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Criteria for Evaluating Pickled Items:

1. Preparation (20 points)

 The student prepared the pickled appetizer according to the given recipe and instructions.
 The student used fresh and appropriate ingredients for pickling.
 The student demonstrated proper sanitation and storage when pickling.
2. Presentation (20 points)
 The student presented the pickled appetizer in an appealing and presentable manner.
 The student explained the ingredients and flavors used in the pickled appetizer.
 The student discussed the process of pickling and how it affects the taste and texture of the
3. Taste (30 points)
 The pickled appetizer had a balanced and flavorful taste.
 The student used appropriate seasoning and spices in the pickling process.
 The pickled appetizer was not overly sour, salty, or sweet.
4. Creativity (20 points)
 The student showed creativity in presenting the pickled appetizer.
 The student added unique ingredients or twists to the recipe.
 The student presented the pickled appetizer in a unique or innovative way.
5. Overall Quality (10 points)
 The pickled appetizer was of high quality and met the standards of a good appetizer.
 The student demonstrated a thorough understanding of the pickling process and its role in creating
GROUP ____

Criteria Points Score

Preparation 20 pts.
Presentation 20 pts.
Taste 30 pts.
Creativity 20 pts.
Overall Quality 10 pts.
TOTAL 100 pts.

GROUP ____

Criteria Points Score

Preparation 20 pts.
Presentation 20 pts.
Taste 30 pts.
Creativity 20 pts.
Overall Quality 10 pts.
TOTAL 100 pts.
GROUP ____

Criteria Points Score

Preparation 20 pts.
Presentation 20 pts.
Taste 30 pts.
Creativity 20 pts.
Overall Quality 10 pts.
TOTAL 100 pts.

GROUP ____

Criteria Points Score

Preparation 20 pts.
Presentation 20 pts.
Taste 30 pts.
Creativity 20 pts.
Overall Quality 10 pts.
TOTAL 100 pts.

GROUP ____

Criteria Points Score

Preparation 20 pts.
Presentation 20 pts.
Taste 30 pts.
Creativity 20 pts.
Overall Quality 10 pts.
TOTAL 100 pts.

GROUP ____

Criteria Points Score

Preparation 20 pts.
Presentation 20 pts.
Taste 30 pts.
Creativity 20 pts.
Overall Quality 10 pts.
TOTAL 100 pts.

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