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Fresh Orange
Exporter In mumbai
Orange is the king of fruits and we are
fresh Orange suppliers and fresh Oranges
exporters in Nagpur Maharashtra India.
Oranges are really so delicious that will
water your mouth for sure. Our fresh and
juicy Orange will win your heart with its
delicious taste. Our Oranges are at an
affordable cost that just suits your pocket.
We are Indian exporters and suppliers of
fresh Oranges. We export all kinds of
Oranges to different countries.

Fresh orange supplier and exporter in mumbai, Maharshtra, In tropical and subtropical regions of the
globe, orange trees are found in more than 600 different varieties. Southeast Asia is where oranges are
cultivated. An evergreen, flowering tree, the orange tree typically grows to a height of 9 to 10 meters (30
to 33 feet), though some very old examples can reach 15 meters. (49 ft). Its oval, alternately arranged
leaves have crenulate margins and vary in length from 4 to 10 cm (1.6 to 3.9 in).

The mature fruit's grainy irregular rind can be brilliant orange to yellow-orange, but it frequently has green
patches or, in warm climates, is completely green. The sweet orange lacks climax like all other citrus
products. Nagpur Orange’s Context An orange cultivar called Nagpur orange is raised in Nagpur,
Maharashtra, India. It has a rough, pitted exterior with a sweet, juicy interior. It bestows the moniker
Orange metropolis on the metropolis of Nagpur. The monsoon season is when the Nagpur oranges
bloom, and they are available to be harvested starting in December. Here, the orange crop develops twice

Benefits of Orange for Health Oranges are incredibly healthy for your body. For only 60 calories, a
medium, 2 1/2-inch orange is packed with fiber, vitamins, and nutrients. Oranges are lightweight to carry
around because their thick covering prevents them from being bruised. Add orange wedges to a grilled
chicken salad, throw one in your bag for a quick mid-morning snack, or discover other ways to include
more oranges in your diet. Orange is one of the most consumed fruits worldwide and is known for its
sweet and succulent flavor.


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