also shops at Zalora-

A. They both went to Hong Kong together with family-

B. They both went to Japan together with family
C. They both went to Korea together with family

A. One of them has a pet dog

B. One of them has a pet cat-
C. One of them has a pet fish

A. Both of them like Mc Donalds-

B. Matthew likes Jollibee
C. Mariel likes KFC

A. Matthew worked at Cathay Pacific before

B. Matthew worked at BDO before-
C. Mariel never transferred work


Growing Up Slideshow
Ladies and gentlemen, may we request everyone to fix your eyes on the video screen again and take a
look at the couples’ pictures growing up. A glimpse of their lives before they found each other, and
how they’ve transformed and blossomed to who they are now.

To check if all of you watched. Who had more pictures? Haha. Just kidding. We have another real game
once more.

Our second game is: GUESS WHO

You will be given 3 cards which says: MR, MRS and MR. & MRS. You will raise the card which you
think best describes the answer. Is it both MR. MRS or MR or MRS. Again, when I say 3-2-1, please
raise your answer. Elimination method again for this game ah.

This is your final chance to get into the ULTIMATE-MOST SPECIAL GAME!

Whose childhood favorite character was Winnie the Pooh? Mariel

Who loves to eat raw food? Matthew
Who is a picky eater? Mariel
Who cries most easily? Mariel
Who takes a longer shower? Matthew
Who is a night person? Both
Who will most likely sleep first tonight? Matthew
Who loves preparing and planning in advance? Mariel
Who loves to watch movies? Both
Who was a scholar back then in college? Matthew

Sige. It’s time to be serious again. Let’s all calm down and relax…

Come to think of it, a wedding brings two people, family and friends together. And now, we would like
to proceed with messages from the family to the couple. These people are those who literally saw the
romance of Mariel and Matthew. May we call on Mariel’s cousin, Grace Miranda first.

Grace Miranda

Thank you, cousin, Grace for that heartfelt speech.

Up next is the sister of the bride. Yes. It’s me. Again.


Like Mariel, Matthew has one sibling. A brother. And right now, it’s Matthew’s beloved brother, Mark
Yu who will send his warm speech.
Mark Yu

Thank you, Mark for that toast and thoughtful message for your brother and now, sister, Mariel.


At this moment, let’s have the ULTIMATE most SPECIAL game. Dun-dun-dun. The two tables that
are eligible for this game are table ____ and table ____.

Do you know the popular series, SQUID GAMES? For trivia lang ah, Matthew watched the entire
series but Mariel didn’t cause she was feeling like a scaredy cat and Matthew made kwento everything
to her. That’s why Mariel also knows so much about the series.
And yes, we will be playing a game inspired by the survival-horror-drama series. (Some of you are
smiling oh) But of course, our mechanics are light… no one gets to be you know, physically eliminated.

Each person in groups __ and ___ will play; even the couples will play—oh diba?
Which game are we playing? It’s the Needles and Dalgona Sweet Candy Dough game

You will be given a cookie dough with a circle etched in the middle and a toothpick. Each player will
try to etch and chisel out the circle without breaking the circle. Your goal is to get the circle without
BREAKING the circle! Whoever keeps the circle cookie shape are winners. This is a tamed and happy
version, of course.

If you have successfully retained the CIRCLE shape cookie dough, PLEASE RAISE IT! First three
people who does it will WIN! Paunahan ito, first three winners!!!!

And for a more thrilling game, music, please. We will also be silent— and let the music dictate the

Whew. What a game! Can you eat the dalgona dough ba? Thank you for all your participation. I think
even our parents enjoyed the game much.

Speaking of parents…

Jackson Chen
Parents are our first teachers having raised us from childhood to adulthood… and actually, even after
marriage. They won’t stop loving us. Without them, our newlyweds will not be here. Let us welcome,
the father of the bride to give his message. Let’s give a warm welcome to Mr. Jackson Chen.

Thank you so much, Papa for that uplifting and touching speech. Nothing really beats a parent’s love.

Message of the Couple

Oh no. The celebration is about to end but the couple’s joyous moment will surely last a lifetime. And
even as we go home tonight, may we still keep the memories we made today. To personally convey
their gratitude for their entire celebration and to the people who made it possible, let us give the floor to
our newlyweds for their message.

It has been truly a wonderful evening. Thank you everyone for taking part of the celebration of love and
life with our newlyweds, Mr. and Mrs. Yu. We might have come to the end of the program, but
remember, a true love story never ends. Good night, God bless you all and keep safe!

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