Engaged To The Heartless Heartbreaker

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This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are
products of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to
actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

Copying in any form is strictly prohibited. Translation of this story to any other
language is not allowed.

ENGAGED TO THE HEARTLESS HEARTBREAKER is an original Wattpad novel by

sapphiregirl22... and that's me ~_^


What if you fall in love with a heartbreaker?

What if he doesn't pay any attention to you no matter what you do?

What if he breaks your heart over and over again?

Will you still hold on until he comes to reciprocate your love?

And what if, just what if, one day, you come to your senses and teach your heart
finally to forget him and he appears before you begging to make things go back to
the way they used to be, will you accept him again though he used to be your
heartless heartbreaker?

Althea Ruiz was a great believer in love. Even at such a young age, she believed
that she was in love with her foster brother. She begged her foster mother to be
engaged to him, much to the pleasure of the latter who made the engagement
possible. But, Althea suffered a lot just to prove to her fiancé her selfless love.

Nigel Joaquin Saavedra Sarmiento was the sole heir to the Sarmiento fortune, gifted
painter, ravishingly good-looking morsel yet devastatingly cold, uncaring and
heartless heartbreaker. Too strong-willed to give in to the whims of his mother and
his spoiled brat of a fiancée, he vowed to do everything just to prove that he was
not the man for this ambitious orphaned girl.

Indeed, with all the drama, constant bickering and proving each other's side of the
coin, who do you think would win their exhaustive toss-up in the end?

Would it be the spoiled brat or the heartless heartbreaker?

Would it be the girl who gives her everything or the man who gives nothing but







The following scene is not the first chapter but just a foreshadow of the story.
This will give you a glimpse on the future. ENJOY!

"C-come home," he said trying to clear his throat.

I looked at him in disbelief. Why the heck was he here? After two years of not
seeing each other, he would just barge in and tell me to, what, come home!

Did I just hear him say 'Come home'?

"Do you hear what you're saying right now?" I managed to speak up after seconds of

He cleared his throat again yet it took him like forever before being able to
manage to talk.

I stared at his face. Physically, he was still the same ravishingly handsome
"heartbreaker" that I knew.

But, somehow, there was something in the way that he was looking at me now, even
with the way he spoke. I sensed a hint of meekness and surrender which were very
unusual of the coldhearted and arrogant Nigel Sarmiento that I knew all my life.

"Just why do I need to go back to the palacio?" I spoke giving him a sardonic
glance. Then, I turned around from him, not wanting to show him how he still had
that effect in me. Because, it surprised me to a really considerable degree that
even until now, after two years, his presence still sent shivers into my body, my
heart, my soul, my whole system. I felt a thousand detonated bombs in my chest
wanting to get out, seeking for freedom. I felt I was going to explode... in so
much pain.

I tightly clenched my fingers as I felt my hands trembling at my sides. All the

pains and heartaches I buried in all these years seemed to awaken from their cold
somber grave. And his presence, it was just too good to be true. He was like a
dream, too surreal to conceive and believe. But, more than the pain and disbelief
that I felt, it was the strong thumping of my heart that I couldn't fathom. This
was not good. I needed to fight, to resist the freaking temptations, for if I
wouldn't, I didn't think I could still trust my heart.

Why? Why had he to look for me now? I had already started to learn to stand on my
own. I was better off alone now.

"Althea," I heard him talk behind my back, "let's get married now."

All of a sudden, I felt like the bombs creeping in my heart had just finally
exploded! His pronouncement, however, surprisingly went smoothly despite of the
awkward, tensive tone in his voice.

Was I actually hearing those words? Just what was he thinking?

"This time, it's for real," he declared, still smoothly. How did he ever do that?

I span around to face him and scrutinize his countenance. He looked like he had
just stated something coming from his heart. Should I believe him?

Oh, come on, don't let me believe on this act.

"Seriously, Nigel?" I challenged him. "After all what you did, you just say those
words simply as if nothing has happened? Like nothing has ever, ever happened?
Well, cut it! I'm not going back to the palacio and I'm not marrying you! What are
you thinking?" I said candidly.

Was he in the mission of crushing again my heart?

Not wanting to hear any more words from him, I decided to walk out on him in the
receiving area of the orphanage.

But Nigel quickly took hold of my right forearm.

"Althea, please..." he sounded like he was struggling for words to say as his hard,
unsteady breathing tickled my right ear, "come home."

I tried to let go of his hand yet the more I pushed him away, the more that he
pulled me closer to him. His other hand dutifully found the perfect fit to encircle
it around my waist so that my back was crushed to his sturdy chest. God, the
familiar palpitations in my heart which I had buried a long time ago creeped again
and again in my chest like a crazy windmill churning and turning even without the

Unexpectedly, Nigel leaned his face down to my right ear and whispered softly, "I
want you back, princess."



Hello, everyone! Can't believe I'm already starting my first Wattpad novel ever.
First chapter is already up. Just check it out.

(sapphiregirl22) ~_^

Please read also my other works:

Chapter 1 - Engagement

In all the years of my stay in The Fields, I knew I found the perfect place to
settle for the rest of my life. Who would not love this place when all we could see
was a place of perfect serenity and beauty? The Fields which I came to love all
these years was the vast estate owned by my foster mother, Mommy Carol, who adopted
me, though not legally, after I lost my parents to a car accident when I was eight.
The Fields, located just outside the country village called La Carlota, was the
name given to the wide tract of land where Mommy Carol's ranch; flower plantation;
mango, pineapple, sugarcane and coconut plantations; the forest garden; and the
Sarmiento River were settled. And in the middle of that very wide estate stood the
magnificent mansion of Mommy Carol which was more popularly known in La Carlota as
Palacio de Sarmiento.

Why had I loved this place very much? Aside from its beauty, there I found
everything... I found silence, I found new life, I found dreams, I found love...
I found Mommy Carol who became my second mother. From her, I received full
attention and love from a real mother. She gave me everything --- a bedroom fit
only for a princess, nice clothes, extravagant accessories, private schooling, a
prodigious allowance... name it, I had practically everything, anything any girl
from La Carlota would ever dream to have. And to top it all, Mommy Carol was even
willing to grant me what my heart truly desired --- her son, Nigel.

Yes, Nigel.

His name meant Noble. It really suited him for he was the king of my heart.

When I first came to The Fields, and when I first saw him, I knew right away he was
special. I was only eight at that time but, young as I was, I already felt that
admiration for him... He was actually five years my senior. He was a dashing
teenager at that time and had lots of admirers in his school. Many girls went gaga
over him; many boys longed to become his friends. He was indeed noble. My feelings
for him started as a little girl's infatuation until it developed into something
strong and powerful. Spontaneously, I went head-over-heels in love with him!

But he was an aloof teenager. He often spent time alone. Every afternoon after
school, he would always go to the Forest Garden, his private space, where nobody
was allowed to interfere with him there while sketching or painting. So, you see,
aside from his being perfectly handsome, he was at the same time, a gifted painter.

Among all others, he was the greatest treasure I found in The Fields.

That was why I loved this place very much. I got everything here.

The problem was, however, Nigel's treatment to me. He was totally apathetic to me
--- as in totally, totally uncaring, indifferent, and cold to me. It was
obfuscating at first but now it became crystal clear to me that he never liked my
presence in The Fields. He rarely talked to me and never set his eyes on me except
during those times when I would follow him, or should I say, stalk him to the
Forest Garden where he would often turn to me with a glare and reprimand me to go
away. In the mansion, he made it clear that we should keep a distance between the
two of us. He really hated me and I couldn't figure out why.

Since I couldn't be with him wherever in The Fields, I managed to find a space for
myself. It was a perfect place for meditation or contemplation for it was some kind
of secluded. It was a flat area at the bank of the small lagoon adjoining the
shallow part of the Sarmiento River. There, with the breathtaking scenery of the
distant mountains where the sun always closed its precious adorable eyes before
taking its rest at the end of each day and with huge mahogany trees and lovely
flowering shrubs surrounding my haven, I would always lie with my back on a blanket
laid out on the ground filled with dried mahogany leaves and just watch hundreds of
butterflies of different colors hovering over me. There, I would dream about the
future, about Nigel, about him and me being together.


I was lying and trying to take a nap on my favorite blanket near the lagoon one
Saturday morning when I heard familiar steps coming towards me.

I remembered that time very well because it was my thirteenth birthday. I was
actually very sad at that time since it was a week before Nigel's moving out to the
capital city to study in his ever-dreamt university.

I was trying to take a nap to forget temporarily his imminent departure, but I was
awaken to take notice of the slow and calm paces coming towards where I lay. When I
opened my eyes, I saw Nigel's face drooping down on me. His tall stature of
eighteen shadowed over my then petite figure.

"So... this is what you're up to all this time, Princess," he spoke in a low tone
but I could sense the mockery in his voice when he spoke the word Princess.

"H-huh?" I asked innocently, confused of what he meant.

"While everybody's busy preparing for your party tonight, you're here busy tasting
a time of your life. That's just so nice of you, right?" he stated wryly.

"Huh?" I muttered again bewilderedly until I realized that, indeed, everyone in the
mansion was busy preparing for my thirteenth birthday party.

What did he mean by that? Did he expect me to help in the preparation? Was it the
reason why he just called me Princess because I acted like one when I didn't have
the right to be one?

Arising from where I lay, I sat down to fix the pleats of my miniskirt.
When I stood up, he caught my elbow. "Where are you going?"

"T-to the palacio..."

"No need," he said while pushing me to sit on the blanket again. This time, he was
kneeling down across me.

I sat looking at him. I couldn't read his expression.

Still kneeling but bending down his legs so that his buttocks met his heels, he
looked around... the trees, the flowers, the butterflies, the sparkling water in
the lagoon.

"You know, I'm just too happy that I'll be finally out of here," he declared as he
stared at me.

"What do you mean?"

"Next week, I'll be going to the capital. Finally, I'll be out of here."

"You're happy that you're leaving The Fields?" I asked very surprised. "Why? Don't
you like it here? T-this is your..."

I was interrupted when he stretched down his body and leaned down to meet his eyes
with mine. I just felt the nerves rocking inside me. What was he doing now? He was
drawing his face close to mine as if he was going to kiss me...

With eyes opened widely, I stared at him and observed his cheeks getting redder
than ever, his eyebrows meeting each other, his eyes piercing mine.

I noticed the rapid palpitations in my chest. I was out of breath.

"I'm happy because I won't see your face anymore," he mumbled under his breath.

His eyes still gazed at mine intently. They were like daggers thrown directly to my
very heart and soul. He really hated me this much. Why?

"W-why do you hate me?" I asked as tears fell down my cheeks.

Suddenly, he inhaled and exhaled hard as if grasping for air. I could smell his
fresh breath as his face was still drawn close to mine.

"Don't you get it? I will never accept you as my sister. You will never ever take
the place of Annie!"

Annie... Anita Caroline, oh, he was talking about his younger and only sister who
died a year before I moved to The Fields. As I was told by Mommy Carol, Nigel and
she were the closest of siblings. They often spent together in the Forest Garden to
paint. They were both geniuses in this artwork... until she died of cancer.

Oh, no! I never intended to take the place of Annie in his life. What did he mean
by my taking Annie's place?

"W-what do you mean?" I asked astounded.

He finally stood up and diverted his eyes at the shining water in the lagoon beside

"I've just heard mom this morning that she's going to adopt you legally. Tonight,
on your party, her lawyer will bring the needed documents. Can't you see, Althea? I
can't accept you as a sister, okay?"

I didn't know that mom was planning to adopt me legally.

No, I couldn't accept it, too. I had never wished in my life to have Nigel as my
brother. I loved him... yes, I loved him but not as my brother. I loved him more
than that!

"Talk to mom!" he demanded furiously. "Tell her we can't be brother and sister! I
can't accept it!" And, just like that, he walked out of my sight after his angry

I could never forget that day... because that was the day that he finally conversed
with me... and even stared at me. I didn't care whether he was angry or not at that
time as long as he talked to me and finally called me by my name.

That was also the day that I made the craziest thing in my life.

That was the beginning of my stupendous journey on love.


When I went back to the mansion that afternoon, I immediately went to Mommy Carol
to talk about the adoption. I found her in her office. Without hesitation at all, I
confronted her and she admitted the news.

She was upset, though, to know that I already learned about it because she had been
planning about this for a long time and she wanted to surprise me on my thirteenth
birthday. She was fond of surprising the ones she loved. That was the kind of woman
Mommy Carol was.

"No, you can't adopt me, mom," I blurted out after her litany of explanations. I
didn't want to hear all of those. All I would like to communicate was the demands
of my heart at that particular moment.

She was surprised to observe my expression. "Why, Althea? Don't you like me to be
your mother?"
"Of course, I like you, mommy. I love you and I can't imagine life without you."

"Then, why don't you want me to adopt you legally?"


"Because what?"

"Because... because Nigel can't be my brother."

She looked at me confusedly. "Nigel may be aloof and cold but he's not mean. He can
be a good brother."

"I know, but I like him to be more than that, mommy."

She wrinkled her brows as if to ask me to explain what I just said.

With trembling hands and feet, I pronounced what I really wanted, "I want Nigel to
be my husband in the future, mom."

Heaven knew what had just gotten into me but it was not an impulsive idea. This was
what I wanted all this time. I was just being truthful to Mommy Carol.

I knew it was definitely a bolt in the blue for I saw mommy's dumbfounded look. She
was speechless for some time and she stared at me like I was out of my mind.

"That's what I want, mom," I pleaded.

When I spoke again, I immediately sensed that it rang a bell on her head. Her
expression gradually changed from shock to confused, then to illumination. I
finally saw her form a smile on her lips.

"Is that what you really want?"

I nodded.

No turning back now, Althea, I reminded myself.

"Okay, then, that's going to be it! You are going to marry my Nigel! Let's announce
the good news!"


And so, because of that, it was declared by mom, in front of all our guests during
my thirteenth birthday party, that I, Althea Molina Ruiz, would be the future wife
of her only son, Nigelito Joaquin Saavedra Sarmiento.

I was engaged at thirteen, what could you say?

During the announcement, Nigel was caught unprepared. He was, I guessed, ten times
more shocked than Mommy Carol that afternoon when I talked to her.

Was it a bombshell, Nigel?

He looked at me with so much hatred that if only his gaze were a dagger, I might
have been stabbed mortally. I could totally see his disappointment...

He didn't finish the party. He went outside and I was like a crazy idiot running
after him. No, he didn't freak out. He just turned to me with an icy insensible
stare and spoke in the iciest tone I had ever heard from anybody, "You will never
ever win this, Althea." Then, he walked with big strides disappearing into the dark

The following day, he left the mansion to go to the capital. I guessed he was so
angry at both mom and me that he couldn't wait for the next week to move out. He
had finally left.


It was summertime when he went away and there was never an iota of sign that he
would be coming back to The Fields. This time, he was living at a condominium unit
in the capital. I realized that, maybe, that was the kind of life he wanted to
have... to be alone by himself... to be finally out of the mansion where an
ambitious little girl was finally out of his sight.

I waited for him to come to The Fields during Christmas. He never came.

I waited for him to come home the next summer especially during my fourteenth
birthday. He didn't come.

I waited for him the next Christmas... and summer... and another Christmas... and
another summer. Still, he didn't come home.

Mommy Carol said he was too busy with his studies. His course, Business
Administration, became his number one priority.

And so, I wondered why he didn't take up Fine Arts. Mom said that Nigel, being the
ony heir to the Sarmiento fortune, had no choice. After college, he would take over
the family estate and businesses so he had to take a course related to business.

Mom also said that Nigel, being engaged to me, had no choice but to marry me in the
future. For my sake, mom would do everything to give me what I wanted. After all, I
was the daughter she wanted to have.

You bet, you could tell I was selfish. Yes, perhaps, I really was selfish. And, for
the meantime, I didn't care.


It was during my seventeenth birthday when I received a very nice gift. I didn't
know if I deserved such gift when all I could think about myself was a spoiled,
selfish brat. Anyway, I thanked God wholeheartedly for this gift.

As usual, I took my afternoon nap on my favorite side of the lagoon. It was my

seventeenth birthday and I was supposed to have a big party that night but I told
mommy I didn't like any party. Ever since the time when Nigel walked out from my
party four years ago, I no longer celebrated my birthdays with the big bashes.
Anyway, it was summertime, and all my friends in school were away for vacation so
there was absolutely no need for me to throw a big bash. So, I just promised mom to
dine with her that evening... just a private dinner like what we always did for the
past four years. Dinner with mom would just be enough with me. Anyhow, she
understood and we kind of agreed to that sort of celebration.

Since there was no party for me to fret about, I just wanted some time for myself
in the lagoon that afternoon.

It was already dark when I woke up. So I hurriedly fixed and put my blanket and all
my stuffs in the basket. For sure, mom was already waiting for me for dinner.
Bringing my basket with me, I ran on the narrow and rugged pathway leading to the
concreted pavement that headed towards the mansion. It was so murky out there on
that rugged path that I stumbled on a rock by the wayside. It caused me to lose my
balance and, eventually, fall to the ground. It was just on time when Diego, a boy
of eighteen and a son of one of the mansion helpers, passed by riding on his

With his quick moves, he immediately pulled me up from the ground.

"Hey, are you okay?" he asked with much concern in his voice.

I didn't feel much hurt in my body except for the slight scratch in my left ankle.

"I'm alright. Thank you," I said while trying to find my basket on the ground.

I was always not comfortable being with Diego for I learned from some of the
mansion helpers that he had a crush on me. He was, yeah, handsome and charming but
he was not my cup of tea. Everyone knew in The Fields that I was to marry the Young
Master in the future.

When he found my basket, he offered me a ride to the mansion.

"No thanks..." I said with the awkward feeling of being with a boy alone in the
dark wayside.

Insistently, he took my arm so I could sit on the rear seat of the bike.

That was indeed an awkward scenario, Diego holding my arm, when an unfamiliar car
passed us by. Plus the fact that it was already dark, the car had also dark tinted
glasses that I could not discern who was inside.

Who could be visiting mom at this time? Was it someone who would join for dinner?

When the car reached the bend, it halted for a while. I wondered why it stopped so,
leaving Diego behind, I ran after it to ask its driver the matter. I had the
feeling that it was a guest who got a problem with his car.

When I almost reached that car, it started its engine and ran its way to the

It was almost 7:00 o'clock in my watch when I arrived at the mansion. The car I saw
earlier was parked at the garage.

Who could be my mom's visitor at this time of day, especially during my birthday?
And why did my chest suddenly feel irregular beatings?

That I had to find out.



So there you have it, guys. Please tell me what you think. How do you find Althea
and Nigel? Your comments will surely matter to me a LOT. But don't be too harsh on
the first timer, okay?

Hope you liked the first chapter.


(sapphiregirl22) ~_^

Chapter 2 - Seventeen
This chapter is for you jingling19 for the beautiful cover you made for this book.
You really make me so happy because of this... Thank you sooo much!



"Where's mommy?" I asked Elena, one of the servants, when I entered the
living room.

"She's at the office, señorita. She told me to remind you about the

"Of course, I won't forget it. I'll be ready in fifteen minutes," I said
smilingly while going upstairs to change. "By the way, who's the guest?" I turned
to Elena but she was already nowhere of sight.

Nevertheless, with that unanswered question in my mind, I rushed to fix

myself for dinner. It was my birthday celebration so I got to look good.

Seventeen. Time could fly fast. As I was putting some blush on my

cheekbones and gloss on my lips, I could not help but stare at my face in the
mirror. Mama and papa would have been very happy to observe me grow like this...
pretty. I often heard Mommy Carol tell me how beautiful I was but it took me only
recently to appreciate my beauty. People would always say I had beautiful eyes. Mom
once said I got them from my mama.

"Do you think so, mom?" I asked her for confirmation when she commented
about them.

"Yes, darling, you got Adriana's eyes."

"Wow, then I might indeed have beautiful eyes! Papa always told me then
that mama's eyes kind of hypnotized him that was why he married her."

"Oh, Roberto was always that sweet!" she exclaimed. "It was not surprising
why Adriana loved him so much," she sighed dreamily remembering my mama, her best

Snapping back my consciousness to the present time, I stared again at

myself in the mirror. I was definitely a replica of my mama. From my wavy brown
hair, to my brown expressive eyes, long curly lashes, cherry red lips, down to my
slender built, and fair complexion, everything was inherited from my mama.

My intense belief on love and passion and the happy-ever-after, however,

was from my papa. He was the one who opened my eyes that love is always possible
even in the most impossible of times and places. He was a great believer in love. I
guessed papa and I agreed on this.

Oh, how I missed them so much! The thought of their horrible death still
brought a piercing pain in my heart.
Move on, Althea, I could picture out mama and papa telling me this. A
teardrop fell down my cheek.

I've been trying my best. God knows how much I've been trying to move on.

A slight knock interrupted my thoughts. I brushed the tear away from my

cheek and went to open the door.

"Señorita, the señora has sent me to announce dinner is ready," one of the
palacio servants appeared before me.

"Thank you, Mirasol. I'll be there in a minute," I answered before I rushed

back to the vanity to take a final glimpse of my appearance. Approving now on how I
looked in front of the mirror, I stroked one last brush of my wavy hair. My new
pink floral summer dress matched with my fuchsia doll shoes just looked good on me.

Oh, enough with this narcissistic attitude, Althea, my mind bugged me.

I sighed... then, I plastered a smile on my face, went out of my room and

marched down gaily on the winding staircase.

I was humming a happy birthday song as I was walking towards the dining
room. Well, I felt the need to do it, for if I would not, I was afraid that the
tinge of sadness creeping in my heart would ruin the night. It had already been
nine years since I became an orphan... but no, Mommy Carol was here with me every
time I needed someone to turn to in times like this. I would always be grateful for
all the things she had done for me. There was no way for me to look back to that
gloomy past. All I had to put in my mind now was that mama and papa were already in
God's side and watching over me in heaven. I had to face my future now with
happiness and full of hope.

While I was on my way to the dining room, all the uniformed maids I passed
by were all smiling at me and greeting me a happy birthday. They all gazed at my
appearance and they seemed to also approve of what they saw. I smiled at them and
said, "Thank you."

"We are all so happy for you, señorita. There's a surprise gift for you at
the comedor!" Elena said giggling. I believed she was blushing all the way. Now,
why would she be acting like that?

Were they preparing a surprise party for me? I could not comprehend what
she meant until I reached the doorway leading to the dining room.

Oh, my goodness! The moment that I got a sight of that area, I was taken
aback like I lost myself for minutes while my feet were rooted on the ground... for
there, standing beside mommy and leaning one of his hips on the large vintage
dining table was my long lost Nigel!

Nigelito Joaquin! He was the guest? The one in the car? What a wonderful
birthday gift indeed it was!

Oh, for how many years did I not see him! It had been a very long time
indeed. He was now twenty-two and had just graduated from college.

For minutes, I just stood there in the doorway. I never uttered a word. I
just stared at him. He had changed a lot. He was, what, five times, ten times more
handsome than before? He had grown very tall, too. He still had that boyish charm
yet he had at the same time that manly muscular physique. The strong built of his
chest down to his abdomen was apparently and proudly shown off by his white tight-
fitting top. I always imagined him during my solitude at the lagoon to be getting
so attractive at twenty-two but I never expected him to be this damn good-looking.
It absolutely exceeded my expectations.

He was, at the same time, staring at me. He also never spoke a single word.

I guessed the world just stopped revolving...

Hey, wait, I thought I had to check my heart if it was still in my chest!

This was just too good to be true!

It was mommy who broke the silence that was hovering around the room.

"Althea, finally our Nigelito has come back!" she announced happily.

Hearing mom spoke, I got myself come to my senses again. Slowly, I paced
towards them. When I finally stood before him, I felt so teeny tiny for he had
grown very tall this time, about six feet and something.

"Hi..." I greeted, and oh, oh, it felt so awkward! "I thought, you wouldn't
come back..." I said timidly while trying to prevent my tears to fall down. I was
just so happy to see him I didn't know what to do!

I've been texting you like thirty times every day. I've been waiting for
you to, at least, reply with even a simple 'hi' yet you haven't at all. I thought
I'd die waiting for you... I wanted so much to tell him. I just wanted him to know
that the four years of our separation was the longest period in my entire life.

Then, as if nothing was so amazing about this particular moment, Nigel

answered dryly, "As if I have a choice---" and he gazed at me from head down to my
feet and back.

"Nigel," Mommy Carol butted in, "of course, you have a choice. You have
Althea, she's your choice for the future."

What kind of punch line is that, mommy? I wanted to say to her but, of
course, I couldn't do that when the man in front of me was a severely humorless

Diverting his eyes to mom, he said, still dryly, "Come on, mom! I'm here
not to talk about it... please. I'm here to discuss with you about a very important
thing. But, for now, I'm starving." He settled on his seat obviously disregarding
the topic.

Mommy Carol signalled me to take my seat. I sat down on my usual seat

opposite to Nigel's.

While we were eating, I couldn't help myself to look at him once in a

while. His thick brows were far sexier and more captivating than the last time I
saw them. His perfectly shaped nose still sent a message of his nobility. His lips
were masculine, plump, red, and sensual. His jawline was contoured perfectly
emphasizing the beauty of the face that haunted me both in my sleeping and waking
hours. You wouldn't ask for more. He was the epitome of perfection.

Well, everything would have been perfect if only his dealing to me had
changed as well.

While I was glancing at him now and then, he was telling mommy about his
business plans as if I was not around, like I didn't exist at all, like I was

Though he came back, it was clear to me now that it was not because of me.
It was just a coincidence that he came back on my birthday. I thought he purposely
surprised me but he came to tell mom about his business plans. From their exchange
of words, I had learned that he was already occupying a significant position in the
Sarmiento Corporation and that he was to open a new business venture in the capital
--- some kind which would mainly use The Fields' dairy products. It was a venture
that would expand the Sarmiento Corporation. Mom, on the other hand, was very happy
about the plan.

Mommy Carol, however, changed the subject of the conversation.

"Nigelito, today's Althea's birthday. Don't you remember, son?"

When mom mentioned my name, that was the only time I saw him look at me
again. His dark Spanish eyes, just like before, were still aloof, but once he
stared at you, you would feel like you just fell into a dangerous trap you could
never escape.

"She's already seventeen. Look how grown up she is now. Doesn't she look
lovelier?" mom said proudly.

I could feel I was blushing especially that he was looking at me. I was
waiting for his impressions about me since he had been gone for four straight years
and I really wondered how he found me this time.

"Seventeen is still a minor, mom, so drop it," he sounded pleading. "Please

stop pairing me to Althea."

"She won't be a minor forever, Nigelito. You'll marry her at the right

"I'm not going to marry her. I already told you this before, mom," he
answered immediately like it was the most natural thing for him to say.

Oh, those dagger-like words! They completely chopped my heart into bits.

"And who are you going to marry?" Mommy Carol's voice was clear with
irritation. She stopped eating.

"I'm going to marry the woman of my choice, not yours, mom," he declared
not looking at mommy but still gazing at my eyes.

Oh, couldn't he quit staring at me that way when all he could say were
hurtful words!

Right there and then, I wanted to cry.


"Don't mind what he just said, darling," mommy whispered to my ear as she
tucked me to bed to sleep. "I promise to do whatever I can for him to marry you."

Tears fell from my eyes. What could I do? I really felt the pain.

She wiped them away from my cheeks.

"You're a darling so I can't understand why he's treating you this way. He
can't be treating you like this!"

I could sense the bitterness in her voice. I could feel she was also

"Mom, don't worry. I'll do everything I can for him to like me."

She smiled when she heard how determined I was. She brushed my hair with
her hand.

"Do you really like Nigelito that much?"

I nodded sincerely. How would I explain these strange feelings I had been
bearing all these years? The rumbling of my stomach, the sweating of my palms, the
racing of my heartbeat were very evident every time he was near me. And, all those
years that he was away, the swelling pain in my chest that I felt every single day
brought a thousand waves of nostalgia of his coming back. Couldn't we call it love?

"If that's so, I promise that he will marry no one else but you," she
stated gravely.

"Thank you, mommy. I love you."

"I love you, too, darling," she said as she kissed my cheek. "Okay, good
night. Have a good sleep. Happy birthday again, Althea."

"Thank you, mommy."

"Set aside your worries this time, okay? Sleep well. Have a beauty rest.
Remember, he's staying here for a week. This is the perfect time for you to get
closer with him."


The following day, I expected it to spend it with Nigel. However, I woke up

so late that Elena just informed me he was already heading to the Forest Garden. I
bet he was going to paint there.

Painting --- that again. That was his first love. I didn't realize that,
until now, he still loved to paint. Until now, he couldn't still take Annie and
their rendezvous in that garden away from his system. Poor Nigel! So handsome yet
so much pain to keep in his heart. He must have missed her a lot. Well, I knew how
it felt. Of all people, I should be the one who could understand how it feels like
when your loved one is lost.

Anyway, I waited for him for lunch. I received no sign of his coming.
Instead, Lencho, the Forest Garden caretaker, came over to ask the cook, Clara, to
pack the young master's lunch. Nigel would take his meal in the Forest Garden.

With Clara's help, I cooked his favorite paella which I nicely packed for
him afterwards.

When I handed it to Lencho, the middle-aged man smiled and said, "I'll tell
the señorito you're the one who prepared for his lunch, señorita."

I smiled too. "Never mind, Tio."

In the afternoon, I was tempted to go to the lagoon but I was held back
with the thought that he would return to the mansion. So, instead of going to my
private space, I just patiently waited for him in the patio. I was sitting on the
swing when someone came, not the man I was waiting for but Diego. He was wearing
that fancy smile as he came nearer to me.

"Hi," he greeted.

"Hi," I timidly answered.

This guy, who appeared too confident of himself, sat on the other swing
beside mine. I could feel his gaze on me. What did he think he was doing? I felt he
was sitting very close to me.

"I see you're swinging here by yourself so I think you need someone to talk

I gave him a sarcastic grin. "That's what you really think, huh?"

"Yeah, that's what I think," he said, still smiling.

I knew Diego to be some sweet guy who smiled with that striking dimple on
his left cheek but I just felt it was not good to be talking to him like this. Some
people in the mansion knew he had a crush on me and if they saw us swinging side by
side, they might think I was forgetting my future wedding with the Young Master!

"Actually, I don't need someone to talk to right now," I said matter-of-

factly, still wearing a fake smile.

He seemed not affected with what I said as he was still grinning. Then,
fate must have played with him when his right forefinger nail accidentally
scratched the big swollen pimple on his nose. His face made a painful grimace while
the fake smile in my lips formed into a real one.

And we call that one 'karma'! Nobody should be hitting on an engaged girl
like me.

"Is that a new blouse you're wearing?" he asked changing the topic
obviously overcoming already the pain the scratched pimple giving his face. "I
always see you wearing something pink or yellow. I didn't think you're prettier in
green. Whew!" he exclaimed with an excited whistle in the end.

The jerk! He was always this fresh!

"I'm wearing something new 'cause my fiancé's here. Haven't you heard?"

"Who wouldn't hear about the señorito's presence? Which makes me wonder why
you two aren't together?"

"Will you please go away? You're annoying me!" I said, almost screaming.

Who are you to meddle with my lovelife?

"Now you're angry with me," he said chuckling as he stood up. "Okay, got to

I was gritting my teeth as he walked away. That jerk! I couldn't really

stand his freshness!
Because of my annoyance, I became oblivious of Nigel's arrival. When I
finally pacified myself from so much irritation, I breathed deeply and looked up.
The guy I had been waiting was standing in the doorway.

That moment, my heart skipped wildly.



Thank you so much to all of you who read the first chapter. You are all
sooo amazing. It's really appreciated. Please vote and post a comment.

Let me say, by the way, that English is NOT my first language. So, please,
excuse some linguistic errors.

(sapphiregirl22) ~_^

Chapter 3 - Childish
This is for you glittergold_17 for giving me two amazing covers you made for this
book. You are awesome, girl. They are just so beautiful. Thank you so much!!!

"What was that? An afternoon visit from your boyfriend?" Nigel asked coldly
when our eyes met.
"Huh?" How long was he standing there? Did he see Diego and me sitting side
by side?
He walked towards me on the swing in slow, boring paces. When he stood in
front of me, his dominating height made me very uneasy. Just when you thought you
could feel relief in seeing him, why did you feel the opposite thing?
You hoped to see him, Althea, so why tense? Calm yourself down. I told
myself silently.
When I was already on the verge of calming myself, Nigel precipitously
dropped his bomb right in front of me. "I can't figure out why you still seem to
give in to mom's whims about us getting married when you already have a boyfriend,"
he stated those words as if he was really certain that Diego was my boyfriend, like
there was no need for any discussion on this.
Looking up at him, I quickly processed all his words in my brain. And that
was when I started to feel tears glowing in my eyes.
"No, you're wrong... Diego isn't my boyfriend," I said with my cracking
He's the gardener's boy! I wanted to add. It was not that I had something
against servants or gardeners, it was just I meant to speak only the truth. Diego
was the gardener's son and, sometimes, mommy's errand boy so it was but natural to
see him goofing off the vicinity.
"So, Diego is his name..."
"He is not my boyfriend," I said forcibly, trying to defend myself.
"You expect me to believe that?" he demanded. "How would I ever believe you
when every time I see you, he's there too?"
I didn't know what he was talking about. Seeing me with Diego... When was
the other time that he saw me with Diego?
Oh, no! Last night, perhaps, when he arrived? Yes, I was with Diego when
his car passed by last night but it was nothing... My heart wanted to clarify
things with him but, somehow, it just couldn't figure out how!
Finally, my tears rolled down my cheeks that I had to hide my face from him
by stooping it down. To control myself from sobbing, I had to grip my hands hard to
the cord of the swing I was holding.
"Althea, why not tell mom the truth?" This time, his voice sounded
pleading. "Just tell her the truth so we'll be done and over with this."
Brushing my tears aside, I looked at him again. "Whether you believe it or
not, Diego is not my boyfriend. I am engaged to you and I will marry nobody else
but you! That's the truth!"
He stared at my eyes, really stared at my eyes, which made me conscious
about myself. His eyes were blazing a flamy, dangerous gaze. Then, all of a sudden,
just as I was about to stop breathing from his earnest gaze, he beamed a broad
sarcastic grin.
"Do you really love mom that much that you're willing to sacrifice your
love for Diego because of her?"
No, I can't take this anymore. I don't love that Diego!
I struggled rising up from the swing to face him but, when I straightened
myself up, his muscular chest met my face. Gosh, what a distracting obstruction!
Even so, I tried my very best to blot his masculinity out of my mind, breathed
hard, and stated emphatically what I planned to say as I looked up meeting his gaze
once more, "I don't love Diego and I'll marry you not because of mom."
"Really, huh?" he asked clasping my chin with his fingers. My eyes opened
widely in absolute surprise as his fingers made contact with my chin. Gripping it
hard that I felt the sting it brought me, Nigel leaned his face close to mine. "So,
tell me, why do you want to marry me?"
If I'll tell you the real reason, will you not insult me like what you
always do to me?
The beating of my heart suddenly ceased. Should I tell him? Should I?
Just tell him, my heart replied quickly as it began to beat again.
I breathed hard.
Okay, Nigel, hope you're prepared for this.
Looking straight at his eyes, I divulged to him, finally, the feelings I
had for him since a long time ago.
"Because I love you."
Wow, I made it! What else was there to say? That was the sole reason why I
rejected mom's plan of adopting me.
I knew he was dumb-struck while still clasping my chin; he neither moved
nor said anything. He was just gazing at my eyes completely.
We stood facing each other for minutes.
We stood there for like an eternity.
Damn, I couln't read what was on his mind.
Come on, Nigel, tell me what you're thinking! I challenged him with my
eyes. This time, I felt like it was my stare that was burning.
His eyes, out of the blue, illuminated a blank expression. Then, he let go
of my chin... and he turned around to not face me anymore.
"Don't be a fool," he said in a slightly hoarsed pitch... and walked into
the mansion without even bothering to look at me again.
People couldn't just imagine how embarrassing it was for a teenager to
finally confess her feelings to the man she loved and only to be rejected
Oh, I was so humiliated by his reaction.
Perhaps, I was expecting something sweet like what I usually saw in my
favorite romantic movies that after the girl confessed to the boy, the latter would
just kiss or hug her because of her revelation.
But Nigel didn't. Instead, he called me a fool.
Fool. Fool. Fool. The stupid word just kept on bugging my head.
Could you imagine how embarrassing was that?
During dinner, I defiantly managed myself to never look at him. I believed
he was neither looking at me. It was Mommy Carol who did all the talking. She,
perhaps, felt the unpleasant atmosphere between Nigel and me. She seemed
disappointed herself.
The next day, I planned not to be visible in the mansion. Aside from the
humiliation I felt from yesterday's confrontation with Nigel, I was at the same
time hurt. People might not exactly understand why a girl of seventeen would feel
this way and take everything so seriously. But I really felt this way. What could I
do? I had waited for him for four years and now that he was finally home, now that
I finally told him what I truly felt for him, he would insult me just like that. It
would be much better if he had told me that he didn't feel the same way. At least,
it was an honest act. Yet, to tell me that I was a fool to feel that way only
shattered my heart pathetically.
He regarded me a fool.
That really hurt me much.
To forget him for a while... as if I could, I spent my whole morning with
Elena in La Carlota. Together with the mansion driver, we went to the marketplace
to shop for groceries. However, amid the yelling street vendors and busy shoppers,
I could not help to erase Nigel in my mind even a single minute. As if I could.
We took our lunch at Elena's place in La Carlota. Her mama and papa were
very accommodating just like Elena who was truly a sincere and affectionate soul.
Among all the servants, she was closest and dearest to me.
It was a wonderful lunch. I ate those I didn't normally eat at the palacio.
Not abundant though, still they were mouth-watering and enjoyably satisfying. I was
glad I didn't have to face Nigel's cold and indifferent treatment at the comedor.
I bet mom was already pissed at me for not making it to lunch. She couldn't
stand not having me around during meals. But I thought I would just explain
everything to her. This was my way of telling Nigel indirectly that I didn't like
what he did to me. You could say I was a rebellious brat!
In the afternoon, when we arrived at The Fields from La Carlota, I went
straight to the lagoon. As usual, I was there alone. There was never a time that I
had stayed in the lagoon with someone... well, except during my thirteenth birthday
when Nigel secretly stalked me to tell me he didn't like me to become his sister.
Who would like that one anyway? Only Mommy Carol perhaps.
You might be curious why nobody dared to go there except Nigel. Well, it
was because Mommy Carol made it sure to make it a restricted area only for her dear
darling... and who else would that be? Of course, me. The farmers, the peasants,
the servants, even the villagers --- they were all notified of this restriction.
So, you see, Mommy Carol would really do anything for me. As I said, the lagoon was
my private space, exclusively mine.
That was why, there on the bank of the lagoon filled with dried mahogany
leaves, I could lie down, sleep, read, do everything I wanted... alone.
Like... crying...
Like what I was doing now...
Every time I missed Nigel, I'd cry there.
Every time I wanted to be with him but I couldn't, I'd cry there.
And, just like today, because I was badly hurt, I cried there.
And, like what I always did, after crying my heart out, I fell into a
nap... to forget the pain infiltrating my heart. I wondered why it was always good
to sleep after crying a river of tears.
Then, I opened my eyes, for out of the blue, a huge figure suddenly pulled
me up from the ground and carried me by his sturdy arms. With so much fear, I
shouted for help and tried to kick my feet so he would put me down. I couldn't see
his face because it was completely dark.
Dark? Did it mean I stayed there this late already? Oh, no!
"Who are you? Please put me down!" I shouted at the top of my lungs.
Why was he seemed mute and deaf? How could he not talk even a single word?
The giant figure was just carrying me as he strode fast. I could hear him panting
like he was grasping for air to breath every now and then.
"Please, let me go!" I shouted again.
No, you wouldn't imagine how afraid I was! I thought all my hair strands
were standing. It made me remember Elena's stories about fairies, aparicion, and
other night creatures.
"Help! Help! Please, somebody help me!" I shouted and kicked as much as I
could. "Let me go, freak!"
Where was he taking me? What was he going to do with me?
"Mommy! Mommy! Help!" I cried aloud but I doubted if mom heard me at this
I needed somebody's help. I needed Nigel to save me from this terrifying
"Nigel, help! Nigel!"
"Shut up, will you?" the creature finally talked and, what, even demanded
me to shut up!
Why did his voice seem familiar?
Then, at a distance, near a street light, I saw Nigel's parked car. It
created a suspicion in my head so I looked at the face of my bearer to discern who
he was. For sure, I could now see his face clearly because we were now approaching
the street lamp. And when I clearly saw him, I was totally bewildered of my
The man carrying me in his arms was Nigel himself!
I was too astounded to talk. I was tongue-tied. What was he going to do
with me?
Then, he opened the door of the passenger's side and flung me on the seat.
Had it not been soft and cottony, I would have hurt my buttocks. The door beside
me, then, was violently shut. I was too confused of his actions to even open my
mouth to ask.
Why did he take me away from the lagoon? And why was he seemed so angry
with me?
He took the driver's seat and drove us to the palacio.
He wasn't speaking a word. He was just clenching his teeth like a terrible
dragon ready to blow a fiery breath. He didn't even manage to glance at me. What
was wrong with him?
When we arrived at the mansion, Nigel forcibly pulled me from the
passenger's seat. He clasped my wrist very hard as he dragged me to enter the
patio. There, Mommy Carol seemed to be waiting for us.
"Althea, darling, I'm glad you're back!" she uttered happily the moment she
laid her eyes on me. Was she teary-eyed?
Nigel didn't seem to care for what mom had said to me since he kept on
dragging me until we reached the living room. I had to keep up with his long,
gigantic strides to prevent me from stumbling.
"You're hurting me," I complained.
Without giving me a reply, he shoved me to the sofa. Ouch! That one hurt!
What was wrong with him?
Mom came after us.
"Where were you, darling? We've been looking for you," she asked me
All questions in my head were finally answered. They were looking for me!
"I-I'm sorry, mommy. I fell asleep in the lagoon... didn't have an idea
that you've been so worried about me..." Tears began to glisten in my eyes.
"In the lagoon? You stayed there this late?" she cried much to her
"I'm really sorry, mommy," I cried as I buried my face into my hands. I was
so ashamed to her for staying out late.
She came to sit beside me and hugged me tightly. "I was so worried about
you, darling."
Her words spawned a pang of guilt within me. My conscience dictated me to
burst out more with tears. What had I done to Mommy Carol?
Then, I heard him talk for the first time since he took me away from the
"Will you stop being so childish, Althea? How can you be so damn
irresponsible and inconsiderate to people?"
I knew he was holding himself to scold me... but now, he finally spoke out.
"Nigel, stop it. She didn't mean this to happen," mom reasoned out for me.
"No, stop defending her, mom! Can't you see? The more that you tolerate
her, the more that you make a brat out of her!" he exploded.
I was so ashamed to him and to mom that I sobbed harder this time. What
should I do? They were now fighting because of me!
"I'm sorry. I really didn't mean it," I said when I already found the guts
to speak up to him. Mom was still hugging me.
"Shut up! You can't just simply scrape out a fault with a sorry. When are
you going to grow up?" he commented before he walked out on us.
My mind was totally blown off. My heart was shattered --- again.
When he was gone to his room, mom explained to me what exactly happened.
She said it was already dark when she started to look for me. She just thought I
was with Elena in the kitchen experimenting again on baking cakes because it was
something that I was lately interested with. However, when she learned that I
wasn't in the kitchen, mommy became worried. It didn't come across her mind that I
was at the lagoon because it was past 7:30 in the evening and she thought I
wouldn't be there in such an hour. She sent many people to look for me. It was
Nigel who tracked me down.
I asked mom's forgiveness for my being so irresponsible and inconsiderate
indeed. Nigel was right about that.
She said I didn't have to say sorry because I didn't mean it. She said she
was just thankful that I was already home.
Yet, I still felt so horrible. I was such a dumbass.
"Don't worry about Nigel if he's mad, my dear. He's just worried about
you," mom pronounced.
l looked at mom's beautiful face disbelievingly.
Worried about me? Would that even be possible?
When I posted the first part of this story, I was kind of wondering if this
would even catch people's attention. After nine days, I was ecstatic to get my
first 100 reads. I just recently joined the Wattpad community so getting some guys
to read my first two chapters just made me so happy. Thank you very much to all of
you. I hope you'll continue to find time reading my first Wattpad novel. Please
vote and post a comment, positive or negative. I really, really, really want to
hear from you.
(sapphiregirl22) ~_^

Cover made by glittergold_17. Please check out this girl's works.

Chapter 4 - First Kiss

Here's a shoutout to ijbplm for making the two fantastic covers I'm posting in this
chapter! I love them so much, girl! Thanks a bunch!!! Oh, the pics even match the
title of this chapter!!! Kiss 👄



The next day, I intended to apologize to Nigel. Though he didn't believe in

sorries, as he said faults can't be scraped out with a sorry, I still thought that
I needed to extend my apology, whether he would accept it or not. Seeing him then
would require my most presentable look so, before I went to him, I showered;
blowdried my hair; slipped into an off-white top, coffee brown short shorts, and a
pair of white flip flops; and tied my hair neatly in place in a ponytail. Happy
with how I looked, I went out of my room to see Nigel.

I found him in the library browsing his laptop. He was sitting on his
favorite chair there, the one made of narra wood located in the corner of the room
facing the narra desk. He was so engrossed with what he was doing that he was not
able to notice my presence. Besides, his back was facing the doorway.

I stood there for a while just looking at his muscular back. At that time,
there was nothing I'd like to do but just hug him right there and then.

I had so many things to say to him. I wanted to apologize about my being

childish and spoiled. I wanted to apologize about my being selfish. I wanted to
tell him just how much I liked us to be friends and be civil to each other. And,
most of all, I wanted to promise that I'd change for him if that was what he wanted
and if that was the only way for him to finally learn to love me... and not call me
a brat or... a fool anymore.

By and by, as I was standing there by the doorway, Nigel turned his head
and caught sight of me. Perhaps, he had sensed that somebody was dutifully staring
at him. Nevertheless, he went back to what he was doing. He didn't bother to ask
what I wanted. Perhaps, he was waiting for me to talk.

I was tongue-tied, however. I didn't know how to start. Would somebody help

"Are you just going to stand there?" he started to talk anyway. His back
was still towards my direction.

My heart fluttered when I heard his voice. I didn't expect him to talk

I wasn't able to answer for I was still groping for words to say. What if
he'd get angry, insult me or shout at me? What if he'd call me names again?

I kind of just sulked in there. Finding the right words to say to the cold
Nigelito Joaquin was a very difficult, crucial thing. Conversations with him were
always like writing the best essay. You have to put all the right words together,
organize your thoughts logically to receive a good grade from your English teacher.
It was that hard to start and even stay in conversation with him.

Then, he turned his head again to me as if trying to know if I was still

there. When he wrinkled his forehead, that gave me the idea that he was waiting for
my reply.

I closed the door behind me and walked closer to where he sat.

"I... I am sorry about l-last night," I stuttered as I began.

Wearing a plain navy blue tee shirt and a pair of gray sweat pants, Nigel
stood up and turned around to face me. His expression was calm. I couldn't see any
hint of anger in his face but the look that he was giving me now was blank and
passionless. It was like telling me that my presence didn't have any effect on him.
At all.

"Like I said---" he started. He probably wanted to remind me that my sorry

wouldn't change a thing. What had happened had happened already. I already caused
enough trouble last night. There was nothing I could do to change the course of

"Still, I have to," I insisted.

"You don't have to say sorry to me. It isn't my concern if you stay out
late," he said it with calmness and ease as if he didn't really care about what I
was trying to explain to him yet a tone of scorn started to unfold in his voice.

"But I caused a lot of trouble last night. I just want you to know that I
really regret what I did," I continued anyway no matter what he would say.

"There's actually no need for all this drama, Althea. As I said, it's not
my concern if you stay out late. I looked for you because mom pestered me to. Had
it not been of her, I wouldn't waste my time looking for some unmindful spoiled

Okay, those words hurt. He was starting to pick a fight and my ears began
to feel some prickling heat. Like the spoiled brat that I was, I couldn't help
myself but answer him.

"Yes, you're right. You will never be concerned of me because, in the first
place, you don't consider me your fiancée, do you?" I managed myself to act strong
and fearless in front of him even if, deep inside, I felt the pain.

"Fiancée?" He feigned a smile. Wow, even if he was faking the smile, he

still appeared handsome wearing it.

I gulped something in my mouth.

"People will only believe that you're my fiancée if you have a ring from
me. As of this time, Princess," he mocked as he drew my left hand and looked at it,
"I don't see any on your ring finger."

His words rang a bell in my ears. He was absolutely right.

I tried to pull my hand from his grip because I couldn't stand the chill it
was giving me. But he was very strong.

"Besides," he continued, "there was never a formal engagement, was there?"

I was tongue-tied again. I pouted my lips and twitched them as I struggled

to open my mouth to say something. I had to say something. What was I going to say?

Unintentionally, I caught him staring at my twitched lips. And I couldn't

figure out why my heart began to beat hard as his dark eyes lingered there. Instead
of opening my mouth to speak, I bit my lower lip to hide it from his stare and,
also, to relieve myself from self-consciousness.

All of a sudden, he pulled my hand he was holding and grabbed my back with
his other hand to move my body closer to him so that my bosom crushed to his lower
chest. The surprise, the tension, the astonishment --- they were all there like a
gust of lightning in my being! Still not satisfied with our physical contact, Nigel
leaned his face down to meet mine as he gripped my chin with his fingers.

"Fiancée?" he asked, whispering the word.

I nodded as the tension I felt from our body contact got even more intense.
I stared at his handsome face.
"You claim yourself my fiancée?"

I nodded again. Of course, I was his fiancée and I'd claim that title no
matter what.

"Let's see if you really are," he whispered slowly in between his

breathing. His tone broadcasted danger and it made me shudder. "A fiancée can kiss
her man. Now, let's see if you can---"

And with that, in just a heartbeat, he pressed his lips against mine. What
the---? I wanted to shout. However, the sudden bolt of electricity that rushed all
over my body especially when I felt his warm lips in mine made me halt. Both my
eyes widened. But when Nigel began to caress my lips slowly with tender brushes of
his, I laggardly closed my eyes for, honestly, I didn't know what else to do or
react. Somehow, my mind just commanded me to shut my eyes and... and... his lips
were so warm and tender and tasted so damn sweet and delicious...

Oh, my God! I didn't know heaven was just a kiss away!

I thought the world stopped revolving. I felt weaker and weaker as my knees
began to shiver until I found my arms around his neck. I was convulsing terribly
and there was no way for me to pull myself together anymore. I was getting so
delirious I thought I would collapse entirely in his arms.

Nigel, what the hell are you doing to me?

While I was trying to process everything in my brain, I eventually felt his

tongue moving, teasing, and trying to find a way into my mouth. Goose bumps were
immediately all over my body. I was shocked with how his tongue moved... and
flicked... and...

Truly astounded, I pulled myself away from him. I was scared. I wasn't
ready for anything like that.

Nigel was surprised with my sudden reluctance. He breathed hard as he gazed

at my eyes.

I, on the other hand, stood taken aback. I didn't imagine kissing on the
lips would be like that! It was... it was absolutely a new experience for me. It
was my first kiss!

"See? You can't even kiss me," he finally declared, his gaze not leaving my

"I... I... I don't..." I tried to explain. Tears rushed through my cheeks.

What would I say?

"Don't you know anything else to do except cry, Althea?" Nigel demanded,
his face reddened. Apparently irritated of me, he pulled one of my wrists and
dragged me to the doorway. "How could you think of marrying me when all you can do
is cry?"

"You're hurting my wrist..." I complained.

He didn't listen to me. Instead, he opened the door and swung me violently
out of the room. Before he closed the door right in front of me, he asserted
matter-of-factly, "I don't need a crying brat in my life, Althea!"
I was left standing there totally flustered. Heat was blazing my cheeks. A
few seconds later, when I realized I was thrown like a trash, I ran away to my
bedroom. There, lying face down on the bed, I cried and cried and cried.


On the day of Nigel's return to the capital, I watched the servants

carrying his luggage and some parcels to his car. The latter looked like framed
paintings but they were carefully wrapped up and covered.

I sat on the swing in the patio to wait for him to finally come out from
the mansion. I waited for minutes.

Later, he appeared together with Mommy Carol.

"Be careful, son," mom uttered as she hugged him.

"Take care, mom," he replied while kissing her cheek. "I'll call you."

"Okay," she spoke and looked at me, "Oh, how about calling Althea as well?
She'll absolutely love that. Right, darling?"

I nodded. If only he would... Even a simple text like Hi would absolutely

be appreciated. Too sad he would never do such a thing.

He glanced my way but never spoke.

"And by the way, don't forget that next year, Althea's going to move with
you there. Remember, one more year to go and she's going to university," mom
reminded him.

"That's still a long way ahead, mom. Many things can happen in a year," he
stated meaningfully.

What did he mean by that?

But I didn't ask him. I just looked at him.

"She may realize later that she's not going to study in the capital
especially if someone tells her not to," Nigel continued.

Someone? Who on earth would tell me not to study in the capital?

"And who would be that crazy fellow to tell her not to study there?" mom
quibbled. "No, no, I'm not letting that happen. In fact, I'm already processing her
application to St. Louis. She deserves nothing but the best education. Now, care to
tell me, who are you referring to?"

"Her boyfriend," Nigel stated confidently as he placed his right arm around
mom's shoulders. Both of them were facing me. Nigel gave me an amused expression;
mom was quite shocked.

"You?" mom squeaked at him.

"For the nth time, mom, I'm not Althea's boyfriend!"

"Yeah, yeah, you're not her boyfriend, you're her fiancé..."

"Come on, mom," he dissented shrugging his shoulders.

Yet, mom didn't mind him, "If you're not her boyfriend, then who? Oh, no,
that's totally lame, Nigelito! Althea doesn't have a boyfriend here," mom defended
me. She sounded very disgusted of the accusation. "Come on, enough with your
silliness, son. Althea's going to live with you in the capital. Period," she said
thrusting her left elbow at his side.

Nigel grinned at her as he jerked away from her. "Do you really think she
can afford to live with me?"

"Why not? That's what she likes, right, darling?" mommy winked at me as she
asserted him.

I blushed. Still grinning, Nigel turned to me. Did he really smile at me?

"Okay, then that means she has to deal with my girlfriend there," he
sounded amused.

"Girlfriend?" mom reacted. "Whose girlfriend?"

"My. Girlfriend. In. The. Capital. Mom." he made it clear.

"What girlfriend are you talking about?" she became irritated again. "Come
on, son, don't you dare tease me, okay? Althea doesn't have a boyfriend here and
I'm not ever going to let you have another girlfriend! Your future wife is Althea
and that's that. Period."

"That's the second time you said period, mom," he said, obviously kidding
her and hurting me in the process.

Mom rolled her eyes at him, "Okay, you've got to go now before we make this
conversation a fight."

Nigel still wore that amused expression in his face when Mommy Carol and I
walked with him to his car. The thought of him having a girlfriend in the capital
just blew my mind off. He must be joking; he must be trying to hurt me. But,
really, couldn't it be possible? He was ravishingly hot, good-looking, and wealthy.
Many girls might just want to be with him... and that thought was slowly killing me
as of the moment.

Before he went inside his car, Nigel faced me and smiled. For the first
time, I felt like that was a genuine smile coming from him.

"Bye," I said trying to keep my tears from falling. I'm going to miss you.
Please, come back soon.

"Bye," he replied.

"Take care."

"Take care as well," he said, then he patted my head to dishevel my hair.

"Grow up, Princess."


That night, I caught a fever. It was, maybe, because of Nigel's strange

effect on me over the past week. I was both deliriously happy and heartbroken of
his presence in the palacio. It was both heaven and hell.
My fever lasted for a week.

And again, I had to face my daily life in The Fields without him.



Yeah, Althea is left once again. What do you think will happen next?

Sorry for the delayed update of this chapter. But, thanks for reading.
Please vote and comment.

(sapphiregirl22) ~_^

Cover made by ijbplm.

Chapter 5 - Guys and Fears


After Nigel left The Fields, I practiced myself to become responsible.

During Saturday and Sunday afternoons, I would stay in my private space near the
lagoon. But now, I already made sure that I'd be back in the mansion before 5:00
o'clock so that mom wouldn't get worried about me anymore. In the palacio, I would
help the cook in preparing dinner and oftentimes bake cakes with Elena.

When classes opened again, I was already senior high school. I went to the
same private school in the nearby town about a thirty-minute drive away from La
Carlota. Just like before, I had my private chauffeur to drive me to school and
back to The Fields every day.

I knew I was quite popular in school for most people there were aware of my
connection to the renowned Sarmientos. Most people knew I was staying in The
Fields, specifically the palacio. They also knew that I was to become the future
bride of the young master of The Fields.

Though I was already popular, I became even more popular in my senior year.
I was kind of questioning myself why because I wasn't the Queen Bee or something.
Then, I began to accidentally hear from my schoolmates especially the guys that I
was getting prettier every year. I was flattered with all the attentions I was
getting until the time when the town mayor's son became interested in me. That was
when I realized that I had to put an end to all of these enthrallments they had for

The son of the mayor was a senior high school student just like me but we
were not in the same class. His name was Javier --- confident, self-assured Javier
Suarez. Well, he came from an influential family so he wasn't discouraged of my
engagement. Rather, he showered me with flowers of different kinds every single
day. It irritated me like hell.

"Please, I want none of you, Javier, so please quit it," I told him
straight to his face one time as I gave him back the flowers he sent me that
morning. I cornered him while he was about to enter his physics class. His peers
left us in the hallway when they saw I was handing back the flowers to Javier.
He looked down at me frowning, his sluggish gaze never left my eyes.

"I'm already engaged," I met his eyes like seriously. I wanted him to
understand the seriousness of the situation and, of course, the seriousness of my

He was one of those popular boys in school who had a lot of admirers. His
pretty face placarded it like every day. While many girls ran after him, he was
running after me. I had to stop it before it would become very grave and I would
end up hurting him.

"That's forced engagement, Althea," he replied placing his right hand into
the pocket of his khaki slacks, his school uniform.

"I wasn't forced into it, Javier. I planned it," I said frankly. Well, what
could I do? That was the truth. Wasn't it me who initiated my engagement to Nigel?

Caught by surprise with my statement, Javier cursed under his breath. His
handsome face reddened. He must be really discouraged, so I thought.

"I love him, Javier, so there's no way that I'd be entertaining other guys

He flicked his eyes at me, "Someday, you're going to realize that you're
not really in love with him. So I'm not giving up, Althea."

So, he was still not discouraged. Why was he so stubborn?

I rolled my eyes at him, shrugged my shoulders, and walked away.

Whatever! Oh, stubborn guys!

It was only one of the many times that I rejected him because, yes, he
didn't stop pursuing me. But I tried my very best to ignore him.


When December came, I was excited with mom's news that Nigel would be
coming home on Christmas Day and he would stay in the palacio until the New Year.
God knew how eager I was as I waited for him to come home on Christmas Day. But he
didn't come. Mommy said later that Nigel didn't make it for he had to close a very
important deal during the holidays. I couldn't believe Nigel to be that workaholic!
Working even during the holidays! I hated that fact, really hated that fact.
Somehow, I secretly wished I were one of his business deals, at least, by being
one, he could spent time with me. Even during the holidays.

Before summer came, I finally graduated from high school. As usual, just
like all other important events of my high school life, I felt happy but there was
always that missing piece.

The day after my graduation, mom went to my room very early in the morning
and talked to me.

"It's about time, darling," she said as both of us sat on one side of my

I closed my eyes and wished it wasn't going to happen. But I had no choice.
I had to.
"You have to do this already. We can't wait for another day for this trip."
There was so much concern in her eyes and I knew that if we only had a choice, she
would rather have me stay in The Fields forever.

With mixed emotions, I nodded and only hoped to myself that I would be able
to do this successfully. It had been a long time... I was afraid... yet I wanted to
go because I missed Nigel and I badly wanted to see him.

"I know you can do this. Don't be afraid, Althea. I'll be just right here
with you," she motivated me as we held hands.

"It's going to be an eight-hour drive from The Fields but I assure you,
darling, everything's going to be alright," mom smiled at me and squeezed my hands.
"Besides, Nigelito will be there. Aren't you excited to see him?" she then
announced in a cheerful tone.

I missed him. I missed him. But would that be enough for me to overcome my

"And we're going to visit St. Louis University. You're going to love it
there, darling. So, come on, pack some of your things and we'll leave early." Mom
stood up, maintaining the cheerfulness in her tone apparently boosting my

Yeah, it's about time. It's time to conquer my fear.

A long distance travel actually was one of my greatest fears. I had never
travelled ever again to places farther than the town since I arrived in The Fields.
I was with my parents when that horrifying accident happened. I, miraculously, was
the sole survivor. And the thought of it was killing me like hell.

Ever since that fateful accident, I became afraid --- no, phobic was the
right term --- of long distance travelling. It was a problem that I couldn't ever
get out of my system. Every time long distance travelling would come out in the
picture, my mind would always bring me back to those times when I had to struggle
with nightmares every night after the accident where mom would always rescue me
with her warm embrace. I was still eight back then and that was very terrifying.
Without mom, I thought I was not going to make it through.

Whenever mom would go to the capital to visit Nigel or to make follow-ups

on the family businesses, there was that feeling of wanting and longing to go
there, but I was always defeated by my fear. That was why I started convincing
myself that I belonged only to The Fields. There was no way for me to travel long
distances ever again.

However, my high school life had come to an end and Mommy Carol found it
necessary for me to go to the best university in the country. Of course, I looked
forward to it, not for the love of it, but for my love for Nigel. I needed to be
where he was, live with him, be with him, breathe the same air he was breathing,
see him all the time. And I wouldn't experience all of those if I wouldn't travel.


It's already time indeed.

Thus, convincing myself to set aside my fears, I decided to go to the

capital. For the very first time.

Mom made sure that I had to calm down and relaxed myself as we were already
seated in the car. This sounded difficult to do but I tried my best. She even made
me do the breathing exercise.

I was seated at the back. Papa was driving; mama was on the passenger seat.
It was a long travel but I didn't mind it. All I knew was that we were visiting old
grandma. I was just playing and hugging my favorite dolly. Papa was telling my mama
sweet alluring words and she was overwhelmed with so much joy. She was giggling.

It was a travel that started out just fine and beautiful... but ended
horribly... terribly...

"I don't think I can do this, mom," I dissented as the car stated to move.
"I can't do this." Fear began to creep in my system as my mind reminisced what
happened before.

"Calm down, darling. Everything's going to be alright," mom found my hands

quickly. "I'll be right here."

Tears started to fall down my cheeks. The thought of the eight-hour drive
made me want to cry.

"You're used to travel. You go to the town five days a week. This is not
different to your trips to school," she assured me caressing my hands.

"No, this is different, mommy. This is going to be eight hours," I felt my

body tremble on the seat.

Suddenly, she enveloped me with her loving arms. "I'll be just right here,"
she whispered in my ears.


God knew I did all the possible things that I could do just to forget for
some time that I was travelling in a car. I talked with mom, listened to her
stories, held hands with her, hugged her, listened to music, slept... Then, we made
a stop. We had our car filled with gasoline, then we ordered burgers for our lunch
from a fastfood drive-thru.

After eating, we kept going and I had to face again my fear.

Every time my slim body trembled in fright, mom was all ready to encircle
me in her arms. Of course, I hugged her back.

Like a baby, I leaned my head on the pillow placed on her lap. Her fingers
were brushing my hair every now and then.

And I felt asleep again.

When I woke up, I saw mom's concerned eyes directed to me. She clasped one
of my hands and squeezed it to let me feel that the long journey was almost over
and that I had finally conquered my fear.

I hugged her tightly as my tears started to swell in the corner of my eyes.

She rubbed my back slowly to let me feel everything was okay.

"Mommy," I mumbled in between my sobs as I stretched out my body and leaned

my back on the backrest.

"Congratulations, darling! Surely, your mama and papa are very happy to see
you right now. They must be very proud of you."

I nodded my head while my tears generously streamed down my cheeks. It

seemed like the tears weren't going to stop. They just flowed down freely and

We were interrupted when the driver reminded us that we had already arrived
at Nigel's place. Hearing his name, I looked around me and saw the surroundings.
Everything was unfamiliar to me.

So this is the capital city?

The sad memories just went away. They were replaced with excitement and
eagerness. Finally, I was already in the capital.

Nigel, here I come!

"Here we are now, darling," mom's excited announcement. "Nigel will be very
happy to see you."

The car approached to a first-class condominium building. Oh, it looked so

magnificent in its stature. I couldn't believe what I saw. So this was the place
where my Nigel was residing. It looked like one of those modern structures that I
only saw in magazines and tubes. Looking at that tower-like structure, I kept
muttering the words, "Oh, my goodness!" for I was totally dumbstruck.

Then, I heard mommy commenting about my being a country bumpkin. I laughed

and giggled about that fact.

"When I'll finally be moving to Nigel's place, I'll definitely catch up

life in the city, mommy," I expressed aggressively.

Later, after the driver dropped us at the entrance, we went into the
building through a revolving door. The next thing I knew, we were already in the
elevator going to the floor where Nigel's unit was located.

"Which floor is it, mommy?"

"It's on the twenty-third," she replied.

"Twenty-third? Are you kidding me, mom?" I gasped. What the ---!

She laughed as she shook her head. "I'm not kidding, darling."

Everything in this building just blew my mind off. I wondered if I could

adapt with the things around me. Everything was just so different from what I
normally saw in The Fields.

When we were finally at Nigel's doorstep, I noticed the numbers 2327 on it.
Mommy pressed what looked like a button and the door swung open. A middle-aged
woman welcomed the both of us. Later, mom introduced her as Suzana, Nigel's cook
and housekeeper. The woman would report here everyday usually at 6:00 in the
morning and go home at 6:00 in the evening.

Inside the condo, I learned that it was thrice as big as I expected it to

be. Though it was too small to be compared to the palacio, I still believed that it
was too big a space for a single man to stay.

As I was mesmerized on the interior architecture, which mom called mid-

century modern design, I caught her asking Suzana about Nigel.

Yeah, where was Nigel? He was nowhere to be found. Probably, at his


"He's out of the country, señora, for a business conference," Suzana


"Out of the country?" I cried in disbelief.

What? Nigel was out of the country? All the risks I took during our travel
was just for nothing? I tried to overcome my fear in order to see him, yet he was
not around.

Mom and I stared at each other. We were both shocked.

It took me like an eternity to grasp the whole situation until I finally

pulled myself together.

"How could I not call him before we came here?" mommy said disappointingly.

"You planned to surprise him, mommy, remember?" I reminded her.

"Then, how could he not tell me about this conference?" It sounded not a
question, it sounded more of a frustration.

"Well, maybe, he wanted to surprise us," I tried to throw a joke. However,

nobody laughed... We were just too damn frustrated of his absence.


In order to get rid of the frustration and the disappointment lurking both
of us, mommy brought me to shopping. Honestly, this had been my first time since a
long time ago. I couldn't actually remember anymore when was the last time I had
been to malls. For sure, when my parents were still alive, they always found time
to bring me to shopping but not in very big malls like what the capital had.

I was both mesmerized and scandalized with everything there --- mesmerized,
because everything seemed very modern, very different from the country;
scandalized, because it was too easy for city couples to show their affection
publicly like holding hands or even kissing!

My goodness!

The latter only reminded me of that kiss in the library. I felt myself
blushing as I was trailing behind mommy. It was almost a year ago but I still
vividly remember it. I could still even feel his lips in mine. Oh, my God! However,
as I wanted it to be a secret, I never told anyone about it. I'd rather keep it to
myself. It was something that only Nigel and I knew.

The next day, mom and I went to St. Louis University. My admittance had
been processed months ago but I was called to report for face-to-face interview. It
wasn't that tough. I was just asked with few questions that I managed to answer
properly. Mom said I was part of those five percent of the total incoming freshmen
students who belonged to the elite group. Being a foster daughter of a Sarmiento
made it all possible. I was very lucky.
I decided to enter the College of Social Sciences for no particular reason
at all. Aside from that, I decided to enroll only the basic subjects because,
honestly, I still couldn't figure out which course to take. There were just a lot
of choices. I couldn't decide yet. I was surprised to realize that, all this time,
I only thought about my love for Nigel and marrying him that I actually forgot to
decide what course to take up in college.

Was it a good thing or a bad thing? Know what? I didn't really know.

Even so, with this fact, I still didn't care. What I truly wanted in my
life, if you would ask me, was a life with Nigel. I only wished to become his wife.


Two weeks after we visited the capital, Diego, the gardener's son, finally
confessed his feelings to me. He didn't tell me personally though. He only wrote a
letter and asked his kid brother to hand it to me.

Honestly, that letter was touching. He expressed how much he really loved
me in spite of the fact that I was to be married to the Young Master of The Fields.
He apologized for his aggression. He said he didn't expect me to feel the same way.

I admired his courage to tell me the truth. Though he didn't belong to a

wealthy and influential family just like Javier, Diego had the guts to do it. I
just knew there was something about that guy and I still couldn't figure out what
it was.

But, even if I was impressed with Diego's confession, I couldn't help

myself to get peeved.

Oh, guys! How would I make them stay away from me?



Hello, world! Thank you so much to all my READERS.

This chapter doesn't have something about Nigel for I just want all of you
to have more of Althea's character... ??? Hehe

VOTE and COMMENT please!

(sapphiregirl22) ~_^

Chapter 6 - Eighteen

"Let's go to the cemetery today," Mommy Carol announced as we were treading

the hallway situated in the second floor of the palacio. It was one silent morning
and the sound of our footsteps reverberated the floor.

It was Annie's death anniversary, exactly three weeks before my birthday.

"Will Nigel come home today, mommy?" I still bothered to ask even if I knew
the answer already. It was all the same since he moved out to the city. He never
came to The Fields every death anniversary of his sister.

"Like we wait for a miracle?" mommy gasped. "It was so hard for him when he
lost Annie. He couldn't accept it. Until now, I can still feel the remorse in him.
It isn't easy for him to be reminded of his sister's death."

I sighed.

It was definitely not easy to be reminded of your loved one's loss... like
how I felt when my parents were gone... At first, I was mad with the whole world.
The acceptance process had been one heck of a roller coaster ride. It was terrible.
I was thankful that Mommy Carol and Nigel, of course, made the process bearable...

"What was that for?" mom asked about my deep sigh.

"Uhm, nothing... I just feel his pain," I partially lied. I didn't want mom
to know that I was still grieving for my mama and papa. "He really loved her so

"Yes. That's why when our Anita died, he started to become aloof. He
started to make a world of his own. Somehow, I've come to think that I've lost my
cheerful Nigelito. You should understand why he's like that, darling."

I nodded.

"It was hard for Nigelito to grow up without a father, too," she ceased
walking and gazed at a large framed picture hanged on the wall. It was actually one
of the several pictures of the great ancestors of the Sarmientos lined on that
wall. I made a stop as well.

It surprised me to hear what mom just said. This was the first time she
talked about Nigel's dad.

I followed her gaze and learned that she was looking at a picture of a man
who had almost the same facial features with Nigel. It was the picture of Nigel's
father, the late Señor Federigo Sarmiento and the original owner of The Fields.

Looking at his picture, I recalled mama's story about him and Mommy Carol.
According to my mama when she was still alive, her best friend, whom I now called
Mommy Carol, married one of the wealthiest men in the country. It was an arranged
marriage. At first, Mommy Carol was not agreeable to it for Señor Federigo was
twenty-two years older than she was. But his persistence and love won her heart
eventually. Señor Federigo died, however, leaving her two young children, Nigel was
still five years old then while Annie was one. He died of heart stroke. He was

"I didn't know then how to handle the both of them after their father died.
I was so messed up without Federigo at my side. Fortunately, your mama was always
there to help me get through with life. That's why, when she went to marry your
father and moved to another province, I was a little depressed again because of the
distance that separated your mama and me. But I was happy for her to find such a
fine man that was your father. So, eventually, I learned to stand on my own, pulled
myself together, and learned how to care for my kids. It was hard but I made it,"
mom was now teary-eyed as she tried to reminisce the past. "Nigelito and Anita grew
up very, very close to each other. One couldn't survive without the other
especially when Anita was diagnosed with cancer. She was still very, very young.
But she managed to have a normal life. Thanks to her love on painting. She was a
tough child... really tough. Anita would always make you feel that there was
nothing wrong... until she died..."
I went closer to mom and hugged her. I knew it wasn't easy for her too.

She hugged me back.

"It was something that was too hard to bear. But, Nigelito was the most
affected. I don't know how he is surviving right now... but I'm just too happy he
is doing well. I don't know, darling, but I really do think that it's you who is
helping him to survive..."

My eyes opened widely of what I had just heard. She might not be serious.

I gave her a lazy smile, "That couldn't be possible, mommy. Nigel hates me
so much he wants me out of this house."

"I don't know... but I remember fully well when I first brought you here,
he was at that time in the library where he did his usual sketching. Actually, he
stopped painting for months when Anita died and he just settled on his sketching...
but, I guess, he realized later that painting was his way of communicating to
her... so he went back doing what he loved," mom narrated like she was into some
monologue. "Anyway, when I introduced you to him in the library, you were still
that adorable eigth-year-old cutie, I saw the glimmer in the eyes of my thirteen-
year-old Nigelito like he was seeing someone in you. It was the first time that I
saw that kind of glimmer in his eyes, darling. I thought instantly that he was
seeing our dear Anita in you because that was how I felt when I first saw you in
that hospital room while you were trying to recover from that..." she paused and
stared at me. It was obvious she was avoiding to utter the word accident.

I grew speechless. I didn't know what to say. It wasn't because I

remembered the accident but because I was stunned about Nigel seeing Annie in me.
Was it really true? If that was the case, why did he make it clear in my face
before that I would never ever replace Annie's place in this family? Why was he
furiously angry telling me to decline from mom's plan of adopting me legally? Why?


When mommy and I stepped into the car to visit Annie's grave, I was
astounded to see Diego in the driver's seat.

"What the hell are you doing here, Diego?" I exclaimed.

"He's going to be our new driver, darling," mom explained. "Well, Pedrito
has finally retired and so we now need a new one."

"What? This is unbelievable! Does he have a driver's license?"

Oh, I couldn't believe this! Apart from driving a bicycle, I didn't know
Diego could drive a car. This was absolutely insane!

"Why, will I hire him if he doesn't have any?"

"Mommy..." I wanted to complain that I couldn't stay in the same car with
Diego. I wanted to tell her that he was a traitor to the Young Master.

"What's wrong with Diego, darling?"

"N-no.... nothing..." I retreated. It wouldn't be good to Diego if I'd tell

mommy what he did. "I was just after of the driver's license."
I caught sight of Diego's grinning face in the mirror.

The jerk!


That was the start of Diego's pestering in my life. Wherever and whenever I
traveled, there he was. He was always visible and was always so available that it
almost made me sick. Though Diego never bothered me about reciprocating his love
for me, his face and actions would always remind me of his feelings.

"Quit looking at me like that, Diego," I told him one time when I caught
him looking at me in the rearview mirror as he drove me alone to La Carlota. I
always sat on the back seat whenever I rode the car with him. "Concentrate on your

"I just can't help it, Thea," he mumbled. He always called me by my name
which really annoyed me. He never called me señorita except when other people were
around. "Please don't forbid me to do the only thing I can do with you," he

"You sound desperate," I criticized.

"I am indeed desperate," he said while looking at the road ahead.

"Don't be."

"Only if you like me."

"That's so full of bull---" I reacted but, somehow, managed to control

myself. "There are other girls around. Many girls in The Fields like you. I know
that," I said while scrutinizing his face in the mirror.

Diego was a handsome guy. He was a boy of nineteen who always wore a cute
smile with a dimple on his left cheek. He was fun and full of life, only
irritating. I was irritated with him because I didn't like him to be liking me.

Maybe, if he would stop admiring me, then I could give him a chance to be
my friend.


On the night of my eighteenth birthday, Mommy Carol gave me a humongous

debut party. It was held at the palacio yard. It was where the C-shaped swimming
pool was located.

The party, with its Hawaiian concept, was at the same time a send-off for
me because I'd be going finally to the capital next month. All my visitors, my high
school classmates and friends, wore Hawaiian outfit; while I wore a stunning
yellow-hibiscus inspired dress completely bare on the back, low-cut on the front
showing my cleavage, and skimpy in length showing my thighs --- sexy voluptuous
thighs as described by Mommy Carol. She actually asked a famous designer in the
capital to do the dress for me. When she finally saw me wearing that delicate
dress, she cried in astonishment. She said, "You're the most beautiful thing on
earth, darling. I wish Nigel were here to see how lovely you are tonight."

We hugged each other and with a soothing smile, I told her, "Don't worry,
mommy. Nigel will be seeing more of me in the next months."
"But it's your debut party... It's your first day of officially claiming
the term woman, no longer a girl. Besides, he should see you wearing that dress.
It's just so perfect for you. You look really gorgeous."

"He knows about my party... but he isn't here," I sounded gloomy as I

scanned the people below us. We were both standing in the balcony overlooking the
palacio yard. I was preparing myself for my walk downstairs and met my guests.

"Yes, I told him about the party when I called him last Tuesday. He said he
can't come. He's busy," mom also said gloomily.

My heart felt the pain when I heard it from mom herself. I realized it was
more painful when you heard it loud and clear.

However, I tried not to show the pain I felt. Mom would be disappointed.
She wanted me to be happy.

"Don't worry about me, mom," I told her as I waved my hands to my friends I
spotted below. "I'll be doing fine." My friends waved back at me.

We hugged each other before she went downstairs to welcome her guests ---
mostly her friends in the town.

I scanned the yard again and I was elated that most of my invited friends
and classmates were here. Then, my gaze rested on somebody who was standing below
as confident as ever in jeans and Hawaiian polo that was slightly opened in the
chest. Well, I must say that with the disco lights on, he looked pretty stunning.

Javier Suarez. The mayor's son was here. Who invited him here?


After my entrance to the party venue was announced, the shindig immediately
started. It wasn't a formal one. It was the kind of party that didn't have a formal
dance routine like the cotillion. It was only for pure and sheer enjoyment.
Everyone enjoyed the grilled food, the live band and the bonfire. We danced and
sang and made merry. Some even dipped themselves in the pool. I had to admit this
was the coolest party I ever had.

All my friends and classmates were given each an opportunity to dance with
me. It was actually crazy. We partied and danced all night.

And, yeah, Javier was there but he seemed different. He was just watching
me from afar and he didn't offer me a dance. Probably, he knew that he was in the
Sarmiento vicinity. One annoying act and I would call the guards.

However, when I left the dance ground and stood alone by the buffet table
to pick a glass of refreshment, Javier went to my side.

"Happy birthday, Althea," he greeted me.

"Thank you," I replied, "but I don't remember inviting you though." Perhaps
it was harsh but I didn't really care.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm not invited but my mom is," he said with a slight smile on
his lips.

His mother? The mayor's wife was invited? Oh, she might be one of Mommy
Carol's guests right now. No matter what, he still deserved my cold treatment.
"Okay," I shrugged my shoulders and gulped the glass of refreshment in my

When I was about to leave him, he held my left arm.


"Where are you going to college?" Javier asked. His eyes were pleading, so
full of, what, bizarre emotions.

"Like it's your business? Come on, Javier, you can't be trailing behind me
all the time," I said trying to insult him.

Even in college, he actually planned to follow me?

"Just tell me, okay?" he asked, his voice sounded very desperate to know.

"The hell, Javier! Should I call the guards now?" I glared at him. "Now,
let go of me."

He finally let his hand off me. "I'm sorry, Althea."

"Behave or else I'll forget you're the mayor's son," I stressed and left

Javier no longer bothered me after that. He joined the group of my boy

classmates and stayed with them all night.


When it was almost midnight, that was the time when the palacio servants
joined the fun. Each of them, just like my friends and classmates, danced with me.
When Diego stood in front of me on the dance ground near the bonfire, I had no
choice. I just had to deal with him. What would the people think if I'd walk out on

Diego was obviously hysterical with happiness when he paired with me.
Because it was a disco beat, he yelled and jumped and laughed. He looked like a
madman to me. I couldn't help myself to laugh at the same time. I had no choice.
The laugh just came out naturally from me. Then, the other servants came circling
me. I even became happier.

I was in that ecstatic plight when Elena came to my side. She said
something I couldn't understand because of the blaring sounds, then she pointed to
the patio. There, I saw a tall shadow... a familiar figure who was silently
watching the frenzied scene in the ground.

I blinked my eyes several times. Was I dreaming or imagining? This couldn't

be possible!

"Señorita, the señorito's here!" Elena made her voice louder and giggled at
my side. I squeezed her arm in return. I was giggling, too.

Wow! Nigel! Nigel came after all!

Then, he disappeared to where he was standing. I lost sight of him. Where

could he be?
I excused to the dear people I danced with and ran to the patio. Nigel was
not there anymore. I ran inside the mansion, looked around the living room yet all
I saw were just some of the visitors. I went to the drawing room where Mommy Carol
was entertaining her guests. She hugged me tightly when she spotted me and she
happily announced that Nigel indeed had just come home!

"Where is he, mommy?" I asked excitedly.

"He's in his room. Go tell him to join the fun."

Well, you would know by now how excited I was. Of all the gifts I received
today, Nigel's presence was the best of all!

Immediately, I ran upstairs... The sound of my footsteps would tell the

excitement I was feeling right now. When I reached his room, I paused and gazed at
the closed door. I first drew a deep, deep breath before knocking the door.

I knocked three times. There was no answer from inside. I paused and
wondered what to do as I stared at the door.

I knocked again... twice...

The door swung open and, there, before my very eyes, stood the man of my
dreams in a loose white shirt and rugged jeans. With his ruffled hair and heavy
eyes, he looked like he had just really arrived...

Arrived at midnight? Really? Could you believe that?

He stared at me but he looked sleepy.

If he just arrived, it only meant that he was driving to The Fields very,
very late already. Oh, my Nigel! Did he purposely do it to see me on my birthday?

If there was something that did not change about him, it was the way he
stared at me. Within his sleepy and tired looks was his intent gaze on my face.

I did nothing but to look at his face as well. I could always memorize his
face even if he was not there... but his being there just made me lose my mind.
Suddenly, out of nowhere came my intense desire of hugging him real tight. After
staring at each other for like years in the doorway, I rushed to him and clang my
arms around his neck. His manly scent met my nostrils as I embraced him hard. There
was nothing else I'd like to do now but this!

I felt his rigid body close to mine. He didn't move a bit. He didn't
embrace me back. He was just like a lifeless dummy enclosed in my arms.

No matter how ecstatic I was at this moment, I could feel Nigel's

indifference and coldness towards me and the situation. It was clear enough to
conclude that he hated my embrace.

That made me pull myself away from him. What was the use of greeting him
with a passionate embrace if he didn't like it?

I saw his surprised countenance when I suddenly pulled away.

"When are you going to stop being cold to me, Nigel? I've already grown up.
Can't you see? I can now be officially engaged to you. I'm already eighteen. You
can now give me the ring," I uttered, and well, yeah, I admitted, I sounded very
desperate. It peeved me to realize that I sounded like Javier a while ago.
"I don't know what you are, stupid or insane? I guess, both," he stated

I didn't have the guts to speak. His words hit me big time.

"Why are you here? What do you want?" he asked later as he scrutinized my
whole appearance.

That question gave me the opportunity to speak again.

"Okay... I... I just want to say thank you for coming home tonight. It
really means a lot to me."

Still scrutinizing my Hawaiian-inspired yellow dress, he didn't speak a

word. It was as if he was still waiting for another statement from me. Then, his
gaze travelled and rested on my bare cleavage. It made me so ashamed that I
immediately covered it with my right hand.

"Would you like to join us downstairs?" I asked in order to conceal the

awkwardness I felt because of the way he inspected my body as if he was weighing if
I was already grown up enough.

He diverted his eyes to his bed, "I'm sleepy. Can't join you there."

"Uh, well, would you like me to bring you some food instead?"

"I'm not hungry," he said coldly as he walked to his bed leaving me in the

He sat on the bed. Bending down his upper trunk, he brushed his hair with
his fingers. He looked aggravated. "Well, I'm going to sleep now. Are you going to
remain standing there and watch me sleep?"

Nigel, why are you treating me this way? Am I not still grown up enough as
to your scrutiny?

"O-okay, I'm sorry... Uh, good night," I muttered timidly as I turned to


With a heavy heart, I closed his door and left him inside. I went back to
the yard to where the party kept going. One by one, the visitors bade their
goodbyes and left. It was past two o'clock when the party finally ended.

I slept in mom's bed later together with her. I slept hugging her really
tight for I was too afraid that if I wouldn't, I might break down and cry.



Finally, she's eighteen... of legal age already, huh? Yay!!! So what do you
think will happen the day after the party? Well, 'til next update, guys! Thank you
so much, every one!

Please VOTE and COMMENT.

(sapphiregirl22) ~_^
Chapter 7 - College

When I opened my eyes, the sun's rays came to light upon Mommy Carol's
room. She was no longer on bed. Looking at my wrist watch, I was astounded to know
that it was almost time for lunch. Oh, the bane of partying!

Too excited to go out of the room, I hastily fixed mom's bed. While my mind
was reminding me that Nigel arrived last night, I decided that I needed to also fix
myself to meet him today. After putting everything on bed in place, I ran to the
door to open it so I could go to my room and take a shower in my own bathroom. As
the door plunged open, my jaws dropped upon seeing who was standing before me.


He was actually about to knock the door since I caught him raising his
right hand. But when he saw me inside, he quickly put his hand down and stepped
backward. I knew he was surprised as I was.

Since his wavy hair was still wet, it was easy to tell that he had just
taken a shower. He looked very fresh and fragrant with his plain sweat shirt and
pair of denim jeans.

Suddenly, it occurred to me that I had just gone out of bed without even
having to check on my face or my disarrayed long hair! Without having second
thoughts, I promptly closed the door before Nigel's face so I could run to mom's
vanity mirror to arrange myself. Luckily, I found some wet wipes on her vanity
table and wiped my eyes and face with them. Then, I ran my fingers through my hair
so I could tuck the wavy strands in place. I fixed my pink pajama top and pants and
made sure that I still looked presentable even in my sleeping attire. After doing
so, I quickly went to open the door, terribly afraid that I might not be able to
see him again. Fortunately, he was still standing there looking so flustered.

What a nice way to start my day, huh? Seeing my dream guy first thing in
the morning in my sleeping attire?

I gave him my sweetest smile and accosted him good morning.

"I didn't know you and mom have exchanged rooms," he said bewilderedly.

"No, we haven't. I just slept with mom last night," I explained.

"You slept with mom?" he asked still bewildered. "Well, why should I
wonder? That's what babies do. They sleep with moms," he explained later to

"I'm no longer a baby," I complained.

"Yet you look like one," he commented as his eyes scrutinized my pajamas.
He was smirking.

"Why do you always insult me?" I mused in between my gritted teeth. Last
night, while I was in my party dress, he appeared not pleased with it. Now that I
was wearing pajamas, he just simply insulted me! What should I wear that he'd find
agreeable? "You're like the harshest person I've ever known!" I cried trying to
prevent my tears to fall down.
Obviously pleased with my expressed annoyance, he chuckled at my statement.
"I'm the harshest person you've ever known and yet you wish to marry me? How
absurd... or..." he stopped grinning, "don't you anymore?" He stared at my eyes to
search for a clue.

Well, I also had my temper. No matter how I tried to make myself the most
patient girl in the world, I couldn't help to get irritated. Disregarding his
valuable presence, I walked pass him to go to my room.

"Althea!" I heard him call my name.

I turned around. He actually called me? Miracle!

"What?" I asked.

"Are you backing out now of our engagement?" His forehead was slightly

Back out? Me backing out? Really?

"Back out? Never!" I yelled at him and ran to my room.

Don't you ever push me to back out, Nigel, I said to myself as I dragged
the door behind me. I slumped my back on it. I wanted to cry.

Seconds later, I heard slight knocks on my door. Would it be possible that

Nigel was pursuing me? Did he still want to talk to me?

I breathed in and out. It took me a few seconds before deciding to open the
door. When I did so, yeah, I saw him again.

"What?" I asked acting cold.

"Let's have a deal," he said as he leaned on the doorframe and I stepped

backward, a little farther from him.

"What deal?" I asked perplexedly as this was the first time that he
actually followed me. Normally, it would be him to walk out on me. And, if I'd be
the one to leave first, he always never bothered to follow me. So, this was some
kind of miracle, huh?

Still leaning on the doorframe, with his arms crossed in his chest, he drew
a heavy sigh.

"Let's end this folly right now. Let's go to mom and tell her we decide not
to get married. Ever." He had that serious tone. Just listening to him, any one
could tell that he was meaning every word he just said.

My mouth opened in shock. How could he?

"And if you agree with me, I swear I'll be good to you, I'll no longer
bully or insult you. In short, I'll be civil to you," he continued, still sounding
very serious.

Civil? No, I didn't want him to be just civil to me. I wanted him to be
mine. Mine. Be my husband.

"And if I don't do what you just said?" I asked stubbornly and meeting his
gaze, also crossing my arms on my chest.
He backed away from the doorframe and stood in the middle of the doorway,
his hands in his pockets.

"Are you kidding me?" Nigel appeared very surprised with my answer. "Do you
really want to pursue this folly?"

"This is not foolishness to me," I immediately said.

"Ugh!" he groaned in irritation as he turned around.

"Wait!" I stepped closer to him. I was afraid that he might walk out on me
forever. "W-Why can't we just marry?"

"Damn!" he cursed, clenching one of his fists. "And give in to what mom
wants when it's neither healthy nor beneficial to the both of us? Are you really
this desperate?" he commented as his back was facing me.

"Of course, it's healthy and beneficial." I wanted to fight for it.

He faced me again. "How could you say that? Are you mature enough to even
say that?"

My age. He was referring to my age. Oh, my goodness! Didn't he really think

that I had grown up already?

"When are you really going to grow up, Althea? For once, learn to be

He still saw me as a child! I still didn't have any effect on him! "N-

He didn't wait for what I was going to say. "What I want to point out is
for you to really decide for your future, Althea. You can't just hang on with mom
forever. Decide for yourself. Besides, I also have my own future to think of. I
only want to marry the woman I like, not the woman my mom likes for me."

"The only future I like is to be with you..." I said, almost a whisper. How
could I shout it the whole world when the man whom I wanted to listen wouldn't?

Nevertheless, he still heard me.

"Don't make a fool of yourself," he said, almost a whisper, too.

That statement again!

"If you can't accept me right now, then I'll wait for you even it'll take
forever for me," I said, almost crying.

"I said, don't be a damn fool!" he said angrily, this time, shoving both of
my shoulders with his strong hands. "I. Don't. Want. To. Marry. You." He stressed
every word like he wanted every cell of my brain to perceive it. "I will marry only
the woman I love and I don't love you."

So he didn't love me? What now? His words struck me hard. I was speechless.

He released my shoulders from his grasp.

Looking at his grim impression, I felt my tears flowed out from my eyes. He
became more resentful as he observed my tears in my cheeks.

"See? You still haven't grown up enough. You're still a cry-baby," he said
coldly as he turned to leave.

It hurt me so much. His words, all his words hurt me to the bone!

"Because you always make me cry! Damn you!" I cried out loud so he could
hear it.

He halted and turned around to face me again. For seconds, he just gazed at

"Because you always make me cry..." I repeated, in lower tone now, as both
of us were battling gazes.

"Because that's what I want to do. I will never make you happy, Althea," he
uttered matter-of-factly.

He never looked at my direction again.

After that, I never saw him anymore that day. He already left.


In spite of the heartaches and pains he brought to my life, I still

couldn't afford to hate Nigel. In spite of my young heart, I still believe that
what I felt for him was definitely real. So, I swore to myself that I would wait
for the time when he would finally learn to love me... even if it would take
forever. Even if he hated the idea of it. Forever. I would love him forever. And I
would wait for him forever.

During the later weeks of summer, I spent my days creating beautiful

memories with Elena, my closest pal now. Together with my driver, Diego, Elena and
I always went to La Carlota to do some charity work especially to those children
who hadn't gone to school. We had feeding and volunteer teaching programs in the
village, of course, with the approval and resources of Mommy Carol. I also invited
some of my classmates to join and share their fortune to the children in La

It actually all started when one day in the village, I came to realize how
unfortunate most of the children were there. Having parents who were mostly
peasants, laborers and workers, these children were actually left behind most of
the times. They were young and impoverished. They needed attention.

As we continued our services, I felt good inside. I realized that we could

do something for our fellows no matter how young we were. Mommy Carol said she was
proud of me, but I was much prouder of Elena and Diego who were persistently there
to help me with my newly found mission in life. It just suddenly dawned on me. I
wanted to help.

That was how I started to become really close with Elena. I realized how
good-hearted she was. Yet, I felt sorry for her. Like any girl of her age, she
wanted to go to college. But because she had a family to support , she had to be
confined in the mansion to work after she finished high school in a public school.

As for Diego, well, I actually started to like him. The annoyance I felt
for him had eventually gone. I began now to understand why he was always oozing
with confidence and showing a funny personality. They were like his defense
mechanism. For a boy who grew up in a poor family, he had to endure the harshest
experiences he met along the way. To have a sickly father who already retired being
the palacio gardener and a mother for a househelp, he had to help supporting his
brothers and sisters. He was now the breadwinner of his family.

When Diego and I became closer, he stopped telling vocally his feelings for
me. Yet, with his stolen glances at me, I was aware that he still had that kind of
feeling. I felt sorry for him every time.

Both Elena and Diego wanted to go to college. Elena wanted to be a nurse;

Diego wanted to be an engineer... which made me realize that here I was, about to
enter college, but still was not able to decide the course I should take; while
Elena and Diego, who had already decided for their courses, could not even go to
college. The irony of life!

I wished I could help the both of them... and the many children in the
village... to be able to pursue education.


The day before I went to the capital for college, I went to visit the
lagoon and bade my goodbyes to the place where I came to get used to. With my tears
flowing down my cheeks, I placed the blanket in my basket as I was about to leave.

"I'm going to miss all of you!" I shouted at everything that surrounded me.
The sky seemed to get darker and darker as clouds came to build up above. The
flowers seemed to stoop. The butterflies came to hover all around me as if saying
their goodbyes, too. They all seemed sad.

"Don't worry, I'll be just going to stay with my Nigel. But I'll be back!"


As I was treading the concreted pavement going to the palacio, Diego came
from behind, probably coming from their house, riding a bicycle. Today was his day-

He stopped to greet me.

"Hi, Thea!" he said, smiling sweetly.

"Hello! Where are you going?"

"Just where my bike brings me," he joked. "Would you like to come with me,
my lovely señorita?"

"And let me ride on that bike?" I gasped as I looked at the uncomfortable

rear part of the bicycle where a passenger was supposed to sit. "No thanks!"

"There's nothing to fear! Diego, the brave hero, is here!" he said, proudly
tapping his chest.

"No way, Diego," I protested.

However, he kept on pestering me until he got me on that rear part. I

always thought before that riding on his bicycle with him would be a ridiculous
idea, but when I actually did, it was like one of the most exciting experiences in
my life! It was totally a blast, especially when he would make his bike ran super
fast like the wind that I had to shout and shout of both excitement and fear. And,
of course, it made me hug him tightly without even my being aware of it until we
reached the palacio.

When he dropped me just outside the gate, I thanked and told him that I
would never forget that experience.

"Wow! It blew my mind off!" I added, smiling.

He smiled, too, showing his cute dimple. Then, he became serious.

"Just don't forget me," he said. "When you're already in the city, just
don't forget me. That's all I ask of you."

"Of course, I will never forget you or Elena or anyone in The Fields," I
said as I took the basket from his hand. He was still clinging to his bike.

Diego looked at my eyes without even battling an eyelash.

"I love you so much," he stated softly as he was about to weep. I could
feel his sincerity. It was his first time to say those words to me personally. "I
will wait for you, Thea."

His compelling utterance made my heart sink.

If only we could teach our hearts...


In the evening, all I could think of was Diego. I couldn't sleep just
thinking about how pitiful he was. I wanted him to be happy. I didn't want him to
be like me expecting love from somebody who didn't feel the same way. I wanted him
to find the right girl for him, a girl who could really give herself totally to him
without reservations. As for me, I could only be a friend to him.


Early in the morning, after bidding farewell to Elena and to all the
mansion workers, mom and I got in the car to go to the capital. Mom hired another
driver because Diego couldn't drive for us there yet. He still wasn't that adept
driving in that big city.

Just before our car left, I said silently my prayers for our safety. I
wouldn't be able to surmount my fear about traveling if I wouldn't dare to
experience it again and again. I had to do it for myself. For myself.

Mommy caressed my hand. She could tell exactly what I was feeling this
time. She smiled to assure me that, just like last time, everything would be
alright. And I trusted her.

When the driver started the engine, I caught sight of Diego's sad
expression. His eyes appeared to have not slept the night before.

Poor Diego!

I opened my glass window and waved my right hand at the servants standing
in line in the driveway. All of them waved back at me except for Diego. He was just
standing there and staring at the departing vehicle.

"He's a kind boy," I heard Mommy Carol's comment as I put my hand down and
closed the window.

"Huh?" I turned to mom.

"Diego," mom said.

"Yeah, he sure is," I replied as I pictured out Diego's pitiful


"I'm planning to let him pursue college in the town."

I was surprised to hear those words from mommy. I looked at her face. She
was serious.

"That's nice, mom! Diego would love it!"

"I've been thinking about the services you did this summer to the village
children... and I am so happy about it, darling. I'm so inspired by it... and it
makes me realize that we have our resources to help the unfortunate ones, so why
not help? This year, I'm going to send Elena and Diego to college."

I was so overwhelmed with mom's news that I hugged her tightly. It was
enough for me to let her feel how grateful I was to her for answering my friends'

I rode on the car with a very grateful heart. How lucky I was to have Mommy
Carol in my life! Somehow, this happy thought made me forget a little bit the
phobia I had for traveling.



So next chapter, Althea's finally living with Nigel... How do you think
this will work? Or will this even work? Haha!

I will never tire of thanking those who find time in reading this story.
Let me know who you are... VOTE and COMMENT pleeeaase.

(sapphiregirl22) ~_^

Chapter 8 - Moving In

My first week in the city was spent with so much homesickness. Nigel was not at his
condo when Mommy Carol and I arrived. I found out he had some business to attend to
in the South. Mom and I shopped for what I needed at home and in the university.
After three days of spending with me, she went back to The Fields, leaving me in
the condo with Suzana, the housekeeper, who stayed with me even at night until
Nigel's arrival.

After a week, Nigel finally arrived.

It was almost 10:00 o'clock at night, as I, half-sleep, was dozing off to the unlit
kitchen to get myself some glass of cold water. I was halfway from the door to the
refrigerator when I caught sight of somebody unexpected especially at this time of
night. Nigel's presence near the kitchen island was definitely a bolt from the
blue! As the light from the adjacent doorway reflected onto him, he was like one of
those Greek gods I read in the books, too sexy and muscular wearing a long-sleeved
button down, the upper three buttons opened showing his broad hard chest, with a
tie loosened around his neck and a pair of black slacks. It was like seeing someone
from your dream coming to life!

"Nigel!" I cried in amazement.

He had just drunk a glass of water when he learned my presence. His expression was
enough to tell me that he was also not expecting to see me right here, right now.
He looked puzzled as he gazed at me.

"Althea..." it was like a whisper yet in some way the air just caught it and
brought it to my ears. His voice, smooth yet husky, was the most amazing sound I
ever heard tonight.

Excitedly, I moved towards him with the feeling of wanting to touch him, to feel he
was real... And with the overwhelming passion I felt all over my body, I embraced
him so hard that I never wanted to ever let him go. I sensed his surprise but I
insisted and instead made the embrace so much harder I felt he stopped breathing.

"I missed you so much," I confessed.

I never heard him say a word. I still thought he was caught astounded of everything
that just happened. Yet, moments later, I didn't know if I was just wrong or if I
was just imagining things, I felt his hands slowly embracing me back. Was this real
or was I dreaming? I closed my eyes as I leaned my head on his firm chest. I had to
engross myself with this oh-so-wonderful yet indescribable feeling!

With my hands around his neck and his hands encircling my waist, it was a scene
that I often pictured out in my mind. It seemed so surreal. In that position, we
could hear each other's beating heart clearly.

Suddenly, the lights in the kitchen were turned on!

Nigel pulled away from me quickly. He seemed to have awakened from a dream. I had
to pull myself together first before I realized what was happening.

"Suzana," he blurted out while looking at the direction of the doorway.

So, it's you, Suzana, I said to myself as if catching a culprit. I stood beside
Nigel while I was probably staring at her with my big wide eyes.

"Suzana," Nigel spoke her name for the second time.

"Señorito, I'm s-sorry. I didn't know you're here already," she apologized as if
blaming herself for intruding into something so private, "Señorita, I'm really

"Ah, it's nothing, Suzana, really nothing," Nigel interrupted her apologies.

I looked at him and somehow I felt the awkwardnes in the atmosphere. He was now
avoiding my eyes. Feeling the tension, Suzana immediately bade good night and went
back to her room.

I followed Nigel as he headed towards the living room passing the dining area. His
luggage were still there just haphazardly placed on the floor. I picked up his
suitcases and placed it on the light brown classic 1960's mid-century modern Danish
sofa couch.
"I'm so glad you're already..." I tried to break the silence.

"When did you arrive?" he interrupted. He was standing at my back, about two meters
away, as I arranged his suitcases on the sofa.

"A week ago..."

"Is mom still here?"

"She's gone to the province already," I turned to face him. Seeing him with all the
lights on just mesmerized the whole part of me. I really missed this man so much I
wanted to hug him again.

"She didn't call me about you're being here," he said not looking at me.

"Well, she wants to surprise you. S-so... are you surprised I'm finally here with
you?" I asked him as I seek his eyes.

"Classes will start in about two weeks so I just didn't expect you'd be here
earlier. Well, what can I do? Do I have a choice? You're already here so I think I
just have to deal with it, huh?" He brought again that cold indifference in his
voice just like how he always treated me at The Fields. He moved a little farther
from me, sat on the modern lounge arm chair at the corner, and leaned his head on
the headrest while closing his eyes.

"You seem tired," I stepped nearer to him to observe his countenance. All I wanted
to do now was to gaze at his beautiful face. He seemed to be not minding my
presence in front of him. "You're really tired, Nigel. I'll prepare the bed for
you..." I offered.

In just an instant, which I didn't really expect, he pulled me down through my left
wrist that I almost stumbled over him had it not been for my right hand which
quickly coped to lean on the headrest. However, with his speedy other hand, he
encircled my waist and pulled me to him once again that my buttocks rested on his
lap, my legs slightly spread out over his thighs. I imagined myself to be like a
shocked frog slumping its poor weak body on something huge and hardy. Our faces
almost touching each other.

"Which bed, Althea? Yours or mine?" he whispered in my ear. His breathing kind of
tickled that portion of me.

I felt hot blood rushing through my neck traveling to my cheeks, and finally to my
ear. I never expected him to do something like this. Just a while ago, he embraced
me back at the kitchen, then suddenly he turned cold and apathetic, and now, he
seemed to be trying to play some kind of seduction game with me.

"N-Nigel..." I groped for something to say but I was at loss of words. All I sensed
was his hand encircling my waist, his hand gripping my wrist, and our lips almost

"Aren't we playing husband and wife now, Althea, now that you're already staying
under my roof? Isn't this what you presume to happen?" he said, still whispering
yet with a harsh and huskier tone this time.

"Nigel, I... I..."

"So which bed are you using now? Are you using mine?"
I tried to pull away from him but he was too strong to pin me to him.

"Nigel, I'm not staying in your bedroom..."

"So what's the purpose of wearing this... this skimpy nightdress, Princess?"

Huh? Was I wearing a nightdress? Was I? Oh, how stupid of me! Of course, I was...
Oh, how could I forget? How could I forget that I wore the see-through negligee
that Mommy Carol bought for me last Tuesday! It was supposed to be only for fun and
to be used in private! It was no wonder now that Suzana appeared so apologetic a
while ago when she saw Nigel and I embracing each other because of my revealing

Were the gods playing with me?

I was awakened from my reverie when I noticed his hand brushing the silky fabric on
my back... It was a sweet, tingling sensation penetrating through my skin and I
wished to close my eyes.

My goodness...

Oh, no! I had to control myself now. I wouldn't be getting into his trap. While I
was still in my complete cognizance, I tried again to break free. But the more that
I pulled away from him, the more that he had me under control and the more that I
felt his firm, feverishly hot body under me. He was too strong to resist.


"Didn't you say you missed me, Princess?" His voice was trying to suggest that he
was really involving me into some kind of playful romantic communication. I had to
catch my breath as I heard his alluring tone.

I couln't resist now... How could I resist this man? So I closed my eyes and waited
for what could occur next. I was eighteen now, already grown up enough for whatever
he was trying to offer. I would be ready whatever it would be...



I expected too much. I only realized it when I thought Nigel was about to kiss me
but, no, he did not. I knew exactly that he was catching his breath as he gazed at
my eyes intensely. Our lips were just about an inch away from each other. For the
first time, I felt deep, deep inside that he had been attracted to me, too. I felt
he wanted to kiss me. I just felt it and I waited as I met his gaze.

But he did not.

Instead, he got me unprepared as he pushed me up. I didn't have a hard time keeping
my balance because his strong hands managed to plant both of my feet on the floor.
Then, he stood up like nothing had happened, walked with big strides to the
adjacent sofa, swooped down his luggage, and headed to the hallway leading to his

"Nigel," I called out his name as if to seek for an explanation. I was not some
kind of a junk to be treated this way. In the first place, he initiated it... for
goodness sake, he wanted to kiss me! Yet I ended like a trash thrown to the garbage
bin. I didn't deserve this!
He turned to face me and looked at me with an expression as if I was indeed a

"For heaven's sake, Althea, can you just stay away from me?"

I stepped closer to him, "You wanted to kiss me. Don't you ever deny it."

"Don't challenge me, Althea..." he rustled slowly yet harshly under his breath.

"Nigel... I almost believed... when we were there..." I struggled as I pointed that

unforgettable arm chair in the corner, "I almost believed you like me, too..."

"Really, huh?" he asked sarcastically.

"Don't you deny it," I said stubbornly.

"You don't only push yourself to me, you also assume things. Oh, my God!" he gibed.

"You're a liar..." I said sobbing. He was one damn liar! I felt he was about to
kiss me and he was now denying it.

"Althea, don't you ever, ever assume things so easily. I made it clear before and I
will make it clearer this time, I will never like you nor even marry you. Now, will
you excuse me?" he said hoarsely as he turned to leave me.

"You're one big fat liar, Nigel!" I cried out loud as I rushed past him in the
hallway to get to my bedroom first.

Tonight, I couldn't be mistaken. I felt it in my heart that he was attracted to me

somehow but why was he trying to deny it? Why?


In the following two weeks, I stayed in his condo with all the thought that Nigel
had also feelings for me. Every time we saw each other, he remained cold and
impassive like what he always did when we were still in The Fields. Yet, no matter
how he treated me, I still put that little hope in my heart that, someday, he would
come to reveal his feelings for me.

However, the more that I hoped, the more that he stayed rarely at the condo. It was
as if he was actually doing it on purpose. We never shared breakfast or whatever
meal. He was always no longer around when I took my breakfast and he would always
come home very late that I had already taken my dinner or I was already on bed
sleeping. It was not the kind of situation that I imagined it would be.

Well, there was one particular day every week when he would stay at the condo the
whole day and that would be every Sunday. However, that whole day would be spent at
his painting studio --- that room in between his and the guest room. I was never in
that studio even once because Suzana would always remind me of its being off-
limits. She said even she herself was forbidden to enter. It was Nigel's sacred
sanctum, she said. When I learned about that private studio, I remembered Annie.
His longing for his long deceased sister gave him full passion for his paintings...
As Mommy Carol once declared, his time spent in painting was like his private time
of communicating to his late sister. I found it weird at first but I came to
understand it later on.

Every time, he would be in that room, I also stayed outside of it. I would sit on
the floor in the hallway while leaning my head on the studio's closed door.
I wanted to be there with him. I wanted to take a glimpse of his paintings. I
wanted to know what he was painting about most of the time. However, I was never
given a chance to do it.

All through my stay in The Fields, I only saw two of his artworks. One was Annie's
portrait that was hung at the library wall in the palacio. The other was a
marvelous visual representation of Mommy Carol's flower plantation with the
breathtaking portion of the Sarmiento River in its right side. The latter with its
considerable size was delicately framed and was hung at the wall in the drawing
room where mom would always entertain her guests and that artwork would never fail
to get everyone's attention. Nigel was that good of a painter. He was a genius

Someday, I wished he would let me enter his secret world.



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(sapphiregirl22) ~_^

Chapter 9 - Bumpkin

"I'm Kara and you are?"

I was taking my snacks in the cafeteria at the same time busy observing the
other students when I heard someone introduced herself. When I looked up, I saw a
girl about my age extending her right hand to me for a handshake.

"I'm Althea," I replied clasping her hand.

She sat down on the chair at the other side of the table.

"I can't believe it's the first day of classes." I heard her mumbling.
Then, she talked to me again, "I saw you in my English 101 class and I believe you
still have no friends around 'cause I don't see you with anybody here. Can I be
your friend?"

I was relieved to hear those words from her. Actually, I had the dilemma of
blending in with all the other students in the university for I found every one of
them too different. Their sense of fashion was different from me. They were more
stylish and more sophisticated. Even with how they talked was different. I was
afraid that if I would talk to any of them, they would get the impression of my
being a country bumpkin and they might ignore me. Everything was just not-so-common
to me that I really had the hard time of blending in.

"Y-yeah, sure," I spoke timidly.

"Okay, great!" she exclaimed.

Kara Mondego appeared to be a cheerful girl. She got the sweetest and the
most genuine smile that I had ever seen in the university. Though her heavy make-
up, sexy top, mini skirt and stilettos didn't match with my simple make-up (just
blush on my cheeks and a touch of gloss on my lips), white button-down, skinny
jeans, and doll shoes, I still believed that we clicked the first time we talked.
So, I spent the rest of the day with her and I was glad I found a new friend.


Who's that guy?" Kara inquired excitedly when she saw Nigel waiting for me
at the parking lot. I just pointed at her the man who was to pick me up.

Nigel looked very attractive wearing a pair of shades, a long-sleeved gray

button down and black slacks. With his right trunk leaning on his car, he was at
the same time scrolling something on his phone. He probably had seen me already
approaching or he probably still hadn't... I coudn't tell but he appeared to be
very busy with his cell phone. Texting somebody, perhaps?

"He's my fiancé," I replied proudly.

"Fiancé? Seriously?" she gasped in disbelief.

"Seriously, Kara," I said matter-of-factly.

"Oh, my goodness! You are engaged to that man? You really are full of
surprises, Miss Ruiz!"

"Yup, I'm already engaged and that's my man over there."

"A country bumpkin, huh? Then, now engaged? You really are something!" She
laughed, still in disbelief, and looked at Nigel again. "Oh, girl, you've got a
gorgeous man out there. Is he an actor or ---?"

"Now you're kidding me, Kara," I stated giggling. "He's a businessman."

"Oh, sounds like he's a big time," she said, her mouth in an oww shape.

"Come on, I'll introduce you to him." I grabbed her wrist and, together, we
walked towards Nigel.

When we reached at where Nigel was, he immediately glanced up.

"Uhmm, look, what I've got here. I've got a new friend!" I started.

"Hi, call me Kara," she did not wait for me to introduce her. She appeared

Nigel stretched out his right arm to give her a handshake and said,

He did not say much words. Instead, he signalled me to get in the car. He
seemed to be in a hurry.

"Oh, demanding," Kara whispered to me while hitting my left elbow with her

I smiled and said, "I've got to go now. See you tomorrow."

When Nigel and I were already in the car, I decided to speak first, "My
first day in the university turns out fine." I gave him the news though he seemed
not interested to know. Well, I was just trying to initiate an interaction since he
was silent all along. "It was not great but I managed my day just fine."

He did not speak a word. His eyes were directed to the road.

What was this? It was like he was raising a cold war. I believe this was
his way of protesting his being my driver this time.

He kind of actually told me a day before that he didn't have time to drive
for me. But I pestered him telling him I was not familiar with the place.

"I'm a very busy man. You can't just tell me to drive for you."

I rolled my eyes at him. "Well, if you wouldn't be there with me, I might
get lost. If so, you would lose your soon-to-be-wife."

His brows furrowed the moment he heard what I just said. Obviously, the
mention of my being his future wife irritated him. He stopped talking to me. Yeah,
just like that.

Because of that, I thought I had to attend to my first day in the

university without him. I slept too worried how to get to school.

However, this morning, after we took our breakfast, Nigel announced in his
irritated voice that I had to get moving or else he had to leave me behind.

So, he was going to leave me behind... What? It took me several seconds to

realize what he was telling me. He was to send me to school? Really? He was to
drive for me?

So, what happened next, I had to carelessly yank my shoulder bag and my
notebook from the sofa as I found my way to the door and ran after him. Since I
really wanted to keep up with him, it was too late for me to realize that my cell
phone slipped from my hand and fell to the floor. I was already out in the hallway
when I turned and saw that Suzana was picking it up. She seemed worried upon seeing
its condition. She was shaking her head. What did she mean? But I had no more time
to ask about it. I needed to run after Nigel. I just waved at her and ran only to
find out that the elevator Nigel had stepped into had just shut its doors right
before my face!

Oh, I didn't know how to operate that damn thing! I was panic-stricken! I
just got confused if I had to press a button or not, or if I would, which one?

Oh, such a bumpkin! What a dilemma!

I was already teary-eyed when it opened again, and there inside in that
tiny space, I saw Nigel standing in his business suit, leaning on the back wall,
elbows crossed and giving me an amused grin. He probably was playing some kind of
prank on me!

Oh, he had to be thankful that I needed to get to the university or else I

would have gone back to his condo, locked myself in my room, and grounded myself
for life! Okay, I was just over reacting... but, hey, could you blame a naive
country girl that was me?

Yet, the fact that he offered me a ride was still something, so my heart
actually forgave him the moment I stepped into his car. I went to school already
with a mended heart. Still, he didn't say anything while we were heading to the
university except, "I'll pick you at the park after your class," when I was about
to get out of his car. He was indeed maintaining that cold treatment to me.

"I've already hired a driver for you."

His announcement woke me up from my recollection. Finally, he had spoken!

"A driver?"

"You can't possibly expect me to drive for you everyday, Althea."

"Why? Isn't it possible?" I asked disappointed about the news.

He gave me an annoyed expression, "You are truly impossible."

I gave up the conversation and allowed myself to be entertained with the

magnificent sight of the elegant buildings we passed by.

And, every time I saw something odd or unfamiliar, I would point a finger
to it and asked him what it was.

Well, he never answered any of my questions. He returned to his silent



"Good night," I said to him as I was about to go to my room to rest. We had

just dinner and he appeared to be busy scanning some papers in the study room.

He seemed not to listen so I just left him and went straight to my room.

Oh, I had already enough of this cold war! I couldn't take it anymore!

It hurt me so much. It hurt the fact that I was finally with him but he
made it sure that pushing me away would be his most remarkable achievement of the

No, he would never ever succeed! I would prove to him that all his efforts
would be in vain! In the end, I would be declared the winner of this exhaustive


I was half-awake when I heard a slight knock on my door. Who could it be at

this time of the night?

I looked at my wrist watch and learned that it was almost 10:30 in the
evening. Oh, I was almost asleep.

Could it be Suzana? But she had already gone home.

Nigel? What could be so important that I had to be awaken?

Pushing the comforter away, I struggled myself to rise up from bed.

Thinking that my spaghetti-strapped top and pair of sleeping shorts weren't that
revealing, I did not bother anymore grabbing my robe. Well, it was not really
revealing like last time...

I was in total awe when I finally saw Nigel right before me as I opened the

Without saying a word, he handed me a box.

"What's this?" I asked curiously while trying to decipher what it was.

"Can't you refrain from asking? Just open it," he demanded.

Like an excited kid, I opened it and I was completely delighted when I

realized what it was.

"Suzana said your phone fell this morning and it's broken ---" he said.

"So, can I text you now? Like really, really text you?" I said excitedly
upon seeing the newest iphone model in my hand.

He smirked. "Yes and no."

"Huh? What's that supposed to mean?"

He leaned his right arm on the door jamb and placed his left hand on his
waist. He was wearing a pair of gray pajamas and white sleeveless collarless cotton
shirt showing a generous amount of his muscular arms. God, he looked so sexy and
hot even in the simplest of clothing.

I could almost hear my heartbeat...

God, do I have to drool every time I see him?

"Do not text or call me whenever you like. I'll be the one to tell you when
to text or call me... Only when I want to, get it?" Nigel made it clear to me.

Huh? What kind of set up was that?

"That's very unfair!" I protested.

All of a sudden, he snatched the phone away from my hand. He did it so fast
that, in an instant, he was holding it already.

"Then, you don't need this!" he exclaimed.

"Oh, you're very unfair! Of course, I need that," I gasped in frustration.

"If you want to have this, then you've got to conform to my rules," he
uttered as he waved the phone on the air.

"No!" I stubbornly interjected. I was clenching my fists tightly.

I would call or text him whenever I wanted to. That was what I wanted. I
had been deprived of contacting him when I was in The Fields because he never
bothered to answer all my calls and texts. Would I have to endure the same now that
I was here? Now that he was giving me a phone? No, I couldn't just give this up!

"No!" I cried out again as I made one quick strenuous effort grabbing the
phone from his hand.

The effort was to no end for he was twice as quick as I was! Nigel was too
fast backing away from me. The next thing I knew, I lost my balance I felt like I
was to fall!

Oh, my! You're going to pay for this, Nigel!

But, to my surprise, Nigel's hands promptly grabbed me and I found myself

pulled to his lean, sturdy muscular chest, his back rested on the wall adjacent to
the door. The bad thing was I heard a loud bang as the iphone fell to the floor.

Awestruck, both of us were gasping our breath as his arms circled my

waist. As my face rested on the crook of his neck, I could see clearly the movement
of his adam's apple. I could also feel the beating of his heart and mine too. His
was in constant rhythm... while mine was ecstatic, jumping wildly. It just jumped
and jumped and jumped...

With the need to see how he was handling this unexpected scenario, I
glanced up at him. He was also looking down at me and boring his eyes into mine.

God, please let me handle this properly. I prayed silently.

Nigel, I love you so much... I wanted to tell him that. With this wonderful
scene of me locked in his arms, I felt this was the right time to say it.

"I love you," I whispered.

He was seriously locking his eyes into mine. I felt like he had no
intention of taking it away from me.

Suddenly, I felt him pulling my body even closer to his. My heart beat so
rapidly that I was delirious with joy. I wanted to kiss him, to taste his sensual
lips... if it would be warm and responsive, if it would be willing to give and
receive... I slowly raised my hands, from his chest, to surround his neck. I raised
my toes a bit so I could bring my mouth closer to his. And I closed my eyes.

I'm ready now, Nigel. I'll prove to you that I'm no longer that seventeen-
year-old girl that you once kiss.

"I love you," I repeated as I waited for him to kiss me.

Will he bring his mouth to mine in ten, nine, eight, seven ---

His hands tensed in my waist, I felt it, as he gripped it tighter... even


--- six, five, four, three, two... ?

"I... " he spoke.

Okay. Cut.

I opened my eyes and placed my heels back on the floor. He was trying to
say something. Was he going to say that he loved me, too? This I couldn't miss for
the world.

"Yes?" I motivated him to continue. "You are saying..."

"I... I've just dropped the phone on the floor," he replied huskily.


Whew! Really so wanted to have their second kiss in this chapter but, I
guess, we just have to wait for the right time, okay? Haha!

Thanks to all readers! Guess what, it's going to be my birthday on Tuesday!

Now, you probably have a clue about my username. So I'd be happy if you show your
support to this story by VOTING, COMMENTING, and SHARING! Just a birthday gift,

(sapphiregirl22) ~_^

Chapter 10 - Stolen Kiss


"Huh?" I asked kind of disappointed. I thought he was going to say he loved

me too.

Oh, I was so stupid!

"I... I just dropped the phone," Nigel reiterated.

Now, my heart stopped beating.

He suddenly pushed me away and, as if nothing intimate had happened, he

picked up the iphone from the floor.

"Now, look what you've done," he glanced at me with an irritated look as he

was examining it.

"What have I done?" I asked also irritated.

"The phone, it's probably damaged now," he said inspecting it.

So, it was my fault now!

"Just give me that. I'll have it fixed," I said.

He turned it on and light illuminated its screen.

"It's still working but..." he said scanning it, "I'm no longer giving this
to you."


"No but's for now, Althea," he muttered glancing at his wrist watch, "Now,
go get some sleep."


I was fetched by Marcos, my new driver, the following day. Nigel really was
true to his words --- he no longer would drive for me. Now, I had to miss his

My second day in the university went well generally. I learned that Kara
and I were classmates in four subjects. Kara seemed to be a sweet girl. I was
confident that I could be who I was with her. Though she was a city girl by heart,
I felt like she was not judgmental to people like me. She enjoyed my stories about
my ever-loved The Fields and my favorite private space, the lagoon. I told her how
I got to live in the Palacio de Sarmiento and how I got to be engaged with Nigel.

Kara couldn't believe what she heard from me when I told her about the
engagement. She said I was kind of like crazy to submit myself to an engagement
founded by a one-sided love.

"Oh, girl, I can't imagine myself to be in such a situation. I'd rather die
than marry somebody who couldn't even love me back. That is just the most stupid
story I've ever heard in my entire life! That sounds absolutely the most stupid
plot to be ever written for a movie or novel or something!" Kara exclaimed.

"You're being judgmental now..." I reminded her feeling sorry for myself.

Would somebody except Mommy Carol understand my feelings?

Even Nigel refused to understand what I felt for him!

Kara looked at me with confused expression. Then, probably discerning how

disappointed I was with her reaction, she grasped her mouth and whispered, "Oh...
sorry, Althea..."

We, then, both became silent. I did not look at her. I just pretended to
concentrate eating my meal. We were actually in the cafeteria taking our lunch.

"I can't understand why..." I heard her say after minutes of silence.

I cleared my throat. "You'll come to understand when you'll fall in love,"

I said, still not looking at her.

"How come you fall in love so early?" she asked in her tiniest voice that
she sounded like an innocent baby.

This time, I glanced at her. I was surprised that she hadn't touched her
food. She was, after all, taking this conversation very seriously.

"I can't tell you why and how.... because I can't even answer it myself.
Somehow, you'll just feel it," I replied her with the most honest and truthful
answer I could give.

"Then, I don't want to feel it because it drives people crazy," she said,
pouting her lips.

"You know what? I am actually wondering right now why a socialite city girl
like you is Miss Innocent when it comes to love," I muttered, chuckling. Her
innocence somehow amused me and brought my mood back.

"Well, I like boys. I have few crushes but none seems to push me to do
crazy things. Oh, please, hope nobody will have that kind of effect on me..."

"Kara, now, you need to eat," I reminded her.

"No, wait, I think there's someone who has got that effect on me," she
suddenly announced with a very wide smile.

I became curious, "Indeed?"

"Indeed," she said, still wearing that big smile.

"Somebody from here? Or somebody from your high school?" I asked as I

stuffed a portion of my vegetable salad into my mouth.

She gave me a teasing smile, "Oh, there was this really gorgeous guy,
yesterday, wearing shades. He was leaning on his car when I saw him at the parking
lot and it was like some kind of light emblazed his beautiful face as he glanced my
way. The feeling was so amazing I feel like I was..."


I almost choked. My eyes widened. "Cut that crap! That was Nigel!"

I heard from Kara the loudest laugh I had ever heard from anybody. The
other students in the other tables looked at our direction.

"Got you!" she gasped.

"Bitch..." I absent-mindedly uttered. "Are you being serious, Kara? 'Cause

if you are, I'm going to end this friendship right here, right now."

She was still laughing. "Now, I know your weakness, Miss Ruiz."

"I'm not kidding here," I said in annoyance.

"You know, that was what I've just imagined you to react. You are indeed
head-over-heels in love with that guy. I was just teasing you," she assured, still
laughing. "Now I'm convinced you are definitely in love with your Nigel."

I blew a sigh of relief. This girl definitely got me there!

"You're saying his full name is Nigelito Joaquin Sarmiento, aren't you?"

"Yeah," I nodded. What was with the question again? Was she planning
another silly prank on me?

"My gosh! Is he somebody from the Sarmiento Corporation?" she blurted out,
very surprised.

"Son of the owner actually," I said.

She put her right palm on her mouth. "Good Lord! Then he's really a big
time! Like, oh my gosh, their products are almost what we see in the kitchen when
we cook, you know? Like you can't eat without a single product from them?"

"Yeah, Kara," I replied.

She stared at me with her big wide eyes. "Miss Althea Ruiz, you're a very
lucky girl!"

Was it too much to tell her about my life story in just a short time? She
seemed very agitated.

So, that was it! The rest of the day went well. My last class ended at 2:30
p.m. so I was at home earlier than the day before.

When I got home, I learned that Nigel took a trip to the South for a
certain business deal. He was not to come home that night.

I was disappointed with the news. But, to my astonishment, Nigel had gotten
me another iphone. It was a replica of what he handed me the night before. I knew
it was another unit for it looked like it had just been bought. The shopping bag
where it was placed said it so. It was, maybe, purposely placed on my bed so I
would get to notice it the moment I entered my room. Well, if that was it, then,
Nigel had succeeded for I instantly saw it as I walked into my room.

I felt excited as I was exploring it. Could I call or text him now?

Well, I still didn't have his number. Besides, he made it clear that I had
to wait for his cue before I could even call or text him. Seriously, I did not
quite understand why it had to be that way.


Nigel was out of the city for four days so Suzana had to stay with me in
the condo. Again, I had to struggle from that "missing him very much" feeling. Oh,
it was killing me. Kara, however, was very good in trying to ease my nostalgia. We
shopped, went to the movies, dined at first-class restaurants, pampered ourselves
in the spas... She was determined to let me get around the city and enjoy the
pleasance it could offer.

I had quite gotten into it that I always came home late. Suzana was
slightly dismayed of my late arrivals so she finally cornered me during the fourth
night and discussed to me the cons of the city life.

"Well, señorita, I care for you so much and I just want to protect you
especially now that the señorito is not around," she said as she patted my

Honestly, I was happy with the concern that she showed me. It was like
having Mommy Carol around whom I already missed so much. I hugged the woman and
promised that I would come home earlier for her.

She was relieved with what she heard.


It was a Saturday afternoon when Nigel came home. It was I who opened the
door for him since Suzana went out to shop for some groceries. She actually invited
me to go with her but I told her I would wait for Nigel for I had the feeling that
he was coming home today.

He looked very weary as he slumped his body on the couch in the living
room; his suitcase was laid so out of place on the floor. Not minding my presence,
he closed his eyes while his right hand was occupied in rubbing his right temple.
His face exhibited exhaustion. He must have a headache!

Poor Nigel! So young at twenty-three yet so engrossed to take over the sole
responsibility of making the Sarmiento Corporation even bigger, better, and
brighter in the country and its neighboring nations.

Watching him suffer with that pain in the head, I moved towards him slowly
so as not to distract him to find a space where I could stand at the back of the
couch where he was sitting. His aching head was reclined on the fluffy headrest.

Debating first with myself whether or not I would touch his temples, I
finally decided to press my fingers, first on his forehead, making small circles in
it with my forefingers. I felt his body jolt the moment I touched him. I thought he
was going to back away from me but he didn't. Instead, Nigel let out a short yet
deep groan as he placed down his right arm at his side. It was, for me, a sign of

Satisfied that he did not raise any unfavorable reaction, I continued

kneading his forehead with my forefingers together with my thumbs. The touch of his
skin brought hot flushes on my cheeks. His skin was hot as well. Maybe, that was
why I felt myself burning, too.

Nigel, again, let out a moan, this time, it sounded with pleasure. I was
glad with how he reacted. I watched how ravishing he was while closing his eyes and
did, every now and then, little smug smiles.

There was that tiny voice in my head telling me to kiss his forehead.

No, no, no! Don't make such a stupid act, Althea, I counteracted.

Now, my fingers found his temples. I made little massages in both sides. It
was clear that he found my effort delightful and gratifying. I could discern it
from his groans, smirks, and unsteady breathing.

Oh, finally, Nigel was starting to feel me. I was happy, oh-so-happy, with
the situation. I did not like this to end. For the first time, I made him
satisfied. I made him appreciate my effort.

Yes, I will do everything for you, Nigel. I will prove to you how much I
love you.

My heart fluttered the whole moment. Again, there was that voice in my head
telling me to stoop down and kiss his forehead. The physical and emotional turmoil
within me was just too much to handle. The temptation was irresistible. Sweat was
starting to form in my forehead...

I got to strike this while the iron was hot! Should I? Hey, should I? Damn,
I felt like a perverted jerk debating within myself!

Instantly, he let out a profound sigh as my fingers started to trace the

sides of his neck. I sluggishly stroked his neck in upward motion for about three
times and, again, he gave out a soft audible sigh mixed with a tensive groan. The
sound of the escaping air from his mouth made my ears to like burn... Goodness
gracious, I found that kind of sound too sexy, too freaking sexy!

What are you doing to me, Nigel? Why do you affect me this way?

My head was spinning now. I could not think straightly anymore. I froze for
a moment.

And, without thinking, I found myself bending down and touching my lips on
his forehead. His skin was hot under my lips. It was like burning! I closed my eyes
and felt the throbbing of my chest.

I knew he was not asleep for he had been reacting to the massage just a
little while ago. But now, Nigel did not move a bit. Was he also trying to feel the
touch of my lips on his forehead?

I opened my eyelids to see how he was doing. I was appalled to learn that
Nigel had his dark captivating eyes already opened in awe. With our faces in
upside-down position to each other, gazes intertwining, my breath towards his
ruffled hair, his nose touching my forehead, I hesitantly lifted my lips away from
his burning skin.

"I love you," I sobbed. From his back, I put my arms around his neck and
leaned my head on his right shoulder. "I... I want you to love me... please..."

There was a moment of silence.

The beating of my heart and his, and the tick-tock of the wall clock at my
back, seemed to harmonize in uniformed rhythm.

Then, he cupped my head with his palm. I thought he was going to brush my
hair with his fingers but, no, it took me a while to realize that he wasn't going
to do it. Instead, gripping my head roughly, he pushed me away from his shoulder.
Then, fiercely unlocking my arms around his neck, he stood up from the couch

With his back on me, one hand in akimbo, the other raking his disarrayed
hair, he emphasized strongly, "I'm tired. Drained. Exhausted. I have already enough
of your dramatic moments. Can't you just let me rest? PLEASE!"

And he walked towards his room.



Okay, yeah, that was mean! But that was how I'd like to portray Nigel in my
story. I even want him to be harsher than that! Let's see if Althea won't still
come to her senses!

Support naman dyan! Vote, comment, share!

(sapphiregirl22) ~_^

Chapter 11 - Girlfriend

The thought of the forthcoming acquaintance party just completely bugged my brains.
I had to attend with an escort and the only person in my mind to be with me was
Nigel. Of course, who else would? However, I had just one big problem to resolve
and that was how to ask him about it.

Would he go with me if I'd ask him to? Thinking about how cold he was towards me,
and even colder after I stole him a kiss, I didn't think he would accept my idea of
accompanying me to the party! What was with acquaintance parties in universities
anyway? Why did I have to suffer getting myself a date?

The party would be on Friday night; tonight was Tuesday. If I wouldn't ask him now,
I would have much trouble asking him tomorrow night or even on Thursday night...
Oh, what should I have to do? The earlier I would tell him about this, the earlier
I would solve the problem.

Suddenly, my phone rang and I saw Kara's name on the screen.

"Yeah, what's up, Kara?" I answered as I lay with my front body on my bed.
"I'm just checking on my dresses in my closet 'cause I'm actually kind of freaking
worried on what to wear on Friday night and..." she paused. She sounded really

"And..." I encouraged her to continue.

"I feel I need a new one. You know, this is a college party, and remember that cute
guy in Math 101?" Her wailing voice almost irritated my eardrum.

"Yeah, what about that cute guy in Math---"

"He asked me to be his date on Friday night!" Kara cut me in.

I giggled hearing her about it, "Oh, my God, he's your crush." I remembered about
her telling me last week that she got attracted to one of our guy classmates in
Math 101.

"He definitely is! Uhm, Thea, I can't wait..." her voice sounded dreamy.

"I'm so happy for you," I said sincerely, but I could not help the sound of envy to
come out from my mouth. She immediately figured it out.

"Hey, you sound like you're in dilemma. What's wrong?"

I turned around my body so my back was resting on the bed now. "I have a very big
problem telling this to Nigel."

"You mean, until now, you haven't told him about the party?"

I breathed hard feeling the heaviness in my chest. "You don't know how much he
hates accompanying me!" I stated thinking about why he stopped driving me to

There was silence in the other line.

Then, Kara, finally blurted, "If he won't go with you, then I'll set a blind date
for you. It'd be more fun and exciting than relying too much on your apathetic

"Oh, Kara, you don't know what you're saying..." I contradicted. "No, I would never
do such thing!"

"Just tell him what you want to happen in the party, girl. Don't hesitate to tell
him. If he won't go, I'm pretty sure you can go without him. There's no need for
you to fret on this. Go get some life of your own!"

I didn't think I could ever attend the party without Nigel. Sigh. Sigh. Sigh.

"Okay, I'll try my best to ask him tonight," I said, still in doubt if I could
actually do it.

"Good. And if he answers you otherwise, you know what to do, girl," Kara mumbled
something as if she was talking to somebody else. Then, she spoke again in the
phone, "Thea, my mom's just walked in my room. Got to go. Oh wait, can you
accompany me tomorrow to shop some dress?"

Thinking that I also did not have any decent dress to be worn to the acquaintance
party, I said, "Yup, after school."
"Thanks. Bye, Thea," she bade her good bye excitedly.

Fluttering my long lashes now and then as I was still lying on the bed and staring
at the ceiling, I waited for the sound of the buzzer.

Tonight, when he would arrive, I would tell him.


I woke up feeling dizzy at the slamming sound just outside my room. It was like
something hit my wall. It sounded like there were people in the hallway in between
my room and Nigel's.

What was going on?

It could be that Nigel had already arrived. But why did I have a feeling that there
was more than one person outside?

I dizzily managed myself to stand up. With my pajama top and pants and my
disheveled long brown hair hanging loosely, I slowly paced to find the door so I
could open it up.

What was the commotion all about?

When I flung the door open, I did not see anyone. All I could see was the closed
door to Nigel's room across mine. Had he already arrived?

Then, I heard some chuckles and murmurs at my side. Just when I pivoted my toes to
turn to my right side, the figures of two people met my eyes. One was that of a
tall woman in a red off-shoulder blouse, black skinny jeans, and red stilettos. She
was casting her back on the wall outside my room for support. The other was Nigel,
naked from the waist up and wearing black slacks, leaning his hands on the wall
facing her and obviously imprisoning her in his arms. The woman was tightly
encircling her forearms around Nigel's neck. Both of them were so engrossed in
devouring hungrily each other's mouths that they did not even notice my presence!

I froze at where I stood.

It took a while before it finally sank in me that Nigel was kissing, deliriously
kissing, a woman... another woman who was completely a stranger to me! The sight of
him truly absorbed on kissing a hot woman's lips tore my heart into a million
pieces. He was never like this to me.

Nigel, you just kill my heart right now.

"N-Nigel..." His name came out of my shivering lips.

That was only the time that both of them realized I was there standing and watching

I heard Nigel cursed under his breath as he backed away from her a little bit.
Turning his face to me, he gave me an annoyed look.

The woman, on the other hand, immediately loosened her arms from his neck, arranged
her disarrayed top, and gazed at me. She had the most beautiful face I had ever
seen so far in my life. Her light brown eyes twinkled with both awe and surprise as
she met mine. She had a straight black hair just in her shoulders' level. She was
about his age, I guessed.
"Who's this girl?" Her voice, like a soft hum, reached my ears. It was not the
sound of irritation; it was purely the sound of wanting to be answered, to be

Now that I could see her clearly with my very own eyes, I realized that I was
actually a wimp compared to her aristocratic features; I was merely a baby compared
to her sexy contours. The realization hit me like a bomb! I was mistaken when I
described myself pretty. I realized that when I was still in The Fields, I stood
out, I was the most beautiful girl there, because I was cared and treated like a
princess. Now that I was in the big city, surrounded by rich people, rich girls,
and facing this woman, I was just merely an ordinary! She was like a goddess and
Nigel, beside her, looked like a god. They were the perfect match.

"She's my mom's foster daughter," Nigel spoke like it was the most honest answer he
ever gave in his own life. He leaned down to her, clutched her body with his strong
arms, and captured her mouth with his once again.

I gulped the saliva that was slightly accumulated in my mouth. I didn't think I
could still take this. I wanted to run away from them this very moment but,
somehow, I couldn't move my feet. Both my feet were stuck on the floor like I was
under some enchantment.

Probably, both of them were seeing fireworks all around them right now. But to me,
I felt like a missile had just been dropped to where I was standing. The pain in my
chest found its way to the deepest chamber of my heart. I could die right now...

The woman, momentarily, retreated from his kiss and embrace. "Hey, wait..." she
gave him a giggly tickle on his waist. Nigel gripped hers as a response. Then, she
turned to me again, curiosity was evident in her face.

"I didn't know you have a foster sister," she said eyeing me but obviously
directing her words to Nigel.

He gave me a smirk. The irritation in his face was already gone, it was replaced
with an amused stare on my bewildered face. He was probably enjoying this scene to
see me hurt and aching.

"Mom sent her here to study at St. Louis. She's staying with me," he explained and,
then, he stooped down his lean body to pick up his button-down on the floor.

Oh, crap! So the stripping was done just outside my room!

The woman smiled and handed me her right palm for a handshake. "Hi, my name is
Maria Stella."

I neither smiled nor offered my hand to her. I just stood there as if I did not see

Gradually, her smile disappeared. She seemed offended and, I swore, I never cared a
bit. She twitched her lips and she gave Nigel a questioning look.

"Don't be rude," Nigel stressed as he eyed me. He was sliding his right arm in one
of the sleeves of his button-down.

I still did not answer. Instead, I glared at him. I swore, he still had that amused

When he was done putting on the buttons of his top, Nigel pulled the woman to him
so he could put his left arm around her shoulders, "Don't mind her, sweetheart.
She's a lunkhead. Do not expect a sensible conversation with her."

The word "Oh" escaped her lips. She seemed to actually believe what he just said!

Lunkhead? Is this how you see me all these years, Nigel? I felt my eyes moistened.
My heart... was aching tremendously...

Still showing off their display of affection, Nigel made the introduction. "This is
Stella, my girlfriend," he spoke proudly, then he claimed her lips again like he
was a hungry cat pouncing on some little victim.

I turned my head away. This was just too much! How many times should I need to see
them interlocking tongues right before me?

"And that, my sweetheart, is Althea," I heard him say after a few seconds of their
exchange of saliva.

Your fiancèe! I wanted to shout to him.

I brushed away the tears from my cheeks, stepped back to my room, and forcefully
swung the door to close behind me. With a heavy heart, I rushed to my bed, lay down
with my face on my pillow, and cried... just cried my heart out.

I didn't know how long I could handle fighting my love for Nigel. Honestly, now, I
did not know how long... now that I knew he had a Maria Stella...



Aww... He's the heartbreaker after all. What else should we expect? Haha!

A million thanks, by the way, to all who read my updates. I'm so happy since I
finally have my first 1000 reads and it's all because of you, yes YOU. This number
may not be so much for other writers but for me, it's simply amazing. Thank you so

Can't wait for my 10,000 reads... okay, okay, just hoping and wishing and dreaming.
I don't want to expect. But you guys can make it possible. VOTE, COMMENT, SHARE,
and don't forget to READ my next update. Please, please, please!

(sapphiregirl22) ~_^

Chapter 12 - Blind Date


"What?" Suzana asked shockingly.

I told her about the incident the night before. I also told her how hurt I was on
discovering about Stella.

The forty-something woman took out the baked macaroni and cheese from the oven. She
was serving me brunch since I was not able to wake up early for breakfast. She put
a serving of the macaroni on my plate.

I walked towards the refrigerator to pour my glass with a cold apple juice. She
walked behind me, "Let me do it for you, señorita."

"I can manage, Suzana," I said, giving her a smile. When I was done pouring the
juice, I settled on my favorite stool beside the kitchen island where I usually ate
whenever Nigel was not around.

"Let's eat together, Suzana," I offered.

"I've already eaten, señorita. Thank you," she was wringing her hands like she was
fidgeting over something.

"What's bothering you, Suzana? That Stella?" I delved a spoonful of macaroni into
my mouth. Oh, I had never been too hungry... I woke up late for breakfast and even
late for school that I decided not to go to my classes anymore. It was the ringing
of my phone that actually woke me up. The call came from Kara who asked me why I
was absent. I told her we would see each other after school as I promised her last

Suzana sat on a stool across me. She gazed at me intently. "I... I have something
to tell you, señorita."

I drank one gulp of juice. The cold rush of liquid in my throat somehow awakened my

"What is it? Tell me, please," I begged as I perceived she had to say something
very important. Did it have to do about that Stella?

She began, "I... I've learned about Stella since..."

What? Suzana knew about her and she did not tell me about it before! For how long

"Since when?" I cried.

"S-since two years ago," she said not looking at me. She busied one of her hands in
tapping slightly on the table.

"Two years ago?" I echoed. I couldn't believe it!

She sighed and continued, "I don't exactly know what's the real score between the
two of them. But, I guess, theirs is a kind of an on-and-off relationship... I've
seen them fight and make up..."

"Why? Does she often come here?"

"Not often though. But every time they aren't in good terms, she comes in here and
bugs me where the señorito is. I was like her tracking device for the señorito."

"So Nigel hides from her sometimes?" I was curious. The intimacy they shared last
night flashed back in my mind and from that scene, it was impossible for me to
believe that he played hard to get sometimes with that woman.

"I'm sorry if I didn't tell you or the señora. I don't want to be a gossipmonger.
P-please forgive me," Suzana sounded really sorry.

Tears fell from my eyes down to my cheeks. I had cried a lot last night. I even
thought I no longer had tears to discharge but here I was crying again. The
flashback just made me do it again.
"Oh, Suzana, I can't help it..." I said as I brushed the tears from my eyes. I
stopped eating. I lost all my appetite.

"I'm sorry, señorita. I'm really, really sorry," she stood up, went to my side and
brushed my back.

I got hold of her left forearm and rested my head on it. Then, I cried and cried.

I missed Mommy Carol. I missed Elena and Diego. I missed The Fields and the lagoon.
I wanted to go home...


When I met Kara in the afternoon, she was horrified to see my swollen eyes. I had
to hide them with big round sunglasses.

"You've got to teach him some lesson," she suggested as she gave me a wink. Her
fingers were caressing the polyester fabric of the purple dress she had just found
from the rack. We were at a famous boutique.

"Teach him a lesson? Like how?" I asked, feeling dejected. I could feel my droopy
shoulders hanging loosely at my sides.

"Let him feel that he is not the only man in your life!" Kara interjected. She
slipped the dress from the hanger and raised it with her two hands. The dress
looked lovely. It was strapless with built-in bra, had some pattern embellishments
on the chest part, fully lined, and enough length to show her sexy legs. "I've just
found the perfect dress for me!" She yelled happily.

"I'm sure it will look good on you," I affirmed. Purple would be a great match to
her fair complexion.

As she went inside the fitting room, I thought about what she said as I sat on the
sofa in the waiting area. Teach Nigel a lesson? Let him feel that he is not the
only man in my life? How?

My thoughts were interrupted when Kara went out from the fitting room. With her
purple dress tightly enfolding her sexy breasts and flaunting her long and sexy
legs, she pretended like a ramp model as she swirled in front of me and made one
appealing pose.

I grinned at her, "Perfect."

"I can't wait wearing this to the acquaintance party!" She giggled. "Now let's find

"I don't think I can attend," I butted in.

Kara gave me a scolding gaze, "Don't be ridiculous. You are going without your

I shook my head. I didn't feel like going.

"Come on! Don't be stubborn!" she gasped, complaining. "That heartless fiancé of
yours needs some lesson to learn! You're going without him and let's see how he's
going to react!"

My heart sank of what I heard. If I'd go without him, Nigel wouldn't have any
reaction at all because he did not have any feelings for me. That became very clear
to me when I saw him kissing that Stella. If I'd attend the acquaintance party
alone, it wouldn't matter to him. He, in the first place, didn't consider me to be
part of his life. I was truly doomed.

"No, Thea, we're going to find that drop-dead dress of yours and, for once in your
life, let him feel that your world doesn't revolve around him," she did her best
convincing me.

After she fitted her dress, she helped me find mine. Both of us raked every apparel
the saleslady handed over to us until I had about more than a dozen to fit. It was
not easy. I tried to complain to her but she pushed me to step into the fitting

Every time I stepped out to show her a piece, she nodded her head and complimented.
However, whenever I would say, "This is the one," she would shake her head as if
she was not satisfied. Oh, I didn't know picking a dress would be this

But when I showed her the last piece, Kara stared at me gaping her mouth wide.

"So?" I waited for her comment.

She, then, grinned at me showing her even teeth. "That Nigel..." she said raising
now one of her eyebrows.


"That Nigel... He's going to be in for a big surprise! Wait 'til he sees you!"


Nigel, as usual, went home very late on Thursday night. I purposely waited for him
in the living room because I wanted to tell him about the acquaintance party. I was
still hurting. I had been crying for three straight nights already and the big bags
were still evident under my eyes. I had the conscious feeling of facing him again
after that incident with Stella but I had no choice. I had to face him now.

Sitting on the his favorite arm chair in the corner of the living room, he stared
at me for about a minute. I didn't know if he was aware of my eyebags.

I sat unconsciously on the sofa across him. With my long wavy hair hanged loosely
on my left chest, I playfully stroked it with my fingers.

Yes, I was hurting. But, after three nights of thinking, I gradually persuaded
myself to hang in there and be strong. I would not win him over if I would just
give up that easily. Stella might have him for two years already, but Nigel had
been mine since I was thirteen. The five-year period of me putting him on a
pedestal would never ever let anyone go in between us. I would never give up.

"I need a date tomorrow night. I'll be attending the acquaintance party," I

He looked tired and sleepy but the mention of the acquaintance party made him
stretch out his body to lean towards my direction. "So?"

"I need you to be my date."

There was a moment of silence, at first. Then, suddenly, Nigel laughed. "Are you
out of your mind? Do you actually want me to accompany you and join some teenagers'
party? You've got to be kidding me!"

I bit my lower lip upon hearing his words. He was starting to break my heart again.
Then, Kara's piece of advice flashed in my mind.

For once in your life, let him feel that your world doesn't revolve around him!

"Are you going with me or not?" I queried, trying to appear strong.

"Whatever made you think that I'd go with you?" he asked sarcastically.

"Yes or no, Nigel, that's what I want to hear."

"Hell, no," was his quick reply.

I stood up and stepped towards my room, "Good night, then."


No, I shouldn't have done this! I shouldn't have given up! I should have persuaded
Nigel to go with me!

"I can't do this, Kara," I pleaded. She was putting make-up on my face. It was
already Friday and we were now preparing for the acquaintance party.

"Don't be silly," she bawled me out, "and, please, don't move. You're spreading the
paint all over your face."

I smiled at her through the vanity mirror we were facing, "Then you're making a
clown out of me now."

"Stop talking. I'm making you the most beautiful girl tonight. Wait 'til Nigel sees
you," she assured as she dutifully applied a delicate shade of green on both of my
eyelids. When it was done, I blinked my eyes several times and the eye shadow
produced a gorgeous accent of my deep brown eyes making it more and more attractive
to gaze. It even matched the color of my dress.

"Wow, you look amazing, Thea. Your eyes look even more captivating," Kara expressed
while scrutinizing closely my eyes in the mirror.

She also did my hair, combed it again and again. Then, with some hairspray, a
curling iron and a brush, Kara made victory rolls, as what she called them, in my
hair, swept them away from my face, and pinned them toward the top of my head. The
rest of my hair was just hang loosely but with some soft curls in them. It was

"Thank you," I said when we were both made-up and ready to go.

"Anything for you." She squeezed my hand. Kara was indeed perfect with her purple
dress. Her dimples in both her cheeks made her more alluring every time she smiled.

I realized I was very lucky to have found someone like her to become my friend.
Though we had only been with each other for less than two weeks, I felt in my heart
I had found a true friend.

She promised to help me prepare for the party so she stayed with me in Nigel's
condo to change our dresses, do our make-up, and make everything perfect for the
"Look at you! You are so gorgeous!" She took my wrist so she could pull me towards
the whole-body mirror just beside the door of my walk-in closet.

The sight of me in that mirror was unbelievable. I could not help but felt proud
about myself. I didn't know I could still become a lot prettier.

The dress I was wearing was very sexy. It was V-necked showing my cleavage where my
necklace's butterfly pendant was perfectly positioned. It was also sleeveless
flaunting my shoulders and slender arms. It perfectly fitted my body from my chest,
to my slender waist, down to my hips, and finally to my thighs where its hem
rested. The color dark green made my skin looked even fairer. Wow, I couldn't
believe it was me I was seeing in the mirror!

"I wonder if Nigel's coming home now," Kara mused.

"Why?" I turned to her.

"If he won't go with you tonight, at least, he should see you like this. Oh, my
gosh, I want to see his reaction," she said, giggling.

I drew a deep sigh. "Don't expect him to come home this early. It's still 6:00
o'clock. He's always late."

She pouted her lips like she was irritated, "You know, I think I'm starting to get
peeved with your Nigel! He's so out of reach!" Kara started to get moving. She went
out of my room while I trailed behind. The sound of our high stiletto heels on the
floor reverberated through the hallway going to the living room.

"So, we'll just wait for our dates. They'll be here in 10 minutes." The mention of
our dates made her to cast me sparkling jerks in her eyes. "I told Serge to pick us
at 6:10. I'm so excited," she was actually happy that she finally had her crush in
our Math 101 class to be her significant partner tonight.

I cast her an amused glance. It looked like she had just her heart hit by one of
Cupid's arrows.

"Can I just go alone?" I pouted my lips. She was actually setting a blind date for
me tonight but I did not feel that it was the right thing to do. I was not
comfortable thinking that I had to be with a stranger. I just wanted to go alone.

"Don't be such a party pooper!" She sat on the sofa and crossed her legs. "You have
nothing to worry about. Serge assured me that his friend, Alonzo, is one hundred
percent sane! He's not going to bushwhack you or something, promise!"

"I'm afraid I'm still a rookie to this so-called blind date," I sat beside her.

Kara laughed heartily, "Am I hearing right? Althea, the love expert, is a rookie in
dating? That Nigel has a lot of teaching to do!"

She was chuckling and I was scowling my face when the main door opened widely. Kara
and I both turned our faces to its direction to see who had just entered.

Nigel, in his business suit and with a car key in his left hand, appeared before
us. He looked magnificently tall and handsome when he came in.

Kara gasped her mouth in both surprise and delight as she alternately turned her
face to Nigel and to me for about three times.

I was speechless.
So, he came home early! Why?



I planned to update once a week, like either Saturday or Sunday, so my chapter 11

was a bit delayed. Sorry to those who eagerly wait for it, but now, I'm going to
compensate my tardiness last week by updating this chapter today! Hope you enjoyed
reading it. If you did, let me know who you are. Please don't forget to VOTE,

(sapphiregirl22) ~_^

Chapter 13 - Acquaintance

He had come home early!

I breathed hard trying to ease the tension I felt. If he had come home to accompany
me to the acquaintance party, that I needed to know.

Kara winked at me like she was teasing me. She stood up and faced towards his
direction. "Hi, Nigel!"

Still standing in the doorway, he slipped the key into his pocket. "Hi," he replied
to her but fixing his eyes on me. His gaze felt like a thousand needles piercing my
whole body. I breathed hard again.

I saw Kara signalling me to stand up as if telling me that I had to stretch out so

Nigel could get to see the whole view of me. I stood up awkwardly pulling the
hemline of my dress downwards so my thighs would be covered completely. But to no
avail, a great portion of them was still flaunted. Oh, how could I instantly forget
its scant length! I felt hot blood tingling in my cheeks.

I saw him glance at my thighs. Oh, God, what had I done with myself? Why had I
allowed myself to be wearing this uncomfortable piece of cloth? I tried not to mind
his gaze. Instead, I looked at Kara and, my God, she was kind of enjoying the
scenario. She was grinning broadly at me.

"You guys going already?" Nigel slowly moved closer to us after he closed the door
behind him.

I felt the lump in my throat. I couldn't speak.

Kara replied immediately, "Yeah, in five minutes. We're just waiting for our

Suddenly, the world seemed to blast in front of me. Why the hell Kara had to
announce that I was having a date now? Nigel should not know about this. I glared
at her but she was just winking at me.

"Dates?" His eyebrows met.

"Yeah, I have a date and so has Thea," Kara answered easily as if she had practiced
this line since a long time ago.
Nigel raised his brows in surprise, "Oh, I see."

"Yeah," Kara affirmed.

Then, the buzzer sounded.

"Let me check it," Kara went towards the door to open it leaving Nigel and me
facing each other.

"So you've got a date," he said as he speedily placed his hands in his pockets. His
eyes never left my face. He seemed to be scrutinizing the beauty that Kara had made
out of me. I chose not to move a bit, just had my chin up, and faced him squarely.

If he would tell me right now not to go with any other guy, I would gladly
acquiesce. If he would tell me that he was going with me tonight, I would be the
happiest girl in the world. He just needed to blurt out what he wanted, for pete's
sake, and I would heartily do either!

Why did he come home early? I must be the reason for this rare thing! Would it be
too much if I would assume that I was the reason for his coming home early?

The moment that I decided to open my mouth, Kara who was at the doorway broadcasted
in high note, "Thea, the guys are finally here! Let's go!"

I waited Nigel to make a comment.

I wouldn't go if he didn't want me to.

We were battling gazes now. His became furiously intent, piercing and driving me
insane. Mine was curiously searching for something.

Just freaking tell me what you really want, Nigel!

"A-are you going with me?" I finally asked.

His horn-mad eyeballs moved to the right. He was avoiding eye contact with me now
as he drew a deep breath. I felt him gritted his teeth behind his tightly closed

"Are you going with me?" I asked for the second time.

"Know what? You go wherever you want to go without me. I. Don't. Give. A. Damn." He
said under his gritted teeth.

Oh, no, I was not going to cry! It would absolutely ruin my make-up!

Althea, just keep your cool... I told myself as I breathed in and breathed out
several times.

It was like a minute before I finally had my composure back.

Clearing my throat, I sarcastically said, "O-okay, fine. Thanks for your concern."
I gave him one last glance and I walked out.

But, before I knew it, I almost jumped in surprise as I felt his strong masculine
hand gripping my left wrist. It hurt so much that I was forced to turn to him
"I'm not done with you yet!" Nigel, so handsome with his tousled hair, yet too damn
bent out of shape with his fiery eyes. He was mad, wasn't he?

What the hell was the matter? I already gave in to what he wanted. I did not force
him to go with me. I was going even without him.

Both our breathing were racing with each other. His chest and mine seemed to
frantically moved up and down in synchronization.

He moved his face closer to mine, his breath from his mouth fanning my cheek. "Go
celebrate and meet people so that, someday, you're finally going to walk out on me
like this for good," he whispered tensively.


I couldn't believe why I still went out. Riding on the car going to the party venue
--- Serge on the driver's seat; Kara on the passenger's; Alonzo, my blind date; and
me on the back --- I kept on thinking about Nigel. Was he really serious when he
said he wanted me to walk out on him for good? Why was he always mad at me? There
was never a time that we had a meaningful talk. It was always like a world war was
up every time we saw each other face to face.

"What's the matter?" I heard Alonzo asking beside me.

I shook my head and smiled at him. He was a good-looking guy, there was no doubt
about that.

When we were introduced at the condo unit a while ago, I had a feeling that he
instantly got attracted to me. He gripped my hand hard when we shook hands. I
became so conscious with that scene especially when Nigel, who was watching us, was
about five meters away. We left the condo without even my bothering of saying
anything to Nigel. It was only Kara who said "Good night" and winked at him before
we left. The two guys, Serge and Alonzo, never seemed to notice his presence.

And now that I was in the car, I felt so confused of whether what I did was right
or wrong. How could I do such thing to Nigel? I was to marry him in the future and
here I was dating another guy! Was I in my right mind?

But then, again, something in my head told me that it was not me who cheated on
this engagement first. It was he who had a girlfriend! That thick-skinned Stella!
How could he! How could she! How could they!

Oh, my goodness! I didn't really know what to do!

"Are you not comfortable having me around?" Alonzo disrupted my reverie.

"Ah... I'm just not used to having a date..." I hesitated. I was afraid that what I
would say would make him uncomfortable. He seemed a nice guy and I thought he
didn't deserve to be treated that way.

"That girl right there, Alonzo, needs some lessons in dating, I tell you," Kara

I gave her a complaining look.

"I like girls who are naive in some way," Alonzo declared as he showed me his even
white teeth.

It made me feel like I was seeing either Diego's or Javier's face right before me
again... that sort of face that a lovestruck teenager would display every time he'd
see his crush.

Oh, I didn't need another admirer in my life! It was difficult getting rid of
them... All I wanted was somebody else's love.


The acquaintance party went alright generally. All freshmen girls in their cocktail
dresses and freshmen boys in their tuxedos attended. They all came from the
different colleges in the university and, boy, you could guess how many there were
in the venue hall. I got to meet some of them, talked to them, did a little
interview on their profiles and I discovered that I was not the only bumpkin in the
crowd! There were like two or three that I actually talked but they came from
different provinces from mine.

There were dancing and serving of cocktails. Everybody seemed enjoying... well,
apart from me, however. First of all, I kind of lost Kara in the process because
she was so tenaciously clingy to that Serge that she had to be wherever he was.
Second, I felt so uncomfortable with Alonzo that I had to escape from him every
time I had a chance. It was like a hide-and-seek party for me.

Halfway through the event, I got to drink a little... Hey, the little that I knew
was just few sips of those fruit-flavored drinks --- strawberry margarita, white
peach sangria, blueberry spritzer, etcetera --- which I kind of curiously enjoyed
tasting. They were delicious. Wow. Yet it hit me like hell my mind became a rubber
ball. Every now and then, I had to check my brain if it was still intact in my
head. Hot electrifying blood circulated my body. I felt it in my ears, in my nape,
and in my spine. Just when I felt I needed to get some rest, I saw Kara and Serge
again. It was almost two o'clock at dawn and I was thankful enough since the moment
they saw me, they offered me a ride home.


I woke up having a very bad headache. At first, I had to wonder where I was and I
thanked God when I knew I was lying on my bed.

So what happened the night before?

As I tried to recall every small detail of what happened the night before, it sort
of struck me how on earth I came to land on my own bed. So Kara and Serge brought
me home? Then, what happened after that... Oh, my God, I couldn't remember. Did I
sleep in the car?

I massaged my temples. My head was awfully, dreadfully aching!

I rolled over the bed so I'd reach the other side. Checking on the alarm clock on
the bedside table, I discovered it was almost 10:00 o'clock in the morning.

Rubbing my eyes, I slowly got up from the bed and paced sluggishly to my bathroom.
I was expecting to see my party image in the bathroom mirror, you know, the
coiffure, the cocktail dress and all the bling-bling, but I was totally appalled to
see myself in my disarrayed hair and in my pajama top and pants.

In my pajamas? Really?

Was I actually able to change last night? Oh, my goodness, I couldn't remember a

Then, it finally struck me, I was totally unconscious when Kara and Serge drove me
home! I didn't remember arriving in the condo and even entering my room.

So who the hell changed my clothes?

Just then, I heard a knock on the door. I, who was absolutely confused, left the
bathroom to check on the knocker. Eventually, Suzana who was bringing a tray of
toasted bread and milk came into view.

"Good morning, señorita," she greeted anxiously.

"Hi, Suzana," I answered in a lazy tone.

I trailed behind her as she marched to the bedside table to put on the tray.

"I've just sensed that you're already awake. You seem to have a hangover. Did you
drink last night, señorita?"

"Yeah... it was... it was my first time. I'm having a terrible headache right
now..." I muttered as I sat on the bed and held my right temple with my right hand.

"I heard you came home very late last night." She was starting to fix the pillows
on the bed.

"Did Nigel tell you?"

Suzana nodded.

Nigel told her... Oh, wait, Nigel told her. So, he knew what time I had arrived.

"Thanks for getting me changed, Suzana," I offered her a smile as a sign of


"I... I actually didn't do it, señorita."

"What? Then, who?"

Kara did! My mind predicted.

Oh, God, how could I be so stupid and silly bothering Kara to drop by and change my

"I think, the señorito did," she conjectured with a teasing glimpse in her eyes.

"W-what?" I uttered in disbelief. She must be kidding!



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And, once again, thank you so much for reading and voting.
With lots of love,
(sapphiregirl22) ~_^

Chapter 14 - Crazy
~~~ CHAPTER 14 - CRAZY ~~~

Nigel was in his painting studio the whole day. It was kind of weird since it was a
Saturday. Normally, he was out to his office to work on Saturdays. Even on
Saturdays, he was that workaholic. That was why I wondered why he was staying home.
Deep inside, I was grateful that he was locking himself in the studio for I was not
ready to face him yet. I couldn't bear thinking what exactly happened last night.
If he indeed was the one who changed my clothes, I didn't know how I might react in
front of him. Well, if he indeed was the one, why did he bother anyway? He could
just leave me lying on that bed with my cocktail dress! And I wouldn't be having
this awkward feeling right now!

I was about to call Kara about what exactly happened last night when my phone rang.
Kara called.

"I can't remember anything," I began when I answered it.

"Of course, you can't remember. You were drunk," she said with emphasis on the last

Drunk? Seriously?

"You actually vomited in Serge's car," Kara continued.

A gasp escaped from my lips.

"So it was a disaster then..." I muttered. Had I known that those flavored drinks
would have that effect in me, I wouldn't have tried any one of them.

"I'm sorry, girl," Kara apologized, "I wasn't able to look after you."

"No, no, don't say sorry. I'm not your responsibility, Kara. I was just being
naive," I said truthfully.

"But your Nigel... he was mad, very, very mad last night, Thea. Do you know that he
was at the lobby when we arrived at your condo building? When he saw you
unconscious in Serge's car, he immediately swooped you up and, before he walked
away from Serge and me, he said I'm a bad influence and he doesn't want to see me
around with you anymore!" Kara cried. "I'm so, so sorry."

"Nigel was mad?"

There was a pause before Kara answered, "You know, I think Nigel cares for you,
girl. He looked very worried about you last night."

Worried about me? Cared for me? Nigel...

"You might be mistaken, Kara. Nigel never cares for me," I was in my denial state,
I guessed. But, deep down inside, a sudden surge of hope swelled in my heart.

Nigel cared for me.

Then, it struck me. "Wait, Kara. You said he walked out on you carrying me?"

"You mean you didn't come up here last night?" I started to get worried about what
she was going to answer.

"Yeah... Well, I intended to... but he was mad. Besides, he---"

I didn't get to finish what she was saying. My phone just fell onto my lap.

I was so stunned by what I discovered. If it wasn't Suzana nor Kara, then it was
really Nigel who put fresh clothes on me last night. Both my heart and my mind were
horrified. I was in deep trouble.


He came out of the studio past six o'clock in the evening. I was watching TV when I
saw him treading towards the dining area from the hallway.

Passing the sofa where I sat, he appeared to not notice my presence. Well, his cold
indifference had evolved into its seasoned perfection. Nigel could always make you
feel that you didn't exist at all. He could make you feel that you were nothing and
worthless. He could make you feel that you were the most despicable person on

So why should I have to believe what Kara said about Nigel caring for me? How could
I betray myself? Ever since I became a part of The Fields, he made it very clear
that he would never fall in love with me.

Then, he came back to the living room, his left hand holding a canned beer. I gave
him a very quick glance just enough for me to imbibe his whole appearance. The
sight of him wearing a loosely necklined tee shirt and worn-out jeans just left me
breathless. He could definitely be perfect even in the most imperfect of garments.

I pretended to be oblivious of his presence. Besides, I was too ashamed of what

happened last night. I still couldn't bear to imagine how he clothed me and saw my
private parts... Did he do it laggardly or hastily? Did he fix his eyes on any
particular part of my body? Or did he do it with those cold apathetic eyes? Did he
tremble at the sight of me or was he calm and relaxed all through out? Did I say
something to him or was I absorbed in deep slumber? Oh, the thought of it all made
me go crazy!

Why did he freaking bother anyway?

I shifted my position by lazily lying down on my left side on the sofa with a throw
pillow under my head. Instantly, my feet left the floor; my hands hugged another
pillow; and my eyes were directed steadily on the TV. Actually, there was nothing
on the TV screen that I had understood right now. Everything was just a complete
blur for me. All I heard was Nigel's flip-flopping on the floor behind the sofa
where I had been lying on... and, yeah, hiding from his gaze. He seemed to be
walking to and fro... but I got to sense that he didn't mean to distract me. His
steps were slow and somehow quiet.

I remained quiet too on the sofa. My heart was fluttering like crazy. Every now and
then, I heard him sipping the contents of the can.

Then, all of a sudden, Nigel came to sit on the other side of the sofa, just a few
inches away from my head. His right arm was stretched out on the headrest just
above where I lay my head. I could practically smell his masculine scent; his being
close to me now was just too good to be true. Why was he sitting so close to me
now? My heart skipped wildly. I could actually touch him if I'd try to.

I heard him sip the can again. I closed my eyes for I could see in my mind how his
adam's apple moved as the cold liquid passed through his throat. The visualization
of his moving throat awakened different kinds of emotions in me. Why did I suddenly
feel that I wanted to touch that portion of his neck?

Then, unexpectedly, Nigel bent the right side of his body towards my direction.
That masculine side of his upper trunk bumped my head. I opened my eyes
surprisingly and turned my head upward to look at him. Instantly, our eyes met.

Nigel's right temple was leaned on his right hand; his elbow was on the headrest;
his head was bent down facing me. His face was so close to me that it appeared like
he was about to kiss me. I stared at his dark eyes and, for a second which I felt
like an eternity, I felt like he really cared for me. There was something in his
stare that made me believe that, right at this very moment, he did love me.

"I love you," I said. I needed to remind him how I really felt for him especially
at this moment, this very moment that I was lying down under his gaze.

His eyes travelled from my eyes... to my nose... then ceased at my lips.

He cleared his throat as he batted his eyelashes. I smelt the beer from his breath.
"You're crazy. You know that, don't you?" His voice sounded weak, sexy, and
teasing. There was no hint of arrogance or anger in it.

Was I really hearing Nigel talking to me this way? For the first time in my life, I
heard him talk to me without that signature angry tone or that haughty disdain. For
the first time, he talked to me like I was somebody special to him. Inside of me,
it made me very happy to the highest level so I gave him the sweetest smile I could

I didn't exactly know what he meant by my being crazy but I answered him anyway.
"Yeah, I think I'm crazy," I replied with hundreds of fluttering butterflies in my
stomach. It was true. I was indeed crazy loving him if that was what he meant.

Before I knew it, he poked my nose with his right forefinger. I gasped surprisingly
especially when he pinched its blushing peak. "Yeah, absolutely crazy," he
whispered, drawing his mouth closer to my ear. The air coming from his breath
almost reached my neck. It produced goose bumps all over my skin.

I nodded like an obedient baby. I was about to say to him that I loved him too damn
crazy yet I couldn't open my mouth. Our close, intimate distance from each other
was so powerful I was too overwhelmed to speak a word.

Then, he stretched out again his right arm and, if I was not dreaming, he encircled
it around my face delicately, the interior angle of his elbow surrounding my chin
and jaw. With that, the pillow I was hugging fell down to the floor. I was
completely lunatic at this time. Nigel's unexpected change of mood overwhelmed me
so much I was close to intoxication.

Had he already realized that he loved me as well? Was he going to reciprocate my

love now? Wishing and dreaming for this wasn't a bad idea after all. It was all
worth it. It was worth the wait.

With the back of my head perfectly placed on the throw pillow and my body in supine
position on the sofa, I eagerly waited for what would come next as Nigel's face was
about three inches away from mine.
His eyes seriously settled on my lips.

I was quivering with excitement. My left hand found his chin and started rubbing it
with nice little strokes. My fingers felt the prickly yet tickly unshaved short
hair in his jaw.

Nigel, breathing heavily, lifted his arm away from my face and brought it back to
extend on the headrest. I heard the rolling of the beer can on the floor. He must
have dropped it abruptly on his other side. As I was about to put down my hand that
was stroking his chin, Nigel instantly grasped it with his left. For the first time
in my life, I got to have my hand in contact with his. The perfect fitting of both
our hands, mine that was tiny and was enveloped by his palm that was warm and big,
created hot ripples in my veins.

If this were a dream, please, I prayed nobody should dare to wake me up or else I
might die of acute frustration!

"Nigel..." His name escaped from my mouth.

He was about to answer me when he bit his lower lip. It was like he was holding
back from somehing he was afraid to be exposed of. His hand shuddered convulsively
as he imprisoned my hand tighter in his grip. His eyes flicked at mine. His
countenance showed a hidden disturbance.

"You know what... I think... I'm going crazy, too," Nigel murmured from his
quivering lips.


I batted my eyelids several times.

What did he just say? He was going crazy, too? What did he mean by that?

Nigel tightened more his grip of my hand. It almost became painful for me. It was
like he was intensely afraid of letting my hand go. I closed my eyes and persuaded
myself that Nigel loved me after all. I knew my heart felt it and I was one hundred
percent sure that my heart wouldn't lie. What my heart felt from him right now was
the most honest thing I had felt in my entire life.

I closed my eyes tightly as I pampered my heart to dally on this beautiful reality.

Tears began to seek a way out of my eyes until they found exit in each corner. I
was too happy with this realization!

Nigel immediately beheld my tears, I thought, for he brushed them away with his
fingers. And, while my eyes were still closed to sense every little detail of his
fingers in my face, he took the opportunity of touching his lips on my forehead! At
first, I thought it was just a dream --- sweet, succulent, sensual dream. A
satisfying smile formed in my lips. That was a great imagination I had there...

But, something suddenly hit me! My eyes opened wide in total surprise when my mind
told me it was all real! It was NOT an imagination! My cheeks flushed and, yes, my
ears tingled with heat. Nigel was kissing me! Nigel really, really was kissing my

His lips were soft, warm and moist as they brushed lazily from my forehead towards
the peak of my nose. My hands found the surface of the sofa and madly tried to get
a grip as his lips settled on my nose. His breathing, with the smell of beer, now
and then, tickled my blushing cheek. One of his hands started stroking my
unfastened hair.

The next thing I knew, like what I secretly hoped for, Nigel's mouth was about on
its way to find my waiting but quivering lips.

With that, just holy freaking that, I felt the world stopped!



What do you think was that?

Vote, comment, share! And thanks for your time. You guys are the best.

(sapphiregirl22) ~_^

Chapter 15 - The Visit

~~~ CHAPTER 15 - THE VISIT ~~~

Now, never think that it was the happy ending that I had been wishing all this
time! For, just when I thought the world stopped, the door bell rang.

At first, neither of us seemed to pay any attention to it. Nigel's mouth was about
on its way to find my waiting but quivering lips when the bell rang again. I could
just tell his mouth was a millimeter away from mine. I could almost taste his
inviting lips. Then, the stupid door bell rang again. The distracting sound
reverberated the hall.

Oh, crap! This was unbelievable!

I heard him stifled a groan in irritation. My heart stopped beating I thought I had

Nigel slowly pulled away from me. He cleared his throat as he stood up.

But, Suzana came out from the kitchen and rushed to open the door just before Nigel
could take a step towards it. What! How could I forget that Suzana was still around
in the kitchen, preparing our dinner! Did she somehow sense what was supposed to
happen with Nigel and me in the living room? I couldn't help my face turning into a

Nigel glanced at me, his hand ruffling his dark hair. And that was the moment when
I remembered that I was still lying on the sofa. Immediately, I hopped on the floor
to stand up as my hands tried to fix my fuchsia pink loose cotton shirt and my
white capris in proper place.

He glanced at me again with a teasing look. A smirk formed in his lips as if to

remind me what had just happened between the two of us. I looked away for I didn't
want him to see how red my cheeks were now.

"Señorito, the Señora is here!" Suzana announced.

Nigel and I simultaneously turned our heads to the main door and, there, Mommy
Carol, like a majestic queen, made her entrance to the unit.

The sight of that marvellous woman coming in instantly showered my heart with much
longing. Finally, my shoulder to cry on, my firm support, my evermissed Mommy Carol
had come to visit me!

"Mommy!" I cried out loud and sprinted quickly to her.

I was like a baby as I hugged her tight. I kissed her cheeks and her forehead while
she hugged me tight, too. It was quite a dramatic moment for the both of us. She
was teary-eyed like me.

"I missed you so much, mommy," I disclosed as my chin leaned on one of her
shoulders. "Oh, you can't imagine how much I missed you!"

"Darling, I can't describe how much I missed you, too," she replied hugging me
still. "We've got a lot of catching up to do."

"Yes, yes, yes... I've got a lot of things to tell you..."

Nigel cleared his throat to catch our attention. Mom and I pulled away from each
other and turned to him. Looking at him now, I sensed an awkward gap between the
two of us.

He, on the other hand, was not looking at me anymore but to mommy. "Hey, mom! Why
the sudden visit?" he inquired as if mom's presence did not excite him.

What kind of son was he?

Mommy Carol wiped the tears in her cheeks with her fingers. "Of course, I have to
visit my daughter-in-law." Mom winked at me. "Have you been treating her nicely?"

My stupid cheeks blushed again as Nigel's eyes and mine met. "Ask her if she has
been acting right," he immediately replied.

Acting right? What did he imply by that? Was he connoting that I had been acting
wrong all my stay here? Was what just happened several minutes ago, like the two of
us about to kiss, also wrong? He initiated it by the way! Not me! So was I the one
acting wrong? How could he?

Have you ever tried being so blissful one moment then become miserable the next?
Well, that was just what I felt this very moment! How could something turn out to
be so awful all of a sudden when it had just felt so perfectly right?

My jaws dropped just as how my heart dropped!

Not again, Nigel! You were just so freaking clingy to me a while ago, so how could
you do this to me? How could you automatically make me hot under the collar in just
eight freaking words? How?

I clenched my hands and cast him a glare.

Mom, however, as if not sensing my anger, came closer to Nigel to hug and kiss him
in the cheeks. He enveloped mom's tiny body with both of his arms. While he did
that, he whispered something to her ear. I saw mom giving him a bugging gaze. He
smirked in return.

When mom backed away from him, Nigel stared at me still smirking. I couldn't tell
what he just said to mom. I felt like it was something about me. What was it?

Before I could ask the two of them, mom spoke. "Don't be a pain in my head, son. So
you haven't been treating my dear Althea nice---"
"There's no need for me to treat her nicely, mom," he said in an obnoxious manner
like always.

"Don't give me that absolute rubbish, Nigelito Joaquin. I've come all the way from
La Carlota to know how intimate you guys have become to each other and, then,
you're saying that there's no need to treat her nicely! What kind of fiancé are
you? Now, tell me!" she stormed off.

It was unbelievable how Nigel gave mom a grin when she had been so irritated by
him. "Don't overreact, mom."

"I'm not overreacting. I just want you to act properly, you heartless brute!" she
whimpered as she found her way towards me again and held my left hand.

Mom and I held hands as we went to sit on the sofa. "Suzana, time for dinner!" she
called out to the woman who was standing and watching all the drama in the living

"Yes, señora," Suzana left for the dining room to set the table.

Nigel, on the other hand, followed mom and me but just as he was about to sit as
well, both our eyes rested on the beer can that lay on the carpet. The intimacy
that we shared a while ago flashed in my mind. He might have thought of the same
thing because he immediately seek my eyes which caused my cheek to produce a rosy
tint... again. Fow how many times had I blushed again this evening?

He went to where it lay and picked it up quickly trying not to get mom's attention
on what he was doing.

"Have you been drinking, son?" Well, that meant mom had those pair of eagle eyes.
She quickly perceived the beer can Nigel was picking up.

"Come on, just a can of beer, mom." He shrugged his shoulders. "Well, how about
asking your dear Althea how she passed out last night?"

It was something I hadn't prepared! Was he planning to tell Mommy Carol about how
intoxicated I was last night? Oh, no, I couldn't tell mom about that! I didn't want
her to get the impression that the big city had quite changed the person in me
because I didn't intentionally want myself to get drunk. It was all because of my

Mom turned to me with her eyes wide open. "Passed out? Why?"

"I... I had just..." God knew how much I struggled for words to say. I looked at
Nigel to ask some help but the jerk, yes, the jerk, signalled me to go on with what
I was supposed to say. He seemed pleased with my stuttering.

I didn't pass out. I just fell asleep. I wanted to say.

Mom was about to speak to me again when somebody appeared in the opened doorway. I
blinked my eyes several times for I couldn't believe who I had just seen. And,
right there, when I saw the unexpected person, I said a little prayer of gratitude,
for I believed he was an angel sent from God to rescue me from this sweaty awkward

The familiar face, as usual, oozed with confidence as his eyes met with mine. I
gave him a wide smile.
He winked at me.

Oh my! This was truly fantastic! I missed this person, too!



Okay, let me first express my heartfelt gratitude to everyone giving their full
support to this book. You all inspire me to continue writing it.

And, yeah, this is the shortest chapter so far but next chapter is coming up
shortly afterwards.

So who do you think arrived apart from Mommy Carol? Come on, make a guess!

With lots of love,

(sapphiregirl22) ~_^

Chapter 16 - Missed Friend


Goodness gracious!

"Am I imagining, mom? Is he really here?" I asked mom, so thankful to the newcomer
that I could have a chance to disregard the issue of my drunkenness. But, apart
from that, I was really happy to see him again.

"No, you aren't, dear," she declared as she signalled him to get inside. He stepped
in bringing mommy's traveling bag.

I stood up and met him. "Diego!"

"Hi, Thea!" he accosted me with the widest smile ever. He was wearing a white
short-sleeved button-down shirt and black slacks, the Sarmientos' driver's uniform.

"Oh, my God! I can't believe you're here! Did you drive all the way here?"

"Yup," he said casually. I had been used to the way he talked to me, like I was not
the señorita of The Fields. He was my friend after all. Well, after the community
services I had at La Carlota with Diego and Elena, I decided that the two of them
stop calling me señorita. I just thought they were my friends and I personally
liked them to call me on first name basis. Mom knew about it and what could she do.

I caught a glimpse of Nigel's bewildered expression as Diego and I faced each

other. I thought I heard Nigel's curse as he walked out on us. He probably headed
to the dining room.

"Congratulations! You've finally driven up to here. That's very good," I spoke

excitedly, grabbing his arm. "Oh my, can't really believe you're here! How I wish
Elena too were here!"

"Elena's busy with college, you know," Diego smiled, giving me the impression of
his excitement when he uttered the word college.

"Wow!" I blurted, grasping my mouth with my right palm as I turned to Mommy Carol.
"Seriously, mommy? Elena is now going to college? That was very sweet of you!" I
went to mom and hugged her.
"The señora is also sending me to college," Diego reported from behind me.

Now I knew what to give Elena and Diego this Christmas. They must have cell phones
so I could easily check them out.

When I faced him again, he was rubbing his nape with his forefinger. His blushing
cheeks showed not of embarrassment but of incitement especially in the utterance of
the word college. Perhaps, the realization of his dream had not yet sunk in him.

Way to go, Diego!

"I kept my promise, darling," mom said.

Didn't I have the greatest mommy in the world?


Yes, we had a late dinner. Mommy, Diego, and I spent like an hour talking before we
finally realized that Suzana had already served it. It was Nigel who cut the
conversation off by asking whether we were to take our dinner or not. What was
really with that guy? Should he be rude all the time?

After dinner, Nigel left to his room while mom went early to my bed. Mom and I both
decided that she had to take a rest in my room. I guessed the catching up with her
would be tomorrow. So, for the meantime, I stayed with Suzana and Diego in the
kitchen for I wanted to be updated with everything in The Fields. While Suzana was
dishwashing, Diego and I sat on the high stools beside the kitchen island.

"Really? How amazing is that!" I shreiked after Diego told me about how Elena was
doing in college. He said all her professors were impressed of her good
performance. "I always know Elena's brilliant. Wow! And how about you?"

He rubbed his nape and avoided eye contact with me, "Well, just... just trying to

I laughed loudly with how he reacted, "You better do well in your studies, Diego!
You dream of becoming an engineer, don't you?"

"Yeah... yeah..." he shrugged his shoulders and continued, "but I didn't know
college is that tough. But I'm trying, really trying hard! I'm not going to give
up, just so you know! This has been my dream and, now that the señora is helping me
achieve it, there's no way that I'm giving this up!"

Hearing his determination and assurance to finish college, though there was some
sort of hesitation in his voice with how he was going to cope up with it, I felt
proud and happy for him somehow.

"I'm really happy for you and Elena," I said.

He smiled showing his dimple in his left cheek, "I feel so grateful right now, you

Our conversation was interrupted for a while when Suzana asked permission to leave
already. She said she would come earlier the next day for she had to prepare mom's
milk bath. It would be Suzana's routine to please her señora with her bath and her
meal every time the latter was around.

When she left, Diego, who was still in his driver's uniform, and I continued
talking like we had not seen each other for years. It was our time for catching up
so we made the most of it. He told me about the town college where he and Elena had
been going to. He told me about La Carlota and the village children who missed me.
He told me about The Fields, that nothing had been changed in there. Everything had
been quite the same since the last time I was there. The mention of The Fields made
me smile a lot.

"How's my lagoon now?" I asked eagerly.

"That I cannot answer!" He said, raising his hands up. "Your lagoon is a restricted
area, isn't it?"

I grinned widely. "Oh, I miss that place so much!"

"Can't wait for the semestral break," Diego muttered, "so the lovely señorita will
once again be visible in the hacienda."

I couldn't be more agreeable. I nodded and smiled at him.

We were like that, happily conversing and laughing, when Nigel entered the kitchen.
He looked like he had just showered as obviously observed through his wet jet-black
hair. He also looked like he was already ready for bed for he had changed already
into a pair of pajamas.

Abruptly, Diego ceased from what he was telling me when Nigel came in. There was an
awkward silence after that. Nigel headed to the refrigerator and got himself a
bottle of mineral water. The sound of the shutting of the refrigerator door almost
made me jump from where I was sitting. I believed Diego jerked himself from his
seat, too. The shutting was done so harshly and brusquely that it seemed like Nigel
was planning to tear it down.

What the hell was that?

I saw him gulping the cold water from the bottle. His back was facing Diego and me.
Then, he turned his body to face us. Both Diego and I suddenly fidgeted on our
seats. Why the hell he looked like he was going to eat us alive? Angry?

"Can't you guys tone down your voices a little bit? I could practically hear the
both of you in my room!" he stormed out.

What? That loud? He must be exaggerating. His bedroom was way, way too far from the

Diego stayed like a scared rabbit on the stool. He never looked up to meet Nigel's
glare. So whatever happened to Diego's oozing confidence?

"W-we're sorry," I apologized.

Nobody messed up with this cold-hearted man, right?

"You compose yourself, Althea," he reminded me as if I were a kid who had just done
something really bad. I felt bad myself.

"I'm sorry," I apologized for the second time.

Nigel trotted to the doorway but, before he was finally out of our sight, he turned
to us, "And, by the way, it's almost twelve o'clock."

When he was gone, Diego and I breathed in and out hard simultaneously.
"Whew, I didn't know he's way too scary," Diego spoke out in relief that the man
already left.

I gave him a weak smile, "Yeah, that... that was the great Nigelito Joaquin

"He's going to be your husband, Thea. Are you ready for that sort of temper?" He
whispered like he was really concerned of me.

So Diego had finally accepted my engagement with Nigel... As in? Well, I was glad
he finally got over me.

"I was born ready for that kind of temper, Diego," I said in all honesty. Well,
that was the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. I had learned to
accept wholeheartedly both the good and bad sides of Nigel. I was more than ready
to be his wife.

"So, it's almost twelve o'clock indeed," he looked at his wrist watch. "Let's go
get some sleep now or else..." he playfully smirked as he caught a glimpse of the
doorway, trying to deliver the idea that Nigel might reappear there anytime soon.

I grinned at him and nodded my head.

I led him to the lone room near the kitchen where Suzana would stay whenever she
was with me at night. I learned that she had changed the bed sheets for Diego
before she left.

"Good night, Diego," I said as he was about to close the door.

He stood there like a dumbstruck boy. "I can't believe I'm seeing you right now,
Thea. Good night, too."

"I'm more than happy to see you," I replied.

Slowly, he closed the door before me.

I missed you, Diego. I really do.

And I missed Elena, too.


I was grinning as I was marching to my room. I was grateful that somebody of my

friends in The Fields actually visited me here. I couldn't help myself from
grinning widely...

And, not only that, Mommy Carol, was actually in my room right now. That would mean
that I could snuggle with her on my bed until morning.

Here I come, mommy.

With a big smile plastered in my face, I was silently treading the hallway to my
room. Then, unexpectedly, I caught sight of Nigel standing and leaning his back
lazily on his bedroom's door. His face was tilted a bit upward while closing his
eyes. The bottle of mineral water was still in his hand.

What? Sleeping on the door?

I was about to say Hey, man! Why are you sleeping on your door? Is this the latest
fad? But after his outburst in the kitchen a while ago, I didn't know if I still
got the guts to speak to him. So silently, I moved to reach the door of my room
just across where he was standing.

I was just about to surreptitiously open it when I heard him ask me a stupid

"So, how was it going with your boyfriend?"

I turned around to pay him an attention. Still, he was leaning on the door and
closing his eyes.

"Boyfriend?" I asked confusedly.

Laggardly, he slightly opened his left eye first as if taking a peek on me, then
two lazy eyes were now directed to me. "Diego, your boyfriend, how was your meeting
with him? Too happy to see him, huh?"

Here we go again! Argh!

"How many times shall I tell you that he's not my boyfriend? He's just a friend," I
told him, emphasizing the last word.

Still lazily, he pulled himself from the door and stepped towards me. I felt the
awakening of the butterflies in my stomach when I beheld his towering figure in
front of me.

"And how many times shall you lie to my face, Althea?" he bent down as he whispered
it to my ear.

I awkwardly moved a step backwards until my back crushed into my bedroom door.

"I am not lying. I'm telling the truth," I said also in a whisper.

"Should I tell mom that her f-cking driver is your boyfriend? Could you also admit
it to her so our supposed engagement would be finally over?"

"That's so freaking stupid," I gasped. "You are so not going to do that."

He drew a deep breath as he backed a little farther away from me. "I will, if you
don't stop acting like you're my very faithful novia."

"I'm faithful to you, Nigel. Super faithful, in fact," I said matter-of-factly.

"And you are just one heck of a liar, Althea," he pronounced as he threw me a

"Why do you keep on insisting that Diego is my boyfriend? Are you jealous?" Geez,
was I too assuming? I didn't know but I just bravely stated what my heart dictated
me to say.

Catching me by surprise, Nigel again stood closely before me and leaned his free
hand on the door behind me so that his firm chest came into contact with my face. I
gasped for air to breath as I brought my face upward to meet his eyes.

"Really, Althea? You who are one heck of a liar have the nerve to ask me that
question? Jealousy is not in my stock of vocabulary especially if it has something
to do with you," he stated firmly, clenching his jaws.
He looked mad, yes, but I had to be firmer than him. God help me.

"Really? Not jealous, huh? No feelings for me, huh?" I asked with a wry smile.
"Then, how would you explain your almost kissing me in the living room hours ago?"
I met his shocked expression with a pretend bravery.

Nigel's face reddened just as how I felt the heat in my cheeks.

Oh, my God! Why did I even mention the thing? My heart beat crazily as my mind
visualized that intimate scenario.

He leaned his upper trunk to me even more. I trembled with our intimate
closeness... again. I felt my whole body slumped to the door helplessly.

"Listen to this, dear princess," he mumbled acidly as our eyes battled, both vying
to win this clash. "I've made out with a lot of girls without giving any meaning to
the kiss at all. It was just a manly thing to do. Don't assume too much." He
grasped his breath many times before he decided to back away from me.

I felt the heaving of my chest. Made out with girls? Lots of girls? No meaning at
all to him?

Lots of girls?

Somebody had just poured a pail of water onto me! Like always, Nigel always found
the right words to hurt me.

Finally, as he turned away, he left me flustered as he spoke, "Pretend again as my

faithful novia and I'm gonna kick your f-cking boyfriend's ass out of here!"

In times like this, I was just too grateful that Mommy Carol was around. I badly
needed someone to comfort me right this very moment.

I opened the door behind my back and walked backwards into my room. I could still
see Nigel's towering figure in the hallway as I closed it. I slid myself underneath
the comforter and curled myself up cozily under mom's loving arms.

"I love you, mommy," I whispered to her.

The sleeping beauty embraced me tightly and smiled.

Oh, mommy! How am I going to make myself the perfect girl for him? Please, care to
help me, mommy.



Raise your right hand if you sense some jealousy here! lol.

Comment, comment, comment! I really loooove to hear from you!

And, oh, by the way, Nigel is pronounced /'Ny-jel/, but Nigelito (as how I like it
to be pronounced) must be read /Ni-he-'li-to/. That's it.

Thanks again for just being there for this book. BTW, Happy Halloween!!!

'Til next update, guys!

(sapphiregirl22) ~_^

Chapter 17 - Jealous
~~~ CHAPTER 17 - JEALOUS ~~~

Fortunately, Nigel didn't do any stupid thing of telling mom about my being
drunk during our acquaintance party or about his suspicion on Diego and me the
following day. Mom and I spent the whole morning, after her soothing milk bath,
chatting with each other. Nigel locked himself in his studio while Diego, who
wanted to familiarize the city streets, accompanied Suzana to shop for groceries
--- goods that were not a part of the Sarmiento products since we had a non-stop
supply of those.

After lunch, mommy and Diego immediately headed on the roads to return to
The Fields. It was a short visit but, for me, it was like a breath of fresh air.


I managed to stay with Nigel for the next month. I had quite adjusted
myself in the university as well as life in the city. Kara still was my friend and
we got along well in spite of Nigel's impression on her being a bad influence.

I was glad that Alonzo came from another university so I wasn't seeing him
anymore. However, Kara started to get close with Serge and that made her ecstatic
every day. It made me wonder the change that love could bring to a person. Just
weeks ago, she said she didn't like somebody to push her do crazy things in the
name of love. But now, by looks of it, she couldn't get Serge out of her system.
Hmmm, welcome to the club, Kara!

I never went again to any party after that acquaintance party we had at St.
Louis. I couldn't afford myself to get drunk again. I had to be the perfect fiancèe
in the most possible way. I just had to be that perfect woman Nigel would soon
learn to love.

On weekdays, the only place to be was school. After school, I would always
see to it to go back to the condo so Nigel would have nothing to say about me
anymore. I would then help Suzana prepare dinner, whether Nigel would come home or
not. If I had to shop, I would always tell him, whether he cared or not, but he
would always send the driver to bring me wherever I wanted to go. So that was the
kind of life I had right now... It wasn't something that I would say boring because
I was a homebuddy at heart.

Yet, I missed the lagoon... as always.


"Where are we going?" I asked him with my widely opened eyes. Was I hearing
right? Nigel was telling me to get changed because he was bringing me somewhere.
Wow, this was definitely the first time that he was asking me out. Asking me out?
Was I overthinking?

It was a Saturday and we were taking our breakfast as we sat across each
other in the dining table. You have to take note of the fact that we rarely did
this together. Hence, this was a great start of a day for me!

"Can't you just refrain from asking?" he demanded.

"I have to ask, you know, so I'd have an idea which outfit to wear."
"Don't be too excited on outfits. Just wear something comfortable," he
stated bluntly.

"Okay," I shrugged my shoulders. If outfits didn't matter so I wouldn't

make it a problem. The idea of going out with him was just more than enough. "Is
this a date?" I asked unconsciously. It was too late for me to realize what I had
just asked.

He eyed me like I was something unbelievable. "In your dreams, Princess,"

he said in pure sarcasm. "Just you wait and see."


It was not going to be a date so there was nothing for me to celebrate. It

turned out that Mommy Carol was supposed to be toured around his sugar factory
today but she gave him a ring and said that she couldn't make it. She rather
instructed Nigel to bring me along instead and I would be the one to report
everything to her. Pretty clever, wasn't she? When she told me about it on the
phone, I instantly figured out that she purposely planned this so Nigel and I could
spend our weekend together. I guessed the guy solved the puzzle, too. He was clever
just like mom, wasn't he? Thus, when I confronted him about the tour after I talked
with mom, he clearly stressed in my face that factories are not quite a venue for a

So, to make the record straight, it was NOT going to be a date.

After he got himself changed into a pair of cargo shorts, plaid shirt, and
rubber shoes, he went somewhere first. He just instructed me to wait for him at the
condo before we'd finally go to the sugar factory. When he came back, I received a
text from him informing me that he was already waiting for me below. Though it was
not a date, I still tried to look my best by doing my hair in a braid and applying
light makeup on my face. Glad that I was done with trying to make my natural beauty
radiate, I texted him back with an "Okay" and a cute smiley beside it. Wearing a
printed loose top, skinny jeans, and comfy sneakers, I rode on the elevator going
to the ground floor.

An attendant ushered me to the driveway where Nigel's car was already

waiting for me. The guy in uniform opened the door to the back seat for me but I
hesitated to get in for I was expecting to sit in the passenger seat beside Nigel.
I eye signalled him to open the passenger seat instead, yet he didn't mind it and
so I was compelled to get into the back seat.

My mouth opened in surprise when I noticed that some girl was actually
sitting beside Nigel in the front. I forgot to close my mouth even as she greeted
me with a "Hi" and a seemingly genuine smile.

Are you kidding me, Nigel! You're actually bringing this woman with us?

I didn't bother to give her any friendly reply; I gave her a snoot as I
crossed my arms in my chest. She was the one who opened her mouth in surprise now.
I smirked to myself. Huh, good for her!

Honestly, I hated to act like friendly to her. She was Maria Stella and I
was not crazy and dumb to come in good terms with her. After all, she was what
Nigel called "his girlfriend." Yeah, she might be his girlfriend but I was his
fiancèe. He better not forget that!

I sighed at the thought. What a complicated life I had here!

"I told you she's a pain in the ass," he said to her grinning as he started
the engine.

Did he just call me a pain the ass?

Stella scowled at me before she replied him with a smile, "Yeah, can't
imagine life with her."

Got you now, Stella! I believed I was right about her. She might look like
a lamb in the outside but I just felt that she was a serpent in the inside. I got
her through that scowl she just showed me. Hey, can I declare World War III now?

I extremely wanted to announce a war between the two of us! But even if I
had not started it yet, the fight was as good as won by that Stella and I appeared
to be the poor, pitiful, pathetic loser...


I was in the car trying not to heed on the two flirting with each other. I
couldn't bear the thought of Nigel getting so sweet on some other girl especially
when I was around. I had to close my eyes and tried to prevent my tears from
falling down yet I was always bugged by Stella's loud laugh every time Nigel made
some funny comments about something. I didn't know Nigel had this side of him. I
had always known him as someone cold, aloof, and impassive. That discovery bore a
hole in my heart. He was never like that to me --- that happy, spirited Nigel.

"Remember that restaurant, hon?" Stella was asking him about a particular
restaurant where they obviously had a date some time ago. It was a part of their
conversation that began as the car started to move and it was something that I
didn't want to focus on.

"Yeah, I remember perfectly well," he answered grinning widely.

"Wasn't it an amazing spot? I'd love to go there again, Nigel," she pouted
at him as she said it like she was displaying their love connection.

"Sure. Anytime, babe," was his quick reply.

My eyes happened to catch Nigel's in the rearview mirror. I was kind of

surprised to know that he was also looking at me through that mirror too. Quickly,
I averted my gaze away from him. Why did he have to look at me when he was flirting
with that girl? Was he trying to catch a hint whether I was jealous or not? Well,
if he wanted to make me jealous, he absolutely succeeded for I was dying with
jealousy now.

A teardrop moistened the corner of my right eye. Bothered that Nigel would
notice it, I awkwardly searched for my hanky in my shoulder bag. When I found it, I
immediately wiped that moistened portion in my eye.

Loving is sacrificing, I told myself. But does that mean that we also have
to be stupid?

If there was something that I absolutely hated right now, it was my stupid
heart. How come I was still feeling the love for him when I had been awfully hurt
again and again?

To hide the jealousy that was creeping in my heart and in order for me to
not hear them talking sweetly to each other, I got my earbuds and listened to songs
in my phone. Every now and then, I looked at the buildings and land marks that we

Just when I was about to get over with the two of them, a hard lump in my
chest began to build up. It was when I noticed that we were already trekking the
high way outside the city. The city structures disappeared eventually and what I
was seeing instead were some residential houses along the road. By and by, the
houses were replaced with alternating groups of trees and clearings. I looked at my
wrist watch and discovered that we had been in the road for almost an hour already.
The phobia I had for traveling started to creep in.

"Are we almost there?" I asked Nigel as I tried to appear cool in the back.

Unfortunately, I didn't hear his answer for the earbuds were still in my
ears. I just assumed that we were still not we were supposed to be since I happened
to catch him shaking his head. Stella, on the other hand, turned her head towards
me and gave me another scowl. That bitch!

I was starting to get phobic inside. I was not going to handle this trip
not unless Mommy Carol was here holding my hand. I just so freaking needed her this
instant or else I was going to pass out.

I closed my eyes and tried to concentrate on the song that had just started
playing. But no matter how I tried to forget, I could still feel that I was inside
a car that was running in a wide road about 90 to 100 kph. My hands began to sweat
as my knees began to shake. My mind was in frenzy.

I turned my music player off and took the earphones away from my ears.

"Are we already there?" I asked again. This time, I could no longer hide
the fear in my voice.

"What exactly is your problem? Can't you just wait?" It was Stella who
answered me.

I tried to catch Nigel's gaze in the mirror. Luckily, he looked at me

through that mirror, too. Then, he declared, "We're almost there."

It was a short statement from him but that was enough for me to calm my


Fortunately, I was able to control my fear of long-distance travel fifteen

minutes after that until we reached the sugar factory. It was a group of large
buildings placed in a secluded location. The not-so-good odor smelled all around
just explained the fact why it was secluded.

When we got out of the car, I saw about a hundred of dump trucks on one
particular area. Some were parked; others, loaded with sugarcanes, were just
arriving to the compound.

"What's that disturbing smell, honey?" Stella asked as she encircled her
right arm in his left arm while the three of us walked down the narrow pathway
leading to the entrance of the main building.

I presumed it was also her first time in the factory.

I noticed Nigel, who looked ruggedly handsome with his shades on, pulled
her arm away from him and it made me smirk a little bit. Good for her! Yay.

But, suddenly, my heart sank again when he put his left arm around her
shoulders. "That's a natural smell around places like this, babe. That's the smell
of the sugarmill waste. But we're actually in the process of finding the means to
solve it. Later, I'll show you something aromatic. It's molasses and it can be used
in some recipes. You're gonna love it."

"Really? Wow, I'd love to see it. What do we call it again? M-mol... what's
that again, hon?" she said as she put her right arm around his waist.

What's this? Public display of affection?

"Molasses," I interrupted.


"I was not asking you," she gave me a scowl.


I trailed behind the two of them and the sight of her stilettos just
bothered me so much. Why on earth did she have to wear those in a place like this?
Did she really have to be a ramp model all the time? Well, based on my research on
her, Maria Stella was a fashion model who had been in that business since she was
thirteen. She wasn't the most in demand girl in the modeling world but she
definitely was pretty. She could make every man fall on his knees, which made me an
ugly duckling if compared to her.

"It's a thick brown syrup that is separated from raw sugar in the
manufacture of sugar, babe," he answered her in a very sweet tone that I wanted to
make a halt just right there and not to continue where we were supposed to go.
"You'll see what's molasses when I'll show it to you later."

"Sure, babe," she said.

Then, all of a sudden, one of her feet stepped on a peeble making her to
almost lost her balance if not because of Nigel's quick hands pulling her up.

"Careful!" Nigel gasped.

"That's so shit!" she snapped as she struggled herself to regain her


That's what you get when you don't follow the proper dress code!

Didn't Nigel tell her to wear something comfortable?

I chuckled at what happened. Yeah, the bitch in me just came out. In times
like this, when you had no choice but to tread on a coarse pathway, I appreciated
my being a country girl.


Okay, that Maria Stella was making my whole life at the sugarmill so
miserable. Every time I tried to talk to Nigel, she was always there to interrupt.
Aside from that, she was so clingy to him the whole time that I barely had time
with him.
I was on my way alone trying to find a comfort room when I bumped into
someone. My face directly smashed into his hard lean chest. It took me a while
before realizing that his hands were pulling me close to him to avoid me from
falling down. When I looked up, I saw an angelic face drooping down on me.

"Oh, I'm sorry," I muttered as I pulled away from him.

He batted his eyelashes before speaking, "Just be careful next time."

"Yeah, I'm really sorry..."

He was wearing a gray polo shirt and jeans unlike most of the people in the
manufacture site who were wearing a uniform. I presumed he was one of the
officials. However, he looked younger than most of the officials...

"I am actually looking for the comfort room..."

"It's on this way, ma'am," he said as he moved to show me the way.

"Oh, thank you," I said in relief as I followed him, "but, please, don't
call me ma'am. I'm Althea Ruiz. Just call me Althea."

He ceased walking and looked at me. "I've learned that the President is
coming today with his girlfriend and señorita of the Sarmiento Corporation. It must
be you."

Just when I was about to speak, there were voices of several people from
behind us. Both the guy and I looked at the direction where the voices were coming.
We saw Nigel with Stella clinging in his arm and several other people whom he
introduced a while ago as his sugar factory team.

Nigel also looked at our direction.

"That girl over there, she's the one claiming that title," I told the guy.

"Girlfriend and señorita?" he asked.

"No, just the girlfriend title," I said scowling as I crossed my arms on my

chest. "But believe me, I'm the señorita, the young mistress of the Sarmiento

I saw him rubbed the back of his neck, "I thought the girlfriend and the
señorita are only one girl."

"You don't know anything, trust me."

The guy gave me a confused smile. Well, in all fairness, he did look more
angelic with that smile. To my scrutiny, he appeared twenty or twenty-one.

"Now, aren't you going to introduce yourself to the young mistress of the
Sarmiento Corporation?" I said as I gave him the sweetest smile I could muster.

The guy cleared his throat and handed me his palm, "Dylan Fernandez,
working as an intern in the main office, señorita."

"An intern? That's cool," I said as we shook hands. "But please, don't call
me señorita. Althea's fine with me." Well, he looked friendly anyway. And with that
smile he was wearing...
"Okay, Althea," he smiled again. Wow, there was really something in that

"That's more like it," I also smiled.

Our hands separated as Nigel and his company were about to reach where
Dylan and I were standing.

"Now, can you show me the way to the comfort room?" I reminded Dylan why I
was here.

"Yeah of course, come on," he said leading the way. I followed him not even
bothering to look at Nigel again.

He should better stay with his girlfriend!



Hello, world!

I've been thinking that this novel is not gonna be finished soon. I'm
planning about having more chapters. Could you still stick around 'til its end?

So there's a new character here. You've probably guessed by now that he's
going to be an addition to the guys... Now, don't get pissed with me. I'm putting
them all in for a particular purpose. Just bear with me, okay? Yet if you can't,
what can I do?

Anyway, it's been a busy week for me. Still, I was able to put up this
chapter so I'm happy. Hope you're happy, too. And, as always, THANK you so much for
your awesome support by READING, VOTING, and COMMENTING. I'd also like to thank my
silent readers but, come on, let me know who you are, guys! Post a comment, 'kay?

'Til next update! (sapphiregirl22) ~_^

Chapter 18 - Phobia
~~~ CHAPTER 18 - PHOBIA ~~~

"Thank you so much," I said to Dylan when I spotted him with Nigel and his
company after I went to the comfort room. Nigel was discussing something to all the
guys when I joined the group --- something about sugar as one of the Sarmiento
Corporation's biggest export products.

Dylan gave me his angelic smile again. What was with him and his smile?

"So if you're an intern in the main office, why are you here?" I whispered
to him so as not to distract the other men's discussion.

"I'm currently writing my narrative report and, I believe, it'd be much

more interesting if I include my visits to the President's several manufacturing
areas. I major in economics and my knowledge on trade and industry would be very
essential to my future career plan," he explained also whispering.
"Wow! Impressive!" I uttered totally impressed with him.

"Thank you," he stated. "By the way, I didn't quite expect that the
señorita is indeed as young as you are."

We smiled at each other.

I caught sight of Nigel looking at me with a weird expression in his face.

I didn't mind him and continued talking with Dylan.


"Having fun?" I heard Nigel from behind me as I treaded the pathway to the
parking area where our car was waiting.

When I turned around, I saw him walking alone. I wondered where could
Stella be. Finally, the bitch was out of sight.

"So where's your girlfriend?"

"CR," he said as he came closer to me, "So, I believe, you were having fun
with Fernandez?"

Fernandez? Oh, yeah, Dylan...

"Guess, I was just lucky having someone to talk," I said honestly. I was
supposed to be the one clinging in his arm and talking to him all throughout the
tour in the factory. "I don't know why you're always hurting me," I whispered to
myself but it was loud enough for him to hear. "Why do you have to bring that girl
with us?"

He smirked, "Are you jealous, princess?"

"I don't know how to put it into words. If you'll call it jealousy, then
call it jealousy," I said trying to prevent my tears from falling.

I span around to go ahead of him but he instantly gripped my arm.

"Giving up now?" he asked meaningfully.

Immediately, I grasped what he meant. He was referring to our engagement.

"Giving up is never an option to me," I answered confidently.

"Even if I'm dating Stella?" He said searching my eyes for any hint of lie,
perhaps. He seemed not convinced with my statement.

"Even if you're dating with a lot of girls, I don't care. I'm still
marrying you."

"Seriously?" he asked while gripping my wrist even harder.

"Yes," I stared at his face which was about five inches away from mine.

"Well, then, let's see..." A smile formed in his lips as he released my

arm. "Let's see how long you will endure this, princess."

I took a deep breath and met his eyes. "The love I have for you," I pointed
my left chest with my right forefinger, "is something that you can't ever imagine.
So please, if you have a heart, can you at least try to feel it?"

Nigel chuckled at what I said. My heart was like pierced a thousand times
with the way he reacted. He was not taking my statements seriously.

"That was just so corny," he mused. "But, know what, I don't really have a
heart. Isn't it still obvious?"

Yeah, why couldn't my stupid heart feel how heartless this man was? Why
couldn't I just walk away from him and live a life of my own? Why couldn't I just
give a damn? Why couldn't I?

I became speechless. Instead, I let the tears to fall down through my


Suddenly, a realization hit me big time. No, I couldn't be a cry-baby all

my life. I had to learn how to fight.

"I'll tell mom the wedding has to be ASAP!" It was something that I didn't
plan to say. It just came out so naturally from my mouth that even I myself was
unprepared to listen.

"What?" was Nigel's shocked reaction. Once again, he found my wrist and
gripped it really hard that the tingling pain traveled quickly to my arm and went
straight to my chest. I felt I had no more air to breath. But my mind told me to
fight. Probably, that Maria Stella stirred the will in me to claim what was
rightfully mine. Nigel only belonged to me.

"Yeah, I'm going to tell mommy that she has to set the wedding soon!" I
said faking my confidence.

Oh, what have I just said? Am I going crazy now?

"Are you crazy?" He burst out in total anger. This time, he shoved both of
my shoulders. He definitely was not expecting what I just said.

I don't know. I'm asking the same question. Can you answer it for me,

He very well knew that whatever I would tell Mommy Carol, she would always
grant my wish no matter what the cost would be. Sensing that I had no intention of
answering him, Nigel pushed me away too painfully.

I nearly lost my balance but I managed to remain my stance. "You're so

brutal, do you know that?" I spat at him as I brushed the tears from my eyes.

"And you're the craziest person I've ever met," he said glaring daggers
into my face.

His facial expression reminded me of that time when our engagement was
announced by mom five years ago. He looked quite shocked, horrified... and angry.

I stared at his eyes, pleading him to be more discernible to my feelings.

My abundant tears, on the other hand, flowed down freely on my cheeks.

"You will never win this, Althea. Never. I will make it one hundred and one
percent sure," he said, later, in his signature icy insensible tone. The weird
thing was, in that icy tone, a surge of confidence was evident. And that all-too-
apparent confidence was sealed with a sarcastic glare.
"One hundred and one percent sure?" I echoed him totally confused. Why did
he appear so sure when he said I would never win this. When he said he would never
marry me, did he really mean it? Was I only faking to myself every time I'd feel
that he also had feelings for me? In just an instant, my strength and my sense of
hope crumbled bit by bit into a million pieces. It was unbelievably replaced with
fear... fear that, in the future, he would never ever be mine. My hands shook at my
sides. I had to clench both of them to control them from tottering.

Yeah, how long would I endure all of this?

"D-do you want me to give up now?" I asked Nigel, searching for a clue if
fighting till the end would all be worth it.

There was a gleam of surprise in his eyes the moment he heard my

question... and, boy, was I also seeing fear in those piercing yet beautiful pair
of eyes?

Fear? Of what?

He batted his lashes several times. It was like he couldn't believe what I
had just asked. His forehead wrinkled.

"Honey!" A voice broke in suddenly. When I turned to the source of that

voice, I saw Stella. Dylan was walking with her.

"Your girlfriend's here. She might suspect we're having a lovers' quarrel.
I bet you can't afford to let that happen so I'll go ahead." I walked towards the
car leaving him behind.

I still felt tears in my cheeks. Slowly, I wiped them away with my fingers.

Are you kidding yourself, Althea? Giving up, really? I thought to myself.

Just when I was about to reach the car, Dylan Fernandez walked past me and
opened the backseat for me. I gave him a languid smile, "Thank you."

"Are you okay?" Dylan asked. So, he sensed my withdrawn attitude.

Was I too obvious with my current pain?

"I'm good," I said forcing again a smile. "Thanks."

I entered the backseat. Dylan smiled and said, "Take care," before closing
the door for me.

"Bye," I said.

Several minutes after, the lovebirds arrived. Nigel opened the front seat
for Stella before he went to his own seat.


About an hour later, we were on the road again. The three of us were back
to our old seating arrangement in the car. Stella was still in the passenger seat
beside Nigel who was driving the car. I really thought that we were already heading
back to the city but, to my chagrin, I learned that we were heading on to another
direction which was kind of unfamiliar to me. I heard from their conversation that
we were to go to a site that Nigel had just bought and where he would locate a new
manufacturing structure. So he was really serious in expanding the Sarmiento

The two were occupied in their conversation while I managed to calm myself
down about the long travel. The conversation that I shared with Nigel earlier
didn't leave my mind though. No matter how I tried to disregard the pain in my
heart, I couldn't just do it.

Should I really give up now?

Not long after, I observed the change of speed in Nigel's maneuvering of

the car. It was going faster than its previous speed. I heard he was trying to
catch up lunchtime.

Internally, I was beginning to worry. I always hated fast travel. It always

had that weird effect on me. So, as expected, this was not going to be a joyride.

Oh, here I was again. The crazy speed just bothered me so much.
Why can't you slow down a little bit, Nigel? You're driving me mad. I wanted to
shout at him but I didn't want to appear too fearful. If so, he would just remind
me of my being childish. I didn't want him to have that impression of me anymore.

He didn't know anything about my phobia in long-distance traveling. If I

would tell him, would he understand anyway? I bet, he would just mock me, and
again, remind me of my being childish. I had already suffered a lot of insults from
him today. Could I afford to suffer another?

So, in spite of all the fears within me, I kept my mouth shut.

Way to be brave, Althea.

However, no matter how I really tried, especially when he maneuvered the

car even faster, I couldn't help myself from freaking out in the inside. This time,
I totally needed a warm hand in mine to assure me that everything was going to be
fine just like what Mommy Carol always did when we traveled together. I thought I
couldn't make it any longer.

Mom, where are you?

Suddenly, I saw a car behind ours as I turned my head around. It was

running freaking fast. I guessed its driver was planning to overtake our car. Oh,
no! I thought I had seen this scenario before. Oh, no, the car behind us was
speeding really fast. This was not going to be good... Yes, definitely I had
already seen this scene before...

A car was about to overtake the car that my papa was driving. Mama was at
the passenger seat beside papa. I was at the back seat alone holding my favorite
dolly. I was even humming my favorite nursery rhyme. It was supposed to be a happy
scene --- papa was whispering words of love to her favorite woman in the world;
mama was smiling at her. The sight of them together loving and expressing their
devotion to each other mesmerized the young heart in me. Someday, I secretly told
myself that I'd also be marrying the man I'd love. Suddenly, this car behind us
screeching in high speed bumped the side of our car as it tried to make its way in
overtaking us.

I screamed fearfully and, then, everything around me went blank.

"What happened?" I asked as I looked around.

I was on a bed surrounded with draperies. There was nobody around except
Nigel who was standing at the side of the bed. Our eyes met instantly.

"What happened?" I repeated. "Where are we?"

"ER." His voice seemed strained with anxiety.

"Hospital?" I asked in total confusion. I couldn't remember what happened.

He nodded.

"Why? Why am I on a hospital bed?" I tried to rise up from where I lay but
Nigel pushed me back in a tender manner. "What happened to me?"

"You lost consciousness," he replied as he placed my head on the pillow.

Again, his hands did it so tenderly that my heart fluttered like butterfly's wings.

Lost consciousness?

Then, I remembered what happened. I passed out when a car went past us.
That car reminded me of the accident. Oh, God! I had been so stupid. And Nigel
brought me to the hospital!

"I'm already doing okay. Can we go home now?" I begged.

Nigel paused for a little while as he surveyed my face.

"Can't we just go home?" I begged for the second time.

"No. Not until I learn what exactly is wrong. That's why, I'm gonna submit
you to lab exams." He gulped something and his adam's apple moved in his throat.

"Lab exams? No, I'm not submitting myself to any lab exam. I'm alright,

"Then, tell me, what was the matter back there, Althea? Why did you scream
at the back seat? And why did you pass out? Tell me why."

"Nothing's the matter with me," I lied. I didn't want him to know that my
phobia in traveling was sucking the life in me. I didn't want him to know my
biggest weakness. There was no way for me to open up to him about it now. I was not
yet ready. Opening up to him would mean delving on my horrible past. He only knew
about the accident but he didn't know that its horrendous effect on me was a shadow
that had been stuck with me for ten years already.

And, by the way, why did he appear so concerned? Was I important to him?
Here I went again, hoping against hope that I was important to this heartless man.
Did he just not tell me that he was one hundred and one percent sure that he was
not to marry me?

"Just tell me, please, why did you faint?" he asked again as he held my
left forearm.

I rattled at his touch. It was warm, tensive, and firm.

"I d-don't know... I guess I was kind of starving already. I felt my tummy
was in trouble and then... everything went blank..." I kind of hesitated but I
managed to continue in order to make up an alibi. Well, my tummy had actually been
growling from the moment I woke up.

"Oh, Althea!" he exclaimed as he scooped me in his arms, catching me by

surprise. In bridal style, he carried me in his arms and swung the draperies as we
went outside that emergency compartment. Moving with great strides, Nigel marched
towards the exit.

"Where are you bringing me?" I yelped. I could feel everyone's eyes were on

A nurse who I presumed was also shocked followed us. "Sir, anything wrong?"

Nigel shook his head and said to her, "I'm sorry but I'm no longer
admitting her."

"Are we going home?" I asked.

"No, I'm taking you to lunch," he said firmly.



This is it! He's starting to show it... Who's happy?

Vote, comment, and share! (sapphiregirl22) ~_^

Chapter 19 - Princess

I looked at my watch and learned that it was past 3:00 o'clock in the afternoon. We
were seated in a table at a diner where Nigel took me for lunch... well, late

"It's past three o'clock, I know. It's my fault," he said in an apologetic tone.
Wow, for the first time, he was apologetic. Seriously?

"It isn't your fault," I assured him.

"You think you can wait 'til they're serving us?" he asked sounding concerned.

Hearing him talk with that concerned tone made me feel so weird deep inside.
Perhaps, I was just used to his signature cold, icy mode.

"I can wait," I smiled, still trying to assure him.

Whatever happened to his being apathetic? I wondered and stared at his handsome
face. He was not smiling at me but the look in his eyes made me feel that he was
worried about me.

I surrendered first from our eye contact. Gazing at his deep, dark eyes would just
make me out of breath. Besides, it would just lead me to believing that he was in
love with me... That would be very assuming.

Instead, I let my eyes to roam around. I noticed that the restaurant had minimalist
interiors. Its main colors were white and green, with hints of black. I wondered if
our attires matched its ambiance. I let out a sigh of relief that most of the
people there were not in formal attire.

"Lovely..." I heard Nigel speak. He was still staring at me intently when I looked
at his direction. Instantly, my heart beat fast as I felt the warming of my cheeks.

Did he just say lovely? Was he referring that to me?

"Huh?" I stuttered.

He blinked his eyes and cleared his throat, "The place is lovely, isn't it?"

I bit my lower lip for I had just become too assuming indeed. I felt my cheeks
became warmer than ever. Boy, was I stupid!

Then, I saw the reddening of his cheeks. Wait, did I just see him blush too?

Nigel averted his eyes away from me.

"Y-yeah, it is," I mused.

As soon as our orders arrived, both of us dug in promptly. Well, it looked like I
wasn't the only one who was hungry. I enjoyed my well-done steak as much as he
enjoyed his roast beef. We finished the meal with a yummy cheesecake. That was the
best lunch I had ever because, firstly, it was our first time to dine out together
and, secondly, it seemed like we were on a date.


"Are you okay now?" he asked when we had settled on the car. I was already sitting
on the passenger seat.

I gave him a wide grin, "Never been better."

"Next time, tell me if you're already hungry. I can't starve you, you know. Mom
will definitely kill me," he said also smiling as he inserted the key in the

Wow! He was pretty friendly to me after the fainting stuff. Should I fake passing
out every time so he would be sweet to me like this? Hmmm... That's a pretty evil
plan, Althea, I scolded myself.

When the engine was started up, I leaned my trunk on the backrest of the seat and
closed my eyes. Oh, God, why did I feel so happy and content?

Wait, did he just say next time? Did he plan to travel with me again? Maybe I would
if I'd be sitting here next to him. This would make me feel better and that would
at least prevent me from losing consciousness. I hoped Stella wouldn't be around

Stella? Where was she?

I opened my eyes. "Where's Stella?"

"She's gone home," Nigel answered.

Good for me, then.

"Does she know about our engagement?" I threw him the question that I had been
wanting to ask.

He became silent.

I began to fret. Why did I have to ask that question anyway? Afraid that I might
have ruined the newly found friendliness he was showing me, I didn't insist anymore
on finding the answer. I quieted myself.

"No," he spoke out a few seconds later.

I remained quiet.

"I don't find any reason why I should tell her about the engagement because..." he
paused for a while.

I waited for him to continue.

"Because our engagement isn't official. I haven't proposed to you."

Ouch. So, that was it. I was the only one here expecting that the wedding would
ever take place.

"I only see you as the girl that my mom is very fond of, nothing more, nothing
less, princess," Nigel averred calmly. "As I said, I'll marry the girl I love, not
the girl that my mom loves for me."

The piercing pain in my heart made my whole body numb. Here I was again hurting...
How could I ruin the wonderful atmosphere between the two of us?

"Why still bring out the engagement, Althea? I thought you're already giving up?"
He cast me a sideways glance as he maneuvered the car on the busy city street.

I remembered our heated conversation that took place at the sugar factory.

"I was just... asking if you want me to give up already," I clarified. "Why, do you
really want me to give up on us, Nigel?"

It took him a while before answering, "Why? Do you want to give up now?"

"No! never!" I replied in an instant. That was true. I couldn't give up on him.

The guy smirked. "I have a girlfriend, princess," he said as if he was reminding at
the same time teasing me.

That hit me again. Oh, that's why I hate you, Stella. I hate you very much.

But, once again, a newly found strength came over me. "Girlfriend? That Stella?
Yeah, she may be your girlfriend but I am your princess, am I not?" I clearly
enunciated as I smiled at him.

The car suddenly stopped. I wondered why until I saw the red light. Nigel tapped
the stirring wheel lightly. He was still smirking. What was with his smirking? Was
he amused or peeved? I couldn't exactly read his expression.

"Thought you'd never notice," he piped up, catching a glimpse of me.

The butterflies awakened in my stomach. Did he really mean that?

"Really, you're not contradicting?" I giggled on my seat.

He turned his drop-dead face to me. There was an amused glimmer in his eyes. "I'm
not contradicting, my princess."

Whew! Should I pass out again???

A very, very big smile appeared in my lips as the car moved once more. Really? I
couldn't believe it! It just felt so surreal! The nickname that he gave me since my
thirteenth birthday was given formerly as a form of sarcasm... Now, did he mean it
as a term of endearment?

"W-why?" I dreamily asked.

Nigel's eyes were directed to the road and, from my angle, I could apparently see
the reddening of his cheek, his ear, and his neck.

"Why?" he echoed as if he didn't grasp my question.

"Why do you call me princess?" They said curiosity kills the cat, but I couldn't
help it. I wanted to be enlightened. Had he finally started to fall in love with
me? Would that even be possible after he told me that he'd never marry me one
hundred and one percent sure?

"It has become a habit, princess, a habit I can't get rid of. Now, don't ask me
why," he said not looking at me. Then, he smiled but, immediately, he concealed it
by biting his lower lip.

What was that?

Way to go, Althea! Winners never quit; quitters never win. I was his princess. That
meant he was my prince. Could a prince marry another not his princess?


Now, I was back to the game.


"Isn't it amazing?" I marvelled at Kara after I told her the sweet moments I had
with Nigel in the diner and in the car during the weekend. I was still in the state
of disbelief and sharing it with my close friend would be some sort of release. "He
said calling me princess has become a habit that he can't get rid of. Does that
mean I've become a habit for him too? What do you think?"

"I only think that Nigel is in love with you. But whatever it is that makes him
hold back his feelings for you, I don't know," she expressed like she was certain
of her words.

"You really think so?" I toned down my voice a bit knowing that we were in the
library. Kara was scanning a book.

"Remember the time when you were drunk and Serge and I brought you to the condo?
Nigel was very, very worried about you. I knew that he was waiting for you to
arrive because he was at the lobby. What do you think he was doing there at almost
three o'clock in the morning? And also, when I stepped out of Serge's car, why did
he immediately spot me? He even rushed to me and freaked out where you were. Of
course, I told him that you were there in the car totally unconscious. He freaked
out even more and called me a bad influence," she paused and smiled. "What happened
next was the most romantic thing I've ever seen in my life so far."

I became curious. "What happened then?"

"Haven't I told you this? Your Nigel carried you in his arms into the building."

"In bridal style?" I asked.

"Yeah, baby, in bridal style," she grinned. "Now, tell me, why would he do that?"

I thought for a moment. It wasn't the first time that he had carried me in his
arms. He did it when he found me sleeping at the bank of the lagoon after he
searched for me back when I was still in The Fields. He also did it last Saturday
when we went out of the hospital. He probably did it as well when he brought me
into the ER.

"Because I was unconscious," I said.

"No, because he was freaking worried about you!" she exclaimed.

I could only hope it was true.

"I was there, Thea. I saw how he cared for you. Nigel is definitely in love with
you," Kara assured me.

If it was true, why couldn't he just tell me? Why couldn't he just give in to the

I knew I got attracted to Nigel the first time I laid my eyes on him. When mom
introduced him to me, my young heart instantly developed a crush on him. From that
day on, everyday wouldn't be complete without seeing him. Being a depressed girl
who lost both of my parents, I began to realize that life must go on because there
was still more to it. Life has a lot to offer --- future, happiness, love. Knowing
Nigel, therefore, gave me a sense of hope that love and happiness would still come
my way. Nigel's presence alone warmed the cockles of my heart. He was my dream...
he had to be my future...

I knew he got kind of irritated of my presence in his life. However, when he told
me last Saturday that calling me a princess had become a habit to him, I sort of
believed that he might have already developed a soft spot in his heart for me.

If he was still not ready to confess his feelings, I would be willing to wait until
he would find the courage to express it.

Lost in my reverie, I unknowingly stared and smiled at Kara.

"Know what? You're grinning like you've won the lottery," Kara commented.

I chuckled at her remark, "Not yet, but I'll win this, I swear."

For the rest of our vacant period, I stayed at the library with Kara. She had been
writing her research paper for her Psychology class and I managed to stay with her
to help her scan books. Every now and then, I would insert Nigel in our discussion
and she would always say, "The guy loves you, no doubt about that." Then, I'd laugh
and she'd laugh as well.

In short, I was deliriously happy today.

When we were about to leave the library, I was surprised when a guy suddenly sat
beside me. Feeling awkward that some guy apart from Nigel was sitting next to me, I
gathered my things immediately in the table and looked at Kara who was sitting
across me. I gave her an eye signal regarding the guy for I couldn't afford to look
at him. She looked stunned herself as she stared at the guy.

"Nice to see you, señorita," a familiar voice greeted me.

When I finally turned my face to him, I was elated to see Dylan Fernandez. He was
showing me his angelic smile. Wow, that kind of smile again!

"Dylan Fernandez, you're here!" I exclaimed.



Hmm... I wonder what's Dylan's role in our heroine's life... Joke! Of course, I
know but I can't still spill the beans right now. There's the right time for that,

For just being there for this book, thank you so so so much! I looove the support
I'm getting from you guys! I may not be able to reply every one of you but please
note that I appreciate every vote, every comment (positive/negative). It keeps me
pumped up I wanna write more... Hence, the update of this chapter, too.

Love lots,
(sapphiregirl22) ~_^

Chapter 20 - Dinner
~~~ CHAPTER 20 - DINNER ~~~

"You're here!" I cried out trying to catch my breath. I was really

surprised to see Dylan Fernandez at the St. Louis Library. Of all the places, the
library was the last place I expected to see him.

"I study here," he answered briefly.

"You said you're an intern," I said confusedly while I raised an eyebrow at


"Yeah, I report to the Sarmiento Corporation for my internship but I also

come here to confer with my university supervisor every now and then and, of
course, do my narrative report. It's not an easy arrangement, I'm telling you,"
Dylan explained while placing a book on the table. "Actually, I asked permission
from my immediate supervisor at the office to give me a while so I could borrow
this book from here. I was on my way out when I spotted you. I couldn't miss the
chance of saying hi to you."

"Wow, it looks like you're living a busy life," I commented.

Dylan smiled as he tousled his brown hair, "Busy it is."

His smile, I noticed, was something that would summon a positive aura from
anybody talking to him. I felt so at ease with him.

Dylan and I were grinning at each other when we both heard someone clearing
her throat. We diverted our attention to the front of us. I saw Kara sitting across
the table and trying to grasp the situation. With her looks, it was obvious that
she was trying to figure out who I was talking with.

"Oh, by the way, Dylan, I'd like you to meet my friend, Kara Mondego," I
said glancing at Kara who changed her expression at an instant from being perplexed
to amazed. "Kara, this is Dylan Fernandez, an intern at Nigel's office," I finished
the introductions.

They shook each other's hands and smiled at each other. I noticed that Kara
was also in awe of Dylan's smile. She raised one of her eyebrows at me as if
telling me that the guy was a good catch.

The three of us went out of the library together. Dylan went to where his
car was parked to return to Nigel's main office. Kara and I headed to our class.

"He's handsome," Kara immediately blatted as soon as Dylan was out of our
sight. We were now walking in the hallway towards our classroom.

"Am I sensing an instant attraction here?" I asked teasing her.

"Oh, please! Serge is going to kill me," Kara mused guiltily.

I knew she was already starting to fall for Serge. There were times that
she denied her feelings for the latter but I could feel that the guy made a great
impact on her. I was pleased to hear that she was concerned of Serge's feelings.

"Are you admitting now that you and Serge are already an item?" I tried to
hide my happiness by concealing my smile with a serious look. My friend had just
admitted that she was concerned of Serge's reaction if he would find out that I was
teasing her with another guy. That made me so overjoyed because it would mean that
she was finally in love.

"Of course, we aren't yet but we're getting there soon," she blushed.

"Wow, you're finally in love! Congratulations!" I teased by pinching her


She chuckled. "Well, thank you."

We were grinning widely as we entered our English 101 room. We were already
seated side by side and the professor was already starting her lecture when Kara
wrote something on a piece of paper. A few minutes later, she handed it to me
surreptitiously so our professor wouldn't be notified of our little misdemeanor.

I eagerly read what she had written on that little piece of paper.

"That Dylan Fernandez has got a crush on you," it said.

I was stunned. Here she went again with her ability in reading people's


After the amiable company that Nigel was giving me during the weekend, I
became a lot happier and more optimistic. I also became more self-assured in
dealing with him.

"Hi," I greeted him when he entered the main door. I came out from the
kitchen wearing a tank top and capris with an apron when he arrived. My hair was
tied on a messy bun, surely not the attractive look that I anticipated about myself
but I didn't care for I was too excited to see him come home earlier than I

Nigel smiled at me lazily. With his tie hanging loosely in his neck, he
looked tired as usual after the day's work.

"Have you eaten?"

He shook his head and sat on the sofa. There were lines forming in his
forehead. Oh, my Nigel! He's probably in one of those troubled days in the office.

Sensing his tiresome nature, I felt I had to tell him the news. "Suzana
didn't come today. She called and informed that she's babysitting her sick sister's
child and she apologized. Of course, I said she has nothing to worry. I mean, I can
handle everything here. So I prepared our dinner," I announced proudly.

His astonished and disbelieving eyes lingered on me, "Dinner, really?"

"Of course! Come, dinner's ready," I cheerfully broadcasted since I was so

excited to serve him what I had prepared. I proceeded without delay to the dining
area. In there, I wielded the finishing touches on the table. I was too happy that
everything was set just right on time.

"So, what's for dinner?" Nigel spoke from behind me. When I turned to him,
I saw that his tie was already taken off his neck. His long-sleeved button down
shirt was slightly opened in the upper part showing a generous sight of his lean

I gulped the saliva in my mouth. The sight of him was enough for my dinner
this evening. I brushed away that crazy thought in my head and met his eyes that
had still those unbelieving looks. "I cooked your favorite," I said.

I hope I did justice to your favorite food or else this is going to be a

disaster, Nigel. Well, wish me luck.

"Paella?" he asked in amazement.

"Yup, you got it right. What else is it?" I smiled widely and wished to
myself silently that he would appreciate my effort. I even surfed the internet for
the recipe and ran to the groceries for the lacking ingredients in the pantry the
moment I arrived from St. Louis. I always helped Clara, the palacio cook, everytime
she prepared the special dish for Nigel but I somehow couldn't still get it. I
really hoped he would find my own version savory.

Nigel cast his eyes on the table. I felt proud within when I saw him smile
at himself. He must be pleased with the table setting. I made it sure that the
long-stemmed roses in the vase at the center of the four-seater table accoutered a
romantic touch. I sensed Nigel's approval as he sat on his seat. A smirk formed in
his lips.

"Ready?" I asked for his cue so that I could already served him the paella.

He nodded his head concealing the smug look off his face. I went to the
kitchen to serve my paella dish on a beautifully decorated platter. Content with
its appealing plating with the seafood --- prawns, mussels, and clams --- and
veggies on top of the rice and its delicious smell, I took the apron off me and put
it on a hook in the wall. Then, I held the platter and stepped carefully back to
the dining area.
Geez, Nigel, you have to love this! I poured all my love in this dish, if
you only know!

"Here it is," I uttered placing the platter on the vacant portion of the
table. "But wait, there's a side dish for that," I said and went back to the
kitchen. When I returned to him, I was bringing the Spanish mixed green salad that
I also prepared. Nigel was just looking at me with an amused smile.

Fully inspired by his smile, I dug out a part of the paella with a serving
spoon and placed it on his plate. "Go ahead, dig in."

He moved his nose closer to the food in front of him as if smelling its
aroma. "Well, not until you sit down and serve yourself," he said a second later.

"Of course." I sat down opposite to him. Shortly, I scooped some portion of
the paella into my plate.

Nigel was the first one to dig in the food. I watched his facial reaction
after his first fork. He didn't show any apparent emotions, instead he forked again
and ate. I was kind of disappointed with how he reacted for I was half-expecting
that he would express his appreciation.

When he noticed that I wasn't moving a bit, he raised his right brow.
"You're not eating."

"Oh, yeah, yeah, o-of course," I stammered and began digging in my part.

In fairness, the food was delicious. Well, that was how I found it. Deep
inside, I was battling with enthusiasm as to what he was going to say about my big
efforts. Sensing that he wouldn't say anything, I just concentrated on the food and
enjoyed every bite of it. Much to my surprise, Nigel went on for a second serving
and, take note, consumed all of it. Wow!

"Wait, I'll serve the dessert," I said when I saw him already done with his
food. Not waiting for his reply, I strode again to the kitchen.

Just when I was about to open the refrigerator door, Nigel, who secretly
followed me, caught me by surprise when his hand quickly opened it right before me.
I stood perplexed closer to the opened fridge while he leaned his trunk towards my
back. His right forearm brushed my right elbow making me jolt like crazy. The
sudden contact of both of our bodies brought different kinds of emotions in me.

"The dinner won't be complete without this," he whispered in my right ear

as his hand searched a wine bottle inside. Again, his contact to me gave such
gaucheness in my supposed to be actions. It felt so awkward that I managed to step
to my left side to let him have the fridge for himself. When he finally has the
wine in his hand, he turned to me. "Where's the dessert?"

"I-it's in there," I spoke shyly as I pointed where my dessert was placed.

It was a combination of flan and citrus curd with the best caramel on it!

"Bring it, then," he said as he stepped back to the table in the dining

When I arrived there with the dessert, I promptly served the both of us.
The look of him as he delved a small portion into his mouth was priceless. I saw
him licked his upper lip to wipe the caramel in there. That made him very, very
sexy especially when he gulped the wine in his glass. He was actually tasting the
flan and curd like he was enjoying it. I was speechless as I sat in front of him.
"You also did this?" he asked.

I nodded. He didn't know I experimented a lot on baking when I was in The

Fields. Elena was my assistant everytime I had a crazy idea on what to bake. I had
actually kind of perfected this craft. Oh, I was totally smitten with cakes but,
for tonight, I had to prepare the flan and curd for I learned that it was the best
dessert to be paired with paella.

"Not bad," he muttered and had another bite of it.

I smirked. Can your Stella do that for you? Wait 'til you taste one of my
cakes pretty soon!

With that triumphant feeling, I stuffed my mouth with the sweet. If I

hadn't impressed him with my paella, I just knew that I definitely killed the
dinner with this dessert. Of course, you could see the pleasure in his eyes!

Congratulations, girl! I felicitated myself.

The next thing I knew, he was already offering me a glass with wine. He
just filled the glass with a shot and pushed it on the table towards my direction.

"Sorry, I don't drink," I refused as I pushed the glass back to him. He

instantly grabbed it so that my hand holding the stem of the wine glass was under
his palm. His warm touch ignited goosebumps in my arms and neck.

And why did my stupid eyes cast a stare on his flaunted chest? Geez...

"Come on, it's not like it's going to intoxicate you. Besides, you've been
drunk once so don't play innocent," Nigel said rolling his eyes and squeezing my
hand with his fingers.


"I'm not playing innocent..."

"It's just a shot," he stated trying to challenge me.

Afraid that I might ruin the evening with my refusal, I replied, "Okay."

"It's dry rosè. It's my wine when I eat paella. And it's best when it's
chilled. You'll like it." He then released my hand.

Just like an obedient kid, I took a sip from it. No matter what the flavor
was, I couldn't still appreciate it. A grimace appeared in my face.

Nigel chuckled as he looked at me. "Somebody's acting naive," he said

teasing me.

"I am not! I'm just not used to this!" I exclaimed gulping everything in
the glass I was holding. The cold liquid passed through my throat irritatingly yet
produced a hot tingling effect in my neck. "I just don't want to get drunk 'cause
the first and last time that I was---" I spat out after I let out another ugly
grimace in my face.

"Yeah, how could I forget?" Nigel immediately butted in, "You vomited,
passed out, and ended up with somebody putting some fresh clothes on you."
Oh, my God! Talking about reminiscing the past...

I quickly felt that I blushed big time. I bowed down my head to conceal my
face turning into one ripened tomato. Who could ever forget that? I had been
actually trying to pretend the whole time that I didn't know about him changing my
clothes on that fated night. But, with how I reacted now in front of him, he would
definitely detect that I knew it all this time!

"What's with your lip buttoning, Althea?" he asked mischievously at me when

I didn't say a word at all.

"Y-you... you're teasing me," I said with all honesty still trying not to
meet his eyes because I felt that his gaze was boring a hole in my face.

I heard him swallow another shot of the wine. "I love it when you blush
like that, princess."

I didn't answer him. I blushed more.

"No, I won't ever allow you to get drunk tonight... I might again end up
changing your clothes for you. I can't anymore allow that to happen, do you know

Those words were like daggers thrown to me. I couldn't help myself but
blushed even more. However, I chanced to meet his eyes with mine. The world seemed
to stop as his eyes drilled my very soul. Oh, my! His stare became serious and
meaningful. Nigel was sending a very important message to me... He had seen me
naked and there was no way for me to alter that fact... Well, that was how I read
it by the look in his eyes.

As I could no longer hide the shame that I felt, I stood up kind of

shivering. That fact happened months ago but it still surprised me until now.

"Excuse me..." I blurted out. I just needed to take a breath of fresh air.
God help me.

"You're not even done with your dessert yet, princess," he reminded me
before he sipped the contents of his glass. All along, his eyes didn't leave mine.

"I'm already full," I said convincingly.

He stood up and started to clear the table.

"I'll do it," I sighed deeply after. I was glad that the topic about him
changing my clothes was just broken off.

We both did the cleaning up anyway. Still feeling awkward, I went to the
kitchen first bringing some of the silverware to the sink. Again with my apron on,
I began to wash the dishes and secretly thanked that I was alone. I still couldn't
get over with Nigel's gazes and teases. Yet, I barely had been there for two
minutes when I heard his footsteps at my back.

Oh, God! He's coming! Brace yourself, Althea!

He pushed his way towards my side as he placed the dishes he brought for
washing. As he did it, our arms made some electrifying contact that, again, made me
jolt. The fact that I was on a tank top and my arms were completely bare, it made
me felt giddy with... I couldn't even describe what I actually felt. It just made
me go so stupendous; my head was spinning.
"Your paella's addicting, princess," he tickled my neck with his hot
breathing that made me jolt again.

Wait... what? Addicting? My paella?



Looove the fact that you guys are reading this! I'm so addicted to your
support, too! I'm so inspired that I had to finalize this chapter right away and so
you get to have two updates this week from me. Ladies and gents, come on then, hit
that star and leave a comment!

(sapphiregirl22) ~_^

Chapter 21 - The Boss

~~~ CHAPTER 21 - THE BOSS ~~~

With his long sleeves rolled up in his arms, Nigel helped me do the dishes. The
washing area in the kitchen was too little a space for two persons so that the both
of us stood side by side like we were literally breathing the same air. Every now
and then, our arms touched each other, hands collided accidentally, and bodies
rubbed producing electricity volts in all parts of my being. It made me shudder and
prickly tingly in the skin, yet... why the hell was it so damn gratifying?

"That dinner was awesome, princess," Nigel spoke softly in my ear as I was about to
open the door to my bedroom. He walked with me in the hallway after we made the
kitchen immaculately pristine.

Anything for you. I wanted to say but for some reason I couldn't open my mouth. I
was too overwhelmed with every thing that happened during the whole evening.
However, I managed to give him a wonderful smile.

In times like this when there were just the two of us, not fighting and not
dissenting each other, I could feel my heart getting bigger and bigger. I was glad
he was starting to open up to me. Maybe, he really did love me... just like what
Kara said. Maybe, all I needed to do was wait.

"I'll be out of the country tomorrow," he broke the news as he grabbed my right
forearm. "Do you think Suzana will be here by then?"

Out of the country?

"Until when?" I asked feeling lonely.

"Can't still tell when. It depends," he squeezed my arm and I jolted. "Will Suzana
be already here tomorrow?"

"Yeah, she said she'd be absent only for today. She promised to be here tomorrow
morning," I relayed what Suzana told me in the phone.

He let go of my arm and brushed his fingers on his hair. We were still standing and
facing each other in the hallway.
"That's good then," he muttered within his breath.

"Yeah," I also muttered. "So, what time is your flight?"

"Very, very early tomorrow."

"Okay," I said putting my right hand on my chest. I was still surprised of the fact
that we wouldn't be seeing each other for a couple of days.

"I need to go get some sleep now," he said not moving. He was supposed to go to his
room now but he was still standing and looking at me... surveying my face?

"Y-yeah, okay," I spoke waiting for him to go into his room first.

Finally, he turned around so his back was facing me. His hand was on the verge of
grabbing the doorknob leading to his room.

"Wait---" I called Nigel out.

He faced me again. His right brow was raised a bit, his hands in his pockets.

How about a goodnight kiss, Nigel...

"Good night," I said instead.

He smirked and spoke, "Good night as well, Althea."

"O-okay..." I mumbled, not finding any more words to say. Oh, I didn't want this
night to end. I wanted to stare at him just like what I was doing now.

Nigel also didn't move from where he was standing.

I surrendered from our eye contact. "S-so... I..."

Then, closing our distance, he strode towards me and gripped one of my hands with
his. I jolted once more. "I... I'd like to show you something when I come back..."

My mouth opened in awe. What was he going to show to me? His HEART? Ohh, please
show me your heart.

"And, Althea, thank you for tonight," he whispered in my ear.

You know the feeling when your heart's filled with real awesome happiness and the
feeling is just so great your brain can't think of anything else? Well, this was

His sensual lips formed a sexy smile.

He let go of my hand and then, catching a glimpse of my eyes one last time, he went
into his room.

My brain couldn't move on. Gasping my breath, I was stuck on the floor.


"Can't fight this anymore," I exhaled unconsciously.

Kara grinned widely sitting beside me on a bench under a tree near the parking lot.
She put down the book she was reading on her lap. "It's not going to be forever so
stop acting like that," she indicated matter-of-factly.

Well, I couldn't help it. Nigel's absence seemed to be intoxicating me. "Can't help
it," I mumbled.

Kara chuckled. "Do you know you're overreacting right now?"

I pouted my lips as I leaned my head on her left shoulder. "I'm not overreacting.
This is how I normally react whenever he's not around," I made out.

"Well, your normal acting is overacting," she said as she kidded me on getting rid
of my head.

I pushed my head harder on her shoulder instead, "No, you're not getting rid of me,
girl. You're stuck with me and you're going to hear me out now."

Hearing my desperate words, she laughed hard causing her shoulders to shake. I was
forced to take my head off her shoulder.

"Thea, you're so melodramatic," she stated jokingly.

I pouted my lips again. Why couldn't she understand? Gosh!

"Quit being a drama queen, okay? Your Nigel is certainly missing you right now just
the way you're missing him so there's no need for you to fret. Trust me, the
feeling is mutual between you and him," Kara assured me hugging my right arm with
her left. "Just trust me, okay?" How could she be this confident?

I nodded though I couldn't make up my mind yet about what she just said. God knew
how much I wished that her gut feelings about Nigel missing me were right! Yet
after that unforgettable night I had with him before he left, my heart kept on
telling me to believe.

"Now, stop complaining and compose yourself. Somebody's heading our way," she mused

I looked up and saw Dylan Fernandez walking towards the both of us. His signature
angelic smile caught my eyes and, just like that, it somehow changed my mood. His
appearance was always like a rainbow after the rain.

"Dylan, Hi!" I greeted him. "You're here again!"

"Hi, girls! So glad to see you again." He came closer and sat at my left side on
the bench. "No more class?"

"Yeah, Kara and I are just waiting for our ride," I said answering his smile. "Had
a conference with your university supervisor?"

"Nope. I've just returned the book I borrowed last time. I'm just lucky enough to
be given the permit to leave the office for a while," Dylan explained. "Lucky for
me the President's out of the country. We can't actually just go out anytime if the
President is around unless it's my sched to meet with my university supervisor. The
strictest boss ever," he mused.

Kara, at my right, chuckled upon hearing it. "You bet, Nigel Sarmiento is the
strictest, even the meanest boss ever..."

I cast her a glare. "How could you say that? You aren't even working for him," I
complained elbowing her.

She eyed me meaningfully, "Isn't he a mean boss? Doesn't he boss you around? He
tells you what to do and what not to do. You can't even call or text him. Isn't it
the reason why you can't stand his absence?"

I sighed. Yeah, she was right. Nigel was like a boss to me. And I was like an
obedient employee...

Oh, no! That was not a fair analogy.

Nigel was one heck of a very powerful man. With a truly developing company and
hundreds of employees around him, he could be very strict and mean. I knew how he
tried his best and worked hard for the success of his business ventures, it was
never easy. I truly understood why he took everything so seriously. It was to keep
the company and make it big.

Our relationship, on the other hand, was not between an employer and an employee. I
was his princess that he often insulted, mocked, and didn't treat right. I was his
childish fiancèe that he never liked... and never loved... I was his mother's
choice, not his own choice to be his wife. Having me around was never easy for him.
I understood why he took being mean to me very, very seriously. It was to get rid
of me.

"In my defense, I didn't say the President is mean, I just said he's strict," Dylan
clarified himself after sensing my complaint.

I shrugged my shoulders.

Kara shot me a questioning look. "So, strict or mean?"

"Okay, okay," I raised my hands up. "Yeah, he's strict to the point of being mean,"
I said in surrender.

"And arrogant," Kara added.

"And intimidating," Dylan concluded.

The three of us exchanged glances. Then, we laughed.

After a while, Dylan spoke, "But he's a pretty admirable guy. I'm so amazed at how
he is able to put up his name in the country's business industry at such a young
age. Though the Sarmiento Corporation has been there for years already but to
really make it on top this year is a pretty tremendous achievement."

My mouth formed a dumbstruck oh as I listened to Dylan. I couldn't believe Nigel

had been able to put himself on top! No wonder why he had put so much commitment
and dedication to his business, it was to make it to the top!

"Wow! I just knew he was that big!" It was Kara who opened her mouth first.

"Number one this year? Are you being serious, Dylan?" I asked bewilderedly.

"Don't you know?" he seemed surprised at my oblivion.

I shook my head.

"Why don't you know?"

I thought for a while. When I didn't know what to say, I shrugged my shoulders.

"Oh, poor young mistress of the Sarmiento Corporation..." Dylan mused as if he

found my ignorance funny. "Why do you think I chose the Sarmiento Corporation for
my internship? It's brilliant success has been in the daily papers and there's no
way that I'd be neglecting it for my internship. I just got to be there, you know!"

"Wow!" Kara exclaimed again.


"He's always working. It seems like his whole life is only for his business," I
grumbled at Suzana while she was doing the dishes. I sat on the stool beside the
kitchen island and had my palms in my cheeks.

"He is working, yeah, but I don't think his whole life is solely for his business,
señorita," she commented.

"So what do you call his always being out, leaving very early, arriving very late
and always looking very tired like he's carrying the world on his shoulders? That's
purely workaholism!" I couldn't help myself but grumble. "He's still young. Why is
he so damn serious with his business?"

"I don't think he's really into the business, señorita. I don't think that's what
the señorito really loves to do," Suzana turned her head towards me. Her face was
calm and serious.

"What does he love to do more than working in the company?" I said finally lifting
my face away from my palms.

She washed her hands and moved to the kitchen island where she sat across me. "The
señorito never misses a Sunday in his studio."


Yeah, of course, painting! It was his first love.

Suzana nodded. "When I first came here, I really wondered what's in that room.
Every time the señorito came out from there, he had this weary but vibrant, content
look. Then, he had these spatters of paints of different colors all over his face
and clothes. Later, I came to realize that he had been painting in there and I just
knew, it's his only escapade of all the pressures he gets from the outside world.
Even as a student then, he seemed to embrace it as his only way of coping up with
feelings... suppressed feelings perhaps... I don't know exactly what kinds of
feelings. The señorito is a hard-to-grasp, hard-to-read type of man."

I stared at the face of the woman in front of me. For the first time, she shared to
me how she felt about Nigel.

"Yeah, yeah, he's buried a big part of him in his studies and work, but he would
always go back to what he truly loves to do, and that is, to paint," she concluded
like she was having a monologue.

"Yeah, I think, you're right..." I pondered and realized. "Painting is his first

I thought of that young Nigel I had a crush on when I had just started staying in
The Fields. His walks to the Forest Garden carrying canvas and panels and a
backpack slumping on his back unfolded in my mind. His going to the Forest Garden
to paint was kind of an afternoon routine during weekdays for he had to attend
classes until 3:00 pm, whole-day routine during Saturdays for Saturday was his free
day, and again an afternoon routine during Sundays for mom would always see to it
that we attended first the mass in the morning at the village chapel in La Carlota.
Therefore, most of the time he had in the province apart from schooling was spent
in painting. That was how he loved that stuff.

Mommy Carol told me before that Nigel once expressed that he would like to have a
painting exhibit by the age of ten... but everything became different after they
learned that Annie had a cancer. It had become a struggle to the family until she
died. Nigel still continued to paint, more solemn than ever, locked himself from
the outside world when he created his artworks, but eventually forgot the exhibit
or exhibits that he had been planning.

"He's still been totally wretched since his sister died..." I mumbled within my

"Yeah, that was what the señora emphasized to me when I first worked for him here.
It's true he's been through hell when his sister died... but I don't think it's the
only reason for his coldness and apathy," Suzana blinked her eyes as if she was
trying to decipher Nigel's countenance in her imagination.

"You mean there are other reasons?" I was amazed on how Suzana tried to find an
explanation on the way Nigel was. I absolutely wanted to hear what she thought
about him.

She gulped something in her throat, stared at me, and reached out to hold my hands
on the table, "Señorita, most people want to have this thing called freedom. Too
bad the señorito doesn't have that. He's lived a life where everything is just laid
out before him; he's left with no choice. In his studies, for one. He's been pushed
to pursue business ad because that was what he had to. He's the only heir to the
family business. But I do think that if he had a choice---"

"He'd choose fine arts," I finished it.

Suzana nodded.

Suddenly, something hardened in my chest. My hands began to tremble as I felt a

swelling fear in my heart.

"Señorita, your hands are cold," Suzana said while grasping my hands tighter.

"Suzana, I am one of those that have been forced to him..." I wasn't able to finish
what I was going to say for I felt a lump formed in my throat.

I forced myself to him!

The woman in front of me shook her head. "Of all the things forced to him, I
believe you're the best ever. So don't ever give up, señorita. For him to be always
reminded that things may be forced to him but all for the right reasons, you just
have to be there with him. There's nobody more suitable to him than you. He needs
an understanding, persistent and patient woman in his life and I do believe that
that woman is you," she spoke in a very calm voice enough to soothe my troubled

I gave her a smile, "Thank you, Suzana. You don't know how much your kind words
mean to me."

She squeezed my hand and smiled, "Just hang in there, señorita. Believe me,
someday, he's going to open up his heart for you. Just wait..."

I breathed hard and visualized that day when Nigel would finally come to open up
his heart for me. I'd gladly wait for that day to come. However, with his actions
shown to me lately, I was getting confident that we were almost getting there.

All of a sudden, the sound of the buzzer interrupted my thoughts.

Nigel! Is he home already?

"Nigel?" I asked rhetorically.

"There's only one way for us to find out, señorita." Suzana stood up.

"No, I'll check it myself, Suzana," I said excitedly. Without waiting for her
reply, I ran towards the living room to open the main door.

I was missing him so much I wanted to be the first person to see him arrive. With a
wide smile in my lips, I opened the door.

To my absolute shock, my jaw dropped to the floor when I saw who was standing
before me. It was definitely not Nigel. It was the person that I least expected to

"I'd like to talk to you," the woman in front of me spoke in a demanding tone as
she put her right hand on her waist.

What the hell was Maria Stella doing in here?



Gosh, the busiest week eveeerrr!!!!! I haven't met my deadline in updating. Sorry
for the delay, guys. Anyway, if you find this chapter nice, please do VOTE,

(sapphiregirl22) ~_^

Chapter 22 - The Confrontation


Even if I didn't tell her to come in, Stella went inside. Her towering
height somehow intimidated me.

Still, even if she hadn't been told to take a seat, she headed to the sofa
and sat there with her legs crossed flaunting her weird-looking stilletos.

"What do you want? Nigel isn't around," I asked her immediately. I didn't
want to waste my time looking at her face. Her presence alone peeved me to a great

"I'm here not to see him but to see you. As I said, I want to talk to you,"
she answered directly.

What? What did she actually want from me?

"So what do you want to talk to me? Go ahead," I said still standing in
front of her. From the corner of my eyes, I saw Suzana appearing in the living room
but I gave her a sign to go back to the kitchen. At first, she was hesitant to
leave me alone with Stella and I could tell why. The latter appeared to have come
for a fight. However, I assured Suzana through a slight nod in my head that I could
handle this woman. She finally left but I was pretty sure that she was just around
ready to aid her señorita in case of an attack.

"What exactly are you in Nigel's life?" Stella broke in, still in her
demanding voice.

I blinked my eyes at her. Hadn't Nigel told her that I was his foster
sister? Didn't she believe that?

She stood up and crossed her arms in her chest. "Come on, tell me!"

"Didn't Nigel tell you that I am his mom's foster daughter?" I replied

"You know what? I don't believe that crap!" she yelled at me.

"What the hell is the matter with you?" I asked also raising my voice.
"What do you want me to tell you?"

"I want to know what you are in his life!"

"Why do I have a feeling that somebody's acting so insecure here?" I


Yes, I wanted to tell her in the face that I was engaged to her boyfriend!
But, of course, I couldn't do that. If she had to know, it would not come from me,
it had to come from Nigel.

"You wouldn't like it if you knew so better not to insist on knowing the
truth..." I said calming myself now. I had been to being hurt several times and
that feeling was unbearable. I wouldn't want her to feel the same... like I
cared... Gosh, what really was the matter with me?

"You're a bitch, do you know that?" she came closer to me and was about to
slap my cheek but I was too quick to avert my face away from her.

"What's the matter with you? You only saw me twice before, and now that you
see me for the third time, you actually want to hit me on the face!" I felt the
blood boiling down in me. This Stella was one heck of a war freak.

"Because you're a great fake!" she shouted. "You pretend to be just his
foster sister but you're acting like---"

"What?" Had I acted so clingy to Nigel everytime she was around? Of course,
I hadn't because I wanted to keep the engagement secret to her and to give Nigel
full time with her. She was his girlfriend and she was something not forced to him,
he must love her that much. I was just trying to be martyr. Would she ever
understand the heartache I felt every time?

"What have I done? How have I been acting?" I asked again.

She took a deep breath and turned around so her back was facing me. "Okay,
okay it's not you who's acting weird," she said trying to pacify her tone. "It's
Nigel maybe... Why do I have a feeling that he's been protecting you like crazy?"
Her voice was slightly raised again.

Protecting me like crazy?

Then, she turned around to show her angry face to me. "Tell me, why was he
so damn worried when you fainted the last time that the three of us were together?
Tell me, why did he act so damn worried?"

So, Maria Stella, his girlfriend, also noticed Nigel's concern to me like
what Kara did. So, it was really true. Nigel had been worried about me. But, was
that the only reason why Stella was suspecting about my relationship with Nigel?
Wasn't it a shallow reason for her to suspect?

"He was worried because I'm his sister?" I lied. Oh, crap!

"Come on, you're not even sure of what you're talking. You sound so fake!"
she complained. "Are you really trying to let me believe on that? I haven't seen
him that worried about me. I'm his girlfriend, for pete's sake!" Maria Stella cast
me an angry, fiery glare.

Oh, I already had enough of this!

"Well, if you have complaints on how Nigel is treating me, you've

confronted the wrong person. I think, Nigel's the one who can answer you who I am
to him. Go ask him," I strongly said as I remained firm on where I stood.

"Why do I have this feeling that behind your innocent facade is a devious,
scheming bitch? Tell me, what are you planning, bitch?" she yelled.

Before you become his girlfriend, I've already been engaged to him. How do
you think you would react if I'd tell you that marrying Nigel is my absolute goal?

"Don't answer me with that damn glare!" she stormed off.

You're glaring at me, too! I wanted to shout at her but I tried to calm my
temper. "I can't answer your questions, Stella. Please, will you leave now?" I
spoke clenching my fists at my sides.

I saw her raise her right hand as if to slap me again but she hesitated for
some reason so she just clenched it before my face. "I am Nigel's girlfriend, not
you, so you better behave yourself properly." She flipped her straight hair at her
right shoulder before she walked towards the door.

How could a very beautiful woman act so very insecure? I was not even doing


It had been a week since Nigel was out of the country. I attended my
classes the whole day and, afterwards, sat on a bench near the parking area to wait
for my driver. Kara still had her last period going on so, as usual on a Tuesday
afternoon, I sat alone on the bench. Marcos, my driver, had been instructed by
Nigel to wait for me and not the other way around. However, since I wanted to stay
for a while every afternoon in this particular area to just loaf around, I told
Marcos to fetch me twenty minutes after my last period. It was just, I thought,
finding another private space...

In this particular afternoon, I neither stared at passing people nor read a

book, instead I spent it gazing Nigel's number in my phone. I wanted to call him,
ask him how he was doing and, most especially, hear his voice.

I also wanted to tell him about Stella's jealous outburt last week. Yet I
had already decided that I would just shut my mouth about it. If she really wanted
a confrontation, she had to come face-to-face with Nigel.

My mind wandered again to that night when Stella barged in the condo unit
and disclosed her insecurities. As far as I remembered, the first time I saw her,
Nigel was kissing her just outside my bedroom; and the second time, Nigel was
accompanying her all the time in the sugar factory. So how did she ever tell that
there was more to my relationship with Nigel when it was she who always got his

Wait, did she ever notice my feelings for him? Did she ever see how painful
it was to me when I saw them kissing each other? Did she ever feel how hurt I was
that Nigel invited her to go with us to the sugar factory? Was I that too apprent?

Yet, she said it was not me. It was Nigel...

I was so deep in my thoughts until I felt the aching of my head. I pressed

my temples with my left fingers; my right hand was still holding the phone.

I was in that state when somebody tapped me on the shoulder. When I looked
up, I met Dylan's smiling eyes.

"Why stare at the President's number?"

"Huh?" I asked puzzled.

He pointed a finger to my phone. "That's the President's number you've been

looking at since five minutes ago," Dylan affirmed as he sat beside me. So, he had
been watching me...

I gave him a lazy smile as I greeted him, "Hi."

"You seem lonely, señorita," he commented while giving me a scrutinizing


I shrugged my shoulders and placed my phone in my bag. "I just want to text
him, that's all," I answered lazily.

"So, why not text him?"

"Because it will complicate everything," I muttered within my breath



Oh, it was so stupid of me to say those words! I didn't want to disclose to

him my complicated relationship with Nigel. How would he react if he'd know that
Nigel had a fiancèe and a girlfriend at the same time? It would need a lot of
explaining to do... and I couldn't even explain it to myself.

"Just don't ask why, Dylan."

He became silent for a while.

I became silent, too.

"Do you mind if I ask?" Dylan asked afterwards.


"What's your relationship with the President, Althea?"

I was appalled to hear those words coming from him. Last week, it was Maria
Stella. Now, it was Dylan who actually wanted to know my relationship with Nigel!

"I'm sorry... It's just that I think I've seen you a couple of times being
hurt because of him... Well, I know I don't have the right to ask. If you don't
want to answer, it's okay. Just forget I asked." He raised his hands as if in

I stared at his face. Why was my relationship with Nigel a big deal to a
lot of people? Nigel himself hadn't giving it a damn! Of all people, it should have
been he who should give it the biggest of deal, not Maria Stella nor Dylan! Oh, why
did I feel so shattered? Why did I feel so angry all of a sudden?

"Yeah, just forget you asked because I would never answer you anyway," I
said apparently showing him my irritation.

He stared at my face, like really a long time. Sensing the anger in my

countenance, he bent down his head. " I've crossed the borderline... I'm really

I turned my face away from him.

I'm sorry, too. I've just had enough of this. I wanted to tell him.

"Seems like you're not in the mood today," I heard him say later. "If I
asked, it's just that I want to be a friend, Althea, like someone you can talk to
every time you need one." Dylan stood up and gathered his books as if preparing to

Realizing that he was just trying to be a friend, I stood up and held his
left arm. "I'm sorry, too. It's just that I'm not really in the best of mood

"No, it's my fault," he said. "I should have not meddled in your personal
life. I've assumed too much."

I released his arm, "Assumed?"

"Yeah... I've assumed that we... we are already friends," he stammered.

Come on, Dylan!

"Of course, we are friends," I let my hand flew to spank his arm. He jolted
and I let out a laugh. "Enough of this, okay? If I become stormy a while ago, it's
maybe because I'm still not ready to share, Dylan. Can we just move on?"

Finally, he gave me his signature angelic smile.

"Okay, let's move on?" I asked for the second time.

"Yeah, of course," he said still smiling.

I let out a deep audible breath in relief and he smiled more.

We both sat down again.

"So, why are you here?" I started a new topic for conversation.

However, I was not able to hear what Dylan had replied when my eyes caught
sight of somebody I didn't expect to see today!

He was there standing beside his car, which I hadn't actually noticed
arriving, and was intently looking at me... and to Dylan.

He was already here!

I heard Dylan's surprised gasp beside me, "Oh, boy, I'm so busted right

Oh, no, didn't he ask permission to leave the office? You really are so
busted right now, Dylan! You're so dead!

"Tell the President I'm not even here," he stood up, gathered again his
books, and walked with big strides away from me... And just like that, he
disappeared. Oh, poor Dylan Fernandez!

Gathering my things, I stood up quickly and moved to where Nigel was


"You've arrived," I expressed happily when I was finally a few inches away
from him.



So, most of you hate Nigel now (too bad he doesn't have a POV, lol) and you
can't wait for Althea to finally realize her stupidity! Well, I'd like to tell you
that it's what my freaking heart tells me, too. However, Althea's journey to her
realization would still take a long way... Your heart couldn't take it anymore? But
I am still to give her the greatest heartbreak of her life and we're not even there
yet... so how do you think would you take it?

You want to say "Enough!" Well, I'm sorry... because the author here is the
ultimate heartbreaker! I'm just as stubborn as she! Lol!

But, promise, when our dear crazy, stupid Thea gets to realize everything,
REJECTION of our proud hero is the sweetest REVENGE! (Ooopps, I've just revealed
something... tsk, tsk. This isn't good.)

Anywayz, thanks for sticking around! Please VOTE, COMMENT, and SHARE.

Always grateful to you,

(sapphiregirl22) ~_^

Chapter 23 - Lovesick

"Get in the car," he immediately commanded like seeing me wasn't a good thing at
all. Didn't he miss me? Was he not going to greet me?
I was slightly unprepared of this so it took me a few minutes to realize that he
was actually commanding me to get inside the car. The next thing I knew, he was
already on the driver seat waiting for me to get in. I ran to the other side of the
car and slipped into the passenger seat.

"Thank you so much for picking me up today. You really surprise me, Nigel," I
attempted to start a conversation.

However, it looked like he was not in the mood to talk. He didn't reply. What was
the matter with him? Just before he left abroad last week, he acted very sweet to
me. The memories I had with him having that dinner and doing the dishes together
were still very vivid in my mind. So, what happened now? Why did he become cold

"Where's Marcos?" I asked still trying to put up a conversation. Yeah, where's

Marcos? Why are you the one driving for me?

I gazed at his face. I missed everything about him, his handsome face, his familiar
smell, his beguiling eyes, his sensual lips...

He muttered something in his breath and I wasn't able to understand what it was.

"Huh?" I asked.

He bit his lips.

Come on, Nigel, speak up! You've been away for a week and, now that you're here,
you're going to act like you're raising a cold war again! What the hell!

Okay, he remained not talking to me.

So, what? Do I have to wait until you talk to me?

I decided to stop talking myself, turned my face to the side window, and even felt
more the aching of my head. Gosh, what a bugging headache!

He said he was to show me something when he'd come back. Was being back to the
coldest person on earth the "something" he was to show me? Great, wasn't it?

Not caring at all about my sulking, Nigel continued driving, muttered a curse when
he was interrupted by the red light, let out a deep sigh, and tapped the stirring
wheel while waiting for the change of traffic light. I was still not looking at him
instead I had to let my other senses be conscious of his little activities in my

When the car moved again, I decided to look at him once more. He was so deep in his
driving. So, he didn't really have a plan to talk to me.

Huh, Nigel and his mood swings!


"He's finally back, señorita," Suzana grinned at me when the both of us were alone
in the doorway.

Nigel immediately went to his room the moment we arrived at the condo.

"Yeah..." I said without any hint of excitement in my voice.

"What happened, señorita?"

I sighed as we both advanced to the sofa. I sat and leaned my head on the headrest.
My head was aching terribly.

"He was not talking to me," I complained.

"Not talking to you?" she echoed. "W-why?"

"Back to his usual ways, I guess..."

"Oh!" she gasped.

"I was even very glad when I saw him at the campus! You know the feeling,
Suzana..." I took my head off the headrest and met her eyes, "And then, when we
were finally together in the car, he never said anything to me like I didn't exist
at all! I was even excited to know how he has been, why he was the one fetching me,
and a lot of other things I want to talk to him. I mean, he was away for one whole

Suzana looked at me with her wide eyes. "Well, that's very odd, señorita..."


"The way he's treating you now," she replied.

I laughed, almost sarcastically. "Come on, Suzana! The way he's treating me right
now is the usual stuff. Say it's odd when he acts sweetly to me."

"No, no, that's not what I mean, Señorita Thea. I said it's kind of odd because he
was apparently jubilant when he arrived this morning from his flight. He seemed to
be in a very good mood... yeah, and he even asked me how you have been doing... and
then, he called Marcos..."

"Called Marcos? Why?"

"I just have the feeling that the señorito wanted to drive for you today. He must
be missing you a lot..." She paused as if to think. Then, she moved closer to me to
whisper, "So how could he immediately change his mood today?"

Really? Wanted to drive for me? I doubt it... Marcos must not be feeling well
today... Yeah, that must be it...

Please don't give me false hope, Suzana.

"Call it mood disorder," I quipped. Oh, why was my head really aching? I pressed my
fingers to my temples.

Suzana sat down beside me, "Señorita, what's wrong?"

"Just feel a little achy here."

"A headache. Well, you need to take a rest," she said with a concerned tone.

"Yeah, I guess so.."

Unexpectedly, a deep resonant voice interrupted our conversation, "I'll be out

tonight so don't expect me for dinner."
Suzana and I looked up and saw Nigel standing about two meters away from us. I
noticed that he had changed attire and looked absolutely fresh.

"Yes, señorito," Suzana answered as she stood up.

I did not speak, instead just looked at him. I wanted to know where he was going
and who he would be with. Yet, my mind told me quickly that he was going out with
Maria Stella. He must have missed her.

After a few seconds of no talking, I stood up holding my hand bag and opted to go
to my bedroom. It seemed I needed a good rest tonight --- for my aching head and,
yeah, for my aching heart. When I walked past him, I gave him a lazy smile. His
eyes met mine instantly but I was very quick averting my gaze.

"Okay, have fun tonight," I said instead.

And he didn't see the tears falling from my eyes as I walked in the hallway going
to my room.


"No, I'm not going home tonight. I'll be staying with you," Suzana insisted since I
persuaded her to go.

I was on my bed, trying to ease the painful headache that had been bugging me since
this afternoon. Not only that I was feeling that headache, I also began to feel
muscle pains in all parts of my body.

"Don't stress yourself out, señorita. You've been thinking a lot these past few
days. I think you need to rest," Suzana put the tray of food on my bedside table,
"but you need to fill your stomach with something."

I shook my head while pulling the comforter to cover my body up to my neck. "I just
want to sleep for now, Suzana. Please, don't worry about me."

"Not until you take the aspirin---"

I no longer heard what Suzana had been saying to me since I immediately fell
asleep. It must be of my tired and pained body. When I opened my eyes again, still
with the gnawing pain in the head and of my muscles, it was the cold temperature in
the room that I first noticed. I felt so terribly cold.


I'm having a fever.


"Yes, señorita, I'm just right here," she was sitting on the side of my bed.
"You're chilling. You're having a fever."

"Will you please turn the aircon off?"

Immediately, I felt her move to do what I told her. Other than that, I couldn't
effectively discern everything around me for all I could feel was my aching head
and freaking cold feeling. Everything seemed a blurry until I felt someone pulled
me up so my back could lean on the headboard.

"Please, take this, señorita." It was Suzana's voice.

I instantly felt a tablet was slipped into my mouth. The bitter taste of it made me
want to spit it out. But, a glass of water was pressed into my mouth right off. I
was forced to take a gulp of it.


"He hasn't come home yet," Suzana told me when I asked him about Nigel.

I woke up the next morning, no longer had that terrible headache but still feeling
feverish. The physical pain might have slightly gone but the emotional turmoil had
remained constant. Where could Nigel be?

"I've been calling him since last night but I can't reach him," she announced as
she offered me a glass of milk. I was still on my bed but sitting up already, my
back resting on the headboard.

I drank the milk and returned the glass to her afterwards.

"How are you feeling now, señorita?" A tone of concern came out of her mouth. She
felt like family and I wanted to hug and thank her for just sticking around.

"I'm feeling a bit better. Thank you, Suzana."

"I called the señora," she disclosed.

"What? Did you tell her?" I was surprised. I didn't want to bother mommy Carol.
It'd make her worried.

"I didn't know what to do last night. I couldn't reach the señorito and I was so
worried, who else should I call?" she explained.

"Oh, Suzana, she's going to fret."

"Actually, she's fretting right now."

Oh, no!

"In fact, she is on the way..." Suzana continued.


"It's been a day and he hasn't come home yet? Where on earth is Nigelito Joaquin?"
It was Mommy Carol's annoyed voice. She was talking to Suzana over the phone.
"Okay, just come around. Bring some of Althea's clothes."

I was lying on the hospital bed and looking at mommy sitting on a chair beside my
bed. She was shaking her head as she was holding her phone to her ear. She herself
couldn't reach him.

Until now, Nigel hadn't come home. Where was he?

When mom and Diego arrived at noon time, they immediately brought me to a hospital.
Suzana was left at the condo to do some chores but was agreed to follow us when
she'd be done with all.

When evening came, I was still having an on-and-off fever so I had to take
paracetamol every four hours. I felt it was just flu but my doctor made sure to
have me examined. I was relieved afterwards to know that nothing serious had been
diagnosed when the results of the lab exams had been released.

The physical pain plus the emotional turmoil I had been feeling, however, made
everything so difficult for me to move. I felt I was stuck on the hospital bed. I
was just thankful that mommy was here with me.


"How are you?"

Diego's vibrant face greeted me when I woke up after a short nap.

"I'm feeling better now. Thanks, Diego," I smiled at him. "I'm glad you're here."

It was true that my muscle pains were gone. I was actually feeling better and I
already wanted to be relieved of the dextrose. It bothered me a lot because it
seemed to hinder my every action.

I looked at Diego who was sitting on a chair beside my bed. I stared at him and
noticed the changes in his looks --- his face being more vibrant, his built getting
more manly, his skin getting smoother and shinier.

"College suits you, Diego," I complimented.

He gave me a questioning look.

"Look at you! You're getting..."

"More handsome?" he stated with a triumphant grin showing his dimple.

I smiled. Yeah, actually he was. I couldn't just tell him that.

"See, I made you smile!" he said still with a wide grin. "I'm happy you're feeling
better now, Thea."

I beamed at him.

Wanting to have my back be rested on the headboard, I pulled myself up. Diego
immediately helped me do it.

"Where's mom and Suzana?" I asked him later.

"The señora told Suzana to go home."

"Yeah, yeah, she needs that. She didn't go home last night," I nodded in approval.

"Señora Carol, by the way, went out of the room for a while answering a call. She
didn't want to wake you up so she went out."

"From Nigel?" I guessed. I wanted the caller to be Nigel. I wanted to know where he

"Don't know. Probably the señorito, probably not."

I was disappointed. How could Nigel not bother to check on me? He probably was
having a time of his life with that Maria Stella!

"How's your heart, Thea?" I heard Diego ask me when I closed my eyes as I was
preventing myself to cry.
I opened my eyes and stared at him. "What do you mean?"

"Does he always hurt you?" It was a question that I didn't expect him to ask. Did
he see that I was in pain right now?

Diego, for sure, was referring to Nigel. How would I tell him that the man I chose
over the others had been hurting me so much?

As much as I wanted to share everything to Diego, I just couldn't. When you love,
you just give it all even if it hurts, for it is only in giving that you will
receive. Someday, Nigel would realize it all.

I flashed a smile to Diego. "My heart is healthy as always, Diego. It beats madly
but it's totally sane for it knows how to love."

Diego stared at me for a long time. "Thea..."

I clasped his hand. He jerked surprisingly but, a little later, he relaxed himself
from my touch.

"Don't worry about me, Diego. I'm totally fine."

"No, you're not. I know it because he's not here. If he loves you, he must be here
with you, he must be looking after you. Where is he now, Thea?"

Oh, Diego, please, don't make me cry. Don't dig this dirt I'm trying to bury.

For seconds, I felt a lump in my throat. Afterwards, I found the courage to speak
again, "When you're engaged to the President of the Sarmiento Corporation, you
don't expect to be with him all the time. You don't expect his presence all the
time. He's a very busy man, Diego." I knew it wasn't the reason why Nigel wasn't
around now because my heart kept on yelling inside that he was spending his
precious time with Maria Stella. Of course, I couldn't tell Diego about that. I
just had to cover-up for my fiancè.

Diego's expression seemed unconvinced. So I had to give him a smile to complete my

pretense. I even squeezed his hand under my palm.

"Nigel will be here soon, you'll see," I said, still trying to convince him.

Then, his free palm was placed on top of my hand that was clasping his other hand.
"I only wish your happiness, Thea. You deserve to be loved and cared."

I smiled at him. "Thanks for your concern."

We smiled at each other. I was just thankful that Diego was here trying to ease my

We were in that scenario when, suddenly, the door of my hospital room opened and,
what met my eyes was the man I waited to arrive. In plain white shirt and ripped
jeans, Nigel looked breathtakingly hot but a bit disoriented... He immediately
sought my eyes, but it had just become a glimpse on mine for his eyes travelled to
Diego right afterwards. Before I could utter a word, Nigel's gaze landed on my hand
that was held by Diego on the edge of my hospital bed. It was too late for me to
pull my hand away from Diego's touch.

Nigel's facial expression suddenly darkened. He uttered a curse loudly, clenched

his jaws, and shut the door violently as he left without even saying something to



I just love Nigel being like that... He's my baby pet... :D

Guys, guess what? Finally, this book has just reached 12,700 views. It's
incredible! I'm so ecstatic right now; just can't believe it!!! See me jumping on
the floor now? Haha! And this isn't possible if not because of you, dear READERS.
Thank you soooo much.

How about a hundred thousand reads next time? Well, just keeping my cool here ~_^
and keeping my fingers crossed... There's no wrong in dreaming. :)

My thanks and appreciation also go to my dear VOTERS, COMMENTERS, FOLLOWERS, and

ADDERS of this book to their reading lists.

Please keep on READING, VOTING and COMMENTING, and oh, please do SHARE too!

(sapphiregirl22) ~_^

Chapter 24 - Break
~~~ CHAPTER 24 - BREAK ~~~

My first semester in the university came to an end. I took the final exams and,
thankfully, I passed all my subjects.

It had been a month after that hospital incident. Since then, Nigel became as cold
as ever. He became more inaccessible, unreachable, and invisible as ever. It was
like we were not residing in the same place.

It was also the time when the Sarmiento Corporation flourished even more and became
even more successful. It became the talk of the country. It was like Nigel worked
himself to death.

During the semestral break, Diego and Mommy Carol fetched me from the capital so I
could have a short vacation at The Fields. Of course, I was ecstatic to learn that
they were fetching me for I missed The Fields very much. The travel was no longer
super scary for me. Perhaps, it was because mom was with me holding me in the hands
and whispering kind, soothing words to me. What would I do without her?


"Serge's inviting me to go to his parents' place this sem break. Shall I go?"
Kara's excited voice met my ears the moment I accepted her call. I was still in the
car, now traversing the country road from La Carlota to The Fields.

"Wow, that's great!"

I was happy with how her relationship with Serge turned out. He was now her
boyfriend and I could tell she was falling head-over-heels in love with him. Now,
she could tell how it was to fall in love.

"You think so?"

"Of course! Go meet his parents, Kara. That was supposed to be not a question. When
the guy asks you to meet his parents, just go. You should be thankful about that.
Besides, few guys would offer something like that to their girlfriends," I told her
what I felt.

When it comes to love, you just give your all. No question marks! Just periods! Was
I even sure about this?

"Thanks, Thea. You're really the love expert here," she said excitedly. "Okay, I'll
go. Wish me luck."

"Good luck. Enjoy, Kara."

"Thanks a bunch. Enjoy your vacation, too," she said and that ended our

Mommy Carol clasped my arm. "We're already here, darling."

I looked around and we were indeed entering the magnificent iron gate to the
palacio. I was very excited.


"I missed you so much, Elena." I hugged her when we finally saw each other. She was
in the main door when we arrived, apparently waiting for me.

"I missed you, too, Thea," she hugged me back.

The other servants were also there lining up, looking excited as they beheld me. I
greeted each of them. It was a welcome that I didn't expect.

Then, Elena and I held hands as we went upstairs to the second floor where my room
was located.

The palacio was still the same --- huge, spacious, silent, museum-like. Only
Elena's voice and mine were heard in the hallway.

When we reached my bedroom, I immediately lay down on my ever-missed bed. Oh, God!

"So, how are you and the señorito?" Elena giggly asked me as she sat on the side of
my bed.


What would I tell her about Nigel? She knew everything about my unrequited love and
she probably was expecting that there had been some development in my relationship
with Nigel now that we had been living together.

I rose up and sat beside her. "He had a girlfriend there, Elena," I spoke
seriously, calmly.

She stared at me with big wide eyes. Then, she hugged me. "Oh, I'm sorry, Thea."

"Don't be sorry for me," I said trying to appear strong as I embraced her back.
"How are you coping up?" she whispered.

"I think I've got a strong and tough heart. I'm still okay."

Was I really okay?

Hugging Elena, I didn't know what came over me at this moment. It was just like I
felt the world was on my shoulders. My heart beat painfully... and I cried... cried
harder... like there was no tomorrow for crying.


The following day, the first place that I visited in The Fields was my lagoon.
Nothing had actually changed there. I was happy about it. Once again, I saw the
sparkling water in it, the beautiful flowers blooming as ever and, of course, the
colorful butterflies just flying everywhere. It was a sight to behold.

"You are to attend a charity event tomorrow night at the governor's mansion,
darling," mom told me when I arrived from the lagoon. She was in the library and
she ordered Elena to tell me to go straight to her once I arrived.

Sitting on a couch in front of her, I was glad with what I had heard.

"Charity event?" The term kind of rang a bell in me since I actually intended to
visit the children in the village on Saturday together with Elena and Diego. I
missed them and I was planning to treat them for lunch.

"Well, it's actually a thanksgiving party and gala ball for all the major donors of
the provincial social welfare department," she explained.

"A ball?"

She nodded. "Well, I told Nigel about your fond of helping people especially the
children in La Carlota. The provincial social welfare department is accepting some
help from private sectors on their literacy and health programs. I was thinking
that these programs will include your subjects in La Carlota, so I asked Nigelito
Juaquin to donate."

"Uh-huh?" I was speechless.

So did he donate?

"Nigelito donated a generous amount to the department."


"Really, mommy?" I couldn't believe that the cold Nigelito Joaquin Sarmiento was
donating for the welfare of the underprivileged children in our province! "Wow,
that's really great!" I kind of heard the flapping of my heart. It made me admire
him even more.

"So get ready for tomorrow. Nigel will be coming and the two of you will attend."


The travel to the governor's mansion would take about 30 minutes so I had to make
myself ready by 5:30 in the afternoon. I was surprised when I saw what I was to
wear to that ball. Mom brought it to my room.
"Do you know that I had to urge Stefano for this gown? I'm glad he met the
deadline," she said excitedly. She was referring to a famous designer in the
capital. It probably cost her a fortune plus the fact that she had it delivered
straight to The Fields.

"Oh, my God! It's beautiful, mommy! Thank you so much," I said as I embraced her.

"You deserve the best, darling. Okay, make yourself ready 'cause Nigelito will
arrive any minute from now."

It excited me to think that I was going to a ball with my Nigel. I couldn't wait
for it!

Mom helped me get dressed, do my hair and make-up. Even if Kara taught me some
basic lessons in applying cosmetics, I still wasn't very confident in doing it
myself. I was just thankful that mom was there for me.

When everything was almost done, as I couldn't wait to scrutinize myself, I looked
at myself in my whole-body mirror and I was shocked to see my reflection there. It
looked like it wasn't I who I was staring at. Was I seeing a Greek nymph in front
of me?

The delicate gown flowing down to my silver stilleto heels perfectly flaunted my
slim figure. Being sleeveless, figure-hugging and low-cut in the front, its upper
part flaunted the hollow crease in between my breasts. When I turned around, I was
stunned to see that my back to my waistline was totally bare. The upper portion,
which was made of a silver fabric, was fully decorated with silver embellishments
that I looked very expensive! Its lower part, the section from the waist to the
hemline, was floor length and all-black, with a high slit on the left showing a
portion of my left thigh. I was in total awe about myself! I looked like the
sexiest princess on earth!

My hair, the upper portion of which was pinned at the back to clear my face from
distractions, was just hang loose at my back. The silver dangling earrings plus the
make-up on my face, though unfinished, made me look very sophisticated already. I
didn't know I could look this beautiful!

Minutes later, a maid knocked on the door announcing that the Master of the Fields
had already arrived. Mom told me that he wasn't using his car this time. Hiring a
private pilot, Nigel was using his newly bought chopper. Seriously? Getting even
richer now, huh?

When we went to the balcony of my room, mom and I saw the landing of the chopper on
the palacio ground. Some of the servants ran towards it to help carry Nigel's
things. Finally, he came down but it was too far for me to see his face clearly. I
hadn't actually seen him for a long time already. When I left the condo for my
short vacation here, we hadn't seen each other for two weeks already. As I said, he
had been avoiding me ever since that time I had that flu. I missed him so much.

Mom told me to do the finishing touches on my face while she went to welcome him.


"Are you ready, darling?" I heard mom call from behind the door.

"Yeah, mommy."

I went out of my room and she seemed awestruck staring at me. "Oh, darling! You're
what exactly I picture out for my perfect daughter-in-law! You look amazing!"
When I swirled in front of her to show off to her once more the gown she gave me,
mom gasped as she got a glimpse of my back, "You've got gorgeous skin, darling.
Very beautiful. I'm so proud you've grown this beautiful."

Seconds later, both of us traversed the winding staircase down to the living room
where Nigel, as mom said, was waiting for me.

Indeed, he was there standing with his black tailored suit. He looked very clean
favored and, of course, I would never fail to mention, very strikingly handsome. I
had to take a deep breath as soon as my eyes beheld his appearance. Only the great
Nigelito Joaquin Saavedra Sarmiento could make me feel this way.

When my heels made some landing sounds on each single stair, all people in the
living room ceased their activities and all their eyes were on me --- the servants
who were there at that moment cleaning, Elena who was passing by and carrying a
bundle of flowers, Diego who was trailing behind her bringing a large flower vase
probably for the dining table, and Nigel who was standing by the grandfather clock.
He was, at first, watching intently the time the clock was showing; but, when he
heard my footsteps and mom's, he immediately looked up to me on the staircase and
our eyes met... like it was a natural thing for the both of us to do.

We locked each other's gazes and I couldn't tell how many minutes we spent in
staring, even as I was stepping down the stairs. I felt the goosebumps were all
over me. He was the most handsome guy in the world... for me.

Mom and I went closer to him in the living room, near the grandfather clock and I
still couldn't take my eyes off of him.

"Okay, enough with your exchange of stares. You're making me giggle," mom exclaimed
and both Nigel and I turned to her.

Nigel cleared his throat and said in a husky voice, "So, we're leaving now, mom."

"Yeah, of course. Enjoy!" Mom said in a teasing tone.

"Bye, mommy." I kissed her in the cheeks.

Then, I glanced at Nigel and I caught him staring at me. Staring at me when I
wasn't looking at him? Really?

He looked away and walked out first choosing to go through the patio, not through
the gigantic main door. Wasn't he going to wait for me?

I almost ran to keep up with his long strides. It wasn't easy for me to walk that
fast for I wasn't too comfortable wearing very high heels. But I tried my best to
manage it.

When he reached the car parked outside, he immediately got into the driver's seat.
So, he was to drive tonight. It would mean there would only be the two of us
tonight. Trying myself not to stumble, I lifted up the skirt of my gown with my
right hand and walked slowly towards the passenger side. Standing before it, I had
a hard time thinking how to open the door with my right hand lifting my gown and my
left hand clasping my silver clutch bag.

So Nigel wasn't going to open the door for me, was he? He was inside trying not to
care at all. So handsome yet so ungentlemanly!

Suddenly and thankfully, Diego whom I noticed was at the living room a while ago
came after and opened the door for me.

"Thank you so much, Diego," I exclaimed in relief.

"Anything for you, my lovely señorita," Diego said smilingly, blushing and showing
his dimple in his left cheek.

When I was finally inside the car, Diego closed the door for me. Nigel, on the
other hand, was watching me with his disdainful eyes.

"What the hell was that?" he asked.

"What?" I didn't know what he was asking about.

"You flirted with each other in my presence! How impervious!" he muttered clenching
his jaws.

What? Flirting with each other in his presence? Was he jealous?

Oh, my God! Miracle!

"Are you jealous?" I asked seeking his eyes. But he looked at the opposite

Nigel just clenched his teeth, didn't reply, and started to drive the car.

Whatever he was thinking right now bothered the wits out of me. If he was jealous,
why couldn't he just say it? If he was indeed jealous, that meant he had feelings
for me. If he was really, really JEALOUS, then I had to explain to him for the nth
time that Diego wasn't my boyfriend!

If he wasn't jealous, why did he have to get angry all of a sudden? If he indeed
wasn't jealous, that meant his being angry now wasn't making any sense. If he
really, really was NOT JEALOUS, then he had to stop clenching those damn teeth of

No, no, no... I should refrain from getting angry now. I had to keep my composure
or else it would ruin my beauty. So I just rested my case and pretended nothing

Moments later, I decided to talk.

"Thank you very much for your donation to the provincial social welfare department,
Nigel. It'd mean a lot to the children."

I heard him drew a deep breath before he spoke, "Anything for you, my lovely
princess." He cast me a scornful look and his tone --- he was copying Diego's tone
a while ago! Only that he replaced the señorita with a princess!

He couldn't really get it over, huh?

Was Nigel really jealous?



Would you like Nigel to be jealous? Post a comment! Come on!

Thank you all for your wonderful support. Please keep on VOTING, COMMENTING, and

MERRY CHRISTMAS, everyone!!!

Hay, dili lalim mag-iningles pirme oi... iisa ang kamot sa nakasabot!

(sapphiregirl22) ~_^

Hello, world!

Did you meet a problem with Chapter 24-Break as you read it? It's just that I have
just discovered some errors in that updated chapter --- some portions are missing;
others are repeated. I don't know what's going on. I hope wattpad can fix this
problem already...

If you did meet this problem, please do reread it when it's fixed.

I'm currently drafting the next chapter.

Thank you for your time.

(sapphiregirl22) ~_^

Chapter 25 - Temptress

It was just on time when we arrived at the venue for the gala ball. It was held at
the governor's mansion which was located at an estate outside the Sta. Fe town.

Not waiting for Nigel to open the door for me, as I already learned my lesson, I
opened it myself after unfastening my seatbelt. He got out of the car and gave the
key to a valet.

An usherette appeared and welcomed the both of us. When the usherette pivoted to
start walking and lead us the way to the function hall, I stood for a while for I
got confused whether to walk beside Nigel or trail behind him. It would depend on
his mood, I guessed. However, he took me by surprise when he suddenly clasped my
left hand with his right.

"Are you just going to stand there, my lovely princess?" That sarcastic tone

And he pulled me to walk beside him. Together, hand in hand, we treaded the pathway
going to the function hall. I was elated with the fact that we were actually
holding hands right now. He entertwined our fingers together and gripped my hand
hard; it would be impossible for me to escape from him this very moment. I didn't
want to escape though. I just wanted to be like this with him for the rest of my

"Your hand's cold," Nigel turned to me.

Cold? Did he also hear the rumbling of the butterflies in my stomach?

Well, his touch made me cold. I was getting very tensed.

"Your making me tense," I said in all honestly as we were about to enter the
doorway of the hall. Several people were there, greeting and welcoming the newly

"What?" he asked. Obviously, he didn't hear what I said.

NIGELITO JOAQUIN SARMIENTO, you're making me tense. I wished to tell it to him once
more. I just gave him a smile, wishing that I'd be able to control myself this very

The hall wasn't that big, maybe just enough for fifty to eighty people. When we
entered, there were already several guests in the hall and the program hadn't been
started yet. Another lady ushered us to our table which was closest to the stage.
Immediately, the governor and his wife spotted us and came to where we were. There
were greetings, handshaking, kissing in the cheeks... It was only after that when I
realized that Nigel and I were no longer holding hands. It made me sad... but I was
quite relieved that I could make myself relaxed now from his touch.

Many guests arrived after us. Mostly were famous people in the province.

When we were seated, I saw someone by the main door. He was wearing a gray suit and
had just entered the hall. Oh, how could I not recognize him? He was like the most
persistent boy I had ever known in highschool. I couldn't believe that I would see
him right here since we hadn't seen each other for quite some time already. The
last time I saw him was during my debut party where I affronted him... Yeah, that
was so bad of me. Anyway, as I examined him now, I could tell that, just like
before, he was still stunning --- the mayor's son, my former suitor, Javier.

And, then, Javier's eyes searched for something or someone in the hall. Then, he
saw me.

When we finally faced each other, though far away, I didn't know how to react
whether to smile or scowl at him.

Well, I didn't do anything to acknowlege him. Instead, I took my eyes off of him.
When I turned towards Nigel who was sitting beside me, I learned that the man was
watching me all along and raising a brow at me. Then, his eyes travelled to Javier.
He must have detected I had some sort of eye contact with Javier just a moment
ago... or was I just overthinking?

Exchanging chitchats with the other guests in our table halted when the program was
started. The main purpose of the event was to thank personally the private donors
of the provincial social welfare department, explain what the donation was for and
how it would help the underprivileged children in the province. I couldn't tell how
much Nigel donated to the department, he probably wanted to keep it a secret to the
public, but I could tell he had the biggest amount donated for he seemed to be the
man of the night. His name was mentioned many times in the event.

Dinner was served after the opening program. Some moment during the meal time, I
caught sight of Javier once again who was sitting by the table of the governor and
his wife just beside ours. From then on, I became aware of Javier's stares at me.

Once in a while, I also happened to get Nigel watching Javier over as if the latter
was some sort of a criminal that the former was afraid to escape. I couldn't
comprehend what was going on.

Dinner was followed by some performances from bands, a children's choir, and
promising singers in the province. They were all very entertaining. There was also
drinking of wine and I was offered to drink by some waiters but I refused because
of some previous experience. I didn't want history to repeat itself. However, Nigel
drank some and, every now and then, I felt his right arm extended at the back rest
of my chair. Hence, every now and then, you could imagine how I shuddered every
time his arm would touch my bare back.

At one time, he leaned his mouth closer to my ear and whispered grimly as if
scolding me, "Why does your gown have to be this revealing? People could almost see
your soul through it!"

"Huh?" I asked very confused. I noticed the reddening of his face and neck as he
turned his face away and continued talking to our tablemates.

Then, it sank in me. Nigel didn't find me appealing in my gown, instead he was
irritated with it! Oh, luck was just always not in my side, was it? Didn't he know
I tried my best to look attractive for him and he just found my look annoying? I
even felt very beautiful tonight that I could just nominate myself to be the next
Miss Universe! Some people just didn't know how to appreciate beauty, right?

Feeling dejected, I sulked in there and bit my lips.

Finally, after almost an hour, the ball began. The dance floor was graced by the
governor who first danced with his wife. Many couples joined in the dance floor a
moment later.

I was watching at the people around me. I thought everyone only came from the
province but there were also some from other places. The first dance was over and,
to my big chagrin, the jerk didn't offer me a dance.


The host appeared again on stage and announced that somebody very famous, a very
special guest of the night, was to render a love song. Everyone was surprised when
a famous singer slash actress in the country was called on stage.

At least, the news made me become alive again. Wow, I didn't know there was a
surprise number at all and it was to be rendered by a very popular singer ---

I clapped my hands when she started to sing. She had the most beautiful voice I had
ever heard personally. You wouldn't believe how her voice showed off several
pitches in one piece. It was exhilarating!

However, as she continued singing, the sophisticated celebrity, who wore just very
little clothing, made some flirty gestures towards one important guest in the house
--- my Nigel. She smiled, waved, pouted and winked at him, also flipped her hair as
if to suggest that she was singing only for him. What?

While observing her, I slowly felt smoke coming out from my nose. What was with her
actions? What was she doing? Was she hitting on him?

Nigel, on the other hand, looked at her intently. He was smirking like he was
amused with that woman. It irritated the hell out of me. If I remembered, he
criticized me about my revealing gown. So how come he was amused with that woman
who was wearing something that was even more than revealing? She even seemed to be
in for a burlesque show!

Since I could stand no more, I stood up and went to the wash room.

What should I do now? Arriving at the wash room, I stared at myself in the mirror.
I have to show that bitch a lesson. But how?

When I came out from the wash room, I grabbed a drink from a waiter's tray. It
tasted bitter but I needed this to make myself strong. This was no time for acting

I sipped the contents of the glass and stood on an area farther from our table.
Adelaida, the actress slash bitch, was now singing her second piece on stage and
all ears were still on her. Nobody seemed to bat an eyelash. They all seemed to be
under some sort of enchantment. Every now and then, as I perceived it very clearly
since I seemed to be the only person in my complete cognizance at this particular
period, she still did those annoying gestures to Nigel. And that man did nothing
but to just look at her with amusement.

I grabbed another drink from an approaching waiter. I couldn't stand it when some
girl was hitting on him. I couldn't accept another Maria Stella for him. One would
already be enough. I couldn't handle it when there were too many of them.

"Why are you standing here all by yourself?"

I was in that desperate state when a boy came to stand beside me. I faced him and
it was Javier.

"Javier!" I bolted.

"Althea... Thea Ruiz, it's been a long time. I'm glad you made it tonight." He
brought his face closer to mine as if to kiss my cheek.

I jerked away from him. "You knew I was invited?"

"Of course, I have my connections! The governor, by the way, is my uncle. How could
you forget?"

Oh, yeah! How could I forget that their family name, Suarez, was like the only
politician's name in the province? Well, I kind of like overlooked it. No wonder he
was seated with the governor and his wife.

"How are you? I learned that you're studying at St. Louis. You're one very lucky

I gulped the contents of the glass I was holding. "Shut up. You could study there
if you like to." Eww, what had I just drunk? It had a very disgusting taste.

"I wanted to, you know, to pursue you there. But I have to fulfill my dad's wish,
be a politician. St. Louis doesn't teach that. I have to learn it by experience and
remain here. Anyway, we also have good universities in the province," he explained.
Then, his eyes travelled to the glass I was holding, "You've been drinking."

"Only for tonight or until that bitch leaves this place," I uttered looking at

She was at this time done singing. The audience gave her a standing ovation. Even
Nigel did it. Then, unexpectedly, after giving a bow to everyone, she went down
from the stage and stepped towards Nigel. She kissed him in the cheek and he did
the same to her!

What? Did they know each other?

She whispered something to him in his ear and, damn it, I wanted to know what it
was she was telling him. Nigel was smiling the whole time like he was very, very

Javier grinned at my side. "Well, well, well, seems like your fiancè's bewitched by
the beautiful Adelaida."

I scowled at Javier and decided to go back to the table but he immediately grabbed
my arm.

"Let go of me, Javier," I said trying my best to remain calm. I didn't want to make
a scene now.

"Look at them, they're heading to the dance floor. They're gonna dance," he
informed me.

I looked at Nigel and Adelaida again and, indeed, they were strutting towards the
middle of the hall. The host announced that the President of the Sarmiento
Corporation, Nigelito Joaquin Saavedra Sarmiento was to dance with the lovely
actress/singer, Adelaida.

I blinked my eyes several times. This couldn't be happening. I was Nigel's partner
tonight; I was supposed to be his dance partner, too.

"Let me go, Javier," I said almost crying. How could Nigel do this to me?

Javier finally let his hands off me but I remained planted on the floor. I couldn't
move especially when I saw Nigel and Adelaida started dancing the waltz. She must
be purposely pushing her body to him so they would dance that close.

Sensing my saddened state, Javier seek my eyes and asked, "Care for a dance?"

Though I didn't concede, Javier grabbed the wine glass from my hand and placed on a
tray brought by an approaching waiter. Next, he pulled my hand and led me to the
dance floor.

Seconds later, we were already in the middle of the hall, along with the other
couples who joined the dance. Nigel didn't seem to notice me. He was somehow
engrossed with the woman he was dancing with.

How could he do this to me? I was supposed to be his dance partner tonight.

Tears were on the verge of appearing in the corner of my eyes but I tried my best
to refrain myself from crying. It would definitely spread the mascara all over my
eyes and I would look like a zombie.

For a while, I was just standing there. I didn't want to dance. However, one of
Javier's arms slipped around my waist as he led me sway on the music. He put my
other hand on his shoulder and held the other. Soon, we were dancing to the tune of
the waltz music.

"Your fiancè's an asshole. You know that, don't you?" Javier said grimly.

I never said a word. What I only saw from my peripheral vision was Adelaida getting
cheek to cheek with Nigel! Damn!

"How could you swallow such caliber, Thea?" Javier, like my freaking conscience,
popped out from time to time.

No, no, no... No matter what Nigel had been doing to me, this Javier in front of me
didn't have even the slightest right to attack my fiancè personally.

"Quit it, Javier," I said gritting my teeth. "You don't know him!" I was not in my
right mind to keep up with his steps that I actually stumbled on one of his feet.

"Ouch, that hurt!" he exclaimed.

I stopped dancing and stood like a firm candle on the dance floor. "I'm sorry. But
we need to stop this," I said, trying to release myself from his touch.

But Javier didn't surrender. He pulled my hand once more and gripped my waist
harder. My stomach crushed to his abdomen. "No, we can't stop. We need to dance
like this to show your f-cking shit of a fiancè that you can have a life of your
own without him!" He guided me again to the sound of the music and whirled me
around the dance floor.

While dancing, I felt like my brain was also in total swirling motion. Yet my
heart... had stopped beating like it was dead... numbed... and devoid of emotion.

Then, unexpectedly, Nigel's eyes met mine. He was clinging with Adelaida but his
eyes found mine. We held each other's gazes for several seconds. His gaze was
teasing and taunting me which made me so difficult to breath. I tried to gasp for
air. Javier sensed my difficulty in breathing and distanced his body a little
farther from me but we continued dancing.

When the waltz number ended, I strode fast towards the main door to breath and run
away from Javier, from Nigel...

I swallowed my pride when I met Maria Stella and let Nigel be with her, thinking
that I had only one rival to his heart. Yet, tonight, when I saw how easily he was
tempted and lured with that Adelaida, it awaken something in me, telling me that I
didn't know my Nigel at all! I was truly shaken with my discovery.

He had changed. Really changed.

In high school, he was cold and aloof to girls. But now, he was ever openhanded, so
available to them! And yet, to me, he remained as cold as ice!

I hugged my chest. It hurt so much deep, deep inside there.

Lifting the skirt of my gown, I went outside of the function hall. I saw few people
there, mostly security guards, lining in the court yard. At first, I was confused
where to go. Nevertheless, I decided to go to the parking lot, find a bench where I
could sit and pacify myself. If I could pacify myself...

Outside wasn't that dark because there were some street lamps along the pathway
going to the parking lot. I hastened my steps.

Suddenly, a strong hand grabbed my right arm. "Where do you think you're going?"

I turned my head and saw him.

"Please leave me alone, Javier."

"You're hurt. You're hurt because of him!" he stated angrily.

I tried to break away from him but he held me much harder.

"It's none of your business! This is my life!"

He opened his mouth slightly showing his disbelief. His forehead wrinkled and his
brows met. "Wow! When are you going to wake up? He's making a fool out of you!"

"I said it's none of your damn business," I said almost crying. "Please, leave me
alone, will you?"

Javier released my arm. "Thea, when are you going to realize the truth?"

"Just leave, okay?"

"Thea, I'm not mean as what you think. I'm here for you as a friend," Javier's
voice was husky showing his emotional state at this moment.

Oh, no! Javier hadn't changed... hadn't changed at all after months of not seeing
each other. He had been loving me until now. I could see it in his eyes. He still
loved me in spite of everything I did to him.

"J-Javier..." Somehow, I felt pity to him. This boy, just like Diego, had been
loving and caring for me all this time. Until now, he was feeling it.

I looked at him and I saw tears glistening in his eyes. "Javier, I'm sorry."

"I just pray that, someday, you're going to realize who is really loving you. You
deserve someone better, Thea. That man in there," he said pointing to the function
hall, "is an asshole and he doesn't deserve you."

If, someday, I'd come to realize what he said, I would look for Javier to thank
him, for his care and concern. But, it wouldn't happen, would it?

I sat on a bench and Javier sat beside me. For minutes, we didn't talk a word. He
was just there accompanying me.

It was cold out there and I started to get chilly especially at my back. I hugged
myself to relieve my body from the blowing of the cold night wind. Javier took off
his suit jacket and hang it on my shoulders. I was a bit surprised but relieved and
thankful at the same time.

Feeling a bit pacified of my emotional burden, I invited Javier that we go back to

the hall.

Before we separated in the entrance, I returned him his jacket. "Thanks," I said.

"No problem," he said smiling.


The dancing was still going on when I returned to the hall. However, I spotted
Nigel already in our table. Adelaida was no longer with him. He was talking with
some donors there who shared with our table.

I made a silent way to my chair, sat there as if nothing happened to me. As soon as
I appeared, Nigel shot me a glare but continued to talk with his chatmates. I
didn't mind him.

Then, out of the blue, Adelaida appeared again. She immediately clang her arms
around his neck. What was the matter with her? Why was she acting like she was his
"Nigel, honey, I'd love to stay but I have to return to the capital now. I'm sorry.
Let's hang out soon, okay?" she said in an alluring voice. She was indeed a
temptress. And she was calling him honey?

"But it's almost midnight. You're going to travel at this time of night to the
capital?" His voice was apparent with concern.

She laughed as she released him. "I'm a busy celebrity, hon. I travel everywhere
and I'm used to that even during at night!"

"Okay." He stood up and faced her. "See you then," he said, leaning his face to
her. Adelaida, really the bitchy temptress, met his face and kissed him on the
lips! Everybody in our table gasped in surprise! They were not expecting that,
because they were aware that Nigel was with a partner tonight --- me, the fiancèe,
the young mistress of The Fields.

Then, our tablemates all looked at me as if waiting for my reaction.

I didn't do anything. My mind went blank.



What just happened, my dear señorita? (I guess, this is where the going gets
tougher... just prepare yourself for the next chapters of your life because you
won't be able to bear it all. ~_^)

And, yes, by the way, ladies and gentlemen, please join me in welcoming the former
suitor, Mr. Javier Suarez! Finally, he's back and don't you think he deserves a
round of applause?

Guys, please VOTE! If you seriously love this story, don't forget to vote. It's my,
you know, only compensation for squeezing my brain to come up with this... Hence,
from the bottom of my heart, I really appreciate everyone who voted.

COMMENT, COMMENT, COMMENT... whatever it is you want to say about this book. Hate
this or love this, whatever, just say it.

SHARE too. It's the season of sharing anyway...

Finally, let me exit by wishing you (those who celebrate) a MERRY, WONDERFUL,
BLESSED CHRISTMAS and a PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR! Wishing you further all the love and
all the best in the world in this yuletide season and for the rest of your lives!

'Til next update,

(sapphiregirl22) ~_^

Chapter 26 - Hate
~~~ Chapter 26 - Hate ~~~

It was a silent travel we had in the country road going back to the palacio. I
never spoke, neither did Nigel.

All I felt was the painful twist in my heart. Why was it always like this...
painful and unbearable?
We were already approaching the magnificent palacio when I wasn't able to control
myself anymore. I just couldn't take it anymore. I felt like I was going to
explode! I felt wretched and I wanted to cry out loud. And so, I sobbed
uncontrollably as I was sitting beside Nigel in the car. I was trembling and
shaking until I resolved to hug my body in order to comfort myself...

He had been hurting me so much. Every single person in that ball knew that I was
his fiancèe but he kissed that woman! I had never been this humiliated in my whole
life! I had learned to forgive him when I saw him making out with Maria Stella
because I was the only one who saw it and I could just swallow everything by
keeping it a secret to everyone.

But now, it was different. He kissed that bitch in front of those many people who
thought that I was his fiancèe!

I wanted to hate him!

Discerning my state, Nigel beside me suddenly drove the car like a madman. I heard
the screeching sound of the tires as we entered the opened iron gate.

Just when the car stopped near the patio, I quickly got out of it and managed to
stride the patio steps in spite of the length of my gown and heels. Exactly
reaching the topmost step, I was absolutely surprised when Nigel gripped one of my
arms. So he followed me right away. He didn't even bother to park the car in the

"Is this again one of your dramatic moments?" he stormed off.

I looked at him. Tears generously flowed out from my eyes. Staring at him and
flashing back in my mind his kissing scene with Maria Stella and that Adelaida
and... probably, with all the other girls he made out with, I became really angry
like my blood was boiling, so I hit his chest with my clutch bag.

His dark eyes flashed in shock the moment that the hard little thing hit the upper
front part of his body. He was no longer wearing his suit jacket, only his white
dress shirt.

Not caring about his reaction, I hit him hard again --- once, twice, then rapid
hitting, because I badly wanted him to feel at least a fraction of my pain. My
clutch then fell to the ground and what was left was my bare two hands hitting him
like a maniac.

Nigel, at first, stood firm and hard on the ground. Yet later he held my shoulders
and pressed them with his big hands. "What the hell?" he yelled at me.

"You kissed that bitch!" I said, still hitting him in the chest.

"And so?" His jaw was clenched.

"You can't just kiss anybody, Nigel! I'm your fiancèe!" I cried out.

"So you're jealous?"

"Jealous? Yes, I am jealous! Because you know what? You're mine!"

You're mine! Mine! Mine! Voices around my head kept on repeating the last word as
if taunting me.
In an instant, Nigel found my hands so I could stop hitting him. "Really? Wow! How
sure are you that I am yours?"

Staring at him and catching my breath, I weeped convulsively. Was he really mine?
Did I really have the right to be jealous?

I wasn't able to talk. There was a lump in my throat. All I felt was that I wanted
him to be mine only.

"Stop playing like a jealous novia, Althea, because I know exactly what kind of
girl you are! You are not as innocent as you claim to be!"


"How could you?" I said trying to get his hands off me. What was his basis of
saying it?

However, he gripped my hands very hard.

"You always act jealous and innocent yet you flirt with every boy around! Everytime
I see you out there, you always attract their attention and they also glue
themselves on you like f-cking leeches! And, God, you're enjoying it, too! What
exactly are you trying to act? Well, enough with all this pretense because I'm sick
and tired of it!" He was blazing angry now.

What? I flirted with boys? Pretense? I couldn't understand what he was telling me.

Feeling so confused, I pulled away from him and he finally let go of me. "I don't
know what you are implying here," I said, demanding an explanation from him.

"You are a temptress! A skillful seductress! Yes, that's what you are. You enjoy
every attention you get from boys. You lure them to make them want you."

Wow, that hurt! Where on earth did he ever get that impression of me?

At this moment, it seemed like the world had been dropped on my shoulders. Who did
I tempt? Nobody! If there was a temptress tonight, it was that Adelaida! So how
dare he said those words to me?

With bombs of anger cracking in all parts of my chest, I rushed to him and, once
more, hit him in the chest with my hands. "How dare you! How dare you! If I had to
seduce somebody, it would be you and not just any boy around!"

He was taken aback for the second time but he just let me hit him again and again.
But, God, his chest was so hard! I couldn't inflict pain in him. How could he be so
muscular and so numbed?

Feeling so defeated, I finally stopped striking him. I raised my two aching ---
really aching --- hands as a sign of surrender. "Okay, you win. Think what you'd
like to think about me."

Then, I finally made a choice to leave him in the patio. Just seeing him made my
heart go crazy, stupid, and hurting. I needed to get him out of my system.

I wasn't able to walk a step. Nigel pulled my back expeditiously and crushed my
body to his!

"You think you could just leave me like that?"

I was astounded with the sudden contact of our front bodies especially with the
dangerous tone of his voice... and his warm palm on my exposed back.

"You hurt my chest with those little hands of yours. Now, I want to make even with

I trembled within his arms.

"So, tell me, what made you freak out tonight? What exactly do you want? You want a
kiss? You want this?" With that, he pulled my head and instantly captured my lips
with his hungry mouth. It wasn't a passionate kiss. He kissed me hard and rough. He
forcefully thrust his tongue into my lips and I just let him in but I didn't
respond because it wasn't the kind of kiss that I wanted from him. I wanted a kiss
that would make me feel that I was loved and not as a punished slave.

"Don't play innocent," he mumbled angrily. "You want to seduce me? Then, go ahead,
seduce me. Kiss me back," he commanded and claimed my lips once again. This time,
it became even fiercer, wilder, and more ruthless. It was demanding more from me.
His mouth was punishing mine. One of his hands was locking my waist; the other was
gripping my head. There was no way that I could ever break away from him.

I closed my teary eyes. What now?

This man kissing me was my dream man. I should be happy doing this with him. I
wanted this ever since he kissed me the first time in the library when I was still
seventeen. I wanted this more than anything else in the world.

But, this was not the kind of kiss that I dreamed to share with him. So, I pushed
him. Pushed him hard.

"Damn it!" he cursed and pulled me to him once more.

Once again, I was locked within his arms. I had never seen Nigel this furious and

"Kiss me back, Althea," he whispered in my ear as he gritted his teeth. With that,
he delved into my mouth once again.

Tears raced down through my cheeks. He was asking me to respond, his tongue flicked
into my lips trying to find a gateway. His arm encircling my waist tightened and I
felt like he was crumpling my body like a piece of paper.

I wriggled to free myself from him. For sure, he very well knew the negative
reaction I had on this kiss. This was not the kind of kiss that I wanted from him.
I wanted something sweet and romantic, something filled with love and passion.

I pushed him again... this time much harder than before.

"I hate you! I hate you!" I yelled at him. I didn't know, it was maybe of the
alcohol that I drank at the ball that I was able to say those words, or maybe
because this was what my heart was really telling me right this moment...

I gave him all my love and devotion despite everything that he did to me ...
because, after my parents died, he was one-hell-of-a-face that beguiled and
bewitched my mind and my heart into believing that there was still love and
happiness in the future. I believed in love so much but, right now, as I discovered
just how easily he was tempted by some girl and just how he ravaged me with a
ruthless, punishing kiss, I didn't know anymore if I still believed in receiving
love from him... This was just too much and I couldn't take it anymore.
My parents' love story was my inspiration of finding true, real love. Right now, as
I felt numbed in all parts of my body, I didn't know anymore if he was even someone
like my papa who would and could give everything to the woman he loved. Nigel was
just not capable of that.

"I hate you," I said sternly as I clenched my fists.

Nigel didn't say a single word. His eyes flicked in surprise.

Probably, he didn't expect what I was saying to him. I didn't even expect it

I stared at him as well. Then, there was silence.

Two individuals standing and facing each other in the patio, surrounded by the
darkness of the night --- that was how we were. The only light in the surroundings
was the four lampposts in the patio while the only sound that we could hear was the
buzzing of the cicadas.

"S-so you hate me now?" he asked after some time, breaking the silence while
putting his hands in his pockets.

I didn't answer him. Come on, heart, what really is my answer to this question?

"So now you're saying the truth... you don't really love me..." he continued with a
shaking voice. "All along you've just been pretending. I knew it..."

I still didn't answer him. I could just maybe pound a rock on his head! How could
he ever say that? Didn't he feel all the love that I offered to him... since the
very beginning?

"Yeah, go ahead," I said as I waved my right hand at him, turning to leave. "Think
whatever you want to think---"

I wasn't able to finish what I wanted to tell him for Nigel once again grabbed my
waist and brought me into a tight embrace. "Well, the feeling is mutual, Althea,
because you're the most hateful person in the world for me. I also hate you very
much," he spoke in a low tone but full of tension in his vocal chords as our faces
met, noses touching each other.

I trembled, not on how he embraced me but on how his voice tensed in my ear... and
how hurtful his words were.

Feeling how those words bore a hole in my heart, I jerked my face to my side. I
just couldn't afford to look at him now. But his right hand found my jaw and turned
my face back to him. Once again, our noses crushed each other as he leaned down on

We absorbed each other in a stare down and I jolted when he captured again my mouth
with his. I tried to pull away but I felt that this kiss was different from a while
ago. His lips started out gently in my mouth. I didn't expect the sudden change of
emotion in his kiss. He caressed first my upper lip gently, then nibbled my bottom
lip and stayed there long. It was free from sternness and harshness. I was bowled
over on how it became very appealing and... very welcoming.

Oh, mind, please don't give in. Don't give in.

But it was too late for me.

I didn't know I was already giving in and responding. I moved my lips and tongue
obliging his demands. Soon, I was lost into it. I tasted him. His lips felt so soft
and tasted like liquor and mint. It tasted so damn delicious for me that I became
so hungry and devouring until I was able to keep up with his pacing. Eventually, I
became feverish with all the strange effects that the kiss had brought into my

I clang my arms around his neck. His hand began to rub my spine in return. It made
me chilly in the outside but hot in the inside. Everything made me more
intoxicated. I needed him so much... so much I could die. It felt so good. I
couldn't get enough of him.

When we were out of breath, which was like after an eternity, we separated and we
both gasped for air. Yet he didn't release me from his embrace; our faces were
still almost in contact to each other.

"Just as I suspected, you're an expert on this." His ragged breathing fanned my


Expert? This was the second time that we kissed since that library scene, so how
come I became an expert? It was even my first time to respond to a kiss!

He looked at me and cupped my face. His eyes were searching mine and I shot him a
glare. How could he accuse me of this?

"Don't make me kiss you again," he said in a ruffled and distracted tone.

I gave him a questioning look as we came face to face. We were like breathing the
same air.

How could he immediately forget that it was he who demanded it from me! "You
demanded it yourself. You just said you h-hate me yet you kissed me."

"Because your damn lips enticed me to do it. Damn. And don't you ever kiss me like
that again," he continued while he was catching up his breathing. He seemed
painfully and furiously inflamed.

He kissed me hungrily and yet he didn't want to kiss me again... Why was he still
holding me so close to him if he didn't want the damn thing to happen again?

This man here was definitely the most erratic, fickle-minded person that I knew.
One moment, he demanded a kiss from me. Next moment, he was here telling me not to
kiss him again. So freaking unpredictable!

His eyes penetrated mine, to my very soul. "If you'll let me kiss you again, I
don't know if I could trust myself anymore. I swear, Althea, next time, if you'll
let me kiss you again..." he paused, released me, and backed a little distance away
from me. The anger shown in his face a while ago gently faded and was replaced with
a scared expression... scared of me?

I stared at him. Then, there was silence again for minutes.

"Why shouldn't we kiss again?" I broke the silence.

He drew a deep sigh, placed his left hand in his pocket and looked up the ceiling.
"If you let me again, I'm afraid I'll ruin you. You wouldn't like it, would you?"

What did he mean by it?

"Ruin me?" I echoed. I couldn't quite understand what he meant.

"Yes. Ruin. Damage. Ravage you. Understand? And when it happens, it's going to be
irreparable. And we're both going to regret it." His voice was deep but a little
bit shaky.

Now, about a meter away from me, he fixed his eyes steadily at me --- the kind of
stare that I still hadn't seen from him. It travelled slowly from my face down to
my curves --- my neck, breasts, waist, hips, thighs --- that were generously
flaunted by my figure-hugging gown. The look in his eyes showed intense craving, so
thick with desire... like he was undressing me... It was dangerous. Absolutely

I gaped my mouth. What? Nigel was desiring my body?

"Don't look at me like that, Althea, like you're somebody innocent! It doesn't suit
you," he said casting his eyes away.

"Stop accusing me into someone I am not," I said strongly. There it went again. My
heart or --- my mind? --- was shouting to hate him!

He leaned his buttocks on the railing at his back and gave me an intense look. "You
know? What I hate more than anthing else about you is your eyes! Why? Because you
always come to me with those eyes of yours boring something in me, piercing me, and
getting me out of my wits! Every time you look at me with those eyes, you always
lure and arouse the monster in me. Now, I'm about to turn into that monster. You're
not gonna like it when it happens, Althea. So get your damn ass out of here!" He
then gripped the railing by his hands at his sides as if trying to control himself
from doing anything crazy.

I gaped my mouth even more.

"Go upstairs now, will you?" he commanded me in a booming voice.

I froze. I couldn't move a bit. I was shocked to discover that Nigel was attracted
to me physically. The discovery made my whole body tremble. I guessed everything in
me trembled --- from my hair in my head down to my toes. I didn't know why my body
reacted this way.

"Yes, it's true. You're an expert in luring men because you have succeeded in
luring me. So leave now or else you're going to end up lying naked on my bed
tonight! Perhaps, with that, I could punish you for pretending to love me all this
time!" he bellowed as he advanced towards me once again.

Pretending? How dare he say that word? How could he not feel the love I had for him
after everything that I went through because of him?

"I hate you! I really hate you!" I yelled at him as I jumped at my feet and ran
towards the door leading to the living room. "Damn you and your pride!"

He clenched his jaw and his gaze darkened. One thing I couldn't bear was the way
his eyes roamed around my body. It was serious and threatening. It was dangerous.

My heartbeat raced frantically, my body trembled hard, and my hands shook like
crazy as I turned the doorknob open. My scared eyes couldn't afford to look back at
him. I was too afraid that if I would do it, Nigel would be with me in no time...
so afraid that I wouldn't be able to control myself as well and gave in to him...
However, when I finally opened the door, the next thing I knew was that Nigel was
already at my side and, so caught unaware of it, he scooped me up with his strong
arms. It was so unbelievable how he did it in just a wink of an eye. He carried my
wriggling body and threw me into the biggest couch in the living room. Before I
could utter a word, he sat forcefully in the side of the couch, his hip pressed to
my waistline.

"I hate you, too, and I'm going to show you tonight how much I hate you!" he said
in a ruffled tone as he held both of my shoulders, pressing me down. He leaned down
his head, right there and then, and my eyes opened widely when I felt his wet lips
tracing rough kisses on my cheek, to the line of my jaw, down to my neck.

"Did Suarez do this to you when you went out of the hall? Did he?" he asked
harshly, more like of an irritation in my eardrum.

Suarez? Huh?


How did Javier become a part of this?

"Did you do this with him in that dark alley? Did you? F-cking sh-t! You just met
the boy and you flirted with him just like that?"

"How dare you!" I screamed as I pushed his chest away. But he was so strong as he
pinned me down. His left hand, marked by lack of gentleness and refinement,
imprisoned my right arm, hurting me in the process. He was rough, very rough, as
rough as hell. "How dare you think of me that way!"

I didn't just meet Javier. He was my schoolmate in highschool. And I didn't go out
of the hall with him, he just followed me there without my knowledge. Most of all,
I didn't flirt with that guy. How would I explain this to him when I was blazing
with so much anger now?

Not minding my scream, Nigel began to pull down the thin strap of my gown with a
built-in bra, exposing my right shoulder and a great portion of my right breast. I
moaned in defiance as he dove his mouth into my bare shoulder. He kissed and sucked
a portion of it. I closed my eyes. Oh, what was he doing now? Then, his lips
trailed rough, unrefined kisses to the upper mound of my right breast.

"Those f-cking leeches are still boys, Althea. I will show you what a real man can
do..." Nigel muffled as his mouth was firing hot, fiery breath in my right breast
to my bare cleavage. His right hand was now starting to rub along the length of my
left thigh that was exposed generously because of the slit in that portion of my

Still maintaining that roughness and forceful initiation, he dipped now his mouth
to the crease in between my breasts in spite of my wriggling. I probably looked
like a squirming worm under some big hungry creature. I jolted even more when I
felt his wet tongue traveling from my cleavage going back to my neck.

This was what he imagined I did with Javier! What was he thinking? He thought I was
some kind of a slut who would just give myself to anybody? WHAT?

So, this was how he saw me --- so low in quality, so poor to his taste. To be raped
tonight was what I would get from chasing him all this time. Just because I
honestly told him my feelings and begged him to love me, he would just think that
this physical activity was my kind of thing and that I would do this to any boy
around! Just because I was easy to him, he would think that I was easy to other
guys! It sounded just great, right?

"Stop!" I screamed with the loudest voice I could muster in extreme anger. Tears
were still evident in my eyes.

Nigel, who was now burying his face in the crook of my neck, halted and raised his
head. He seek my eyes but I closed mine, not wanting to see his perverted eyes.

"I am not your slut so get off me now!" I said again, so angrily and firmly, still
shutting my eyes.

"Whose slut are you then?" he counteracted irritatingly.

"I am nobody's slut! So get your freaking hands off me!" I cried out loud, not
minding if I'd catch attention from everyone sleeping in the mansion. "Now. Now!"

There was no movement from him. I couldn't imagine the kind of reaction he had in
his face upon listening to me. All I heard was his deep, irregular breathing. His
left hand was holding my right arm; his right was still holding my left thigh. His
hands were smoking hot, like they would burn my whole body right there and then.

Everything was then frozen. It was like a paused scene in a movie.

Seconds later, I felt him move in my side. Then, he stood up.

Opening my eyes now and not bothering to catch a glimpse of him, I rose up from the
couch and ran immediately to the staircase. My eyes were blurry with tears; my hair
was disarrayed crazily; and my strap was hung loosely in my right arm. You could
imagine I looked like a ravaged girl... and the most hurtful thing of all, the man
who did this to me was the man I thought I loved.

I've fought too much for this so-called love. I became martyr and dull to the point
of degrading myself.

But, yes, it hurt to admit.

Tonight, Nigel won it. He won it. He succeeded in making me hate him...

And, I swore to my freaking self, this would be the last time that he would ever
humiliate, insult, and degrade me like this!




This chapter is tearing my heart into a thousand pieces...

In spite of this, let's all have a HAPPY NEW YEAR!

Thank you once again for your support. Don't forget to:
VOTE, VOTE, VOTE (if you really, really like this book),
COMMENT, COMMENT, COMMENT (if you feel like you want to say something to the
characters or to the crazy author),
and SHARE (if you feel like this is worth sharing)!

(sapphiregirl22) ~_^
Chapter 27 - Reality
~~~ CHAPTER 27 - REALITY ~~~

He was standing there for minutes, just watching me lying on my bed. In a while, he
sat down at my side and brushed away the hairstrands covering my face. After
stroking my cheek, he stooped his head down and kissed my right temple. My body
shivered at the touch of his lips on my skin.

I opened my eyes and I was blinded by the ray of sunlight through the glass window.
He wasn't there; I was just dreaming. It was a nice dream... but, sad to say, it
would never happen in reality and I couldn't dwell on dreaming forever.

Still in my gown, I lay on my bed not caring about the time the wall clock was
showing. It was almost lunch time. But I still didn't feel the need to get up. I
felt so shattered I couldn't move.

Well, I wasn't able to sleep immediately when my body found the bed last night. All
the things that happened in the gala ball, most especially, the things that
happened in the patio and in the living room with Nigel flashed in my mind over and
over again like a slide show.

Last night, I made a very important decision.

Both of us kept on proving to each other our side --- me trying to prove my love,
him trying to prove that I wasn't the right girl for him. Well, Nigel won it and I
lost it. He hated me and I still couldn't understand why. He said I was the most
hateful person in the world and it was like a dagger pierced into my chest.

He regarded me as an easy-to-get slut trying to tempt every guy I met. Of all the
things he said, that was the most painful of all, too hurtful to bear that I felt
so low.

So, why should I still have to insist myself on this stupidity? Well, it was still
NOT late for me to open my eyes to reality, was it?

Love couldn't be forced.

Starting today, I was to let him go... and letting him go means letting him do
whatever he wanted to do with his life without me.


Still lying on my left side, I rubbed my eyes, dried with tears, and I saw
something on the bedside table --- my silver clutch bag.

I remembered how I hit his chest with it.

Oh, but I remembered dropping it on the patio floor. I left it there, yes! So who
brought it here?

One of the maids, perhaps?

I finally decided to rise up and sat on the side of my bed. I took my clutch bag
and a small piece of paper fell to the floor. I thought for a while before picking
it up.

Was it a note?
I then bent down my body to pick that piece of paper on the floor. It took me
minutes before it occurred to me who wrote that note.

It said:

Let's talk some other time.


Talk? How dare he said the word talk! How about the word sorry?

Oh, how could I forget that the word sorry was not even found in his vocabulary?

So it was he who put the clutch on my bedside table. He sneaked in here while I was
asleep. I shivered at the thought of him in my room. I still couldn't get over what
he did to me last night. It was horrible and the thought of him and me in the same
room suffocated me.

I stood up and went to the vanity mirror. Slumping my butt on the chair in front of
that mirror, I stared at myself and I had discovered how ugly I had become, with
the mascara and the rest of my make-up smeared all over my face. I really looked
like a shattered princess.

As I saw how pathetic I looked in the mirror and remembered how hard I had cried
last night, I silently made a vow to myself.

Don't ever cry for him again, Althea. Be strong.


Nigel had already left for the capital when I was out of my room to take my lunch.
Mom went with him, probably for the business. Mommy had no single idea what
happened last night and I didn't intend to tell her about it.

In the afternoon, I visited my lagoon bank.

Lying on a blanket on the ground filled with dried leaves, I looked at the
butterflies that were fluttering their wings in the air above me. Just like before,
the scene in my most favorite place on earth was breathtaking. Lying down, I waved
my hand over trying to catch some of the butterflies but they were elusive.

I sighed and wished I were one of those butterflies so I could just fly and fly,
very free, and not thinking about things. I wanted to be free... free from hassles,
from worries, from expectations.

However, as I stared at them, a thought came into my mind. Nigel, my heartless

heartbreaker, was like a butterfly --- too elusive to catch.

Perhaps, I could also be a butterfly...


Trying my best to delete everything in my system, I devoted the rest of my short

vacation in The fields in charity work which went very well. I was able to spend
time with the village children again. Diego, Elena, and I had the best of time
planning and implementing some activities for the children. We did again feeding
and tutorial lessons to them and I enjoyed it very, very much.

My time spent with the village children was a beautiful distraction. It was like
reviving myself to become more responsible... and was a way to find myself real
happiness. That was how I realized that, if I had my own means, I'd like to put up
a foundation for them. Perhaps, later, when I could stand on my own, I'd help the

That was also how I finally chose a course for me.


After the break, I went back to the capital to attend the second semester of my
first year at St. Louis and, this time, finally deciding to take Bachelor of Social
Science major in Social Welfare. With my background on charity works, I looked
forward to work professionally in a department or charity or agency offering social
services... or probably managing my own foundation in the future.

University was still the same except for some changes in my subjects, professors,
and classmates. Of course, Kara was still there, who still was my classmate but in
only one of my subjects.

I hadn't seen Dylan Fernandez visiting the university often. He said he became a
lot busier this time in Nigel's main office. But he would always find time to text
and call me.

Inasmuch as I wanted to stay in some other place to get Nigel out of my system, I
just didn't find the guts to tell mommy yet. I couldn't afford to break her heart.
Of all people, it would be mommy who'd be the first person to get hurt if I'd tell
her that I had finally given up on her son. It would need me enough time to break
it to her gently, wouldn't it?

Thus, with the thought that Nigel wasn't at the condo most of the time anyway, I
decided to stay.

But, everything was different now, I no longer paraded myself in that place
everytime he was around. Instead, I would just lock myself in my bedroom to do some
university work. It was only after two weeks of being like this when we finally saw
each other, actually three weeks after we had the biggest fight in history. It was
just very quick --- I was watching TV in the living room when he made an
appearance, as usual, from work. It surprised me for I thought, just like the
previous nights, he would not come home that night.

Well, I didn't mind him. He sat for a while on his favorite arm chair there and
when I happened to look at his direction, our eyes met. That was the first time
that we got to see each other's faces after that fateful night in which, until now,
I had tried to erase in my memory.

It shocked me to see how much he had changed physically in just three weeks ---
messy hair, obviously needing a haircut; unshaved jawline; exhausted and drained
eyes --- too different from his looks in that gala ball we attended.

"Althea..." he spoke out my name, looking at me through his tired, sleepy gaze.
"I... I'm..." he wanted to say something to me.

Turning off the TV and not bothering to give him a second glance, I stood up
immediately and went to my room.

Never would I ever let him speak to me again... in insulting, taunting manner. So I
walked away.

A month passed and everything between Nigel and me remained constant. I had now
started to get a life of my own. That was how I started to have a night life. Kara
would always invite me to go out, sometimes there would just be the two of us,
sometimes with Serge, sometimes with Dylan who tried to find time to be with us
even with his busy schedule. I learned to party, disco, drink a little, and meet
guys. It was absolutely the exact opposite of my previous life... in which I tried
to be perfect for Nigel yet still was regarded low no matter what I did.

So, this time, why should I care about what he'd think about me? Who was he to
judge about my being me? Not that he bothered to check on me... because he remained
uncaring anyway. So, why not party?

As I started having a social life, Nigel, on the other hand, had become even a work
addict. The Sarmiento Corporation skyrocketed to the highest level. Nigel, being
its young President and to be handed over the CEO position soon, became the apple
of the eyes of the press. His rugged, unshaved face always appeared on TV news, in
newspapers and magazines. Just one look and you would know he was a very important

Mediamen were not only interested on his business but also on his lovelife. Photos
of him with different girls --- celebrities, business associates, employees ---
appeared on gossip magazines like everyday. His lovelife became a big thing for the
public. Seeing those photos just made me realize how much of a player he had

In his interviews, everytime he was asked about it, he would always tell them that
he would introduce her to everyone when the time was right. As of the moment, he'd
like everything to be kept private.

He, for sure, was referring to Maria Stella. Well, good luck to the both of them.

Then, there was a time that he was asked about his rumored engagement to some girl
in the province. Nigel answered about keeping it private as well.

Keep it private? Didn't he deny it?

Of course, I knew about every question to him and his every answer by heart, not
because I gave it a damn, but because Suzana never failed to update me about his
whereabouts. She watched and read every interview he had.

Suzana, however, seemed confused about my changes. One time, she asked me about my
partying and clubbing.

"We call that one social life, Suzana," I answered her. "Maybe you should try it
some time."

She was horrified.

Another time, she asked me about my indifference on Nigel's activities. She said I
had changed a lot since I came from my vacation. She emphasized I was no longer
that girl who always waited for the arrival of the beloved señorito or talked about
him constantly.

I looked at her seriously as I said, "We call that one falling out of love,

She panicked.

"No, no, no. You must be kidding me, señorita. Please, tell me you're just
kidding," she said with a pleading voice.
"How about telling me to just move on with my life?" I suggested.

And she became even more terrified.

"I can't be anymore his number one fan, Suzana, who sits in the sidelines, cheers
for him, and ogles at him every time he appears on the TV screen or on the daily
paper," I said firmly. "I can't just be that girl anymore."


"So, you just realize one day that you're falling out of love with him?
Unbelievable!" Kara exclaimed disbelieving as we sat side by side on a couch in a

This was one of our weekend night-outs. Serge and Dylan were with us. Actually,
Dylan, in the last month of his internship, already found some time to join us
every time we went out which eventually made him a part of our little circle. He
already knew about my complicated relationship with Nigel... But I didn't talk
about it often. I didn't tell them about how I started to just give up on the
heartless heartbreaker.

However, tonight, I finally made my declaration by telling them I had already

fallen out of love for the great Nigelito Joaquin Sarmiento.

"Yeah, cheers for me on that..." I said, already a little hot in the ears for
tonight's shots of drinks.

Kara raised a brow at me. "Are you sure on this, Miss Ruiz?"

"Never been sure, girl," I said, leaning my head on the headrest. "How could I not
fall out of love with him? He's the greatest jerk who has ever sprouted on the face
of the planet! So, hello moving on, here I come!" I raised my wine glass with my
right hand.

Hearing my words, Kara said seriously, "I just knew you've been to a lot these past
weeks. You're just not telling me at all. Then, tonight you're going to surprise me
with this declaration? I smell something fishy---"

"Enough with the drama, Kara. Can you just be happy for me? Let's move on! Cheers!"
I butted in, raising again my glass.

"Glad to hear that," Dylan quipped and he also raised his hand to join me. "Here's
to falling out of love with the President!"

Serge did the same. "Yeah, to moving on!"

Wait, what? Glad to hear that? Did I just hear Dylan say those words?

I looked at him and he gave me a wonderful smile. "Love it, Thea. I'm loving it,"
he said meaningfully.

A little bit shocked, I paused and stared at him.

"Oh, my God!" Kara squealed as she looked at Dylan and me alternately. "This is
going to be exciting!"

My brain tried to process everything.

Could it be possible that Dylan had secret feelings for me?


I was a little bit wobbling when I got out of Dylan's car. Probably, I had drunk a
lot more this time compared to our previous sessions.

I tried to manage myself to walk properly but, to no avail, I felt like my head was
a bit in twirling motion. Dylan immediately caught me and held my shoulders.

"I'm doing okay. Never mind walking me off to the unit, Dylan," I said, brushing
his hands away. His fingers felt tingly in my skin. Anyway, it was true that I
could still manage my way.

"It's alright," he insisted and still held my waist with his left hand, my right
arm with his right hand, as we stepped towards the elevator.


I was already about to push the condo door when it opened right before me. I was a
little drowsy and Dylan was still helping me to manage my stance so both of us were
kind of not expecting to see Nigel in front of us.

He wore the grimmest and the most unpleasant expression that I had ever seen from
anybody tonight. He furrowed his brows upon seeing me.

"What the---" he said, grabbing my arms from Dylan.

The latter hesitated but eventually let me go. I was surprised when I felt Nigel's
tensive touch in my waist.

He immediately shut the front door, probably leaving a befuddled Dylan behind it.
Wait again -- he shut the door on Dylan's face? Why was this man always so harsh?

Though a little drowsy myself, it was still clear to me that Nigel was at home,
that he was the one gripping my waist now, and that he was oozing with extreme
harshness just like always.

"What do you think you're doing?" he scolded me right away the moment the door was

I shoved him away and I successfully did. I didn't answer him. Instead, giving a
wry expression, I walked past him.

Nigel followed me and grabbed my right wrist. "Do you know what time is it?" he
asked, sounding annoyed.

I glanced at my wrist watch. "It's 2:00 am," I replied, not giving the slightest of
care on what he was trying to imply about the time.

Suddenly, Nigel pushed me and pressed my body to the nearby wall. I sucked in a
deep breath when I met his haggard face. The stubble on his face, specifically in
his jaw, was very visible. I really thought he needed to have a shave this time.

"Yes, it's freaking 2:00 am and you're drunk! So this has been what you've been up
to while I was away!"

What was the matter with him?

"I am not drunk," I said in the calmest possible way.

"You are! Look at you!"

"I am just sleepy, so can you release me now?"

However, Nigel did the opposite thing. He even tightened his grip of me and his
dominance almost choked me. I felt like there was vacuum of air in the space in
between our faces. Why was he always this rough?

"You're drunk. I can smell alcohol in your mouth," he said, bringing his nose
closer to my mouth.

"Drinking alcohol doesn't mean getting drunk. Now, let me go," I said, still
controlling myself to appear as calm as possible.

Flashes of our kisses in the patio appeared in my mind after I realized how close
our faces were to each other as of the moment. I couldn't allow it to happen
again... ever.

When I was seventeen, I probably thought heaven was just a kiss away. But now, I
could say, hell could also be... a kiss away.

"Finally," Nigel said, then, he gritted his teeth, "you're now coming out from your
shell. The girl who has been acting innocent has finally come to show the world who
she really is. You're even bringing a guy to my place!"


Bringing a guy to his place? Like I was planning to do something stupid with Dylan
in his place?

Here he went again, telling me how low was his regards of me. If he was telling me
this weeks before, I would have probaby cried in front of him and explained why he
shouldn't say those words to me. But, today, I had grown tired of all our
bickerings, of his accusations, of his selfish remarks. I had become impassive,
invincible, uncaring. I had become a rebel, a fighter, a survivor.

So let me deal him with the coldest reply.

"Whatever," I remarked, shrugging my shoulders.

There was a flash of surprise in his eyes. He probably didn't see that one
coming... and his expression, wow, it was epic! I just regretted I didn't have a
camera this moment and I wasn't able to capture it --- the shock in his eyes, the
expansion of his nostrils, and the gaping of his mouth.

He backed away and bit his lower lip. Then, he glanced back at me.

"I-It's not safe out there, Althea," he said, calming his voice. "It's not good for
a girl like you to be staying out this late."

Wow, was he now to lecture me on staying out late? How would I ever listen these
words coming from the man who almost raped me? If there was danger, it was to be
with him and not to be with my friends outside.

As a matter of fact, he, Nigel Joaquin Sarmiento, was my new definition of DANGER!

I felt the heat in my ears.

I fixed my blouse and stood up straight. "So, are you done now with your lecturing,

Nigel didn't answer. He groaned and closed his eyes instead.

I decided to speak again. "Last time I checked, you didn't care a bit about me. You
didn't care about how I feel. You even almost raped me because of your extreme
apathy. So, can you just leave me alone tonight?" I said as I began to step away,
yet I paused and turned to him once again, "And, oh, not only for tonight... How
about leaving me alone for the rest of my life? Because, honestly, I'm so sick of
you already!"

Then, I left him as I walked towards my room.

And he didn't bother to follow me... of which I was thankful about.

I didn't know what he was actually thinking right this moment.

I didn't want to know anyway.



Hello, world!

So I'm dressing up my book with a new cover, you know, for a change of look and
mood. We don't want to see that crying lady on the cover forever, do we? LOL.

So now, see the girl's strong and confident visage in the new cover?

Yeah, that's Selena Gomez right there. As I was thinking about which celebrity
could be perfect for my heroine on the cover, Selena Gomez was the first one to
appear in my mind. Even though my Althea wasn't described as how this amazing
singer looks physically but because I love Selena's youthful charm and
sophisticated beauty, she won my heart just like that.

The guy is Gui Fedrizzi, a Brazilian model, who I had just come across in the net.
Nigel wasn't described also as how this guy looks, because my proud hero is
supposed to have dark eyes while Gui has blue ones. Nigel was supposed to have
black hair, Gui has brown. So, why still choose Gui? Because, apart from his being
a Latino, he paints!!! And he has pictures of him painting!!! I may use his pics
later, you know... ~_^

Still, dear readers, I would like you to imagine my characters the way you want to
imagine them... Okay? Selena and Gui are only for my cover anyway. So, yeah,
whatever... hehe.


Don't forget to:


(sapphiregirl22) ~_^

Chapter 28 - Restraint
To @KarenkateEspana, for still believing in him when all the rest of the world hate


The wall clock in my room was the first thing that caught my eyes when I opened
them. It was 5:00 in the morning and I felt the need to pee.

When I attempted to rise up from bed, I kind of bounced on it when I felt a

movement in my left side.

What met me was Nigel who was sitting on that side of my bed. He was watching me
while I was lying there!

"What the hell are you doing?" I cried out in shock as I sat up. There was rapid
beating in my chest.

He didn't answer me. He just looked at me with those blank, sleepy eyes.

Being with him in the same room just brought me symptoms of panic attack. I could
just maybe pee right now on my bed.

"What exactly are you doing here in my room?" I demanded, remembering our encounter
last night... Didn't I tell him to leave me alone? So what was he doing here?
Especially in my room? Actually in my bed?

"Can't sleep," he finally said, "I didn't mean to disturb you though." He was in
loose tank top and shorts and all I saw were muscles... muscles in his exposed arms
and legs...

"Well, you have disturbed me already. Congratulations!" I retorted as I glanced my

eyes away from him.

What was he doing in my room? My mind wouldn't stop screaming!

"L-let's talk... Althea. Let's have a talk," he said hesitatingly at first, but
managed to become forceful the second time.

"Talk? We have nothing to talk about!" I said, trying to rise up from the bed. "And
how did you ever come here in my room? You are not supposed to be here!"

"Well, I have a key to every room in this unit," he said, raking his hair with his

Oh, my God! How stupid of me to not know that he had a key to every single room
here! That gave me another reason to have an episode of panic attack!

"Get out!" I yelled at him.

"When are you going to give me time to talk with you?" he said in plain placidity.
"I just have something to tell you and..." he paused as he grasped his nape while
bowing down his head, "and you're becoming really, really stubborn these days and
you're avoiding me---"
"Avoiding you? Isn't this what you want? To get rid of me? So quit complaining!
And, please, I don't want to hear anything from you!" I finally stood up at the
other side of the bed across him, unintentionally showing him one of my oversized
tee-shirts that I was wearing for sleep... and unintentionally displaying my thighs
as well.

He also stood up and heat flashed in my cheeks when I caught him taking a quick
look at my thighs. I promptly grabbed my blanket from the bed and wrapped it around
myself, my hands holding its hemline.

I could still remember the feel of his hot palm on my thigh when I was under him in
that couch in the palacio living room... and it felt so weird why I still had to
think about it..

And of course, how could I forget the desiring gaze he was giving me on that night?

"You can't just come in here anytime you want!" I said angrily at him. I couldn't
allow him to sexually assault me for the second time. "I am not talking to you
anymore! Get out!"

He breathed hard as he stood there in front of me. "Just hear me out on this,
okay?" he asked, looking irritated now.

Go, be irritated, you brute!

Still holding the hem of the blanket, I put my hands on my ears to show to him my
unwillingness to listen. "I'm not listening to you... ever."

Truly irritated by now, Nigel strode fast closer to me, too fast for me, which made
me drop the blanket in the floor due to my extreme surprise, especially when he
grabbed my wrist and pinned my body back to the bed. Quickly, he crawled on top of
me! Both of his hands were gripping my wrists that were spread out over my head on
the bed.

And, what was worse, I could feel that the hemline of my tee shirt was raised to my
stomach which probably exposed my panties right now. I felt his bare knees and legs
imprisoning my uncovered thighs. There was some kind of hot electrifying fire
roaming around my whole body as I felt him on top of me.

This man here really exuded DANGER and there was nothing that I could do about it
except to shudder under his muscular body.

"Control... Control, Althea," he said to my ear in a raspy tone. His warm breathing
was fanning my neck. "Control... that's the hardest thing to exercise, princess,
but hard as it is, you can count on me that it's what I've been doing all this time
with you. You're my restraint, my one whole damn restraint, if you only knew that."

His words confused me that I had to blink my eyes for several times.

Bringing his face across mine, about two inches away, which made me conscious for I
hadn't brushed my teeth yet, Nigel kept talking in the weirdest of tones, yet still
with the raspy effect, "But that night in the palacio, I kind of lost it and forgot
what restraint is. I've assaulted you but it will not happen again. It's hard but,
yes, restraint it is... as always, princess." The tone of his voice sounded like a
mixture of different emotions like regret, distress, tension.

And the scent of his breath... Why was it so fresh and clean and hot?

He held my gaze for a long time...

Wait, how dare he talk again about that night in the palacio!

No, it wasn't only about what happened on that unforgettable night. What really
made me this person now was everything that he did to me since from the very
beginning... all the heartaches he brought to my young, believing and hoping heart
were all gathered in a big mass of pain on that night and became the reason of all
the hatred I had for him.

It was so unbelievable that the man whom I loved since the very beginning had
become nothing to me but a heartbreak. I couldn't even tell now if I still saw
hope, future, or happiness in his handsome face. What I just felt was seeing pain,
hurt, and anguish in him.

"Get off me now. I need to pee," I said coldly, trying to reject the heat I felt
all over my body. "I said I need to pee," I said once again when he didn't move.

"Of course," he said, scrutinizing my face, but didn't move... for like an

"I'm going to pee on this damn bed right now!" I threatened him when he appeared to
have no plans of getting off me.

"Control is the key word, princess," he muffled under his deep, rough breathing.

What was with the control thing that he kept on talking?

He then flashed me a sad look, exhaled one hot breath into my cheek, and rose up.

"Mom's coming today," he said before he left. "She'll be here by lunchtime."

Still lying on my bed, I sucked in a deep breath when he was finally out of my
room. I instantly felt I no longer need to pee. All I felt was the sensation of
intense heat all over my body.


"So, what is it that you'd like to discuss about, Nigelito Joaquin?" mom asked
after sipping her wine.

We were already finishing lunch and she ordered red wine for her drink. She had
this belief on the good benefits of wine especially if drunk after meal.

The three of us were in the luxurious dining area of the condo building at the 37th
floor. I actually didn't want to go but I couldn't say no to mommy. She said I
shouldn't miss this Saturday lunch with her.

Nigel cleared his throat.

"Well, actually, mom, I've been planning to buy something and I'd like your opinion
about it... and..." he started and looked at me before proceeding, "and Althea's
thoughts as well."

He was planning to buy something and he needed my opinion about it? Was I even
hearing it right? When did my opinion matter to him?

"Hmmm, that's interesting to hear. Buy what?" mom asked. She seemed happy upon
hearing Nigel's words. "Sure, Althea and I will help you on that. Men really
couldn't live without women's opinions, could they?" she teasingly asked, beaming
at me.

I, on the other hand, was really surprised on the turn of events. This couldn't be
happening. The great Nigelito Joaquin couldn't be this helpless to ask for my
opinion on something... Was this what he wanted to talk to me this morning when he
went to my room?

"Well, yes, we do need women..." he said, clearing his throat again and flashing
red tints of color in his face. "It's just that I thought the condo is too little
and old already for us to stay. I think, Althea would love it if we could move into
a much bigger place... like acquire an estate..." Then, he seek my eyes. "I'm sure,
you'd love it if we could have a modern version of the palacio here in the capital,
where there is a pool, a yard, a bigger living room, a library, a bigger kitchen
where you could cook, bigger bedrooms and, certainly, a patio with swings as well.
What do you think?"


There was tension in his voice but at the same time the way he talked appealed very
sexy to my ears.

But, wait a minute, something in the pit of my stomach hardened. He was to acquire
an estate where he could build a mansion and he was actually considering me on the
design of the house?

Something that I would love? Like a pool, a bigger room, a bigger kitchen where I
could cook? and a patio? with swings?

What was this for? How could he ever thought about purchasing an estate for me, for
the most hateful girl on earth? What was he trying to imply here?

Well, I didn't know what was at the bottom of it. But, one thing was for sure, this
brought a piercing pain in my heart because, right after that night when we had the
biggest fight in history (especially now that I knew the fact that he could just
easily come to my room anytime), I had already decided to move out... not too soon
but later... when I would already be ready to bid my Mommy Carol farewell. I just
wanted to live a life without him.

"That would be great, son!" mom exclaimed which actually interrupted my thoughts.
"Oh, I'm so happy about this!"

There was again a piercing pinch inside my chest. Mom looked very happy with the
news. Oh, how would I ever break to her the news that I was actually planning to
move out?

After days of thinking, I had finally decided to just give up on him, on the
engagement, because I had just grown tired of waiting and of this feeling as well.
Anyway, it was very clear that Nigel wasn't really capable of loving me. Even if
we'd live in a much bigger house together, it wouldn't still change the fact that
he would just end up hurting me again and again... because he hated me... and
hatred was something that couldn't just be rid of overnight... especially the kind
of hatred that he had planted in his heart over the past years.

Until now, I still couldn't understand why he hated me that much and it was
something that I had also given up to discover.

I didn't want to waste anymore my time thinking about it. I just wanted to move on
Living in a much bigger house wouldn't also change the fact that I hated him.

Two people hating each other shouldn't be living under one roof.

"What do you think, Althea?" Nigel's voice woke me up from my reverie. "Or if you'd
like another home design, it'd actually be just up to you."

Probably, if this happened months before, I would have jumped like a child, hugged
him, and told him how excited I was to plan for the home design and transfer to a
much bigger house. But this was happening today and it didn't excite me anymore.

"The condo is still fine with me," I expressed in the coldest possible way.

I heard mom's groan at my right. "Darling, aren't you excited to have a version of
the palacio here?"

I bit my lower lip and shook my head.

There was disappointment in both of their eyes.

"So where do you plan to have this new mansion, son?" mom asked.

"At the Great Hill Estates, mom," he answered briefly.

I shut my eyes. There was a pinch again in my chest.

The Great Hill Estates was the residential place of only the elite people in the

When I opened my eyes again, I saw Nigel looking at me with his eyes giving me
expressions I couldn't read.

"Well, yes, the condo has a sentimental value. I can't give it up just like that.
We can still keep it, Althea, of course, if that's what you like," he said.

No, I don't want to keep it, Nigel. I just want to be in some place away from
you... and, please, could you refrain from acting sweet like you care for me? It
just doesn't suit you!


Mom spent the whole month with us. She was busy the whole time. She went out early
and arrived late. I learned that there were a lot of preparations done for the
turning over ceremony of the CEO position to Nigel... mostly paperworks. Actually,
for me, the turning over wasn't a big thing because he had been acting CEO already.
Mom, who was the real CEO of the Corporation, was more of like a backup since she
preferred to stay in The Fields all these years.

During the whole month, I managed to do well in my studies until the final exams by
the end of the month. I was thankful that the second semester was over and,
finally, I could take my summer vacation where I could stay away from him for a
longer period.

If mom was busy, Nigel was busier.

But, he still found time to lock himself in his painting studio every Sunday.

Thinking about this artist side of him, it became weird to me anymore. I didn't
have anymore the urge to want to see what his works were all about. I didn't
know... maybe my heart just really got tired of everything related to him.

Hence, everytime Suzana would report important and even trivial things about him, I
would always get irritated and always try to shut her up. He was my new pet
peeve... and she started to become one, too. Suzana, like always, remained his
loyal fan.

One day, with so much concern on my change of attitude and with so much hope that I
would continue loving his beloved señorito, Suzana stared at me and asked me teary-
eyed, "What happened to my sweet and patient señorita?"

Suzana's words hit me and slashed my heart into a million pieces.

I never answered her.

Locked in my room, my heart cried out for her and for myself too, as I realized how
horrible I had become. But, I chose to be like this. This was the new Althea ---
mean, horrible, nasty. This was the person that Nigel had made out of me.

Well, he taught me well enough on how to be mean. He was my teacher.


During the past month, I became even much closer to Dylan. Trying to make me happy,
he was always there to accompany Kara and me. He had finally finished his
internship and was about to graduate this coming graduation ceremonies. I was happy
for him.

"So, what's your plan after graduation?" I asked him when we were taking lunch in a
restaurant. It was a weekday, last day of the final exams, and I was just
submitting some papers to my Sociology Professor when we bumped into each other. He
invited me for lunch. I couldn't say no to him.

"I guess, I'll be proceeding a Master's Degree," he said, smiling at me, you know,
that signature angelic quirk.

"You're just obssessed with studying, I guess," I said, laughing at him. "Can you
not rest for a while before proceeding your Masters?"

"No way! I have to strike this while the iron is hot," he said, very determined
with his words.

I shook my head in disbelief. This guy in front of me was so obssessed with

studying really.

"And maybe," Dylan added, "I could start courting you, if you'd allow me."

Hearing those words from him, I stopped laughing. "Dylan..."

"Will you be my girl, Thea?" he suddenly asked.

Oh, no! This was it! Dylan had really feelings for me!

"I was just trying to find the right time to ask this to you. Well, Kara's always
there, you know, and thankfully I got the chance now."

I blinked my eyes. Did I feel something for him?

"Dylan," I said later after contemplating, "give me time to think about this, okay?
Besides, you plan to do the courting after graduation, right?"

It was true. I wanted time to think about this. Decisions on love... and
engagement... and marriage... must be taken with utmost consideration and
pondering. It shouldn't be done impulsively... This was the biggest lesson I
learned from my so-called engagement to Nigel.

"Yeah, sure, of course," he said, forcing a smile and then gulping something in his
throat. "I just hope that you're finally over him, Thea. I'll be the happiest man
alive when it happens."

I gazed at Dylan. Didn't he believe when I said I was over Nigel already?


The evening for the farewell party for Mommy Carol being CEO and turning over
ceremony of the said position to Nigel finally arrived.

I had the hard time of saying yes to mom about attending since I had negative
feelings already on parties and balls. It just felt creepy thinking myself to be in
a crowd again and be humiliated for the second time. I didn't want to endure the
same thing.

But, how could I say no to her? How could I say no to the woman who was willing to
give me everything?

Mommy and I arrived twenty minutes to the Sarmiento Corporate Building before the
event. She said the event would be held at the building's social hall. She guided
me to Nigel's office which actually occupied the 42nd floor. Mom was in an ivory
full-length gown; I was in a red short dress. Both were designed by Stefano, mom's
favorite. When mom asked me about my choice of a short dress on a black-tie event,
I just shrugged my shoulders. Actually, this was my way of rebellion.

We entered Nigel's office. It was actually my first time to be in here. As I

expected, it was very spacious and beautifully-furnished.

Nigel was there watching the view of the city enveloped by night's darkness yet
flooded by lights, both still and blinking lights, through the glass wall. His back
was facing the doorway. He was still not wearing his tux, just his white dress

"Son, here we are," mom called out to him. He turned around and our eyes met. I
surrendered from our gaze first. Yeah, it was a short contact but it was enough for
me to notice his well-shaven face tonight. Finally, he got rid of those annoying-
yet-sexy hair on his face. What did I just think? Annoying-yet-sexy? What was wrong
with me?

Mom and Nigel kissed each other's cheeks. I, on the other hand, found a couch to
sit down.

"Oh, get yourself ready now, son. Wear your tux jacket now," mom said as she
started to help him put on the studs and cufflinks on his shirt.

Later, taking a black single-breasted tuxedo jacket that was hung in the coat rack,
she helped him wear it.

"I can do this myself, mom," he complained while mom was helping him put on the
jacket, then his pocket square.
I tried not to mind them at all. I got my phone from my beige purse and pretended
to be texting.

Then, a cell phone ring reverberated in the hall. Both Nigel and mom checked on
their phones. It was mom's call.

"Yeah? Really? Yeah... Okay, got it... yes... I'll be there." She hang up then she
said to Nigel, "I'll go ahead to the hall. They need me there."

I stood up to go out with her.

"Oh, we forgot something! Darling, will you please help Nigel put on his tie?"

I hesitated for a moment.

"Thanks, darling. I'll go ahead now. Both of you go down when you're ready," she
said, not minding how I reacted and walking out of the office.

So it was the two of us which were left alone now...

Trying not to make a dramatic moment now, meaning trying to appear as cool as
possible, I took a black tie from the rack to do what mom told me as if this didn't
have any effect to me at all. When I stood in front of him, he pulled his shirt
collar up. I raised my hands to put the tie around his neck. He bent his head down
and our faces almost bumped into each other.

We stared at each other's eyes for seconds and I decided to not make an issue out
of it. Then, his eyes travelled to my exposed cleavage and I swore to myself I was
to slap him if he was to do something inapropriate right now. Thankfully, he
averted his eyes at the sight in front of him but wetted his lips sexily. I could
feel the heat in my cheeks all of a sudden. I closed my eyes for a second to get
rid of those damn lips in my mind. What was the matter with me?

When I opened my eyes, Nigel was already straightening up his neck and what greeted
my stare was his adam's apple which moved as he gulped something in his throat. I
tried not to mind it again. I began to tie the piece of cloth with my fingers to
make a bow tie and made loops. All the while, I tried my very best to concentrate
on what I was doing and didn't look at his face a bit.

I was tightening the loops when he said, "The dress is too revealing... but you
look very... beautiful."

Again, I felt the heat in my cheeks. What was with my blushing? Was it because it
was my first time to hear him say I was beautiful? Oh, God, help me. Was this the
great Nigelito Joaquin I was facing right now?

I just shot him a glare and continued with what I was doing. Whatever, Nigelito

As I made sure that I made the tying right, Nigel spoke again, "Thanks, princess."

God, he was acting really sweet to me... and he was calling me princess. Well, no,
this wasn't true! I had to never forget that there was already an episode in the
past that he had been sweet to me yet only to be mean afterwards. I was not going
to allow myself to be caught in the same trap. No way!

Whatever, Nigelito Joaquin. Thank yourself.

"I'll be delivering a very important speech tonight," he said, smiling sheepishly

at me, when I gave him a glance. "But, I'm nervous... for the first time."

I still didn't answer him as I adjusted the tie to my satisfaction.

"The condo really has a sentimental value but I'm still buying the lot, princess,"
he said, shifting the topic, maybe to get a reply from me.

Buy the lot yourself. I don't care.

Still not talking, I stepped back when I was done with what I was doing and went to
the couch to sit and held the purse that I left there. As much as I wanted to go
out from this office, I couldn't do it for I wasn't familiar with the whole
building and I might get lost.

Nigel, after buttoning his tux, followed me and sat beside me at my right. I tried
myself not to mind him.

"When are you going to talk to me?" he asked.

Oh, acting mute and deaf was hard but I could be awarded best actress for this!

"It's my birthday today," he spoke again.

The words hit me... big time! I was about to choke up.

Of course, how could I ever forget about it, dummy?

"I'm twenty-four now and you're not even greeting me. Usually, it would always be
you who'd greet me first though you were there in the province... and you would
annoy me with your texts greeting me 'Happy Birthday' like fifty times, you know,
fifty texts coming from you on my birthday... It was always that crazy..." he
stopped when he noticed I wasn't even reacting at all.

Leaning my left elbow on the arm rest, I closed my eyes and placed a finger in my
left temple.

Annoying texts, huh? Always that crazy, huh? So why would you ask for my greeting
when it was annoying and crazy? Go, greet yourself!

"Okay, never mind about my birthday," he retreated finally.

Just when I thought that he would stop talking, he spoke again, "Althea, tonight,
I'm going to make an anouncement... a very important announcement... and I want you
to know that I've already thought about this and I'm more than ready for this."

I knew he still wanted to say something but he was interrupted by the opening of
the door. A woman who was about in her early thirties and who wore big-rimmed eye
glasses walked in. "Sir, excuse me."

"Yes, Sonia?" he acknowledged her.

"Sir, everything is ready. You are now called to the hall."

"Okay, we'll go down now," he said.

I stood up immediately with my purse in my left hand and headed to the door. The
great Nigelito Joaquin walked behind me. When we were finally in the hallway, he
caught up with my strides so he was already walking beside me.
Later, as we walked side by side, I felt his left hand clasping my right. I was
thunderstruck with his gesture.

No way that he was going to hold my hand!

I furrowed my brows and pulled my hand away from him.

What was he thinking?



Hello, guys!

Hope you are all doing good today. As for me, I'm kind of trying to shoo Writer's
Block Syndrome away while I'm working out on the next chapter! I'm trying now to
set forth events so we can finally arrive the foreshadowed part "Again." Are you
excited? Me, I'm freaking nervous... like urgghh!

Please, I need your support on this!

Don't forget to:


(sapphiregirl22) ~_^


To my babies, Hero and Zaiyeh, thank you for the smile, laughter, and inspiration.
You keep mama going. I love you both so very much.

Chapter 29 - Fiancée
To @mikanyuki, for one particular message that gives hope to my heart...

~~~ CHAPTER 29 - FIANCÉE ~~~

Nigel and I were not talking as the private elevator carried us to the 9th floor
where the social hall was located. We stood side by side and I still tried my best
to not mind him.

The elevator door opened and I immediatedly headed out. Several people were visible
when we reached the lobby. There were like four usherettes, five guards, and more
or less six other people, probably employees or guests attending calls. I saw an
information kiosk by the doorway to the social hall.

Everything in this area in this floor was carpeted. I was mesmerized with how
everything in this building exuded wealth and power. You wouldn't believe that the
President and CEO of this Corporation, owner of this building, was just residing in
a modest condominium unit in the capital. You wouldn't believe how much Nigel had
attained two years after his college graduation. You wouldn't believe that at his
age right now, he was already earning millions, no, probably, billions... You just
wouldn't believe...

When we appeared in the lobby, all people there acknowledged his presence. Some
greeted 'good evening'; others greeted him 'Happy Birthday'. They also accosted me
warmly and I managed to offer them a smile.

I heard one usherette whispered to her colleague, "That must be the señorita."

"Good evening, miss," they both said to me later, smiling.

Well, it was my first time to appear in this building... and right now, hearing
them say that I was the young mistress of the corporation, I felt something was
wrong. It just didn't feel right anymore.

"Good evening, too," I said anyway.

They looked at Nigel and they both giggled. He smirked at them.

What? Would even his employees act like lovestruck teenagers in front of him?

Brushing that thought in my mind, I noticed that we had finally entered the social
hall. I felt my jaws dropped to the floor when I discovered how large was the hall
and how many people were there. Instantly, flashes of camera flooded around when
Nigel and I were finally in. He held my elbow and leaned to me as he whispered,
"Smile, princess."

I faked a smile.

Well, it looked like I was going to see my face tomorrow on the front page.

I suddenly felt creepy thinking about seeing my face on the front page. Well, good
luck to me.

An usher guided us to the presidential table. All eyes were on us. So, this was
what we called limelight. This was his life. This was Nigel's kind of life. My
knees trembled as I walked at the thought of Nigel's celebrity status.

He was still holding my elbow until we reached our table. Mommy Carol was already
there waiting for us.

Flashes of cameras gleamed every now and then.

I was silent the whole time but, all the while, tried to catch a glimpse of him. I
wanted to give the longest gaze at him to ponder if he really was the Nigelito
Joaquin Sarmiento that I knew. My brain made me recall and imagine a simple boy, in
backpack, walking towards the Forest Garden; a painter, in his painting studio,
spending his Sundays in his sacred sanctum; a man, in simple tank top and sweat
pants, promenading in the condo; a man, in suit, arriving late and exhausted from

I knew he was a big time.

I didn't know he was this big... as in this big.

The event was well-attended. I could estimate about two hundred people in the hall
including the media men who were quite visible.
One wrong act tonight and everything would be noted in the morning paper. It was

Before the start of the giving of speeches and ceremonies, Nigel roamed around the
hall to meet all the invited guests --- investors, celebrities, etc.

"Would you like to come with me and meet my guests?" he asked, whispering in my
ear, before he left our table.

I shook my head mindfully. What for?

"Okay, just have fun here," he said.

He walked away and, again, my eyes never left where he was. There were a lot of
sexy, sophisticated women around and everytime they came close to him, they
immediately hugged and kissed him... at least, not on the lips...

What was the matter with me? Didn't I say to myself that I had already given up on
him? So why was I acting so nosy about him or his actions or the people he was

What really is wrong with you, Althea? I scolded myself.

Mom said something to me and I turned my head to her. "Yes, mommy?"

"He looked anxious tonight," she said. "He isn't like that. He's always confident
about things."

"He doesn't look anxious to me, mommy," I said, seeing Nigel currently surrounded
by ladies in the hall. "In fact, he seems to be enjoying... a lot."

"No, a mom can feel her son. Trust me, darling. I know he is anxious about
something. I just don't have any idea what he's up to tonight," mom said. "Excuse
me, darling, I have to give a cue to the host to start the ball rolling," she said,
standing up.

I nodded at her. Sometimes, I could feel that moms do complicate things for their
children. When mom could have assigned someone to do the cueing, she instead made
it sure to do it herself. She must be very excited for and proud of him.

Nigel was very lucky to have a mother like her.

My eyes seek again the man of the night and when I finally located him...

Okay, it happened again...

I just knew that something not good would happen in events like this!

Maria Stella, in a stunning black gown, was holding Nigel in the arm. They were
about ten meters away from me.

So, Maria Stella was invited tonight!



Just great.

Why was I acting jealous? Didn't I say I was over him already?

Then, without having me prepared, just like a freaking déjà vu, they kissed on the

They kissed on the lips in the middle of all these people with media men observing
his every move!

It was a sight that was no longer new to me. It was familiar, very familiar, to my
remembering brain and my shattered heart.

"Ladies and gentlemen, may you take your seats for we are now to start the
program," the host announced on the stage.

Everything around me was not clear anymore. All I needed to do was to get out of
this place as fast as possible.

I shut my eyes.

Self-control. Where's your self-control, Althea?

So, yeah, the program was started. Nigel, both as handsome and as hypocrite as
hell, sat at my side and acted like nothing happened and even smiled at me once in
a while. I was curious deep inside where Stella was settling herself in the hall.
My heart started to freak out again.

There were announcements, introductions, speeches delivered --- tribute to the

outgoing CEO, tribute to the incoming one. These were speeches that I couldn't
quite understand because of the freaking scene that Nigel and Stella just made!

Hello! This is not the first time! Why are you acting as if it's the first? Nigel
will never change! Dont you ever expect!

Putting my elbows on the table, I pressed my forehead using my fingers.

I thought I had already moved on. That was what I thought... Well, now I realized,
it was not that easy to move on... especially if the man that you tried to
disregard had been your one great love since the very beginning...

"Are you okay?" Nigel asked me.

I didn't answer him but I just stayed on that position for a while until I calmed
myself down a bit.

I then put my hands down on my lap.

When it was Mommy Carol's turn to give her speech, it was obvious that she didn't
see the scene Nigel and Stella just created a while ago.

Mom was very jubilant on stage. She delivered a speech coming out from her heart as
she told the audience how proud she was of the son who always exceeded her
expectations and how she couldn't wait for him to fully run the Corporation as the
new Chief Executive Officer.

Trying to ease my heaving chest, I excused myself to our tablemates and stood up
silently from the table. Nigel, however, quickly grabbed my forearm. I cast him a
We were in that position when I heard mom's introduction, "Everyone, I am now
giving the floor to the new CEO of the Sarmiento Corporation, my jewel, Nigelito
Joaquin Saavedra Sarmiento!"

Nigel had no choice but to go on stage now so he released my forearm. "Remain here,
Althea," he said as he stood up. Then, he walked confidently towards the stage.

I didn't wait for him to say his first word on stage. I still pursued to go out
from the hall to find a place where, perhaps, I could scold myself for acting like
I was still jealous. I couldn't be jealous right now. I couldn't be.

I reached the doorway and two usherettes met me.

"Can we help you, miss?"

"I need to go to the washroom," I said, with the stupid thought in my mind that
everything that happened now was like a nightmare in my past. It was like a
repetition of history. It was horrible... and I felt horrible.

"Yes, this way, miss," one of them guided me the way.



That was the key word.

I pacified and controlled myself. Yet, I wanted to knock my head on the wash room
wall for realizing how everything turned out to be so ironic.

Control was Nigel's word... and I was using it to calm my shit down.

I left the washroom and went back to the hall. He was still speaking on stage. His
voice with the use of the microphone was deep, well-modulated, and very appealing.
"As the new CEO, I am committed to the success of the Sarmiento Corporation which
has been my father's legacy. I know that dad wanted me to take the Corporation to
its heights and I am here, together with all of you as we work hand in hand, to
bring this company to feat and recognition not only in the country but in the whole
world. Everything would be possible if we work hard together effectively. Your
presence tonight is enough for me to tell your loyalty and support and I couldn't
thank you enough for this."

I was now making my way back to the presidential table where mom was already seated
when Nigel made an important signpost in his speech.

He spoke with such a crystal clear voice that it was not impossible for me to hear
everything, "Speaking of your valued presence, ladies and gentlemen, tonight, with
your attendance, I'm going to introduce to you the woman who has always been behind
me all these years. As much as I want to keep my lovelife private to everyone since
this lady is not used to the limelight and she has kept her silence in the
sidelines, I just feel like it's now the right time to reveal her to all of you
because... because she's very special to me."

Oh, no! He was to introduce Maria Stella now as his girlfriend, or worse, his
fiancèe! Or probably, he was to propose to her now! She must be somewhere in the
backstage and got herself ready to show herself to everyone once he would call her
I stood rooted on the carpeted floor and uttered a silent prayer to God to make me
strong in this announcement that he had to make. So this was the important
announcement that he told me beforehand.

God, please, don't make me collapse right now...

"Tonight," Nigel, still with the microphone in his hand, continued speaking as he
was heading now to go down from the stage, "on my birthday, I would like to
introduce to you..." he said, then he cleared his throat in the middle of his
speech as he was now going towards our table's direction, "I'd like to introduce to
all of you, my fiancèe, my future bride, Señorita Althea Ruiz."

It was just right on time that he mentioned my name when he arrived where I was

Instantly, when he stood before me, he held my left hand.

The moment that I heard my name, my head started to spin! I wasn't able to move a
bit! My heart pounded like there was a madman inside my chest beating a drum

I heard murmurs around and I saw flashes of camera lights.

I stood so unexpecting of what had just happened. I couldn't move even a tiny
portion of my whole body. I felt like everything in me was paralyzed.

What did he just do again? Did I just hear him introduce me to everyone as his
fiancèe? and I was special to him? Very special to him?

There were gasps in the crowd.

This looked like a paused movie scene.

I didn't know how I looked at this moment. I wished I could see my own face right
now. I wanted to see how stupid my face had become.

Then, there were flashes of camera lights again.

Oh, God. Be careful what you wish for. Tomorrow, I would definitely see my face on
the front page.

Despite of the clicking of cameras, I remained not moving and stared at Nigel.

Was this man in front of me the great Nigelito Joaquin? This might be his clone I
was seeing right now. Normally, the real Nigelito Joaquin would yell to my face
that the engagement was one big illusion and that he would make sure that marrying
me would never ever happen one hundred and one percent sure!

Before I could say something to him to protest, Nigel gripped me in the waist.

"Let's make the engagement official now, princess, by sealing this with a kiss," he
whispered to my ear and then he captured my mouth with his, amidst the gasps of the
crowd and the flashing of camera lights.

Oh, no! I was doomed tonight.


"Finally!" mom exclaimed happily as she hugged me and Nigel after that kiss...
long, sweet, and tender kiss.

Huh? Did I just describe it as...?

Was I in my sound mind right now?

Everybody in the hall cheered and clapped their hands.

Nigel was clasping my hand the whole time after that. For a lot of times, I tried
to pull it away from his. For a lot of times, I failed. He was gripping my hand
like he was afraid to lose me. It was like I was brought to my fantasy world again.

With the serving of cocktails and while the socialization was still going on, Nigel
brought me to his business associates and introduced me personally to each one of

"She's beautiful," an old man, who was almost balding, told Nigel.

"You're one very lucky man, Mr. Sarmiento," quipped another.

Nigel, who was encircling his left arm around my waistline, gave them a proud grin.
"I am very lucky indeed," he stated and jerked his head to face me. There was pride
and triumph in his handsome face as he said to me, "I indeed possess the most
beautiful girl in the world."

I was silent all the time. I didn't join in the conversations. I was like a robot
trying to move whatever the controller wanted me to do... but a mute robot. I was
physically present but mentally absent.

All the while, I was gauging Nigel's actions and movements. People said actions
speak louder than words. With that, I tried to observe every little quirk he was
making as I tried to decipher everything that just happened tonight.

What was all this for?

Was this for a show only?

But, if this were only for a show, what would he get out of this?

I was very much confused.

Yet I felt, for the first time after we had the biggest fight, that there was still
hope for my love for him.

Somehow, my heart was flapping and flapping just like that. I felt like I was on
cloud nine, or over the moon, or in seventh heaven, or on top of the world! I felt
like I was walking on air!

For a while, I forgot about Maria Stella... or my hatred towards him. All I felt
was my love for him... which actually was never forgotten... because it just
remained there in the deepest chambers of my heart.


I was roaming around the hall and was holding hands with Nigel when I spotted Dylan
on one of the tables. He was looking at me intently.

So, Dylan was also here. Probably, he was invited because he was a former intern
here. I gave him a smile but he didn't smile in return.
Oh, Dylan.

I was certain that he heard Nigel's announcement and he saw the kissing scene a
while ago. I knew he was hurt.


After the exhaustive roaming around, I excused myself to go to the washroom. I just
wanted time for myself, away from the crowd, to contemplate on all the things that
had just happened. Nigel didn't excuse me immediately.

"We'll have a lot of talking to do after tonight's affair, princess. A lot of

talking to do, okay? I've a lot of things to say to you," Nigel whispered to my
ear. His arm was still imprisoning my waist. "I'll be the one giving you a ride
later, okay? Mom can go home alone. Marcos will take care of her."

I didn't say a word. All throughout, I was never really speaking to him.

"So?" he asked searching my eyes. "Take a ride with me later, okay?"

I bit my lower lip.

"You're killing me with this cold shoulder you're giving me. I'm going to kiss you
again if you're not going to say something," he said in a sexy tone, threatening me
in the process, his breath sending chills to my neck.

"Jerk," I said the first word to him tonight, hitting him in the chest with my
purse, but not hard enough. I even made a face at him.

He pinched the peak of my nose which, I thought, made me blush. "You're very cute
like that," he said smiling so beautifully. For the first time in long years, I
felt deep inside that Nigel was genuinely happy tonight.

Was this even true?

God, was this true?

"Flatter yourself, Nigelito Joaquin!" I said sarcastically but I couldn't help

myself to return him a smile.

"Now, you're finally smiling. Thank you," he said excitedly and, unexpectedly,
kissed me in the cheek.

I hit his chest with the purse again, still not hard enough. For the first time, he
looked like an excited kid to me.

"Hit me again! You know what happens next when you hit me again with that clutch,"
he said, joking. His dark eyes glittered in happiness.

My brain processed something and it made me recall the rough kisses he gave me in
the patio after I hit him in the chest with my purse. I felt the heat in my cheeks.
"You bastard!" I said, not seriously though, as my knees shivered.

God, was I really in my fantasy world right now? Would somebody wake me up, please?
Or better... would you NOT dare wake me up? I could go on dreaming like this...

"Later, princess. Later..." he warned me, grinning confidently as he finally

released me.

I rolled my eyes at him. He even grinned more. The jerk!

Leaving him, I stepped towards the washroom. At that time, as I was walking, my
heart went bam, bam, bam like I was seeing fireworks everywhere around.

And it went on and on and on.

Bam. Bam. Bam.

Oh, love! What have you done to me?


With my right hand on my chest, I looked at myself in the mirror. I wanted to feel
what my heart was saying right now.

I was in the rebel mode during the past months. Perhaps, after this, I could
finally return to my old self... hoping and believing in love.

Oh, my God! I was still blushing. My cheeks were red as ripe tomatoes.

The door behind me opened and I saw Maria Stella entered.

I was taken aback. She looked like a ghost in her black gown! So she was still
here! She still didn't leave after the announcement. She must feel really, really
bad right now.

I didn't turn around. I just met her gaze through the mirror.

She locked the door and grinned at me. Seriously? Why did her grin feel so creepy?

What was she up to this time?

She crossed her arms in her chest. "Fiancèe," she said.

I didn't utter a word. So now she knew what I was in Nigel's life.

"Althea Molina Ruiz," Stella spoke again, "foster daughter of Señora Carol
Saavedra-Sarmiento and biological daughter of Adriana Molina, the Señora's
bestfriend and former maid-servant."

Huh? I span around and faced her. "What do you want?"

She grinned again, and boy, was it irritating!

"Nigel already told me everything about you, Althea Molina Ruiz. He said you are
the daughter of the palacio's former servant, Adriana Molina."

What was she trying to connote here? Why did she have to emphasize my mama's
connection to the palacio as its former servant.

Of course, I knew who my mama was. She was an orphan like me, worked previously as
a maid in the Saavedra mansion (mom's native home), and became Mommy Carol's
bestfriend and confidante since their childhood days. When mom married the mature
Federigo Sarmiento, she brought mama with her to the Palacio de Sarmiento as her
personal assistant, also a confidante, while the former was still struggling with
her arranged marriage to Señor Federigo, the Master of the Fields. Mama stayed in
the palacio until Mommy Carol developed to love her husband, bore children for him,
and even until his death. My mama was there for the Señora all the time.

Their friendship was the best of the bests. They had the kind of friendship that
was long-lasting and eternal even after each other's death. If not, I wouldn't be
under mommy's care right now. They became like sisters --- no, actually, more than
like sisters. But they were separated when mama married my papa who was then a
doctor volunteering in the village (La Carlota's) hospital for the poor.

My parents met one time in the village and as what mom said, papa was instantly
smitten with my mama's beauty especially her captivating eyes. It was a whirlwind
romance; they got married immediately; and then papa brought her to his province in
the east, where they resided and mama bore me.

Yes, mama was a former servant, but Mommy Carol would always refer to her as her
bestfriend, confidante, and even more than a sister. For mom, my mama was her

Yes, my mama was a former servant, I knew about it and I was not ashamed of it. So
what did it have to do with Maria Stella?

"Yes, my mama was a servant in the palacio. So what does it have to do with you?" I
asked, severely desiring to know her answer.

Stella chuckled. "It doesn't have to do with me but it has to do with Nigel!"


"Do you really think he will marry you? Do you really think he will marry a
servant's daughter? Do you really think that he will give in to the craziness of
his mother?" she asked as if she was mocking me.

What? I wasn't able to speak a word.

"Don't underestimate the leader of the Sarmiento Corporation to be that stupid! A

union between a master and a servant's progeny will never be possible. You are too
ambitious to believe that it will be possible! It will never be, Althea Molina

I stood very shocked as I heard Stella's words. Did Nigel really tell all of these
to her?

So why did he introduce me tonight to everybody as his fiancèe?

My knees weakened.

It looked like it was going to be another one-hell-of-a-confrontation with


I knew it was going to be a long night tonight.

"No, you are just lying. You are just making things up because you are jealous that
Nigel finally introduces me to the public. With the presence of all the media men
around, he wouldn't do such a thing. If he was just playing around, he wouldn't
risk his reputation," I said, appearing strong and still hoping that what she just
told me were all lies.

"You really are such a naive wretch!" she said, crossing her arms. "Everything is
just for publicity because that was what the Señora asked from him! Do you really
think his mother, Señora Carol, would give him the CEO title just like that? She is
a cunning, deceiving woman who blackmailed her son to not give him the CEO-ship if
he wouldn't give in to the arranged engagement!"

What? Mommy Carol had something to do with this? Did she really blackmailed her own
son for me?

"But, after everything would be settled, once Nigel would take full control of the
business, he would dump you like a garbage!"

Oh, everything that came from her mouth was just all too much!

"Still dwelling in your fantasy world?" She smiled again confidently. Maria Stella
was handling this all too well like everything she said was the whole truth. Then,
she glanced at my hands. "If he really was serious with this, why didn't he propose
to you tonight in front of everyone? Why didn't he give you the ring? And why did
he give it to me instead of giving it to you? Meaning. Nigel. Proposed. To. Me.
And. Not. To. You," she said, still tauntingly, as she showed me her left hand.

In her ring finger, I saw a gorgeous diamond ring, too beautiful to look at that I
actually dropped my jaw. It glistened under my gaze. It looked very, very

Proposed to her? Nigel?

"No, that cannot be!" I clenched my fists.

She laughed hard when she heard me. She laughed so very hard that she looked like a
mad woman.

I stepped back and my butt touched the sink where I depended for support. If not of
the sink, I would have collapsed right now.

"You are really a naive little girl, Althea Ruiz! Until now, you still hang on to
your belief that Nigel loves you? You may be his mom's favorite but you will never
be his favorite! For him, you will remain as nothing but a servant's daughter who
has no right to become his wife!"

Control. Control, Althea. I was telling to myself. Be strong and don't you cry in
front of this bitch.

"Nigel and I are engaged since two months ago. Are you surprised? He actually
proposed to me two months ago. While your engagement is fake, ours is something
that is true and official. With this ring, everything becomes official between the
two of us!" she said triumphantly. "Well, why would he marry you anyway? He exactly
know that you are an opportunist! You have been living already a princess' life,
Althea Ruiz, so why would you still insist on marrying him? Isn't living in luxury
enough for you? You still want to have the son so when the Señora dies, you are
secured, fully secured? What a big shame!"

As of this moment, I really wanted to shove her face in a sink full of water. This
woman had all it took to be considered the villain of the century.

I closed my eyes and prayed for self-control once more. But my mind had become
really in chaos. I wanted to refuse that everything she said came from Nigel.


Why wouldn't he be capable of it? For years, he had been hating me... and
everything that Stella said could be his reasons of hating me. So, now I knew, he
thought I was only after of his wealth because I was just a lowly servant's
daughter! Oh, why hadn't I learned about this since the beginning? Why? Why didn't
he just tell me?

I would always be somebody who was low and inferior to him, too low for him! That
was why he never really respected me and never even loved me!

Servant. Princess. Servant. Princess.

Oh, God! Now I knew why he had it as my nickname...

Two opposing terms.

Yes, now I knew why he had been calling me princess. It was a mock, a ridicule, a
sarcasm... a contrary to what I was in reality.

I remembered it too well the first time that he ever called me that. During my
thirteenth birthday, he visited me in the lagoon bank where he mocked me as he told
me that I was busy tasting a time of my life while everybody in the palacio was
busy preparing for my party! He told me those hurtful words because he couldn't
accept the fact that a lowly servant's daughter had to act that way, to act like a
princess when I didn't have the right to be one!

Hadn't I realize it that day?

Oh, why hadn't I run away that particular day?

And, my stupid heart even dictated me to beg to be engaged to him on that day! That
was a big mistake, wasn't it?

Tonight, how could I believe immediately that he was true to his words and his
actions? For years, he had been hating me and hatred couldn't be rid of in just a
short span of time! His being such a lovey-dovey tonight wasn't making any sense,
right? Because you couldn't just turn hatred into love that instant!

And how could I not believe about Nigel's and Stella's engagement? They even kissed
in the hall in the middle of everyone like they didn't care at all.

Everything that I had just discovered was really, really, really too much! Weren't
all of these enough to finally open my eyes? as in really open my eyes?

When I found the courage to speak, I finally said, "You can have him all you want,
Maria Stella! You can have him, one hundred and one percent! I don't give a damn!"

Then, I rushed to escape from this place.

I vowed to myself once that I would no longer cry for the great Nigelito Joaquin
but it looked like I had just broken the promise now.

I ran outside as tears generously flowed down from my eyes.

Just when I thought that I'd start to believe in love once more, I would be
shattered again just like this!

When am I ever going to learn my lesson?


Hmm, so... it wasn't a proposal, guys! It was just a mere announcement! Haha!

Oh, by the way, something about Althea's parentage is now disclosed... (for past
reference, reread the introductory portion of Chapter 2 - Seventeen and Chapter 6 -

Ahh, I can't help it. I want to say this. Writing the next chapter will surely be
very hard for me. Wish me luck though!

By the way, my dear readers, before some other things are revealed, if you are to
choose from the guys, who do you think is the BEST man for Althea? Who do you think
deserves her love? and WHY?

Sweet DIEGO?

Angelic DYLAN?

Persistent JAVIER?

Heartless NIGEL?

Cast your votes and may the BEST man win!

LOL, I make it sound like a desperate election! Whatever, guys... hehe :)

Thank you, everyone, for your support! Don't forget to VOTE, COMMENT, and SHARE!

'Til next update on Saturday, same time,

(sapphiregirl22) ~_^

Chapter 30 - Breaking Free

To @together2013, for suggesting the beautiful song "The Heart Wants What It
Wants." Yep, the song truly depicts how Thea feels.


I was in the lobby when I bumped into someone. When I looked up, I saw Dylan.

"Y-you're crying, Thea. What's going on?" he asked, very concerned.

"I need to get out of here. I just need to get out of here," I said, sobbing.

Dylan grabbed my forearm and we rode on an elevator going to the ground floor.

The two of us went to the basement parking space where his car was waiting.

I was already inside Dylan's car when I felt the vibration of my phone in my purse.
I took it and saw a call from Nigel.

For the first time, he gave me a call.

I didn't answer it instead I put the phone back in my purse. The car already moved

The phone inside my purse vibrated and vibrated and vibrated and vibrated... and
vibrated. Giving it my best shot, I kept my hands off it.

When it stopped vibrating, that was only the time when I took it out again to check
on it. I saw twenty-six missed calls. All came from him. What did he want from me
this time? The show was already over.

There were several text messages as well. There was one from Kara, three from mom,
and all the rest were from Nigel.

I read Kara's message.

How's the party?

I opened Mommy Carol's messages.

Where are you, darling?

She must be really worried by now. I texted her back.

I have a terrible headache, mom. I'm going ahead to the condo. Don't worry about
me. Just enjoy, mom.

Tears fell down from my eyes again. Was it even possible for Mommy Carol to love me
more than her own son that it even ended her to blackmail him just because of me?

Oh, mommy! Why? I couldn't understand... Why?

Then, I decided to open Nigel's chain of messages.

Where are you?

Where are you? It was all the same for about fifteen messages.

Then, it became all in capital letters.




Finally, it became,


Huh, Nigel and his cussing!

Go to hell, damn you! I wanted to text back. Go to hell with your real fiancèe,
Maria Stella!

I then sobbed helplessly.

I never learned my lesson! How could I easily forget that Nigel was heartless?


"So where do you want to go?" Dylan asked me while he drove.

"Just anywhere... anywhere... somewhere... a place where I could just have some
time to think..." I was sobbing and I wasn't actually thinking. I was so stressed
out that I couldn't think anymore.

Dylan brought me to a bar. At first, I felt like I didn't want to go in for I

didn't want to drown myself in loud music and I wouldn't be able to think straight.
Yet I went in anyway.

Exactly, as Dylan and I stepped into the bar, we got assaulted by loud pumping
music. I felt my whole body vibrated just like the stupid phone in my purse. The
crowd, dancing and drinking, almost suffocated me.

Thankfully, Dylan guided me as we walked to a flight of stairs towards the roof top
which was actually an open-air dining area. I sighed in relief when I learned that
the place was quiet since the music could no longer be heard out here. There was
not much people in this area, just one couple in one table and two waiters in the

The place was beautiful, actually romantic with its dark ambiance offering only
desk lamps to assist guests in reading the menu. It was surrounded by the city
night lights. It was a breathtaking scene. Somehow, I wished I were here tonight
with someone I loved.

We didn't choose to be seated at any dining table. We sat on a love seat in a

corner with a coffee table in front of it. According to Dylan, it'd be more
comfortable for me to be sitting there. Dylan sat next to me, at my right.

He ordered drinks for us, Irish whiskey for him, watermelon vodka for me. I was
still slightly sobbing and he didn't insist that I talk. His phone rang in his

"Excuse me, Thea, I have to take this," he said as he stood up and walked a little
farther to the railing. All the while, he was watching me like he didn't want me
out of his sight. After answering his call, he called the attention of a waiter and
gave some instruction. Casting me a soothing smile, Dylan sat beside me again.

When the waiter arrived, he handed him a pack of scented tissue paper. Dylan
offered me some of it. I kept on wiping my eyes with those pieces of tissue paper
but I still continued with my sobbing.

Not using the drinking straw in my glass, I gulped the vodka right away the moment
I saw it on the table. I just wanted to drown myself with my drink because I wanted
to forget everything.

"Care to share, Thea," Dylan asked me later as he started his drink as well.

"Oh, nothing! It's just one hell of nothingness!" I said angrily.

"Tell me, I might be able to help you," he said, moving his buttocks near to me.

Oh, I needed a friend. I needed somebody to listen right now or else my mind was
going to blow up.

"The new CEO, Dylan! The new CEO, Nigel Sarmiento is one great fake! He's a liar!
In fact, the greatest liar of all! How thick-skinned he was to introduce me tonight
in his party as his future bride when he has already given the freaking ring to his
girlfriend! The freaking ring, Dylan, is already given to his girlfriend, the
model, Maria Stella!"

"What?" he asked surprisingly.

"I hate him. I really hate him," I mumbled. "I really, really hate him. I don't
want to see him anymore. I don't want to go home anymore." I clasped my face with
my hands.

Dylan must pity me that much that he brought his left arm around my shoulder. At
first, I hesitated with his gesture but when he pulled my head to his shoulder, I
felt the comfort he was giving me. So there, with my head on his shoulder, I sobbed
helplessly. This was what I needed now --- a friend, a shoulder to cry on. I was
just grateful that Dylan was with me this moment.

I was in his shoulder when Dylan spoke acidly, "Nigel Sarmiento! That a--hole! Such
an enviable man... He has already everything. Wealth, company, business, you! He
can't have everything, you know! He can't have all of these! Damn him! He needs to
go straight to hell!"

I was in my sad state, yes, but it didn't delete the fact that I was able to hear
clearly his words. I was shocked to hear him curse with a tone of... envy? It was
my first time to hear him say such words. All the while, since we became friends,
he was always this sweet, angelic guy that it was impossible for me to believe that
he was capable of cursing.

Nigel, on the other hand, always talked to me with speeches loaded with curses and
foul language... Well, Nigel was Nigel...

But, Dylan... he was like an angel to me...

I pulled my head from his shoulder and drank again. Oh, whatever, Dylan was a human
being after all.

He also held his glass and drank his whiskey. "He is not the man for you, Thea. He
is never good enough for you. You need someone better."

I know. I know it, Dylan. Just stop reminding me about that.

He once again attempted to bring my head to his shoulder but I didn't allow him
this time. It was just that another couple came in and sat on the other love seat
in another corner... and I felt this place was for couples only. It suddenly felt
weird to me to be in this place with Dylan since we were not even a couple.

"I've always known Nigel Sarmiento as a f-cking bastard, Thea! He's the meanest,
most detestable boss in the world. There's no way that he has a place in heaven for
his f-cking ass!" Dylan said, gritting his teeth.


Yeah, of all people, I must be the number one person to know who Nigel really was.
I was the principal victim of his heartless behavior, wasn't I?

For this, he deserved to be loathed. To be loathed with all my heart and soul. I
couldn't allow myself anymore to be with him.

"Nigel Sarmiento is a bastard! A bastard, Thea, that's what he is! Do not believe
anything he says! You know now that he's the biggest liar on earth! He is never
good enough for you! So stay away from him!"

Yes, I know. I know, Dylan. I know what exactly he is.

Dylan's enumeration of all Nigel's negatives --- his nastiness, his pride, his
being despicable --- continued on and on and the pain in my chest was getting
harder and more unbearable that I went back gulping my drink.

Later, as I felt the heat in my nape and ears and numbness of my shoulders, I felt
my head was like spinning round and round already that the lights in the
surrounding buildings looked like fireflies to me.

Or were there really fireflies around?

I was grabbing another glass of my vodka when I began to feel Dylan's caressing of
my left arm with his left hand. Suddenly, I felt the goosebumps in my skin in that
portion of my body. Why did his caressing felt so weird? By and by, his hand snaked
around my waist. I jolted.

"Relax, Thea," Dylan said as he drew his face near to mine. "Forget Nigel. Forget
him. I'm here for you." This time, his face was so close to my neck that I jolted

What was the matter with Dylan? At first, perhaps, I felt the comfort in his touch.
But now, I started to get peeved with it. I tried to pull away but he had a strong
hand. Why did it suddenly dawn on me that it wasn't right for me to go out with

"Let's face the fact. He doesn't love you. He's an a--hole and..." he said, then
stopped to bring his mouth close, very close to my neck.

I was slightly drunk, yes, but I was still aware of what he was trying to do.

"Dylan, what are you doing?" I asked irritatingly, brushing his hand away.

"I'm just trying to comfort you. Stop thinking about him. Think about me," he said,
not minding my negative reaction, instead gripping my waist with his arm. "Let's
talk about us."


No, I wanted a place where I could escape from the miserable feeling that I had
been feeling right now. I didn't want to entertain his love interest for me
tonight. Couldn't he wait for the right time?

"I can't just be a friend to you anymore, Thea. I want something more between the
two of us," he whispered it to my ear. I was thoroughly astounded with the weird
effects he had on me.

Dylan! What was wrong with him?

"I want you to be mine. Every time I see you, I can't help myself but just stare at
you, at your beautiful eyes, your beautiful face. I can't get enough of you, Thea.
I can be your man. I can be your everything. Nigel Sarmiento is not the man for
you! Let him be with that Stella." The smell of alcohol in his breath met my
nostrils and I gasped at the intensity of the odor. Was he drunk already? Were the
two of us intoxicated already?

His arm in my waist tightened and I couldn't help myself but got really irritated
this time.

"What are you doing?" I said, angrily this time, facing him.

The moment that I turned my head to look at him, Dylan met my lips with his!
For a while, I thought it wasn't happening. I thought it was just a product of my
distorted mind. But, it was really happening. My eyes opened widely in shock and
horror! Dylan was kissing me!

I tried to push him as hard as I could. To no avail, I couldn't do it. Oh! God,
help me! I had been so stupid letting myself go out with him.

What was he doing with me? The bastard Dylan, the supposed-to-be-an-angel Dylan,
was taking advantage of me!

Before I knew it, somebody grabbed Dylan's collar and punched him hard that he
instantly stumbled on the floor.

With shaking body, hands and knees, I remained seated on the chair but, I thought,
in just a second, I became totally sober when I saw who had just punched Dylan.

Nigel's angry dark eyes met mine.


Nigel, who was still in his tux, pulled Dylan's collar up. The latter was still
slumping on the floor and wasn't able to move and complain.

"Touch her again and I'm going to kill you!" Nigel said, gritting his teeth.

I caught sight of my purse on the table. My phone was in there. I needed it as of

this time. I needed to call someone. I needed to get out of here as fast as I could
while Nigel was confronting Dylan.

I stood up and grabbed my purse so I could start the greatest walk out of my life.

However, Nigel already held my wrist before I could run away.

Leaving the frightened Dylan behind and the amazed looks of the few people in the
roof top, Nigel dragged me down the stairs to the noisy, chaotic bar below, and
finally we went out to the streets.

I could tell that it was about 1:00 am already. There were several people in the
sidewalk. Nigel pulled my hand as he tried to bring me to his parked car but, as
his other hand was searching for his keys in the pocket, I immediately found the
opportunity to loosen my hand from his grip. When I finally pulled myself from him,
I began to run.

"What the---" he muttered as he pursued me.

I tried to run fast in the dimly lit sidewalk but my heels made it worse for me. It
wasn't easy to be running on heels.

"Althea Ruiz, stop right there!" he yelled at me.

I didn't heed on him. All I wanted to do was just leave him... forever.

All I wanted to do was get him entirely from my whole damn system!

However, what could a weak girl do when the man running after her was oozing out
with speed, strength, and virility? In a while, he caught up with me. He
immediately grabbed my waist with his arm and pressed my back to the nearby
concreted wall.
"What's with the running?" he asked, anger was very clear in his tone. I couldn't
visibly see his face because the streetlights were a bit farther from this area.

"I want to be away from you! I want to live a life where there is no more Nigel
Joaquin Sarmiento!" I yelled at him.

He was panting as his face was bent down on me. From the little light, I could see
he was sweating in the face, just like me. "Why? Because of Fernandez? That


"Then, why are you with him? I was calling you again and again, Althea! Tell me, if
you were me, how do you think you'd feel when, in the middle of your party, after
you introduce your future bride to everyone, she ran away? How do you think you'd
feel if you'd see her kissing another man on the very same night? Tell me, Althea!
How do you think you'd feel?"

Nigel was pinning my tiny body to the wall as he gripped my wrists together above
my head with his one hand. I tried so hard not to slip my purse away from one of my

"No, I am not your future bride, Nigel. We were never engaged, we are not engaged,
and we will never be!" I said, also panting hard.

Because I don't have the damn ring! The announcement is a big fat lie!

There was a moment of silence after that.

Oh, God! Why did we always have this crazy, exhaustive confrontation most of the
time? I was so sick of all these confrontations that they were going to blow my
mind any minute from now! I hadn't even still gotten over Dylan's treachery, here
he was, Nigel Sarmiento, getting me involved again in this tiresome confrontation!
I was just so sick of all these!

"I thought you want this engagement!" he asked after some time, still pinning my
hands to the wall above my head. "I thought you want this engagement, Althea! You
asked for this!"

"Wanted. Asked. Past tense, Nigel. Not anymore. Because I have already learned to
hate you and, starting today, I will be hating you forever. Do you hear me? I will
hate you forever and ever."

Because you proposed already to your real girlfriend! Because the ring that you are
supposed to give me was already given to her! Because you used me to get your CEO-
ship! Because you risked your damn reputation by introducing me to the public to
get your damn position! Because you will never marry a servant's daughter! Because
you always have low regards of me! Because you hate me!

And most of all, because, right from the very start, you have been very greedy with
your love!

These are the reasons why I'm hating you right now, but I'm not going to enumerate
all of them to you because I'm NOT that weak to demand an explanation coming from
you! Demanding an explanation would mean begging for your love and still hoping
that I have a place in your heart!

I quit, Nigel! I quit! This is really it! I QUIT!

Nigel, not knowing what was running in my freaking mind, pulled my body up by his
strong arms. He then carried me in the roughest of manner by slumping my body over
his right shoulder so that I was in upside down position. I was facing his back. My
stomach rested on his shoulder and my thighs and legs were pinned at the front of
his body!

"Put me down, you freak!" I shouted at the top of my lungs, hitting his back with
my purse.

"We will talk, not in this dark alley! We will have the f-cking talk!" he also
yelled at me, bringing my body towards his car.


The speed of Nigel's driving was unbelievable. It was enough to scare the hell out
of me... even scare the alcohol out of my system! This insensitive man here just
drove like a madman without even minding that I was about to faint now on my seat.

Oh, God! Should he really be rough all the time?

I only had my breathing back when we finally arrived at the driveway of the condo

"Now, let's have the f-cking talk!" he said angrily when the car stopped in the

"I don't want a talk," I said. It was true. What was the use of us talking when
this would just lead us to nowhere?

I attempted to open the door at my side so I could just run away from him. But, he
gripped my arm as he said, "No way, princess! You are not running away now! Keep
your ass right there!"

Oh, this man was unbelievable! He was now giving me a terrible headache!

"There's no use with all this talking, Nigel, because I am quitting on the idea of
our engagement! Yes, you're right, this engagement is just an idea, more of like an
illusion actually! An illusion, do you hear me? My crazy illusion! This is never
real so there's no use for the two of us publicizing on this engagement because
everything is a fake!" I said angrily as his hand was still gripping my arm.

Nigel bit his bottom lip as he blinked his eyes several times at me. He looked very

"Hear me? Everything is fake! Fake! Fake! Fake!" I said, meeting his eyes.

Was it not right? He tried to parade me as his fiancèe when he had actually
proposed to another girl!

"Oh, f-ck!" he exclaimed after a while and slumped his arms on the stirring wheel,
followed by his face. He was drooping his head down for several seconds and I
remained not moving in my seat.

"It's true... you've been really faking everything..." he muffled, still slumping
his face on the stirring wheel.

Oh, my God! So I was the one faking now?

Okay, right, probably he was thinking that I was faking the engagement because of
his belief that I was after his money only! Whatever, let him think of me that way!
I was just so damn tired of explaining!

Though it was hard for me to lie but I had to do this before he would dump me first
as a garbage! At least, for once in my life, I had dumped him and let him feel that
he didn't matter to me at all.

Before he'd break our bogus engagement off, I had to break it off first!

He then raised his face now but he refused to look at me. He was facing the

"Yes, it's true. Our engagement has been one great fake since the start of it," I
said firmly. "It's been wrong, so so so wrong since the beginning, Nigel. It's
true, I was the one who started this so I should also be the one to correct it.
Tonight, I'm going to correct the biggest mistake that I have ever done in my life.
To beg to marry you has been the biggest mistake that I've ever done, so I will
make it right tonight! Let's stop this craziness now because I'm really, really
tired of all of these."

Nigel listened intently, I knew, but all along he was grabbing his hair with his
fingers. When I was done talking, he turned his face to me... and, for the first
time, I saw tears glistening in the corners of both his eyes.


Then, Nigel averted his face to the opposite direction. Oh, I wished he turned his
face back to me so I could make sure of it.

Tears? Was this even true? Did he really cry?

For me?

Or for his ego? For his pride?

I must have hurt his pride!

Did my words hit the bull's-eye of his innermost damn pride?

"I didn't know you are this heartless, Althea," he said, trying to calm his tone
and still not looking at me.


Me? Heartless? So ironic for this man to say! But why did his words pierce the very
core of me?

"It's been so wrong for me to believe that this is what you really want. You've
fooled me, Althea... you've really fooled me..."

Preventing myself to cry, I closed my eyes.

If you only know, Nigel. If you only know. For so many years, you've become so
blind. How could you not feel that marrying you is the only thing that's been right
for me?

Yet, everything about it, anything that involves you, has become so wrong for me
Nigel rested his back on the backrest and closed his eyes. From that angle, I could
still see tears running along his cheek. "And you even do this on my birthday..."

What? How could he make it appear like it was my fault? Oh, God! He was really

Why are you acting like you've been hurt, Nigel? Why? Was it painful for a man as
egotistical as you to be dumped... especially on your birthday? Well, just a
coincidence, Nigel. Anyway, you also hurt me to the very core on your twenty-fourth
birthday. Your first birthday that we were together in six years. This was supposed
to be special... this was supposed to be very special to me.

"You know I don't celebrate my birthday anymore," he said, still closing his eyes.
"Since Annie died, I no longer celebrate my birthday. But, tonight is supposed to
be special so I had to call for a celebration."

And he also talked about 'specialness'?

Of course, you have to celebrate! You just got your CEO-ship!

"But I missed the entire celebration because you ran away and I have to look for
you! If not because of Stella, I wouldn't know where you were!"



She was the one who told Nigel where we were? How in the world did she know that
Dylan and I were on the roof top of that bar?

Oh, well, she must be Superwoman and she had the ability to locate people! She must
have some radar somewhere in her flawless body!

Good thing Nigel had her! He was indeed very lucky to have her!

"Great!" I quipped.

Nigel, at last, opened his eyes and he turned to me.

"Yeah, good that Stella knew where you were so I could see how much you'd been
enjoying Fernandez' company!"

Oh, great! This made me remember Dylan's treachery. That traitor!

"He kissed me. The bastard kissed me," I said, blinking my eyes.

"There's no need for you to tell it to my face. I saw it with my very own eyes,
Althea. He kissed you and you kissed him back."

Wow. Great again!

Just like how Maria Stella grabbed your neck and kissed you and how you kissed her
back in the hall in the middle of all the guests!

"Of course! Of course, we kissed!" I muttered quickly, trying to deliver the idea
that I enjoyed Dylan's kiss. He believed I was a slut, didn't he? So, whatever, let
him think of me that way! My explanations wouldn't matter anymore, would they? "And
I hate it that you came and interrupted us!" I even added.
"F-ck!" he uttered, gripping the stirring wheel.

I silenced myself now. I could feel the tears in my eyes now. Dylan took advantage
of me, Nigel...

"Why are you like this, Althea? Why are you always like this?" he asked with his
shaking voice.

I gave him a questioning look. Like what? What was I like?

"Why are you like a stab in my heart?" he said like he was really heaving in his
chest with so much pain.

Very puzzled with his words, I looked at him intensely.

He was clenching his jaw and gripping the stirring wheel very hard.

"Get out of the damn car now..." he suddenly commanded, casting a glance at me.

I was taken aback. I opened my eyes wide in so much surprise.

"Stop looking at me that way! Get out of this f-cking car right now!"

His angry voice got my senses instantly. "Of course!" I said loudly as I opened the
door at my side.

But before I could get myself out, he grabbed my left arm once more. "'You and I'
is one big mistake---"

"It really is!" I met his eyes with mine.

"Yeah, yeah, that's it. That's why we can never be together like what I've always
believed from the very start. We are never good for each other," he commented
before he released my arm.

I know it! I know you believe I am never good for you! Your Maria Stella just told
me that!

"Yes, we can never be together, Nigel Joaquin!" I yelled as I finally walked away
from him.

Yes, I can't be with you anymore because of the many damn reasons that are
inscribed in my worn-out, exhausted heart.

"Don't expect me to come home in the days or weeks ahead!" he yelled at me as I was
walking away.

Yeah, don't expect to see me as well at home in the days, or weeks, or months, or
even the years ahead! Because, I am finally out of here! I said to myself, sobbing
in the inside.

The condo... it has become our home together... Yes, it has become our home
together for the past months... and I'm leaving it now... This realization hit my
heart so hard that tears just couldn't stop falling from my eyes.

Good bye, Nigel.

I remember last time you said to me that you want me to walk out on you for good.
This is it, Nigel. I'm walking out now on you for good. I hope you'll finally find
your happiness... now that I'll be finally out of your sight.


I got myself in the condo unit fast. Thanking that Mommy Carol was still in the
party, I found two pieces of paper and a ballpen and wrote something in them ---
one for mommy; the other was for Suzana.

I first wrote for Suzana.

Dearest Suzana,

You've been very good to me. Thank you for everything you've done for me and I'm
sorry for all my misdeeds.

Your stubborn girl in the house,


Then, with abundant tears running down my cheeks and with a shaking hand, I wrote a
short note for the woman who loved me like her own daughter.

Dearest mommy,

I'm sorry that I have to leave. I love you and I will always remember you, Mommy
Carol. You are God's best gift to me. Thank you for the great love you've shared to
me. Always remember that whatever I am doing now is for the best of everyone. Take
care of yourself always. You will be forever in my heart.

Your darling,

P.S. Don't worry about me. I'll do fine.

It was true that leaving mom and Nigel would be the right thing for me to do so I
would not ruin the mother-and-son relationship. Mom didn't have to blackmail her
son to marry somebody nor force him to love somebody.

I had to leave because I knew now that Nigel didn't really think of me as part of
this family... ever since, he never really accepted me as part of this family.

Tonight, I was giving Nigel what he wanted --- for me to be finally out of this

Tonight, I was giving his absolute freedom from me.

Grabbing just few pieces of clothing and some valuables and putting them in a
backpack, I decided to do the thing that I had already planned --- to move out...
to finally find myself... and, perhaps, learn to love myself.

Putting on a hoodie, jeans and sneakers, I got myself ready before Mommy Carol
would arrive. With shivering hands, I put the notes on my bedside table.

I then got my phone from my purse and called someone.

When it was answered in the other line, I said in between my sobs, "Kara, I need
your help."
Nigel, this is the be all and end all of all the heartaches you've given to me.
Good bye, my heartless heartbreaker.


~~~THE END~~~

of the first half


Hehe :D [Peace!]



Okay, so there you have it!

She has now decided to go, just as what she needs to do. I'll tell you, guys, this
is the best thing for her... and for him.

Oh, do you know how pissed off I was as I drafted this chapter? Because I had
accidentally deleted a great portion of this and for some reason I couldn't
retrieve it. So I became very discouraged that I actually decided to just stop
writing this... Urghhh. It was just so stupid of me really.

But, OMG, I have a responsibility to all of you... so I rewrote that portion, kind
of like haphazardly though... I don't know anymore if I did it just as the first.
Oh, it's so frustrating!

Anywayz, with that, exactly in the 30th chapter, I'm closing the first half of this
book... but I'll be opening the second half in the next update and I hope I'll
still be receiving the same support from you, guys! (This doesn't mean that we'll
end with this in exactly the 60th chapter because, honestly, I still have no idea
how many chapters this is going to have).

Are you prepared for the next?

Sneak peek for the next chapter: TWO YEARS LATER...

To all the READERS, thank you so much for finding time for this!

To all the VOTERS, thank you very much! You don't know how much each vote means to

To the generous PEOPLE WHO VOTED EVERY SINGLE CHAPTER of this book, thank you so
much! I feel so blessed to meet such people like you!

To my CONSTANT COMMENTERS, I may not be able to mention all of you one by one, but
I'd like you to know that you help me grow in this wonderful journey of mine, in my
attempt to write. I'm glad you're there walking along with me, with Thea, and even
with the heartless heartbreaker. For the friendship that I've come to build and
develop with each of you, cheers!

To the PEOPLE WHO FOLLOW me, I'm so grateful to all of you! Your being there just
gives me inspiration and confidence to continue what I have started.

To all the HEARTS broken by the brute, Nigel Joaquin Sarmiento, is it too late now
for him to say sorry to you? Will you still give him a chance? Or will you rather
have a life without him and accept someone better? Tell me.

(sapphiregirl22) ~_^
it's Hervina, by the way..
Oh, who cares anyway? Lmao

Chapter 31 - Moving On
To @mygreatlovemarch20, for promoting this story to the nth level haha and, of
course, for being a very good friend...

~~~ CHAPTER 31 - MOVING ON ~~~


"Here's his note for you, Miss Ruiz," Miss Dela Rosa handed me a white envelope.

My attention was called by the Scholarship Department of the University of the

South. When I met the In-Charge there, that was when I learned about the note. It
had just been the end of the semestral break and I could literally smell the
fragrance of summertime.

"Oh, another note from him! Thank you, Miss Dela Rosa," I said, smiling at her
while accepting the white envelope.

"Congratulations! You've finally made it to the Dean's List this semester," she
said. "Your benefactor must be very happy about it."

"Thank you, Miss," I said. "Well, I don't know if he's informed already. Thank you
again, Miss Dela Rosa. Bye."

I was just outside that office when I felt the urge to read the note. I opened the
envelope and I saw his beautiful penmanship on the piece of paper.

Miss Ruiz,

What can I say? You made it. You finally made it! You don't know how happy I am
discovering about it. I'm very, very proud of you. Keep it up!

And then, of course, how could I disregard the beautiful signature under it?

S. Eliakim

His signature always fascinated me --- the cursive penmanship with the beautiful
curves of the capital S and E and the neat and legible small letters that followed
it. Just seeing his signature, you would tell he was quite an interesting man.

So he learned already my being part of the Dean's List this semester. It was he who
said, through a note, that I had the potential of being an excellent student as he
had monitored my grades. I just didn't believe it at first. But today, it was
really happening. He must have the ability to tell things about the future...

Since I started my Social Welfare study at the University of the South two years
ago, this amazing philanthropist had been supporting me in all my university fees.
It was just I was lucky to be part of the few students, identified through some
strict criteria, who were picked by the University to be sponsored by philanthropic
donors, who were private individuals or institutions. It was indeed an unexpected
blessing and I was lucky to be given an amazing philanthropist who never failed to
pay all my financial obligations in the university and who always sent me notes of
encouragement on my studies.

On one of his notes, he actually promised to meet me during my graduation next

year. The thought of my graduation produced a chill in my body. One more year to go
and I'd finally graduate... and I'd finally meet my amazing father figure... or
grandfather figure... my benefactor.

I actually didn't have an idea how my benefactor looked like physically, but I
always imagined him as a senior citizen who had already accomplished many things in
life that giving his excesses to the needy became now his mission in life.

I learned from the Scholarship Department that, apart from me, he had other
scholars in other parts of the country. See how generous he was?

People like him were my inspiration in finishing my degree in Social Welfare. I

wanted to be like him... and all the others who shared their blessings.

Still looking at the beautiful handwriting on the piece of paper, I was smiling
broadly. Why do you inspire me so much, Mr. Eliakim? Nobody inspired me this much
in my studies. I was never this academically inspired before.

I remembered when I was still starting at my new university, I seemed like a lost
soul at that time. I felt like everything seemed to have no more meaning...
However, everything changed when the Scholarship Department informed me that I was
one of those who would be given a scholarship. After a month, I received my first
note from Mr. Eliakim.

Success is always possible if you have the heart for it.

That was very short but it was enough for me to start my life anew and try doing
good in my studies. I really owed him a lot.

I was in that dreamy state when I heard a cheerful baritone voice at my side. "A
letter from an admirer?"

I glanced at the direction of the voice and I saw one of the most sought-after
faces in the campus, my Statistics professor, Prof. Sebastian Medina.

"Good afternoon, Sir," I greeted him. "No, it's a note from my sponsor."

He gave me a cheerful smile. "I was just kidding, Miss Ruiz."

I smiled back at him.

Prof. Medina was a young professor, actually just in his late twenties, who
happened to be my Statistics professor and who assisted me once in the statistical
analysis of one of my research papers. He was very accomodating and always very
cheerful, not to mention his being very popular with the girls because of his good
looks. I found his charming eyes as his most remarkable facial feature... eyes that
seemed to dance everytime he spoke.

"Well, I've heard you've made it to the list this semester. Congratulations!" he
said, extending to me his palm for a handshake.

I accepted it. "Thank you, Sir."

"You're doing good, huh? Keep it up, Miss Ruiz."

I then took my hand from his clasp because it seemed to me that he had no intention
of releasing it. "Thanks again, Sir."

He smiled once more and started to leave. "See you around, Miss Ruiz."

I just nodded my head. He walked away and I went back staring at the piece of paper
I was holding.

Mr. S. Eliakim, I really look forward meeting you.

I placed the note back in the envelope and put the white thing in my bag.

Well, goodbye second semester of my third year in Social Welfare! Welcome, summer
vacation! I could finally have more time in the orphanage. Kids, here I am!


"Come on, Thea. Let's get going now," a female voice called me from behind.

I turned my head and saw Mrs. Riviera.

"Yes, Ma'am," I said smiling. I was jubilant since it was my first day of my summer
vacation. "I wonder if the kids are going to like these more than the last time." I
looked at the cupcakes I personally baked and packed for the children at Marianne
Orphanage. They were strawberry, vanilla, mocha, and chocolate cupcakes which were
beautifully decorated. They were a sight to behold, not to mention their being
mouth-watering. I made them especially for the children.

"You're the best baker I've known my whole life. It's no wonder why the kids love
you so much. You kind of actually spoiled them with your cakes," the kind fifty-
something woman looked at me with adoration in her eyes.

For two years now, I had been part-time working at her cake shop every early
morning and late afternoon until the evening. Thanks to my interest and love of
cakes that I was able to find a job related to it. While I went to the University
every 9:00 am up to 3:00 pm on weekdays, I had to balance my time being a working

Though I had been lucky in my university fees, I still had to work for my personal
necessities --- payment for my monthly apartment rent, electric and water bills,
food, clothing, and other valuables.

Next school year, I would already be having my field education, more of like an
internship. I was excited to have my social work practice specializing child
welfare. Marianne Orphanage, a private social service agency unit managed by nuns,
was one of the institutions I looked forward to work with during my field

Every Saturday, Mrs. Riviera would visit the Marianne Orphanage and she always
tugged me along with her. With this constant visit, I came to love the orphaned
kids there. I volunteered teaching them how to read and write and some other
concepts that they enjoyed learning. I also helped the nuns in their activities
mostly for the children and, honestly, I loved all these activities.

Today was Saturday, and as I said, first day of my summer vacation, so Mrs. Riviera
and I would go to visit the kids again. The Marianne Orphanage was an orphanage
that was very close to Mrs. Riviera's heart. She was one of the orphans who were
under its care back when she was still a child. Thus, all through her life, she
devoted much of her time to the orphanage that once accepted her and helped her
become the person that she was now. She happened to be a friend of Kara's mother.
So you have an idea now why I came to be here.

Mrs. Riviera, from being an orphan, became a successful entrepreneur in the biggest
city in the South, the place where I was now settling for two years already... and
you bet, a place that was very far away from my past...

Well, anyway, aside from being a benefactor to the Marianne Orphanage, Mrs. Riviera
was at the same time very active to charity works. She even had me accompany her
every time she went to these events. That only made me love helping and serving
underprivileged children more.

I could feel that Mrs. Riviera's heart was close to orphans like her. That was why,
the moment she knew about me, she instantly 'fell in love with me' as she said.
Sometimes, she even would insist me to call her mommy but I refused. I just had to
refuse. What would her husband and her grown-up children think if they'd know I was
calling Mrs. Riviera mommy? But, more than that, I had my reasons why I couldn't
call her that...

"So, you ready now?" Mrs. Riviera's voice interrupted my thoughts.

"Yup," I replied as I held the packages of cupcakes in my hands. She helped me in

some of those in getting into the car.

"Javier's visiting today, isn't he?" she asked me when her driver started the

I nodded. Yes, Javier would be coming this afternoon to see me. As usual, he was
the same persistent Javier Suarez who never stopped offering his love.


"So, how's university this week?" Mother Clarita, the orphanage mistress, asked me
while we were sitting on a bench near a tree in the playground with some of the
children playing in the background.

"It's stressful as ever, Mother, but I'm doing good. We've just had our final
exams, they were so hard I tell you, but I made it to the Dean's List this time," I
announced happily.

"Oh, congratulations, dear!" she hugged me tightly and I felt I lost all air to
breath because of her embrace.

She had become my confidante, especially about my studies, since I came to this
place. Her cheerful nature always made me wonder with amazement. Mother Clarita was
almost 80 years old but she was still as active as a five-year old. Okay, I was
just exaggerating. Not so much as a five-year-old kid but she always had the energy
to care for and play with the children in the orphanage.

And she cared for me so much, too. She would always say I was her favorite
volunteer worker.

When she finally released me, I said, "Well, it's the start of my summer break
today... so I can help now in the preparation for the upcoming anniversary of the

"That's great, dear! Oh, I'm nervous thinking about these preparations. Glad you're

"Well, thank you, Mother. Yeah, thinking about these preparations really is nerve-
wracking. But, at least, even if we're on the rack, these kids are so adorable that
they just keep us inspired, right? Just seeing these kids make me so happy,
Mother," I fessed up, giving the nun a smile.

"Well, I'm glad to hear that from you," she expressed happily. "By the way, will
you, by any means, be able to be with us this evening? I'm sure the kids would love
it, too." Her thin, wrinkly hand touched mine.

"Why, Mother? Any special occasion this evening?"

She nodded with a twinkle in her eye. "We'll be receiving VIP guests here. They've
been donating for half a year now and they will come to see the kids and the
orphanage for the first time. Do you think you can dally 'til 7:00 pm, dear Thea?"

"Why in the evening? Can't they visit at daytime?"

"Well, the main donor, the superior of this group, is a very busy man. I believe he
has a tight schedule in his visit here in the South," she explained. "So, can you
dally 'til 7:00 pm?"

Oh, I would love to! But, I had accepted Javier's invitation for dinner. I couldn't
turn him down this time especially if I had turned him down many times before.

"Mother, I do like to be here but I can't. I'll be meeting a friend this afternoon
and I promised dinner with him. I'm so sorry. Maybe next time when I don't have a
prior engagement?" I said apologetically, clutching her hand.

"Oh, that's sad... Anyway, can I just save some of your cupcakes for the guests?"

"Sure, sure, Mother!"

"Thank you, dear." Mother Clarita hugged me.

Mrs. Riviera appeared afterwards and that became my cue that it was time for us to


"It's so nice to see you again, Thea," Javier greeted me when we saw each other in
the cake shop. Indeed, looking at him, I realized he was very handsome and always
very gentle to me that it made me wonder why I previously closed my heart for him.

I received the bouquet of flowers he gave me and I couldn't explain why there was
always a feeling of uneasiness in me every time I saw flowers.

Flowers... they remind me of a particular flower plantation... and a particular

lagoon bank... They always gave me a nostalgic feeling... like missing a place...

"You don't like the flowers?" he asked curiously, probably discerning my

unexplainable feelings for flowers.

I gave him a kind of glance telling him that his statement was a nonsense. "Girls
love flowers, Javier, so thank you."

He breathed hard in relief. "Thought you didn't like them."

I led him to a vacant table near the counter. Few people were only there taking
snacks in some of the tables. Most of them were familiar to me because they were
like our regular customers. They also knew I was the pastry chef every weekend.
They knew I didn't entertain guys around; hence, seeing me with Javier made their
heads turn towards our direction.

I pretended not to take notice of them and their amazed expression upon seeing me
with a guy.

When Javier and I were seated, that was only the time that I realized I was still
wearing an apron over my blouse and jeans. "Oh, sorry, I forgot I'm still wearing
this," I apologized taking the pink apron off me.

"It's nothing. You're always a knockout in any attire, Thea," Javier commented
staring at me.

I didn't give him a reply on that. Instead, I changed the topic. "How was your
flight?" Javier's province, where I previously resided, was actually almost a two-
hour flight away from here.

"It was the usual," he pronounced.

As I sat across him, my mind flashed back to the time when I met Javier again. I
met him in one of the charity events that Mrs. Riviera and I attended.

Well, as I said, Mrs. Riviera was an active philanthropist and she knew about my
love of helping people. She was also very fond of me that she always brought me to
those events. We reached even the farthest of places. At first, I lost
consciousness twice in those travels... That was why she discovered about my phobia
in travelling until she persuaded me to submit myself to counseling.

I NEVER did.

Because of the stubborn mind that I had, I never did.

Instead, I just kept on travelling... I did it again and again and again... Not
only did I travel with Mrs. Riviera, I also travelled with my professors and
classmates, visiting charity agencies, meeting charity workers and beneficiaries,
conducting case studies... until I could actually say to myself NOW that I had
finally overcome the fear of long-distance travelling. For me, it was just a matter
of controlling my brain. I had endured so much in my life, starting from my eighth
year on earth and onwards, I could even say I had already mastered the art of pain.
I would even call myself the Mistress of Pain because I had learned to control
everything in me. I knew now exactly how to control my brain.

But the most remarkable of all, I had known and mastered myself how to control my

So, Javier... yeah, Javier. He was, by the way, no longer the son of just the mayor
in Sta. Fe but now the governor's son. His father won as governor in the recent
elections. We met in one of those charity events. I tried to hide myself from him
at first because I had tried to hide away from my past. I didn't want somebody from
my past reappear again in my life because I was too damn afraid that it would lead
me back to a particular person...

Thankfully, Javier proved to be somebody who was willing to bring out the new
Althea in me. He never asked why I left. I just told him I needed to leave the
Sarmientos so I could have a life of my own. He never asked questions. I accepted
him into my life as a friend with one condition that he kept our meeting-again a
secret to everybody in the Palacio de Sarmiento.

We had some catching up and I learned that he was to graduate next year with a
degree in Political Science. He planned to pursue law afterwards.


Javier waited for me in the cake shop until the end of my duty. He stayed with me
in the kitchen and he entertained me with his stories. He was a very eloquent
speaker... really suitable for law studies. He was sitting on a stool near my
working area and he looked very cute there as he smiled and talked like talking was
his only passion.

It was almost 6:00 pm when I was done with my work. To get myself ready for our
dinner, I told him to wait for me in the shop as I had to change first. Anyway, my
apartment was just a three-minute walk from the shop.

Javier, just like before and just like what he was doing all this time, patiently
waited for me.

I changed into a turquoise short dress and Javier brought me to a restaurant. This
was our fifth time to go out on a date. Like before, he was very vocal with his
feelings. And now, I was starting to consider him...

We had one thing in common... we loved charity works.

So, why not? There's no harm in trying, right? Just a little more time and I'll
already be giving in to him.


"I'll come back next month, Thea," Javier stated as we were standing on my
doorstep. He was already bidding his good bye.

"Sure," I mused. "Well, thanks for tonight."

"No, thank you very much for tonight," he said, catching me by surprise when he
leaned to kiss my cheek.

"J-Javier..." I touched my cheek that he just kissed.

"You don't know how much you make me happy, Thea. Thank you." He backed away a
little farther from me as if to see the whole view of me. "You're very beautiful,"
he said eyeing me from head to feet.

"Oh, don't flatter me too much, Javier," I said smiling. I looked at my wrist watch
and saw the time. "It's getting late. You need to go now," I reminded him.

"Really hate time," he muttered. "Well, I've to catch my flight now."

"Yes. Bye, Javier."

"See you, Thea."


I was about to sleep when I received a call from somebody in the capital.

"Hello, Kara!"
"So, how was it with Javier?" she directly asked me.

"It was okay." I smiled at the thought of her. Until now, this girl who was still
going strong with Serge was curious with my lovelife.

"Okay? What kind of remark is that?"

"Javier and I are friends and---"

"Right, friends! Well, yeah, what's the rush, right? I absolutely believe that you
need to give yourself more time. There's no need for you to rush on things. When
it's meant to be, it will be, right?"

"Yes," I said, more like a whisper. Love shouldn't be rushed. More importantly, it
shouldn't be forced.

"I love you, Thea," she spoke and I could tell the intense emotions embedded on
that statement. "I miss you. Hope to see you soon."

"I love and miss you, too," I replied.


The week that followed was a very busy one. I had to work at the shop and help the
nuns and Mrs. Riviera prepare for the upcoming Foundation Day of Marianne
Orphanage, the biggest orphanage in the South. There were so many activities that
were planned for the children and everything had to be made sure to be realized in
a day.

Aside from those activities, the nuns were at the same time expecting some
benefactors from the different parts of the country during the Foundation Day. Not
only that, the nuns were also assigning me to escort some of these benefactors to
the different areas of the orphanage during that scheduled day. I had to promise to
them that I would be there the whole day.

Most of all, I had to bake the cakes for dessert for the luncheon because,
according to Mother Clarita, one very important benefactor quite fell in love with
my cupcake the last time that he or she visited the orphanage so that he or she
requested its baker to prepare the same cupcakes. Would you believe it? So you see,
I had a mountain of work to do. But I loved all these tasks. They kept me pumped


"I'm glad your boyfriend isn't visiting you today, dear," Mother Clarita told me in
the morning of the Foundation Day.

"Boyfriend?" I echoed, very confused.

"The guy who visited you last week, remember?"

"Oh, Javier! He's not my boyfriend, Mother. He's just a friend."

"Oh, I thought---"

"I don't have a boyfriend, Mother Clarita," I said, picking a pink balloon. I was
helping some of the other volunteers decorating the function hall. "Now, why would
you be glad that Javier isn't visiting me today?"
"Well, you might not be around today and I can't allow it," the nun said firmly as
she stood by my side. "Besides, I'd like you to meet someone today. Remember the
benefactor who fell in love with your cupcakes? You'll meet him today," she said

Him? A guy?

"Mother, it's enough for me that somebody appreciates my cake. Would it really be
important to meet him? That might not be important to him..." I pushed the stick of
the pink balloon on a basket of flowers.

"He actually requested me to meet the baker of those cupcakes," Mother Clarita
smiled at me. "It's time for you to meet some fine man, dear. You've been so
engrossed with your studies and work. Besides, you still don't have a boyfriend---"

"Mother, are you playing Cupid right now?" I said, teasing her.

"No, dear. It's just that when I first saw him, I don't know why but my heart
remembers you right away. When he said he loved your cupcake and that he wanted to
meet the baker, don't you think it's a sign, dear?"

"A sign of what, Mother?"

"God's ways, my dear."

Trying to decipher what she meant, I looked confusedly at her.

And, I couldn't understand why my heart skipped a beat. It had been a long time
already since I felt the same familiar beating.


The guests were expected to arrive at exactly or before ten o'clock. A short
program was to be held afterwards which was to be followed by the luncheon. Later,
games were to be conducted to the children while the guests would have a tour
around the vicinity.

In the meantime, while the guests hadn't arrived yet, I stayed in the kitchen to
complete the cakes.

"Most of the guests have arrived," Mrs. Riviera announced when she entered the
kitchen door. "Mother Clarita is looking for you, Thea."

"Yes, I'll be out, Ma'am, right after I take these guys from the oven," I said
referring to the cupcakes, same cupcakes that one particular benefactor loved.

"Okay, I'll go ahead and tell Mother Clarita that you're almost done here." Mrs.
Riviera went outside.

At the mention of the guests, I immediately felt the skipping of my heart again.
Oh, what was the matter with me? Had I drunk a lot of coffee this morning? Why did
I feel strange palpitations in my chest?


I took off my apron, went to the rest room to check on my appearance in the mirror.
I was wearing a white short sundress. Its hemline rested two inches above my knees.
I chose white for today because I just felt white suited the event. My hair just
hang loosely on my back.

Looking at my twenty-year-old self, soon to be twenty-one this summer, I would say

that I was a bit different now --- already mature enough with life and fully aware
of what I wanted with my life, at present, and in the future.

I went outside finally and headed to the function hall where the guests were
welcomed. A lot of people were already there. Most of them were unfamiliar to me.
They all looked well-off. I even spotted two celebrities. Wow, I didn't know they
were benefactors of the orphanage.

I found Mother Clarita talking with some of them. When she saw me, she waved her
hand, commanding me to get closer to her.

She was talking to a couple with both white hair. The man and woman looked like
wealthy philanthropists. They immediately greeted me with a smile when I stood
beside Mother Clarita.

"Mr. and Mrs Muñoz, this is Miss Althea Ruiz. She will be escorting you later
during the tour. Dear, these are the famous Mr. and Mrs. Fernando Muñoz. They have
been donating in our orphanage for twenty years already."

Wow. Twenty years.

"Good morning, Mr. and Mr. Muñoz," I greeted as I handshook each of them.

So, Mr. Muñoz was the lover of my cupcakes? A man with white hair, actually almost
balding, had a sweet tooth? Unbelievable! Wasn't a man of his age supposed to stay
away from sweets? No matter what, I almost chuckled at the thought. But, well,
looking at this man, it made me think of Mr. Eliakim. I really imagined Mr. Eliakim
to be just like him. My inner self was chuckling again. Here I was imagining Mr.
Eliakim to be this old man.

"Miss Ruiz, we actually would like to see the playground later because our grandson
gave us an idea about a playhouse," the old man began.

"Yes, yes, so we would like to see if we could add a playhouse in there," the woman

Their statements brought me back from daydreaming. "Oh, that would be very nice!" I
then imagined the happy faces of the children whom I learned to love. Definitely,
they would love the idea, too.

I was in that state, smiling to the couple, when I heard someone, who just joined
our circle, clearing his throat.


A man.

Then, I heard Mother Clarita's voice saying, "Mr. Sarmiento, our dessert chef is
finally here."

Mr. Sarmiento?

My heart skipped again for the nth time today!

I looked up at the towering figure who had just stood at my left and, immediately,
two familiar dark eyes met mine. Just like the last time, it was the kind of stare
that could make you feel as if you had just fallen into a dangerous trap you could
never escape.

My heart fell out from my chest!

No, this couldn't be... This couldn't be!!!

Sometimes, fate just loves to play games with you... You make yourself ready or



Oh, the meeting... Sorry that I have to stop there, guys... Don't kill me for this,

Now, let me explain why it isn't possible for me to update twice a week. First, I
work eight hours a weekday. Second, my only free time in writing is before bedtime.
Third, my brain needs a lot of thinking before completing a chapter. Ideas don't
just come out that easily, you know. Lastly, I'm babysitting my baby girl on
weekends. Yup, I'm a proud mother!

Thank you, guys, for understanding.

Don't forget to VOTE, COMMENT, and SHARE!

(sapphiregirl22) ~_^

Chapter 32 - The VIP

To @nidshan for being sooo into this... for strongly and furiously cracking my mind
that it's indeed high time for my dear Thea to give up... haha... This is for you,

~~~ CHAPTER 32 - THE VIP ~~~

"This is the baker you said you'd like to meet, Mr. Sarmiento. She's our darling in
the orphanage, our most active volunteer here, Miss Althea Ruiz," Mother Clarita

What would you do when you see again the most hated man of your life? What would
you do when you thought there was no way that he could ever exist again but there
he was standing before you like an apparition who had just come to life from where
he was buried years ago?

I blinked my eyes.

No, this couldn't be true! This was just a nightmare! This couldn't be happening to

"It's nice to meet you, Miss Ruiz," the man with those remarkable pair of dark eyes
spoke calmly as if he wasn't surprised seeing me at all... like he actually
expected to see me now... He offered his hand for a handshake and, for seconds, my
mind was actually debating if I was to accept it or not.

You are not affected, my inner voice stressed. You can go through this. Try your
best to appear as calm as possible.

I clasped his warm palm with mine, but I hadn't spoken a word.

The contact was relatively brief for I immediately pulled my hand away and turned
to Mother Clarita. "Mother, I think the program will start any moment by now. Will
you excuse me?"

"But I haven't introduced Mr. Sarmiento to you yet, dear," Mother Clarita

There's no need for any introductions, Mother! I know him! I absolutely know this
heartless jerk! And we're done handshaking... Good Lord!

I remained rooted to the ground, however. Mother Clarita would be disappointed with
me if I would act rudely in front of her important guest.

"Alright, Thea dear, this is Mr. Nigelito Joaquin Sarmiento. He's been a benefactor
for half a year now. He will be joining you later in the tour with Mr. and Mrs.

I was conscious that he was seeking my eyes all throughout the introductions but I
didn't give him the chance to catch mine. There was no way that I would ever allow
myself again to be trapped in those stares.

Yeah. Been there, done that. Like over and over again in the past.

So I averted my eyes away. I couldn't even describe what he was wearing. I just
couldn't look at him.

Thankfully, before anything else had been said by anybody in our circle, there was
an announcement for the start of the event.

That was my cue to leave the hall. Without looking at him anymore, I left


My heart was beating furiously as I walked fast back to the kitchen. I had to pull
myself together before I'd lose my mind.

Nigel... he was the benefactor who fell in love with my cupcakes? Was fate playing
with me?

For two years, I tried my best to forget him... and when I was on the verge of
successfully doing it, here he was! I guessed he needed some lessons on proper

What was he doing now? And, what, a benefactor to my beloved orphanage? Was he
kidding me?

Pull yourself together, Althea! Pull yourself together! Go prove to him that he's
just a part of your dark past... and there's no way ever that you're to accept him
again. Prove to him.

Why? Did he ever ask you to accept him again? He didn't, right? He's even calling
you Miss Ruiz. He's probably married by now so there's nothing to fret about. Yes,
he has probably married that woman. He must have been happily married by now...
Yeah, he must be.
Okay. So pull yourself together now. Just prove to him that you're no longer the
Althea that he knew before. Prove to him that you've changed a great deal and that
he isn't affecting you anymore. Do that and you can finally have a peace of mind.


I went back to the function hall in the midst of the program and found a seat at
the back together with some of the volunteers.

It was the time when the guests, who were all seated at the front line near the
stage, were introduced to the audience. The most hateful man on earth was
introduced last. Showing his proud smile, he stood up to be acknowledged and turned
around to face the audience.

I heard a loud applause from the nuns, the orphanage children, and the volunteers
when he stood up. As of the moment, it was still hard for my brain to process that
he was a donor to the orphanage for six months now. Come on, what kind of drama was
he trying to stage?

"Gosh, I can't really believe that the famous Nigel Sarmiento shows up today!" One
of the girl volunteers mused excitedly to her seat mate.

"Yeah, so surprising," the other one giggled. "Seeing him personally is the best
thing today ever. So glad I'm here."

Oh, great! Did these teenaged girls forget why they were even here? To help the
children, to make Marianne Orphanage's Foundation Day a success! And NOT to ogle on
some guest --- some haughty guest who even pretended to be in love with my

"He's so handsome. He must be a great lover," one girl whispered at my side.

What was wrong with these girls?

"Don't rely too much on looks," I butted in sourly, "They can be pretty deceiving."

Well, they seemed not to heed on me anyway. Girls really... Should girls really
need to be hurt for them to learn a lesson? Come on!

"Isn't he an engaged man?" the girl next to me whispered. "You know, if I remember,
there was an announcement two years ago?"

I closed my eyes. Please, girls, enough!

But, I couldn't help my ears from eavesdropping.

"I've learned he isn't married yet so, probably, he's still engaged with that girl.
But... since then he seems to distance himself from the media," the girl at her
other side answered.

So, he wasn't married yet with that Maria Stella... So what happened to the two of
them? Was he really still single? Seriously? Should I believe it?

The closing number was the children to render a song to the guests. Some played
instruments while the rest sang. After their rendition, everyone in the hall
clapped his or her hands. All were amazed what orphaned kids could do and how
talented they could be in spite of all the things that they had been through. I
felt proud of them.
When luncheon was to be served, the guests were brought to the dining hall. I
headed to the kitchen. Gosh, I didn't feel like eating. Thus, I just supervised the
servers in placing my cupcakes on trays. Later, when these would be served, I had
to endure someone in there and better yet show him the new me.

The. New. Me.

Great... so this had to be my perfect foundation day in Marianne Orphanage, huh?


When the cupcakes were served, I had to come out to the dining hall and supervised
the servers. I walked through the tables and saw to it that everyone was served.
And, you would guess, through my peripheral vision, I was aware of two dark eyes
never leaving wherever I was in the hall... Or was I just assuming?

What on earth was he doing here? I wanted to shout at him and tell him to scram.
But, of course, I couldn't do that! He was the most distinguished VIP today. If I'd
do something unacceptable to him, the nuns would probably chase me to the edge of
the world. Hence, I tried to disregard him and his presence.

I continued walking here and there, made sure that everyone enjoyed their dessert,
stopped on some of the guests, answered queries, received praises on my cakes,
smiled at them like nothing was the matter with my inner self and, most of all,
acted like he didn't exist.


"Mr. Sarmiento here, dear, would like to say something to you," Mother Clarita told
me when I stood by their table. He was sitting with the orphanage mistress, what
could I do? So, when Mother Clarita called me, I had to make myself ready for him.

I raised one of my brows and looked at him. Flashes of lightning and thunderbolts
instantly appeared before my very eyes!

No... I was just kidding.

Nigelito Joaquin Saavedra Sarmiento --- the hateful bastard! If I could only
crumple his valuable presence within my palm... or stomp him like a rotten mouse...
If only I could.

I met his gaze. It was deep and intense... just like how I always remembered it.

A smile appeared in his lips... How could he act as if we had the best parting in
the world?

"Please, do take a seat, Miss Ruiz. Join us," he offered. His face flashed tints of

Mrs. Riviera, Mr. and Mrs. Muñoz, Mother Clarita and he were in that table. Since
it was a six-seater round table, there was still a vacant seat, in between Mrs.
Riviera's seat and his.

"No, thanks," I rejected him.

"I haven't seen you eat, dear," Mother Clarita spoke, sounding concerned.

"Yes, that's what I was supposed to say, too," Mrs. Riviera joined the

"I'm done eating. Please don't worry about me," I lied, watching them finishing
their cakes. "What do you want to tell me, Mr. Sarmiento?" I bravely asked him and,
again, met his gaze. Oh, that face... and those eyes...

"How about taking a seat for a while, Miss Ruiz?" he asked for the second time.
Crap. So irritating!

"I don't have time to having a seat right now, Mr. Sarmiento. Now, if you have
nothing else to say except offer me a seat, please excuse me. I have a lot of
things to attend to," I said acidly.

You could actually see the surprised look in both Mother Clarita's and Mrs.
Riviera's faces! Mother Clarita shot me a glare as if asking me, 'Why are you
treating the most important guest that way?' Note the deletion of the endearment.

Oh, Mother, I'm sorry. I can't even look at you now.

He, on the other hand, didn't seem to be surprised at how I acted at all. Good.
That would mean I wouldn't be having a hard time expressing my disgust of his

"I'd just like to say that your cake is the best that I've ever tasted," he spoke
when I was about to take a step away from them.

I stopped and decided to linger for a while. A praise! He, the great Nigel
Sarmiento, was praising me.

Mother Clarita, who seemed to have gotten over with her shock, smiled and said,
"You once said you've fallen in love with it, Mr. Sarmiento."

He beamed at Mother Clarita. "It's true. I instantly fell in love with it the first
time I tasted it. Now, I'm already addicted to it." That was straight and frank! I
didn't see that one coming.

It made my blood boil. What was he trying to imply here? Did he think I would smile
in return of his compliment? I felt the heat in my cheeks and ears.

No way! I had to make a comeback.

Showing him my annoyance, I gave him a wry smile.

"Too bad you don't have me in your very own kitchen, Mr. Sarmiento. That means you
can't have my cupcakes anytime you want them. How sad is that? Now, will you excuse
me?" I gracefully bowed down my head a little bit and left them. I strode fast and
went back to the kitchen.

I could just picture out the stunned look in Mother Clarita's face.

Oh, please, forgive me, Mother. You can start chasing me right now.


"What happened back there, Thea?" Mrs. Riviera followed me in the kitchen. "Why did
you act that way?"

If you only knew, Ma'am.

"He just annoys the hell out of me, Ma'am," I said, closing my eyes. I couldn't
face her.

I'm really sorry, Ma'am.

She deep breathed. "Mr. Sarmiento? Why, he's been pretty nice the whole time! He
was even praising you?"

I sat on a chair beside the table, "I don't know. I'm just tired, I guess." God,
how many times had I lied today?

Mrs. Riviera tapped my shoulder, "Well, you need to take a rest. You've been busy
the whole week. I'll just tell Mother Clarita that you can't accompany anymore the
guests around the compound."

I didn't respond. My mind was in chaotic debate. I had to decide whether I had to
go out there again or just sulk in the kitchen.

"What really is bugging you, Thea?" Mrs. Riviera asked.

Most people here in my new environment didn't know about my past because I chose to
be silent about it.

After Nigel's party two years ago, pictures of me appeared on the daily news for a
couple of months. There were articles questioning about our upcoming wedding or
questioning about my background. I became an instant celebrity that I never went
out of Kara's room for three whole days. Finally, both Kara and I decided for a
makeover for a disguise and I had to have my hair cut short. Kara, with the help of
her mother, Mrs. Mondego, sent me to the South where I started working with Mrs.

The moment that I had my hair grew back to its normal length, people already forgot
about Nigel's introduced fiancèe... about me.

The issue just died to its natural death... and I was thankful that Nigel... or
mom... never looked for me.

Thus, people around me couldn't tell my former connection with the renowned
Sarmientos of the Sarmiento Corporation.

Therefore, looking at Mrs. Riviera now, I still couldn't open my mouth. How could
I? Should I tell her that the man they considered their VIP guest was an
egotistical jerk who didn't give a shit to low-profiled people, to servants, to
children, to orphans? How could these people even trust him? Someday he would just
leave this orphanage hanging when he would like to! I didn't want them to trust him
too much or they would end up really disappointed!

"Okay, if you feel like not telling me right now, tell me when you're ready," the
kind woman retreated. "I'll go ahead, Thea."

I immediately grabbed her elbow as I stood up. "Ma'am, I'll go with you."

"You're tired, aren't you?" She appeared concerned through her tone. "Take a rest."

No, I had to face him. Face him like he was NEVER part of my past.

I squeezed her arm as I walked with her to the door. I gave her a smile. "I can
handle this."
She cast me a puzzled look.


Mrs. Riviera and I escorted a group of five guests to roam around the orphanage.
Mr. and Mrs. Muñoz were part of that group, too, even Nigel Sarmiento. The main
purpose of the tour was to let them see the improvements of the place because of
their donations. Other guests in groups of five were also escorted by other

Our group treaded the pathway going to the playground, as suggested by Mr. Muñoz. I
was leading them and I was totally aware that the egotistic man was silently
trailing behind me. Every time I turned around to say something to the group, he
would always try to catch my eyes. I would then give him an unaffected glance. He
was silent all along.

When our group reached the playground, some of the children who were playing there,
ran to me and gave me flowers. "Thank you, Big Sis," they all said as they offered
me a group hug. I was so surprised at their act of gratitude. You could see the
happiness plastered in their faces. With the flowers in my hand, I leaned to hug
each of them.

Afterwards, the children ran to go back to their previous activities. Somehow, that
made my heart became a little bit lighter. At least...

Well, it was pretty windy outdoor and I could feel the tickling of the air on my
skin. My untied hair was blown every now and then. The next thing I knew was that
my groupmates already left me to talk to the kids...

Well, not all of them actually left, for two meters away from me was Nigel, in his
white button-down shirt with his long-sleeves rolled up to his elbows, black jeans
and white rubber shoes. He was standing there so firm and muscular on the well-
trimmed grassy ground and observing me like I was some sort of a spectacle. His
hands were in his pockets and his eyes never left my face.

Oh, God! He was also wearing white just like me! Fate really knew how to play. It
looked like we were matching clothes. What a great coincidence!

I raised my chin and averted my eyes to the kids in the playground. I had to have a

Finally, finding myself a distraction, I turned my attention to the flowers and

arranged them in my hands.

Damn it! Why couldn't he take his eyes off of me?

I had been so overpowered by my irritation that I wasn't able to take notice that
he was actually already in my right side, too close to actually touch me.

"You've changed a lot, Althea." There he said the first ever line with my first
name in it. He no longer called me Miss Ruiz.

I rolled my eyes at him. "Of course," I snapped back.

His elbow came in contact with my arm as he moved his left arm to put his hand in
his pocket. I jerked away from him a bit.

He breathed heavily. I could hear his deep breathing loud and clear. "I-It's really
great to see you again. This close." That voice --- clear and smooth but so heavy-
coated with feelings I couldn't comprehend.

I knew how to control my heart and mind now, right? I should, therefore, know how
to act appropriately right now, shouldn't I?

Well, hello, I was NOT at all affected.

"Wow, do I have to say the same thing?" I said with scorn, not looking at him.

He cleared his throat.

I gripped the stems of flowers in my hands.

"You can tell me honestly how you truly feel seeing me right now..." he spoke after
a while.

"Well, this is the truth," I finally glanced up and met his face. "I don't care
about seeing you right now. You can be here or not be here at all, I don't give a

At this very moment, I didn't intend to walk out on him. He might think I was
avoiding him... like the stupid thing I did at the luncheon. Well, if I had to
prove to him that I had already moved on, I had to face him squarely all the time.

"So will it be okay with you if I visit here often?" he asked, still standing very
close to my side but he never attempted to touch me.

Good. At least he knew his limitations.

I glanced up at my right side where his face was. Something hit me. The brows...
the eyes... the nose... the chiseled jaw... the face... God, he was indeed Nigel

And there was an almost unbearable wave of pain undulating inside my chest.

"I don't find any reason why it won't be okay with me. If your true intention is
for the benefit of the kids, why make it a problem?" I retorted.

"Because..." he hesitated.

"Because what?"

"Because I'm here not only for the kids," Nigel said in a confident tone. He gazed
at my eyes and, crap, did I see longing in it?

"What else then?" A strong wind blew, making my hair cover my face. I wiped the
strands to the side of my face and tucked it behind my right ear. When I glanced up
at him once more, I saw him gazing more intently at my eyes this time, penetrating
through my soul. "What else then?" I shot him again the same question.

"I'm here to claim someone back," he said calmly yet firmly.

Oh, that statement was very short but that was enough to make my already-peaceful
life go in swirling motion!

I looked around and it felt like the world really was spinning too fast. The trees,
the children, the playground --- all of them seemed to move and spin fast around me
that I could actually faint right where I was standing.
What really was this drama he was staging right now? Would anyone tell me?

"I'm here for you," he then added in a kind of tone that sent chills in my whole
being. That sad tone...

Oh, should I faint now?

No. No. No.

Where the hell was my damn self-control?

Trying to gather my wits, I hardened my grip of the flower stems I was holding.
Finally, I threatened him, "Say again a word and I'm going to walk out on you now."

There was silence... so I thought he was going to shut his mouth up already.

But he spoke again after a short while, "I already made a mistake of letting you
walk out on me two years ago. Now, I'm never going to let it happen again."

WHAT? Was he serious?

Trying to prove to him that I was true to my words, I moved my feet to leave him
there. Yet, his hand found my right elbow in just a heartbeat.

"I mean what I've just said," he said. "You can't anymore walk out on me."

What? How could he forget that it was he who commanded me to get out of his damn
car two years ago?

"Well, let's see about that, Mr. Sarmiento," I said sarcastically as I gripped the
flowers in my left palm and pulled my right arm from his touch. Luckily, I
successfully pulled it away from him.

I threw him a sarcastic smile. It was meant to be a threat only but since he was
too stubborn to still speak, I decided to really leave him. I moved fast towards
the other guests.

However, he was fast as well, even faster than I was. He caught up with my pacing
and, when I thought he'd no longer do something stupid, he surprisingly clasped my
right hand with his left. This was the second time time that our hands came in
contact today after the handshake and I really thought that this was so
presumptuous of him to hold my hand without my permission! This was our first time
to see each other again in two years and here he was holding my hand!

I really wanted to stomp on his shoe right now. I glanced at his pair of white
rubber shoes. Oh, it must have cost him a fortune and I was planning to stomp on
it. What could be his reaction if I'd do that?

Really flabbergasted, I again exerted an effort to take my hand away. To no avail,

I failed and it heated me up. He was very strong and was too determined not to let
me go. He pulled me gently towards the group.

I thought I was red all over my face when we both arrived where our companions

To my relief, he released my hand before the others could detect it.

The group started to move now and it was Mrs. Riviera who was now leading it.
"No more running away from me now," he said through a whisper, bending his face to
my right ear, to the oblivion of our companions.

"You. Are. Really. A. Jerk," I expressed angrily, almost shouting but trying to be
not loud or else the others would hear. "How dare you hold my hand just like that?
After two years, you're still a jerk and I will never again allow myself to be with
a jerk anymore! Please! Go away and never come back!"

He looked very surprised hearing my words. He raked his fingers through his hair
and when he looked at me again, there was that sad look in his eyes. I even thought
he was to shed a tear...

No, of course, he wouldn't do that. It was just so stupid of me to think of that.


I never permitted him to talk. I cut him off.

"Don't show your face to me again. Your mere presence suffocates me to death! Just
leave me alone, for God's sake!"

Finally, I started to walk to catch the others and to get rid of this man who
obviously intended to lag the both of us from the group.

Until now, I still couldn't comprehend the kind of acting that he was staging now.
What I wished right this moment was for him to be out of my sight... because his
presence was a suffocation to me. If I would see him again in the future, it'd
would absolutely be the death of me.


The exhaustive day ended. I sat on a stool in the kitchen. From were I was, I could
hear from outside the starting sounds of car engines and honking of horns. It
looked like the guests were leaving now.

I caught sight of some unserved cupcakes on the table. I wanted to throw all of
them in the trash bin!

Why do you still have to appear in my life, Nigel Joaquin? Why? Why? Why?



And that was the meeting, ladies and gentlemen.

Right, okay, Thea isn't happy seeing him. So, let's just leave her alone for a
while as she sulks in the kitchen.

Anyway, their meeting after two years is my Valentine's gift to you. HAPPY
VALENTINE'S DAY in advance!!! (To Nigel haters, sorry guys but this story is all
about the Heartless Heartbreaker... what can I do? Haha..)

Delayed update, I know. SORRY. There's just things that we can't avoid. It
frustrates me, it's still not okay... but I hope it's going to be good soon.

Don't forget to VOTE, COMMENT, and SHARE!

FOLLOW me too... or whatever.
(sapphiregirl22) ~_^


Happy Hearts Day to my hubby, papa loves Rey! Thank you for the love and super
dooper support! I have a proof on this --- You bravely climb the highest pole for
this addiction of mine, right? LOL. You truly are my knight-in-shining-armor...
Love stories are great, but how we've come to be together is the greatest love
story I've ever known. Love you, pa!

Chapter 33 - Home
To @cinderella-is-me, for the song "Jar of Hearts," the perfect song for rejecting
someone. I didn't know there's such a wonderful heartbreaking song as this until
you introduced this to me. Every time I sing this song, I feel like I'm Thea,
singing for Nigel Joaquin.
~~~ CHAPTER 33 - HOME ~~~
Since it was summertime and I had no classes, I had to work now full time in the
I was not myself the whole week after the Marianne Orphanage Foundation
At work, I was disoriented. I kind of missed measurements of my cake ingredients.
My co-workers complained the tastes of my cakes but when I tasted them myself, I
couldn't see what exactly was wrong. Mrs. Riviera offered me a leave and so I was
absent for two days.
By the weekend, I went to the orphanage with Mrs. Riviera. I knew she and Mother
Clarita observed the changes in me as well but they never forced me to speak up. My
visit at Marianne Orphanage was a normal Saturday for me. We went to our usual
activities and I spent storytelling with the children. Fortunately, there were no
VIP's this time or else I had to face one annoying person again.
I was like that for the whole week until I finally said to myself, "Enough is
Like the master controller that I was, I compelled myself to go back to my previous
The following weekend, I visited again the orphanage. I came to realize that God
made me an orphan to let myself connect with the children. As usual, just like what
we always did, the children gathered around me in the classroom to listen to a
story. We all sat on the carpeted floor. This was the time that I had to make up
again a fairy tale.
"...So the poor princess left the mean prince. She never came back," I wrapped up
my story and all of them around me had their big eyes on me. Most of them were sad.
"Is that the end?" One cute girl in my right side asked when I no longer said a
"Yes, Abby, that was the end," I replied.
"Ohh... that was sad..." another girl mused, putting her cheek on her palm. "Why
are your stories always sad, Big Sis?"
I managed to give her a smile. "Because some things are meant to have sad
endings... because some couples are just not meant for each other... because 'he
and she' to be together is one big mistake..." I said, trying to recall who told me
that particular line in the past. I closed my eyes. I could still picture him out
vividly in my mind when he said those words to me.
"Big Sis, are princes really mean?" Abby, the cute girl, asked which made me open
my eyes.
"No, not all of them. The mean ones are just those who are blind... those who don't
see clearly the value of others," I answered, brushing her hair.
"Some mean princes do know how to regret and repent. And when they do, they look
for their runaway princesses." A familiar male voice joined in the conversation.
The children and I turned to the direction of the doorway where the voice came
You bet, it was the meanest prince on earth --- Nigel Sarmiento! He was there
standing by the doorway, watching the kids and me sitting on the floor.
"Oh, he looks like a prince!" One girl dreamily quipped.
He was here? The buried soul?
Hadn't I told him to not come back anymore? Why was he here again?
Was he even serious when he said he wasn't here only for the children? That he was
here for me? That he was here to claim me back? He wanted me back?
Why? Claim me back... like he actually regarded me as his before?
I stood up and a mixture of different emotions came surging in my chest.
Regret. Repent. Two big words coming from him. Would you really believe him? That
egotistical jerk who had pride as high as Mt. Everest!
"Oh, kids, I forgot the most important thing in the ending of our fairy tale," I
said when I thought of something to mock the man before me.
"What is it, Big Sis?" they asked, almost in chorus.
"The poor princess left the mean prince. She never came back and..." I paused and
looked at Nigel, "the prince lived happily ever after. The End," I added in a
taunting tone.
The children groaned.
"How could he?" Abby mused.
Not entertaining Abby's innocent question and not waiting for any reaction from
Nigel, I walked away from him and the kids and found another doorway leading to the
receiving area of the orphanage.
I could just NOT face him right now! No way!
He was supposed to be a happy prince by now, so what was he doing here?
With great strides, I reached the receiving area. I stopped in the middle of the
room and pacified myself. Here I went again running away from him. Whatever
happened to my expertise in self-control?
"Althea," he called me out. Okay, so he pursued me. The jerk pursued me. Why the
heck was he here?
I turned around and saw him by the doorway with a sad look in his eyes. It was
unbelievable to see that kind of look!
"What do you want? Haven't I told you to not show your face again to me? What are
you doing here then?"
He was silent for a while as if trying to put his words together, then he moved
"C-come home," he said, trying to clear his throat.
I looked at him in disbelief. After two years of not seeing each other, he would
just barge in and tell me to, what, come home!
Did I just hear him say 'Come home'?
"Do you hear what you're saying right now?" I managed to speak up after seconds of
He cleared his throat again yet it took him like forever before being able to
manage to talk.
I stared at his face --- seriously scrutinized his damn face just like how I
scrutinized it when we were in the playground the first time we saw each other
again. Physically, he was still the same ravishingly handsome "heartbreaker" that I
knew... He had just turned twenty-six now... more mature-looking than two years
ago, of course, but still so undeniably and irresistably hot...
But, somehow, there was something in the way that he was looking at me now, even
with the way he spoke. I sensed a hint of meekness and surrender which were very
unusual of the coldhearted and arrogant Nigel Sarmiento that I knew all my life.
"Just why do I need to go back to the palacio?" I spoke, giving him a sardonic
glance. Then, I turned around from him, not wanting to show him how he still had
that effect in me. Because, no matter how hard I tried, it surprised me to a really
considerable degree that even until now, after two years, his presence still sent
shivers into my body, my heart, my soul, my whole system.
And with him pleading to me now? Oh, I felt a thousand detonated bombs in my chest
wanting to get out, seeking for freedom. I felt I was going to explode... in so
much pain. I just couldn't take it! Who told him to come here anytime he wanted to?
I tightly clenched my fingers as I felt my hands trembling at my sides. All the
pains and heartaches I buried in all these years seemed to awaken from their cold
somber grave. I tried so hard to bury it down there --- deep, so deep down there.
Yet he was here! His presence was just too good to be true. He was like a dream,
too surreal to conceive and believe. But, more than the pain and disbelief that I
felt, it was the strong thumping of my heart that I couldn't fathom, and, all
because of his pleading nature. This was not good. I needed to fight, to resist the
freaking temptations, for if I wouldn't, I didn't think I could still trust my
Why? Why had he to look for me now? I had already started to learn to stand on my
own. I was better off alone now.
"Althea," I heard him talk behind my back, "let's get married now." His
pronouncement surprisingly went smoothly despite of the awkward, tensive tone in
his voice.
What? Get married?
Did he really hear what he was talking right now?
What a way to propose, huh?
Proposing without the damn ring! The damn ring!
So whatever happens to your beloved Maria Stella?
All of a sudden, I felt like the bombs creeping in my heart had just finally
Was I actually hearing those words? Just what was he thinking?
"This time, it's for real," he declared, still smoothly. How did he ever do that?
"We started out so wrong before. Let's make it right and... real this time."
I span around to face him and scrutinize his countenance. He looked like he had
just stated something coming from his heart. Should I believe him?
Oh, come on, don't let me believe on this act.
"Seriously?" I challenged him. "After all what you did, you just say those words
simply as if nothing has happened? Like nothing has ever, ever happened? Well, cut
it! I'm not going back to the palacio and I'm not marrying you! What are you
thinking?" I said candidly.
After announcing to everyone that I was his future bride, I would discover that
everything was just for a show! Well, but my lowly heart would never again believe
this proud master in front of me!
Was he in the mission of crushing again my heart?
Not wanting to hear any more words from him, I decided to walk out on him in the
receiving area of the orphanage. I just had to stay away from him as soon as
But Nigel quickly took hold of my right elbow.
"Althea, please..." he sounded like he was struggling for words to say as his hard,
unsteady breathing tickled my right ear, "come home with me, please."
HOME? That word again.
Oh, didn't he know how hard it was for me to perceive such word in my ears? It was
the most difficult word in my whole damn freaking stock of vocabulary! Because
that word was a big tear in my heart... because, aside from all the things he did
to me in the past, there was one thing that I couldn't delete completely from my
bugging conscience --- and that was to leave one very important person there who
didn't deserve my abandonment... and I didn't know if I could still face her after
what I did.
There was no way that I could face her again --- my foster mother --- Mommy Carol.
She might have cursed me two years ago after discovering that I ran away without
her knowledge. I didn't exactly know how she reacted --- if she hated me that much,
if she wanted me out of her life forever. That was why I could never face her
again. Like ever.
Finding strength in me, I tried to let go of Nigel's hand away from me yet the more
I pushed him away, the more that he pulled me closer to him. His other hand
dutifully found the perfect fit to encircle it around my waist so that my back was
crushed to his sturdy chest. God, the familiar palpitations in my heart which I had
buried a long time ago creeped again and again in my chest like a crazy windmill
churning and turning even without the wind.
Unexpectedly, Nigel leaned his face down to my right ear and whispered softly, "I
want you back, princess."
That mockery!
I inhaled and exhaled deeply. "Let go of me now," I said firmly.
He didn't listen to me. He was still hugging me from behind.
I closed my eyes as I said, "I'm better off alone now, without you... so please, go
Take note, I had just said it with no single tear. I was brave now --- so much
braver and stronger than before.
"Mr. Sarmiento? Thea?" All of a sudden, two female voices pronounced our names.
Mother Clarita and Mrs. Riviera, both with wide disbelieving eyes, were staring at
the both of us.
Oh, busted!
How were you going to explain now to these dear women why the VIP was hugging the
volunteer from her back?
Great, right?
Nigel pulled back and we both paid attention to the two women who were looking at
the both of us in utter shock.
"Mr. Sarmiento?" Mother Clarita, with one brow raised, called out Nigel in a
questioning tone. Obviously, she was demanding an explanation from him.
I searched Nigel's eyes and gave him an accusing look. Why do you always put me in
hot situations, you freaking bastard! You never change!
He bit his lower lip and stared me down.
Hello! Mother Clarita is waiting for your explanation!
I surrendered from his stare and faced the two women again. "M-mother..." What
happened? I couldn't even open my mouth now in continuation.
"I'm sorry, Mother, if I haven't told you about this," Nigel finally spoke out. He
placed his hands in his pockets. "Miss Althea Ruiz, your volunteer, is my long lost
fiancèe and I come to take her home."
He was really serious in this? He was really to take me back home? To the palacio?
To The Fields?
I'm not going back to the palacio with you...
Hello, world!
Here's my little secret. I actually wrote the foreshadow before anything else in
this book, you know, that part before Chapter 1. It's because my mind already
pictured out what is to happen and so revealed it in the beginning. Then, came the
challenge. How was I going to put everything in place just as how I laid it down
from the very start? So, this chapter becomes the answer to the question.
So, everyone, hope you enjoyed this one! Don't forget to VOTE, COMMENT, and SHARE!
If I'll be through with the chapter I'm currently working on right now, I'm going
to give you two updates on Friday or Saturday. I'm not going to make a promise but
I really hope I can update twice next week.
(sapphiregirl22) ~_^
Chapter 34 - Missing Pieces
To @flyawayfreddy, for the wonderful support since the very start, for the
contagious laughs in her comments, for willingly raising her hand to accompany me
in this journey...


Both Mother Clarita and Mrs. Riviera weren't able to move or speak up from where
they were standing. They seemed to process all the words they heard from Nigel in
their brains. One look at them and you would know they were totally shaken up.

Why wouldn't they? I was even shaken up myself!

"I'm here to take her home," Nigel spoke again.

The bastard.

"Stop it!" I snapped at him. "You're not taking me anywhere. Do you hear me?"

"Althea..." he muttered, back to his pleading tone like a while ago when there were
just the two of us.

Mother Clarita eventually gathered her wits and talked to him calmly, "No wonder
you fell in love with her cakes... No wonder I have this weird feeling every time I
see you like remembering my dear Thea here, like wanting the two of you to meet..."
Then, she turned to me, "Oh, so you're engaged to him, dear?"

"No, Mother. I was never a fiancèe to him," I stepped towards the two women to beg
for some sympathy.

Mrs. Riviera shook her head, still in a state of disbelief. "A very powerful man,
Thea. The famous Nigel Sarmiento! You're engaged to him?" she asked me in a
whispering manner.

"No, it wasn't real. The engagement was just a product of my crazy illusion. But
now, I've already moved on and I want nothing of him anymore," I said casting a
furtive glance at Nigel.

He was gazing at me intently, that I didn't miss as I glanced at him. He really

thought he could just take me to The Fields like that? Was he ever in his right

"Mother Clarita, I want to ask some time with her," he pleaded at the nun who was
not still able to move on from everything she heard.

"No!" I complained.

The old nun nodded her head. "Go ahead, have as much time as you want with her, Mr.

"No, I'm not talking to him anymore, Mother. I have to leave now. I still have

"No, you're not working today at the shop, Thea." It was Mrs. Riviera who answered
me. "Talk to him. Face your past."
No, no, no! This couldn't be happening to me.


The two older women left Nigel and me in the receiving area.

Okay. Face my past it is.

He came near me and stood in front of me very, very close. I clenched my teeth. How
on damn earth could I disregard his presence when his mere presence alone was like
a torture to me?

He gripped tightly both of my shoulders with his hands. I squirmed under his touch.

"You really hate me," he said more of like a whisper to me.

I raised a brow at him. "Perfect observation, Mr. Sarmiento."

"Althea, please, don't Mr. Sarmiento me."

What was with his pleading tone?

"Stop with your pleading tone, okay? It absolutely irritates the hell out of me
because it just doesn't suit you." I pushed him away. He pulled back one moment but
attempted to reach out to me once more. I stepped back. "And please, don't tell me
what to do and what not to do. You have no right."

He paused for a while as if trying to think what he was going to say next.

I decided to talk myself, "For two years, I've learned to be alone and independent.
I've learned so much about life and living. I've learned to realize that I'm better
off alone, away from you. I'm so much better and happier now without you in my
life. So, now, tell me, what's the use of all this drama? This pursuance?"

"I'm here to make things right between the two of us," he replied, full of
conviction, "and I'm going to do everything to have you back, no matter what the
cost will be."

Wow, big statement right there coming from him!

My heart, with irregular beatings, seemed to harden in my chest. How could I

believe him? After all the drama that he brought to my life, he just suddenly
realized that he wanted me?

Seemed wierd and unbelievable.

Where is your Maria Stella? Did she also leave you? Did you also treat her badly
that she had to leave you? And now that she left you, you're going to win me just
like that? Just like that? Who do you think you are? God's gift to women?

I crossed my arms in my chest. "Well, this is what I'm going to say. I'm no longer
that cry-baby who'd just do anything you'd commanded me to do. The road to my heart
is going to be very rugged, filled with plenty obstacles. You are not going to make
it to the finish line and I will make it one hundred and one percent sure."

Nigel didn't answer me back. He seemed to ponder the words from my mouth.

"See, you're not even answering me," I said challenging him.

Was he going to give up already? Damn, I wanted so much to know what he was

He sighed, still not answering.

Okay, he was giving up now. Great, so I could go back now to my normal life.

Welcome back, normal life!

"You're not talking anymore... Okay, have a good day, Mr. Sarmiento." I turned
around from him. I couldn't comprehend why it felt so bad to know that he wasn't
giving me any assurance that he would pursue me still.

Then, his raspy voice stopped me from scramming. "Althea, I'm leaving tomorrow for
the capital. If you'll come with me---"

"Stop it," I quipped, still with my back at him. "How many times shall I tell you
that I'm not going with you?"

"Althea, mom... mom's..." he hesitated to continue.

The moment I heard it, a swell in my heart erupted. Mom. Mommy Carol.

But I never said a word. I wanted him to continue what he was about to say about my
ever-missed woman on earth.

He breathed in. "Mom's ill. She's ill, Althea. And she wants to see you."


So, there you have it.

You think he came to actually win you back? No, it is a big bluff! Because he came
here to tell you that Mommy Carol is ill, yes, ill and that she wants to see you.

I didn't know what to say at the moment. I was torn between my disappointment of
his real purpose of coming here and the thought of my second mother who was lying
on her bed, ill, and waiting for me...

"Do you want to come with me, Althea?" It was a question but it sounded more of a
plea. "Mom's in the capital right now, undergoing some treatments but she's
scheduled to go home to The Fields on Monday. If you'll come with me, we'll go to
the capital first and we'll go home on Monday..."

For the first time, in two years, I never became more confused. There was a part of
my being telling me to stay... but, deep, deep down there was also a part telling
me to go with him...

So mom didn't hate me after all. She needed me right this moment.

Oh, my God! My Mommy Carol is ill.

With me pondering and standing right there on the floor, I was so lost in my
thoughts that I hadn't anticipated what he was to do next. Without any iota of my
expectation, Nigel closed our distance by pulling my body into his. He enclosed my
shaking body in a very tight embrace. His familiar masculine scent reached my
nostrils... and it smelt like... like... home. Then, he leaned over and spoke
softly in my ear, "I'll give you tonight to think. Please, come with me. I'll wait
for you at the airport tomorrow, 6:00 am."
I didn't say a word. I couldn't decide still.

He let go of me. "6:00 am, princess." Then, with his drooping shoulders, Nigel
slowly walked away from me.


That very night was the hardest night of all, in two years, for me to sleep. I
tossed and turned myself on bed but, no matter what I did, I just couldn't sleep.

I rose up at 5:00 am, took a bath, and headed to the church. It was Sunday.

I was at the church when my wristwatch stroke 6:00 am. I was kneeling with a solemn
petition in my heart as the churchbell began tolling loudly and piercingly as if
reminding me of the time. How could I forget? It was 6:00 am and I knew that, by
this time, Nigel was already fying back to the capital.

I closed my eyes as I knelt. The mass had started.


After one hour, I went back to my apartment to get ready for work.

Mrs. Riviera was already in the cake shop when I arrived. With only a simple 'Good
morning' to her, I willfully stayed away from her that whole morning. I was too
afraid that she would ask something about Nigel. She, however, seemed to detect my
actions. She didn't bother me in my baking area.

While in there in my favorite area in the shop, I came to recall where I had
started to learn how to bake. It was in the palacio kitchen, together with Elena. I
experimented a lot back then. Cakes were my specialty... and never did Nigel taste
any one of those that I baked before. He only tasted that flan and curd that I once
baked for him...

And the paella... of course the paella... which he regarded addicting...

Then, again, during the Foundation Day of the orphanage, he told me that he was
addicted to my cupcakes as well.

Addicting to him? My cooking and my baking?


Two weeks had passed and I was still not being myself. There were a lot of things
running in my head. I was totally bugged by my conscience for not visiting Mommy
Carol. How could I forsake her? She was my mother, protector and guardian when I
was still in The Fields. Without any hesitation at all, she gave everything I
asked. Without questions, she just gave her all to me. She loved me unconditionally
like I was a true daughter. I longingly ached to see her again, to serve and take
care of her until she convalesced.

However, more than that, what my heart couldn't accept was Nigel's pretension. He
was a good actor when he said he wanted me to go home. He was here begging me to go
home, not because he really wanted me to but because mom asked him to. After two
years, he was still that same man that I knew --- still a liar and a great fake.
For that, I could never forgive him... just like how I couldn't forgive him for all
the things he did to me before.
But the more that I suppressed myself from thinking about mom, the more that my
conscience ate me out. In spite of Mrs. Riviera asking me to call her "mom", I
never did because I had only called one woman as my "mommy"... I could only call
one woman as mom... whom I chose to leave back there... The memory wouldn't cease
eating my conscience.

It was a Friday night when I finally made a decision. With enough courage, I placed
some clothes and some essentials in a travelling bag. There was no turning back for
this decision. I would go back for Mommy Carol.

After bidding goodbye to Mrs. Riviera and Mother Clarita the following day, I
boarded on a plane going back to the province where La Carlota was located. From
the provincial airport, it took me four and a half hours on a bus going to Sta. Fe,
the town, and finally to La Carlota.

I was on the bus when I received a text from Javier.

Can't wait to see you next weekend at the shop.

Oh, Javier! Thinking that I was at the southern city, he planned to visit me again.

Visit me at the Palacio de Sarmiento. I texted him back. I knew he would be

surprised but I'd explain everything to him.


I watched the woman who was lying on her bed. She was in her deep sleep and just
watching her like that, too close to me, overwhelmed me so much that I wasn't able
to refrain myself from embracing her.

"Mom, I missed you so much," I mumbled as I hugged her tightly.

She just groaned and hadn't woken up.

"What's her illness, Elena?" I asked the girl who brought me to mom's room. Looking
at my bestfriend whom I also missed very much, I could just still recall how she
reacted when I arrived. Elena hugged me and said 'I missed you. I'm glad you're
back' many, many times. Then, the rest of the servants ran and gave me a group hug.
I was totally overpowered with joy.

Elena was standing by the bed while I was embracing the señora of The Fields on her

"It's hypertension. She's suffered several attacks these past two years. The
señorito has to bring her to a hospital in the capital every now and then," Elena
replied. Elena, who was to graduate next year in nursing, took care of mom now as
her private nurse.

I stretched out and sat on the edge of the bed. "Will she be alright, Elena?"

"She's been sad, really, really sad since you were gone, Thea. She's no longer the
vibrant señora that everybody knows. She's changed and, since then, the palacio has
become a desolate place to everyone. We all missed you," she said, wiping her tears
in her eyes.

God, how should I take all of these? I was the reason why mom became like this or
why the palacio was no longer this alive... Something pierced my heart and I
grimaced in pain.
"She's been suffering hypertension since you left, Thea. She's never been like
before. Just recently, she has one major attack when she learned that the señorito
knows where you are and she doesn't," Elena divulged.

Yeah, Nigel and I met in the orphanage. So mom discovered about it...

By and by, I perceived the movement on the bed. When I turned my face back to mom,
I met her opened beautiful pair of eyes. She stared at me for a while then she
babbled, "D-darling? A-am I dreaming?"

I leaned down to her and hugged her once again. "No, you're not dreaming, mom. I'm
here, your darling Althea." And, since a very long time already, a teardrop fell
from my eyes.

She cupped my cheek with one of her hands and tears also came running in her cheeks
now. "Is it? Is it really you? Darling?"

"Yes... yes, it's me, mom..."I didn't know what to say to her anymore so I just
kept on saying "I'm sorry. I'm very, very sorry."

Mom trembled under my embrace as she reached out her hands to embrace me back.

I knew Elena was in tears, too, as she witnessed my emotional reunion with mom.

I knew that it was going to be a long night for both mom and me.


I spent the whole night with Mommy Carol. Lying in bed with her, she was caressing
my hair while I placed my head in the crook of her neck.

"I thought you're mad at me..." I said, wiping my tears. "I'm so, so sorry, mom.
I'm really sorry."

I heard her breathing... deep and hard. It made my breathing hard as well.

"Why did you leave?" she asked later.

Oh, no! Here it was! She was to tell me now how disappointed she was of me.

When I decided to come back, I expected that I was to hear this question.

"I was afraid, mom," I said.

"Afraid of what?"

For a while, I didn't speak.

She caressed again my hair. "Did it have something to do with Nigelito, darling?
Did it have to do with my son?"

Okay, here I was... about to tell a lie to the woman who was willing to give me

"I was afraid of the announcement back then, mom. I realized I wasn't ready for the
engagement or wedding..."

She sucked in a deep breath again. "I just thought that it was the announcement
that really scared you... I was right all along."
"Yes, it was, mom."

"Did you realize back then that you don't really love my son, darling?"

Oh, should I continue lying? Should I?

I refused to talk.

"I learned from Nigelito Joaquin that you had a fight that night that you left. It
was only a week that I learned about it... because he was gone for a week as well.
I didn't have no way of knowing where you were and where he was. I thought the two
of you were together... but," she started to sob now, "but as I read again and
again your letter, I realized that there was no way that you went with him. I knew
in my heart that you had really left me... and... and... it was so unbearable..."
Mommy Carol's shoulders were shaking; she was crying again.

Oh, no! If something wrong would happen to her, I was to be blamed for this!

Seeing mom being like this made it hard for me. I sat up beside her and held her
hand. Tears were flowing down my cheeks as well. "I'm very, very sorry. I'm so
sorry that I had to leave. It was just I couldn't live anymore with him.."

"What really happened between you and Nigelito, darling?" she asked. "What happened
that night? I have a lot of questions... so many unanswered questions. I want you
to enlighten me, darling, please..."

Why? Didn't Nigel tell you about what happened that night, mom?

"Nigel would always refuse to talk about it, darling. I don't know why."

Because he doesn't give a shit about it, mom.

"I had to leave because I didn't want to marry him anymore, mom. I realized that
night that I don't really love him at all. I'm so, so sorry for everything, mom. I
knew it was all my fault. I begged you to make him my husband in the future... but,
on that night, I realized that it wasn't what I really wanted. I'm sorry..."

And you don't need to force him or blackmail him anymore, mom, into marrying me.

"You could have just told me the truth, darling. You know I'll give anything you
want. We could have just called everything off, right?"

"Yeah... but I was scared at that time..."

Mom stared at me, still letting tears to run along her cheeks.

"Okay, let's not talk about it anymore. The most important thing is you're back
here with me. Come here. I want to hug you again," she spoke lovingly to me.

I lay down again beside her and hugged her.

We talked to each other as if there was no tomorrow. I told her that I would be
spending only a few weeks in The Fields to be with her. I told her I had left a
work in the South this summer. I also explained that I needed to go back to the
South so I could pursue my collegiate studies. From then on, I would just visit her
from time to time.

At first, she couldn't accept about my intention of going back to the South but I
explained to her my will for independence. She soon understood.

She wanted to give Nigel a call and told him the news of my arrival. Oblivious of
my return, he was at the capital at the moment and was scheduled to visit mom a
week after. I prevented mom to tell him about me. I didn't want to see him nor talk
to him.

"Whatever it was that you fought with him, hope both of you can settle it now... I
really want you to come in good terms with him, darling," she pleaded.

I didn't answer her.

Later, since it was getting late already, mom finally fell asleep. She slept within
my embrace.

Oh, embracing her back, I truly realized that I missed this woman so much. She was
a missing piece in my heart... I was glad I came back for her.


The following day, mom and I went on a morning walk to her flower plantation. I
heard that the doctor advised morning walks as part of her treatment so I willingly
went with her.

The flower plantation was as breathtaking as ever. The sight of the colorful
flowers sent a soothing caress in my heart. Roses, chrysanthemum, heliconia, aster,
anthurium, baby's breath, gladiola, orchids of different colors... really
breathtaking as ever. Oh, you name it, mom had it in her plantation. Walking along
with mom on one of the footpaths in the middle of the flower beds, I could actually
sense the wonderful fragrance brought to my nose by the morning breeze. Mom and I
held hands as we walked together.

After the morning walk, I went to the kitchen and helped the palacio cook, Clara,
to do mom's meal. I had to observe how mom's food was to be prepared because I
wanted to do it for her next time. I wanted to give all my love and care for her,
just like how she devoted all her time to me when I was still eight and trying to
recover from my loss.

In the afternoon, I couldn't wait anymore to visit my lagoon. I couldn't miss it of

all places in The Fields. I went there for the first time in two years. My heart
was beating like crazy as I treaded the familiar rugged pathway. Reaching the
place, I was overwhelmed with joy when I discovered that everything seemed in place
just like before... like everything was preserved... all for me...

Putting on a blanket on the ground, I lay down and watched the branches of the
mahogany trees that seemed to cover the sky from my vision where some rays from the
afternoon sun came to radiate to the lagoon bank. What mesmerized me more, however,
was the presence of my butterfly friends! They were still here and they were even
getting a lot more in number! God, they looked so wonderful and breathtaking! My
place beside the lagoon had truly turned out now into a butterfly sanctuary.

Oh, I had so many memories of this place... too many memories of my youth.

There, as I was lying, I felt another missing piece was reattached to my heart.

Tears dropped from my eyes.

I couldn't deny it... There's no place like The Fields...



Next chapter will be updated some time today! Yay, two updates! I'm happy!

Sneak peek for the next chapter: THE SUITOR... I'm excited for this. God, I've been
waiting for this time to come. Let us help her move on and make way for a new
relationship, okay?

Don't forget to VOTE, COMMENT, and SHARE!

(sapphiregirl22) ~_^

Chapter 35 - The Suitor

@uiel22, for the consistent support since the very beginning of this...


After tucking mom to bed that night, I went outside and found my way to the
swimming pool. Sitting at the poolside and removing my slippers, I dipped my bare
feet on the water and was surprised to discover the water being really cold though
it was summertime. I was closing my eyes and feeling the country breeze brushing my
skin when I felt someone who furtively sat beside me.

Waking me up from my reverie, Elena gently held my arm. "I'm really glad you're
back, Thea."

I turned my face to her and smiled, "Thanks, Elena. I'm glad I'm back as well. The
Fields has a very important place in my heart."

"I'm happy to hear that. I thought you'd never come back. This place is never the
same without you."

Elena was always a great friend to me and I knew she was one of those who were
affected of my disappearance.

"How are you now? I mean, your heart..." she asked with a concerned tone.

I raised my brow, "What do you mean?"

"Don't deny it... The señorito is the reason why you left..." she said, very

I didn't speak a word. I just stared at the glistening water in front of me.

"If you aren't ready to share yet, it's fine. I just hope you're okay now..."

"Yes, he's the reason why I left," I said.

Her eyes opened widely. "I knew it! What did he do to you?"

I shook my head, "There's just a million reasons that I have decided to forget,
Elena. You're one of those who knew how much I suffered because of him. I just
realized that I couldn't be like that forever. That was why I left. What's
important now for me is I have finally learned to move on and live a life without
him. That's what's important to me. Now I have more time for myself and for all the
things that I want to do... unlike before when my world only revolved around him.
Oh, I couldn't be that kind of woman forever, Elena."

"Most of us here hope and pray for a happy ending for you and the señorito...
That's what we always pray," she said, in a whisper.

"Please, Elena... Please, accept the fact that I've already moved on, meaning, I am
ready now to give my heart to someone who is more deserving than him."

She eyed me suspiciously.

"Please, don't look at me like you can't believe me..." I pinched her arm. Why was
she making it hard for me to convince her?

"Because the señorito is the air that you breath," she said in a low tone,
answering the rhetorical question in my mind.

"Was, Elena," I corrected her. "Because today, he's just part of my crazy illusion
in the past. He is never real. He doesn't really exist."

Elena thought for a while. Then, she asked, "So are you in love with somebody else
right now, Thea? Who's the lucky guy?"

"I will give my heart to the most patient man in the world, Elena," I said as I
thought of Javier. "You will know him soon."

She was now the one who wasn't able to speak for a while.


It was nearly dawn when I realized that Elena and I talked mostly about me, about
my life in the South, and not so much about her.

"Hey, how about you? How's your lovelife? Don't tell me until now you still haven't
met him? Are you still a No-Boyfriend-Since-Birth?" I asked her, wanting to know
about her lovelife.

Though it was dark around us, the light in one of the lampposts near the pool made
me perceive the blush that appeared her cheeks. "Oh, come on. What's with the
blushing, Elena?" I asked elbowing her side.

"Actually," she started out, very shyly, "I have already a boyfriend."

Oh, my gosh! My sweet, innocent Elena.

"Who? Will you introduce me to him? You should, you know. I'm your bestfriend."

"You know him, Thea."

What? Really?

"Then who is this guy?"


It had been two days in my stay in The Fields and I still hadn't seen Diego. Where
could he be? Didn't he know that I wanted to see him too?
It was Elena who told me that Diego, with his classmates who were prospective
mechanical engineers, had been to an excursion to the capital. The excursion, which
was the finale of the semester, was a part and parcel of one of their major
subjects. Diego was to return today.

I had been in the kitchen preparing mom's dinner when Diego arrived in the palacio.
Elena texted him already about my return while he was still in the capital. Well,
you would know he was excited to also see me because the moment that he arrived, he
immediately looked for me.

"Thea," he called out my name in the kitchen. Of course, who wouldn't recognize his

"Hey, hey, Engineer Diego!" I exclaimed, turning my body to him and reaching out
for his hands.

We held hands and, showing his dimple, he smiled. "Not yet, Thea, but soon to be,"
he expressed confidently as he leaned down to lock his gaze with mine.

Wow, after two years, it was unbelievable to see Diego's transformation. The boy
had become a man. With muscular built and hair in the jaw, he definitely was
physically attractive.

"I'm so, so happy you're back," he told me, yet with a serious tone. "How have you
been doing?"

Our hands parted but still stood facing each other.

"I've been doing good."

"Oh, thank God! We were all so worried about you."

"Yeah, I know. It's been crazy... really..." I looked at him and I couldn't help
myself to be very happy for him. Diego, a fine young man who was capable of loving
and was deserving to be loved, finally found the perfect girl for him. I giggled
and exclaimed, "I'm glad you have Elena. She's a good and beautiful person, Diego.
You both deserve each other."

He blushed. "So she did tell you."

"Yes, she did and I'm so happy for the both of you," I smiled widely.

Diego smiled too. "I love her, Thea."

"And she loves you, too, very much," I assured him as my heart felt total bliss
that Diego was finally over me.

If there was one person who would be very happy for my two friends, it would be me.


I lay on my bed for the first time during the third night of my stay in the
palacio. I just had to accompany mom in her room in the previous nights.

My bedroom was still the same. Mom made sure that all my things were intact.
However, no matter what, I still felt that all of these were not really mine
because I didn't belong in here. How could a servant's progeny be a princess in the
palacio? Someday, I would leave this place for good. Of course, I couldn't tell
Mommy Carol about that as of now or else she might have again a hypertension
attack. I was grateful that her blood pressure was normal lately. Elena said this
could be credited to my return.

I was lying on the bed when my cell phone received a message. It came from Mrs.

I miss my favorite baker so much. The shop has not been the same anymore, she

I smiled and texted her back, I'll be back, Ma'am. Don't you worry.

Then, another text came. This time, it was from Javier. Can't wait to see you

He already knew that I was in The Fields. Probably, he would ask many questions
about my coming back. I was ready to answer all those questions.

See you. I replied.


My morning walks with mom appeared to be really beneficial to her. It became a

morning routine. She became livelier, more vibrant, and more active. I couldn't
wait for her to go back to her usual self.

It was Tuesday morning, as both of us pushed off for the palacio from the flower
plantation, the sight of a helicopter in the palacio ground met my eyes.

Mom exclaimed, "My Nigelito is here!"

My heart kicked. I thought he was due to arrive on Saturday. Why was he here now?
It was still Tuesday.

"Darling---" mom stared at me apologetically, "I didn't inform him you're here. He
has no idea."

It was my decision to come back here so I should prepare myself for future
encounters with him.

"No problem, mom."

"That's good to hear, darling! Oh, finally, I can see the both of you again
together. I'm so excited."

Oh, mom couldn't still get over the idea of Nigel and me! What would I do?


We entered the mansion and there was no sign of Nigel. I walked with mom to her
room so I could help her prepare herself for breakfast but she told me I could go
and have my shower. Elena was to take care of her. I kissed her cheeks and I went
out of her room.

As I walked towards mine, I passed by Nigel's bedroom. I knew he was in there and
my reflexes automatically commanded me to walk faster to my room.

Breakfast was to be served at 7:00 a.m. so I had to be at the dining room five
minutes before it. I wouldn't want mom to be waiting for me there. After a quick
shower, I put on a lovely yellow sundress. It was Mrs. Riviera's gift to me when
she learned I got included in the Dean's List. I hadn't worn it yet and I couldn't
explain what had gotten into me that I decided to wear it today.

Anyway, I went to the dining room and mom was already there properly seated.

"Nigelito will join us in a minute. He's still video chatting with some of the men
back there in the Corporation, you know, giving instructions," mom explained why
Nigel hadn't still shown up in the dining room.

"No problem, mom. It doesn't matter to me," I said as I dragged a chair to sit on.

"Oh, I'm sorry if this is going to be awkward, darling, but please just bear with
all of these, okay?" she said in a pleading tone. "I really want you to come in
good terms with him."

"Facing him is not going to be an issue anymore to me, mom but, please, accept the
fact that I have long realized that I don't love him. There's no way that I'll
still go back to being that childish thirteen-year-old girl who stupidly asked you
to make him my husband," I told her very frankly.

She seemed hurt as she looked at me intently. Oh, I couldn't even gaze at her any
longer. Mommy Carol still had that hope in her heart that Nigel and I could still
marry each other... I could read it through the way she looked at me.

Calm footsteps towards the table interrupted us and, voila, he was there standing
before me at the other side of the table. Our eyes met. God, why was it so natural
for the both of us to stare at each other's eyes every time we met?

White tee shirt, worn-out jeans. That was how he presented himself today in front
of me. You wouldn't believe he was President and CEO of the biggest company in the

Nigel, by his looks, seemed not surprised seeing me because he was actually smiling
at me.

As in smiling at me. So beautifully... what?

Then, he moved to mom and kissed her cheeks. Instantly, mom's expression

"Good morning," he greeted her in a cheerful tone. "How are you today?"

"Very, very happy, son," mom replied enthusiastically, grabbing him by the elbow.
"My baby darling's finally back!"

He embraced mom's shoulders, lifted her chin with his hand, and kissed her
forehead. "Yes, she's here for you."

I averted my eyes away. Why did my heart feel sincerely happy upon seeing him
cuddling and kissing his mother? The sight of them together was just overwhelming.

Overwhelming. The sight of him? Geez, what was I thinking?

But, on second thought, I was glad that I had actually left them for my absence
made them become closer. If I remembered, during our fake-engagement days, he was
never this sweet to his mother. He was always distant to her like he was blaming
her with a lot of things...

My absence, therefore, did something great to their relationship.

Then, unexpectedly, while a part of my brain thought he was to already sit across
me, Nigel moved towards where I was sitting, leaned his face to mine, and kissed my
cheek like what he did to mom!

"Welcome back, princess." His breathing, filled with mint, reached my nostrils and
the stubble in his jaws tickled my cheek.

For a while, I couldn't move a bit. I so wanted to shout 'How dare you kiss me?' to
him yet no words came out from my stupid mouth. The tickly sensation seemed to
remain in my stupid cheek.

Quickly, he was back at the other side of the table and sat on his chair like he
didn't do something wrong.

It was the hardest breakfast I had in my entire life, not that the food was scarce.
It was just the jerk was there across me, eyeing me like a glue.

"I thought you wouldn't be coming home until next week?" mom asked him as the three
of us were in the midst of our meal.

Nigel, who was still looking at me with great intensity, answered, "I'm taking a
vacation. I'll be spending a week with you."

What? Was he referring to mom or to me? He was looking at me as he said those

words, wasn't he? Brain, process!

Mom giggled, "Ah, finally, you're taking a vacation! I thought you're still going
to work yourself to death!"

"Because I now have a reason to take a break," he stated and smiled at me.

I glared daggers at him but I wouldn't say anything or else he would think that I
had been assuming things again. So, I just took a cut of my baked vegetable
omelette, nibbling it in my mouth.

His eyes travelled to my mouth and stared that part for a long time. Then, he
gulped something in his throat. His adam's apple moved.

I didn't know what had gotten into me but I took again another fork of my omelette,
chewing and pouting my mouth in the process.

You're looking at my damn lips! Well, I'm sorry but you're not going to taste them

Oh, what was I thinking?

Instantly, I felt again the tickly sensation in my cheek especially when I saw
again his stubbled jaws. Damn.

"Uhm, mom?" I spoke out as I tried to get rid of the inner tension I was feeling.

"Yeah, darling?"

"I'm expecting a visitor today," I announced with a cheerful tone, battling gazes
with her son.

This was it! I had to tell mom about Javier in front of this proud man. Well,
hello, he had to know that my world no longer revolved around him!
I saw him furrowed his brows as if he wasn't expecting this. Good.

I brought a glass of carrot juice to my lips and gulped a portion of it.

"Visitor? Who?" mom inquired, quite surprised.

Putting the glass back to the table, I turned my face to mom and smiled. "The
governor's son, mom. You know Javier Suarez? He is my former schoolmate in high

"What?" Suddenly, Nigel's voice interrupted my statement.

I looked at him and furrowed my brows. "Any problem with it?"

He bit his lips and didn't talk anymore as he scrutinized my face. Seconds later,
he went back forking something in his plate but didn't eat anymore.

"Well, he sometimes visited me in the South when I was there. Now that I'm here and
just a thirty minute-drive away from their mansion, he would like to visit me here
more often, mom."

"The governor's son?" mom asked to herself. "Ah, yeah, Melanie's son."

"Yes, yes, mom. His mom, the governor's wife, is your friend, isn't she?"

She nodded her head but she seemed not pleased. Then, she glanced at Nigel. He was
back staring at me but not saying any word, instead he remained forking something
in the plate like he was torturing something in there. Poor food.


Javier arrived in his sports car at exactly 9:00 o'clock in the morning. When he
got out of his car in the driveway, the first thing I noticed was that he looked
totally hot wearing sunglasses, a tight-fitting shirt and denim jeans. I
immediately met him there. He kissed my cheek when he gave me the flowers he
brought for me. After thanking him, I led him towards the main door of the palacio.

Two lady servants who were sweeping in the driveway stared at Javier with
displeasure. When we walked past one of them, I asked her, "Got a problem,

"N-none, señorita," she stammered.

Oh, I knew their feelings. They were just not used seeing me with another man.
Perhaps, they still thought I would end up marrying the Master of the Fields. After
all this time? After two years, couldn't they still move on?

I smiled at her as if telling her that it was just okay. Move on, please, people.
You are not helping me.

Then, subconsciously and involuntarily, I looked up at the second floor of the

palacio and my eyes landed on the balcony where Nigel was standing and watching
both Javier and me. I chose not to mind him. Javier and I entered the mansion.


"Remember Javier, mom?" I asked mom when Javier made a courtesy call to the señora.
She was at the drawing room, sitting on her wooden arm chair; while Javier and I
stood before her.

Javier bowed slightly his head to mom. "How do you do, Señora?"

Mom's stare scanned Javier's face. "I'm fine. Please take a seat."

Javier settled on the wooden settee in front of her. I sat beside him.

That started the conversation. Mom was asking about Javier's studies, sending
regards to his mother, and inquiring about his father's plan of running for the

Javier was an eloquent speaker. I listened to him and found appreciation in how he
was handling the conversation with mom though he knew that this woman before him
previously engaged her son to me. Javier didn't seem to be affected at all. Towards
the end of the conversation, he informed about his intention of visiting me often
in the palacio.

Mom handled it all so well, too. She didn't express any negative remarks on
Javier's attention of visiting me. I could feel, however, she was sad about how
things started to turn out but I wanted her to move on, just like how I moved on.
She needed to accept the fact that I was not the woman for Nigel and he was not the
man for me.

I kissed her in the cheek when the conversation lasted. Javier and I went to the
patio afterwards.

We sat side by side on a fabricated metal chair just beside the swings.

"You still come back here, Thea," he began. "I thought you don't want anything to
do with the Sarmientos anymore."

"I can't turn my back from mom, Javier. She needs me now; she's not in good health
right now and I want to be with her," I explained. Actually, I already expected him
to ask about this.

"I understand," he mused. "Well, I just didn't get it at first. When you texted me
about your coming back, I was like 'What the f*ck is going on in her mind?' but I
eventually realize that, no matter what, you're always coming back here. Right,
Thea?" he said reflectively, seeking my eyes.

I became silent for a while.

Yes, that was what I suspected --- he didn't like it when he learned that I came

"Yes, Javier. This place is already part of me."

"Does..." he hesitated but continued anyway, "Does that mean you're with Mr.
Sarmiento again? You give again your heart to him?"

I shook my head. "No, we are not together, Javier. I'm here for mom, not for him."

He breathed in relief. "Thank you for that!"

I smiled at him. "Why are you thanking me?"

"Because that means I still have a chance, right?"

I examined his face. Sincerity. I saw it in his face.

Javier Suarez --- sincere, understanding, persistent, good-looking, wealthy, soon-

to-be-lawyer, soon-to-be-statesman, coming from an influential family... God, I
could enumerate a lot of his good qualities and a lot of other positive things
about him. What else would I ask for?

So, did I feel something in my heart like, right now, sitting beside him and facing
him? Did I feel butterflies in my stomach? Did I feel my heart skipping?

Trying to find answers to my questions, I grasped my chest with my right hand.

And there was that beating...

Bam. Bam. Bam.



What could that beating be? If you guys happen to know, tell me. Hehe.

Please, don't forget to VOTE, COMMENT, and SHARE!!! That was the second update
today... Thank God for my two-day break and so I did it!

(sapphiregirl22) ~_^

Chapter 36 - Virtue and Sin

Pic of Gui Fedrizzi ----- ☝

This chapter is for you @GlithelLoriaga kay gikilig ka to the highest level last
time, hope you'll enjoy this one as well... hehe.


It was almost 10:00 p.m., as I saw the time in the alarm clock on my bedside table,
when I heard a knock on my door. Was mom looking for me? Did she want to share bed
with me?

I got up from bed, grabbed a robe and wore it before opening the door.

A bomb exploded right where I stood when I learned who was in the other side!

"Hi, princess," he spoke softly as he leaned the right side of his head on the door
frame. His eyes were somewhat sleepy but you couldn't deny the fact that his facial
features, though tired and exhausted, would always be remarkable at all times. I
couldn't help my gaze to land on his delicately curved lips.

What on earth did he want this time? After I caught him watching Javier and me at
the balcony, I never saw him for the rest of the day. And now, at 10:00 in the
evening, he was to see me?

Knowing that I was wearing only a night dress underneath, I tightly wrapped the
robe around my body. I raised a brow at him. "Nigel, what on earth do you want?
It's ten o'clock."
He batted his eyelashes before he spoke out, almost hoarsely, "I can't sleep."


"You can't sleep that's why you're standing here before me? What kind of shit is
that?" I said, purely irritated. How could I not be irritated? He just showed
himself here like he was ever welcome!

Wearing navy blue sweat pants and a gray tank top tonight, he flaunted his arm
muscles as he leaned his right arm on the door frame. I couldn't help but glance at
those sinewy muscles.

His eyes were fixed on my face for a while, then they travelled their movement to
my chest, down to my arms that were tightly wrapped around my body.

"My heart's aching," he said, breathing heavily, as he stared back to my eyes.


I eyed him confusedly. He then patted his left chest softly with his right fist.
"Here, I can't breath," he whispered, almost choking.

Crap. He was staging again a melodramatic show.

"Well, I think what you need right now is a doctor. Unfortunately, I'm not a
doctor," I expressed sarcastically.

What kind of ache was he referring to? Did he really have a heart illness that he
needed to consult to a doctor? Anyway, I never bothered to ask him.

I just wanted him to go away or else...

"Now, shoo! I'm about to sleep." I tried to get a grip of the doorknob to shut the
door right before his face. Probably sensing that I was about to close the door, he
quickly placed a foot in between the door and the frame which prevented me to shut


I got even more irritated with what he did. "You are really one hell of a freaking

I wasn't able to finish what I was to say for Nigel instantly gripped my chin and
muttered, also in an irritated tone, "First of all, I can't sleep because I can't
help thinking that you're only a room away from me. Second of all, I can't sleep
knowing that you were with a guy today and you seemed to enjoy his company. Tell
me, how am I supposed to sleep?"

As he spoke, his breathing reached my nostrils and I was certain that it smelled
like he had a drink. Had he really been drinking?

But wait, did I hear all his words right?

As far as I could remember, he didn't have any feelings for me! So, what the hell
was he telling me now? He was jealous with Javier?

"Well, first of all, if you can't sleep while I'm a room away, I should maybe just
get my ass out of this mansion! Yeah, that would be a great solution so I could
give you, my dear prince, a very good night sleep!" I challenged him, brushing his
hand away from my chin. "Second of all, my relationship with Javier is not your
damn business!"

I was hoping that he would go away after I insulted him yet, to my utter surprise,
Nigel pushed the door, keeping it more ajar, so he could insert his large body
until, finally, he managed himself to get into my room. His arms brushed my bust in
the process and, I swore, the nerves in my breasts were quite stirred up by the
contact. My nipples hardened and it made my cheeks blushed.

Oh, God, what did he really want this time? He was now inside --- inside! --- my

I couldn't understand what I was feeling. I was peeved with both his actions and my
body's reactions as well.

"What are you doing?" I freaked out.

He didn't mind me, instead he walked towards my bed and slumped his body there, his
front towards the bed surface and his arms spread widely at his sides. "I'm
sleeping here, princess," he said turning his reddened face to me, his left cheek
was pressed to the bed.

"Are you insane?"

He smiled lazily, "It's you who's driving me insane, princess."


"Stop with the princess nickname, Nigel. It doesn't affect me anymore. I'm no
longer that naive teenaged girl who giggles every time I hear you call me that," I
snapped back, putting a hand in my waist.

"Really? You liked it before when I call you that?"

Oh, slip of the tongue!

"Well, every little girl loves to be called a princess. Unfortunately, I'm not that
little girl anymore," I defended, grabbing my hair hard with both of my hands as I
walked nearer to the bed. He was really irritating me, and I could grip my hair
forever like this if he kept on irritating me.

"Yeah, you're no longer that little girl. I can see it through that nightie," he
pronounced wickedly.

Oh, my God! It was too late for me to realize that my untied robe actually was
spread open as I was grabbing my hair in complete annoyance. My nightdress was
flaunted and God-knows-what else underneath its sheer cloth. I instantly felt heat
in my cheeks and it travelled like a spark all through out the other parts of my
body. There again, my breasts reacted and my thighs trembled due to the crazy
thought of him seeing visibly my almost naked body.

Until now, this man who was lying prone on my bed was still the biggest jerk on

With shaking hands, I wrapped the robe around my body. "Please, leave now."

"Really love your smell on the bed, princess... so sweet and so sensual," he said
dreamily. "Please, let me stay with you... tonight," he pleaded, not minding my
anger. He dipped his nose on the sheet and closed his eyes.
Immediately, my brain recalled the smell of my favorite perfume fragrance, powdery
vanilla scent. Nigel was sniffing my bed like he was enjoying it.

"If you're not leaving this room, then I'll be the one leaving," I said, totally
irritated by him. It was definitely hard to deal with a drunk man.

Not waiting for his reply, I deserted him as I walked out of my room and headed to

Stay with me? Tonight? On my bed? The jerk! Still a pervert! He never changed!


"Oh, I'm not getting any younger. I want to see grandchildren running around the
mansion," mom dreamily muttered as she sat on a rocking chair in the patio. Elena
was massaging her head. "I want to see little Nigels and little Altheas running
here and there. Isn't it going to be very nice, Elena?"

"That would be very, very nice, señora," Elena assented.

I was sitting on the swing in front of them and they both eyed me in a teasing

Oh, mom! If I'd be married, I wouldn't be living here anymore... and, for sure, I'd
have a little Althea but no little Nigel.

Then, from out of nowhere, Nigel, in tee shirt and cargo shorts, appeared in the

Speaking of the devil.

For sure, he heard what mom had just said but he never said a word about it, just
like me. Instead, he stepped quietly and sat on the other swing beside me. He
glanced at me and smiled.

How could he act like that when he stole my bed last night? I gave him an annoyed

"Did you hear what I've just said, son?" mom asked curiously, "I want little---"

"Loud and clear, mom," he butted in. "I'll give you as many grandkids as you want,
mom, once I marry..." He turned his head to me and declared tenderly, "the woman I

My heart leaped crazily when I heard what he said and when his meaningful gaze
drilled my eyes. Why did my heart suddenly flutter?

Crap! I was almost caught in that trap!

No! I couldn't allow it!

I stood up immediately and announced, "I'll go for a walk, mom." And, not waiting
for mom's reply, I walked out on them, headed outside and just let my feet decide
where they would bring me.

I was halfway to the iron gate when Nigel caught up with me. Did he actually follow
"Where are you going?" I asked irritatingly.

Walking beside me, he beamed a smile and said nothing. Was he still drunk? Well, he
looked sober now...

"Last night was---"

I knew he was to talk about the incident last night so I cut him off. "It was very
stupid of you to steal my bed."

Ugh! I walked even much faster and decided to go outside the iron gate.

"You can't walk out on me forever, Althea, because I'll be following you wherever
you go." I heard him say behind me.

I answered him nothing and just walked and walked until I was treading the country
road going nowhere.

How dare he! How dare he! Follow me wherever I go? Seriously, he would say
something like that after everything that had happened between the two of us?

"Althea, wait---" he called out as I was still going nowhere. All throughout, he
was following me.

"Quit following me, okay?" I yelled at him and continued with my fast steps.
"You're so annoying, Nigel Joaquin!"

Unconsciously, my feet already brought me to the rugged pathway going to the

lagoon. I stopped for a while when I realized where I was heading. I was not going
there with him following me! No, no! That place was just too special that I
couldn't allow to be there with the most hateful man in the world.

Just when he was about to catch up with me, I resumed walking, this time, almost
running with my slippers on because I was afraid of what he was capable of doing if
he would indeed catch me. Suddenly, due to my excessive desire to run as fast as I
could, my left foot accidentally tripped on a stone and I lost my balance. My right
knee was the first thing pulled by the gravitational magnet, hence, hurting it and
even bruising it with a cut when it reached the ground. Blood immediately flowed
out from it and I gasped in both surprise and hurt.

Why had I worn a sundress again today? I should have worn something like pants so
my knee wouldn't get hurt like this! What was the matter with me always wearing
dresses while this irritating man was around the palacio?

I was attempting to stand up when Nigel caught my arms. He pulled me up but I

couldn't stand.

"Ouch!" My knee hurt. I didn't want to move it or else it would just smear the
blood. I sat there on a rock on the ground.

Nigel bent down his knees to examine my knee. "Oh, my God, there's blood!" he

"Don't touch me!" I yelled at him, wanting him to stay away from me.

"Don't be stubborn, okay?" he demanded. "Does it hurt so much?" he asked, holding

my shin.

Who told him to touch me there? I rattled at his touch so I struggled. "How dare
you touch me!"

He cast me an accusing stare. "You're still a brat, do you know that? I told you to
wait for me but you still ran away. Look what has just happened."

"Don't harangue me. You have no right." I said, firmly pushing his hand away.

Much to my surprise, Nigel placed his right arm under my knees, his left arm at my
back and with a full swing, he carried my body up speedily like... like he was some
kind of a superhero! What? A superhero? Oh, what are you thinking, Althea?

"Put me down!"

Not minding my violent complaint, he carried me in his arms and headed off to the
way going back to the palacio.

"I said put me down!"

He looked at me and said in a husky voice, "Say something again and I will kiss


Of course, I shut the hell up. As much as I wanted to shout all negative words to
him, I just shut my mouth up!

Would you still say something if he'd kiss you? Oh, geez! I'd rather die...

Mom and Elena was still in the patio when we arrived. They were both shocked to see
my wounded knee. They both followed as Nigel brought me to the living room. He put
me down on a sofa.

Elena, immediately, brought her first-aid kit to clean, disinfect, and apply
Povidone-Iodine in the cut.

Mom was a bit hysterical when she saw the blood. Nigel was trying to calm her down
by explaining to her that it wasn't anything serious. Thankfully, her medicine for
her blood pressure was at hand and she immediately took it.

Oh, I felt so bad about mom!

Feeling the guilt, I closed my eyes. I always brought trouble to her.

Mom, when she finally calmed herself down, sat beside me and held my hand while
Elena was trying to do anything she could to relieve me from the pain. After Elena
put a bandage on it, mom kissed me in the cheek. "You little darling, be careful
with yourself, okay?"

Oh, mom! She thought I was still a baby!

"You okay now?" Nigel sat down at my other side and looked at my bandaged knee. "Be
careful next time, okay?"

Hello, what was with the concerned tone? Seriously it just didn't fit him.

I just rolled my eyes at him.


For the whole day, I was regarded as a baby by everybody in the palacio. I was not
allowed to stand up and I felt so helpless. Staying in the living room the whole
morning, I was just waiting for anything they would serve me... until I felt the
need to pee.

Without telling mom, who was there reading the daily paper, of what I wanted to do,
I attempted myself to stand up.

"Ouch!" I cried out. Why did it still hurt? It wasn't that serious, was it?

"Darling, don't force yourself," mom advised.

"I need to go the comfort room, mom."

An "oh" was formed in her mouth and she instantly hit the intercom on the wall
beside where she was sitting. "Son, you need to come downstairs."

Oh, no!

"No, mom! I can do it myself! Let's not bother Nigel. He's video-conferencing with
his men, isn't he?" I dissented.

"He's coming down already," she told me, smiling.

So, this was what I got myself into from going back to the palacio, huh?


When Nigel appeared in the living room, he immediately scooped me up without

warning and brought me to the nearest CR to the living room. The problem was he was
not to step outside when we were in the comfort room. He gripped my waistline like
he would really assist me in what I was going to do.

"I can do this alone, dummy," I gritted my teeth as I told him. "Just stay outside!
My gosh, you're really annoying!"

"Doesn't it hurt anymore?" he asked like he really was concerned. God, who was this
man in front of me? He wasn't the Nigel Joaquin that I knew.

"Know what? This is really taking advantage of me! Of my incapability!" I


"You might need my help," he said seriously.

"Gosh, you're really driving me mad! Please, just scram!"

He just eyed me sedately and said, "Seriously, princess, if you need help, I'll
just be---"

"I'll be damned if I'd ever need your help in the CR! Pervert!"

Probably not expecting the term coming out from my mouth, he released me almost too
quickly. Thankfully, I managed to lean my back and arms on the wall.

Nigel, eyeing me intensely, put a finger to my lips. "Will you brush your dirty
little thought off your mind, princess?"
I shot him a glare as I pushed his hand away.

He bent down at me and I tried my best to lean strongly my back to the wall for

"Yes, I am capable of doing anything perverty to you right here right now but,
thank God, I have this amazing self-restraint. Hadn't I used my mind before, I
might have done it to you a long, long time ago. Yeah, thanks again to my amazing
self-restraint," he said, bringing his face just few inches away from mine.

I knew I wasn't supposed to be affected but my stupid cheeks felt the heat when I
heard what he just said.

"I really hate you, jerk," I muttered.

"I know. I know you hate me," he said, calmly now as he stepped back. "I'll wait
for you outside." He finally left me as he went out.


By the end of the day, though I had been relieved of the pain already, Nigel still
carried me up to my bedroom. Still thinking about that awkward scenario in the
comfort room, I really wanted to get rid of him. As much as I wanted to show my
violent reaction, I just rested my case and let him carry me to my bedroom. Mom was
super freaky insistent.

Well, as Nigel carried me by his sturdy arms, I couldn't deny the fluttering of my
heart. I was completely annoyed not only to him but to myself as well.

He gently placed me on the bed when we reached there. My head was pressed on my
fluffy pillow.

"Good night," he uttered softly as his breathing fanned my cheek down to my neck
while he was putting me down.

Not asking for my permission, he sat down on the side of my bed and watched me
lying there.

"Get out now," I demanded.

"I really want to have a fresh start with you, Althea. Let's start from the very
beginning. Let's be friends, please," he said, bending his head slightly to meet my

I made no reply.

"I know it's not going to be easy but I'm on the starting line now, Althea. I'm
willing to join the race to your heart. I know I'm going to have a lot of rivals
like always, just like before, but I'll make sure 'no retreat no surrender' this
time. I'll make sure that I'll be the first to reach the finish line," he stated
while he seek for my hand.

I didn't permit him to hold me; I rested both of my hands on my stomach.

While you're still in the starting line, Javier is almost reaching the finish line,
Nigel. There's no way that you'll make it there or even overtake Javier.

In spite of my wish to tell him that, I just bit my lower lip. I didn't want to say
anything, otherwise, it would be like extending this dramatic moment with him.
"I... I missed you so much, Althea," he whispered.

Missed me? Seriously?

"It's been a while... really it has been... and you don't know how happy I am to
see you again --- lying on your bed just like that, eating with mom and me in the
dining room, sitting in the swing, walking in the hallway just outside my room...
You don't know how much I've been dreaming to have you back here... " Nigel paused
and stared me down. Then, as if finding enough courage, he told me after sucking in
a deep breath, "Home is not home without you in it, Althea. My heart and my mind
might have strongly denied it before but it was you, yeah, it was always you who
pulled me and drew me to come back home."

For minutes, my mind went dead. His words were like an unbelievable discovery. It
was like seeing something before your very eyes but you just wanted to refuse that
it was even there because you doubted its authenticity... because as you stared at
it, it just looked like a dummy, never the real thing.

I still didn't make a reply. What for? I was already satisfied with what was in my
present. I hated to go back to what really was in between the two of us in the

There was a moment of silence. We were just staring at each other until he wetted
his sexy lips.

I gulped my throat as I watched him do that.

He isn't affecting you, Althea. Please act accordingly!

Then, he continued talking, "I missed you so much, so damn much."

Yes, I couldn't open my mouth to answer him back. His words seemed too hard to
believe. Did he really miss me? Was I really the reason every time he came home to
The Fields before? Should I believe him? For years, he had shown me hatred and
hostility. In spite of all the compassion I offered to him, he remained to be the
meanest guy on earth and persevered pushing me away from him... Now that he
actually succeeded in making me stay away, he was telling me that he missed me and
that he was happy that I was back. Should I believe him now?

Looking at him staring at me gently brought unexplainable feelings to my heart. It

was like the world stopped and all I felt physically was the beating of my heart.

Bam. Bam. Bam.

There was that beating. Old and familiar. But it was the kind of beating that grew
tired of everything so tiresome and the kind that had long given up everything so

"I've promised myself not to scare you anymore but, Althea, I can't help it. I
really can't help it," Nigel whispered as he leaned down to me, "I also very much
missed this---"

I gasped in surprise as Nigel brought his lips to mine. His hands immediately found
my jaws to prevent me from squiggling. I was motionless at first until my brain
told me that he was kissing my lips for the fourth time in my entire life!
Initially, it sent electric shocks right through me and my body trembled under his
dominating bulk.
God, forgive me but I can't help it too. Why can't I help it?

I closed my eyes and tasted his lips while my left palm touched his hard chest. I
couldn't deny the fact that his lips instantaneously worked wonders in my mouth.
Nigel was maintaining a delicate and gentle tempo. His lips were divine, delicious
and luscious... just like before. His stubble brought some tickly sensations in
some parts of my face near my mouth.

Well along, his tongue started to take action --- teasing gently and penetratingly
victoriously. I gasped but didn't protest. I let it in and my tongue also learned
the game. It was like a fencing match, a battle of all things in contrast. This
time, the gentle pacing had turned out fiery hot and devouring. One of his hands
had left my jaw and gripped my head; the other travelled to my nape.

God! Everything in his mouth tasted like spring and summer, fire and water, virtue
and sin ---

It was that moment that brought you back to your past...

First kiss... library... awkward and scary.

Second... patio... ruthless and tormenting.

Third... ballroom, Sarmiento Corporate Building... tender and sweet but


Fourth... here in my room as I was lying on my bed... hot, heavenly, perfect.

Oh, I didn't know the fourth kiss is the best kiss of all kisses! The fourth kiss
is the most perfect of all kisses!

It tasted like yin and yang, love and hate... VIRTUE AND SIN.



Wait a minute! What the hell are you doing now, Althea?

You knew it was that moment --- that one perfect moment, the most perfect of all
perfect moments --- but you knew you just had to end it because it wasn't right.


It was a big SIN for me to be giving in to him.

With my full awareness suddenly came rushing back as it tried to knock a big hammer
on my head, I pushed his hard chest away from me with both of my hands.

That ended the MOMENT.

With surprised, confused and upset look, Nigel gazed at me.

And, to let him feel that he couldn't get through me with that kiss, I let my right
hand fly and slap his left cheek.



What a weird thing to kiss and slap a guy! Wooohooo! What are you doing, Althea?

Haha, anybody there who would like to slap Nigel Joaquin as well?

By the way, I'd like to take this opportunity to tell everybody who have been
commenting that you all make me very happy and inspired with all the nice words you
have for this work. When I started this, I was kind of scared on the feedback that
I would be receiving or scared of not having any feedback at all... Then, one day,
they started to appear, little by little... until they become a lot... and they all
have wonderful thoughts. They make me smile, laugh, teary-eyed, and emotional. They
push me to put up chapters that I didn't expect I even can. You guys are the best!
Without your words, I wouldn't even care of finishing this story. I could just
leave everything here, you know... but because you're there, there's nothing that
I've been aiming but to put up an ending for my first ever Wattpad novel... it may
not be too soon but we're heading there.

Thank you very much for inspiring me!

(sapphiregirl22) ~_^

Chapter 37 - Sorry
To @sheysimbajon, for being the best sidekick ever...

~~~ CHAPTER 37 - SORRY ~~~

Ouch! That hurt my palm like hell.

It kind of shocked me how I managed to strike his face that hard! The prickling
pain in my palm remained for quite some time. Neither of us said a word.

I tried my best to gather my thoughts together as I placed my hurting palm on the

bed surface.

"G-Get out of here," I said finally within my ragged breathing.

Nigel rubbed his reddened cheek with his palm while he averted his face from me.

"You have no right to do that to me," I firmly expressed as I sat up on the bed.

It took him several seconds before being able to reply. I was sure he didn't expect
that. For sure, the proud Nigelito Joaquin didn't expect to be slapped for kissing
a girl! His unsteady breathing also seemed to be in sync with mine until he faced
me once again.

"I'm sor...ry..." he pronounced those words, so heavily in his breath, like

everything depended on that statement.


For what?

For stealing me a kiss? Or for everything he did to me?

Nigel, the person who didn't believe in sorries, said sorry to me? God, this was
the very first time ever.

"I'm sorry for everything, Althea," he said holding my forearms this time. I
clenched my fists as he touched me. "I know you hate me very, very much. I know
I've been really mean and vexatious to you since we've known each other, but I'll
make it all up to you."

"Are you saying you're sorry? The great Nigel Joaquin Sarmiento is saying sorry?
Whatever happens to believing that faults can't be scraped out by sorries?" I said
sarcastically as I tried to get out from the bed.

Quickly, Nigel grabbed my body by his hands. "Keep still. You have a cut on your
knee," he reminded me as his arms encircled my waistline. He was still sitting at
my side. I immediately felt goosebumps all over my body when I felt his arms around

"Stop all of these, Nigel. Tell me, how can I believe that you're really sorry when
you have instilled in my mind that sorries couldn't bring back lost things?
Remember? You don't believe in saying sorry? So why are you saying it now?" I asked
him as I tried to unlock his arms from my waist. Everything really felt so awkward.
He was, however, determined not to let me go. He remained firm at my side, much
more his arms around me.

"To let you know that I've changed, Althea. Please, tell me what I should do for
you to accept me..." He pressed his forehead on mine, making our noses touch each
other. His breathing was tickling my mouth.

Accept him?

For two years, I had never dreamed anymore of being with him again and I became
successful accepting to myself that HE NEVER LOVED ME and I COULDN'T FORCE HIM TO

He was heartless and compassionless.

So, why was he trying to win me now? Because of mom's health, perhaps? Because this
was what mom wanted to happen?

"Enough, I don't want to hear anything from you anymore," I tried to sound forceful
as much as possible.

"I know I was the biggest jerk on earth but I'll prove to you that I've changed.
I'll prove to you. Just don't leave me again, please..." Nigel, at this time, held
my jaw with his right hand and, not expecting it again, his lips planted a kiss on
my forehead.

The brute just kissed me again! Didn't he learn a lesson from my slap a while ago?

How presumptuous of him!

Angrily, I slammed my fists on his chest. "You never learn a lesson!"

And he even embraced me more, making me stop pounding him, and it made me even much
harder to breathe.

One last time, his soft lips were pressed on my forehead. This time, he made his
lips stay there longer and, again, there were those goosebumps all over my body. I
wasn't able to get away from his arms which imprisoned me fairly hard, his taut
muscles rippled in my skin.

Seconds later, he finally released me as he stood up and cast me a languid stare.

"Okay, let's talk some other time when you've already calmed yourself down."

I will never calm down myself when I'm with you, Nigel, so just don't even try
talking to me again.

Finally, he decided to leave my room. I watched his back as he marched to the

doorway. Tone muscles in his buttocks flexed as he moved.

I stared at him until he was out of my sight. I wanted to shout to the whole world
how furious I was and how unprepared I was of the thing that just happened!

So, this was what I would get from coming back here? To be stolen a kiss --- not
once, not twice --- but thrice, in only about fifteen or twenty minutes?

I really hate you, Nigel Joaquin!


It was a Friday and Javier came to the palacio at 5:30 p.m. to pick me up for his
mom's birthday party. Javier said it wasn't a big party. Mostly, the people to
attend were just members of the family and some relatives. However, it would be a
formal event so I had to wear a formal dress. Knowing that it was to be a family
affair, I actually told Javier of my intention of not attending but he insisted by
saying that his mommy, the first lady of the province, wanted to meet me.

I got myself ready by 5:30 and, when I was told by a maid that Javier had arrived,
I went out of my room. Nigel wasn't around at this time for he went to the forest
garden. For sure, he spent his afternoon becoming an artist again. Glad that he
wasn't around pestering me, I confidently strutted in the hallway with my black

Talking with Javier, mom was at the living room when I descended the stairs. They
both stood up when I reached them.

Javier immediately kissed my cheek and I blushed. It wasn't because there were
butterflies in my stomach or something. It was just mom was there and she seemed
not happy with Javier kissing me. She frowned at me.

Mom, please...

I kissed her in the cheek. "Bye for now, mom. Don't worry about me. Javier is going
to take me home tonight," I assured her.

"Yes, definitely, señora," he said smiling.


Javier and I arrived at their mansion just right on time. All in formal attire, the
attendees were composed mostly of the governor's family members and closest

They were all seated in the living room when Javier and I appeared. Each of them
had a wine glass in his or her hand. They all looked at me as I stood in front of
them. It was as if they were scrutinizing me, from head to foot and vice versa.

"Ladies and gents, may I introduce to you my very special friend, Señorita Althea

Mrs. Melanie Suarez, Javier's mom, smiled at me as she came near me. She
immediately kissed my cheek. "Hello, Miss Ruiz. I'm glad you..." she cast a glance
at Javier, "I'm glad you came."

"Happy birthday, Madam," I greeted her.

"Thank you, dear," she replied.

All the others did the same, they kissed my cheek. The men who were present there
were very well-known politicians in the province. The women were known to be their
supportive wives. Some, about five of them, who were about of the same age with
Javier and me, were Javier's cousins. He was, as I previously learned, the only
child of the governor and Madam Melanie.

"So, you're the long lost foster daughter of Señora Carol Sarmiento?" One of
Javier's cousins, a girl, asked me.

Long lost. It sounded like I went astray for those two years I was gone...

"Yes," I replied candidly.

"Oh! The supposed-to-be bride of Señora Carol's unico hijo?" another girl cousin

I hesitated to answer at first. Who wouldn't know it in Sta. Fe?

"Please, don't bring it up anymore, Candice," Javier came to my rescue.

People in this town couldn't still forget my engagement to the Master of the
Fields, could they?

"It's a long time already," I said, probably with my reddened face right now.

"Oh, sorry. Yeah, it was a long time already." Candice smiled acidly. "Why did you
leave the palacio by the way? You kind of like made a big commotion in Sta. Fe, do
you know that? It was quite a scandal."

"Okay, enough. Let's move on, guys. Dinner is served," Mrs. Suarez cut the
conversation of which I was totally thankful.

Javier grasped my elbow. "I'm sorry about Candice, Thea," he whispered in my ear.
"She's kind of like the blacksheep of the family."

Though a bit humiliated, I still managed to give him a smile. It wouldn't be fair
to Javier if I'd walk out from here just because of a thoughtless, tactless remark
from one of his cousins. I was here for Javier anyway and for his mother, who
appeared nice to me, and not for this tactless cousin of his.

Everyone in the living room transfered to the open-sided lanai where the long table
was set.

Having Javier at my right side and one of his aunts at my left, I sat on a chair
and joined the dinner. Much of the dinner time, they talked about politics.
Javier's dad, the governor, was planning to run for the senate in the next
senatorial elections. Javier also announced his future plans for the town mayoralty
right after completing his law studies.
I was thankful that they focused on politics because, at least, they forgot about
me and my previous... scandal, as Candice said. Was it really?

After dinner, Javier brought me to their garden. We sat side by side on the
concreted bench beside the fountain.

"It's my first time to bring a girl here and meet my family," he began, showing his
even teeth widely as he beamed at me. "Mom likes you."

"Well, thank you for that," I said.

Actually, his mother, the sophisticated Mrs. Suarez, seemed very nice. Some time
during the dinner, I caught her staring at me... and when she learned that I was
watching her, she gave me a big smile.

"I'm really glad you came tonight, Thea, because I've wanted you to meet my family
and them to meet you. And now that it happens, I'm so over the moon. I'm really
happy," Javier talked apparently exalted. "Thea," he addressed me in a whisper as
he held my right hand, "I love you. I love you very much. Please, give me the honor
of calling you my girlfriend."

Yes, I had already decided that one of these days, I would give him what he wanted
and bring our relationship to the next level. And, besides, he had been very
consistent since we were in senior high school. Wasn't it enough for me to consider
him? Perhaps, tonight would be the perfect time to say "yes" to him.

However, after I heard that unfavorable statement from one of his girl cousins, I
instantly changed my mind. Perhaps, I still needed more time to think about Javier.
As Kara said, there was really no need to rush on things.

I looked at Javier and I felt that I was making things unfair to him. He should
only be the one I should consider. I shouldn't jeopardize him for what his family
members did... but family was a big thing to me. If I'd have to accept somebody in
my life, it would be someone whose family could accept me as me.

"Javier, it's... it's just that..." I answered hesitatingly as I tried to put my

words together.

"Okay..." he muttered, grinning as he held my hands now with his. He seemed to get
that I wasn't still ready. "I can wait. I can wait, Thea. At least, tonight you got
to meet my family. As I've said, this is very important to me."

I nodded my head but I couldn't help it. I really pitied him for my prejudiced


Javier took me to the palacio. All through the ride, he was very jubilant and
talkative. Clearly, he was very, very happy.

It was almost ten o'clock when we arrived. He walked me to the main door. Before we
parted, Javier held my left hand and whispered to me, "Thanks a lot, love."



"Please, it's been a long time that I want to call you that," he said, squeezing my
"But we're not---"

"Yes, we aren't yet but I'd like to think that you are exclusively dating me."

Exclusively dating? Yeah, I guessed we were. I wasn't dating anyone else but him.

"O-Okay..." I uttered.

"Thanks again, love," Javier reiterated before leaning down to kiss my cheek.

I closed my eyes to make sure of the specialness of this current situation. I

needed to take note of this thing I was sharing with Javier to make sure if I did
have feelings for him.

Then, I heard the creaking of the main door of the palacio to my left side.

Both Javier and I knew that the door had just been opened. Javier groaned as his
kiss ended up very quick and interrupted. We both turned our faces to the person
interrupting us.

Nigel stood in the doorway, hands in his shorts' pockets. He was sedulously gazing
at us but I couldn't read what was on his mind.

"Good night, love," Javier said, appearing calm although I could tell he was
irritated with the interruption.

"G-Good night, Javier," I expressed, trying to recover from shock due to Nigel's
sudden appearance.

Trying his best to be polite in spite of what happened, Javier turned to Nigel.
"Good night, Mr. Sarmiento."

Nigel didn't reply... like the jerk that he was.

Javier didn't mind anyway. He held my right hand and kissed the back of it. "Bye,
love," he gazed at me for a while and then turned to leave. When he was finally in
his car, I waved my hand at him.

"Bye, Javier. Take care," I said, still waving my hand. I stood there for a couple
of minutes as I watched his car disappear.

I swirled around and was surprised to still see the great Nigelito Joaquin standing
there by the doorway. Our eyes met.

He didn't say a word. He was just looking at me intently.

Getting my wits back, I tried not to mind his presence. As if nothing happened, I
walked past him with my big strides. I then heard the closing of the main door
behind me.

So he didn't follow me. Good.

I was on the first step of the staircase going to the next floor when I felt again
his presence. Suddenly, I saw him at my left side and, not even asking for
permission, he grabbed my left hand.

"What are you doing?" I asked as I stopped climbing up the stairs, totally
flabbergasted with his gesture.
"I just want to hold your hand," he replied quickly.


"What?" I repeated what was in my mind. "Come on! Release it, will you?"

"No, I'm not releasing you," he said, starting to go upstairs and pulling me
gently. His pace going up was slow, enough for me to keep up with it.

I really couldn't understand why he was doing all of these crazy things to me. And
I couldn't help it when my heart went on drumming like crazy every time I had this
contact with him.

"Know what? This is all nonsense," I rebuked him when we were halfway, in the
winding staircase, to the next floor.

Instead of releasing me, he even managed to intertwine our fingers together and he
continued to take steps up the stairs at the same time pull me, not harshly though.

Finally, when we reached the second floor of the palacio, in the midst of the great
spacious hall, I made a halt.

"This is really nonsense!" I repeated as I attempted to get my hand off him.

He ceased walking as well and faced me. "If seeing you with another guy happened
years ago especially seeing him kissing you, I probably would just sulk in my
studio or anywhere away from you or better yet let my jealousy arouse the monster
in me by scolding you or insulting you or beating the guy myself," Nigel said
strongly yet calmly, like he was trying to control himself from freaking out. "But
now, I want to show you that I've changed. Even it hurts me to the core, Althea, I
will try my best to be as cool and as patient as possible."

Jealous? Years ago?

Sulked in his studio? Fought with me? Scolded and insulted me? Beat the guy?

Okay. The last one happened. How could I forget him beating Dylan that very same
night that I ran away?

"You were jealous before?" I uttered absent-mindedly. I didn't want to entertain

the thought but my stupid mouth still asked about it.

"You have no idea..." he said, bending down at me and locking his gaze with mine.
"You have no idea what you've been doing to me. You have no idea how many times
jealousy put me in rage or made me a stupid non-talking creature before. You have
no idea how jealous I was with all the guys surrounding you and, tonight, you have
no idea how hurt---"

Raising my right hand up, I chimed in, "Wow! That's indeed news to me! You were
jealous of the guys surrounding me? Oh, my! You were jealous like you were in love
with me? Come on, please, don't make me laugh, Nigel Joaquin!"

Jealous? What a stupid word for somebody to say who didn't even have this word in
his vocabulary!

I pulled my hand again and, this time, he finally released it.

"So funny, Nigel. Remember? Jealousy is not found in your vocabulary?" I exclaimed
sarcastically. However, not wanting anymore to hear whatever he would say, I went
on walking towards where my bedroom was located.

He followed me. "Have you had feelings for Suarez since you two were still in


I turned around and faced him once more. "Feelings for Javier?"

"Yeah... During those times when I thought you were really into our engagement, did
you have feelings for him already?"

Oh, God! I was about to lose control now! How could he think of this? How could he
accused me of this?

Well, yeah, I wished I had feelings for Javier during our senior high school
together. It would have made my life a lot better today!

"Remember that charity ball we attended more than two years ago, Althea? Remember
that charity ball where you and that Suarez danced together?" he asked.

Instantly, my mind clicked and recalled that event. Who would ever forget that
night? It was that night when Nigel kissed the guest singer in the midst of
everybody present. It was that night when Nigel had become really violent that he
roughly kissed me in the patio and even almost forced himself to have sex with me
in the living room. It was that night when I began to realize my stupidity.

"What about that charity ball?" I asked with my cracking voice. Why did we still
have to dig the dirts of our past? Those were events that I had tried to forget.
How could I move on successfully if Nigel would still dwell in the past? I didn't
want to go back in there anymore.

"You danced with him, cheek to cheek. You embraced him like you two were really
that close. You don't know how confused my brain was at that time to see you with a
boy that I barely knew and you even went out of the hall with him, sitting with
him, side by side, on a bench in a dimly lit spot. I could have just punched him
right that moment but I tried to keep my cool," he said, his voice was also

Oh, my God!

"It was because you danced with that singer! Tell me, Nigel, what was I supposed to
do? Just stand and watch my fiancè dancing with another woman?" I retorted, turning
around to go to my room.

"Because you were stealing glances with that Suarez," he said, grabbing my elbow.
"All through out that dinner, both of you were exchanging glances. Damn, I couldn't
f-cking explain to myself why you were acting that way. I got a feeling that you
were attracted to him."

"Oh, my God! That was so already in the past! Why are we still talking about it?"

"Because we need to talk about it," he insisted. "I want to know if you have
feelings for him since you were in high school."

"Either I have or don't have feelings for him since my high school days, that's no
longer your damn business," I said sharply. "J-Just leave me alone."

"You're telling me now that you were jealous of him? Do you really want me to
believe you? For how many times did you deny in the past that you were never
jealous of anyone? So don't expect me to believe you, Nigel Joaquin, because if I
will, I'll also think that you're the most hypocrite guy on earth."

"Althea," Nigel said my name as he gripped my elbow harder.

"Please, just leave me alone."

He released me finally. "Sorry... I'm really sorry, Althea."

There was that damn word again.

I couldn't bear to hear him saying that word. I just hated him saying that. I began
to take a step to go to my room.

"I'm sorry for everything," he said as I was walking away.

I walked fast until I reached my room and, for the first time in two years, a tear
fell down my cheek because of him. For two years, I vowed to myself to never cry
for this guy once more. Tonight, my self-control failed me.

No matter how hard I tried to deny it, deep down inside, the pain was still there.
It had never been really gone. It was just there.

Because the heart that had been hurt for so many, many times in the past would
never forget at all.

It's now too late for you to say sorry, Nigel, because I have long given up on
you... and I intend to stand my ground.

Pride. The damn PRIDE. It was something that I lacked before.

Now, PRIDE was something that I had learned to practice after everything that had
ever happened between the two of us. And it was something that I intended to keep
for good.



Thank you very much for reading.

Don't forget to VOTE, COMMENT, and SHARE!

Shoutout sa tanang mga Bisdak nga mambasahay ani nga estorya! Akong dakong hangyo
sa inyo, ipa-feel pud inyong presence oy! Botar pud ba! Pindota nang star sa ubos.
Unya gusto pud ko mobasa sa inyong mga komento na Binisaya. Sigi na, guys, suporta
sad ba sa inyong ubos na higala... 😉😉😉 (Para sa tanang nakasabot, iisa ang tiil!)
Hahahaha! Bitaw, daghan kaayong SALAMAT!

Gosh, I really love my mother tongue... It's something that you can instantly use
when you seem to have a hard time saying things in English... you know, during
those times when you just feel like you've already used up your stock of English
vocabulary. Hehe...

Have a nice day, everyone!

(sapphiregirl22) ~_^

Chapter 38 - Future Wife

To @november1567, for being one of the most involved and active commenters on this


Nigel ended his vacation and went back to the capital. When he left The Fields, I
was thankful since nobody was bothering me anymore. I was able to concentrate more
on taking care of mom.

I also had time to be with Elena and Diego and learned more about their love story.
It was funny when they just started out as girlfriend and boyfriend. Elena said the
both of them were just attending some university affair and they ended up making
out that night. That was how they became a couple. I was giggling the whole time
Elena was telling me about it.

I could actually picture out the lovestruck face of Diego... I just knew how his
face looked like when he was in love.


The following week, I asked Mommy Carol's permission to go back to the South.
Though she wanted me to stay, she finally let me go. It hurt so much to leave her
one more time but I promised her that I'd be visiting her when I'd have time.

Life in the southern city continued and I still had to balance my time between my
work at the cake shop and my volunteer work at the orphanage. Nevertheless, I felt
like I was able to manage it properly. There were just times though that I was
overcome with nostalgia everytime I remembered mom or The Fields...

Javier always saw to it to visit me once in two weeks. We still dated and he was a
great suitor, very consistent with his wooing. You wouldn't ask for more. He never
gave me a pain in the head. He was always very sweet, thoughful, and understanding
--- the kind of guy that any girl would wish to have.

Weeks had passed and I never saw Nigel again. News and articles about him on TV,
daily papers and magazines were very scarce. It was really true that he was
distancing himself from the media.


I was preparing for my late supper one Thursday evening, actually the eve of my
twenty-first birthday, when I heard the ringing of the bell of my apartment door.
Thinking that it was one of the cake shop employees who might have done some
errands for Mrs. Riviera, I went out of the kitchen and went to the living room to
open the door.

What did Mrs. Riviera want from me?

I had the most unprepared reaction when I finally opened it. It was like seeing a
ghost in the middle of the night.
I wanted to scream in horror but my mouth wouldn't produce any sound... for my
brain immediately corrected me that what I was seeing at the very moment was never
a ghost or any terrible creature, but instead, I was facing, in my heart's opinion,
the sexiest and most handsome man on the planet.

There came a lump in my throat and some funny movements in the pit of my stomach.
How could he just appear like that after I thought about him just now while I was
cooking in the kitchen? How could you disregard a thought about a Sarmiento in the
kitchen when most of the kitchen goods were labelled with that family name? Did he
happen to have mutant powers already and he detected what was going on in my mind
and so he teleported straight from the capital to my doorstep?

"Hi," he greeted me.

I looked at my wristwatch and learned that it was almost nine o'clock! Thinking
that I was just imagining, I blinked my eyes with the hope that when I stopped
blinking them, he would vanish right off.

Yet when I stopped, he was still there... in business suit? Seriously?

His hair had been messed up. His jaws were unshaved. His eyes were sluggish like he
needed some sleep, like he didn't have any sleep during the past days. Still, with
all those needs, he was oozing with so much... yeah... sex appeal... No doubt about

"How did you know I'm here?" were the first words I said. Yeah, how did he know my

The moment that I spoke, he came into my apartment, not even waiting for an
invitation! The jerk!

"Nigel! Why in heavens are you here?" I queried in utter disbelief.

The man, who appeared to be deaf of my questions, went straight to my couch in my

tiny living room and sat there. "I needed some sleep," he enunciated, looking at

Oh, gosh! This was crazy! Did he really have to fly from the capital just to sleep

"And whatever made you think that this is the right place for you to sleep? Are you
going to steal again my bed tonight? Are you out of your mind?" I bombarded him
questions as I went near him.

"Really?" he eyed me meaningfully and sexily. "You're gonna let me be on your bed?"


I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms on my chest. "You wish!"

He smirked.

"Please, I don't want you here," I said, sending him the message that I totally
wanted him out of my place.

If I could only drag him to the doorway, I'd definitely do it. Too bad, I didn't
have enough power.
And my heart had been a jerk as well. It had been pumping like crazy.

He didn't answer me, instead, leaving his dress shirt on, he took off his suit
jacket and his tie and hang them on the headrest of the couch. Then, he proceeded
taking off his shoes as well. Later, he plunged his whole body on the couch with
his head placed on the armrest and his feet still on socks on the other side of the

"Please, get out!" I shouted at him.

"Don't yell at me, princess. The neighbors would hear you," he said, crossing his
arms on his chest and closing his eyes.

The neighbors? Yeah, of course, the couple with a baby next door and the gossipy
spinster in the other door!

How did he know about the neighbors?

I stared at him. Indeed, looking very exhausted while lying there, he closed his

For minutes, I stood there staring at him with my big, wide eyes. This was
absolutely insane! How did he even get here? How did he know that I was staying

Suddenly, I smelled something was getting burned and it obviously came from the
kitchen. I hurriedly rushed towards that place and what exactly met my eyes was the
burning pasta sauce in the pan.

Oh, crap! Sometimes, luck was just not in our side!


Fortunately, I was able to prevent fire by dipping the pan in the sink full of
water. Sweat started to appear in my forehead.


I had to be really careful next time.

Gosh! It looked like I was not going to take my meal tonight.

Definitely the downside of losing one's wits.


Remembering about my unwanted visitor, I went back to the living room. Looking very
comfortable on where he was lying, though the poor couch couldn't hold much of his
tall and brawny built, Nigel was already sleeping. His chest was steadily moving up
and down in peaceful slumber.

As in really sleeping?

You've got to be kidding me!

Not knowing what to do, I paced around the living room. Why are you here? Why?

His presence even produced more adrenaline in my body than the burning pan in the
kitchen a while ago.
While pacing about here and there, I caught sight of the slighly opened door and,
then, I remembered the neighbors... especially the gossipy old woman. Oh, Nigel,
you really are going to put me into trouble! I went to the door and closed it.

I sat on a chair across the couch where he was lying. Crap. It looked like he was
staying here for the night.

What am I going to do with you now, huh?

Not comprehending what I was really feeling as of the moment, I breathed in and out
deeply and hoped the act would help me understand everything... but to no avail, it
only made my chest get hardened and frozen.

Lying there, he looked so beautiful. The perfect contours of his face in its side
view took my breath away. There was a part of my brain telling me to run along my
palm on his cheek. Oh, Nigel...

Watching him, I could not help but notice his huge, man-size built on the couch. He
indeed exuded total appeal and virility.

I bit my lips.

You really surprise me tonight, Nigel. It's the eve of my birthday. Do you


It was about 11:00 p.m. when I felt the rumbling of my stomach. I decided to go
back to the kitchen and prepared something to eat.

I was just done reworking on the sauce for my pasta when I detected some kind of
movement at my back. The next thing I knew, a pair of sinewy arms were encircled
around my waist from my back. I jumped in total astonishment especially when I felt
his muscles flexed and his well-toned abs burning my back... Yeah, even though
there were our shirts in between us. What a weird thing to feel...

"Relax. It's just me, princess." Nigel seized my body even firmer to keep me in
place. "How do you know I didn't have dinner?" he asked smiling as he leaned down
his face on me over my left shoulder.

I pushed his arms to loosen them up but he kept them still. The tension I felt
earlier was built up once more. What was really with this man? Who gave him the
right to do all of these crazy gestures to me?

"Don't assume too much. This is not for you. This is for me," I said sharply.
Whatever made him think that I was cooking for him?

"Well, I'm hungry, very hungry. Aren't you going to share it with me? I miss your
cooking," He tickled my neck with his breathing.

Oh, God, this mushiness was killing me.

I elbowed his abdomen and demanded, "Well, if you let me go." I felt his abs
contracted and it made me pull away my elbow from his body.

Nigel gripped my waistline even firmer as he sniffed my hair. "Really love your
smell... I missed this..."
Now, he was talking about my shampoo. How could he miss this? Did he know how my
hair smelled before?

"You said you want to eat so let me go," I demanded, gritting my teeth.

He finally released me but the sweet, masculine smell of his cologne was kind of
stuck in my nostrils. He moved along the kitchen, got two pieces of plate from the
plate rail, and set them on the table. Still quitely amazed with what was
happening, I watched him setting the table for the both of us.


"Thank you," Nigel said when we were already sitting across each other.

I didn't speak any word. He decided to be silent as well as he ate. I looked at him
and he was so engrossed with his food. He indeed looked hungry.

I finished my share of the pasta and looked at him once more. He was done eating
and I caught him staring at me with his elbows on the table and knuckles under his

"There's water in the fridge," I said as I stood up and started to take the plates
from the table. He should not expect that I was to serve him with everything in my

He stood up and did as I told him. He got a bottle of mineral water from the
fridge, got a glass, poured water in it and walked towards me in the sink.
Surprisingly, he offered me the glass. "Here, princess."


"I can have my water myself. This is my place."

"Come on, Althea. You're going to refuse even a glass of water from me?"

Yeah, just a glass of water. Why should I make an issue out of it? I accepted it
and drank the cold water. Just as I was about to put the glass in the sink, Nigel
grabbed it from my hand. He poured water in it again and then gulped it.

Oh! Did he actually use the glass I just used?

Yuck. Gross.

I eyed him annoyingly. He grinned at me. "Best glass ever," he muttered, wetting
his lips.

Great again.

He leaned his left hip on the cupboard next to the sink where I was starting to
wash the dishes. "Your cooking always hypnotizes me. Why?" he asked, somewhat

"You make it sound like I'm some kind of witch. I don't do black magic," I said,
starting to do the washing. He was at my left and I no longer gave him a glimpse.

"No," he said after I heard him gulp another glass of water. "It's not what I mean,
princess. What I mean is I can't get enough of anything you cook or bake. You're
that good."
I shook my head irritatingly as I continued with what I was doing.

"I'm telling the truth. You're a great cook and baker," he said. I could feel his
eyes drilling at me.

Oh, God! Why now? Why did he tell these things to me only now? Why did he act this
soft and romantic only now?

"Of course, I'm good with anything I have the heart in doing. That's why my future
husband's going to be very lucky to have me," I stated meaningfully, trying to send
him the message that our broken engagement was his loss, not mine.

"I know... I know," he muttered silently.

Good, you know.

He continued, however, "I know I am very, very lucky."

Crap. One more word and I was going to slap him already.

That was the time that I turned to him and glared daggers at him. "Stop it! Stop

I continued with what I was doing and he became silent all throughout as he was
watching me.

Finishing rinsing and wiping the plates, I brought them to the plate rail. Nigel
followed me.


"Please," I span around and faced him, "I can't understand why you're even here
tonight... and then, here you are annoying me like the jerk that you are!"

For seconds, he didn't speak a word again. His expression turned grim.

Suddenly, his phone rang in his pocket.

I went back arranging the plates. It must be one of his girls calling and trying to
monitor where he was. Oh, I really hated him.

"It's my alarm," he said from my back. "It's 12:00 o'clock."

I didn't want to know what time it was. What I wanted to happen was for him to
leave my apartment now. I turned to him once again to reprimand him to go away
already. But, before I could speak anything, Nigel closed our distance and gripped
my waistline with one of his arms.

"What are you doing?" I squealed.

He leaned down his face to me. "Want to know the reason why I'm here tonight? Well,
my alarm..." he said, showing me his phone, "my alarm just told me it's time for me
to say this. I'm here to make sure that I'll be the first person to greet you.
Happy twenty-first birthday, princess."

I stared at him, very shocked.

So he did remember the date!

This was the first time ever that he greeted me on my birthday!

And before I could make a reaction, after he put the phone back in his pocket,
Nigel grasped my chin with his hand and gazed at my lips.

Oh, no! He is to kiss me now! He is to kiss me now! My brain freaked out.

I could feel the blushing of my cheeks at that thought.

But, no... he didn't.

Instead, he added, "How could I forget the date, Althea? It's the day that we got
engaged. It's the day that I can't ever get you out of my mind even for one just f-
cking second. It's the day that always made me come running home to the palacio
just to see you."


My jaw dropped. I couldn't believe what I just had heard.

Really? Was I really the reason when he came home to the palacio every birthday of

When I turned seventeen... he arrived in the evening and shared dinner with mom and

When I celebrated my eighteenth birthday with my friends in the palacio ground, he

arrived in the middle of the night!

Nevertheless, didn't he ignore me during those times? Hadn't I received multiple

insults from him during those times?

Stop lying, Nigel Joaquin! What really is your motive in all these lies and
pretenses? My brain yelled at him.

Nigel didn't mind how my facial expression turned sour. Instead, he scooped and
embraced me tightly in his arms, lifting me up in the process that my feet left the
floor, as he said softly to my ear, "Happy birthday, future wife."



Ahhhhhhh... Nigel Joaquin!!! Why do you always skip the formal proposal??? You
can't just claim her like that! Do the proper thing! Do I really need to give you
some lesson on the art of courtship? (Author grits her teeth... grrr... :€)

Hahaha! I'm getting craaazzy now!

Thanks for your wonderful time on this chapter, my lovely readers. A big thanks
also for consistently making this book a part of the Hot List! You always make me

Sorry for the short update. It's just that this week and the next couple of weeks
will be the peak season of my career, like really the busiest time of the year for
me. I'm not sure if I'll still be having enough time to write... but I'll try my
very best to find time so that I can update next week. :/

Don't forget to VOTE, COMMENT, SHARE and FOLLOW!

With lots of love,
(sapphiregirl22) ~_^

Chapter 39 - Three Words

To @brookemccreaa, for always voting first each time a chapter is updated.


With a really dozy mind, I entered the cake shop. It was so unbelievable how I
still managed to work my way to the shop when I was even too drowsy to report

Apart from the early call from Mommy Carol, Elena and Kara greeting me on my
birthday, I totally didn't have a good night rest.

Nigel, you're to be blamed for this! My mind was furiously shouting inside me.

I was in the shop when I noticed that everyone seemed not around. Where could the
people be? Who opened the shop then? Normally, every morning, some crew would be
cleaning the customers' place, the cashier would be at the counter and, most of
all, Mrs. Riviera would be supervising everyone to make the shop ready for the day.

Really confused, I walked towards the baking area. It felt so weird to be alone in
the shop on my birthday and have a drowsy mind. Just as I was opening the door to
my favorite place in the shop, a loud greeting bombarded me.

"Happy birthday, Chef Thea!"

Oh, now I knew why everyone was not around in the customer's place! They were all
here in the kitchen waiting for me.

The lively greeting kind of knocked something in my head that I had to wake up. I
actually felt I was sleep walking. Oh, blame it to the jerk!

"Oh, guys, thank you so much," I said, very grateful indeed for the surprise

"We love you, Chef Thea!" they even added, still in chorus.

"I love you too, guys!" I said, clasping my cheeks. I was about to cry.

Mrs. Riviera came to me with a big cake covered with a strawberry-colored fondant
on her hands. It was big but it was shaped like a strawberry cupcake filled with a
variety of sprinkles and cute candles on top.

"Oh, my God! It's so cute!" I gasped, clasping my chest.

"Make a wish. Blow the candles, Chef Thea!" they all said excitedly, surrounding

I closed my eyes and tried to search what my heart truly desired.

Then, I opened them.

They all looked at me in anticipation.

"Make a wish! Blow the candles!" Mrs. Riviera reiterated.

No matter how much I wanted to grant their request, something spoiled the fun. My
drowsy mind couldn't make up what to wish. I hate you, Nigel Joaquin! I said to
myself as I saw him, gazing at me, in my mind.

Without wishing anything, I blew the candles anyway.


"You look sleepy," Mrs. Riviera commented. "Are you sure you don't want a day off?
It's your birthday."

"It's alright, Ma'am. I don't need a day off... but please, let me visit the
orphanage at 3:00. It's just that I promised the kids to be with them on my

"No problem, Thea. You can do anything you want to do today," she said and I was
very thankful.

"Happy birthday, future wife."

I blinked my eyes, remembering my encounter with Nigel last night. Why couldn't I
forget him even for just a while?

Future wife? Whatever came into his mind that he said that? Was he ever in his
right mind?

"How dare you," I said firmly, pushing him and finally having my feet back on the
floor. "I'm not your future wife! Don't you ever call me that! The idea of our
engagement has long been over and done! We're through! As in totally through!" I
yelled at him. Then, leaving him in the kitchen, I strode to the living room.

He followed me. "Althea..."

"You've already eaten dinner and you've already greeted me. So what else do you
want from me?" I asked him with hands on my waist.

"A lot," he replied.


Oh, my goodness! This man was really to drive me nuts.

"There are just a lot of things that I've been meaning to tell you," he said,
stepping closer to me. "They're all stuck here in my chest and, everytime I think
of you, they always pierced me like hell... really hurt me to the core..."

"Oh, my God! It sounds so cheesy and... corny," I commented. I never imagined Nigel
to be this soft and vulnerable. So unbelievable!


"I don't want to hear any cheesy line from you, okay? Please, leave now," I cried
out, opening the door for him.

He went closer to me, grabbed the doorknob from my hand, and closed the door again.
"It's the middle of the night. Are you seriously driving me out?"
"I'm very serious," I retorted bluntly.

"Althea," Nigel said softly as he scratched his nape with his right fingers,
"please, let me stay. I've been meaning to talk with you. Please, just hear me out
on this."

I cleared my throat and said, "I can't let a man stay here. People will definitely
find this unacceptable... Besides, I'm exclusively dating someone. I couldn't be
entertaining two guys at once!"

Hearing my words, Nigel furrowed his brows and startled me by pressing my body to
the door with his strong hands. "Exclusively dating?" he asked, searching my eyes.

"What really is wrong with you?" I gasped as I tried to push his body away from me.

"Exclusively dating Suarez? That Suarez?"

I inhaled and exhaled deeply when I failed to thrust him forward. "Yes, I'm
exclusively dating Javier Suarez."

"F-ck!" he grunted and he even pressed his body to me. "The politician---"

"Yes, so keep your your hands off me now because---"

Before I could finish what I wanted to say, Nigel's lips crushed into mine as he
imprisoned my body within his arm and my nape with a hand. I shivered in both shock
and disbelief. He hurriedly slanted his face and totally possessed my mouth like I
was his to keep... like he owned me... like there was no more escape from here...
Though it wasn't my first time to make out with him, it still startled me when I
felt how warm and soft his lips were, how active his tongue was drilling inside my
mouth, and how tight he was embracing me.

It was a time when you wanted to rebel and slap someone's face repeatedly, but for
some reason you were surprised why your body wasn't even doing anything to object.

Yes, it started out as one stolen kiss but turned out long, hungry, and fervent. It
sent electric shocks in all my nerves. I couldn't believe the sparks I was seeing
around us. I felt everything around was piping hot like how my mouth and how my
whole body responded to his kisses.

I knew I was in my complete awareness of what was happening but it seemed like I
couldn't afford to put an end to this. Perhaps, I was going crazy now. What
happened to my being an expert on self-control? Though I was leaning on the wall
for support, I still shivered and was afraid that my legs would get cramped anytime
soon if not because of Nigel's arms enveloping my body to keep me from falling

I shut my eyes and, for the meantime, I didn't give a damn. Even if this was a big
sin for me, would it matter anyway? Could I just not give myself a freebie even for
just a while? or, perhaps, a gift for my birthday? just for my birthday...

I couldn't decide how long it took us to do that. I just decided to lose myself
into it.

And then, he ended it. He groaned as he gasped air to breathe. I did the same and
we faced each other locking our gazes.

"I was your first. I will make sure I'll be your last, Althea," he said, caressing
my cheek.
Realizing now what I just did, I became totally aghast about myself. I pushed his
hand away from my cheek.

Even if it was already too late for me to express my objection, I still tried to
raise my ego to its highest level. I was ashamed of what just happened and, in
order for me to hide my great shame, I needed to show my damn pride.

"Don't be too confident about yourself," I commented sourly.

"I can't ever allow that Javier Suarez or anyone else to be with you."

"Oh! Why on earth he can't be with me?"

"Because you're mine." It was a firm statement coming from him. "You're mine,
Althea Ruiz," he then repeated it in a whisper with a scary tone that brought
chills to the hairs just beside my left ear where his mouth almost rested.

Now he was claiming me!


"Wow, very nice, Nigel Joaquin!" I sarcastically said as I found myself a chance to
escape from him. I strode fast to the couch, took his suit jacket and his tie with
my hands, and let them fly in the air as I threw them at him.

Of course, he looked at me very bewildered while the jacket fell to the floor near
his feet.

"I've never been yours and I will never be yours!" I said, battling with my temper.
"Now, get out!"

Slowly, he bent down and took his jacket and tie from the floor. Finally, when he
stood up straight, he cast me again that sad look in his eyes.

"I'm sorry..." he spoke.

I cut him off with my hand, then I said, "Let's make it clear. Sorry or not, you
don't have a place in my heart, so please leave me in peace."

Nigel didn't move, neither did he speak. With his jacket in one of his hands, he
stood in front of me like a lost creature. His eyes shot me a blank and worried
stare, his shoulders drooping.

"I know that I've done a lot of things that make you hate me this way, Althea,"
finally, he spoke after several seconds. "For so many years, I know I made your
life miserable. I mistreated you, bullied you, and hated you like you were the most
hateful person on earth. But, please, if you'll only give me a chance, I'll prove
to you that I've changed. I want to make a fresh start with you. Please, give me a
chance to prove myself."

Chance? He was asking a chance from me! Why? Did he ever give that to me when I was
still the one asking him that? For how many times in the past that I had begged him
to love me and, in all those times, did he ever listen to me? Did he ever give me
the chance to prove it to him?

Now, who was he to ask me that?

I walked past him and went back to the door. "I've already moved on, Nigel. I hope
you'll also move on. Let's just separate our ways and be happy with each of our own
lives without each other," I said as I opened again the door for him. "Please,
leave now and don't ever come back."

Finally, he moved and walked slowly towards the doorway. "Is our two years of
separation not enough for you to get rid of the hatred you have for me?" he asked
before he went out of my apartment.

"Althea! Hello! Are you still with me?"

I blinked my eyes and Mrs. Riviera was there in front of me. "Yes, Ma'am?"

"You seem lost. I wonder if you ever heard what I just said."


She touched my forehead with her palm. "Are you alright?"

Was I alright?

"I'm fine, Ma'am. It's just a little headache but I'm fine. Please, don't worry
about me."

It was true that I really had headache and it was all because I hardly had slept
even a wink last night. I couldn't sleep after Nigel left. I really hated him for

"Then, you need to take a rest," Mrs. Riviera insisted.

Just as I was about to complain, the door opened and someone peeped in.

Mrs. Riviera exclaimed, "Now, I should really give you a birthday leave today!"
Then, she greeted the newly arrived visitor. "Hello, Javier."


"Happy birthday, love," Javier handed me his bouquet of flowers. It was a very
beautiful bunch.

Flowers. It was Javier's signature sytle. Ever since we were still in senior high
school, he showered me with those every single day. Too bad in my younger days,
those flowers ended up in the trash bin.

"Thank you. I thought you're not visiting me today!" I exclaimed after I remembered
him calling me a couple of days ago and telling me he wouldn't be able to visit me
on my birthday.

He chuckled. "Well, surprise! I'm here! I can't let your birthday slip without me
here, you know. I'd kill myself if I wouldn't be here."

As soon as Javier arrived, Mrs. Riviera left the both of us in the kitchen. Now, we
were alone and I guided him to sit on a stool. "Yeah, you really surprise me,
Javier. Thank you so much for your time."

"Don't thank me, Thea, please," he said as he sat on a high stool. "Everything I do
for you is my pleasure. If I could only spend every single day with you..."

I sat also on a stool beside him. "No, you can't do that, Javier. It's not
"Hence I wish it were possible. Really hate this distance, Thea. Wish I could take
you home with me."

Oh, my God! Javier was thinking of big things already.

"How about you come with me in Sta. Fe, Thea?" he soon asked which made me bit my
bottom lip in total surprise.

"No, you can't do that! What am I going to do in Sta. Fe?" I asked confusedly. He
couldn't be serious.

Javier's expression turned gloomy. "Well, sorry. It's just that I really want to be
with you everyday."

Oh, I knew he was this sweet...

I just smiled at him. "Enough with your impossible thoughts."

"Can't it really be possible, Thea? You and me in Sta. Fe? Together?" he said,
eyeing me seriously. "Don't we really have a chance?"

Okay, here he went again. As much as I wanted to say 'yes' to him, I still thought
that I needed more time checking on my feelings.

I decided to change the topic. "So, what can I offer you? Breakfast? Let me see..."
I stood up to offer him something to eat.

He gripped my elbow and pulled me gently to go back sitting. "No need, love. I've
just taken my breakfast."

"How about a cake slice? What do you like? What's your favorite flavor?"

"There's really no need, Thea. Well, let me tell you, I am on a diet," he

expressed, finally succeeding to let me sit down.

"What? On a diet? Why?" Oh, I was truly surprised with what he just told me.

"Just according to my nutritionist.... Well, sweets can have some bad effects on
our body, you know."

Whew! I never expected that from Javier!

"But you ate my cake last time!" I interjected.

He smiled, "Because I couldn't refuse to you. I'm not supposed to eat it but, for
you, I had to do it."

Okay, now I knew I wouldn't force him anymore into eating my cakes. I just didn't
know Javier was this conscious of his health.

I shrugged my shoulders, "Okay."

"So, where shall we celebrate your birthday?" Javier changed the topic.

Well, I planned to spend it here in my baking area, I wanted to say to him. Then,
go later to the orphanage.

"Let's go out," Javier suggested. "I've heard Mrs. Riviera is giving you a birthday
leave. Come on, let's spend the day together."

"Go out? Yeah, why not?" I said, thinking about the orphanage kids and Javier's
love for charity work. "I'll bring you somewhere. I'm sure you're going to love it

He furrowed his brows. "Where?"

"You'll know later. I'm sure you're going to love the place as I love it myself."

He smiled widely. "Hmmm... That sounds a very interesting place. I'd love to go

"But you need to wait for minutes for I have to have my cupcakes done first. Will
you wait?"

"For you I will," he stated heartily.

"Thanks, Javier."

"I said no need to thank me, love."


While we rode on a taxi, Javier was asking me every now and then where we were
supposed to go. He was even asking why we were bringing cupcake packages.

Charity work. Javier loved it.

For sure, he would really be surprised if we would finally arrive at the orphanage
and he would finally meet the children. For sure, he would also loved them just
like how I loved them.

Javier was someone I chose to befriend. For this, I wanted to share to him my
passion and my love for orphans.


"Please, meet my friend, Mother Clarita. He is Javier Suarez," I said as both of

them stood facing each other.

An 'Oh' shaped Mother Clarita's mouth.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Mother Clarita," Javier said, clasping her palm.

"Oh, hello, dear! I'm glad to finally meet you," she said as she hugged him.

Indeed, when we arrived at the orphanage, Javier was surprised. He didn't actually
expect that I would bring him there. He later understood that the cakes were for
the children.

"Yes, I've learned that Thea's been volunteering. I'm glad to finally see the
place. It's a beautiful home for the children, Mother Clarita," Javier stated,
smiling widely.

"Please, excuse us, Mother. We'll go and meet the kids now," I said, grabbing
Javier's arm.

"Yes, yes, dear. Go ahead," Mother Clarita spoke, "The kids are waiting for you."

It was a wonderful time I had with the kids. I bet Javier had a great time as well.
He chatted with them, played with them, and ate with them. This time, he couldn't
anymore refuse eating a piece of cupcake. The kids kind of forced him and I was
laughing when I saw him munching it.

The little celebration ended with picture taking. Javier was the volunteering
photographer. Well, as he said, he wanted to take pictures of the children.

Overall, I was happy with my birthday celebration in the orphanage. I was thankful
that eventually my sleepy head got to adapt the joyous meeting with the kids so I
was able to keep up with their energy. It wasn't supposed to be the day of my visit
because it was Friday but I intended to be with them just for my birthday.

Looking at Javier mingling with the kids, I felt happiness in my heart. I was never
wrong with how I saw him as a person. Javier was truly a good soul.


The day never ended without a dinner date with him. We went to our usual

We were done eating when Javier handed me a red box.

"What's this?" I asked.

A gift for my birthday? What could it be? The wrapping looked so expensive.

No, no, no! It couldn't be an engagement ring or any of that sort. The box was
bigger than that of a ring's.

"Just open it, love."

"What's this for?"

"I can't just let this day pass without something for you. You're the most
important girl in my life and it's your birthday. Come on, open it."

I was astounded to see what was in it. It was a silver bracelet with silver stones
so beautifully decorated all over it.

"Javier... this is beautiful, but I don't think I can accept this," I hesitated,
catching my breath.

Well, it was just I wasn't used to accepting gifts from guys.

I only accepted once, a cellphone from Nigel, which I kept hidden now. I never used
it in two years and I didn't know why I was still keeping it.

"Thea, come on. It's my first gift for you. You can't refuse it, okay?" He said,
fluttering his eyes as if begging for my reconsideration. Indeed, he appeared very
sexy on that kind of facial expression.

"B-But this seems very expensive..."

"Because I only want to give the best for you," he explained, smiling at me and
grabbing my wrist. "Okay, let me try it on you."
Indeed, when the bracelet was already worn on my wrist, it took my breath away. It
was so beautiful.

"I love you, Thea," Javier stated softly while he was holding my hand.


Three words. I love you.

Though I was facing Javier right now, these three words reminded me of something
that happened last night, making it the sole reason why I wasn't able to sleep even
a wink.

Nigel moved and walked slowly towards the doorway. "Is our two years of separation
not enough for you to get rid of the hatred you have for me?" he asked before he
went out of my apartment.

"A million years won't even be enough," I replied, appearing strong, as I stood in
front of him.

He sucked in a deep breath when he heard my statement. "Then, I guess, I have to

endure your hatred."

"You'll never endure it. You'll give up soon. You will never make it to the finish
line," I reminded him.

"I'll make it," he said as if he was certain of it. "I will make it because I love
you. I love you, Althea Ruiz."

Three words. They were like daggers flying to my chest.

Three words that I longed to hear from him... but now that he finally said them,
these words had lost all their meaning.

First time. Yes, it was the very first time that I heard that statement from him.

Was he mocking me this time?

Not knowing what to do, I slammed the door right before his face.



So, he finally said it. Now it's up to her.

With still so many unresolved issues between them which she has tried to set aside,
what do you think will happen next?

Hey, if you like this, don't forget to VOTE, COMMENT, SHARE, and FOLLOW!

(sapphiregirl22) ~_^

Chapter 40 - Notes
~~~ CHAPTER 40 - NOTES ~~~
"Welcome back to the University!" One of our internship professors began her
orientation. "This year, you're to embark a very important task that will surely
nourish your love and passion for charity work. Are you all ready?"

I am ready. I smiled widely and clasped my chest. I'm more than ready.

Summer had finally ended and it was the first day of classes. Before our whole-year
actual exposure to the real world of social welfare, all interns were required to
report to the University for an orientation by a panel of professors who were
active social workers themselves.

Our fields of practice include child and adolescent welfare; community care of
people who are ageing or who have a disability; community and mental health
services; neighbourhood and local government services; and drug, alcohol and
gambling rehabilitation programs.

I intended to experience all of those in one year. However, I would like to give
more time for child and adolescent welfare. Of course, the Marianne Orphanage was
at the top of my agency list.

The first day of orientation was long and tedious but all worth it. Before I left
the convention room where the orientation was held, one professor called my
attention. "Miss Ruiz?"

"Yes, Professor?"

"You are requested to go to the Scholarship Deparment," she told me.

"Oh, thanks for informing me," I said cheerfully.

A note. Of course, it would be my benefactor's note!


"Here it is, Miss Ruiz," Miss Dela Rosa handed me a white envelope. "He can't
really miss a first day in the University without a note, huh?"

"Yeah, he's really this involved." I grinned as I couldn't help myself from doing
it. I was too happy seeing the familiar white envelope.

I missed him. Oh, my! I missed Mr. S. Eliakim!

"Thanks, Miss Dela Rosa. Bye," I waved my hand at her as I left the office.

There was a bench made of fiber glass just outside of the Scholarship Department
Office so I settled there because I couldn't wait to read what he had written this
time for me.

Finally, his familiar penmanship came into view.

Miss Ruiz,

How's your vacation?

So, internship this year! You've made this far and I'm really happy for you. I'll
be just right here for you. All the best!

S. Eliakim
P.S. I had the best summer. Hope you had, too.

He was always this sweet. If only I could see him.

He had the best summer. Good for him.

How about me? Did I have a great summer vacation?

I had... because I stayed with mom for a couple of weeks. I was able to go back to
The Fields and once again experienced country life. It was great but it was not the
best... because I had never been so confused about how I felt.

If only I could tell you, Mr. Eliakim...

I really wished I could tell you how my heart had been so bothered and confused
lately, especially after my birthday.

From a guy's perspective, could you tell me when do we tell that a man is sincere
with his words?

Oh, yes! Perhaps, Mr. Eliakim could help me figure out things... from his

I was supposed to stand up to go back to the office when I felt somebody sat beside

"Hello, Miss Ruiz!"

I turned around to my left to where he was sitting.

"Sir, good afternoon," I greeted the Statistics professor, Prof. Sebastian Medina.
I wondered why this good-looking man always appeared like a genie every time I got
out of the Scholarship Department Office.

"Good afternoon, too," he replied, smiling at me. "I'm glad I pass by this office.
Something in my mind actually just told me that you're here."


"And why do you want to see me, Sir?" I asked, feeling a little awkward.

He smiled even more beautifully. "Just because!" he said, shrugging his shoulders.
"Well, actually, I know that you always report here every start and end of the
semester to get a note. I wonder what it tells this time."


"I... I actually don't..." I wanted to tell him that I didn't share to people what
my benefactor wrote every time, but I just decided not to proceed.

"It's just actually a joke, Miss Ruiz!" he quipped. "No, I don't want to know
what's in there. I'm really not that nosy." Then, he winked at me.

Finally, I was relieved so I smiled at him.

"It's your internship year, isn't it?"

"Well, if you need my help, don't hesitate to approach me," he offered.

I thought for a while before giving him a nod. "Okay, sir."

"Seb... Call me Seb," he suddenly appealed.

"Sir?" I asked confusedly.

"Seb for Sebastian," he briefly explained.

Oh! Did he want me to call him on nickname basis?


He chuckled. "Okay, I'm just kidding, Miss Ruiz. Maybe, next time, you can call me
by my first name and I can call yours."

Huh? What was wrong with Prof. Medina?

"Okay, bye for now, Miss Ruiz." Prof. Medina stood up.

I had to think again before replying, "Bye, Sir. Have a good day."

"You too," he said before he finally walked.

As I was looking at him disappearing from my view, a big question mark appeared in
my mind. How did he know that I always reported this office every start and ending
of every semester? Was he watching me all this time? And what was with his desire
of us calling each other on first-name basis?

Did Prof. Medina have an interest on me? Seriously? Oh, suddenly, it felt so
awkward. If he did have an interest on me, it couldn't be. He was my professor.

I stood up and felt the envelope in my hand. Oh, yeah! I had to go back to the
office. I needed to do what I just planned.

Trying to delete Prof. Medina from my mind, I entered the doorway and went to Miss
Dela Rosa's table.

"You forgot something, Miss Ruiz?" she asked.

I bit my bottom lip.

"Any problem?" she asked again.

"Miss Dela Rosa," I finally got the guts to ask what was in my mind, "do you
somehow know how to contact Mr. Eliakim, my benefactor?"

She furrowed her brows like she didn't expect it. "Miss Ruiz, all the university
benefactors' identities are all kept confidential. Even myself, I don't have any
slightest idea who are these people and how to contact them. It's just a top
management thing. I'm just placed here to supervise and monitor the scholars," she
explained. "I'm sorry if I can't help you on that, Miss Ruiz."

So there was really no way for me to have a contact with Mr. Eliakim.

"Okay, I'm sorry, Miss Dela Rosa. It's just my stupid idea."

"No, no, no! Don't be sorry. Most scholars come here and do the same. However, I
only have one answer for them."

Feeling disappointed, I just bid her a good bye. Just when I was in the doorway, I
thought of something else. I went back to Miss Dela Rosa.

"Yeah, Miss Ruiz?"

"If I write a letter to my benefactor and leave it here in your office, will it
have a chance to be delivered it to him?"

Miss Dela Rosa sighed heavily. "Miss Ruiz, I'm afraid that wouldn't be possible
either. Cheques and other benefits from the benefactors for our scholars are just
delivered to the top management usually by middlemen. Philanthropists are very
secretive people, you know. We don't have any idea who they are and from where they
come from. Actually, the notes from your benefactor usually come via the Office of
the University President."

What? Mr. Eliakim's notes always came to me via the University President?

Wow! Mr. Eliakim must be a very important guy to have such kind of arrangement with
the University President! And I must be that important too... Really?

I shrugged my shoulders. "Okay, I give up, Miss Dela Rosa."

She sighed in relief. "That's my girl!"

Still clasping the envelope, I walked outside.

So I really have no chance to communicate with you, Mr. Eliakim. I just only want
to ask you a lot of questions: How do I know that a guy is sincere with his words?
In your perspective, being a guy, will you say I love you to a girl if you don't
even feel it? Will it be possible for you to fall for a girl you hate? Please, help
me figure out things, Mr. Eliakim. I'm dying now. I need a guy friend...


So officially, my internship began and I started it at, where else, the Marianne
Orphanage. Mother Clarita was even happier that I got to spend my weekdays with
them. Of course, the kids loved it, too.

If I was busy, Javier was busier with his last year in his pre-law. His visits to
me had become less frequent but he always made sure to call me just to say hello
and let me know that he was thinking of me.

Academically, Elena, Diego, and Kara were busy, too. But, in spite of all, I
managed to maintain my communication with them, not often though, but it was
satisfactory. I was glad that I could already contact Elena and Diego freely,
unlike those years when I was hiding from them.

I also made sure to check on mom whenever I had time. She was missing me and a tear
would always fall from my eyes every time I heard her voice. I missed her too but I
had to be strong and stick to my choice to be independent and live my dream.

One day, I received a call from Miss Dela Rosa to report to the University,
specifically to her office. I made an excuse from the orphanage. I was thinking
that it was a note again from Mr. S. Eliakim and I couldn't miss it. So I went to
Miss Dela Rosa's office but I was mistaken. There was no letter coming from him
but, somehow, her news gave me hope.
"I've found a way how you can keep in touch with your benefactor, Miss Ruiz. I'm
not sure if this will work but let's just try. The bearer of the notes, a staff in
the University President's office, will be dropping some papers today in my office.
Perhaps, you can write your benefactor a letter and I'll make an arrangement with
this staff to give your letter to Mr. Eliakim's middleman. From there, let's see if
Mr. Eliakim will give you his number," she explained.

I was gaping my mouth the whole time as I listened to her. Yeah, why not try?

"Oh, thank you, Miss Dela Rosa. Okay, I'll write to him right away."

So I wrote a note.

Mr. Eliakim,


Sorry for interrupting whatever makes you busy right now. I know I'm not supposed
to do this but I really want to know you. I'm almost graduating and I'm already
excited to meet you on my graduation soon. However, before that, I want to have a
little glimpse of you. Perhaps, we can keep in touch through our phones. Here's my
number... ###

I'm not forcing you on this. I'll understand if you won't.

I'm grateful for all the things you've done for me.

Very, very grateful forever,



My effort of reaching out to him didn't succeed. Two weeks had passed and I never
received a text or call from Mr. Eliakim. I didn't take it negatively though. In
fact, I understood he was a very busy man or, perhaps, too old to use a mobile
phone. Somehow, I just laughed at my little impatience of not being able to wait
for our first meeting on my graduation day.

Okay, I'll just wait for that day, Mr. Eliakim.


On Monday, the next week, as I was doing some paper work at the orphanage, a
delivery arrived. When the bearer handed me a white envelope, I knew right away
what it was and from whom it was. Jumping from my chair, I reached out for the
envelope and smiled.

A note!

I thought there would never be a chance that I could befriend the man behind my
studies but, as I read his message, I found out I was wrong.

Miss Ruiz,

I've just received your message and I smiled going through it. You have a very nice

Why do you suddenly want to know me? Anything wrong?

Yes, I also think about your graduation and it's giving me jitters. I don't know
why. I think, you'll receive an award. I've never been mistaken with my gut-
feeling. Remember last time I told you you're going to make it in the Dean's List?
And you really did! This time, I've got a strong feeling that you're going to
receive an award during that day... Mark my words.

Anyway, if you need something, just tell me. You can keep in touch with me through
a letter. Just give your reply to the bearer of this note.

Have a wonderful day!

S. Eliakim

After reading it, I was quite dumbstruck. Oh, my goodness! Mr. Eliakim, are you for

I couldn't exactly explain how I was feeling right now. It was like receiving a
love letter from someone very special to you.

Indeed, he was special to me. He was my benefactor and I owed him a lot. He would
always be a part of me.

But, love letter? What was I thinking? This man, for sure, was a happy granddad who
could even regard me as a granddaughter, so why was I thinking of a love letter?
And he was here to share his excess blessings to me. That was all.

Yet, I couldn't help it. I was giggling, like really giggling as I read the note. I
even got goose bumps especially when I reached to the portion where he signed his
name. For me, he had a very beautiful signature --- the most beautiful signature I
had ever seen in my entire life. How could a man got so beautiful strokes? Would it
be possible to be attracted to a signature alone?

Perhaps, apart from the note and his signature, what excited me was the unexpected
fact that my letter reached him. I had to thank Miss Dela Rosa for this!


Choosing a pink piece of stationery, I began writing my letter.

Mr. Eliakim,

Hello! I really love it that you replied. Until now, I can't believe it. Thank you,
sir, for sparing me a moment of your precious time.

Really? An award? Well, if indeed I get something like that, I'll dedicate it to
the most important woman in my life, my mom, and to you, of course, for being the
best benefactor in the world. Why do I feel that you're a great husband and a great
dad? For your wife and children to allow you to support a lot of youth in the
country, they must have loved you that much. I want to be like you. I want to help
the underprivileged and the needy especially those who are like me, the orphans. I
want to have my own foundation and reach out more beneficiaries in the future.
Someday, I'll be like you.

Why did I write a letter to you? Well, something has just bothered me so much
lately and I do need a guy friend to help me figure things out. I don't think I'm
ready to share it now. Perhaps, next time.

Again, thank you so much, sir.


Smiling widely, I gave the letter to the man who brought Mr. Eliakim's letter and
who patiently waited for my reply at the receiving area. He said he worked for Mr.
S. Eliakim.

Though I wanted to ask him about my benefactor on what was he like personally, I
just held my piece. It would be too much prying already.

As the note bearer walked away, I couldn't help but marvel on the possibility of
establishing a tie finally with my father figure.


One Friday evening, while at the cake shop, as I was preparing to go home to my
apartment, I was surprised when someone peeped in the kitchen door. There was only
one guy who would always do that every time he visited me here.

"Javier! Hi!" I exclaimed disbelievingly.

He grinned and entered the kitchen. "How about a dinner date?"

"You didn't tell me you're coming."

"Well, I missed somebody," he said cheerfully. "So, dinner?"


You just knew you were that special to someone when he would make big efforts for
you. That was what I'd always feel about myself when I was with Javier.

After changing a decent dress, I went out with him to a high class restaurant. It
wasn't the place where he would usually bring me. It looked classier and fancier
than our usual place.

"I've just learned that this is the best restaurant here in the South," he informed
me. "That's why I have to bring you here."

We sat across each other on a table nearest to the bar. The place was indeed
beautiful and had its romantic ambiance. It was dimly lit. Tables were also placed
exclusively as they had been arranged in considerable distances from among each

"Yeah, this place is so beautiful," I said.

We both ordered our food. While waiting for it to be done, a waiter offered us wine
to drink. I had a little red wine and was quite relieved that I had a drink,
relieving my stress for the day.

"So, what's new for Javier Suarez?" I asked him.

He gulped his wine and said, "Research. That's what's keeping me busy nowadays. How
about you? How's social work?"

"Oh, Javier! It's the best! I really enjoyed it. It's like I'm not studying; it's
living life to the fullest."

Our food arrived and both of us started to eat. While taking our dinner, we
continued with our chitchat.
"You're so conscious with food," I commented as I noticed that there was not much
meat on his plate.

"Well, according to my---"

"Nutritionist," I put on the word as I smiled.

"No." He smiled as well. "According to my dietician, I have to eat---"

"You have both? A nutritionist and a dietician?"

He nodded his head. "Yup. Well, my family has this tradition of putting health on
top of our list."

I paused for a while to think.

In the palacio, we actually ate anything... except now for Mommy Carol who was more
careful with her food because of her condition. And Nigel... that man was a
voracious eater. He could eat anything and everything under the sun. How was that
guy able to maintain his lean, muscular built?

Oh, why was I thinking of the jerk?

I was facing Javier and, here I was, thinking of Nigel! Oh, screw me!


After my wonderful dessert, I made an excuse to Javier to go to the washroom. I

noticed that I had to pass five tables before reaching the sign going to the

It was supposed to be a normal night out with Javier. Yet, as I was heading towards
the fourth table, my world came to crumble before me as I spotted the man that I
had just thought a few minutes ago.

Nigel was sitting on a chair across a slim lady who had her back at me. I was in
total shock to see him at the moment with a woman I didn't even know. I paused
walking for a little while. He was talking and smiling at her that he didn't even
notice me.

Didn't he just tell me he loved me? How come he was dating with some woman tonight?
He was here in the South and I didn't even know! It had been exactly a month since
we saw each other on my birthday.

Something pierced my chest that I wanted to announce to him my presence by slapping

him right there and then. Thankfully, I was able to take control of myself.

Why should I be affected? He was someone that I long had given up. So why should I
care if he was dating someone else?

I decided to restart walking... and I had no choice, I had to pass by their table.

I was heading nearer to them when he finally caught a glimpse of me. His eyes
widened in shock to see me. Eyeing him accusingly, I walked past him. I felt like I
just did a walkathon race to be able to reach the washroom.

I stayed there for about ten to fifteen minutes. Thinking that Javier might wonder
what took me so long, I decided to come out but made sure to have neatly wiped the
tears that generously appeared in my eyes and did some retouching on my face.

Mr. S. Eliakim, he's still a jerk. There's no need for me to ask you anymore about
sincerity from a guy's perspective. I now know the answer. Sincerity is never his

I opened the door and my eyes were greeted by a huge man's built in business suit.
He was facing me and I almost bumped my face on his chest. "Why are you here?" was
the first words that came out from his mouth.

And he even got the nerve to ask me why I was here?

"I have a date," I answered him quickly, trying to find a space where I could
escape from his towering figure.

"Date?" he asked, grabbing one of my arms.

"Will you please back off? Javier is waiting for me," I said, trying not to shout
at his face who the hell he was with because, honestly, the discovery of him dating
another woman was killing me.

He tightened his grip of me. "You're with Suarez? No, you're not going back to

"Excuse me. May I?" a woman's voice interrupted the both of us. It came from
someone, a plump forty-something woman, who obviously wanted to use the washroom
but she couldn't get in because Nigel and I were blocking the doorway.

Nigel's hold loosened and I found an opportunity to escape. But he followed me and
grabbed my arm once more.

"For heaven's sake," I nearly squealed, stopping halfway the hallway, "can't you
leave me alone? Why don't you just go back to the woman you are with?"

"F-ck!" Nigel raked his hair with his other hand. "It's not what you think,
princess. I'm not dating anybody."

"Then who's that woman you are with?"

Would he still lie? He was already caught red-handed and he would still manage to

"No! I'm not dating her! It's just a business meeting."

Business meeting at dinner time in a fancy restaurant?

"Business at dinner?" I sarcastically asked.

"Yes, dinner meeting. Purely business. That's what it is all about, Althea."

I rolled my eyes at him. "Business meeting with a lovely girl? Great! Just great,

Just when I thought that he would make our exchange into a heated argument, the
jerk smirked. Yes, he just smirked like he was amused of me!

"Let me go," I said, clenching my teeth.

"You're jealous, Althea," he declared in a low tone, locking his gaze with mine.
"I'm not!" I denied.

"You are, princess." He pulled me down the hallway to go back to the tables.

"Let me go, Nigel."

"Okay, fine, I'll introduce you to Ms. Ferrera, heiress to the Ferrera Group of
Companies. She's just a business associate, nothing more, nothing less," he stated
as he was pulling me to their table. "We've just some business deal tonight and, I
swear to you, I've planned to visit you to your apartment after this."

"You're not visiting me tonight."

"Yup, I'm no longer visiting you 'cause I'm bringing you to my place tonight
instead. You are not going with that Suarez anymore."

I really hated this man! Who told him that he could do anything he wanted to do to

Finally reaching their table and facing very close to the woman, I noticed right
away that she was indeed a real beauty. What immediately caught my attention was
her long, lush, and curly lashes... or were they fake?

Nigel approached her, "Ms. Ferrera, I'd like you to meet my fiancée, Señorita
Althea Ruiz."

Fiancée? Was he really using that term?

Somehow, the smile in the woman's face faded. "Fiancée?"

"Princess," Nigel turned to me, "as I said, this lady I'm having dinner with is the
heiress of the Ferrera Group of Companies, Señorita Carina Ferrera."

"How do you do?" she feigned a smile, offering me her hand. That was a fake smile,
I could just sense it, no need to have a debate on that.

Hello! It was obvious that she was attracted to Nigel and that she was quite
surprised hearing his words.

I clasped her palm and said frankly, "He is just kidding. I'm not his fiancée, Miss

There! I was giving her hope to her attraction to this arrogant man.

"Althea," Nigel bore my eyes with his piercing gaze.

"Stop all of these if you don't want me to make a scene here," I said, whispering
to him in a firm tone. "Now, let me go."

He slowly released my arm.

I turned back to the woman, smiled at her, and said cheerfully, "Miss Carina, I'm
actually having a date right now. See the man on that table near the bar?" I
pointed a finger to where Javier was settled. "That's my date right there. So, will
you excuse me? Have a wonderful dinner with Mr. Sarmiento!"

I walked out on them and went immediately to Javier. The guy didn't have the
slightest idea what just happened. I told him we needed to get going.

Ten minutes after I settled myself on my couch at my apartment living room, I heard
the ringing of the bell in my door. Wearing an oversized tee shirt, I was sitting
on the couch and scanning some magazines on baking.

The sound of the bell penetrated through the deepest part of my ears.

So irritating.

Oh, he couldn't be that serious!

My heart beat madly.

You can't be appearing tonight at my apartment, Nigel.

How could I not know that it was that brute at the other side of it? The beating of
my heart corresponded with the ringing sound.

Trying my best to disregard whatever was going on at my door, I left the living
room, went to my bedroom and lay down on my bed.

From where I was, the ringing was no longer that strong and noticeable, still it
was perceivable to my ears. Lying on my left side, I covered my right ear with a
pillow so as not to hear the sound.

The ringing went on and off for several minutes... until I could hear it no more.

Thanking silently to God, I finally took off the pillow from my ear and lay on my

For like an eternity, I was just staring at the ceiling. I couldn't sleep...
especially that my mind kept on replaying the scene at the restaurant --- Nigel
taking dinner with a lovely, wealthy heiress. My heart wanted to deny the jealousy,
so much jealousy, that I felt, yet no matter how many denials I would have to make
to myself, it wouldn't still change the fact that I was dying with too much
jealousy now.

Nigel was somebody whose constant company were wealthy and beautiful people. The
rich were only for the rich. There was absolutely no way for a striving woman like
me to be in the same level with him. In fact, my being a servant's daughter was one
big reason why he could never accept my engagement to him in the past.

Could his feelings for me be altered from hate to love like what he was claiming

I doubted it.

Nigel was the type of guy who could easily be tempted by hot, beautiful girls. How
could I even trust his words? How could I believe that he even loved me --- the
simple girl who just loved to cook and bake and care the orphans? Comparing myself
to all the famous, well-off women surrounding him, I, Althea Molina Ruiz, was just
an ordinary.

If he indeed left Maria Stella who was rich, beautiful, and perfect, how much more
a girl as ordinary as me? Well, if he indeed left that Maria Stella... And now, he
was dating another...
I sighed deeply. This pathetic princess would never have her happy ending...

I sighed deeply again. Okay, so he had finally left my place. He just surrendered
just like that. Great, now I was to get my peace of mind.

I decided to fall asleep.

Five minutes...

Ten minutes...

Fifteen minutes... had passed and I couldn't sleep.

Thinking of something to do instead, I rose up from my bed and went back to the
living room. Pausing, I stared at the door with the thought that, minutes before,
Nigel was at the other side of it.

Slowly, I found my feet stepping towards the door. When I was already standing
close to it, I leaned my chest and left cheek on it.

I missed you. Don't you know you've been in my mind 24/7 since you told me you love
me during my birthday?

With a very heavy heart, wishing somehow that Nigel was still there at the other
side, I decided to swing the door open.

And I almost choked up as I was struck with an unexplainable feeling of both

elation and shock.

Nigel was sitting on the floor and was leaning his back on the wall across me in
the hallway. His left leg was straightly stretched on the floor while his right was
placed with his knee up. His right forearm was placed on top of that knee.

He looked up when he heard the creaking of the door and our eyes met.

The bastard didn't leave after all.

What was I going to do now?



If you would like to eavesdrop the first ever 'real talk' between Thea and Nigel,
don't you miss the next chapter next week entitled...

Drum roll please...

Bam, bam, bam...

Well, make a guess, guys!


The author is... sssssshhhhh... concentrating on drafting it, and she's nervy...
like OMG.

Nervy! Nervy! Nervy! Jumpy! Jumpy! Jumpy! Butterflies in her stomach!

Wish sapphiregirl22 luck for the next chapter! ~_^


Chapter 41 - The Reason

OMG Hoobastank! You just complete this chapter!

I've found a reason for me

To change who I used to be
A reason to start over new
And the reason is YOU.


I couldn't believe it.

Nigel, in his navy blue dress shirt and suit pants, was there sitting on the floor
in the hallway, acting like he was waiting for me to open the door.

Was he really just acting?

No. I doubted it.

He looked really pitiful in there.

So handsome and so hard and lean... yet so pitiful...

Staring at him in complete incredulity, I felt like my heart had ceased all its
activities. I suddenly felt I needed air to breath.

Slowly, he stood up.

Without saying anything, I opened the door widely for him.

I turned around and expected that he would follow me in. Truly, he came in and
closed the door behind him.

I knew I was appearing really strong but, deep inside, I was crying. Why did he
have to do this? Why couldn't he just maintain being the heartbreaker that he was
and not this kind of man who patiently waited for my door to open?

"Why are you here?" I scoffed with my back facing him.

I could hear his silent footsteps behind me. Then, suddenly, his arms were slipped
around my waistline. I jolted in surprise but he even tightened his embrace of my
body. "Can't we stop bickering? All the fights we have are killing me, Althea.
Aren't you tired of all these fights?"

I shut my eyes. I wanted to cry again.

"Because you annoy the life out of me... and I could go on quarreling with you
forever if you don't stop this mushiness," I said like a whisper. "Why do you have
to still come here and show as if you care? Why can't you just stay with any other
woman like the one you just have dinner with?"

"Do you really want that?" he asked in my left ear, still hugging me from my back.
No! Of course not!

Oh, what the heck was my mind thinking?

"Yes, Nigel. I just want you to stop coming here. Just be with someone else,
please," I said.

"I just want to be with you," he said, placing his chin on my shoulder blade.

There, the chills in my bone that I had been trying to handle since he began
embracing me were becoming obvious now. It seemed like I couldn't hold them back
anymore. The familiar Nigel scent reached my nose and you just knew right that
moment that you missed this man so much.

"Being with me wasn't something that you like years before..." I said, shrugging my
left shoulder where his chin was resting. "Why the sudden change of heart?"

Unexpectedly, Nigel lifted my body up with his strong arms. I shreiked his name in
shock as he carried me in bridal style to my couch. My spine released a million
neurons to the different parts of my body and they all told me that I was in my
breaking point right now.

In spite of my wriggling, he sat on my couch and gently placed my buttocks on his

lap. Both of my legs were stretched out on the surface of the couch at his left
side. Seeing my thighs flaunted, I remembered that I was only wearing a shirt.

"There's no change of the heart, Althea. I've been wanting you ever since," he
said, brushing his mouth on my left upper arm. His stubble was giving tickly
sensations in there even with my sleeve on.

Too surprised of the sensation, I hit his chest with my elbow. "How dare you---"

"There again, my brat's hitting me whenever she likes it," he said, his voice was
rough and husky. He enclosed my body including my arms within his, so that I
couldn't even move now. "I've been like a battered fiancé, you know. You always hit

"You're not my fiancé," I cried out, "and I will hit you whenever I want to because
you are such a douche bag!"

"Princess, princess, calm down," he said, embracing me more from my left side.
"Let's have a proper talk."

"Proper? How can this be proper when I'm sitting on your lap?" I complained as I
felt the burning of my cheeks.

Why wouldn't I blush? I was wearing only a shirt and no shorts or whatever below,
just my freaking panties down there. And, oh, you wouldn't want to know what my ass
was feeling under it... what my ass was rubbing all along...

It's his steel-hard-God-knows-what!

I wanted to freak out!

"Why do you wriggle so much? Just calm down, okay? Please," Nigel groaned. "You're
making me so uncomfortable here."

God, suddenly I felt so hot! I could feel he was, too!

If he was uncomfortable, it was he who was putting the both of us in this awkward
situation and he was complaining now!

Okay, on second thought, I was to be blamed for this. Why did I let him in? This
might be all my fault.

"I love you, Althea. I've always loved you," he suddenly declared in my ear which
sent jitters to my bones.

Oh, God!

He was again telling me he loved me. As much as my mind wanted to disregard his
words, my heart wanted me to confront him. I couldn't just let it slide this time.
I wanted to be enlightened.

I quitted wriggling, turned and leaned down my face to him. As we engaged each
other on a stare down, our breathing seemed to be coinciding; the air we released
from our mouths seemed to merge together in that short space in between our faces.

"I love you very much," Nigel stated softly after the pause.

"H-How... How could you say that?" I asked, totally confused. He couldn't be really
serious in this. "You hate me, don't you? You even once said I'm the most hateful
person in the world. So why are you saying this?"

Nigel bit his bottom lip and stared at my eyes.

"You can't even answer me..." I stated but I paused when he pressed his right cheek
on my upper arm just near my shoulder. Again, the short hairs in his jaws produced
a tickly pain in my skin that passed through the soft cottony cloth of my sleeve.
Somehow, the tiny piercing feeling kind of excited some parts in me like fireworks
all through out my body.

"I'm sorry, princess," he said, breathing hard. "Yeah, I'm guilty... really guilty.
I hated you... but it was in the past... totally in the past when I was still too
stupid to even admit that I've had feelings for you."

Oh! Suddenly, I was speechless. Now, I couldn't say even a word.

How could I believe that he had feelings for me back then? A lump formed in my
chest and I wanted to release the pain I was feeling by shedding a tear.

I struggled once more from his embrace.

He was saying that he was just holding back his feelings because he hated me. Oh,
the great Nigel Joaquin Sarmiento! If he indeed had feelings for me even before,
then he was really the greatest hypocrite on the face of the planet!

I pursued him before like I was a mad girl. I pursued him with all my life. I
humbled myself, endured his bullying and insults, did all crazy things merely for
him... only to find out now that, all those times, when he was being proud and
arrogant, affecting me offensively and damagingly, he was actually falling in love
with me! Wasn't it the greatest crap in the whole wide world?

Did he expect me to jump with joy right now that I knew he had feelings for me even
Eventually, tears dropped from my eyes. I leaped to the floor from his lap and
Nigel was stunned by my sudden escape.


He wanted to talk to me? Well, I just lost all interest to listen to him.

How could he swallow all the pain and heartache I was feeling before by pretending
that he didn't love me? How could he let me be in so much pain?

Because of his damn pride and hatred for you, Althea, my mind answered.

And there was no need for me to ask why he hated me that much! I knew exactly the
reason why. It was one of the many reasons that made me run away from him two years

Too angry to even talk a word, I stood in front of him like a post and jerked my
head away. I really felt like not looking at him. I just couldn't look at him.

"Since Annie died, I'd been feeling like I was a lifeless body," he then stated

The mention of his late sister made me glance back at him. Still sitting on the
couch, Nigel grabbed his hair with his hands as he bent his head down, his elbows
on his knees.

I steadied my eyes on him and he continued talking, "She was everything to me, like
really everything, because she was like the female version of dad in almost all
aspects of her. People would always say I look like dad but, for me, Annie was
almost everything that dad was. Her smile, her little quirks, her mannerisms, her
gestures. She was just like him."

So Nigel was starting to recall things in the past and there was something in me
that was ignited. I wanted to listen more.

"Of course I knew what dad was like because, when I was a kid, he and I was the
closest of all and he'd always put me first over everything. When he was still
alive, he lavished me with so much love. He was the one who introduced me to
drawing and sketching the moment I knew how to handle a pencil. When he died, I
lost a hero in my life. Annie and I grew up without him, so seeing my sister
everyday and her close resemblance to dad was like having him still around."

Oh, God! Nigel was really opening up... He was trying to communicate now. Brushing
some tears in my eyes, I found my buttocks resting on the coffee table in front of
where he was sitting.

"Just like dad, Annie and I shared the same interest. We both dreamed of being
famous artists and having our first painting exhibition together. She was the
sweetest girl in the world and I'd do everything for her," Nigel continued with his
monologue. Finally, he glanced up to me and I saw tears in his eyes. "That's why,
Althea, you could just imagine how mom and I reacted when we learned my little
sister had cancer, it was a total wreck. You know, bone cancer is very rare, so I
couldn't understand why of the millions of people in the world, it had to be my
dear little sister."

Nigel bowed his head and clasped it with his palms. His shoulders were shaking. He
was indeed crying.

"Mom suffered so much when dad died. But, when Annie passed away, it was like the
end of the world for the both of us."

Of course, I knew about Anita Caroline, his sister, and how she died and how Nigel
and mom suffered with the loss. However, seeing him now, crying at the thought of
his sister, made me realize that he had been through a lot indeed.

I couldn't help it and I cried as well. He lost two important people in his life.
It was something that I could relate very much. After all, I also lost two
important people, my parents.

Nigel pressed his right cheek on his right palm. His right elbow was still resting
his knee. Then, he went on with his story, "Can you still picture out the painting
hung on the wall in mom's drawing room?"

I nodded my head. How could I forget it? It was the most beautiful painting that I
had ever seen in my whole life and it was Nigel's masterpiece. Until now, it was
displayed in mom's drawing room. It was one of his only two artworks that he
permitted to be displayed.

"That was my last painting before Annie passed away. She requested me to paint it,
there in her hospital room. It was, however, the first work that I did through
memory. It's hard to paint when the subject is not there in front of you...
especially that she wanted me to paint it just like the real scenery. You have to
squeeze out your brain just to produce the artwork."

Really? That oil painting on 48 × 72 inches canvas, the breathtaking flower

plantation with an attractive portion of the Sarmiento River, was painted by Nigel
through his memory alone! It was so beautifully done that if you were to stare at
it, it just looked so real. Amazing! Its delicate details indeed needed a sharp
memory to make it come to life. I opened my mouth in disbelief. He was indeed a
genius in this field and I only knew it by now that this amazing talent came from
his father.

"When she died, I stopped painting for a while. I thought it was the end of me,
too," he said, his voice shaking, his head bending as if trying to hide the tears
running on his cheeks. "How could you go on painting when your painting buddy was
no longer there with you?"

Oh, Nigel! I didn't know he suffered this much.

Then, he shot me his eyes, now both of his cheeks were pressed to his palms.

"Then, you came," and he paused as he inspected my face and a frown appeared his
lips. "At first, I hated you. I hated you so much it made me sick."

With my hands tightened together, I wrung my knuckles. Here he went. He was to tell
me now how much he hated me. And indeed...

"I hated you because you were like Annie's lousy copycat," he said very clearly
that those words immediately reached my ears.

Bang! I thought it was a missile that had just hit me! I almost lost my balance on
the coffee table. I thought I was going to lose my ass to the floor.

What? His sister's lousy copycat?

"Mom thought we could forget my sister's loss by adopting you and I started to hate
her as well," Nigel moved on.
Okay. Okay. So we were heading there. He was to tell me now how impervious it was
of me, a servant's daughter, to dream of replacing her sister.

I gathered my wits and stood up. I didn't think I could still listen to him. Maria
Stella already told me about it and if I would hear it again... it would be like a
double smack. First, from Maria Stella. Now, from him.

"I don't think I can listen still..." I said with tears in my eyes.

"I hated you and hated mom more for she saw Annie in you," he said, so deep in his
thoughts and his voice breaking. He wiped his reddened face with his hands and then
stared at me again. "How could she see Annie in you when you were truly a different
person, Althea? While mom couldn't notice the big difference, I definitely saw how
different you were from my sister, far too different. While Annie was polite,
refined, gentle, and disciplined; you were spoiled, brattish, demanding, and frank.
I hated it so much on how you could easily ask mom whatever you wanted and the more
that I hated my mom on how she lavished you with everything. I hated you because
through you, she seemed to forget our Annie. Since you arrived in the palacio, mom
was always like, 'Darling Althea wants this, or Darling Althea likes this, or
Darling Althea hates this.' It's as if her world had started revolving around you
and I couldn't accept that."

Gosh! So now I knew this was how he saw me all this time.





A lousy replacement of his sister.

My legs shook hard and I was afraid I wouldn't be able to help myself. With
clenched hands, I was surprised that I was still standing. Why hadn't I just
slumped myself on the floor?

HATE. That word. How many times did he say it again?

So, here he was now telling me why he could never accept me. Here he was telling me
why he often insulted or bullied me before. He hated me very much... because he
thought I wanted to replace his sister's place in the palacio!

Yes, I couldn't help it. Tears fell from my eyes. I couldn't stop them from running
down through my cheeks.

Perhaps, aside from all those things that he had mentioned about me, he could also
include my being a cry-baby!

"And you also cried a lot," Nigel moved on saying as if he read my thought.

There and then, I wanted to bump my head on the wall. I was right all along, my
being a cry-baby was a part of the list.

"It irritated me to see you crying most of the time. You were like the weakest girl
I'd ever known. Annie was never like that. She was strong, very strong. She never
cried even on her deathbed. She never did because she didn't want mom and me to
worry. See why I said you were Annie's lousy copycat? You were the complete
opposite of her."

I didn't reply, instead I span around so my back was facing him and so I could hide
the abundant tears in my face. God, my life was one whole dramatic movie! It was
like I had already cried buckets after buckets of tears in my entire life. I could
even drown myself in those tears if I'd want to.

What should I do? Crying was my form of release. This was me. This was the real
Althea Ruiz.

At my back, I knew Nigel had been gazing at me.

"Althea..." he called out my name, then there was silence. For minutes, he just
decided not to talk.

"Are you done now?" I asked after several seconds. "Why do you stop talking?"

Would listening to him even be important to me now? I had claimed myself to have
moved on already from the past... so would it still do any good to me if I would
listen to him now?

But my heart skipped wildly as if recommending me to tell him to continue...

suggesting me to listen. At least, to listen would be answering some questions
about the past... or tying some loose ends. Perhaps, after this, I'd finally be
able to move on completely.

The next thing I knew, Nigel was already standing very close at my back. He was
breathing in and out deeply. "And the craziest thing of all... You know what's the
craziest thing of all, Althea?" he said, clasping my shoulders with his hands.

I didn't reply because I didn't have a clue on what he was trying to say.

He turned me around so that we stood face to face. Leaning down on me and seeing
the tears below my eyes, he wiped them with his thumbs. "In all those times that I
was hating you, you always appeared before me with your evocative... eyes... these

Too confused of what he meant, I met Nigel's gaze.

Nigel made little massages in the corner of my eyes. "Your evocative, expressive
eyes, princess. It was so annoying at times when I could easily see the anger or
sadness or pain or pride or happiness or admiration or craving in these eyes of
yours. They always haunted me like almost all the time when you were not there...
at school, at the Forest Garden, at my bedroom... I always saw you... your face...
and that made me even more annoyed. How could somebody I hated so much haunted me
that way?"

I didn't know what to say. I was just gaping my mouth at him.

Didn't he tell me before that he hated my eyes?

Flashing back, my mind remembered the exact words he said about them, "You know?
What I hate more than anything else about you is your eyes! Why? Because you always
come to me with those eyes of yours boring something in me, piercing me, and
getting me out of my wits! Every time you look at me with those eyes, you always
lure and arouse the monster in me. Now, I'm about to turn into that monster. You're
not gonna like it when it happens, Althea. So get your damn ass out of here!" He
then gripped the railing by his hands at his sides as if trying to control himself
from doing anything crazy.
That happened two years ago at the patio. It was one of those hardest
confrontations I had with him.

So, he hated my eyes... So, what now? Should I pierce them for him so he wouldn't
be seeing them anymore and I could go on with my life?

"Yes, as a young boy, I had been hating you but at the same time I had been finding
you so beautiful and so... bewitching... and I was very annoyed of that fact...
really so f-cking annoyed... You have no idea how f-cking hard it was to be torn
between hating you and admiring your eyes and your face at the same time..."

Huh? Admiring my eyes? Didn't he just tell me he hated them?

"It was the hardest feeling that a teenaged boy has to go through, Althea... You
couldn't imagine how hard it was for me..." he expressed with tears in his eyes,

Tears were still streaming down from my eyes and a lump was building up in my

Nigel found my jaw and cupped them with his hands.

"Your eyes were the main thing why you could never be Annie... you know that?
Because hers were delicate and dainty, while yours... God, this pair..." Nigel,
holding my jaws again, bent down to look at my eyes very, very closely. "This pair
of brown titillating ones... Althea, they're your most powerful charm. You can lure
someone in just a flick of them and... and... you had me already the first time I
saw them."

Oh, this was all too much! Was he even telling me the truth? He had been admiring
me since the very first time he saw me?

I was just eight at that time and he was thirteen.

"P-Please... don't lie to me..." I finally opened my mouth. "How could I believe
you? For years, you've only shown me hatred and anger. You've never been sensitive
to my feelings. You always hurt me."

"Because I'd been so dumb. I had the hard time of accepting to myself the very fact
that I was falling in love with the girl that I hated! Holding back is the most
difficult feeling in the whole world and it only took me two years ago to realize
that I had been punishing myself. Yeah, I've been punishing myself and at the same
time purposely hurting you. I'm really sorry," Nigel said, enveloping my slim body
in his arms and kissing my forehead. "I'm so sorry for hurting you."

Purposely hurting me?

He clasped my head and pulled it to his chest. "I'm so, so sorry, Althea."

I didn't reply. I just sobbed.


I was so deep in my pain that I didn't notice that Nigel already guided me back to
the couch. He sat there and pulled me to sit next to him at his left. His left hand
was tightly clasping my right and our arms and sides were pressed together.

"I never intended to replace Annie in your life or in mom's life," I pronounced
after several seconds when I found the words to say. "I was just being me. I never
tried to copy her. I never even know what she was like."

He even tightened more his hold of my hand.

"Yeah... I know but, as a young and immature boy back then, I'd been so stupid to
believing that to myself," he moved on saying. "All those times, I was trying to
ask myself why I had to deal with a girl that mom wanted to become my sister. My
heart never wanted that. Every time I stole a gaze at you, there was always a part
of me shouting that I couldn't really treat you as a sister."

Yeah, I remembered him telling me that during my thirteenth birthday at my favorite

place in The Fields, in my lagoon bank. He was so firm at that time that he could
never really accept me as a sibling. It wasn't what I also wanted, that was why I
went to mom that same day and told her that I would marry Nigel instead.

"But I hated you more, Althea, when I learned that you asked for the engagement
instead of the adoption. How could you be so stupid to do that? I never really
expected that... never really expected it at all. I was thinking that, being the
spoiled brat that you were, you only did it because you wanted to avenge me for not
permitting you on the adoption. I was thinking that you wanted to challenge me.
Hence, from that day on, it became a battle, a face-off, a contest to me that I
strictly vowed myself to win."

Oh, my God!

So that was why he always find the perfect ways of hurting me.

Yes, there had been a challenge, Nigel, but it was not to avenge you for not
accepting me as a sister. It was a challenge to myself to win your love, to create
a heart in you... because you were like the coldest boy I knew. Yet, two years ago,
I surrendered from that challenge because it hadn't been doing any good to me
anymore. Loving you had been hurting me so much.

"And mom even consented your crazy idea! Or I was confused... was it really your
idea or was it mom's? You two were like cohorts making me the victim of your crazy
engagement crime... I made myself strong that I couldn't allow myself to be
involved in a forced marriage, Althea, because I already told you this, I would
only marry the girl of my choice, not my mom's. I'd been already deprived of my
choice of a degree. Thus, I felt it so unfair that even in deciding who to marry, I
wasn't also given a chance to choose."

Here, Nigel paused and sighed. Entertwining our fingers in his left hand and my
right, he placed them on his lap. I looked down and I saw my thighs. My left hand
secretly pulled the hem of my shirt to cover what was exposed. I was concentrating
on his words but, seeing my thighs, I became conscious.

I wanted to get away and just listen to him from a considerable distance. But, God,
his hand was warm in mine, even his arm and the side of his body that were pressed
to me. Somehow, I felt the comfort in his warmth and I actually was surprised that
I wanted to be pressed against him.

His words a while ago were heavy. With him pausing now, I felt he was preparing
himself to say something much heavier. Nigel was a man so deep that penetrating his
mind and his heart really was always impossible. Tonight, he actually flaunted a
part of him to me.

"Althea, right after mom's announcement of our engagement during your thirteenth
birthday, I became bolder and more defiant. I said to myself that I'd prove to you
that you were messing with the wrong guy. So, I became a rebel to mom. And you, who
was regarded by everybody in The Fields as my fiancée, became my biggest form of

Oh, why was each word coming from him piercing every nerve of me?

"When I turned college, I went to the capital with the feeling of being relieved to
be finally away from the girl I had been hating and had been crushing on at the
same time." He turned his face to me and I looked up to him. Then, his voice turned
soft as he brought his mouth nearer to my right ear, "But the separation killed me
more. Every time I received texts from you, I instantly deleted them because I was
afraid that I wouldn't be able to hold back and I'd be texting you back instead. I
was too proud to do that, you know. It even peeved me more when mom always find
time to send pictures of you. Oh, your smiling face in my phone always made me lose
my mind. Just seeing your picture with your adorable eyes was like a painful stab
in my heart. Yes, just seeing only your picture was already a stab in my heart."

Nigel paused. I didn't talk because I wanted him to continue.

Surprisingly, he planted a kiss on my right temple and I closed my eyes.

"In the capital, I did a lot of crazy things just to forget you, Althea. I drowned
myself in my studies and in my paintings. I dated lots of girls..." he paused.

I opened my eyes due to what he just said. Dated lots of girls? So it wasn't Maria
Stella only... there were other girls before her?

"I was crazy during college and even became crazier after graduating. Changing
girlfriends was like changing clothes to me..."

What? So how many girlfriends did he have? Five? Ten? Twenty? Fifty? A hundred?

How many, Nigel Joaquin?

This time, I tried to inch away from him but he held on to my hand more tightly.

"Yes, I became the total player, Althea. I had various girls, dated them, had sex
with them---"

Okay. This last one was too much! It just blew my mind off! I never could accept
it! The freaking bastard! How could he have sex with various girls?

Feeling so shocked, I tried once again escaping from him. He, however, immediately
grabbed my waist.

"You always escape from me," he roughly said, pulling me back to his side.

"Because you're such a freaking womanizer!" I gasped. "God! How could I ever let
you hold me this way when you've already bedded multiple women? You filthy

Tears naturally ran through my cheeks again. Every word he said tonight was like a
bomb blowing up every nerve of my heart. How could I accept him? Just the thought
of him having sex with various women produced burning flames of anger, jealousy,
and rancor within me.

Nigel silenced himself.

Yes, I was crying as I sat beside him. This man had known nothing else but to hurt
me. A virgin like me couldn't really imagine a man to be this way.

If I'd accept him, how would I know that he'd be faithful to me? Yes, okay, he
loved me as what he said, but was love enough? In the past, I already knew he was
somebody who could easily be tempted by hot, sexy girls but I couldn't really
imagine him to be in the same bed with another woman. And this hot-blooded creature
would always crave for sex, something that I would never give until I get married.

He deeply breathed. "The girls..."

"Please, Nigel, enough," I cut him off, feeling the heat in my cheeks.

It just hurt to discover the negative sides of him day after day... and it hurt to
note that the man I put on the pedestal when I was still young was never really
that perfect.

"Althea... I just really want to be honest by telling you everything---"

Oh, he wanted to be honest by telling me that he had sex with different women? Was
he serious? Was he to describe in detail how he pleased girls on bed?

"I don't want to talk anymore... Can you just give me space?" I butted in, pushing
him hard.

He finally inched himself away. "Althea, let's start by---"

"For pete's sake, can you just please stop talking?" I cried out.

He sighed deeply.

There was no talking for several minutes. We sat side by side, both of us not
moving on the couch.


When I cooled myself down a bit, I looked at him. "There are just a lot of things
that have been bugging me. I don't want to be disturbed yet. I need a lot of time
for my internship. I want to concentrate. Give me time and space, please."

He met my eyes. "Are you saying that I stop visiting you?" he asked with his voice
coated with a tone of regret.

"Yes, please..."

Nigel, this time, reached out for my body once more and enclosed me in his arms. I
didn't violently react anymore because, honestly, I just realized that it was a lot
better for me to be enclosed in his arms than to be sitting desolately on this
couch. It was like my body was searching for the warmth he was providing me a while
ago. "I'm sorry if I upset you all the time," he pleaded.

There again, I wasn't able to control myself. I sobbed hard because what he said
was true. Recalling my life with him in the past and even merely seeing him in the
present made my heart turn upside down. I never really moved on... It hurt to admit
but I had never really moved on.

Especially now that I heard his revelations.

Why did he have to make our lives complicated before when he could just admit to me
his feelings? I wouldn't have gone shattered. He wouldn't have gone dating various

I knew I had been shaking all along as I sobbed. Nigel grabbed my head and pulled
my cheek to his chest.

No matter how hard this man had been hurting me, I still wanted him to embrace me.
I couldn't explain why. Perhaps, I was just tired. Perhaps, I just wanted someone
to comfort me this time and he was the only available warm body in the room with
me. I even leaned on his chest and listened to his heartbeat.

"I'm sorry," he whispered.

I didn't say anything.

"I love you, Althea," he said softly, brushing his lips on my ear.

I shivered at the touch of his lips. It sent tiny prickles in my ear down to my

"Please, quit giving me kisses," I whispered. I knew my body reacted to the touch
of his lips on my skin but, as much as possible, I just wanted him to refrain from
doing it.

I couldn't bear the thought of him romancing other girls, then kissing me whenever
he wanted to. That didn't feel quite right. That wasn't the right thing for a man
to do.

He embraced me tightly. "Let me stay here with you tonight."

With tears still running down my cheeks, I closed my eyes. "As long as you will not
bother me after this," I whispered. "Please, promise me you're not going to bother
me after tonight."

There was a long silence.

The only thing I heard was his heartbeat...

"Two years has never been really enough, Nigel. Please give me more time," I
appended when I finally thought of what I really wanted from him.

Nigel found my chin and lifted it up so he could see my face. I opened my eyes and
his dark gaze met me.

Wiping the tears in my cheeks with his fingers, he said, "If you think I'm a bother
to your studies or your internship, I'll try myself to give you more time for

"It's not only about my internship," I answered truthfully. "It's actually about
checking on myself and my heart and, yup, I need a lot of time to do that."

He batted his sexy eyelashes. Suddenly, I had the urge to play those lashes with my
fingers... but I kept myself back.

"Checking on your heart? Does that also mean you're starting to consider me back?"
he asked as his left hand found my right. He stroke my fingers.

"No... just to check on what my heart really wants... and, besides, I'm dating
"I will wait for you," he said, not letting me finish my statement. "Please, just
don't mention his name. Just don't."

Jealous mode. I could feel it. It was good for him to be jealous. I only dated one
guy while he dated gazillion of girls I didn't know.

I didn't make a reply.

On second thought, it wasn't about using Javier just to make Nigel jealous because
Javier was a nice guy. I had to treat him fairly well because he had been treating
me nicely. Hence, he deserved to be one of those that I would also consider. That
was why I had to check on my innermost feelings... What I needed was deep thinking.

There was silence for the second time.

Nigel imprisoned me back in his arms. My face was once again pressed to his well-
toned chest.

I lifted my feet and curled myself at his side. Okay, for tonight, I would let
myself be with him.

Then, I closed my eyes. I was getting so sleepy already.

It seemed like I was to sleep in somebody's arms tonight... here on my couch.

"I love you, princess," he whispered in my ear. "I love you very much. I will wait
for you."

Acting asleep, I didn't talk.

A few minutes after, he whispered, "You're my choice for my future, Althea. It's
been one hell of an internal battle for me but even before you left two years ago,
I'd already made up my mind that there's no other girl that I'd like to be with.
Home is where my heart is and you're my home. I don't think I'd ever be complete
without you in my life."

I pressed my eyelids even harder but my tears still managed to find their way out.


I woke up about an hour later.

We were both lying on the couch now. I wondered how our bodies fit in that tiny
space. My back was pressed to his front as he cuddled my body with his right arm.
His right hand was holding my left, with our fingers entertwining. The left side of
my neck rested on his left biceps.

Oh, I had never felt so secure in my entire life. I closed my eyes again and wished
that the night would never end because his body felt so heavenly against mine. His
hot breathing on my neck felt really good that I could go on doing this for the
rest of my life.

Forget everything for the meantime, all the pain and discouragements, Althea, I
told myself. Just think of you and him... and how your bodies perfectly fit each
other tonight.


Haha, so how was it?

If you noticed, much of their conversation is only about their teenaged years...
That would only be for now.

There are still a lot of issues to be cleared (starting from the time when Althea
moved in with him in his condo and why he was mean most of the time) but we'll just
do it one at a time, okay? One at a time, my lovely readers, because I believe that
each issue deserves more space in this book for it to be fully clarified.

Just be patient, okay?

So, you now know why my Nigelito Joaquin had been a jerk from the start. Now, it's
up for you to decide, accept or reject him? 😗/😠

Don't forget to VOTE, COMMENT, and SHARE!

More revelations to come, guys!

And here's another thing. I will update anytime soon this week the moment we hit
the 100k reads, we're just so close to that, guyz, and it excites me very much!


(sapphiregirl22) ~_^

Chapter 42 - Pout and Kiss

To @maulinmaul0311 for just being one of the crazy, crazy yet beautiful Southeast
Asian women who are active commenters of this story!


Finally, I was done being an intern at Marianne Orphanage.

My field practicum, however, went on and on. I travelled to the different parts of
the country with some of my fellow interns and worked with some private and
government social agencies. The experience was gratifying indeed and it even me
realize that orphans weren't the only group that needed attention. There were also
the aged folks; the drug, alcohol, and gambling addicts; poor families; people with
health and mental problems...

For months, I went travelling and stayed in an institution for one to two months.

I had really been busy.

I no longer saw Javier. He was also very, very busy but he never cut off the
communication. Just like me, he was a graduating student.


After that night that he stayed in my apartment, we no longer saw each other.

Since then, there were times when I'd wake up in the middle of the night with the
feeling that a pair of muscular arms were cuddling me. Then, I'd always open my
eyes and always end up disappointed that he wasn't there with me.

I thought our months of separation, six months to be exact, would help me forget
him... but it only made me long for him more.

And the bastard really kept our agreement. He never showed himself to me anymore...
which made me irritated sometimes.

Then, I would just tell myself, He's probably realized by now that the two of you
are better off this way, Althea, so stop thinking about him. He's not worth any of
your time.

You're SOUR GRAPING. Something at the back of my mind, however, would tell me.

Then, I'd go on telling myself, Yeah, it's really better this way. After all, this
is what you've been asking from him, right?

Again, something at the back of my mind would say, You're SWEET LEMONING, girl.

If not because of my subjects in the institutions, I would have gone mad... like

If not also because of Mr. S. Eliakim's notes, I would have gone really, really
mad. Thanks to my sweet benefactor!

Every time I was assigned to a new province, a note from this man would always
arrive and I couldn't explain why it would always somehow soothe my longing heart.
It was like a great magnetic force was pulling me to the sender of these notes.

He was always persistent asking about how I was doing, what kept me busy most of
the time, who I was with, how was the agency that I was working with... and,
always, I answered him with all honesty. I loved it when he asked things about me
and I couldn't figure out why I was even loving it.

One time, I finally told him what was bothering me.

I wrote:

Dear Mr. Eliakim,

Thanks for the unexpected note I received from you today. I've been enjoying my
stay in this agency. No, I'm never tired. I will never get tired of lending a hand
to people who need help. I guess, I'm just like you.

Yeah, something has been bothering me. There's this guy who says he loves me and I
don't think he's saying the truth. I'm afraid to trust him since he has already
hurt me in the past. I don't think I will ever trust him again.

From a man's point of view, sir, I want to know:

Would you have the nerve to say 'I love you' to a girl even if you don't really
have feelings for her?

Would it be possible for you to fall in love with a girl you actually hate?

Would distance not bother you if you aren't with the girl you love?

Just pretty please tell me honestly what would a guy really feel and do.
Thank you so much, sir.



Of course, there was a response from him. He never failed to reply every letter I
sent him through his ever-loyal bearer, who obviously travelled a lot to follow me
wherever I was assigned.

Miss Ruiz,

So, it's a guy that has been bothering you. Are you in love?

I think you are...

Well, since you're asking, here are my answers.

I don't know for other men, but for me:

I don't just throw 'I love you' to every girl I meet. Hence, when I say 'I love
you' to someone, I really mean it.

It's very difficult to distinguish hate from love because they are extremely
opposite kinds of feelings but they have lots of things in common --- both are
elevated states of emotion; both are intense; both are complicated; both are forms
of passion; both can drive someone do crazy, unusual things. Love and hate are
practically the same and they often overlap. So, there's a great possibility that
love can turn to hate and hate to love. Sometimes we are just so obssessed of
entertaining the feeling of so much hate that we deny the presence of love.

Distance is a monumental barrier. It's a wall that tends to tear your heart apart.
Separation, for me, is unbearable. If there's something that I really hate with all
my life, then distance it is with the person I love.

Do you feel something for this guy who's been bothering you, Miss Ruiz? I think
when a guy bothers your mind and your heart a lot, this is an indication that you
have indeed feelings for him. Am I sensing right?

People are not perfect. We commit mistakes. The most important thing is we learn to
realize our wrongs and try ourselves to make them right.

I hope you'll finally find your heart.

S. Eliakim

After reading his letter, I spent about several minutes staring at it. I thought
this was the longest note he ever had written for me.


Two months before the end of the whole school year internship, I was assigned to an
institution for disabled people in the capital city.

Yes, in the capital.

It was the farthest place that I had gone for the practicum. It was my last
assignment before my graduation.
I got excited for this last assignment, not only of the experience I would get from
the institution of which I was assigned, but also of the place. It was no less than
the capital city and I had a lot of memories in that place.


"He's residing here. Aren't you going to see him?" Kara asked me.

She always visited me in the institution. Her visits were always a time to look
forward to.

She was one of the reasons why I chose to be assigned in the capital. I had missed
her so much.

"So?" She eyed me meaningfully.

We were both seated on a sofa at the lobby of the center. She was reminding me that
Nigel was just in the same city.

"He's not the reason why I'm here, Kara."

"But you're missing him. Don't lie to me, girl," she said as she held my arm.
"Let's go meet him."

"Please," I said with my pleading eyes, "I can't see him. You know the story. I
told him I need some space and, besides, he seems to love the idea. He's sticking
to the agreement. He must have realized by now that he doesn't really love me."

I wished Nigel were Mr. Eliakim who hated distance, but he wasn't. Nigel wasn't Mr.
Eliakim and vice versa. Probably, Nigel didn't really care about being far away
from me at all. Probably, he was enjoying with his girls right now and had already
forgotten me.

"Oh, my God, Thea, why do you always assume things? Who knows he might be missing
you right now but he's just not showing up because he's respecting your plea. If I
know, the guy's craving to see you, too!" she said like she was really certain of
her words. "He already told you he loves you, right? So why are you prolonging both
of your agony? Please!"

"Kara, please---"

She cut me off. "Stop hurting yourself now. I know who you are, Althea Ruiz.
There's only one guy in your heart and there's nothing that can alter that fact."

Oh, Kara! She would really never change. She was always this girl who seemed to be
certain of her words.

I stared at her and she held my hands. "Stop hurting yourself now," she said
softly. "Why didn't you just admit to him that you still love him when he revealed
his feelings to you?"

"Because love isn't enough, Kara."

"What else are you looking for? Isn't love the thing that makes everything
complete? Remember how much you believe in love before, Thea? It was love that made
you stick to him, no matter how badly he treated you. It was that love that made
you who you are. It was that kind of love that made me admire you. It was that kind
of love that sets you apart from others. Why are you giving up now... now that he
actually tells he's feeling the same way?"

Because it is also that love that has broken me apart, I concluded to myself.

Yes, Kara might be right but everything was just too complicated right now and I
still had doubts. I didn't want to take drastic decisions or I might end up in pain

"You know very much that I didn't really want you to leave after you fought each
other during that night of his CEO-ship party. Remember that I tried so hard that
night to convince you to stay and go back to him? Because I wanted you to have a
serious talk with him..." she paused and looked into my eyes, "because I really
thought you need to know the whole truth about everything that the bitch told you?
Unfinished business, Thea. What you have with Nigel right now is one whole damn
unfinished business."

I made a frown and Kara held my hand.

"You were very stubborn back then, Thea," she moved on with her reminders. "You
really left without even having a conversation with him... you know, detailed,
serious, mature conversation with him. That's what you guys need. Please, don't be
stubborn this time. It's for your happiness."

I stared at her and I really saw the concern in her face.

"Have you asked him already if he really did propose to that Maria Stella? Because
if they were indeed engaged, he must have not been pursuing you right now."

"He's no longer pursuing me, Kara. Clearly, he's stopped. He's given up on me. If
he didn't, he must have been searching where I am assigned in my internship now. He
must have known I'm in the capital," I reasoned out.

"Gosh! You are really stubborn!" she freaked out. "It's because you ask him to stay
away from you during your whole internship, silly."

I gave her another frown. "Still... if he's indeed sincere with his words, despite
of all the circumstances, he should still make a way to see me... you know,
perseverance, Kara... If he really loves me, he should show me that he gives a

Kara suddenly gasped as she showed me her face with those widely opened eyes, "Oh,
my God! That's it!"

Huh? I looked at her confusedly.

"So, what do you call it now? Isn't it called perseverance? Isn't it giving a
damn?" she suddenly exclaimed as she pointed a finger on the entrance way.

When I looked at what she had pointed, it was like my world just speedily turn
around for walking in the entry to the lobby was our Institution Manager together
with no less than the Sarmiento Corporation CEO himself, the topic of our
conversation, Nigel Joaquin. He wasn't in business suit. Clothed in casual collared
shirt with black, white and red stripes, straight brown pair of jeans, and pair of
desert boots, he looked pretty casual and, as always, put me in awe.


What the heck was he doing here?

I clasped Kara's arm. I couldn't believe that he just arrived.

"Oh, my God, Thea, do you still have doubts right now? There's the man of your
dreams walking towards us---"

"He isn't the man of my---" I wanted to object but she stopped me.

"Shut up, Thea. Lie to yourself but not to me," she said, smirking. "Now, stop
being stubborn. He is coming, and his coming is just the concrete proof of giving a

Indeed, the moment that I saw him, our eyes instantly found each other's gaze.

Breathing in and out, I had to clasp Kara's arm harder this time to find some
strength. What really was he doing here?

"Miss Ruiz, I'm glad we immediately spot you. You have a visitor, your fiancé," the
Institution Manager announced when both he and Nigel arrived where Kara and I were


I stood up; Kara also did.


"Mr. Nigel Sarmiento." He emphasized the name of the man beside him as if to remind
me of the engagement, as if I just had an amnesia. "Oh, you didn't.. didn't tell
us..." he stammered, "you didn't tell us your fiancé is the CEO of the Sarmiento

My jaws just dropped. I didn't know what to say. I looked at Nigel and he was
seriously eyeing me. I immediately noticed his neatly shaven face.

Gosh! It was our first time to see each other after that night of talking, crying,
and cuddling. My heart pumped hard as if telling me that I missed this man standing
before me.

"Uh, sir... It's not what..." I could feel the heat in my cheeks now. I even felt
Kara's little pinches in my side. I eyed her accusingly and she just grinned at me.

"Anyway, Miss Ruiz, Mr. Sarmiento has already asked permission. Yes, you're allowed
to go out with him today," the Institution Manager told me.

Go out with him today? What?


"Don't worry, you're excused today. It's not a problem at all, Miss Ruiz. You've
been a very good intern and, I think, you deserve a break," he said.

"Thank you so much, Mr. Alegado," Nigel said in a husky tone, handshaking the

"No problem, Mr. Sarmiento. Anytime." Then, the manager smiled at me. "Enjoy, Miss
Ruiz," he said, starting to walk away, going to his office.

When he was no longer around, that left me, Kara, and him.
"Hello, Mr. Sarmiento," Kara said, blushing.

"Just call me Nigel, Kara," he said, smiling at her and offering a palm. They
handshook each other.

"Oh, you remember me!" my friend exclaimed very befuddled and excited.

How could he forget you, Kara? He called you a bad influence before.

"Of course," he replied. He turned to me. "So, shall we?"

What? Was he really serious? And why should I go with him? He didn't even ask me in
advance. How could he just go immediately to our manager without even giving me at
least a little clue?

"Didn't I tell you to give me some space?" I asked, trying to show him my
irritation. Oh, gosh! Why was I even doing this?

"Shit!" Kara exclaimed vehemently.

Nigel and I turned to her.

"You!" she said, looking at me. "Just stop being so stubborn, okay?"

I pouted my mouth; Nigel stared at my lips and smiled at me, his eyes dancing.

With that, I thought I was officially caught in the trap.

What would you do when the man you'd been longing to see actually showed himself to
you when you least expected it?


Not long after, Serge came to pick Kara up. Before she left, she mouthed me the
words, "Ask him everything. Tell him everything."

I just furrowed my brows at her.

I then looked at Nigel when there was just the two of us. "Haven't I told you---"

He put a finger to my lips. "Please, just zip it up."

I had to widen my eyes at him for interrupting me. He was playing the boss now.

"Please, princess, no fighting this time. Okay?" he stated, leaning down on me and
looking through my eyes. He smiled like he was pleased with what he saw. His dark
eyes danced in amusement.

Was he really serious when he said he admired my eyes?

I pressed my lips together. I didn't know what to say anymore.

When I silenced myself, he backed off and said softly, "Mom's here in the capital.
She's here for her monthly check-up. I told her you're here and she wants to see
you. Well, you know our mom. She's not gonna stop until she gets what she wants."

Hearing his words, I lightened up. Really? Mom's here?

"Come on, princess. Come with me," he said, holding my left hand with his right.
Of course, mom was here. How could I disregard her?

"I'll go change first," I said, feeling his warm hand in mine.

Since I was staying in the center together with my co-interns, it took me only a
few minutes to change. Choosing a white asymmetrical blouse with 3/4 sleeves and
plunging neckline, washed black skinny jeans, and a pair of single-soled black
pumps, I went out of the interns' quarter with a handbag and went straight to the

Nigel was waiting there on the sofa where I previously sat with Kara. His eyes
never left me as I was approaching. Again, I felt my cheeks blushing.

When I reached where he was, he mused, "Wow!" as he stared at me.

Of course, I was speechless. I just bit the right side of my bottom lip. I couldn't
think of any comeback.

Without asking permission from me, he grabbed my hand as we walked out of the
place. People in the center were looking at the both of us. For sure, these guys
were going to tease me later, especially seeing me holding hands with the famous
Nigelito Joaquin Saavedra Sarmiento.

"People still recognize me," he muttered as we walked to his car.

Now, I got the idea why he wore something ordinary today. He didn't want to appear
the popular business tycoon.

Who wouldn't recognize you? I just pressed my lips together and didn't answer.

Then, unexpectedly, it happened. The thing that never occurred in the past actually
was happening now. Nigel just opened the car door for me.

I stood bewildered.

Was he really a gentleman now?


The streets that his car was treading on were very familiar. Okay, it seemed like
we were heading to the condominium building.

"I still stay in the same place," I heard him say. He was driving and I was sitting
next to him.

Batting my eyelashes, I looked at him. "Haven't you transfered to the Great Hill

Yeah, the Great Hill Estates, where he previously planned to build a mansion, the
capital version of the palacio.

"That place can wait," he said, gulping something in his throat and catching me a
glance. "I'm still waiting for someone to do the planning with me."


"Besides, I've had a lot of memories in the condo unit. I can't just leave it.
There are lots of nice, comfortable places to stay in the capital but nothing
exceeds our little condo, Althea."

Our little condo?

I was about to choke.


"Well, I've already transformed the topmost floor of the corporate building into a
penthouse. However, every time I'm here in the capital, I always stay in the condo,
not in the penthouse. Nothing really compares that place," he said, as he drove
amidst the afternoon traffic.

I didn't reply. I was trying to find something to distract myself. The feeling of
being with him in a car after we parted years before brought sad memories to me. We
parted in his car... not in this car though that we were riding right now because
this seemed new and more expensive than the last time... but still, there was that
unexplainable feeling of just being with him in a car.

"Don't you miss our condo?" I heard him ask me.

Our condo? Oh, my...

Did he really regard it as ours?

"Why should I?" I asked back.

He glanced at me. "You stayed there for one school year with me. Don't you really
miss it? Or even those times that we were together in that little place?"

I gave him a sarcastic smile. "We barely saw each other there, Nigel. You were
always out, remember? You always worked even during Saturdays."

He sighed deeply and gripped the stirring wheel more. "Because I had to have a
distraction... or an excuse so I could just stay away from you."


He continued, "This might sound pathetic but I was really that pathetic. I really
tried my best to stay away... and my work was my diversion."

Diversion? Was he even serious?

While I was dying to have his company in the past, he was actually intentionally
staying away from me?

"Yes, I might be out most of the time but I always made sure to go home to check on
you," he said.

What? When was that?

I couldn't recall if he ever did check on me before.

I pouted my lips.


He grinned when he turned his face to me and saw what I did.

"What? Why are you showing your teeth?" I asked, furrowing my brows.

"Next time, pout at me when I'm not driving," he said, still grinning.


He continued saying, "Maybe, later, do that to me again, princess, and I'll show
you what I'll do." Then, he blushed and payed attention to his driving.


I felt my cheeks turned red, too.


"I missed you so much," I said, hugging mom.

She never released me. She hugged me tightly instead.

Mom was sitting up on her bed, her head on the headboard.

"Why are you staying here? Why are you not roaming around instead?" I asked. Was
there anything wrong?

"Oh, well, I have a little headache..." she said, "and my knees are aching, too."

She finally released me and I got hold of her knees. "Oh, yeah? Why?" I asked as I
started to massage her.

"Hmmm... that feels nice, darling."

"Really? This is probably what you need, mom. A massage---"

"Yeah, I need that..." she closed her eyes. "Will you stay here for the night,
darling? I'd love it if you could do it to me later."

"You mean I sleep here? I... I don't know... People in the institution expect that
I'd only be out for the day... I don't think..." I hesitated. As much as I wanted
to be with mom, it was just I hadn't asked permission from the Institution Manager.

She cast me a sad look. "Please, darling."

It was just right on time that Nigel came in mom's bedroom. "I already called the
institution. They're actually excusing you until tomorrow," he announced the news.

Oh, I didn't know how to react! Be angry with him for deciding for me or be
thankful that I could stay with mom tonight!

"That's good news, son!" mom happily expressed.

Feeling mom's excitement and happiness. I hugged her once more. Okay, mom, for you,
I will.

Nigel was smirking.

I scowled at him.

"By the way, Suzana's arrived. She's in the kitchen," he later told me.

It was a long embrace I had with Suzana in the kitchen. When Nigel and I arrived in
the condo, she was out for groceries. So when she came back, I immediately went to

"Señorita, thank you for coming back," she pronounced, sobbing.

We did a lot of talking as she unpacked her groceries. She told me about the things
that happened to her and her family for the past years. She told me how everything
changed while I was gone.

"So what are we cooking for dinner?" I asked, after our serious talk. "I'll help
you while mom's taking a rest."

"Paella, that would be nice." It was Nigel's voice. He came in the kitchen and
strode to the kitchen island. He sat on a stool.

"Paella?" Suzana asked with an obviously surprised tone. "Didn't you tell me not to
prepare paella anymore, señorito? For years, you haven't eaten that."

I cast Nigel a questioning look. For years, he hadn't eaten his favorite dish! What

"Are you sure, señorito?" Suzana questioned him for the second time.

He smiled. "Yes, Suzana." Then, he looked at me like he was pleading that he wanted
me to cook it for him.

"Oh!" Suzana exclaimed. "She... She's the cook! Señorita Thea's your favorite

Huh? I was perplexed. I couldn't understand.

Nigel nodded. "Yeah, she is." And he eyed me lovingly, brushing his hair with his

"Oh, my! Why hadn't I thought of her?" Suzana almost jumped in happiness. "Oh, my
señorita! Come on, let's do the paella!"


"This is the thing, señorita. One time, I cooked it and the señorito told me that
it was a lame version of the best paella that he's ever tasted. He even told me
that he'd only eat paella again if it'd be done by his favorite cook! I should be
hurt by that, you know, because I'm always the one preparing his food when he's
here in the capital but I'm not his favorite!" she revealed excitedly. "But I'm
happy that it's you!"

I looked at the brute and he was just smiling at me sheepishly and batting his

Oh, God! He was trying to appear sexy!

As we prepared the paella, he never left the kitchen. He was there annoying Suzana
with his silly comments on her food. The dear woman didn't complain, however. She
even appeared very happy, hugging me sometimes and teasing him back, "You're just
lucky that your favorite cook is in your kitchen, señorito..."
"Yup, so lucky she's here and I promise to keep her for life, Suzana," he said.

I rolled my eyes at him. He was just smiling.


After dinner, I stayed in mom's room while she lay down on her bed. I started to
work on her request. I made little massages in her knees and legs.

"Oh, darling, that feels really, really good..." she moaned and I smiled at her.

"Have you stopped your little exercise every morning, mom? You know, your morning
walk to the flower plantation?" I asked. I was sitting on her bed with my legs
curled in front of me.

"Well, sometimes, I feel tired especially if I don't have a company. Sometimes,

people in the palacio can be pretty busy. Elena is always in the hurry, too. She's
had her internship also and she's always on duty at the town hospital. That's why I
always missed you," she said. "There are times that I don't have someone to talk

Our conversation was interrupted when Nigel went in. I noticed that he was fresh
from the shower and had changed into a cotton shirt and sweat pants.

Mom smiled at him.

Nigel came to the bed and climbed across where I was sitting. He was at mom's other
side and he had his legs placed on the bed, too. I noticed that his huge built made
the bed to shrink on his spot.

"Any problem with your legs?" he asked mom.

"Ah, they're aching. I'm getting old already," she spoke, joking.

While I was massaging mom's left leg, the portion in between her knee and foot,
Nigel started to do the same in her right. "Does this hurt?" he asked her.

"Yeah, a bit. Oh, I like what you're doing. Perhaps, you better hire me a massage
therapist, son."

"Okay, let's have it examined tomorrow and let's see what the doctor would say," he

We continued doing gentle massages and one look at mom and we could tell that she
was enjoying it. Mom was telling us that she was missing Nigel and me in the
palacio. By and by, she fell asleep, snoring once in a while.

Nigel and I was still in each of her sides and we still did the gentle activity in
her legs.

I stared at mom sleeping. She was a very beautiful woman and she looked really
happy as she slept. She was smiling even if she was closing her eyes. I smiled,

"I missed you," I heard Nigel whispered. I faced him and he was giving me that
longing gaze.

Hmm, really? Did he really miss me when he waited for months to see me again?
I just smirked.

"Thank you for the paella," he whispered again, "I swear, I missed it, too."

Pretending not to mind him, I still continued rubbing mom's shin.

"So, how's your heart now?" he asked slowly, like he was afraid of what I was going
to answer.

"Hmm... very healthy... physically," I told him, trying to ignore where this
conversation would lead to.

He seized my right hand suddenly. "How about emotionally?"


Well, I still had doubts. There were still a lot of things that I wanted to
confront to him. I was supposed to tell him there were still a lot of things that
he didn't tell me... like his relationship with Maria Stella and their engagement.
I wanted to know where she was now and what happened to them. I wanted to ask him
if my being a lousy copycat to his sister was just a secondary reason, if my being
a servant's daughter was the main reason why he could never accept me before.

"I still need more time to think over things," I said.

"Six months and she hasn't still decided," he muttered with a complaining tone.

I gave him an annoyed grin, "Someone's acting impatient now."

"Well, you have no idea what I had to go through just to give you your whole six
months," he muttered. "Please, don't make it too long to decide, princess... so we
can marry already."

Huh? Was he really thinking of marrying me?

He wasn't even courting me and here he was thinking of marrying me? Jerk!

Next time he would tackle the subject, could he show me first the ring?

"What? What is it that I have to decide?" I asked, acting innocent.

He squeezed my hand, massaging them too. "That you'll stop hating me. That you'll
forgive me. That you'll finally believe everything I say."

I smiled at him sarcastically. "It isn't that simple. If you really love me, show
it to me."

This time, he held both of my hands and brought it to his chest. It was too awkward
to do these things when there were mom's legs in between us.

"Wow, you're already giving me a chance," he said, grinning, and I swore he looked
really sexy with that one.

"No! I still am not! I'll give you a chance when I can see you're really doing your

He even smiled more widely. "Princess, princess, no matter how you deny it, we're
still made for each other."
Brute! I was telling him to persevere and he was showing me his arrogance instead!

"I really hate you, jerk!" I said with a pout at the end.

Then, he did something I didn't expect. He promptly gripped my jaws with his hands
and slammed his lips to mine. I was wide awake as our lips and tongue danced in
beautiful rhythm. It was stolen, yeah, but, hell, I enjoyed it! I loved it, in
fact! It lasted for minutes. I didn't know how long exactly. I just felt like it
was, wow, a real fiancé's kiss.

When we parted, he whispered with a chuckle, "Thanks for granting my request. I

told you to pout when I'm not driving and you did, you really did."

"Brute," the only word I said, feeling secretly amazed by him.

"Oh, I... I'm glad you've finally reconciled!" It was Mommy Carol's shocked but
excited voice that jolted us.

Nigel and I turned to her. She was smiling very, very widely.

Oh, busted! Mom just saw us kissing! Nigel always put me in trouble!

I wanted to say, No, mom, we haven't reconciled yet. It's just natural for Nigel
and me to be kissing each other even in our angry, hostile state! Yeah, we were so
always like that. Huh? So weird... yet so true, wasn't it?

Well, in previous situations, we always kissed when we fought... yeah, fought and
kissed, kissed and fought. That became a habit, I guessed.

But, tonight, was it really a fight and kiss thing? I didn't think so. Gosh, I
didn't think so... because, for the first time, I felt totally, as in one hundred
percent, happy with the kiss.

I looked at him and, I swore, I couldn't take that smug look off his face... you
know that kind of look showing pride and satisfaction for something he had just


And, I swore to myself, he really, really looked sexy in that kind of expression.

Oh, Nigel Joaquin!



Finally, 100,000 reads! You guys are just amazing. As I promised, here's my thank
you chapter to all of you! Hope you all liked it.

So, how about a million views next time? Hehe, it's all up to you, guys!

Next update will be tomorrow.


(sapphiregirl22) ~_^
Chapter 43 - Habit
~~~ CHAPTER 43 - Habit ~~~

It was indeed an awkward moment.

I froze on the bed; Nigel grinned like he just made a three-point shot in the
basket; and mom was smiling widely for minutes.

Finally, mom fell asleep again which I was quite thankful of or else she would make
me feel so awkward to be even here in her bed. Nigel, then, kissed the sleeping
beauty in the cheek. I did it, too, after him. Then, we went out of her room.

"So, can I leave now?" I asked him as we were treading the hallway.

"What do you mean leave?" he asked perplexed.

"Well, I need to go back to the center---"

Nigel held my right hand. "Haven't I told you they're excusing you until tomorrow?
Besides, it's already late." He then pulled me gently towards a familiar door along
the way. "No way. I'm not letting you leave tonight, you're staying here."

I stared at the door where he was leading me. How could I forget this? This led to
my former bedroom which was just across his. When he finally opened it, what
immediately met my eyes was the bed, which looked like a princess' bed. It produced
a happy flapping of my heart. "Here, princess. You're staying here," he said. "Come

We went in and, truly, when I behold everything in there, I was astonished that
everything was kept in place. My goodness, I didn't know I missed this place until
now! The first thing that came to my mind was to lie down on the bed. But I tried
myself to remain standing while this man was still with me in the room.

"Your clothes are kept intact in the closet and Suzana made it sure to clean them
from time to time. You may change anything you like for tonight," Nigel said at my
side, still holding my hand. "And the bathroom is filled with your favorite body
wash and shampoo and other toiletry."

My favorite body wash and shampoo? How did he know about them?

Hearing him mentioned body wash and shampoo produced electric bolts in my body...
How did he know about my wash and shampoo? It felt so weird to realize that this
man here seemed to know everything about me. Was he acting like a stalker or
something? Or was I just assuming?

"If you need anything more that's not here, you may just knock on my door," he

Knock on his door? Seriously?

"I... I think, everything's provided here. Thank you." It was my way of informing
him that I was never going to be knocking on his door. No way. "So... l-let's call
it a night," I said finally, sending him the message that I wanted him out of the
room already.

He didn't move as if he didn't have a plan of leaving me.

"Nigel... it's time to call it a night," I repeated in case he didn't hear me a

moment ago which was also very impossible.

Standing at my right, Nigel eventually moved by pressing his side to mine and my
stupid body didn't even complain. I felt his arm brushing mine. "Mom just saw us,"
he said softly.

Oh, why did he have to still mention it?

I blushed. "I-It was nothing," I stammered.

"We both know it was something, princess," he said in a teasing tone at the same
time playing with my palm with a finger that I felt the tickly sensation in that
portion of my hand.

I jolted and tried to pull my hand away. "Stop tickling me, will you?"

"So, you're ticklish, huh?" he teased me again.

I snooted at him and the brute was just smiling.

After a short while, he clasped my hand harder and brought it to his chest as he
faced me.

"This is the beating of my heart, princess. Feel it."

Indeed, I felt the fast beating in his hard, lean chest. I stared at his eyes and
he stared at me as well.

Then, he said, " This is how my heart beats for you, princess. You make me feel
nervous and jittery. You make me want to cuddle and kiss you all the time. You make
me want to see you everyday. You always give me sleepless nights. You make me feel
like I'm a teenager again."

I couldn't take my eyes off of him. Oh, the man was throwing me some cheesy lines.
What should I do?

So, I teased him. "Really? Sounds like you have a serious anxiety problem. Better
have it checked first, Nigel Joaquin. Don't act yet like you're in love," I said,
pinching his chest.

"Ouch!" He jolted. "That's harsh."

I gave in a laugh because he just looked so adorable.

I was still laughing when he enclosed my body in his arms. "I love you, Althea.
This isn't just any anxiety problem," he pronounced softly, kissing my forehead. "I
really, really love you."

I closed my eyes. Whatever, Nigel Joaquin.

Still hugging me with his chin resting on my head, he added, "Thank you for letting
me hear you laugh. Thank you for everything tonight."


For the first time in years, with a happy heart, I was lying in bed.

I knew that there were still things that Nigel and I hadn't talked about but I was
surprised to realize that my heart had started to forgive him. It seemed like every
single reason that made me run away before was starting to turn into tiny particles
of dust ready to be blown by the wind to be forgotten...

Maria Stella.

Yes, I still thought about her. I still asked where she was this time. I still
asked what happened to her and Nigel.

But I knew in my heart that if there was really something in between them in the
past, for sure they had already ended it. That was just what I felt and I believed
what I felt.

Before I fell asleep, Nigel's smiling face was the last thing in my mind.


Too excited to behold the gleam of the morning light in my condo window, I woke up
very early. I actually watched the sunrise from my window and I couldn't help but
smile. Why did the early morning sunlight brought a smile in my lips? Was I happy

After my weird yet gratifying encounter with the morning light, I then showered and
checked on my old clothes and some old stuff in my walk-in closet. Nigel was right,
everything was kept intact... tops, shorts, capris, leggings, jeans, accessories,
bags, shoes, even underwear. They were all arranged neatly in the exact places
where I left them.

I found one of my favorite blouses before and I wore it. I paired it with a pair of
black leggings. I was surprised that they still fitted me perfectly.

After I made myself to look presentable, I decided to go out. When I opened the
door, I was utterly gaping my mouth as Nigel was there standing and leaning his
back against his bedroom door just across the hallway.

"Hey!" he greeted me immediately. Apparently, he was still maintaining that

cheerful disposition he had yesterday. He wasn't wearing a business suit, instead a
tight-fitting black shirt and jeans.

Was he waiting for me to come out of the room?

I closed the door behind me and smiled at him.

"Love the smile in your eyes," he said as we were walking heading to the dining
area. "Really love your eyes."

Oh, this man was so unfair!

"Just my eyes?" I queried.

"All of you, princess, but of course, your eyes are special. Even if I'd tell you,
you wouldn't still understand the effect your eyes have on me. Just think of the
word hypnotizing." He winked at me.

I blushed. Though I couldn't see it but I could feel the heat in my cheeks. "What's
with my eyes? They're just eyes."

However, I couldn't deny the fact that mom was telling me about it years before.
She said I really got the beauty of my eyes from my mama. Papa once said to me,
too, that mama's eyes kind of hypnotized him that was why he married her.
Hypnotize? Exactly the same word used by Nigel?

"You couldn't object an artist's close attention to details, princess," he


Artist's close attention to details?

I asked him through my eyes and he just winked at me again. What was with the

He looked like an infatuated teenager. Oh, my! I chuckled at the thought of his
being infatuated with me, and he was the one giving me now an inquiring gaze why I
was even chuckling.

Don't give me that crap, Nigel Joaquin. I am also attracted to your damn deep dark
eyes. Do you know the feeling when you gaze at me and I feel like I'm caught in an
unescapable trap? Yeah, they are always that intense ever since... and, I think,
starting today, I'll no longer deny the fact that I've been trapped in those stares
since a long time ago.


We made our way to the dining table and mom was already seated there waiting for
us. We sat down and took our breakfast.

She would have her monthly check-up today so she had gotten herself ready, too. She
was cheerful also and she was eyeing me meaningfully all the time... like she was
was trying to remind me of the kiss last night. Oh, mom, please!

"You're coming with us today, princess," Nigel said, not as a form of a question if
I was to go with mom for the check-up, but as a form of a statement telling me that
he had already finalized my itinerary for the day.

Such a demanding douche bag!

So he was going with mom too?

"Are you not going to work today?" I asked.

He beamed at me. "For the two most important women of my life, all my appointments
today are cancelled."

What? Well, wow.


Mom's check-up was conducted successfully and her doctor was giving her a long
litany of reminders.

Oh, mom! She was such a pity. I wish I could be with her all the time so I could
look after her and so I could make sure that everything forbidden to her would be
out of her sight.

We took our lunch out and everything just felt right. Oh, having an enjoyable meal
with them twice today, I realized that there was nowhere in the world that I'd
rather be... I wanted to be with my family... mom and Nigel... They were my family.

Oh, there were just things in the world that you thought you could just deny... but
in the end, you would come to think that no matter how you tried to deny them,
there were just forces that would let you feel that you were meant for them and
that they were meant for you.

I was staring at Nigel in our lunch table when he caught me watching him. Sexily,
he raised a brow as if to ask me what I was doing.

I immediately bowed down my head and stared at the food on my plate instead.

I think I've never really forgotten how I truly feel for you, Nigel. I just try to
deny it but, gosh, the feeling is just right there. Would it really be possible to
be falling in love with the same man over and over again in our entire life?


We brought mom to the condo after our lunch. We hugged for a long time before she
finally let me go. She begged me to visit her at the palacio right after my
internship. Of course, I couldn't let her down. I made a promise to visit her.

Nigel took me to the institution of my internship afterwards. We were in his car

when he mentioned something which almost made me choke.

"The p-phobia in long-distance traveling," he began, "you've overcome it already,

haven't you?" There was tension in his voice like he was afraid to touch the


"Y-you know about it?" I asked.

He pressed his lips in a thin line.

I stared at him and he concentrated on his driving.

"Nigel... you know about the phobia? When? How?"

With his eyes on the windshield, he replied, "Mom told me about it when you left
us. While you were away, every time I visited her in the palacio, she always talked
about you. One time, she told me about it."


He continued, "It made me realize that I've known too little about you in the
past... that I never gave even a single chance for us to know about each other. It
made me realize that I was just too lost in my own world hating you that I actually
forgot the things that you've also been through. I was only paying attention about
my sufferings that I forgot you have your own sufferings too... and I even added
them with more pain. That's why, I'll always be sorry, Althea. I'll always be sorry
for all the things that I did to you in the past."

I wasn't able to speak. My jaw just dropped and I didn't know what to say.

"Was it the reason that you passed out one time in my car? Remember the time when
we had a tour at the sugar mill? We had a long travel back then."

He glanced at me and I nodded my head.

"Oh, you got me so worried about you at that time. I didn't know what to do. I had
to run you to the emergency with several crazy thoughts in my mind. I was so
desperate to know what happened."

"S-sorry about it, too," I eventually spoke out.

He was worried about me at that time. I guessed so... that was the time that he
started to be civilized with me which ended with that unforgettable dinner. But,
after that, he turned out to be that cruel person again.

"You didn't tell me about the phobia, Althea. Well, why should you? Why should you
tell me when I was someone who couldn't be trusted? Why should you when all I did
was to hurt you, right?"

"It wasn't about that," I explained. "It was just I wasn't ready telling you about
it at that time. I was supposed to tell you when I'd be ready. I guess, we just
didn't have time to talk about things."

He nodded. "Yeah... and it was because of me. I did all sorts of things to push you

Yes, he was really that cruel.

He glanced at me again. "I've wasted a lot of time, haven't I?"

Had he?

"But it isn't still too late to start things right, is it?" he asked while the car
made its way to the entrance of the compound of the institution where I was

The guards made a salute at the approaching car.

Nigel honked a horn to acknowledge their respect.

"It's still not late, Althea. We can still make everything right," he answered his
own question anyway.

When the car stopped, I was supposed to open the door at my side. He interrupted me
by grabbing my left arm. "I know you've finally overcome your fears in long-
distance travels. You've almost reached all provinces in the country. No doubt
about that and I'm so happy for you."

"Yeah. It's just a matter of controlling your brain," I said.

"I'm glad to hear that. But, somehow, I just feel regret for not being there with
you facing your fears. Wish I were there while you were trying to overcome it," he
said in a low, lonely tone.

You were there, Nigel. Remember, control was your word? You said control was the
key word. It was my key and I got it from you.

"I love you, Althea," he pronounced, flashing me a sexy gaze.

I just smirked and tried to open the door for the second time.

He squeezed my arm. "Starting now, I'll be the one to open the door for you."

He unbuckled first my seat belt before he got out of the car to open my door.

Oh, it was magical. Finally, I felt like he was treating me like a real princess.
Finally, I felt like he was trying to justify his "Princess" nickname for me.


That day ended with a kiss in the lobby of the institution. As we stood face to
face each other, about to say our "byes", Nigel leaned down and his mouth captured
mine while his hand pressed my body to his.

I knew everyone who was there in the lobby was totally surprised because I heard
gasps. Well, I eventually forgot about the people surrounding us because I just let
myself be lost into the kiss.

Why had french kissing become our habit lately? even in front of several people?
Were we addicted to it already?

Later, the great Nigel Joaquin Sarmiento was grinning widely to everyone as he made
his way out of the center... like nothing had ever happened. The brute!

Open-mouthed and blushing, I was left standing in the middle of the lobby, amidst
the teasing of everyone.

Oh, love! What have you just done to me?



Hey there!

Happy? This is the second update for this week. Hope you liked it.
If you're happy with this update, don't forget to VOTE, COMMENT and SHARE!

(sapphiregirl22) ~_^

Chapter 44 - Brute
~~~ CHAPTER 44 - BRUTE ~~~

"We have a delivery for Señorita Althea Ruiz."

I paused and wrinkled my brows. What on earth was going on? Why were there men and
women in pink tee shirts coming in the lobby of the institution and bringing
bundles and bundles and bundles of roses of different colors and of different

"May we know if she's around?" I overheard one of the men asking the receptionist.

Doing some recording for the institution's files, I was actually in the desk
together with the receptionist.

The sweet receptionist, who had become my friend recently, turned to me and gave me
a quizzical but excited look.

"Huh?" I asked her confusedly.

"These roses are for you," she said to me, giggling and reiterating what the man

I stood up and faced the people carrying the flowers. I was sure they noticed my
befuddled look.

"This is Miss Ruiz," the receptionist introduced me to them.

"Oh, hi! Good morning, Señorita Ruiz. We have flowers delivered for you. So where
shall we arrange them?"

What? Someone was sending me flowers?

My brain rushed to process everything and then I thought of Javier.

Of course, it would be Javier!

Who else would send me flowers? He was like the only man who showered me flowers
since my high school days. This must be his way of compensating all the months that
we hadn't seen each other.

But wasn't it overkilled? Did he really have to send a lot of flowers? And all had
to be roses?

"Arrange? Oh!" I grasped my mouth with my palm.

I couldn't think of an exact place in the institution where the roses should be
arranged. I was in complete shock. It was the receptionist who saved me by telling
them that they could just have the flower arrangement in the lobby. The men and
women, who I believed to be florists, would just have to decide where they would
place the flowers in the lobby then.

Okay, alright, I was relieved. However, I was even more shocked when bunches of
roses still kept coming in! How many were these roses? Hundreds? No, I didn't think
so! Thousands? Yes, perhaps.

The florists immediately worked their way in the arrangement. Roses of different
colors --- red, white, orange, pink, yellow --- were placed in bundles near the
sofa, on the floor, on the side tables. All red roses were beautifully arranged on
the desk. Some long-stemmed roses of red and pink were organized in careful detail
along the wall so as not to distract the people coming in and out of the center.
The flowers were just so glorious to see that my head was spinning round and round.

My companions in the institution, especially the girls ran to the lobby when they
heard about the flowers. They were obviously thrilled.

The florists were doing their careful arrangement when the Institution Manager
arrived. He was shocked with the presence of the roses in the lobby. He immediately
approached the receptionist.

"Are these flowers donated?" he asked, wondering.

The receptionist laughed at the manager's ignorance. "No, sir. They are delivered
for Miss Ruiz!"

Okay. The manager's eyes widened as he stared at me. After a few seconds, he
gasped, "Wow, I didn't know a man as powerful as Mr. Sarmiento is this romantic!
You are very lucky, Miss Ruiz!"
What? Nigel?

No, no, no! They were very impossible to be coming from Nigel. If the manager only

Nigel had never sent me even a single flower ever since.

Then, my phone rang. I grabbed it up from the table where I was working on with the
records as I excused from the manager.

"Hello?" I greeted with a questioning tone for the caller's number wasn't
registered in my phone.

"Hello," there was that voice from the other line. My heart jumped. "Althea," he

Oh, who could not recognize this husky voice? Who could not recognize the caller
when there was only one person who called me by my real name, always Althea, never


"Yeah, princess. You seem surprised I've called."

"H-How did you know my number?" I never recalled giving him my number.

"Never mind asking. You don't know what a Sarmiento can do," he said, chuckling.

Arrogant! He could have just told me he asked it from mom...

But, did he really ask it from mom?

"So, have you received them?" he asked. Excitement was very apparent in his voice.

"Received what?"

"The roses?"


"You sent these roses?" I said, super shocked as I eyed the florists who were busy
doing the arrangement. If I was shocked a while ago when the flowers arrived, I was
super, super shocked this time. "I... I thought... I thought they came from---"

"F-ck!" he muttered surprisingly, cutting me off... then, he became silent...

silent for a considerable number of seconds.

"N-Nigel? Hello? Nigel," I called him out.

Did he end the call already?

"Nigel," I muttered, feeling so helpless.

Brute! He had just really hang up from me? He was sending me flowers and he was
hanging up from me? Was he even serious?

"Nigel," I muttered again.

"Althea..." he answered finally, sounding so lonely.

"Brute!" I interjected when I learned that he was still in the other line. I
thought he was going to end the call already. I'd die if he was going to.

"Yeah, brute," he echoed, almost silently.

"Yeah, you're a brute," I repeated.

"Yeah, a brute to you," he echoed again.

"Yeah, and the brute is sending me flowers!" I said sarcastically.

"Yeah, and you thought it was some other guy who's sending you flowers," he also
said, sounding irritated.

"Well, have you forgotten that you never sent me flowers ever since the world
began, even a single piece?"

There was silence again in the other line.

I waited for him to talk.

"When I say I change for you, I mean it, Althea," he then stated seriously.

I almost sobbed. I didn't know why. Was it because of my irritation that he almost
ended the call or because of the seriousness when he said his last words?

He continued, "And don't you forget that it's only the brute who owns the biggest
flower plantation in the continent. It's only the brute who can send you thousands
or even millions of flowers, princess."

I was stunned. It was like a slap to me. Yes, how could I forget? The Sarmientos
owned the biggest flower plantation, not just in the whole country, but in the
whole continent. Just the flowers and they were already earning millions... or

"Well, who would really expect? It was just..." I didn't know what to say anymore.
I wanted to sob hard.

"Hey..." he muttered softly. "Your voice's shaking. Are you crying? Are you really
angry now?"

Trying to prevent the sobbing sound to come out from my mouth, I pouted.


"Yeah, you just annoy me. I thought you were gonna end the call."

"No, I wasn't gonna do it. I was just not expecting when you said the roses come
from someone else... and I'm hurt... Well, I think I'm to be blamed for it anyway,"
he explained.

"S-sorry," I uttered slowly.

"No, I'm sorry, princess."

"Okay, let's forget I said it," I pleaded.

There was a short pause from both of us.

"S-so, do you like them?" He changed the topic.

I wasn't able to answer. Looking at all the flowers, I noticed that the sobbing
sound eventually came out of my mouth. I was just so overwhelmed with their beauty
that the word 'like' was not even appropriate for them. These roses were everything
to me from now on because they symbolized that he actually cared.

I decided to get out from the receptionist's desk and walked towards the center of
the lobby. I wanted to know how it was to feel when you were surrounded by bunches
of flowers sent by that special someone.

And the feeling was amazing. I wanted to cry..

"They're the best," I quipped. "You should see how beautifully they are arranged

"Though I want to see it myself, can't go there today. I'm at the airport right


"I'll be out of the country for two weeks. It's actually unexpected. There was just
a change of schedule. It's something that money can't even prevent. Wish I were
there with you, princess."

So he was leaving... He was always this on-the-go.

"I'll be missing you," he stated so sweetly to my ears.

I'm actually missing you right now, Nigel Joaquin. I wanted to say.

"Do you know how many roses are there?" he asked.


"Now, you're making me guess," I said, giving a quick look at the roses surrounding
me, "or do I have to count them one by one? Do I really have to?"

"It's five thousand pieces," he answered it anyway.

What? There were actually five thousand pieces!

"Nigel, you're overkilling it! Why do you have to send me five thousand roses?"

"Five thousand is my estimation of the number of days that I missed sending you
flowers, starting from the time that you started living with us in the palacio. I
should have done that years before, you know. I've really wasted a lot of time,
Althea. Now, I'm making it all up to you. Starting tomorrow, you'll receive a piece
of rose from me on the daily."

"Nigel..." There, he just made me speechless.

"Sorry if I haven't sent a note together with the roses. It's just I want to hear
your voice so I decided to just call. I missed your voice."

"It's okay," I said, wanting to tell him that I missed his voice as well and I was
really glad he called.
"I love you," he said.

He always told me these three words lately even if I was never replying him. My
heart went drumming that familiar beat.

"Okay, I already said it... and it's boarding time now. You can hang up now," Nigel


"I won't be hanging up on you, princess, so you hang up first."


"Bye, princess," he said very, very sweetly, like it was sugar-coated.


And I did press the end key... without even saying 'thank you' for the flowers. Why
did I even forget it? I groaned at my stupidity.

After the call, I heard the excited shrieks of the girls. They were even more
excited than me.

"Was it the CEO?" they asked almost the same question.

Blushing hard, I nodded.

They even shrieked more.


Truly, it happened. Everyday, there was a delivery --- a single piece of long-
stemmed red rose.

Just a piece day after day.

It was enough for me to be convinced that he was true to his words.


My internship in the capital ended before Nigel returned from abroad.

During our last day, my co-interns and I had a night out. I invited Kara and Serge
to be with us. Anyway, with Kara's constant visit to the institution, she made
friends with my colleagues.

We had dinner first at a restaurant and, then, later had a few drinks in a bar. We
talked about our forthcoming graduation and everyone got excited thinking about the
most awaited day of a student's life.

"I won't allow you to be absent during that day, Kara," I told her.

"Of course," she said, "and I also don't like you to miss mine."

Yeah, she was also graduating. Both teary-eyed, we hugged each other.

"I have something to tell," Kara announced cheerfully to everyone in the table
after we separated from our embrace. She glanced at Serge at her right side.
"What is it?" I asked.

"Serge and I are already engaged!" she broadcasted happily as she showed off to
everyone her hand with the ring.

Why hadn't I noticed it?

"Oh, my God!" I squealed as I went back hugging her. "Oh, my God!" I was facing
Serge now and he was smiling.

"Congrats!" my co-interns felicitated them.

So happy for her, I couldn't help but shed tears of joy for my very good friend.

Finally, my friend found her match to forever.


We were all lively at the bar. So thankful that we made the whole-year intership,
some of us laughed and chatted at our table while the others went to dance. I was
watching Kara and Serge dancing to a disco beat and I couldn't help but smile. They
both looked good together.

Suddenly, my phone rang. I dug it promptly from my handbag. The Brute flashed the
screen. Well, that was just how I entered him in my contacts.

"Hello, princess," it wasn't too recognizable because of the loud sound in the
background but I still managed to hear it.

"Hey, what's up?" I greeted him. Oh, I missed this voice. I stood up and excused
from my companions to find a silent spot where I could talk to him more privately
and conveniently without the loud thumping sound in the house.

He was talking as I was trying to find a place and I wasn't able to hear even a
word of it. My feet brought me to a narrow passageway, probably a way to the
comfort room.

"Hey," I repeated when I found a suitable place where I couldn't be distracted.

"Where are you?" he immediately asked.

"Uhm... at a bar," I hesitated but I said it anyway.

"The sound tells it," he muttered. "Who are you with?"

Why did he sound like a possessive boyfriend?

"My fellow interns. Kara's also with me."

There was no response from the other line.


"Are there guys with you?"

"You seem like interrogating me," I mumbled as I leaned my back on the wall.

There was a sound of a sigh.


"Yes, there are guys. There's Serge, Kara's fiancé, and two other guys from my

He groaned --- the sound of an exhausted man. "The two other guys, your co-interns,
do they have an interest on you?"

I smiled to myself.

I knew this. Jealous mode.

I raised a brow. "What if they have?"

He groaned even louder with a "F-ck!" in the end.

Too amused with his reaction, I chuckled. "I'm just kidding."

"Oh, the brat is playing with my heart. You're gonna pay for this when I come
back," he said with a kind of voice so thick with some emotion that I couldn't

I finally let out the laugh that I was preventing. "You're so funny, Nigel
Joaquin," I said teasingly. "How do you think I shall pay?"

"It's something that your virgin mind couldn't even imagine," he declared, his
dangerous tone kind of stuck in my ear.


The brute!

If he could only see the red color in my cheeks right now...

"You're really a pervert!"

This time, he was the one chuckling. This sex-craved pervert!

"Ha, ha, ha..." I faked a laugh to go with his chuckle.

He burst out laughing as he heard me. Oh, the sound of his laughter brought tingles
in me.

"No, it's you who's thinking of something perverty, princess!" He was still
laughing. Then, his tone shifted into a serious note, "What I mean to say is... I'm
not gonna hurt you ever... anymore..."

I silenced myself. Wow, Nigel Joaquin!

"But I'm pretty sure that I can badly hurt these f-cking guys hitting on you! I

"Seriously? Like how?" I challenged him. I wanted to know how violent he could
become apart from beating guys.

"I'll wring their necks until they'll fully surrender and acknowledge that you only
belong to me."
I gripped my phone harder. He was really impossible. He would do that for me? Was
he crazy?

"Really?" I asked sarcastically. "And who are you to do that to any of my suitors?"

This time, after hearing me say those words, he stopped laughing...like really
stopped... because I hadn't heard his voice anymore.

Oh, I just spoiled the fun.

"Nigel Joaquin, are you still there?" I asked later, pacing on the floor.

"What am I really to you, Althea?" he asked back. It was a serious question which I
hadn't expected to hear.

I didn't answer instead gulped something in my throat.

"What am I to you?" he asked again.

I pressed my lips together. Could I still say you're my fiancé, Nigel?

"I don't know," I said instead and closed my eyes.

But he answered quickly, "I will patiently wait for that day when you'll finally
figure out what I am to you, Althea."

I opened my eyes because I felt the sincerity in his tone.

"How about me? What am I to you?" I couldn't let this question slip. I wanted to
know how I would label our kind of relationship.

"For me, you're my girlfriend, my fiancée, my soon-to-be bride. But, more than
these terms, Althea, I'd like you to know that you're mine. You're my past, present
and future. You're my everything," he said instantly, like there was no need for
him to think of what he was going to say.

Wow! My heart did the weird beating again.

"I love you," he concluded.

I love you, too, Nigel Joaquin. My God, I couldn't help it anymore. I was already
tired of these denials.

The heck! Why shouldn't I say it? I even bravely said these words to him when he
was still denying his feelings. This time that he was admitting it to me, why
shouldn't I say it?

"I... yeah... I l-love..." There was again the thumping of my heart, the loudest
and fastest beating I ever felt. I paused and paced around the narrow spot. No, I
couldn't wait anymore for him to come back so I could tell him this face to face...
I wanted to say the words now... in spite of the great distance separating us.

"Yes, princess?"

"Nigel..." I looked up the ceiling. "Do you promise to quit sleeping with other

Well, I needed to be sure of everything before I would say the magic words.
I heard him chuckle. "I've been celibate ever since I decided to be truthful of my
feelings for you, princess."

Wow. Whenever was that?

"A-are you sure?"

"There's only one woman I've been meaning to share bed with. There's only one. You
can count on me that I'll stick to my word," he said slowly that I thought I would
collapse right there on the tiled floor.

Oh, there was too much heat in my face! His voice sounded so near to my ear that I
could actually feel he was there with me, his mouth ready to pounce on my neck.

"Oh, who could that woman be?" I teased, trying to disregard the heat I was

"It's my one and only brat," he immediately answered.

"Brute!" I exclaimed.

He laughed again. "Brat and brute. Don't they almost sound the same? We are really
made for each other, princess."

Yeah, we really are.

I smiled sheepishly. "Uhm... Nigel?"


"Yes, I... I..." I was about to say the words I longed to say to him when a hand
gripped my left shoulder. The owner of that hand was standing at my back. I turned
around and I couldn't believe whom I saw!

"D-Dylan? Dylan Fernandez!" I said, open-mouthed.

Nigel's voice was calling my name in the phone but, somehow, I just happened to
disregard him and, eventually, pressed the end key.

"Long time no see, Thea." The guy in front of me showed me his signature smile...
but this time, I couldn't call it angelic anymore. For me, it was a traitor's

There was only one thing in my mind now --- to stay away from this man who once
acted to be my friend but later on betrayed the innocent me.

I didn't speak anything, instead I pushed his hand away from my shoulder. Really
hoping to get rid of him so fast, I started leaving him.

Dylan grabbed my hand. "Hey, Thea! It's been a while and you're walking away!"

Oh, I had seen him in his drunk state before. Now, I couldn't be mistaken. He was
drunk right this very moment. "Get your hands off me!" I yelled at him. I had never
felt so panic-stricken with someone and I didn't like what I was feeling at the

He grinned at me and I didn't find it attractive at all.

"Aren't friends supposed to catch up after not seeing each other for years?" he
asked, pushing my back against the wall.

God! This was indeed the real Dylan!

Nigel always imprisoned my tiny body just like this with my back pressed to the
wall, but Nigel in his harsh state still would give me shivers and excitement.
Right now, with Dylan, I was panic-stricken!

I needed help!

God, I needed help!



Dylan Fernandez is back!!! Still remember the guy?

By the way, you probably see it by now that I'm already adding casts to this book.
Oh yeah, can't help it... I've been using Selena Gomez' and Gui Fedrizzi's pics in
most of the chapters, so why not? Anyway, some of you ask for the name of the guy
in the pics. Okay, everyone, let me introduce you to Gui Fedrizzi, that's the guy.
Who is he? Well, you can actually see his face placarded in a famous signature
store because he's no less than the face of Guess... :D

That's it!

Early update!!! Yay!!!

I think, I'll be changing my updating schedule from now on. Would it be okay with
you if I'll update every Wednesday instead of Saturday?


(sapphiregirl22) ~_^

Chapter 45 - Purpose
~~~ CHAPTER 45 - PURPOSE ~~~

"You're still with Nigel Sarmiento until now?" the grinning Dylan asked me.

Did he hear my phone conversation with Nigel? How long had he been there with me?

"None. Of. Your. Damn. Business," I expressed, showing him my irritation and
disapproval of his presence.

He cupped my cheek. "I've been missing this face. Where have you been the past
years? I've been looking for you."

I didn't answer him because, until now, I couldn't believe that I was seeing him.
It had almost been three years indeed.

"Why are you acting like we are not friends, Thea?"

Oh, I really hated him!

I really hated him because he was the reason that Nigel had to think of me as a
slut. Oh, I just realized it now. That night, before I left mom and Nigel, this
Dylan was my companion at the rooftop of a bar and he shamelessly kissed me on the
lips without my consent. He kissed me just when Nigel arrived so he received a good
punch from the latter. If not because of Nigel, he might have gone all the way on
taking advantage of me.

I had been so blinded of the real Dylan Fernandez. I would admit that there was a
time in my life that I regarded him an angel to me because of his angelic smile.
There was a time in my life that I regarded him a friend who had been sweet and
thoughtful to me. But now, as I looked at him, he looked a filthy, rugged drunkard.

I pushed his hand. "Don't you dare touch me!"

"Hey, hey, hey... aren't we friends? Why are you treating me this way, Thea? Did
that Nigel Sarmiento make lame stories about me? What did he tell you about me?"

"We never talk about you! You are never a part of any of our conversations!"

It was true. Lately, he was never a part of my conversations with Nigel. We only
talked about him during that night when Nigel caught him kissing me.

"Really?" He grinned widely. "Never the slightest thing that you talked about me?"


"Why? Didn't he tell you how much he has ruined me and my family?" he asked,
"Didn't he tell you?"

Nigel ruined him and his family? Was Nigel really capable of that? Why and how?

"Let go!" I said, raising my voice.

"Where have you been, Thea? Did he hide you somewhere? Did your prince, Nigel
Sarmiento, hide you in the tallest castle so the big bad wolf won't find you?" he
said sarcastically, giving me a devilish grin.

My phone rang and I knew it was Nigel trying to reconnect his call. I wanted to
answer it but Dylan was so strong pinning me to the wall. I was in panic mode
already and I wanted to scream for help.

Please, anybody help me!

Even in fear, my mind still managed to bring me back to the time when Dylan kissed
me and Nigel arrived and he saved me from this traitor! Nigel, I wish you were
here... wish you were here.

"You still believe your Nigel Sarmiento, Thea? You still think that he really loves
you? When are you going to stop making a fool of yourself?" He clenched his teeth
and grasped my left arm hard.

It was painful and I gasped. "Who are you to tell me that? Who are you to judge
Nigel's real feelings for me?"

"Because I am Maria Stella's friend and I've known how much they love each other
ever since," he said, grinning madly.

Maria Stella?

"Y-You've been friends with Maria Stella?" I asked, thoroughly confused. "All
along? Even those times when we were still at St. Louis?"

He snapped, "Of course!"

What? When we were still both at St. Louis University, especially when he came back
to the campus after his internship at the Sarmiento Corporation, Dylan and I
developed a beautiful friendship. Well, that was what I thought. However, now, it
struck me to discover that all those times when I thought that he was my friend, he
was also friends with Nigel's other girl!

I even remembered telling him during Nigel's CEO-ship party how I got so
discouraged of Nigel's proposal to that Maria Stella. Dylan didn't tell me back
then that she was his friend. If he indeed knew Nigel's relationship with that
woman, why did Dylan not tell me?

Now, I got so confused.

"They're madly in love with each other, Thea. In fact, they're getting married.
There's no more way that you'll be with Nigel Sarmiento anymore."

Huh? Getting married? So, Nigel hadn't really left her. They were still engaged and
they were already getting married!

It was some news that I didn't expect to hear tonight. I just had talked with Nigel
in the phone and I didn't have a single clue on his forthcoming wedding. Even the
past days, I didn't have even the slightest clue on his connection with Maria
Stella. For years, I hadn't heard of her. I thought they had already ended their

Like a gush of strong wind, Dylan's words came to blow away the trust I had started
to give Nigel. Now, doubts came to overpower my mind. All this time, was Nigel just

Just like what I comfortably did every time I felt hurt, I let the tears fell down
my cheeks.

"No, it isn't true," I denied. "You're lying, Dylan. Nigel loves me. He only loves
me. Yes, there have been other girls but they were not important to him." Though my
mind wanted to believe Dylan, my heart still wanted me to have some faith on the
man I loved.

I loved Nigel. He would only be the man that I could afford to love. He was my
first love and I wanted him to be my last... and my forever.

Dylan laughed. "So, finally? He told you he loves you?"

"He loves me," I said firmly.

Shaking his head, he again laughed. "Althea Ruiz. Still the most innocent girl in
the world."

"Let go of me, Dylan," I cried out.

"Nigel and Stella are getting married, Thea. You want a proof? Do you want a proof?
Okay..." Still with his body imprisoning me, Dylan dug his phone in his pocket.

What proof was he going to give me? God, did this filthy bastard really have a
proof? Was Nigel really lying to me? I was shaking hard and there was only one
thing that I wanted to do right now --- to run away.
Dylan, grinning like a maniac, dialled some number in the phone. By and by, he
started talking to a person in the other line, "I found her, finally found her...
Althea Ruiz... Yes, Althea Ruiz... She's here in front of me. She's actually
listening right now..."

Who was he talking with?

"I told her you and Nigel are getting married... Stella, talk to her, tell her the

Oh, so he was talking with Maria Stella?

"No, we can't let her live in lies, Stella. She needs to know the truth... I'm
giving the phone to her... Tell her what she needs to know..." Dylan, then,
transfered the phone to my left ear. "Speak, Thea. Stella's there. Ask her
everything and she will tell you everything."

I was crying and I was trying to prevent my voice from being heard. I sobbed and
Dylan got irritated. He put on the phone back to his mouth. "What the f-ck are you
doing, Stella? Talk to her!"

When the phone was placed back near my ear, I finally heard a voice talking. "Yeah,
Althea Ruiz?" It was a woman's voice, a very familiar one.

"S-Stella?" I began.

"Okay, shoot. What do you want to know? Ask me," she said.

However, my voice wouldn't come out. Though I wanted to ask her everything that I
had to know, my voice tend to disappear. I was just mouthing words but all that
would come out from my mouth were the sounds of my sobbing.

"Just tell her already!" It was Dylan, butting in and shouting to the phone.

"Yes, Nigel and I are already planning for our upcoming wedding," Stella spoke out
in an indifferent tone. "That's it."

Then, she hung up.

I was left gaping my mouth. Her voice, though sounded like she didn't care at all,
brought a message to me that what she said was the real truth so there was no need
for us to talk any further on the topic, like it had been a past issue and talking
about it wouldn't change a thing, like it was completely a period.

"That b-tch!" Dylan muttered when he learned that the call had already been ended.

Nigel, Nigel! What have you done to me? I was so thunderstruck after the call that
I wanted to just break down from where I was standing.

"So now you know the truth. There was no way ever that you can have your beautiful
ending with your Nigel Sarmiento," Dylan emphasized at me as he grinned. "There's
nothing that he is capable of doing, Thea, but to destroy people. He's already
destroyed you and he will destroy you again! He's nothing but a spawn of the

No! I couldn't afford to hear these words anymore... I was getting so weak now.

"Let me go, please..." I cried out.

"Oh, so you don't believe me, huh?"

"I don't care whatever you say!"

Dylan chuckled and cupped my cheek, "I really missed you, Thea."

Trying myself to break away, I hit his face, good that my right hand was free.

He grimaced in pain but later laughed as he grappled my right arm. "You're already
learning, huh? No longer the goody-goody Thea Ruiz?"

Knowing that my feet were the only free parts I had, I managed to stomp his foot
with one of my stilettos. To no avail, he didn't seem hurt as he brought his face
nearer to mine.

"Stop struggling, okay?"

What was I to do now?

"Remember our unfinished kiss last time we met?" he asked, grinning widely.

Oh, no! He was not doing this!

"How about we finish it tonight?" he chuckled shamelessly.

I was totally in panic mode now! One kiss and I'd die!

But before he could even do it, somebody grabbed him from his back and managed to
press him against the opposite wall.

I looked up and I saw my savior.

It was not Nigel, unlike last time.

It was Serge, Kara's fiancé.

And Kara was with him.

My girl friend immediately hugged me as I appeared still shocked from what had just


I found out that Kara started to be worried about me when she found out that I was
no longer with the group. Knowing that my co-interns didn't know where I was, Serge
and Kara immediately looked for me. Kara thought I went to the rest room, so they
found the narrow hallway where I answered Nigel's call.

I didn't know what Serge did to him after Kara brought me to the group. Probably,
he received a good beating from Kara's fiancé. Well, there was no doubt that Serge
was bigger, taller, and more muscular than Dylan.

Somehow, I felt sorry for the two guys. During our St. Louis University days, the
four of us --- Serge, Dylan, Kara, and I --- used to hang out together as a group
and we developed a nice friendship. Too sad that Dylan turned out to be this
horrible man and I didn't think I could still befriend him after assaulting me
twice in my life.

That night, when I returned to the institution, I received several missed calls
from Nigel.

Still not in the right mood to answer him, I didn't mind him.

Later, I received text messages.

Why are you not answering my calls?

Were you with Fernandez?

Still friends with Dylan Fernandez?

Too confused with everything, I didn't have much sleep. There were a lot of
questions running in my head.

Why? What is it with Dylan Fernandez, Nigel? Are you hiding something from me?

Have you really ruined this guy and his family? What did you do to him?


Early the following day, it was time for me to leave the institution and the
capital together with my co-interns. Just when we were about to leave, I received a
single-stemmed red rose just like the previous days.

What was still this for?

Not forgetting what Dylan and Maria Stella told me the night before, I threw the
rose in the trash bin.

My companions were all shocked. They all looked at me as if asking for some
explanation. Well, I didn't owe them any explanation. Never saying anything and
pulling my trolley bag, I headed to the waiting taxi.

While my companions headed to a van in the driveway to send them to the airport, I
called for a taxi. I was not going to go to the South yet. I needed to see Mommy
Carol to fulfill a promise.

No matter what would happen between Nigel and me, I would not allow that my
relationship with mom would be destroyed. If I was to lose Nigel, I would never
allow to lose my Mommy Carol.


It was past 6:00 pm when I arrived at The Fields. Everybody in the palacio couldn't
believe of my arrival. Mom herself never expected me to arrive at such an hour.
When she learned that I travelled alone, she became worried about me. I had to
assure her that I had a safety travel and that my presence was the greatest proof.

Mom was definitely happy having me around. Just like the last time, I had to share
bed with her. There was nothing that I'd like to be with tonight. With my heart
aching, I wanted mom's loving arms to be wrapped around me.


The following day, just after I took a bath, a basket of red roses arrived in my
bedroom. A tenant in The Fields at the same time the flower plantation assistant
in-charge handed it to me. I was awestruck at the sight of the flowers when I
opened my door.

"They're fresh from the plantation, señorita. The señorito sends them for you," she
said when I moved backwards as a sign of shock.

Basket of roses this time? Not the usual single rose?

So, he learned I was in the palacio and he was actually sending me flowers. What
was all this for, Nigel?

Something inside of me was telling not to accept them but a part of me was also
saying I had to accept these innocent things. They looked strikingly gorgeous

I was just placing the basket on my bedside table when my phone beeped. I
discovered it was Nigel texting me.

Why are you rejecting my calls? Please, Althea, let me concentrate on my work. Just
answer me, please.

Moments later, the phone started ringing. I just stared at it.

I'm sorry, Nigel. I'm not yet ready to talk to you... because I am afraid to know
the truth. I am afraid...

After what took like an eternity, it stopped ringing. Then, a text was received.

Okay, a text from you will suffice. Just one message and I'll get back to work.

Oh, Nigel, why are you still doing this?

I finally decided to type a message in my phone. I'm busy right now, I lied. Let's
just talk when you come back.

After a few seconds, my phone beeped again.

I love you, princess, he texted.

I no longer texted back.


Reminiscing my youthful days in the Fields, I was scanning some old stuffs in my
room in the palacio after breakfast. I couldn't understand what I was feeling. I
just felt like I needed to recall my youth and try to ponder and understand the
purpose why I was brought here in the palacio after my parents died.

I always believed before that God brought me here for Nigel. Unfortunately, I was
wrong... because I would never had a happy ending with him. I wanted him to free
himself from the fetters of the arranged engagement. If the recent sweetness he was
showing me was all for the sake of his illed mother, then I would like him to stop
doing it. I wanted him to be truthful to his feelings.

In a small box, I took out some old photographs --- mostly my pictures when I was
still little. There I also saw pictures of my mama and papa. Looking at them
smiling in the photo, I'd say I still missed them but something clicked in my heart
that I wasn't anymore in pain of their death. Finally, I had moved on from the loss
of my parents.

I paused for a while and stared at them. It was unbelievable that, after long
years, you found yourself moving on finally from something so painful.

Perhaps, after long, long years, I would also move on from the great Nigel
Sarmiento. Perhaps, it was still painful today... but now, I was becoming more
confident that time would come that I would also be able to move on. All I had to
do was to be strong.

As I shuffled the old photographs with my fingers, I came across with the teenaged
photo of Nigel. Still very young, he had already that signature dark stare. I then
closed my eyes as I imagined him. I always found it dangerous to be stared by those
pair of eyes... yet I also found it so sexy. Yes, I had been trapped by those
stares... and forever would be.

When I opened again my eyes, I saw him looking back at me and I couldn't help it, I
kissed his photograph. Preventing myself to cry, I slowly put it down.

Then, I saw another picture. What met me was mom's smiling face in the photo. Oh, I
love you so much, mom, I said in a whisper as I hugged that photo in my chest.

Mommy, Nigel is to marry a bitch.

Maria Stella once talked badly about mom. I could feel how ugly her attitude was.
If Nigel would marry her and bring her here, I could never allow her to hurt the
woman that was most precious to me. I would no longer turn my back from Mommy
Carol. I would stay for her and protect her from that Maria Stella.

Now, I knew why God brought me here. This was God's purpose for me.

I was here for mom. To be her daughter. To fight for her. Nigel might thought of me
as a lousy copycat of his sister... but I promised to myself that I would be the
daughter that mom deserved to have.

It was quite a moment.

I just let myself be lost into my emotions for minutes. I didn't cry though. All
the pain was just locked in my heart and I would incarcerate it there until the
time I'd finally moved on. Eventually, I would... just like how I moved on with my
parents' death.

When my breathing came steady, I gathered the pictures in my hands and arranged
them. As I was placing them back in my memory box, I saw an old stationery paper
stuck under some old stuffs. It became noticeable for me because it was the only
stationery paper in there. The others were old hair clips, some old comb, keys and
key chains, book marks, CD's, pocketbooks, and some old girly things. I immediately
picked up that piece of paper and opened it.

Let's talk some other time.



It was an old note from him after we fought at the patio when we arrived from that
unforgettable charity ball held for the provincial social welfare department. It
was the one-and-only note that I ever received from him in my entire life. I
discovered the day after that night that he sneaked into my room while I was
sleeping and returned my purse and under it was this piece of paper. I stared at it
and something kicked in my chest. Why did Nigel's penmanship seem very familiar to
me? Why did I feel that I'd seen it already for a number of times? But this was the
only note that I had from him...

Then, a thought came to me.

Mr. S. Eliakim?

The strokes... they seemed the same...

Too anxious of my suspicion, I blinked my eyes.

Could it be possible? Nigel and Mr. Eliakim were the same person? Nigel and Mr.

No, no, no! It couldn't be...

No, it couldn't be.

I might just be so into Mr. Eliakim's penmanship that I mistook Nigel's as his.

I paused for a while... There was that worried pounding in my chest...

No way. No way. They couldn't be one. No way.

God, was I getting crazy now? Yeah, I might be getting mad...

Finally, I laughed at my crazy thought.

Nigel could never be my Eliakim. No way! I would never allow it. Never ever.

Mr. Eliakim was too perfect. He was my compassionate father figure. Nigel, on the
other hand, was my heartbreaker.


Javier came to visit me at the palacio in the afternoon. His visit somehow cheered
me up a little. We had some catching up, of course minus the Nigel issue, and I was
thankful that at least he was a fine distraction.

Javier invited me for a charity event which would happen two days after at the
town. It was the yearly charity event that was organized mostly by the provincial
governors. Last time that I attended it, it was organized by his uncle, the former
governor. This year, since his father was the governor, it was Javier's family who
made all the preparations. The thought of charity made me say yes immediately. Of
course, social work was my line of work now. I couldn't miss it for the world.

Besides, at least I'd do something noteworthy here in the province before I'd
return to the South for my graduation. Perhaps, tonight, I could express to the
governor that I could volunteer some of my time to spend with the provincial


"Are you sure of this, darling?" mom was sitting on my bed.

I was currently sitting and putting on make-up in front of my vanity mirror.

Very confused, I faced her. "What do you mean, mom?"

Her face maintained that serious look since she started watching me prepare for the
charity event organized by the Suarezes.

"This event with the Suarezes... Are you sure you'd like to go?"

I put my brush in my make-up kit. My face was done and I was ready to go.

"I... I don't find any reason why I shouldn't be sure of this, mom. After all,
charity work is my thing." I stood up and showed her my black lace floor length
formal gown. It was an old one that I discovered in my closet but it still fitted
me perfectly.

She inhaled and exhaled deeply. "Wow, you always fascinate me with your beauty,
darling. You're the most beautiful girl that I've ever known."

Hearing her compliment, I smiled at her as I strutted towards her. I sat next to
her and held her forearm. "Thanks, mom... Really, thanks for everything..."

She clasped my hand that was holding her. "When we saw each other in the capital
last week, I was happy because I saw love in your eyes. I was happy because I also
saw the longing, admiration, and love in my son's eyes. I thought my prayers were
already answered. But now, I want to know, what happened after that? Why do I see
again pain and loneliness in your beautiful eyes, darling?"

I pressed my lips together. I didn't know how to put my words together so she would
understand the pain that was creeping in my heart right now.

"Nigelito has been calling and has been asking me of your whereabouts here. I've
been telling him that you've been taking care of me. He seems a little lost. Why do
I feel that something's going on between the two of you? I hope you guys can settle
it." Mom's voice was breaking and she was about to cry.

I leaned my head on her shoulder.

Yes, mom, I think you need to know the truth.

Mom rubbed the back of my hand with her palm. "There's only one girl that I'd like
my son to be with, darling. It's only you. Since that day that you left us, he has
changed a lot. He's become affectionate to me and he even promised that he'd look
for you even if it would mean searching the whole world. He has always been not
vocal with his feelings but a mother can always feel her son. I believe he loves
you very much. Has he told you that already?"

"Mom, yeah, there's something---"

I was about to start confessing to her when we heard a knock in the door.

"Y-yeah, please, come on in," I said. I was sure that it was a servant at the other
side of it.

The door opened and one of the ever loyal servants came to my view. "Excuse me,
Señora Carol and Señorita Thea. I've come to inform that Señorito Suarez has
already arrived. He's downstairs waiting."

"Okay. Please tell him I'm coming down, Mirasol. Thank you," I said.

She closed again the door before she left.

I hugged mom and kissed her forehead. "We'll talk tomorrow, mom. We'll talk about
everything there is you need to know."

She nodded her head. "I'm looking forward for tomorrow, then. I really want to know
how you're feeling."

We both stood up.

As we were heading outside my room, mom paused. "The Suarezes... and this charity

"Yes, mom?"

I knew she wanted to say something about Javier's family but she stopped.

"Well, let's just talk about it tomorrow," she stated instead. She held both of my
hands. "Please be safe, darling."

"Don't worry, mom. Javier will take care of me," I assured her.

She eyed me meaningfully, "I am wondering if you have feelings for this Javier,

I embraced her. "Tomorrow, mom, we'll talk."


It was a rainy and dark evening. I was in the car with Javier going to the town. I
was watching the big droplets of rain on the side window glass.

"Thanks for coming with me tonight, Thea," Javier said. "For sure, you're going to
like the event. A lot of prominent people in the province will be attending, too."

"Really? Just like last time?" I asked, recalling the time when I attended it
together with Nigel.

Oh! How come Nigel was not invited tonight? Had he stopped donating for the
provincial social welfare department? Well, whatever was the reason, at least I
wouldn't have to see him tonight.

Or probably, he was invited but, since he was abroad right now, he wouldn't be able
to attend.

Nigel. Nigel. Nigel.

What's wrong with you? I scolded myself. Why do you still keep on thinking of him?

"Yes, just like last time." Javier smiled at me.

Traveling on the country road under a heavy rain and flashes of lightning, I became
worried of the current weather. When would this rain stop?

"I'm glad that, this time, it's different, Thea. I'm your date and not Mr.
Sarmiento," Javier said frankly.

"Speaking of Nigel, why isn't he invited tonight?" I asked, also frankly, because I
wanted to know the reason. "I do remember that the last time he attended the event
for the benefit of the provincial welfare department, he had given the biggest

Javier stopped smiling. "Well, let's just say when helping people isn't really your
priority, you'll eventually quit doing it."

"What do you mean?"

"It's been a long time that Mr. Sarmiento has stopped donating for the department
and the province has decided to delete his name as one of its social welfare
donors. But he's not a loss, Thea. The social welfare department could still put up
some money without him."

I bit my bottom lip.

So Nigel knew how to put up a show for himself. When he wanted to have the
limelight, he could just release his millions. When he didn't feel like it anymore,
he could just stop giving his money.

Where is your consistency in helping people, Nigel?

I wondered if he was doing the same to my beloved Marianne Orphanage. Was he still
donating to the orphanage until now? Or did he just leave the nuns and the children
hanging? I really thought I better ask Mother Clarita once I return to the South.
I'm going to hate you forever for this, Nigel Joaquin, once I discover that you
also stop donating to the orphanage!

I looked at the windshield and saw the rain getting heavier.

Why did I feel something unfavorable was going to happen tonight? I looked at
Javier and he seemed to be in total control.

I felt some weird beating in my chest.

I wondered what was in store for me tonight.



There are just moments that you hope to be given a lot of time to think... yet,
even if you are given the time that you ask for, still it doesn't work for you.
(Author sighs.)

There's actually a big blank space in my head right now... It's all blank...
nothing's there... and I want to get to the point of ironing things out in this
story... like getting to the ending... yet, somehow, though I'm thankful that I'm
relieved with the stress and pressure of work this time, I still find it hard on
how to stitch my words together. It's so frustrating... 😂😂😂 What happen to me?

Anyway, hope you still VOTE, COMMENT, SHARE, and FOLLOW!

(sapphiregirl22) ~_^

Chapter 46 - Charity
To @anneai for being like Althea in real life but certainly a stronger and wiser
version of the shattered girl in this story. You inspire me with your life story
and I hope my heroine will eventually turn out to be that strong and wise girl in
the end. Well, I think, we all deserve a happy ending and the right guy by our
side. This chapter is for you @anneai and may you finally find him.

~~~ CHAPTER 46 - CHARITY ~~~

"Oh, you invited her!" It was the surprised exclamation of Madam Melanie Suarez,
Javier's mom, when she saw me.

"Yes, mom, of course," Javier said as he kissed her cheek.

She went near me and we kissed each other's cheeks, too.

"Good evening, Madam," I greeted her.

The first lady of the province didn't answer me. Glancing at Javier, she said
instead, "I need to meet the others. Suit yourself." She walked away and, as usual,
her dominance and sophistication left me breathless.

Suit yourself. Why did it sound sarcastic?

The event was held in the town gymnasium and, surprisingly, few people were present
as compared to the last time that I attended. Dinner was served first before the

Javier had been very sweet and caring from the time that I got into his car, until
we arrived at the venue and all through out the meal. He made sure that I was
feeling comfortable and satisfied with my seat, my food, and my drink. Sometimes, I
would steal a glance at him and think to myself why my heart couldn't just settle
for him.

No matter how I tried to fill Javier in my heart, I still couldn't feel the sparks,
the butterflies, and that familiar beating... but more than that, I just didn't
feel anything for him at all. And now that I was in the event, I didn't even feel
happy with myself that I was sitting next to him. My mind kept on wandering... and
was thinking only of one particular man. My heart was in pain and I felt so sad.

We couldn't really teach our hearts and, if I wanted Nigel to be truthful of his
feelings, I had to be truthful of mine as well. If Nigel's choice was Maria Stella,
so be it.

But Javier wasn't my choice and wouldn't be, so I had to be truthful of it. It
would be very unfair to him if I'd still go out with him but think of another man
instead. So, tonight, after the event, I decided that when Javier would take me
home, I would tell him how I really felt for him. I would tell him that he could
only be a friend to me... nothing more, nothing less.

So... what would I become in the future?

Perhaps, I'd spend myself being a spinster. I was getting desperate, perhaps... The
world might not understand how I felt but my heart wasn't anymore ready to endure
any more pain.


The program was opened by the governor's speech. I focused myself listening to him.

Javier's dad was a confident man. One look at him on stage and you knew that he was
already used to public speaking.
"Ladies and gentlemen, I'm so glad of your presence tonight..." he started.

I listened to the rest of the speech and got a little confused.

"It's been a public knowledge that I am running for the senate these coming
elections. Your support on my candidacy will be of great help for me to extend the
scope of my service. My dear friends, the linkage that we've established through
the years was enough for my family to be confident of the support that you will be
extending. I look forward to this support that I am expecting from you."

The governor was followed by other speakers and it made me even more confused on
the proceeding of the event. Most of the speeches I heard were more of political in
nature... and usually tackled on the incoming elections and campaigns.

I got confused why an event which was supposed for the benefits of the needy was to
be mixed with something so political. Couldn't they just talk about helping people
and not talk about politics?

I turned to Javier and stared at him.

"Yeah? Why are you staring at me, love?"

I decided to iron my words out before saying it. "Javier..."


"Why are there campaign speeches here?"

His eyes flickered. "Well, as you know, the election is coming and this is one
important occasion where candidates like dad could announce their will to serve the
people, especially with the presence of these wealthy businessmen. They can be
great assets for financial support for the campaign."


Was this event for the campaign of his dad's candidacy or for charity in support of
the social welfare department?

I quieted myself down.

Oh, Javier! I hadn't expected this!

This charity event tonight in Sta. Fe was important for me because it was supposed
to be for the benefit of the underpriviliged in the province where the children in
La Carlota could also be benefited. La Carlota was the village just outside of The
Fields and the kids there were special to me because I was once a volunteer to

"Thea, are you okay?" he asked when he noticed that I was not talking anymore.

"I need to find the comfort room. Excuse me." I stood up from my seat and walked

Well, I needed to ponder on things. Charity work was something that was pure and
sacred to me, something that deserved great respect. When we help, we just have to
help because that is what our heart tells us, not because we have some hidden
agenda on it.
It was time for the cocktails and some people started dancing on the center floor.
I worked myself towards any quiet place where I could just calm myself. Anger was
ignited in me. This wasn't what I expected to happen tonight. And, certainly, the
words spoken by Javier a while ago were not the words I expected from him.

I was walking through the crowd when a palm patted my shoulder. I turned around and
I saw the governor's wife.

"Where are you going?" she asked, raising an eyebrow.

I was supposed to say I was looking for the comfort room but I would be lying if
I'd tell her that. "I want to go home," I stated, telling her the real thing that I
wanted to do right this moment.

"Going home already? We've just started the socialization," she said, very
surprised. "Where's Javier?"

Oh, yeah... I hadn't told Javier I was planning to go home already. I was once
again carried away by my temper. Control, Althea, I told myself.

"He's at our table, Madam," I said, pointing a finger towards Javier.

"Are you not enjoying? Why not dance with Javier?" she suggested, raising again an

I didn't reply.

"Well, can we have a talk, dear?" Madam Melanie then asked. Her voice exuded

She signalled a waiter to come near us and serve us drinks. She got a glass of red
wine for me.

"No thanks, Madam. I don't want to drink," I rejected her offer.

"Oh, I'm surprised of the frankness you're displaying tonight, dear." She smiled
forcibly. "You were saying a while ago you're going home, then now you're rejecting
a drink."

I didn't answer her. I was wondering if my frankness was a good or a bad thing for
her. I could see the changes in her facial expressions since we had started
talking. She seemed amused, irritated, amazed...

"You are an interesting woman, dear," she told me.

Okay, so she found my frankness a good thing.

"Since you're frank, I want to be frank as well." She gulped the wine from the
glass she was holding. "I know that my son has an eye on you. That's why, I want to
know if you feel the same thing for him."

"No, I don't feel the same," I said, being vocally truthful about how I truly felt
for the first time, "I can only accept him as a friend."

Why shouldn't I tell her the truth? In the first place, this was what I planned to
tell Javier at the end of the night.

She smiled and gulped again her wine. Afterwards, she stated, "That's great, dear."
I opened my eyes widely. I thought she was going to get angry.

"I'm relieved! Whew!" she said, faking a smile.

Well, as I observed Javier's mother, I could smell something fishy in her.

"You don't know how hard I've prayed for this because you know what? I could never
allow someone who is a nobody to be part of this family."


"Though you are under the care of Carol Saavedra-Sarmiento, still that doesn't make
you a Sarmiento. And even if you indeed are a Sarmiento, I could never allow
someone who is connected to the Sarmientos to be part of this family. I hope you
understand that, dear."

What was she saying? Wasn't she a friend of Mommy Carol?

And what was with the use of the irritating endearment when she was actually trying
to step on me now?

"Why?" I asked, too surprised of myself how my voice trembled as I stated that
single question word.

"Why? Are you asking me why, my dear?" she spat out.

Oh, why was the world filled with so many horrible people? I thought the governor's
wife was some sweet woman. Well, it looked like I was mistaken. Javier even told me
before that she liked me. All this time, she was only faking it.

"Are you asking me why I won't accept a commoner to our family?"

"That I can understand," I said, trying to imply that her being a hater of the poor
was too obvious and actually stank like urine. "I was actually asking why you
couldn't accept someone who is connected to the Sarmientos? What is it with them?"

She laughed. "Because the Sarmientos think of themselves as the only righteous
family in this province! Tell me, how could they accuse us of corruption, dear, as
if they were certain of it? Ever wonder why Nigel Sarmiento isn't anymore part of
this event? Because he thought that this charity event organized by the Suarezes
since fifteen years ago is one big means so we could have millions to corrupt."

Wow! She just said it herself!

Now I knew why Nigel was no longer part of this event. He must have discovered how
lame and unscrupulous these charity events the Suarezes were organizing. Why?
Hadn't I just learned that they were using this affair to campaign for the

"Tell me, how could they think of themselves so righteously? Have they done
something beneficial to the province for them to say that? Tell me, what have the
Sarmientos done to help the province?"

Oh, God! This woman... she was impossible, wasn't she?

I raised my chin up. "You are asking what the Sarmientos have done to help the
province, Madam?" I asked sarcastically. "Well, have you forgotten that they help
improve its economy? Not only the province actually but the whole country and even
outside of it! The Sarmientos provided jobs to millions of people. Have you
forgotten that?"

Mrs. Melanie Suarez was taken aback. It was like something obstructed her throat
that she couldn't speak anymore... because what I said was a big FACT.

"And here's one more thing, Madam. I am so disappointed knowing tonight that you
try to set up this whole charity thing when you, in fact, are a hater of the poor.
So a piece of advice, never use a charity event as a front for your election
campaigns. You should, by the way, be happy by now because, I swear, I will never
ever attend again any charity event organized by your family. This will be the last
time that you will see my face. You are despicable, Mrs. Suarez," I scoffed at her
in disgust.

With my emotions flaring high, I left her in a state of shock.

Once and for all, I had to talk to Javier and tell him how discouraged I was of the
discovery about his family. How could they use events like this to fill their name
with sham fragrance?


I headed back to the table where Javier was settled. I made sure to walk just near
the wall because I really thought I absolutely needed some hard thing to lean on as
I walked. I thought I was going to collapse hard to the floor.

Grasping the wall, I noticed large posters hanging on it. I stared at one of it and
it looked like campaign materials with charity or helping people as its main
subject. There were pictures in tarpaulin of several people, mostly children, who
were supposed to benefit from this event. There were pictures of the governor, too,
grasping hands with farmers; of Mrs. Melanie Suarez hugging or embracing the
elderly; of Javier talking and playing with kids... These were humongous pictures
in tarpaulin that would somehow manifest how helpful the Suarezes were.

Oh, wait a minute... about Javier's picture with the kids...

I was totally astounded when I took a second prolonged look at Javier's photo with
the kids.

Javier, what?

Really, Javier?

Okay, cool yourself, Thea! Please, just chill!


No way.

I couldn't just calm myself after seeing this picture. Javier could use any
pictures but this! Not this!


Javier was smiling when he saw that I was coming back. Seeing him smiling made me
want to spit something from my mouth. How could Javier do this to me and the kids?

"I need to talk you," I said grimly to him. I swore, I couldn't afford myself to
smile now.
"Thea? Something wrong?" he said with a concerned tone.

"Can we go outside? To the lobby?"

"Huh?" he asked kind of wondering.

"Let's talk at the lobby, Javier," I repeated.

He finally stood up. I turned around and walked fast towards the exit door.

Javier ran after me and held my wrist. "Thea, anything wrong?"

I didn't answer because I didn't want to divulge my saddened and angry state to the
rest of the guests in the gymnasium.

I bit my bottom lip to prevent myself from spitting bad words for the meantime.


"Are you happy doing this, Javier?" I stormed off when we were finally in the
lobby. Thankfully, it was raining and windy that most of the people were inside the

He looked surprised, like he didn't get what I was saying.

"This is just the lamest discovery I have about your family!"

"What?" He was still perplexed. "What discovery?"

"Well, charity work is something that is very close to my heart, Javier, because
helping for me comes with felt sincerity and genuineness, not affected or

Standing in front of me, Javier blinked his eyes. "Are you still thinking of the
campaign speeches, Thea?"

I gave him a sarcastic laugh. "It's not only about the campaign speeches tonight,
Javier! It's everything that this whole subterfuge is all about!"


"Yes, this whole charity event is a subterfuge, a ploy designed to hide the real

He suddenly raked his hair with his fingers. "This is not a subterfuge, Thea. This
whole event is really designed to help the poor."

Wow, though everything was crystal clear to me, he was still trying to convince me
to believe that everything tonight was purely for the poor and the needy!

"I've been to lots of charity events, Javier, and I have never witnessed something
like this in those events because, in those events, there are no politicians
delivering campaign speeches, there are also no politicians' wives trying to stomp
on poor guests, and certainly no campaign posters hanging on the wall using
innocent people!" There, I blurted everything out.

For a second, he didn't speak. I was thinking that he was trying to process my
words in his brain.
Finally, he asked, "W-What did mom do to you?"

"Oh, nothing! She just told me that she didn't like a commoner to become part of
your family. Well, I tell you, Javier, I don't want either to be part of a family
of great pretenders too!"

Javier suddenly caught my left arm. "Thea, Thea, please," his voice was pleading,
"don't mind mom, please. I love you and that's a fact. I really, really love you."

"All this time, Javier, tell me, has your mom been vocal to you of how she despises

"Yes..." he revealed in a cracking voice.

"There you have it! And why are you still pursuing me?"

"Because no matter what she says, I still love you and I'm willing to---"

"No, don't give me that crap, Javier!"

He was astounded when I shouted. He released my arm.

"You made me believe that your mother likes me. That's what you told me before...
and even if she doesn't want to see me in any of your family affairs, you still
insist to bring me here! Are you trying to humiliate me?"

Javier didn't answer and, for the first time, I saw a weak man in front of me.


"You know what? I really thought you're a fine friend... somebody who shares the
same interest with me, but I am mistaken." This time, my eyes were shedding tears
as I thought of the kids in his poster. "How could you? How could you?" I clenched
my fists, preventing myself to hit his face.

He stared at me. "Thea, I love you so much. Please, don't do this to me."

"What? What am I doing? I am not doing anything, Javier! It's you who's been doing
something behind my back!"


"So you're acting innocent now? Do you really want me to tell it to your face? Why
did you use the pictures of the children of my beloved Marianne Orphanage for your
lame election campaign posters? Why did you use the kids, Javier?"

Oh, I never felt so betrayed in my whole life!

Those pictures were taken by him during our visit to the orphanage during my
birthday. Right now, I wished I didn't let him go there with me. Those kids were
not under the jurisdiction of the province, not even under the care of the
provincial social welfare department. Javier went to the orphanage, not as a
sponsor but a guest! So why did he make it appear in the posters that he had been
supporting them?

Javier looked astounded. He raked again his hair. "Oh, that one... I can explain

I crossed my arms in my chest. "Okay, explain it!"

He breathed deeply. "The printers just mistakenly got the wrong pictures. But have
you seen them all? The pics are nice! The kids are adorable! There's really nothing
that you should be mad about. They are just pictures, Thea. Anyway, there have been
no kids harmed in the production of those campaign posters. They are just

Was that even an explanation?

I stepped back in disbelief. "Just pictures? Oh, my God! They aren't just pictures,
Javier. They are innocent souls who deserve some respect! They don't deserve to be
used for some lame election campaign! What was in your mind when you thought of
putting them on your posters? Do you really have to do this to achieve what your
family wants to achieve? I'm sorry but I'm not impressed."

This time, Javier's face turned sour. "You don't know what the Suarezes have gone
through just to get to where we are now. You have to learn the game, Thea. After
all, this is politics."

"Politics? Don't use the term politics, Javier, because I still believe that there
are good and genuine politicians out there. Your dad and you just happen to use the
term for your selfish motives."

"There isn't really a need for us to fight over some kids' pictures," he added.
"Okay, if I have offended you with that, I'll reap them tonight for you."

Oh, my God! Couldn't he really get the point?

"You know what? You really sound like the lousiest future politician," I said as I
turned my back from him and headed outside.

"Thea, it's raining hard! What are you doing?" he yelled as I started to battle
myself through the pouring rain.

He followed and both of us were drenched in water.

Not knowing where I was exactly going, I just walked fast. Tears in my cheeks were
washed out by the big droplets of rain.

"It's stormy! Why are you doing this?" he yelled.

I turned around and faced him. He was drenched all over just like me. "I want you
to know, Javier Suarez, that when you finally run for town mayoralty, I won't be
voting for you."

"Thea, I love you. I love you very, very much. Please don't do this to me."

Love. Great word.

"If you really love me, you will also love and respect those I love. Those innocent
children in your posters, Javier, happen to be very, very dear to me. I love them
and they will always have a special place in my heart... because know what? I was
once like them. I was an orphan, too, remember? And now, you're going to claim that
you love me? How could you love someone who's been just like those kids you used in
your campaign posters?"

I walked away in the middle of a deserted street under the heavy rain. I was soaked
all over. Water was starting to drip through my body now.
"Thea!" he called out for me.

I didn't mind him. How could I mind him when he just made me lose my respect for

Javier didn't follow me. I guessed he was just shocked from what happened that he
just couldn't take a single step anymore. I turned my face around and all I could
see was his dark shadow in the middle of the street about three meters away.

I bent down and took off my shoes. It was hard to be walking on heels on an almost
flooded street.

It was almost the middle of the night and it was raining cats and dogs! Angry
flashes of lightning also appeared from time to time. It was a horrible sight from
here outside, while the Suarezes found comfort inside the convenient gymnasium
together with their wealthy victims... or accomplices?

Yeah, a virtuous man would always feel that something was wrong in the held
occasion... but if he was just as bad as the Suarezes, then he would remain to be
part of the whole subterfuge knowing that he would also benefit from the whole

Just a game, according to Javier.

I was glad Nigel ceased donating for the Suarezes' charity front... and thinking
about that guy, I felt so proud of him. You just make me so proud of you, Nigel
Joaquin! And there's nothing that I'd like to do now but to find my whole trembling
body in your arms. I missed you so much... I really, really missed you.

Oh, walking under the heavy rain could be a perfect time to think of the most
important person in your life...

Suddenly, I felt the need to give Nigel a call right this very moment. I wanted to
talk to him, to tell him about what I had discovered about Javier and his family. I
wanted to ask him what he also knew about them. I knew there was still more that I
didn't know about.

I wanted to talk to him about a lot of things... a whole bunch of things.

And, yeah, I wanted to know about him and Maria Stella.

I wanted to hear his voice, his chuckle, and his laughter.

I wanted to tell him that I was frightened thinking about his choice but I was
ready to accept now whatever would be the truth...

I wanted to tell him that I still would love him in spite of whoever he would

I wanted to tell him that he would be the only man for me.

I wanted to tell him that if he would only choose me, then I would never ever
forsake him again.

But, life could be unfair sometimes...

Just when you thought you wanted to give a ring to someone, you would realize that
you just lost your phone...
Oh, how could I forget to bring my purse with me where my phone was placed? I just
left it there... on the table where I was seated at the gym.

So how would I call him?

Looking around the dark, deserted street, I began to feel fear.

Oh, where should I go now? How would I ever find my way back to The Fields? With
the stormy weather and at the midnight hour, I doubted if I could find any safety
vehicle tonight.

Oh, God! What shall I do now?

Without my phone, how could I call Mommy Carol as well?


Just when I was about to lose hope, a car honked its horn at my back. Its lights
came to make the dark way visible for me. Then, I realized I was actually treading
on the middle of the deserted street. The car, however, at my back had no intention
of hitting me. It just seemed to follow me.

It honked again.

It dawned on me that the driver was trying to demand me to walk on the sidewalk. I
laughed at my stupidity. How could I even walk in the middle of the street? I was
getting insane now, laughing at myself but crying at the same time.

Barefooted, I sprinted towards the sidewalk. The car, on the other hand, overtook
me a bit and then stopped at my left side. I ceased walking as well.

Oh, no! What was I going to do now? With the different crimes reported in the
country nowadays, how would I know that the driver or passenger of this car
wouldn't do something harmful to me? And it was the middle of the night!

The cold blowing of the wind was almost intolerable. It was icy cold and my whole
body was drenched.

Trembling in cold, I was standing rigidly in the sidewalk and stared at the
unfamiliar car. The driver's door opened and a tall shadow of a man first met my
eyes. My heart started to beat irregularly.

If this unfamiliar shadow would do something bad to me tonight...

Mommy Carol, I love you so much. I'm sorry for all the times that I let you down. I
started to say my goodbyes.


Nigel's face appeared in my head...

The smiling Nigel... the so-in-love Nigel... the Nigel who made me feel the beating
of his heart through my palm... the Nigel who bothered to send me roses every
single day... the Nigel who flew from the capital to the South just to be the first
person to greet me on my birthday at midnight... the Nigel who sat on the floor
just outside of my door and who patiently waited for me to open it... the Nigel who
stole me kisses a lot of times and made me feel that I was indeed loved...
My Nigel Joaquin.

Oh, Nigel, I love you. I will always love you. I will love you forever.

Without anything to cover himself from the rain, the tall man from the car finally
made his way towards me. Though it was a bit dark but I could clearly discern the
leather jacket he was wearing.

I trembled even more.

I was about to collapse in total cold and fear when the man's sturdy arms caught me
from falling to the ground.

"Princess---" was the first and last word that I heard from him.

Before I lost consciousness, my heart had already consoled me that there was
nothing more for me to worry about.

My rainbow at midnight had finally appeared... and I knew for sure that he was here
to kiss the rain away...



Okay, too much drama here. 😢😭😭 But so happy to finally do the rain scene!!! 😆😁☺

Last time, guys, you made me so happy due to the various reactions I received from
you. Some of you hated her, others were heartbroken, some were happy... and the
lengthy comments, OMG! Whatever you said, positive or negative, they all served as
my fuel in keeping up this drama. What would I write without you and your nice,
candid thoughts? Guys, thank you all. Really enjoying this roller coaster ride with

So, because I was inspired by your reactions last time, I had to rush making this
chapter. Hence, the early update! I'm not supposed to be posting today, right?
We've already changed sched... but here I am, so yeah!!!

Oh, someone just formulated the nicest ship name for Althea and Nigel... ANGEL 😇
😇😇 Really, really love it! From now on, this couple will be ANGEL to me,
hopefully to you as well... hahaha. Thanks to you, @cinderella-is-me, my ever
beautiful Wattpad friend Princess Cindy. Hope your Prince Charming finds you
soon... just not under the rain... lol.


(sapphiregirl22) ~_^

Chapter 47 - Lies
The author just can't still get over the rain scene... so here's a song about
RAINBOW... HOPE... and celebrating LOVE and LIFE...
Because, you, my dear readers, are all hopeful individuals.
Yes, there's always a rainbow after the rain.
This one's for you all!
hehe... Enjoy!

Take a little time, baby

See the butterflies' colors
Listen to the birds that were sent
To sing for me and you
Can you feel me?
This is such a wonderful place to be.

Even if there is pain now

Everything will be all right
For as long as the world still turns
There will be night and day
Can you hear me?
There's a rainbow always after the rain.

~~~ CHAPTER 47 - Lies ~~~

I had several dreams.

Most of them were about someone.

In those dreams, I saw him carrying a cup of tea or a bowl of soup and persuading
me in his whispers to have a taste of it. I also saw him checking on my temperature
and inserting some tablets into my mouth.

In those dreams, I saw him rubbing a cold, damp washcloth on my forehead, in my

neck, in my arms, and other parts of my body which helped me feel a little

Most of all, in those dreams, I saw him lying beside me, embracing me as I slept,
and kissing me in the forehead whenever he found the need to.


I opened my eyes and felt terribly tired. I felt like I had been to a walk for a
thousand miles. My heart and my body ached so much. It felt so weird to feel that I
had been to hiking when at the same I felt I was in bed for a couple of days.

I let my eyes roam around and I learned that I was in my room at the palacio. I was
lying with my back on the bed. However, what surprised me was the fact that a
muscular arm was enveloping my body.

What? I wasn't sleeping alone! I was actually lying in bed with someone!

I turned my face to my left and saw his countenance. Our bodies were pressed
against each other.


He was lying on his side, facing me and still sleeping, and his hot breathing in my
cheek was like a sunshine to a plant. It brought some form of energy in my
desolated heart.

Are you for real, Nigel Joaquin? Are you really here with me?

I blinked my eyes and I realized that I wasn't dreaming. Everything was real. I was
in bed with him under some sheet and he was actually hugging me.
What exactly happened? Why were we in this condition? Why was he in my bed?

So he had already arrived from abroad...

Trying to find some answers to my questions, I just stared at his face.

Not being able to help myself, I ran my fingers on his left jawline and played with
his stubble. The short hairs pretty tickled my hand.

Slowly, he opened his beautiful pair of eyes and, instantly, they found mine.

He gazed at me and I immediately behaved my hand by pulling it away from his jaw.

He was serious, as in disturbingly serious, like he didn't have any plan to smile.
Then, after several moments, he lifted his arm from my waist as if telling me
silently that he wanted his body to be separated from mine.

I was surprised.

"How are you feeling now?" he asked, taking off the blanket, as he sat up at my
side. There was coldness in his tone.

"I... I'm feeling... a bit tired... but, I think, I'm okay now. Why? What happened
to me?" I asked innocently. I had a little feeling on what happened but I needed a

"You had fever," he said, still maintaining that cold tone.

"Really?" I uttered, wondering.

He nodded, then he stared at me again for a long time as if there were lots of
questions in his eyes. I became so conscious of the way he was scrutinizing me that
I turned my head away.

Why are you staring at me that way, Nigel?

"I'll tell Elena that you have already woken up." I heard him talk later, very
coldly. I felt him move at my side as he stood up. Next thing I knew, he was
already out of my room.

There was a great pang of pain in my heart when he was finally gone... so really
painful... because his treatment to me now reminded me of the old Nigel Joaquin...
cold and uncaring.

Was it because of Stella? Did he finally realize that there was no need for him to
fake treating me?


Mommy Carol and Elena came into my room when they learned I had already woken up.

"Nigel went to his room to have a shower," mom said.

I didn't answer. I was still feeling some pain in my chest.

I learned from mom and Elena that I actually caught a fever from the time that I
arrived from the Suarezes' event. The day after, I still had fever that mom called
the town doctor. The latter assured that everything was okay. It was a miracle that
I didn't catch a cold. The doctor told them that it might be attributed to some
sort of stress.

And I said to myself... Yeah, it might be both physical and emotional stress. Well,
I felt like some parts of my body were soring especially my feet... However, I was
convinced that more than the physical pain, it was more of the emotional aspect
that caused my body to give up.

I couldn't believe that I was in bed for two nights and one day.


I had breakfast in bed. Elena, being the family nurse now, made sure that I took
all medicines she prepared for me.

"The señorito couldn't leave you alone, you know. He's been here all along," Elena
told me as she was giving me the tablets.

Sitting on the bed, I looked at her disbelievingly.

Really? He was worried about me... But why was he treating me coldly today?

"Here. Your tablets," Elena said, offering the medicines.

I took them into my mouth and gulped water. "Thanks, Elena," I said, handing her
back the glass.

She gave me a beautiful smile. "I'm so happy for you, Thea. It thrills me to know
that the adorable señorito has been sharing bed with you. You must feel deeply
loved today."

"Is that true? He's been here in my room all the while I was sick?"

"Yes, he didn't leave you. He was just right here, very worried. He even wanted to
bring you to the hospital but the doctor told him that he has nothing to worry."


Then, I remembered something. I just wanted to be sure of it.



"Who brought me back here in the palacio the other night?"

"Huh? So you were really unsconscious all along? Of course, it was the señorito,"
she reported.

"H-How come? I thought he was still abroad at that time."

"He arrived here in the palacio an hour you left with that Javier. He actually
didn't take his dinner. He immediately left for the town when he learned you
attended the charity event organized by the Suarezes."

So, it was really him.

It was Nigel who saved me that night.


While Elena was changing my bed clothes, I took a shower and brushed my teeth.

Elena was no longer in my room when I got out from the shower. Everything in the
bedroom was neat and organized with my new bed clothes. Then, I noticed the basket
of red roses on my bedside table.

He still sent me roses.

I didn't know how to react. Should I be happy?

Still, I was confused with his actions. While abroad, he had been calling and
texting me. The other night, he also went to the town to fetch me from the charity
event. Yet this morning when I woke up, he was giving me the cold shoulder.

Clothed in a loose tee shirt and short cotton shorts, I went back to lie on my bed.
I still felt I needed more rest. I wasn't able to sleep right away. I thought of
Javier and what happened during the charity event. The disappointment I felt for
him was unfathomable. I didn't think I could still be a friend to him. I couldn't
forgive him on using the children of my beloved orphanage.

Then, I also thought of Nigel. Still, I was puzzled. Why was my heart telling me
that he really cared for me in spite of his actions this morning?

I thought and thought of him... until sleep came over me.


I didn't know how long I slept.

When I opened my eyes, I saw him. He was there sitting at my left, his back and
head rested on the headboard. His legs were stretched on the bed.

He was watching me intently.

My heart drummed a beat.

"Y-You're here..." I whispered.

He gulped something in his throat and I didn't miss the sexy movement of his adam's
apple. "Yeah, the brute is here," he said huskily.

I presumed that he didn't go out for he was wearing just a tee shirt and sweat

"You haven't left for the capital?" I asked, glancing up at him.

"I can't go there without talking to someone," he expressed, almost bitterly.

Why was I feeling that he had been so lonely?

"Are you feeling okay now?" he asked. His tone was a little bit changed this time
like there was concern in it.

I nodded.

He sighed deeply. "I don't know how to start this, Althea, but I really want to
talk to you."
Me, too. I've been meaning to talk to you.

"I just want you to know," he continued, "that I've been feeling so confused. I
thought we were already okay. What happened? I'd been trying to contact you but you
weren't answering my calls. What have I done? Have I said something in the phone
that made you mad at me?"

Okay. He was being very serious now. He really meant it when he said he wanted to
talk with me.

This was going to be serious talk so I decided to rise and sat on the bed. I moved
myself and, promptly, Nigel's hands grasped my body to help me lean my head in the
headboard just like him.

There was a long silence at first. It was like we were just hearing each other's
breathing as we sat side by side.

I wanted to say I missed him so much and that I didn't mean to reject his calls. I
was just very, very hurt on what I had discovered about him.

I waited for him to say something.

Indeed, he spoke out... somewhat anxiously, "Are you in love with somebody else
right now, Althea?"

"What?" I quipped, very surprised, as I faced him. "What did you just say?"

His eyes were intense, as usual, but somewhat sad. "You... in love with someone

I gaped my mouth at him. Why was he asking me this?

"Who is it, Althea? Dylan Fernandez or Javier Suarez?" he asked, gritting his

"Why are you asking me that?" My voice trembled a bit.

He clenched a fist on his side.

"Why are you asking me that?" I repeated.

"The last time we talked in the phone, you met Fernandez in the bar, didn't you?"
He brushed his hair with his fingers. "After that, you never answered any of my
calls again."

Gosh! What was he acting now?

"Are you acting jealous?" I said, raising my voice.

"I'm just not acting here," he said, also raising his voice and closing the
distance between our faces. "I am jealous. I'm so f-cking jealous, Althea. Who
really is this damn guy that you're falling in love with? I'm so confused right
now. If it's not Fernandez, then is it that Suarez? The politician's son? Because
it looked like you had a lovers' fight with him the other night that you even had
to run through the rain making yourself sick! Are you that desperate already
because of him?"

Nigel, at the moment, looked really angry that he held my arms and pinned me to the
headboard more. His face was just an inch away from mine. His eyes were intense and
accusing. "I should've restrained myself from being jealous but I can't help it,
Althea! For years, I've been like a jealous brute and, now when I thought we're
already doing fine, you still go out with the guys who've been causing me pain ever

Too shocked, I wasn't able to say a word. Was he really jealous?

"I've been losing my mind and I'm losing my control now," he stated with his
shivering voice. He gripped my arms harder as he pulled me down back to the surface
of the bed. Lying now with my back completely rested on the bed, Nigel climbed on
top of me. Supporting his weight, his palms were placed on each side near my head
while his knees were bent down straddling and imprisoning my hips.

I pushed his chest when he pressed his torso to me but I couldn't move him a bit.
He was so strong. He even leaned his face near to me. "I'm really losing my control
now and it's you who's doing this to me."

"What are you doing?" I cried out loud.

"I swear I'm gonna make you mine right now," he murmured heavily to my left ear.
"I'm gonna f-ck you so hard right here that you will completely forget whoever is
this man you're falling in love with."

With my body still weak from last night's fever, I was surprised that I was still
able to pinch his chest with my fingers. "I'm not one of your f-ck buddies," I
stated in fear, confusion and anger as my tears streamed down my cheeks. "And
certainly, I am not your Maria Stella."

The mention of that name made his eyes flick and darken even more. "What? What did
you just say?"

I pinched his chest again. "I said I'm not your Maria Stella..."

There was some movement of his eyeballs. Was that an expression of confusion?
"Maria Stella? How come she becomes a part of this discussion?"

"So you're acting stupid now... How could you even forget your engagement to her?
The two of you are going to be married soon, aren't you? So why are you still
acting jealous?"

Still hovering over me, he paused for some time gazing at me.

Finally, a word came out of his mouth. "WHAT?"

"Don't what what me," I said, sardonically, hitting his chest once with my right

Grabbing my right hand, Nigel pressed himself more to me that I felt his chest on
mine. I labored hard to breathe. His huge built almost suffocated me.

"What? I'm gonna get hitched soon with Maria Stella?" His mouth was so close to
mine that I gasped awkwardly.

"Are you surprised that I know? Do you really plan to hide it from me? Until when
are you gonna hide the truth from me? Until your wedding day? Or until you see me
totally shattered?"

Yes, I began crying, as usual. But these tears I was releasing from my eyes right
now made me so proud of myself for they symbolized my emotional strength. Why?
Because, finally, I confronted him about the woman that he had been planning to
marry. Finally, I got the courage to mention to his face the name of the woman who
drove me to run away from him and from Mommy Carol. Now, I wanted the truth. I
wanted to know the whole truth right from his mouth.

And when everything would be said, I could finally start lying to myself that I
could move on... that I still had enough courage to move on... and everyday of my
life, I would just be lying to myself that I had already moved on.

"I'm marrying Maria Stella?" he asked like everything he heard was unbelievable.
His minty breathing was fanning my face.

"Why do you keep on asking me about your engagement? Ask yourself... and tell me
the truth..." I said, almost losing my voice.

"Of course not! I'm not marrying her! I'm never marrying anyone but you! Whoever
told you such crap?" he instantly replied.

I wrinkled my forehead as I gazed at him.

Nigel also looked shocked; and I was confused if the expression I saw in his face
as he was drooping down on me was even true.

I still stared at him disbelievingly. Was he acting? Was he this good in acting
that he actually convinced me that he was utterly not expecting what I just said?

Nigel groaned and held my chin. "Who told you that f-cking crap?" he repeated.

"Are you saying that it's a lie?" I gasped.

"Of course, it's a LIE!" he said as he finally dropped his chest on me. Our bodies
were now pressed to each other but I didn't feel his weight, like he carefully
controlled himself not to smash my tiny body with his humongous built. His mouth
rested on my forehead. "It's a lie, Althea. I never proposed to anyone."

I closed my eyes but tears rolled down at the sides of my face. "I don't believe

Bewildered, Nigel once again lifted himself up to look at my face. "Oh, God! Just
f-cking tell me who told you such lie and I swear I'm gonna put a bullet through
his or her head!"

I wasn't able to say words anymore. I cried even more.


Truly puzzled on what to do to comfort me, Nigel finally decided to lie down on his
back at my side and pulled me, especially my face, on his chest.

When I finally felt like there was no use wasting my tears, I opened my mouth and
told him about my encounter with Dylan in the bar while he was abroad. I told him
everything, from the time that our call ended, to Dylan assaulting me in the narrow
hallway at the bar, up to the time that I talked with Maria Stella in the phone.

All along, Nigel was gripping my body tightly as he uttered his curses.

"And why would I marry her?" he asked afterwards.

Flustered, I said, "Because you proposed to her. You were engaged to her since
almost three years ago."

"WHAT? SHIT! WHY WOULD I EVEN PROPOSE TO HER?" he asked in a booming voice that he
almost jumped out of the bed. Good that I was leaning on him and he would actually
fly from the bed.

"Are you telling me that it's not true?" I queried, still sobbing.

"And why would you even believe that it's true?" he asked back.


"Because she is your girlfriend---"

"Just one of the women that I slept with," he cut me off.

"Well, as far as I remember, you introduced her to me as your girlfriend," I

complained, feeling his heartbeat in my cheek.

He cursed again and grasp my hair with his fingers. "But it was never serious, just
like all the other women, Althea!" he replied.

"If it wasn't something serious, why did you still have to introduce her to me as
your girlfriend and you even brought her to the condo? Remember? I caught you
making out with her just outside my room when I was just starting to live with you
in the capital." I lifted my face up to him.

"That one... Well, it was just one of those stupid times. Yeah, I was really
stupid... It was because I wanted you to give the engagement up at that time. I
really intended to hurt you so many times before especially when you started to
live with me in the capital. I wanted to prove at that time that the two of us
together is impossible."

"Well, you hurt me so bad at that time," I said, leaning my face to his chest.

"Really?" he asked.

"Really? You would just ask something like that?" I complained again.

"Were you really jealous with Maria Stella?"

"Come on, let's not change the topic. I'm trying to know the truth here. Didn't you
really propose to her?"

"I never proposed to anyone," he said in a seriously firm tone.

"Didn't you give her a ring?"

"What ring are you talking about? Of course, I never gave her any ring!"

Wow. This conversation was going somewhere. I pulled myself from him and sat at his
side, crossing my legs. "Then, what was that ring that she showed me during your
CEO-ship party?" This time, my tears went rolling down again on my cheeks. All the
heartaches I felt during that particular night, especially my painful conversation
I had with Maria Stella in the washroom, came over me once more.

He almost jumped himself as he sat up as well. He gripped both of my shoulders.

"What? What ring?"
"The engagement ring that you gave her!"

This time, as we sat facing each other and our legs crossed in between us, he
gripped my jaws with his hands, leaned down his face on me so our eyes would meet.

"As I said, I never proposed to her and I never gave her a ring," he said very

I blinked my eyes and I saw sincerity in Nigel's eyes.


Pure, genuine sincerity.


Was I mistaken all this time? Had I thought of him so wrongly all this time?

It took me several moments before I made myself move again.


Oh, no! For years, I had been so stupid.

I had been so stupid.

I had been so stupid for letting myself believe that bitch!

I burst out crying more and, without giving a damn anymore on whatever else that
the bitch told me on that particular night, I jumped and sat my buttocks on his
lap, as I brought my arms around his neck and wrapped my legs around his hips.

"Really?" I cried out.

And, in that position on bed, hugging him tightly while he was wrapping his arms
around me as well, I told Nigel about that night during his 24th birthday and what
Maria Stella told me in the washroom.

"Still dwelling in your fantasy world?" She smiled again confidently. Maria Stella
was handling this all too well like everything she said was the whole truth. Then,
she glanced at my hands. "If he really was serious with this, why didn't he propose
to you tonight in front of everyone? Why didn't he give you the ring? And why did
he give it to me instead of giving it to you? Meaning. Nigel. Proposed. To. Me.
And. Not. To. You," she said, still tauntingly, as she showed me her left hand.

In her ring finger, I saw a gorgeous diamond ring, too beautiful to look at that I
actually dropped my jaw. It glistened under my gaze. It looked very, very

Proposed to her? Nigel?

"No, that cannot be!" I clenched my fists.

She laughed hard when she heard me. She laughed so very hard that she looked like a
mad woman.

I stepped back and my butt touched the sink where I depended for support. If not of
the sink, I would have collapsed right now.
"Nigel and I are engaged since two months ago. Are you surprised? He actually
proposed to me two months ago. While your engagement is fake, ours is something
that is true and official. With this ring, everything becomes official between the
two of us!" she said triumphantly.

"So, what was that ring? Where did she get it?" I asked after I narrated him what

"I don't f-cking know where she got it!"

I paused. God, did I really make a mistake three years ago?

"Now, why would she do that? Why would she make such kind of story?" I blurted,
feeling the fear in my heart that I did make a terrible mistake three years ago.

I saw anger in Nigel's eyes. He flicked his eyeballs and there was that dangerous
light in his eyes.

"Is this the reason why you run away that night, Althea? You left mom and me
because of what Stella told you?" he said, eyeballs flicking, as he cupped my left
cheek with a palm.

Now, I paused again. There were still a lot of reasons but, of course, Maria Stella
and her words were at the topmost of all those reasons why I left on that fateful

Finding the courage in myself to bare it all now, I nodded my head.

"Oh, f-ck! F-ck! F-ck!" Nigel cursed as he gripped again my jaw. "Althea,
everything was just a lie. Everything she said about the engagement, the ring, and
the forthcoming wedding is all a pathetic LIE."

We looked at each other, our eyes catching each other... stared, gazed... His eyes
had still a glint of dangerous anger in them.

"All these years, I thought you left me because you could never forgive me for my
being so mean to you... I thought you hated me so much for my being a jerk... But
it's not even the reason! You ran away because of a pathetic lie!"

I gasped my mouth with a palm... and I felt so weak.

"Such a naive girl..." he murmured, both in angry and sympathetic tone. Then, I saw
a glint of moisture in his eyes. "Did you just lie when you said asking mom about
our engagement is the biggest mistake you've ever done? Did you not really mean it?
Because when you said it to me, I thought it just killed me right there in the

I closed my eyes and brought myself to the past... to that night when we talked in
his car before I decided to leave him and mom three years ago.

He then raised his face now but he refused to look at me. He was facing the

"Yes, it's true. Our engagement has been one great fake since the start of it," I
said firmly. "It's been wrong, so so so wrong since the beginning, Nigel. It's
true, I was the one who started this so I should also be the one to correct it.
Tonight, I'm going to correct the biggest mistake that I have ever done in my life.
To beg to marry you has been the biggest mistake that I've ever done, so I will
make it right tonight! Let's stop this craziness now because I'm really, really
tired of all of these."

Nigel listened intently, I knew, but all along he was grabbing his hair with his
fingers. When I was done talking, he turned his face to me... and, for the first
time, I saw tears glistening in the corners of both his eyes.


Then, Nigel averted his face to the opposite direction. Oh, I wished he turned his
face back to me so I could make sure of it.

Tears? Was this even true? Did he really cry?

So, it was true. He did cry for me at that time. Would somebody just kill me right

"Did you lie at that time, Althea?"

I wanted to say Yes, I lied, Nigel Joaquin. I'm so sorry, but I thought I just lost
my voice. I sobbed and placed my head on one of his shoulders.

Probably sensing the the truth through my action, he didn't anymore bothered me on
the question. He just breathed in and out deeply as if trying himself to cool down.
I felt so guilty. How I wished I could still go back to that time and did the only
right thing to do --- tell him the truth!

By and by, he spoke out, "During that time when I made the announcement in front of
everyone in the Corp during the turnover ceremony, I meant all my words, Althea.
There was nothing in the world that I ever wanted at that time but you, to marry
you, and be with you."

Oh, yeah, I was really getting weak now. Why did I ever believe that woman? And I
couldn't help myself but to feel remorse and regret. There was nothing that I could
do anymore to turn back time.

"I did a lot of thinking before I made the decision of introducing you to everybody
as my fiancée. Remember the time when we had the fight at the patio that ended with
my almost raping you? I was so bothered by my conscience right after that. I wasn't
able to sleep the whole night. I just thought and thought of you and how hurt you
had become because of me. I wanted to kill myself at that time. Very early the next
day, I sneaked here in your room and I saw you here on your bed, still in your gown
with your face so messy with your make-up due to your crying, I just so wanted to
kill myself then. That was when I realized that I couldn't hurt you anymore. I'd
been to my worst already and it was killing me. I couldn't anymore afford to hurt
the only girl I love..."

He paused and hugged me even tightly.

"After that, there was nothing that I wanted to do but to talk to you, to tell you
how I really felt for you... but you became so evasive. At the condo, you always
stayed away from me... and you started to go out with friends... and I was hurting
so much... and I turned out to be that coward man. I was afraid to even show my
face to you because I felt that I didn't deserve you. I was like the meanest man on
earth. I was thinking so damn much how I could even put things right between the
two of us."

I lifted my head from his shoulder and stared back at him. "If that was what you
really felt at that time, why did I always see photos of you with different girls
on TV and magazines? You actually looked like the greatest playboy back then?"

"No, no, no. It was those stupid media men. Everything was just rumors, princess.
At that time, I already decided to introduce you to the public so they stop
spreading rumors about me... Besides, it's always been you... It's always been you
that I love... but it took me months to do the introduction... because I had always
been overcome by my fears that you were gonna reject me... so I drowned myself in
my work... until the CEO turnover ceremony came... At that time, I was very, very
determined to announce our engagement in front of the media people because you are
very, very special to me and I can't afford to lose you. I just got the feeling
that you were already giving up on me and that scared me like hell."

I cupped his cheeks with my hands. The skin in his face was wet with both sweat and

"I actually wanted to give the ring at that night in front of everyone, but I was
afraid you were gonna reject me. I was totally afraid. I've never been so afraid in
my entire life..."

"W-Why were you afraid?"

"Because I knew for sure that you were still hurting that night. You were giving me
the silent treatment, remember? I was afraid that the pain you were feeling would
make you reject me... so I just settled for the announcement only... and planned to
give the ring when I could finally make things right with you. That's why when you
made no negative reaction after my announcement, I felt like a huge lump in my
heart was taken off. I was so happy that I vowed to myself to make you the happiest
woman on earth. I was supposed to drive for you after the party, wasn't I? Because
I desperately wanted to have a talk with you that night," he stopped and we
embraced each other again tightly.

Dropping his back to the surface of the bed, he put his head on the pillow and
brought me down with him. Now, I was on top of him and I was surprised to myself
that I was not having any reservations of my body now. I just wanted to feel him so
close to me. I even loved the feeling that one of his hands was on my back, pulling
me more to him, and the other was on my butt.

Why did we have these weird positions as we did this important discussion? But,
heck, I didn't care. Lying prone on top of him was, I thought, the best position
for us to discuss about the past...

He was so physically strong, everything about his body, and I felt I needed him now
this close because I felt so damn weak. Feeling him just gave me enough strength.

"Yeah, I remembered fully well that you told me to ride with you in your car after
the party..." I kept up with the conversation as I pressed my left cheek on his

"Yeah, that was what we were supposed to do, right?" he asked as he played with my
back, rubbing it with a palm. "But, next thing I knew, you were already gone. You
just left the building without even telling me. Now, I knew why..." He gritted his

"There were still other things that Maria Stella told me that night," I said.

"What? There were still other things? Like what?" he said, gripping my butt.
I jolted.

Did guys grip girls' butts when they're unprepared to hear something?

I deep breathed.

"Like... you hated me because I was a servant's daughter..."

This time, I noticed him clenching his fist at my back.

Okay, tell me everything now, Nigel Joaquin.




#43 in Romance! Are you kidding me??? Have I told you, guys, already how amazing
you are? Well, you all are amazing! I can't thank you enough for this! What would I
do without you reading this, voting on this, commenting on this, and adding this to
your reading lists?

Dance, dance, dance! Shake, shake, shake!

Cheers, everyone!!!

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Mwaaaahhh... 👄

(sapphiregirl22) ~_^

Chapter 48 - Confessions

"She told me that you couldn't accept me because I'm a servant's daughter. She said
that it was you who told her that," I confessed.

I was still lying on top of him and I felt every rippling of his muscles every time
he grappled my waist like he was afraid to release me... and the most beautiful
thing for me was the feeling that every curve of my body perfectly fitted to his
firm, solid bulk.

"Lie. A big lie," he piped up. "We neither talked about you nor talked about each
other's lives. She became my bed buddy for a while but I made it sure that we were
not to meddle our personal lives."

"I always feel bad every time I hear you say you sleep with other women," I
murmured, sighing.

He never seemed to hear me anyway. He continued talking, "The Sarmientos never

regarded your mama as a servant. Take note of this, Althea. I've always remembered
her as mom's best friend or mom's sister... Yes, she was like a sister to mom, and
she was like a second mother to me when I was still very little... Every time mom
and dad went for a trip, your mama was always there to look after Annie and me...
At least that's what I remember. I was very young back then when she was still with
Okay. So I was really mistaken all this time. I deserved to be punished for my

Now, it was finally sinking in me that Maria Stella had been one manipulative
bitch. I couldn't imagine what I was capable of doing to her if we'd happen to meet

"She also said mom blackmailed you into the announcement," I moved on to my next

"What? And why would mom ever blackmail me? And in exchange of what?"

"In exchange of your position as CEO."

"Oh, God! That's a big fat lie," Nigel groaned and once again handgripped my butt.

I jolted as I tried to grab his head. What was with his butt gripping?

He continued to talk anyway, "Mom didn't have to blackmail me just for me to get
the position because the CEO-ship would be turned over only and only to me no
matter what. Haven't you forgotten that I am the sole heir to the family
businesses? Whether everyone likes it or not, the Corporation would eventually
become mine... and I could never allow anyone to steal it from the Sarmientos
because it's my father's legacy."

Yeah, how could I forget? I was really stupid!

"And mom would never do such a dirty thing, Althea. She might be obssessed of
making you her daughter-in-law but she would never do such thing."

Now, tears came streaming down my cheeks again as I brought my head to the crook of
his neck.

I really deserved to be punished for thinking of mommy to be that kind of woman. I

definitely deserved a punishment. How could I think of her that way?

"I told you the announcement had been my sole plan and decision. In fact, mom
didn't know that I was going to do that. She was just as surprised as you."

There, bringing now my face to his chest, I just cried... and cried my heart out.

So everything was just a lie. All this time I had misjudged both Nigel and mom...
and I had wasted my two years staying away from them when Nigel and I could have
started to create beautiful memories together day by day.

I knew he was mad.

He was totally mad of the things that he just learned from me. Probably he was mad
at me, too. I could feel the hard gripping of his arm around my waistline. Probably
he was starting to hate me as well for being so, so stupid. So what should I do now
to recompense all those lost times? Did I still have time?

How could I believe everything that the bitch told me and not even ask him a single
question so he could explain his side?

Oh, yes! There was still one thing that I failed to ask about.

"Nigel..." I lifted up my face and stared at him.

He didn't make a reply. He was just gripping my waist.

"Before you made the announcement of our engagement during that night, you kissed
Maria Stella in the lips. Weren't you supposed to do that before introducing to
everyone the woman you love?"

He groaned like he was in great pain. "She wasn't invited that night," he said

"Are you telling me that she actually gate crashed at that time?"

"Yeah, sort of like that. When you started to become aloof, I had also started to
let go of the women that I got hooked up with, including Maria Stella, because I
want to be a good man for you. As I said, I want to be a reformed man for you
because I deeply believe that you deserve a good man. I may not be great but I am
definitely changed now."

"So why did she still attend?"

"I don't know..." he said, in deep thought.

"And the two of you even kissed... So why was there a kiss? You don't know how hurt
I was at that time. You always hurt me, like a thousand times, that was why it was
easy for me to believe all those lies, Nigel Joaquin!" I said, trying to defend my

"F-ck!" he muttered. Then, gripping my waist harder, he kissed my forehead. "Yeah,

I think I remember that..."

So he did remember it!

"I'm really sorry, princess, but it wasn't a real kiss. Believe me, please. She
just saw me at that time and she rushed to me and held my arm. She was pretty
friendly to me that night and I thought everything between her and me was totally
over. However, when I was caught unaware, she grabbed my neck and threw her face at
me. Of course, I can recall that scene because I got so worried at that time that
you saw it. I pushed her and looked at your direction and you were not looking my
way," he said, meeting my eyes with his. "When I knew that you weren't looking, I
got a bit relieved, but Maria Stella irritated me so much that I grabbed her and
told her to stop doing it to me because I was about to do my announcement of our
engagement. Then, she was gone after that. I couldn't really explain to myself why
she appeared at that time when she wasn't even invited."

I just looked at him and processed everything in my brain.

"Maria Stella is a bubbly, entertaining woman. At first, I enjoyed her company and
then we hit it in bed... and it was followed with many more... Of course, I
stressed to her that she was just a bed buddy. She shouldn't expect something
serious. But she became so obssessive to me that it was so irritating and tiring
that I had to stop seeing her. It was Suzana whom she would always annoy by banging
on my condo door and pestering the dear old lady where I could be seen. It was
always like that. I should have stopped her seeing me but she always knew how to
tempt me... especially those times when I was still too stupid to admit my real
feelings... because you were so near to me yet I didn't even have enough courage to
kiss you or hold you... and she was always available..."

"That's it!" I lifted my body up, sat on his abdomen, and hit his chest with my
fist. "That's how cruel you are... to me and to her... and to all those girls!"
Nigel grabbed my waist as he rolled us together, pushed and pinned my back to the
bed so that we were exchanging places. Now, I was the one under his dominating

"Now, you explain to me why you were kissing that Dylan Fernandez in the bar that
same night after I announced our engagement!" There was authority in his tone this
time. "Did you really enjoy it? You even hated me for interrupting that kiss. You
also don't know how hurt I was that time. That's why, when you ran away, I thought
you actually ran with him!"

Ran away with Dylan Fernandez? Was he serious?

Oh, gosh! It was definitely my turn to explain now.

"He kissed me without my consent. Yeah, probably, just like what Maria Stella did,
he just threw his face at me and, boom, our lips met and you arrived," I said,
almost sobbing again. "He actually took advantage of my weak state at that time.
Oh, I needed someone to talk to that night and I thought Dylan was a real friend
who was willing to listen to my sorrows. Instead, he took advantage of me by
pushing himself to me. I really hated him!"

Now, I felt so stupid again for even going out with that Dylan Fernandez. It was so
painful to know that some men on earth were really that horrible and all they
wanted to do was to destroy people.

Without saying something in response, Nigel suddenly seized my arms to keep myself
from moving and kissed my lips. It wasn't rough. It was done just very gently that
I couldn't help but just close my eyes and respond. He always knew how to kiss and,
as usual, I was lost into it.

When we were out of breath, he said, "Starting now, I don't want you to be kissing
other men. You're all mine now."

With his heavy breathing, he claimed my lips again. For the second time, I just let
myself be engrossed with it. Why not? It seemed really addicting and I was already
a certified addict to his kisses.

Our mouths separated and, I thought, that was already it. But Nigel was into
something more. His mouth travelled and trailed kisses slowly from my chin down to
my neck. I closed my eyes and moaned so desperately and was thankful that he
finally released my arms so that I was able to wrap them around his neck. For some
minutes, Nigel just possessed me. His lips were heavenly and even wanting to travel
down farther... Probably obstructed by the hem of my neckline, he groaned and
diverted his attention to my belly instead. One of his hands lifted up my shirt and
exposed my flat stomach. He caressed it first with his fingers and I gasped.

What was he doing now? "Nigel..." I said, opening my eyes.

I felt like I was in trance but I never objected because I didn't want to end it.
How could I let it stop when it was giving me so many alien sensations that I never
knew could be felt by a feminine body?

Finally, his lips were on my belly and I couldn't help myself but call out his name
again, "Nigel..."

He cast me a dark, sexy, smiling gaze and went back to what he had started. Now,
his tongue joined the scene as he began to work his way up...up... and a little
higher... Raising my shirt more with his hands and exposing now my bra, he trailed
wet kisses until he reached my cleavage.
The moment that his tongue touched the valley between my two mounds, I moaned like
a dumb cat! I was quite surprised of my reaction.

Oh, God! Was he really to do this? Oh, why wouldn't I like it to end? I held his
head tightly instead.

His palm cupped one of the mounds... and I jerked, wanting to arch my back. Though
it was covered by my bra, I felt like his hot palm still reached the skin
underneath the lacy cloth. I breathed in and out hard and, for sure, Nigel saw the
heaving of my chest because he stared at it for quite some time.

"So beautiful..." he said with a guttural sound. Then, his fingers made the move.
Without any warning, he tug the covering of one of my breasts and, when he became
successful with it, he paused and stared at the bare rosy peak for seconds. He
gulped his throat and seek for my eyes.

"Nigel..." I uttered his name, trembling.

Fortunately... or unfortunately... he didn't dive his mouth onto the peak. Instead,
he slammed his mouth back to my lips and brought me to an ecstatic kiss. When it
was over, he gently placed his left cheek in between my breasts as he managed to
control his breathing. "You're very beautiful, Althea," he said huskily. "But I
can't... we can't... do this yet... You've just recovered from fever... If I don't
stop, I won't stop..."

I felt his hot, feverish body on top of me and, what else, his hardened member in
between my thighs. I felt the heat in my whole body, too.

"Fever..." he repeated, reminding me.

And we were not married yet! How could he forget?

Breathing in and out deeply, he never moved for a minute or two... but seemed to be
having an internal battle... Holding his head, I enveloped him into a tight

Finally, he spoke out, "For years, your presence has tortured me physically,
emotionally, and sexually. No other woman could satisfy me on how my body craves
for you... Yup, I admit I was wrong on having several girls in my sex life, but I
already stopped being that kind of guy... and it tortures me to think that you were
kissing others. I couldn't allow it. You're only mine. That's why I really fought
with you that night when I saw you kissing Fernandez. I was so overpowered by my

"I'm only yours, Nigel, ever since..." I said. Well, this was being truthful of my
feelings now.

His body trembled on top of me.

The heat in our bodies took a long time to subside. I was embracing him as he was
resting his head on my breasts.

By and by, there was a knock on the door.

That was only the time that Nigel lifted his body up from me and rolled down gently
the hem of my shirt to cover my exposed area. He got out of bed and went to open
the door.
Bringing a tray, Elena came in. It was time for my lunch.

"Sorry for interrupting," she said, blushing.

Oh, I knew what she was thinking. Still trying to fix my bra, I sat on the bed and
blushed, too, because she was right with what she was thinking. Oh, Elena!

"Time for lunch, Thea," she said to me as she placed the tray in the bedside table
beside the basket of roses.

"Just leave it there, Elena," Nigel said, looking recovered now. "I'll take care of
her meal."

Still blushing, she nodded hesitatingly. She was supposed to look after me while I
took my meal. "Ah, but señorito, you're supposed to take your lunch, too. Señora
Carol is waiting for you at the comedor."

Rubbing his nape with a palm, Nigel stressed, "I'm not hungry yet. Just have mom
take her lunch. Just please tell her that I'm locking myself in Althea's room

"What? You're not gonna eat lunch?" I queried.

"Not for today," he said. "After leaving me last time for some stupid reason, I
don't think I can still let you out of my eyes this time."

After hearing what he said and sensing that Nigel and I had a very important
discussion going on, Elena immediately made her way out of the room.

"I'm not going to leave you anymore," I told him when there was just the two of us.

"Of course, because I'm not letting you do that anymore," he said.

Nigel persuaded me to take my lunch even if I didn't feel like eating. All that we
discussed today just made me forget everything. All that mattered to me now was him
and me.

Of course, he insisted that I eat and even spooned the food for me. Yeah, he really
did that and I felt like a pampered baby.

"So, why would Maria Stella do that?" I asked him when I was done eating.

He paused. "I don't think she's in love with me," he muttered. "She's obssessed
with the sex but I don't think that woman is capable of loving someone. She's
selfish and vain."

"What if she really fell in love with you? Perhaps, she was hurt that you left her,
that was why she was able to do that... She might want revenge..."

"Revenge?" He furrowed his brows. "Revenge? I don't think so..." he uttered in deep
thought. "But whatever is her motive in all of this, I swear she's gonna pay for
this." He was back to being that angry man again. "Wait... it was her who told me
that night that you were with Fernandez at the rooftop of a bar..."

Oh, that bitch!

"How did she know about it then?" Nigel tried to analyze the happenings. "Actually,
I thought she already left after the announcement, but when you were gone, she
appeared and told me you were with Fernandez..."
Did Dylan and Maria Stella have some sort of contact during that night? I wondered
to myself.

Suddenly, he jolted in the bed like a scientist who just found out some important
discovery. "Didn't you just say she's a friend of Fernandez?"


"I really want to get to the bottom of this. That Fernandez might be contriving
with her," he said, clenching his jaws.

"Why, Nigel? What is it in between you and Dylan? He said you ruined him and his
family? Is it true?"

"I didn't ruin any one's family, Althea."

"So why did he say that? Why did he say you are a spawn of the devil? What did you
do to him to make him think of you that way?"

"It's a long story..." he stated, gulping something in his throat.

"Tell me. I want to know the truth," I begged, grabbing his arm.

"Dylan's father worked in the Corporation ever since dad's time as CEO."


"He was a trusted employee so he got access to all important information in the
Corporation. When I took over the company, that was the time that I discovered
about his illegal acts. He was earning millions while trading some insider
information to some of the investors making it unfair to the other investors and to
the whole Corporation itself. I had him investigated and indeed he was guilty of
insider trading."

Oh, I wasn't so knowledgeable about business issues but I felt the weight of the

"I got him fired and had him pay for the damages he caused to the Corporation. You
know how much I had to protect it. It was dad's legacy. I had to guard it with all
my life. I even sacrificed my love of painting for the Corporation... so I had to
do all the right things to protect it."

Yeah, Nigel, I understand you.

"That was the biggest challenge I had when I was still starting to run the
business. It wasn't easy, Althea. I had to make everything fair and balance to all
the investors. I have to do what is right. When everything came to the open, I
thought that was the end of it. However, probably, due to shame to everyone, being
dad's trustee, Dylan's father committed suicide."

"Oh... that's sad."

"Yeah, and when it happened, his family blamed me. They were blinded of the real
thing. Instead of accepting that it was his father who ruined them, the family went
on blaming me. When Dylan Fernandez entered the Corporation as an intern, I thought
he was a different Fernandez. But when I learned that he had some interest on you,
I started to have him investigated. That was how I learned that he was the son of
the employee who betrayed the Corporation."
Oh, my God!

"I learned that Dylan Fernandez was scheming some strategies to avenge me. He was
starting to befriend some of my employees and it looked like he was starting to
work himself into copying his father's traitorous acts."

God, everything now was becoming clear in my head. So now I knew why Dylan hated
Nigel that much.

"Now, based on your stories about Maria Stella and Dylan, I got a feeling that they
were conniving. We have to know the truth, Althea. Probably, Dylan wanted to ruin
me by making the most important girl of my life hate me."

Oh, yes! That seemed to have logic!

Maria Stella seemed to do a lot of research about me. If I remembered last time,
she was so desperate to know who I was in Nigel's life. Then, there was also a time
that Dylan also questioned me about my real connection with Nigel. They might have
used me as a subject for avenging Nigel. Suddenly, I felt afraid.

"Are you still seeing Maria Stella?" I asked him.

"When you left, she still tried her best to make some advances on me... but I've
determined not to entertain temptations anymore. Besides, when you were gone, I
couldn't think of anything else but you apart from work. I've already made sure to
cut any communication I had to any girl. It's been a long time since I last saw

So, what happened to her?


"I'd like you to investigate someone. Check the connection of the model, Maria
Stella, to Dylan Fernandez! Make it ASAP! Send me immediately the results," Nigel,
at this time, was calling someone in the phone. He was sitting on the side of my
bed, his feet on the floor.

"Who are you talking with?" I asked him when he hang up.

He went to climb his feet again on the bed and faced me. "My private investigator."

"Oh, so you have a private investigator!"

"You don't know how much of a service he has done for me... Now," he said, cupping
my left cheek, "the best thing for you to do is to believe that everything I said
now is true. But, geez, I can't help it, princess. I felt so deceived. If indeed
I'd learn that Maria Stella and Dylan Fernandez were an accomplice to put the both
of us in this situation, I swear I'll have them pay for what they did to you and
for parting us that way. I swear to you, princess. I swear to you."


Nigel didn't take his lunch that day. He never seemed to be bothered by his empty
stomach though. He was much bothered by Dylan and Maria Stella.

We only came out of the room at dinner time. It was my first time to come out after
I recovered from that fever.
We were holding hands as we walked from the bedroom to the dining room. All
servants we passed by were smiling widely at us while greeting us Good evening. I
could feel the genuine happiness they were feeling for Nigel and me.

When we reached the dining area, mom immediately hugged me and cried her heart out.
Nigel and I became so worried about her.

"What's wrong, mom?" I asked, rubbing her back.

"No, I'm just happy," she said, in between her sobs. "That was a very long talk,

As I looked at mom crying, something struck my head. Oh, I was just like her. Both
of us loved to cry. When we were sad, we'd cry. When we were happy, we'd also cry.
I was really her daughter.

"Yeah, mom, yeah," I said, putting my head in her shoulder.

Nigel came closer and pulled her to his left arm; his right arm reached out for me.
"I will never again allow anyone to ruin this family, mom," he said as he hugged
mom and me and kissed us both on our foreheads.



A lot of issues to resolve, guys, but we are working on them one at a time. I hope
you liked this chapter.

Again, this is the second update this week... You happy?

If you are, don't forget to VOTE, COMMENT, SHARE, FOLLOW.

By the way, I received just last night some news. My hubby and I passed some
scholarship for our graduate studies. If we will pursue it, this would mean a new
environment for the both of us and our two kids for the next three to four years.
We are still in the process of weighing things and deciding whether to go for it or
what... If we will, I am expecting much pressure in the next months... so I have to
fast track this book so that before I venture into the new battle of my life, at
least I leave this book finished... for all of you, guys.

If and when I pursue schooling and I get lucky to have still time for writing, I'll
be starting another story... Would you like that?

Whatever it is, I know that everything is planned and laid out in God's perfect

To God be the glory!!!

(sapphiregirl22) ~_^

Chapter 49 - Beauty
To @DrdeyaKhan, for the lavender scene... especially the part where the flowers are
on Thea's palm. I didn't make a promise, dear doctor, but I did try my best on
this, lol... Hope you like how it is portrayed in this chapter.
~~~ CHAPTER 49 - BEAUTY ~~~

We were inseparable after dinner. I knew mom wanted to talk to me but she preferred
to give the time to Nigel and me first. So after tucking her to bed, Nigel and I
went back to my room.

"Hey, you can't sleep here tonight," I said when we arrived there, pushing him to
go out.

"I've slept here with you for two nights. Why not make it third in a row?" he
pleaded as he hugged me. Both of us were standing near the doorway.

"I'm no longer sick. Besides, what would everybody think in the palacio if they'd

"They wouldn't mind," he said, tucking behind my ear some strands of my hair which
covered my face. "Besides, you're mine... and yeah... they wouldn't mind... and, I
know, they've been praying for this... for you and me... This is how they love us,
Althea." His voice was getting serious this time.

"I'm sorry. I'm really, really sorry," I finally uttered what I had been meaning to
tell him since daytime. I wrapped my arms around his waistline

"Why are you saying that?" he asked, very surprised.

"For being so weak... for leaving you and mom... for being easily duped..." I said
slowly, looking up to him.

Nigel kissed my forehead. "No, who am I to blame you for doubting me? I've had my
own share of mistakes, too, princess. For years, I had made you feel that I took
you for granted. If only I had been true to myself, then this wouldn't have
happened to us. I might have stood by you and you might have stood by me during
those times when fate tried to test the both of us."

"No, I'm really, really sorry..." I still insisted, placing the side of my head on
his right chest.

"No, please... I don't want you crying anymore, okay? I hate it every time I see
you cry. What's important is I'm here and you're here... Promise me that you'll
never leave me again."

"Not anymore," I whispered and we hugged even more tightly.

"So what happened between you and Javier Suarez? Did you have a sort of a break-
up?" he asked moments later.

Oh, yeah! Javier!

"Break-up?" I exclaimed, pulling my face from his chest. "There was nothing for us
to break off because he was not my boyfriend."

"Really? That's interesting to know... So why did you have to run through the rain
while he was following you? I really thought you had a lover's fight with him. It
tore my heart apart seeing you with him in the rain... You looked like a desperate
girlfriend, confronting him with something..."

I widened my eyes. Good Lord! "So you were watching us?"

Nigel held and raised my chin up with a forefinger. "I was there parking and
waiting for you to come out..."

"Okay... I think... we need to sit down." I said when I realized that this called
for another more time for a talk.


"That was it," I said, after telling him what I discovered about the Suarezes that

Though I told him he couldn't stay with me anymore in my room, we still couldn't
help ourselves. We still went back to my bed. He was sitting there with his back on
the headboard while I was placing the right side of my head on his lap and lying
with my right side on the bed.

"It was awful, Nigel Joaquin. But I don't have even the slightest regret that I

"Really? And why? You liked being with Javier?"

I pinched his hard abdomen. "Brute."

He jerked. "Okay, care to explain?"

"Because I got to know the real Javier and all the rest of the Suarezes."

I looked up at him and he smiled.

"I don't think the governor would make it to the senate," he shared afterwards.

"I absolutely believe that, too."

"Most of the people in the province nowadays know that the provincial social
welfare department didn't have much programs for the needy as what they've been
claiming. There's really no need for us to be donating on them."

"Yeah... and I feel sorry for the poor because they've been screwed," I said,
feeling really bad.

"When I learned about the scam, I personally went to the governor and expressed my
discontinuance of my support. They really took it badly. Even the governor's wife,
she stopped being friends with mom."

Oh, that was sad... Breaking off friendship just for some selfish motives. Well, I
didn't want mom to be befriending that Mrs. Suarez as well. Mom didn't deserve such
kind of friend.

"I've heard of a lot of things about the Suarezes being corrupt public officials
but I didn't believe it at first," Nigel stated. "That's why three years ago when
mom asked me to donate on the department, I just consented right away. Besides, she
told me that my donation would also benefit your subjects in La Carlota. She said
you love the children in the village."

"Really? Because of me? But you were still so in denial at that time about your
feelings for me."

"Yeah... but I missed you at that time. It was semestral break, remember? And you
were not with me in the capital. That's why when mom said there was going to be a
charity ball, I immediately agreed. I wanted to go to the ball with you."

"Huh?" I asked, looking up at him as I changed position, placing the back of my

head on his lap. "Did you actually want to go to the ball with me?"

He nodded lazily, eyeing me sexily. "Yup."

"But you were so rude at that time. You didn't even help me get in the car," I

He brushed my cheek. "Well, how shall I say it... I was so enthralled by your
beauty. The moment I looked at you coming down the stairs, I thought it was the
death of me. You looked so beautiful that I got so lovestruck and I was still
trying to deny the feeling. I was afraid that if I'd ever hold your hand right
there in the living room, I wouldn't be able to help myself and I'd kiss you in
front of mom... so I just walked ahead to the car. Yeah... It was so dumb of me...
been that proud..."

A rattled gush of sensation crept in my tummy.

"You should have kissed me right there!"

"What if I kiss you right now instead?" he said, bending down his face to me.

"Brute," I said, kidding him.

He kissed me on the lips anyway. Well, it immediately turned everything so

magical... just like that.

"You're always beautiful, princess... but that night, I just got so overwhelmed by
your beauty. It was my first time to see you in a gown. I thought I saw a real
goddess climbing down the stairs," he said, after the kiss, continuing the

"Yet you still treated me so badly that night," I complained.

"Well, I didn't want other guys looking at you... especially that Javier... That
was my first time to see him. I didn't know he was your schoolmate in highschool...
and I got so bothered at the two of you exchanging glances that night. I wanted to
punch him, you know that?"

Oh, indeed that was a painful night for me but, tonight, I just wanted to smile
thinking about it.

"But you enjoyed the company of the singer. Remember the famous Adelaida? You even
danced with her... You were such a playboy, Nigel Joaquin!"

"Well," he said, clearing his throat. "Which one do you think you'd prefer? Me
distracted by some singer or me causing chaos in the ball by punching some
politician's son?"

I scowled at him. "Why couldn't you just restrain doing both?"

"You have no idea how much restraint I've been putting on to myself because of
you..." he groaned. "You have no idea how much of a jealous jerk I had become. I
was actually possessing you silently and secretly... It was a torture to me."

I smiled and seek for one of his hands. He clasped it immediately.

"Really? Then why did you still kiss that singer in front of everyone?"

"You saw it with your very own eyes, princess. I didn't kiss her. She kissed me,"
he said confidently.


Trying to deny what he said, I shook my head hard on his lap.

"Don't do that," he complained.


"The shaking, don't do that."


"You're gonna awaken the dragon in there," he said teasingly.

I blushed.

Once a jerk, always a jerk.

I decided to rise up from him but he pulled my head back down to his lap. "Just
stay there and don't move."

"Then, I'd be having a stiff neck tomorrow. Is this my punishment?" I also teased


I sighed and pleaded him with my eyes. "For leaving you after you made our
engagement announcement..."

He cupped my cheek. "No, please, don't ever think that you deserve a punishment. If
there's to be punished, it should be me..."

"No, Nigel... Nigel..." I looked at him.

So, both of us felt guilty of everything.

"...and the manipulative persons responsible for it," he added. There again, there
was that dangerous tone in his voice.

Oh, I just spoiled the nice conversation we had now. Okay, forget about it then.

"And, remember, you kissed me a couple of times in the patio that night?" I asked
him, going back to the previous topic. "You kissed me hard and rough."

"Yeah... been really a jerk," he said, locking his gaze with mine. "You know,
losing control... really lost control that night... Always losing my control when
I'm with you... especially in my jealous state... I always turned into that

We again let the both of us be lost into a gazing battle and there was again that
funny feeling in my belly.

"And you annoyed me a lot during that ball," he added after several seconds of
gazing each other. "You acted like you were jealous with the singer but you
appeared enjoying Javier's company! You even went out of the function hall with
him. Don't you know I followed the two of you and even observed while you sat with
him on a bench?"

Huh? Was he there observing me and Javier? I thought he continued dancing with the

Wrinkling my brows, I stared at him.

"You didn't know it, did you?" he asked me and I wasn't able to say a single word.
"Well, I wanted to punch him right there and then. It wasn't easy for me, you know.
That very moment, something in me wanted to possess you completely. Something in me
persuaded me to make you mine that very night. Thankfully, I was still able to
bring my feet back to the hall... If not---"

Oh, God!

So he was intensely jealous that night!

"Jealous brute," I mouthed at him.

"You have no idea, princess," he said, rubbing my cheek with his fingers.

With me lying my head on his lap, I stretched out my arms and encircled them around
his waist that my face rested on his abs.

"Know what?" He asked.

"Yeah?" I answered.

"When you were crying that night in the patio, hitting my chest, and shouting me
that I'm only yours and that if you had to seduce someone, it would be me, it hit
my heart so much... and it finally sank in me that you were really true to your
words," he narrated.

"Of course," I said immediately.

"But then you said you hated me. You said I hate you, I hate you a couple of times.
It crumbled my world apart... and I started to get panicked... and I even doubted
your feelings more. I immediately thought you just pretended to love me all those
years.... I really wanted to let you feel how hurt I was and I wanted to punish you
by forcing you to have sex with me there in the living room. After that night, when
I saw you crying as you ran upstairs, that was when I realized that I had been
hurting you so much already..."

"You did hurt me so much that night..." I confirmed.

"I know... I felt it, too. Actually, I wanted to run after you on the stairs... But
it was too late for me to move my feet... I was deep-rooted on the floor. Seeing
you climbing upstairs, that was the time that I said to myself... I would no longer
hurt you and I'd kill myself if I'd ever hurt you again."


Third in a row...

We decided that he'd stay in bed with me. We were both lying now and he was already
closing his eyes.
"Good night, Nigel Joaquin," I whispered to his ear, brushing it with my lips in
the process.

He smiled. Still with his eyes closed, he said ruggedly, "You're playing with my
ear... Don't tempt me."

Electric volts came flaring my whole body. I blushed and turned my body away from

Suddenly, his arm encircled my waistline and pulled me to him that my back was
pressed to his front.

"You're so soft. You're like a baby," he whispered.

Soft? I blinked my eyes and, then, I realized his left hand was actually cupping my
left breast.

"Oh, so I'm like a baby to you!" I complained, thumping his hand. "Get that hand
off my---!"

"Sssshh, I'm concentrating here. Don't distract me," he said, cupping it even
harder. I was glad I was wearing a bra or else...

"Concentrating?" I asked, trying to distract myself from his annoying hand.

He didn't reply. I just felt his rugged breathing near my ear.

Later, before I finally fell asleep, I heard him say, "Concentrating on restraint,


When I woke up, he was still there with me. Obviously, he had awaken before me
because he was already watching me as I opened my eyes.

He smiled at me. It was very beautiful. It was the most beautiful smile ever.

I smiled, too.

He wrapped my waistline even more tightly with his arm to bring my front to be
pressed to his. His muscles flexed every time he made a move.

One word that I could describe him as he embraced me like this ---


He was the epitome of physical hardness, of pure masculinity, of a perfectly

defined body.

I blushed.

All of a sudden, I realized that I hadn't brushed my teeth yet and here I was
breathing on his nose. I covered my mouth with my palm.

His forehead wrinkled. "What are you doing?"

"Haven't brushed my teeth yet," I said with my palm still covering my mouth.

He smiled and took my hand away from my mouth. "That makes us two even," he spoke
confidently like he was not bothered with bad breath at all.

Well, in all fairness to him, he absolutely had no bad breath.

His left fingers touched the corner of my right eye. "Wish to see your eyes every
time I opened mine," he stated softly, gazing at me.

"I love you," I whispered, saying those words for the first time after three years.

He smiled triumphantly. "I thought I won't be hearing these words anymore coming
from you," he exclaimed as he climbed on top of me.

With that, he made out with me like there was no more tomorrow for french


Nigel left finally for the capital. Well, he had been gone in the office for days
so he needed to go back.

Aside from that, he was intent into the investigation of Dylan and Maria Stella. He
was determined to unearth facts. I wanted to know the whole truth as well.

Before he got into his car, he whispered something to me. "You better bake next
time for me. I missed your cupcakes."

"A brute with a sweet tooth," I mumbled jokingly.

"The brat is talking..." he counteracted, but stole me a kiss afterwards.

Mom and even the servants who were there in the driveway saw his proud expression
of love. Oh, God! I really thought I had to get used to this public display of
affection from now on. Well, it looked like he couldn't just help it.

With that, everyone already knew what we were and there was no need for an
explanation. They all looked happy... especially the dear woman whom both Nigel and
I called MOM.


When Nigel left, mom and I finally had the talk. I told her everything that Nigel
and I were able to discuss.

We had that morning walk in the flower plantation. We dawdled, hand in hand, as I
told her everything.

"I thought you really stopped loving my son," she sobbed. However, in those sobs, I
knew she was relieved and happy. "I thought you were going to marry that Javier."

"Marry? How could I marry him? He was not even my boyfriend," I rattled as I held
her arm.

"So now, we can plan for the wedding!" she excitedly mused. "The wedding finally!"

"Mom," I whined, " Nigel isn't proposing yet."

"Oh, not yet? Such a sluggish brute!" she complained. "But," she revived in a
serious tone, "I'm really, really happy for the both of you, darling. It's been a
long journey but I'm glad the both of you finally find home."
We hugged in the center of a footpath. Literally, we were in the midst of the wide
tract of flower plantation. Embracing mom and breathing the fragrance of the
morning air, it was soul-soothing.

I looked around and saw where the remarkable fragrance came from. We were
surrounded by purple spike-like flowers on long narrow stems. These purple rows of
flowering plants probably consisted only a fraction of the whole plantation but, at
this moment, it struck me to know that mom and I were actually in the middle of
them. Did mom have this kind of flowers? I didn't know she had these flowers...

"So beautiful," I said when I noticed them.

Mom picked some of the stems with flowers in them. She reached out for my left hand
and placed the stems on my palm.

"They are very beautiful, mom," I whispered.

"They are lavenders," she said, "and they don't usually thrive here in our country
because of our tropical climate, but we are able to grow some of them here in our
farm. These flowers here actually get the most special of attentions from the farm
workers because they needed a lot of care for them to thrive... because of the
climate. I had to check on them everyday..."

"Really?" I asked bewildered, still gazing the flowers on my palm.

"You know what, darling? Every time I saw these flowers, they always remind me of

Trying to get an explanation from her, I looked at her face.

"When you first came here, you were like these lavender flowers. You were a
shattered child trying to move on with life, someone who screamed at night within
my embrace because of the trauma that she'd been through. I admit it was hard for
me at first to help you move on... but by paying more attention to you and
showering all your needs, I was glad you rose up and strongly thrived here with me.
You are so unique, just like these lavenders which grow so rare in our country. I'm
glad that I was able to grow beautiful lavenders here in my farm in spite of our
type of climate, but I'm more thankful to God that I was able to witness how a
young girl turns out to be this very beautiful woman in front of me amidst all
life's circumstances."

Tears fell from my eyes as I gazed at the flowers in my hand. Mom's words actually
reached the innermost part of my heart.

Mom continued speaking, "Lavenders are valued for centuries for their physical
beauty, soothing fragrance, and healing properties. You, my darling, will be
forever valued here in The Fields because of your inner and outer beauty. There's
something in you that makes people love you. Look how everyone in the palacio cares
for you... and, most of all, you have the healing power. You greatly help me ease
the pain of my daughter's death."

"Oh, mom..." I quipped, embracing her.

"That's why, you will always be a darling to me," she said, "and always be my son's

It was indeed a moment. It took us a long time to pull away from each other.
Finally, when our emotions cooled down, mom and I decided to sit down on the mowed
bermuda grass in the foothpath, exactly on the spot where we hugged each other.

"I know Nigelito had been upset with me for some time because of the forced
engagement, darling," mom opened up a new subject as we sat down.

"Yeah, he told me that one before. He actually blamed both of us. For him, we were
like cohorts making him the victim of our crazy engagement crime," I stated the
words exactly used by Nigel.

"Oh, yeah? He described us that way?"


"Oh... yes... he didn't like it at first..."

"But he said that while he was hating me, he was crushing on me at the same time,"
I confessed.

"Really? So I was right all along... He'd been crushing on you... Know what,
darling? I thought at first that he only saw you as someone like our dear Anita...
but he told me later that he wasn't seeing you as a sister. You want to ask me why
I still persisted on the engagement in spite of his objections?"

"Why?" I asked immediately.

"Because in spite of his objections, my heart felt him. I always caught him staring
at you when he thought nobody was watching him. I knew all along that you are
special to him... Oh, that boy! Until now, for me, he's still a boy, a boy who is
madly in love." Mom smiled at me teasingly.

I felt the heat in my cheeks, so I looked down and still saw the lavenders on my

Beauty... according to mom.

Beautiful... just like the flowers on my palm.

Now, I would like to believe myself to be pretty. So, it was true that Nigel found
me beautiful even before.

"And I've been confident of the engagement... Remember I had been to an arranged
marriage before? It started out as forced but turned out to be a lovely marriage.
Thus, I don't find any reason why it won't work on you, too. For me, you're the
only rightful woman for my son. I couldn't allow anyone else to be with him."

"Thank you, mom... Really, thank you... You really spoil me with everything... even
your son, you are willing to give him to me."

"Of course, because I love you and I will give anything that will make you happy.
That was what I promised to your parents in their grave... And you are my
daughter... You are destined to be my daughter."

Oh, my heart was filled with so much happiness now.

I held mom's hands, "And I promise to love him with all my heart, mom. I promise to
be with him and don't let anyone or anything else break us apart again."


Hello, world!

First off, I'd like to express my thanks to every one who congratulated me last
time for my scholarship. Thank you very much for your love, concern, and best
wishes extended to me and to my family. You, guys, are really the best!

If you liked this chapter, please VOTE, COMMENT, SHARE, and FOLLOW!

Next update: Saturday

Next chapter title: The Signature (Whose signature? That's for you to find
out... 😜😛😙)

(sapphiregirl22) ~_^

Chapter 50 - The Signature


My bag had been packed and I was ready to go back to the South. My graduation day
was fast approaching and my co-interns had been contacting me to go back to the
university. Well, there were still some paperworks to do and to be submitted before
I'd be included in the list of the graduation candidates.

"Going now?" Nigel's voice reached my ear through the phone. "Do you really have to
go so soon? How about you wait for me on the weekend so we could go together? I'm
actually into something very important right here and I'll be there as soon as
everything is finalized."

"No, please," I told him, "I don't want to be a bother to you. I can travel alone
now. I'm used to this."

"You are not a bother to me, princess. I'll always find time for you," he said in a
pleading voice. "I'm just not into your traveling alone. Okay, if you're really in
the rush to go to the South, I'll be there today."

Was he really to do that? Would he leave his important work just for me? God, it
would be too much already!

"Okay, okay, this weekend," I said in surrender. "I'll wait for you this weekend."

"Thanks, princess," he stated with laughter in his voice. Oh, I could just see the
brute smiling right now.

"Starting to be possessive now, huh?" I said like I was complaining, but in reality
I was enjoying the fact that I was to see him this weekend and even travel with

"Well, just to make sure that you won't meet some bad guys along the way."

I smiled. "Thanks for the concern, Nigel Joaquin, but I'll try my best not to be
duped anymore."


So, waiting for the coming of my prince, I stayed in the palacio. Well, I could
understand him. Of the recent events in my life, like being assaulted by Dylan
Fernandez and having to walk around Sta. Fe, barefooted and under some heavy rain
in the middle of the night, Nigel just couldn't tolerate thinking that I'd be in
the same situation again.

While in the palacio, I spent more time with mom and some time in the kitchen. I
remembered Nigel wanted me to bake cupcakes for him so I decided to experiment on a
new cupcake recipe... something just for him.


I was just starting to work on the cupcakes when I remembered about his love for
painting. Perhaps, I could make some cakes inspired by painting... you know, a
combination of our passions... cake and painting... Yeah, why not?

Thinking of some inspiration on how I should realize my plan, I remembered the

painting that he told me... the piece that was hung in mom's drawing room. Yeah, I
hadn't seen it for a long time already.

Trying to know what really was painting to him, I found my feet going to the
drawing room. I needed to see again his painting of the flower plantation. The
drawing room was a large sitting room used for mom's receptions of her guests
whenever there were occasions in the mansion. It was a large room just adjacent to
the living room located at the first floor of the palacio.

Old, antique pieces of furniture met my eyes when I entered it. Mom's favorite
wooden chair was found at the first corner to my right. Across it was a wooden
settee good for two. There were sofa and chairs of French Empire Style in all the
rest of the corners.

There were lamps attached to its walls. At the ceiling, there was that magnificent
large three-tier crystal chandelier that no other lighting in the room could ever
match its splendor especially at night.

I paced to the center of the room and looked up at the framed painting hung at the
wall just across the doorway.

I smiled when I beheld it. It would actually be my first time to be scrutinizing

this piece of artwork. Well, I didn't visit this area of the palacio much. I
believed that this place was only for mom's guests.

I had seen this painting before, probably when I was still in highschool, but I
didn't really have much time gazing at it closely because even looking at it from a
distance would already mesmerize any person. It was that perfect.

Remembering that it was Annie's request before she died, I had the notion that this
indeed was a very important painting for Nigel. Perhaps, I could get some
inspiration from this work that I could include in my cake.

I paced even closer to the wall until my face was in the level of the lower half of
the artwork. He said this was an oil painting. Wow! I didn't know we could paint
using oil! What oil did he use in this work by the way? I asked myself innocently.
The oil that I knew was something that was used only for cooking or for skin

Oh, I was really naive... I laughed at my own ignorance.

Yeah, the piece was really breathtaking. Imagine colorful flowers in it in rows in
a large track of land... and the Sarmiento river by its side, it was painted like a
silver ribbon streaming so beautifully. Oh, if Nigel and I would have children
already, for sure they would have their father's talented hand. There was a tickly
sensation in my belly when I thought of having children with him. Oh, Nigel! You
always made me this giggly girl every time I thought of you lately.

I let my eyes travelled slowly from top to bottom of the painting, then very slowly
from left to right. Oh, my God! It was really breathtaking. For me, the painting's
delicate, unmatched beauty was enough to tell any viewer that the artist was a

Giving the artwork a careful scrutiny, my eyes travelled to every spot of it until
they were fixed on the lower right portion of the framed artwork where the
signature of the painter rested.

Nigel's signature.

It was not that visible since it just had a decent size in the corner. Perhaps, he
purposely wanted it not to catch so much attention from anyone who would look at

I swung my feet to my right to look at the signature more closely.

My heart fell from my chest when I finally saw it very clearly.

The signature.

Nigel's name as the painter was signed as...

S. Eliakim.

For like a thousand years, I stood transfixed on the floor, gaping my mouth as I
gazed on the very familiar signature. The beautiful curves of the capital S and E
that I had fallen in love with since my collegiate days in the University of the
South were very similar to the S and E in Nigel's signature!

Obviously, it was crystal clear to me now who was Mr. S. Eliakim, my benefactor in
three years! It was Nigel himself!

Most of all, it was Nigel himself who exchanged notes with me! It was he whom I
told my heart's troubles... and he didn't even bother to tell me about it. He still
made it as a secret!

I closed my eyes and prevented myself to cry.

I ran away years ago to prove to him that I could live a life without him, that I
could stand on my own. But how could I proudly say to myself that I made it myself
when he was there all the way?

I couldn't understand what I felt at the very moment.

Angry. Confused. Shocked.

It was a mixture of different emotions and my soul wouldn't take a rest if I

wouldn't talk to him right away.

I had to confront him with this as soon as possible!

How many secrets should we still have to hide from each other?
If he really loved me, he should have told me everything --- the damn everything
about him!


"Where are you going, darling?" Mom asked me worriedly as she saw me standing by
her doorway.

I had changed myself to a blouse and skinny jeans and I was holding my trolley bag.
It was enough for her to know that I was leaving.

"I need to go to the capital," I told her firmly.

"Why?" She sat up from bed. She was supposed to have her afternoon nap.

"I need to talk to Nigel, mom."

I couldn't describe how I really felt at this time... but, among everything, I felt
betrayed... and I couldn't wait for the weekend to talk to him. I didn't want to
talk to him on the phone. I wanted to see him personally. After everything that
happened to us, I realized that a face-to-face confrontation with him would make
every question in my mind to be answered.

"Why? What is it so important that you have to see him right away? It's past 2:00
pm. You'll definitely arrive there late. He wouldn't allow you on this."

I walked towards mom pulling my bag. "I got to study in my university because of a
benefator, mom. For three years, this benefactor has been supporting me financially
in my studies, especially in my internship."

"Oh!" mom exclaimed. "Really, darling?"

"And this secret benefactor, I've just discovered, is Nigel. My benefactor is S.

Eliakim, it's his signature in his painting, mom! I've just discovered it," I said.

Mom was totally dumbstruck upon hearing my words. She was looking at me but she
wasn't able to speak.

"I wanted to talk to him right now. Please, let me go today, mom. Please," I begged
to her as I rushed to embrace her sitting there on the bed.

"S. Eliakim? He's been supporting you under that name? For three years?" she asked
finally, wondering.

"Don't you know about it, mom?"

"S. Eliakim. It isn't just his signature in his paintings. It's his only
signature...in all papers, documents... he signed every one of them through that
name..." mom explained but still bewildered.


"I do know about his signature," mom moved on, "but I didn't know he's been
supporting you on your studies. I only knew that you are in the South just a year
ago, remember?"

So mom also didn't know about him supporting me.

"Mom, please let me go to the capital today. I want to talk to him. Please, please,
I can't let this slip today," I said, truly determined of confronting Nigel.

We pulled away from each other.

"I'll go with you. I'd like to talk to him, too," she said.

"No, let me go alone this time, mom. Please."

Mom thought for a while.

"Okay, I'll send you to the capital. I'll call my driver," she finally said.


It was almost 11:00 pm when I arrived at his condo unit. Praying to God for Nigel
to be around, I stood before the door.

I pressed the button by the door. I pressed it again and again.

Please, let him be in. Let him wake up if he's sleeping.

It was like two minutes that I stood there waiting for the door to open.

Finally, it opened.

Nigel, half-naked from his waist up, was filled with little splatters of paint on
his hands, on his nose, on his sweat shorts... It was enough for me to tell that he
had been painting at this time of the night.

For a while, he looked absolutely shocked.

"P-Princess... how did you..."

Not waiting for him to invite me in, I went inside anyway as I pulled my trolley

"Princess, you're here!" he said, a grin started to appear in his lips this time.

So mom didn't tell him.

Probably, because I told her not to, because I wanted to see his natural reaction
when I would finally make him explain the S. Eliakim issue.

He closed the door and, like an excited kid, sprinted towards me. "Wow! What a

I maintained my firm expression at him. But he seemed not to notice it especially

when he hugged me. I gasped in surprise especially when his naked chest was pressed
to me. "But it's 11:00 in the evening! Why this evening visit? Can't wait to see me
this weekend? How did you manage to come here? No, no, don't tell me you travelled
alone this late---"

Sensing that I wasn't talking or moving, he pulled himself from me and stared at
me. "Althea? Anything wrong?"

"Painting at this time?" I asked him, crossing my arms in my chest.

"Oh, why do I feel there's something wrong again?" he wondered seriously.

My eyes caught a glimpse of his upper body and landed on his eight-pack...

Did he really have to show some muscles while painting?

I gulped my throat and looked away.

Oh, Nigel! Why didn't you just have told me so I don't have to do this anymore?
You're just making it too hard for me!

"Well, I've no more other time for this..." he said, still wondering to himself and
explaining to me why he was still painting at this hour, "and it's always been busy
in the office."

I looked at him and he was staring at me back. "Any problem?" he asked once more.

Call me a cry-baby but I couldn't help myself. I started to feel some tears falling
from my eyes. "I hate you. I really, really hate you," I said, brushing the tears
from my cheeks.

Hearing me say those words, he once again came nearer to me, reached out his arms
and brought me to him. "Oh, God! This is why I hate leaving you alone! What is it
this time? Who's making stories again, Althea?"

With my arms enclosed by his warm embrace, I just stood straight like a planted
candle on the floor.

"Tell me, what is it this time?" he asked as he kissed my forehead.

"You've fooled me. You've really, really fooled me. I hate you so much," I said as
my tears kept falling down from my eyes.

I wanted to hate him for fooling me for three years but I hated myself for still
loving him in spite of what I just discovered. Why hadn't I just detected it from
the start? Of course, Mr. S. Eliakim had a very nice penmanship and signature
because he was an artist! Why hadn't I just concluded right away when I saw his
note that he wrote to me three years ago that I just recently found in my memory
box? Of course, by that note alone, it would be enough for me to conclude that S.
Eliakim and Nigel were the same!

I hated him!

And I hated myself for being so stupid! If my life were a novel, I would be
critiqued the dumbest heroine ever in the history of literature!

"Princess, what is it? Why are you hating me now?"

"I can't help myself. I want to hit you!" I said. "I really, really want to hit you
right now..."

He released me from his embrace and held both of my hands. He placed them on his
chest and I breathed deeply when my hands felt his warm skin.

God, I really hated him!

I hated him for standing half-naked here in front of me and looking so damn hot
that I wanted to embrace and kiss him instead!

I hated him because of the fact that I still couldn't hate him even if I wanted to!
"Okay, hit me then," he demanded as he lingered his dark stare in my eyes. "Hit me
if this will make you feel relieved."

When he said those words, I didn't wait for any more moment. I moved my fists and
made blows on his chest. Not moving, he just let my hands do the chastisement. Not
complaining, he stood firm and just let me deliver series of blows on his body.

Damn. What a hard man he was!

I hated him for being this hard! I hated him so much I wanted to really freak out!

Still in doubt if I was even inflicting pain on him, I poured all my anger in those
blows. "I hate, hate, hate you, Nigel Joaquin! I hate you! I hate you!"

When I felt exhausted with it, I stopped hitting him and just pressed my fists on
his chest. I felt exhausted and I wanted to slump myself on the floor.

"Done?" he asked, clasping my hands on his chest.

I was catching my breath and didn't say a word.

Sensing that I had no more plan of hitting him once more, he said, "Now, it's my

His words sounded creepy to me that I looked at him confusedly. Nigel bit his
bottom lip and released my hands. I immediately thought it was time for me to back
off because there was that dark, dangerous gaze in his eyes. I stepped back but,
spontaneously, he reached out for my waist and pulled me to him.

Feeling the crazy drumbeat in my chest, I gasped.

Without warning, Nigel lifted my body up by his strong arms. It was done very
quickly and, in just a second, he was carrying me up already, making my legs
straddle his waistline.

"Nigel!" I yelped in surprise.

But the great Nigel Joaquin Sarmiento didn't care even a little bit of my yelling.
One of his hands cupped my butt and the other pulled my back to press my chest to
him that I wasn't able to help myself but encircle my arms around his neck. "What
are you doing?" I cried out, totally unprepared of what he just did.

"You know what I want to do after my brat hits me," he said, broadcasting a sexy,
dangerous tone. "To hell with restraint, Althea. Tonight, I'll make you fully

"Nigel!" I squealed even more loudly this time.

He didn't mind me anyway. He strode us both towards his bedroom... the bedroom that
I hadn't gone to even once...

My mind was squealing like crazy and my body was trembling in both fear and
excitement. His warm body was electrifying mine.

It seemed like he wanted things to be even between the two of us tonight! What was
I going to do?

Oh, no!
Was I even prepared of this?


"Nigel Joaquin!" I screamed once more and there was nothing that I could do now.

His intoxicating masculine scent, a mixture of sweat and cologne, reached my

nostrils like a love potion melting my heart and, tonight, just like how my heart
melted by his scent, my whole body, for sure, was going to melt within his strong,
sinewy arms.



Haha.. I'm getting worried on this. What are you going to do to my dear Thea,
Nigel? Please!!!

Dear readers, as of now, I can't tell yet when I will be updating next... because
my hubby and I will be out of town next week... This trip is very important to the
both of us. I'll just notify you, my dear followers, when I'll be able to post
Chapter 51. Just stick around, okay?

Anyway, guys, if you liked this chapter, please VOTE, COMMENT, and SHARE.

Have a wonderful day!!!

(sapphiregirl22) ~_^

Chapter 51 - Boyfriend
I am blushing 😁 right now like a fool because I am NOT comfortable with writing
bed scenes... so, please, don't expect a detailed love scene in this chapter... or
else I will shut myself off from the world... lol.

Thank you for understanding. Peace! ✌✌✌ Enjoy!



I woke up and noticed that I slept in an unfamiliar room. My eyes lingered on the
walls surrounding the huge bed where I was lying. The room was dominated by beige,
black, and charcoal paints. It was obviously a master bedroom with a masculine

Looking at the simplicity of the wall colors and no trace of any artist's works,
one would think that it wasn't an artist's room. It was just done simply but had
the sophisticated and luxurious appeal with the presence of modern and sleek pieces
of furniture.

My eyes caught the wall clock and saw it was 6:00 a.m.

I buried my face in the pillow as I felt my cheeks blushing. I could smell his
familiar scent on the sheets. I was in Nigel's room... for the first time in my
Then, my eyes widened when I realized that I was fully naked lying in his bed.
Memories of the night that passed flashed my head and I couldn't help myself but
blush even more.

Oh, God! I just lost my V-card!

I moved my legs and felt the sore down there. I even felt I couldn't move anymore.
Geez, would I ever be able to walk again?

Anyhow, I still managed to turn to the other side of the bed. Seeing that Nigel was
not there, I felt a bit relieved. I didn't want him to see me in this state...
fully naked and being like a rotten carrot on the bed.

Oh, I was just ashamed of myself. I was like an angry, terrible tiger coming here
in his condo last night and looking as if I had come for a fight, only to end up
facing a different kind of fight as I moaned crazily in both pain and pleasure on
his bed by the end of the night.

I wasn't even able to confront him for being my benefactor. I had totally forgotten
the issue!

Feeling the burning of my cheeks, I closed my eyes. I could still vividly picture
out everything that happened last night.

Imprisoning his waist with my legs and his neck with my arms, I just let myself be
lost into his tight embrace as he walked me to his room. I wanted to squeal more
but he shut me up with an electrifying kiss that instantly faded all the anger in
me and instead flared up all nerves in my body caused by a mixture of emotions ---
fear, thrill, desire.

I didn't know how Nigel opened his door; I was completely lost into the kiss. The
next thing I knew was that he was already placing me on his bed and setting me up
like a delicious meal on a golden platter ready to be devoured. I trembled in fear
at the sight of him crawling on top of me, yet at the same time, his sexy, assuring
gaze brought me enough courage to give him the consent to do anything he wanted to
do with me tonight.

The moment that my back rested the soft surface, he brought me again into a deep,
hungry kiss with our tongues trying to explore the deepest recesses of our mouths.

I held on to his bare chest and felt that his skin was on fire. His mouth found my
throat and I stretched it out for him as a long, low sound escaped from my lips. He
groaned in response. With that, like a little spark of light to start the fireworks
display, everything began...

His expert fingers started it all. I was lost into the moment that he stripped off
every piece of cloth covering my body, bit by bit. First, he removed my blouse by
raising it up to my head; and my arms didn't make any objection at all but helped
him up instead with his initiation. Then, in just a wink of an eye, my bra was
unhooked and was tossed somewhere until my upper body was fully in sight of the
hungry man who was leaning down on me.

"You tortured me for three nights when I was at the palacio with you," he said
ruggedly, looking at my eyes. "Now, the brute will be a brute." With that, he dove
his mouth into one of the two hearty buds in my bosom, then sucking it, followed by
the stroking and pinching of the other with his fingers. I trembled severely and
gripped his head.

First time.
It was first time for me to feel such kind of sensation. It was both tolerable and
intolerable. Grasping his hair hard, I tossed and turned my head and arched my
back. An indescribable kind of sound once again escaped from my lips.

Nigel was an experienced man and he knew for a fact that all these things were new
to me. He didn't do it the harsh way. He did everything in the gentlest possible
way... especially when he worked his way down there in me. When he removed my jeans
and, of course, the last cloth covering the most intimate part of me, he cast my
whole body a gaze, the kind of gaze that brought me back to that night when we
fought in the patio and I first learned that he kept a terrible desire for me.


Desire for me and for my body.

When I was all in my naked glory, I was lost into his fingers caressing that
intimate part of my body. I was lost into his busy tongue discovering areas that I
never thought existed in me. I was lost into everything... as he introduced to me
different sensations I had never felt before and as he brought me to unearthly
places I had never been to before. I screamed out his name for several times and,
when I experienced the first orgasm of my life, he looked at me with pride in his
eyes. It was my first and it was magical and spellbinding that tears appeared in my

Then, there was him, my Nigel Joaquin.

Climbing down the bed, he removed the cloth covering his lower part. Confidently
standing before me, he presented to me the unmatched secrets of a god's perfect
body that I had never seen before... My Nigel Joaquin was the epitome of physical

There was a burning sensation in my cheeks as I looked at him. I thought I couldn't

bear to look at him this way but I was mistaken... for Nigel with his damn arousal
was the most beautiful sight on earth. I gripped the sheets and made myself ready
for the real feast to begin.

Immediately, when he was on top of me once more, I wasn't able to help myself but
to touch and feel him as well... It was life for me. He was life for me... and I
loved him like no other. He was my dream since I was still a child, and it felt so
gratifying that he was the man whom I was about to give my womanhood, the most
precious thing in the world for me.

With sweating bodies, we stared at each other before the highlight of the event.
And when he finally thrust himself into me, very gently at first, I moaned and
cried out in pain. Tears once again appeared in my eyes... But he gently caressed
and kissed my cheeks until I felt the tears were gone and, just like magic, the
pain was also gone and was replaced with a kind of sensation too foreign to me to
handle yet too intimate and satisfying I couldn't think of anything else, just me
and him. My body responded to his every thrust... slowly first... then deeper,
harder, faster... All through out, I was moaning out his name and, the complete
opposite of what I told him earlier in the night, my mouth couldn't resist telling
him "I love you" over and over again.

Ultimately, we lost ourselves in the ecstacy of our passion and, for the first
time, I knew and felt what lovemaking was. Words were not enough to describe how
beautiful he made me feel and taste my first time. It was memorable and, for sure,
it was something that I would remember for the rest of my life.
Before I fell asleep in his arms, I heard him whisper "Thank you" and "I love you"
alternately for a number of times.

Within his warm embrace, I knew he was mine and I was his... We were the perfect

Wrapping a blanket around my naked body, I slowly sat up on the bed. I was thankful
that, in spite of the sore, I was still able to get up.

Instantly, I saw a vase of red roses on the bedside table.

I smiled. Nigel and his roses...

Deciding to stand up, I turned my buttocks to my right slowly. While my left hand
was gripping the hem of the blanket just above my breasts and my right hand was
pressed on the bed for support, my eyes landed back on the middle surface of the
bed. There, I saw the red spot.

Blood, all dried up now.


Got the evidence.

Better had the camera for documentation... No, joke!

But, God, I really lost it!

I was still sitting on the bed when the bathroom door opened. Instantaneously, the
man walked into the room with only a towel wrapped around his waist.

Oh, God! It looked like I had to have myself get used to Nigel's naked state.

I blushed and turned my face away to hide my reddened cheeks.

Bam. Bam. Bam. There was that funny, nervous beating in my chest.

I heard his footsteps treading towards me. With mixed emotions, I felt goosebumps
all over my skin. I still pictured him out last night and the thought of him
nearing me produced again those tingly sensations.

I became even more goosebumpy when he bent down and trailed kisses on my ear down
to my neck while he tucked my hair towards my back to get a better access of that
part he was nibbling. Naturally, I closed my eyes. My body was kind of shaking as
his lips touched my skin especially when I felt the tickly sensation of his
stubble. And my hands were fidgeting. They were actually trembling like I had some
uncontrollable spasms. Damn.

I heard him groan before he greeted me "Good morning, princess," in a husky tone.
He held my chin and made me look up to him. Obviously, his eyes were dancing with

I was a bit shy looking at him. I just couldn't believe I actually gave in last
night. What had gotten into me? I tightened the blanket even more around me.

He then pulled me up and drew me to his embrace. "Thank you, princess. Thank you.
Thank you. Forever, I'll thank you," he muttered to my ear. "You are the purest,
loveliest, sweetest, yummiest thing on earth..." he pronounced sexily.

God, I wanted to hit him again.

"I still hate you, you know..." I muttered.

He didn't seem to mind as he nibbled again my ear. I moaned helplessly. Oh, God!
Why was this sensation felt so tickly yet so freaking good?

"It's not what you said when we were on the bed last night..." he whispered,
teasing me.

So lucky for him that I couldn't stop telling him I love you last night!

The brute.

He looked at my face, cupped my left cheek, and smiled. "What's with the blushing?"

I remembered the blood stain on his sheet and I felt all the remaining blood in my
body went to my face, making it much redder this time.

I pouted my lips and looked away.

"Really a baby..." he still teased me as he pulled my waist towards him. Then, he

became serious as he held my chin for me to look up to him, saying, "My baby, my
woman... mine finally..."

Oh, I wanted to hug him suddenly.

However, wanting not to get distracted with his sweet words, I rolled my eyes at
him. I still had to ask him about the S. Eliakim issue. "Ever wonder why I hate

Instead of being bothered, he only grinned at me instead.

"It's a lie, princess. You don't hate me," he said confidently.

Really a brute.

"You're so unfair! I'm trying to tell something here and you're still teasing me,"
I complained, feeling the heat in my cheeks.

This time, he laughed and pulled me to him once more. "God, I really love this
brat," he said, still laughing.

Irritated now, I pushed him and I stepped back putting a distance in between us.
"It's not funny, Nigel Joaquin! I'm trying to be serious here."

He still didn't mind me. What he did next was something that I didn't expect! He
pulled the towel from him revealing his whole damn nudity to me! My eyes
consciously traveled to his lower portion and I panicked when I saw the damn thing
again! Why did it look so freaking like that so early in the morning? Holy ---!

"We'll talk. Yeah, we will talk after this, princess," he declared as he moved
towards me.

I immediately covered my eyes with my hands as I screamed, "Nigel Joaquin! Stop

teasing me!"
Unprepared, I got even more surprised when he grabbed the blanket from my body and
let it slip away showing once more the body that I was hiding. Next, he wrapped his
arms around the naked me and bent down his head. Giving sensational jitters in my
spine, his mouth instantly found my neck as he mumbled, "So beautiful... can't get
enough of you..."

"Let me shower first, please!" I cried out gasping, as I felt my knees weaken.

Hearing my words, Nigel suddenly swung me up in his arms carrying me to the

bathroom. "Request granted. Let's take a shower first, princess."

No! I didn't mean to have a shower with a sex-craved man with me!


"Shower again?" he asked me teasingly.

I swore I would no longer take a bath while this man was around!

Okay. That was a lie... because I'd look forward to doing it again and again with

With my head resting now on his right biceps as we were lying on the bed, I just
gave him a lazy smile.

Gosh, he was the culprit of my exhausted state right now... and he didn't even
appear guilty.

"Mom called, by the way," he announced.

Mom? Mommy Carol!

Oh, God!

Feeling very guilty, I sat up on the bed. "Mom? Oh, my God! She's gonna freak out
if she knows about this... us... doing this..." I said frantically, wrapping my
body with the blanket.

"She's not gonna be angry. For sure, she'll even call for a celebration for this!
We're just fulfilling her wish," Nigel said, still lying down and tugging the
blanket from me that my breasts were exposed to him.

"Nigel Joaquin, mom would still want us to get married first, you know!" I
counteracted, covering my breasts with my arms and hands. "And, my God! We didn't
even bother to have protection!"

He grabbed me by my arm and let my head rest on his biceps again in which I didn't
object. "There's no need for protection... I'm clean, princess. I can assure you

"That's not what I mean, dummy! What if I get pregnant?" I said, looking at him.

He encircled his arms around me. "Don't you like it? Then, we're going to have a
little Althea or a little Joaquin!"

I paused and stared at him.

"Yeah?" he asked when he observed that I was just looking at him.

"Little Joaquin? Not little Nigel?"

"Why? Isn't Joaquin my second name?"

"Yeah..." I muttered. "But I'm used to calling you Nigel rather than Joaquin."

"I actually don't like my first name Nigelito," he confessed, pressing his mouth on
my head and sniffing my hair.

"What? I actually think of it as unique. Nigel and Lito combined. Nigel means noble
and Lito means---"

"Nigel means champ or champion," he corrected me.

"Not noble?"

"Where did you get that?"

"I don't know. I think, I've just come across it in some old book in the library
when I was still a kid. I don't remember," I said, totally confused of myself.

"Well, I've known all my life that my name Nigel means a champion."

"Then, it has a nice meaning. Why don't you like it?"

"Because it reminds me of the Lito that is attached to it. Lito is little, sort of
like a diminutive of a champion. I don't want to be little forever. Every time mom
calls me Nigelito, it's like hearing her my Little Nigel, my Little Nigel..." he
said, smiling. "She always thinks of me as a little boy. Well, I'm all grown up now
and I'm running the business. I'm even going to have my own family soon, you know,
a lovely wife with beautiful eyes and twelve kids---"

"Twelve kids?" I squealed in horror. "You're going to make me look like a female
piggy by then!"

He laughed... then, he became serious. "I actually want to have a big family,
Althea. I grew up alone after my sister's death. It's not a wonderful feeling.
Hence, when I have my own family, I'd like to have lots of kids like...

"Three or four..." I put the numbers into his mouth.

"Or five or six..." he added, "with eyes like yours." He then bent down and brought
his lips to my eyes.

I closed them and felt the wonderful feeling of his lips on my eyelids.

After a while, I remembered mom again. "Nigel Joaquin?"

"Love it when you call me in both names..." he muttered happily. "Yeah, princess?"

"Why did mom call?"

"She told me the reason why you're here."

Yeah, the reason! Oh, this man! He always had the ways to distract me from it!

I sat up again and faced him.

Confrontation time.

"Okay, I'm not angry anymore. Just explain it," I said, crossing my arms in my

Still lying down with his head on his pillow, he reached out for my hands and
played them with his fingers.

"My private investigator was able to track you just a month after you left us. He
was a good agent and he served me well," he began.

"What? All those times when I thought that you had no idea where I was, you
actually knew that I was in the South working in Mrs. Riviera's cake shop and that
I was volunteering at the orphanage?" I exclaimed disbelievingly. "And you knew
that I was enrolling at the university and you offered yourself to sponsor my

He smiled sheepishly. "You just answer your questions, princess."

"Oh, gosh! You just make me feel like I'm really stupid!" I groaned, feeling so

"Yeah, princess... All those times when you thought I didn't know where you were, I
actually knew all your whereabouts in the cake shop, in the orphanage, in the
university, and even in your apartment. I've had pictures and videos of you. I was
like a desperate stalker, you know, with the help of my private investigator...
but, of course, I let him took pictures and videos only when you were in the
public. I have to restrict him from your private world, like when you're inside the

"Oh, my God! You hired someone just to stalk me? Are you crazy?" I blurted out.

"Well, it isn't possible for me to be stalking you around. I have the whole
corporation to attend to..." he explained, smiling and acting dumb I could just
pinch his ear. "Besides," he continued, "it's true, princess, I was really getting
crazy. I was getting super, super crazy and not being able to see a photo or a
video of you in a day would make me the meanest and most irritable boss in the

Gosh, this man! I could probably make him a Certificate of Recognition for being
the craziest admirer in the whole wide world...

Oh, I looked at him and I wanted to cry. God, what goodness have I done to the
world for me to deserve this man beside me?

So, the truth was out now. When I thought Nigel wasn't with me in all those years,
he was actually with me every single step I made.

And he was my Mr. S. Eliakim!

"Okay, explain why the name S. Eliakim."

"It's the name that I use in my signature," he immediately replied.

"I knew that one already. Mom told me about it," I stated. "What I want to know is
why use that name as your signature. I can't put things together, you know. Explain
it to me."

"During my painting years with Annie, we both agreed to sign our works with a name
other than our real name. Hers is S. Karolina, S. for Sarmiento and Karolina as a
variation of her second name."

S. Karolina for Anita Caroline. So, the capital S stands for Sarmiento... How
stupid of me to not figure it out!

Nigel continued with his explanation, "Mine is S. Eliakim."

"Why Eliakim?" I asked impatiently.

He grasped my hands hard and pulled me to his chest. I willingly leaned down anyway
and placed my cheek to him.

"Eliakim is a variation of my second name Joaquin. There are other variations

actually, Joachim, Eljakim, Jojakim. But Annie chose Eliakim for me because,
according to her, it's a bit different from the others... Since then, princess,
it's the name that I use every time I sign my name."

"And it's your remembrance of your little sister..." I concluded.

"Yeah..." he confirmed.

We became silent for a while.

"Nigel Joaquin?"


"Why did you wait for two years before seeing me again personally?" I queried,
still wanting to know more.

"I had actually been watching you from afar... and I had been loving you from
afar... Every time I visited the South, which became more often when I learned that
you were there, I always made sure to see you... but just from afar..."

"Why from afar? Why didn't you just see me up close right away?"

"You make it sound like it's that easy... Why? If I had shown my face to you right
away, would you accept me?"

Probably if I had known beforehand that everything told to me by that Maria Stella
were all lies, I would accept him sooner.

"I was actually gathering some courage before showing my face to you. I was
thinking that you really hated me that much. Thinking about all those years that I
had inflicted pain on you, I really thought I deserved that punishment."

So, during those times that we were apart, he was at the same time punishing

"So why did you finally decide after two years?"

"Apart from I couldn't take anymore the separation, I had started to be bothered by
Javier's appearance in your life. That guy just ruined my plans of making it right
with you. That guy, he was a prick to me and every time I saw you both, you seemed
happy being with him. I became totally anxious of his presence in your life. He was
a prick to me. Totally a prick. A prick. A prick..." he pronounced repeatedly and
irritatingly. "I actually nicknamed him Prick."
I laughed at his statement. He was really unbelievable.

"Are you sure he never became your boyfriend?" he asked, interrupting me from

"I never had a boyfriend once! I was an NBSB, you know?"

"Really? So how about me? Am I not your boyfriend?"

"You just immediately became my fiancé when I turned thirteen. We haven't passed
that boyfriend-girlfriend stage, have we?"

"Would you like us to pass that stage?" he asked.

"I'd love to."

"Okay," he said, climbing on top of me. "Althea Molina Ruiz, will you be my

I smiled from ear to ear. "Yes, Nigel Joaquin! I'd love to be your girl!"

He grinned and kissed me hungrily.

Finally, I have a boyfriend! My brain squealed as he deepened his kiss.

"Yes, I win!" he interjected happily and victoriously after the long kiss, as he
kneeled down all in his naked glory on the bed, both knees on each side of my
thighs, and raised an arm with a clenched fist to the direction of the ceiling. "I
win! I win!"


"I mean, I just reach the finish line!"

"Finish line?"

"Remember you said before I will never make it to the finish line? Well, I've just
proven you wrong! You're all mine now, Althea Ruiz. Mine. Mine. Mine."

Crazy Nigel Joaquin!

I just shook my head on the pillow in disbelief. You wouldn't believe the CEO of
the Sarmiento Corporation to be this crazy!

"You're late now for work," I reminded him.

"F-ck! I don't care!" he exclaimed before showering me again another round of




Hey, guys!

That's it! Yeah, delayed update. Please understand. I've been busy with a few
things. Anyway, hope you like it! If you do, please VOTE, COMMENT, and SHARE!

Now, I have a plan. I think, I'll be posting the teaser of my next book, perhaps,
next week. I'm still working on the plot so it's still the cover and with a few
information about it. It's going to be titled WHY CAN'T IT JUST BE YOU? I hope
you'll still support it. 😊☺😊

Have a great day, everyone!

(sapphiregirl22) ~_^

Chapter 52 - Monster
To @Thethisz for being part of sapphiregirl22's crazy cheerleading squad.

Yeah, the song attached here is an old one, John Lennon, but just a trivia, dear
readers, this is actually the song that inspired me to create my Nigel Joaquin
Sarmiento. Everything in this song explains why he was kind of irritating mostly
during the first part of this book. If you haven't heard JEALOUS GUY yet, then, I
suggest you listen to this before or after reading this chapter. Enjoy!


I was dreaming of the past

And my heart was beating fast
I began to lose control
I began to lose control
I didn't mean to hurt you
I'm sorry that I made you cry
I didn't want to hurt you
I'm just a jealous guy

I was feeling insecure

You might not love me anymore
I was shivering inside
I was shivering inside
I didn't mean to hurt you
I'm sorry that I made you cry
No, no, I didn't want to hurt you
I'm just a jealous guy

I didn't mean to hurt you

I'm sorry that I made you cry
I didn't want to hurt you
I'm just a jealous guy

I was trying to catch your eyes

Thought that you were trying to hide
I was swallowing my pain
I was swallowing my pain
I didn't mean to hurt you
I'm sorry that I made you cry
No, no, I didn't want to hurt you
I'm just a jealous guy
Watch out, I'm just a jealous guy
Look out, baby, I'm just a jealous guy.

~~~ CHAPTER 52 - MONSTER ~~~

Really a busy man, Nigel had to attend to a lot of things in the office. Though he
wanted to spend the whole day with me, he went to work anyway.

The next day, as we agreed, the two of us flew to the South. Before I returned to
my apartment there, he showed me his place. I was surprised to know that he had a
penthouse suite in the South where, he said, he'd stay every time he was there. It
was twice as big as his condo unit in the capital. It was fully furnished, too.

"Stay here as you wait for your graduation," he pleaded as he cuddled me on his

"Just let me stay at my apartment," I pleaded as well. "It's much closer to the
university, to the orphanage, and to Mrs. Riviera's. I have to go back to the cake
shop, too."

He groaned. "Can I just bring you back to the capital?"

I giggled. "We have just arrived here, Nigel Joaquin! And I have to attend my

"Just yourself to attend?" he teased, kissing me in the cheek.

"Of course, mom has to be here during that day. Of course, Elena will be with
her... and Kara, too. I invited her."

"How about me?" he asked lovingly. "Are you not inviting me?"

"Hmmm, I'll think about it, Eliakim..." I said, teasing him as well.

"O-okay..." he muttered before he brought his lips to mine.

Of course, he had to attend. He was my S. Eliakim and he, being S. Eliakim,

promised me in his notes before that he would be with me during my graduation day.


Before Nigel went back to the capital, he accompanied me to see Mrs. Riviera and my
companions in the cake shop. Everyone there in the shop told me they missed me.
Well, I was gone for months because of my internship.

I finally introduced Nigel to them as my boyfriend. At first, they seemed to give

me a confused look because they had never seen Nigel in flesh even once in the shop
before... however, when I intoduced him to them, they all immediately recognized
him being the famous Nigelito Joaquin Sarmiento.

Then, they were like asking me in their eyes what happened to Javier. Well, it was
Javier who often visited me in the cake shop before.

"Javier and I just won't work out," I told them honestly.

Nigel just didn't seem to bother anyway. He just let himself be engrossed talking
with Mrs. Riviera who appeared excited of my announcement.


We also went to the orphanage. Mother Clarita, the nuns, and the kids welcomed
Nigel warmly. He apologized to Mother Clarita for having been not able to visit to
the orphanage the past months because of his hectic schedule. The former didn't
find it a problem. She was even thanking him for the continuous support coming from
him. When I learned about the continued support that Nigel was providing to the
orphanage, it made me the happiest woman on earth.

When I finally told Mother Clarita that Nigel was now my boyfriend, the nun
embraced me happily.

"I just felt it before that this man is the right one for you," she stated.

It made me recall that there was once a time before that she was actually playing
Cupid for Nigel and me. I couldn't help but smile at her.

Nigel went back to the capital that day.


When Monday came, I reported back to the university for the preparation of all my
graduation requirements. That day, my attention was called to report to the
Scholarship Department.

Happily, I greeted Miss Dela Rosa, the In-Charge of the Scholarship Department
Office, when I came in.

"Your benefactor, for sure, would never want to miss your first day in the
university after your internship. What's with this guy? Why does he always know
your schedule?" Miss Dela Rosa wondered as she handed me a familiar white envelope
but, this time, it was accompanied by a long-stemmed rose. "And with a rose this
time, huh?"

I gave her my most beautiful smile. "He just has this crazy private investigator
stalking me all the time."

"Huh?" she asked bewildered like she couldn't believe it. I didn't insist her to
believe me anyway.

"And he's pretty possessive," I added.

Miss Dela Rosa appeared really confused.

"Did I miss something, Miss Ruiz? He's become possessive since you've exchanged

"You actually missed a lot of things, Miss Dela Rosa," I told her as I smiled. She
was actually the one who found the means so I got to exchange notes with S.

"Oh!" she gasped her mouth with a palm but I was pretty sure that she wasn't still
able to get it.

I held both of her hands and she seemed surprised of the act. "Thank you. Thank you
so much, Miss Dela Rosa, for everything. You've been very, very good to me. I will
never forget you."

She seemed teary-eyed this time. "Thank you also, Miss Ruiz, for being such a sweet
thing. I'll also never forget you. You're like the sweetest scholar in this
university... and you've actually become a friend to me..."

Yeah, it surprised me to know that we actually build some kind of connection as

friends though we always addressed each other formally.
"Yeah, thank you so much, Miss Dela Rosa," I said.

"Paula. Call me, Paula," she said.

Still holding her hands, I said, "Thank you, Paula. Well, please call me Althea."

As I scrutinized, she was about seven years older than I was... but she didn't act
like she was superior or older than me. She was always the accommodating and
approachable In-Charge of the Scholarship Department.

"So, you're now graduating."


"Good luck in everything you do."

"Thanks, Paula."

Before I left the office, she called my name.

"Yeah?" I asked, turning back to her direction.

"Actually..." she hesitated.


"Actually... I already know who your benefactor is... by accident... It just

happened that a document together with a cheque arrived in this office. I saw his
real name below his signature... and..."

"And?" I repeated, stepping back to her.

"And, OMG, I don't know if I have to tell you... because this is supposed to be
confidential... but I really do want to tell you who he is. For sure, you'll be
surprised to know. He's like very famous! He is still very young and---"

"---the CEO of the Sarmiento Corporation," I said, expressing to her that I knew
already my benefactor. "Mr. S. Eliakim is Nigelito Joaquin Sarmiento."

"Oh, my God! You knew already?" she asked excitedly.

I smiled as I confessed, "Actually, I've been engaged to him since I was thirteen."

"What? Engaged to your benefactor at thirteen?" she muttered shockingly. "H-How


"Long story, Paula. Next time, I'll tell you."

"Oh, please, do tell me, Althea."

"Yeah, next time..."

Miss Dela Rosa was too astounded to say any more word.

"See you then, Paula!" I said as I went out of her office.


I was sitting on the fiber glass bench outside the Scholarship Department office
when I opened the white envelope. I got the note and read what he had written this
time. I was actually surprised because I thought he was to stop writing to me this
time that I knew who he was.

I smiled when I saw his salutation. It was no longer Miss Ruiz.


How's university this time? Don't get stressed with university work. Just think of
me when you need some inspiration in completing your requirements...Haha (winking
here). Well, I missed you already so I'm looking forward to your graduation day.

I've been receiving some feedbacks about your internship performance and, well,
what can I say, I'm very much impressed. You are really made for charity work, my
princess. I'm so proud of you!

So I learned you're indeed in love with someone... You shared it to me last time in
your letter, right? When I first read it, I actually thought it was me you were
referring to... Confident brute, I can hear you saying it now! Well, I just want to
tell you that I've just discovered lately that it was really me. Don't you think
I'm the luckiest man on earth? Truly lucky! I'm so proud to be your man!

I love you so much.

Only yours,

S. Eliakim

Such a confident brute! I smiled as I placed the paper back to the envelope. I
missed you, Nigel Joaquin.

"Hi, Miss Ruiz!"

I jolted when somebody greeted me as he sat down at my side. I turned to him and I
saw Prof. Sebastian Medina.

"Welcome back!" he said, smiling.

"Thank you, sir..."

"I presume internship is great because you look great!"

I actually just recovered from fever if you only know, sir. I wanted to tell him.

"So the benefactor's note... What does it tell this time?"

Such a nosy professor!

I smiled at him. "Uhm, he just told me he loves me very much."

Absolutely not expecting it, the professor had his eyes widened.

I smiled more.

"Sir, I wonder if you know the In-Charge of the Scholarship Department? She's a
great woman, you know. I hope you get to meet her. Do you know, Miss Paula Dela

He looked at me curiously. He seemed puzzled why I was introducing a woman to him.

Well, it was just like I felt him having an interest on me and I didn't want him to
feel that way. Hence, I needed him to be paired with somebody else. Anyway, Miss
Dela Rosa was about of the same age as he was.

"Yeah, the woman in there," he said, jerking his head towards the office.

"She's nice and pretty, isn't she?"

He shrugged his shoulders.

"You have to know her. She's amazing!" I said, standing up. "It's getting late now.
I need to get going. Bye, Prof. Medina!"




Mom, Elena, Kara, and Serge arrived during the anticipated day and hours before the
big event. Of course, Nigel also attended. Of all people, he shouldn't miss this
very important day of my life.

When he kissed me on the lips as we saw each other in the venue hall, both my girl
friends, Kara and Elena, giggled.

"I missed you," he whispered sexily in my ear and I blushed big time.

"I... I missed you, too," I said, telling him, as I thought of that night when he
first claimed me. Gosh, I couldn't help but just blush and blush and blush.

While I almost died with too much self-consciousness, the man was eyeing me
meaningfully all the time and flirting secretly with me while the others were
around. Once, I pinched his side as I complained, "Stop it, Nigel Joaquin." He just

"I have a surprise gift for you later," he told me just when the graduation
ceremony was about to start.

"What is it?"

Touching the corner of my eyes, he smiled. "Love it when you look at me

surprisingly. Your eyes have never failed to amaze me every time."

"Please, don't change the topic. I'm dying to know what's this surprise," I

"A surprise is a surprise. You'll know about it later," he said, obviously not
giving in.

Okay. I had to be more patient.


At last, the ceremony went on. I sat along with the other graduates. Nigel and mom
sat on the chairs reserved for my sponsors, while my friends sat at the area
reserved for the audience.
There was no adjective that could help me describe how I felt. Truly, graduation
was the pinnacle of a student's life and I felt very blessed to reach this part. I
was teary-eyed just like the others when I received my diploma on stage, but I
became even more teary-eyed when my name was called to be awarded "Most Outstanding
Intern" for the Social Welfare graduates.

At first, I couldn't believe what I heard but my seatmates were telling me to go on

stage to receive my award. I stood up, truly unprepared and turned to face the
direction where Nigel was sitting. While the rest clapped their hands, the great
Nigel Joaquin Sarmiento was sitting comfortably on his chair, in his suit, smirking
at me confidently, and crossing his arms in his chest --- the sight of a proud
man... and arrogant in a way... and I knew that it was I who made him feel that way


After the ceremony, I was surrounded by my batchmates expressing their

congratulations. They were happy for me and they all said I truly deserved the

I was just on my way to mom and Nigel when Prof. Sebastian Medina met me in the
center aisle of the hall and congratulated me.

"You're truly an admirable woman, Miss Ruiz," the professor said while shaking my
hand and staring at me admiringly.

"Thank you, Sir," I said with all sincerity.

"So what's next for you?" he asked.

"Uh, I'll still think about it, Sir, but I'll definitely go home. My mom wants it
so bad," I said, pulling my hand from him.

"Oh... so can I have your number?"

Huh? Oh, good God! Clearly now, my mind could confirm the admiration he had for me.

Unexpectedly, Nigel Joaquin suddenly showed up himself, standing at the back of the
professor, placing his hands in his pockets, and eyeing me through a stare that I
couldn't quite understand.

"Uhm..." There, I didn't know anymore what to say to the professor who was still
looking at me with those admiring eyes.

Nigel, still not moving and gazing at me seriously, seemed to wait for what I was
going to say to Prof. Medina.

"Sir, excuse me, I have to go now," I said finally.

Nigel breathed hard, then bit the side of his bottom lip and, finally, jerked his
face away.

"Wait, Miss Ruiz," Prof. Medina insisted as he grabbed my arm.

Nigel once again looked at me, this time narrowing his eyes.

Prof. Medina continued talking, "I've heard the university will be hiring new
gradutes for their social welfare programs. I'll recommend you to the selection
Consciously brushing his hand away from my arm, I answered, "I don't think---"

Nigel suddenly butted in, "No --- that's her answer. She has already a job waiting
for her." He was serious, very serious especially when he stressed the word No.

Prof. Medina turned to his back and faced Nigel. The former seemed to wonder who
was this guy who just butted himself in our conversation.

"Let's go," Nigel said, looking at me seriously.

"Oh, y-yeah, sure!" I said, almost awkwardly. Nigel's gaze at me made me feel so
conscious. I felt nervous volts flaring in my belly. The guy was obviously not
happy about the conversation I had with the young professor. Then, turning my
attention to Prof. Medina, I said, "Thanks for your offer, Sir, but I won't anymore
be staying here in the South. Oh, by the way, please meet my boyfriend, Nigel
Joaquin Sarmiento."

Prof. Medina seemed really surprised to know about the man.

"Nigel, meet one of my professors here, Prof. Sebastian Medina," I said, taking a
step to him.

Both guys did the handshake.

After that, Nigel turned to me and immediately gave me a hungry kiss on the lips.
Couldn't he really refrain from doing this in the public? For sure, the professor
was shocked to see it. I, on the other hand, was blushing like an idiot after it.


After my lunch with Nigel, mom, my girlfriends and Serge at a first-class diner,
Nigel and I immediately flew to the capital through a private plane, while the rest
of the group decided to stay two more days in the South.

Nigel was not talkative since we left the university, even during lunch. While in
the luxury plane, as we sat next to each other, I turned to him once in a while. He
was leaning his head on the headrest and was closing his eyes. He was probably
tired. Well, I learned that he had a very important business meeting last night
that ended very late but he still managed to attend my graduation today.

I just let him sleep. He needed some rest.

After a while, when I was about to close my eyes, too, I felt him grasp my left
hand that was placed at my side. I opened my eyes and turned to him.

He brought my hand to his lips as he mumbled, "I'm sorry..."

Sorry? Why in the world he was saying sorry to me?

I raised my brows at him.

"I'm sorry I got jealous," he said, clasping my hand now with both of his palms.


"Jealous?" I reiterated the question in my mind.

"That professor irritated me..." he divulged.

"Professor Medina?"

"What's gotten with that guy?" he questioned with an irritated tone. "Why is he
insinuating you to work in your university?"

"Jealous brute," I mouthed at him, not letting a sound come out of my mouth.

"Big problem I've got here, huh? Having a beautiful girlfriend with several guys at
her feet..." he said, already smiling this time.

"Glad you're smiling now. I thought you just need some rest that's why you've been
silent during lunch. Only to find out, the brute is jealous with my professor," I
said, almost pouting my lips.

"Sorry... I just can't help it," he said, kissing again the back of my hand.

"Yes, I think, he likes me," I confessed to him.

"Isn't it so f-cking obvious?" he muttered.

"But I don't like him," I assured him as I leaned closer to him and squeezed his
cheek with my free hand.

"Of course, you could only like the brute," he said firmly.

Both leaning our back on each of our seats and holding hands, I asked him, "Is it
true that you got jealous because of me even before?"

He closed his eyes and spoke out, "When you started to live with me in the condo, I
made a vow to put your life miserable. I admit I was really that cruel. As you
knew, I didn't want to be tied to a forced engagement. So, I made every moment you
had with me miserable because I wanted you to go running back to mom and just leave
me alone in peace."

Of course, I could recall all of those moments.

"But, no matter what I did to you, my heart wouldn't deny the fact that you are my
childhood crush whom I've come to develop deep feelings with. Then, it all started
when you attended the acquaintance party. It was quite a battle for me whether to
accompany you or not that night..." Nigel opened his eyes and met my gaze, "until
my heart decided to escort you to the party."

I gaped my mouth. He must be kidding me!

"So, finally deciding to go with you to that party, I went home early that night...
only to find out that you had... a date."

What? Suddenly, I had the urge of wanting to hit his upper arm! Gosh, every time
something upset me, I turned out to be this violent creature!

"Is that true?" I asked, very astounded.


"Hypocrite!" I said.

"Yeah, you can call me that..."

I groaned irritatingly.

He moved on speaking, "So you still went out that night with that skimpy garment
you called a dress and I was left totally bothered whatever happened in that
college party. I couldn't sleep that night. I was like a zombie pacing to and fro
the lobby just to wait for an eighteen-year-old bratty that I really would like to
call my girlfriend. You were still so young then... and though you always told me
before that you love me, still it didn't convince me. I was thinking that you were
still young and erratic and fickle-minded. Teenagers could easily change their
minds, you know, and even in their feelings, they are still not stable. That's why,
I was afraid that one day, you'd eventually have a change of heart and you'd
eventually get over with your infatuation with me. I didn't want to expect..."

Oh, no! I wanted to cry and get irritated for what he had just told me! This was
absolutely very surprising and very upsetting to me.

I pulled away my hand from his touch. "Why, Nigel Joaquin? Tell me, you also got
infatuated with me during your teenage years, did you ever have a moment that you
had a change of heart? Was there ever a time that you had a change of your

He cast me his dark gaze. "There was a time that I prayed my admiration for you
would just vanish. But it didn't vanish and change. In fact, my feelings for you
had even developed more and more every single day. Even with the other girls around
me, I still felt the same towards you."

"There you have it! So why did you still think that I'd have a change of heart?" I
really wanted to stomp my feet right now.

He held my hand once again. "I was just insecure maybe."

"Insecure? You, insecure?"

Oh, my God! The great Nigel Joaquin Sarmiento was insecure?

"You have no idea..." he whispered.

I groaned irritatingly.

"Princess," he said, playing with my thumb with his fingers, "you were like
surrounded by a lot of boys. Every time I saw you out there, there was always a
boy, talking to you and trying to catch your attention. I'm a guy, too, and I know
when a guy likes a girl. They were all very obvious to have feelings for you. I was
expecting that you'd eventually fall for any one of them."

"You are very unfair! You could have just confronted me during those years and I
would have told you how crazily in love I've been with you," I said, revealing the
truth to him. "There has never been a change of heart, Nigel Joaquin. Even those
times when I ran away from you, I knew my feelings are just right here, just
buried..." I said, pointing my chest, "so when I first saw you after two years, I
was so afraid to face you because my feelings are just right here in my chest and
kept intact all through these years."

This time, Nigel stared at my eyes for a long time which I met with my gaze.

Then, he said, "I believe you, princess. I love you, too. You're my first... and
only love."

Like the crying brat that I was, tears appeared in my eyes this time. "You're my
first love, too, and my one and only."

Not contented of our close distance, Nigel unbuckled my seatbelt and pulled me to
sit on his lap. I gladly obliged.

Sitting on his lap with my legs on his left side, I lay my head on his right
shoulder. He enveloped me in his arms.

"Princess, I'm really a jealous brute," he said, obviously not getting over of the

"Yeah, I believe you..." I confirmed.

"In the past, it's jealousy that always drove me mad and always turned me into that
cruel monster. Every time I saw you with some guy, I usually lost my control and I
always ended up fighting with you and hurting you at the same time. Now, I'd like
to say sorry for everything. I'm sorry, princess, and I'll try my best to change
for you."

"No, just be who you are, Nigel Joaquin. Be the jealous guy that you are," I
pronounced and kissed his cheek.

"Would you still like me to be that cruel monster?" he asked, surprised.

"No, not that cruel monster. What I mean is just be the jealous guy... because I am
confident now that you've become that mature guy who won't anymore hurt his woman.
Even if you get jealous, you know now how to handle yourself. Look what you just
did today..." I said, smiling at him.

He raised a brow at me.

"You know, with Prof. Medina... You handled it all too well now. You no longer
scold me like you used to do. You just kept your calm and told me in a peaceful way
what has been bothering your mind. I'm so happy," I said, kissing him again in the
cheek. "Just be that jealous guy, okay?"

He smiled and kissed my forehead. "Really, you like that side of me?"

I nodded excitedly.

He pinched my nose, "Then, I'll always be that jealous and possessive guy for
you... I won't be anymore a monster but..."


"If I'll be jealous, expect me to be quiet for some time or maybe locking myself in
my studio... I also did that before... in my controlled state..."

Really? Was he jealous in some of those times when he refused to talk with me in
the past?


I smiled at him. "I love you, Nigel Joaquin."

"I love you, too, Althea."

"Hmmm..." I quipped, remembering something else, "so why are we flying to the
capital now? What's the surprise?"
He rubbed my back. "For getting your diploma today and for getting an award, you
deserve a gift."

"A gift? What gift?"

"A surprise is a surprise. Don't be stubborn," he said, teasing me.

I groaned in complaint.

"And because I have predicted correctly that you're gonna receive an award today, I
also deserve a gift from you," he mused.

Yeah. It was true. In one of his notes as Mr. S. Eliakim before, he told me that he
had a gut feeling that I would receive an award.

"I have nothing to give you," I said in worried tone and pouting. It was true. I
had nothing to give him.

"You know what I want from you. I missed you... and this..." he whispered, nibbling
my left ear. "I really missed this," he added, trailing kisses in the side of my
neck now.

"Jerk," I joked, hitting him softly in the chest, then closing my eyes eventually
and, later, feeling his hands exploring the twin mounds in my chest.



Really sorry for the long wait, guys!

You know what has kept me busy all this week? Island hopping with hubby! Oh, it was
really tiiiiiresome but so, so worth it!

Finally, I'm home and resting... so here, finally posting this chapter.
And another thing, finally got my admission for university now. Looks like I'm
going to go back being a student again... on August! Am I even ready for it?

Anyway, hope you liked reading this chapter! Don't forget to VOTE, COMMENT, and

(sapphiregirl22) ~_^

Already posted Chapter 1 of WHY CAN'T IT JUST BE YOU? That's if you'd like to check
it out.

Chapter 53 - Surprise
To @iamviviansue.
A surprise is a surprise so here we go...
This chapter is for you... Surprise!


When Nigel and I arrived the capital, we spent our afternoon in a very famous
beauty salon for both ladies and men. He said he would be taking me out for dinner
so both of us had to indulge ourselves to prepare for the night. Two women were
assigned to help me do my hair, make up, nails, even my outfit and accessories. I
just let the women did what they thought was best for me. While I was pampered with
all the services they were offering, I was also in a state of wondering where Nigel
was taking me for our first ever dinner date.

Fully dolled up, I stepped out of the room where I was taken cared of. Nigel was
already in the waiting area and he was clothed in a signature suit.

Why was everything so formal tonight?

However, I was not in a gown. I was clothed in a sexy dress of purple, showing some
skin and shape, not slutty though. When I appeared in front of him, he gave me a
look that was enough for me to know that he found my appearance agreeable.

"You look ravishing... as always..." he complimented, encircling my waist with an

arm and gulping his throat. "I want to ravish you right now."

"You are really a jerk, Nigel Joaquin..." I mused, giggling within his embrace,
"but thank you. You look wonderful as well," I said to him. He would always be
wonderful for me. "So where are you taking me?"

"You'll see, princess," he said, beaming and even thrilling me more.


It was our first time to go out together for dinner. For me, the place where we
went to was the most perfect place in the world where a dinner should be set up.

It was set up in a first-class restaurant near a lake just at the outskirts of the
city. When we entered the classy place, I really thought we were to find a table
where we could settle. But, as Nigel pulled me gently by his hand, I discovered
that we were actually not joining with the others, mostly couples, who were
actually taking dinner there.

He kept on walking and I just kept up with him until he led me to a wide door. It
led us to an open-air balcony which also led to a narrow bridge.

Before we went to walk on the bridge, a waiter presented Nigel a bouquet of red
roses. Nigel, immediately, gave the flowers to me of which I gladly accepted.

Treading on the bridge with him, I noticed that its railings had lanterns hung in
them making the bridge glow amidst the darkness of the night. It was totally
breathtaking. What mesmerized me more was that, the bridge floor made of wood was
filled with red rose petals.

"This is very beautiful, Nigel," I muttered as we walked.

"This is my way of extending my congratulations to you, princess, for getting the

degree you've dreamed of and for making it at the top of the internship class," he
said as we held hands. "I'm so proud you're my girl."

"Thank you," I said, too overwhelmed, not only of the beauty of the place but of
the efforts he extended just to set this whole thing up.

Finally, we were at a small cottage in the middle of the lake. It had a pagoda-
structured roof, and if the bridge glowed brightly, this place was also lit with
lanterns around it. Spectacular --- that was the word that came into my head. In
the center of the wooden floor was a table set for two with three scented candles
on it. Just like the bridge, the cottage floor was also filled with rose petals.

"This is so beautiful," I said, totally mesmerized with everything, hugging him

through his waist with the roses still in my hand.

"I'd like to show you something," he expressed.

We separated from our embrace and he brought me to the side of the cottage, which
was made of wooden railings. There, on the water, was a group of floating flower
lanterns, glowing beautifully on the water in different colors. Not only that, the
lanterns were formed into an I love you where they were arranged as a line for the
big letter "I", a heart for the word "love", and a letter U for the word "you."

"I love you," Nigel said to my ear as he brought me again to a tight embrace.

I wasn't able to reply. I was totally speechless.

It was a dark night but everything around me was glowing. It felt so surreal.


Uniformed waiters came in the cottage and served as wine first. Then, our food

"This place is amazing... I didn't know there's a place here as beautiful as

this... H-How did you discover this place?" I asked as we ate.

"Just bought the restaurant," he said with a smile.

My jaw dropped. "You own the place!"

"We own the place," he corrected me.


"Originally, it's just the restaurant by the lake. But for this dinner, I had to
have this cottage built a week ago. I know you love watching the water in your
lagoon in The Fields when you're there, so I'm inspired by it. That's why, we are
literally taking dinner now surrounded by the water of this wonderful lake."

Swooning for the man sitting in front of me, I just stared at my Nigel Joaquin for
a minute or two.


He said the dinner wasn't the surprise gift that he actually prepared for me.

While riding in the car with him at the back seat, my mind wandered far and wide
just to figure out the surprise that he said he'd been working on for years
already. What could it be?

What had to be this gift that he had to devote years in its preparation?

After the wonderful dinner, since he wasn't driving tonight, Nigel instructed his
driver to go somewhere. Reaching the place, Nigel and I went into an unfamiliar
building. He was holding my hand from the car up to the the time that we rode on an
elevator until we reached a particular room.

"What's this place?"

Two people opened the door when we arrived.

"This is an art gallery," Nigel said pulling me in.

"Art gallery?"

Holding both of my hands now, he stopped and faced me. "This is part of the
surprise gift that I'm telling you."

Looking up at him, I couldn't quite get what he meant by a surprise in an art

gallery. Then, suddenly, it hit me.

"Painting exhibition?" I gasped excitedly.

He gave me a beautiful smile. "Yes, princess. For the first time in my years of
existence, on Friday night, this will be opened for a painting exhibition."

"Oh, my God!" I almost shrieked.

For the first time, I would be able to see his works!

"Then, finally, I'll see your paintings!" I said, almost jumping.

"Yes and it will be you who will see them first tonight," Nigel announced, giving
me again a pull of my hand, and finally we entered the art gallery.


His works were marvellous!

I roamed around the room and marvelled at the framed works hung on the walls.

Most of his works were inspired by nature... probably because of the abundance of
inspiration that The Fields had provided him since his younger days. The Fields was
a paradisiacal place that any nature artist would die to be...

They were all beautiful. Any affirmative adjective would never be enough for me to
describe each of the paintings displayed. For sure, his hands were a gift from God
and I was proud to be with a man so talented as he was!

There were a considerable number of pieces in the gallery. They were of different
sizes but of uniformed wooden, sophisticated frames.

"Beautiful... so beautiful, Nigel..." I kept on saying, tears falling from my eyes,

as he showcased me his works. "How many are they?"


"You do love nature. It's thoroughly displayed in all your works..."

"Because nature is The Fields. That's why, the theme of this art show is Undying
Beauty, referring to my beloved The Fields."

Oh! That explained it! Showcasing his works also meant showcasing his beloved
native place.

"And their frames are nice and elegant," I complimented. It was true. "But why are
they of the same style?"

"It's for signature of style, princess. The frame itself will separate me from
other artists."

"Oh, that is why..." I said, stopping on one particular painting. "This is so

beautiful..." I expressed, mouth gaping. I was looking at a particular painting
with a little cottage in the middle of the woods. It was entitled Sanctum as
displayed below it. "So... so... beautiful..."

Nigel, who was standing at my back, wrapped his arms around me. Both of us were
facing the painting on the wall.

"Is this from your imagination only?" I asked, still looking at the painting. I
actually thought most of his works were inspired by his native place. However, this
one particular masterpiece was something that I couldn't recognize.

"No... that place is actually found in The Fields," he answered, also looking at

"Really? But I haven't gone there. I've never seen this place."

"That's my Forest Garden," he told me.

"Wow..." That was the only word I said but, for seconds, I paused and became
speechless. So this was the place where he would usually stay in the Fields for
hours just to produce his artworks... It was his sanctum.

"All these paintings will be for sale starting Friday night, princess," Nigel said
to my ear, still hugging me from my back. "It will be the opening night of this

"For sale?" I said, turning my face to him.


Oh, if all of these paintings would be sold to collectors, then, he would, for
sure, earn millions from them.

"This is part of my surprise for you..."

Yeah, of course, seeing his works, was a humongous surprise. I had been dreaming to
see his works since I was a kid and, looking at each of them now, was a dream come


"Part of the surprise? But this is already too much, Nigel Joaquin," I said,
totally bewildered. Did he mean showing his art pieces wasn't the whole surprise?

"The establishment of the Sarmiento Foundation has already been finalized. I'd like
you to manage it," he whispered to my ear and the words were so naked in my ear
that I almost jumped.

Sarmiento Foundation?
"F-Foundation?" I hesitated, too afraid to say the word. I must be dreaming!

"Yup!" he answered, tightening his embrace of me from my back. "Isn't it your

dream? Well, I'd like you to know, future Mrs. Nigel Joaquin Sarmiento, you will be
managing the family foundation."

Oh, God! Of course, this had been my dream ever since! I wanted to help the needy
especially the orphans... Of course, I'd like to manage it! This has been really my
dream! I'd die just to have it!

I finally turned to him and tightly clang my arms around his neck. "Nigel
Joaquin... t-thank you... I... I don't know what to say..." I said, sobbing and
putting my cheek on his chest.

"The proceeds of this gallery's sales will be for the foundation. You may start
planning now whatever you'd like to do for the foundation."

Oh, no! I still couldn't believe it!

"Why are you doing this?" I asked him, still disbelieving. "Why are you doing
this?" I didn't anymore know what to say. Hence, I tend to repeat my words.

"I'd like you to live your dream, princess. I know ever since this is what you've
prayed for... to help... Besides, I'd like to help, too. Go ahead. Help... Help
those who need our help."

I even sobbed more. My man was willing to give me a charity center just for me to
live my dream... This was really too much.

"But I have a request..." he said solemnly.

Asking him with my eyes, I looked up to him.

Brushing the tears in my eyes with his thumbs, he said, "Please do something for
cancer patients as well... Please include that one as one of your services for the

Cancer patients?

Of course, Nigel cared for those who were afflicted by cancer because of Anita
Caroline, his little sister...

"Of course!" I cried out. "Of course! Of course!"

That night, with just the two of us, surrounded by his paintings hung on the wall,
I experienced the longest and sweetest kiss in my entire life.


I was the happiest and most grateful girl on earth. It was so unbelievable that,
finally, the man I ever dreamed of was already mine. He might be my heartbreaker in
the past but I was thankful that he was mine now. Mine alone.

The night ended with Nigel embracing me in bed... in his bedroom.


No. I was dreaming.

I was just probably dreaming.

I completely remembered the night before that I slept in his room. However, when
morning came and I opened my eyes, I was lying in my nightdress on a different bed
in a different room.

Totally different.

It was just when I opened my eyes, I immediately saw my face on the ceiling.

What? My face on the ceiling?

Trying to check whether I was just really dreaming, I rubbed my eyes. Yet, after
doing it, I found out there was really a portrait, a big portrait of me on the
whole ceiling... as in the whole ceiling.

Spell W-H-O-LE!

Where on earth was I?

I sat on the bed, which was clothed all in white, and let my eyes roam around me.

You wouldn't believe what I saw!

I couldn't even believe it myself!

I was surrounded with mural paintings of my face on the wall --- one big portrait
occupying the wall at my left, one at my right, and one at my front.

My faces on the walls surrounding the bed! Imagine how big they were! Plus the fact
that this room was actually twice bigger than Nigel's bedroom. Where was I?

Where on earth was I?

I jumped out of the bed. When my feet landed the floor, that was only the time that
I noticed the rose petals scattered everywhere the floor. Oh, my goodness! No
wonder why the room was filled with an exquisite scent. It was the roses.

Remembering the mural paintings, I paced slowly, with my knees shaking, nearer to
the portrait which actually occupied the whole wall just opposite of the bed's
foot. It was so big that I could even multiply my original facial size in a number
of times.

I went to that painting and touched it with my hand. It was indeed a mural. My
portrait was the paint of the wall itself! The spot that I touched was even just a
portion of my chin. I raised my head, looking up to the top portion, then moved my
eyes in circular motion going down and up again. Oh, my God! It was really my face
but a younger version of me.

Due to intense shock, I was about to fall to the floor with my shaking hands and
knees. I totally couldn't believe it!

"Althea," I heard Nigel's voice as he caught me with his arms.

In bridal style, Nigel carried me back to the bed as abundant tears kept falling
down my cheeks.
If he had several surprises to me, this was the ultimate surprise of all.

I didn't know when I was able to have enough strength to talk again.


"D-Don't you like the portraiture?" he asked, sitting beside me and leaning down on

My head was placed on a fluffy pillow and, still with me unbelieving, stared at his
handsome face.

"W-Where are we?" I asked curiously.

"My studio," he said directly.


"In the condo..."

Oh! So this was his painting studio located in between his room and the guest's.
This was the room where I usually sat down at its doorstep when I was just starting
to live with him here during my first year in the university. This was the room
that I wanted to come in. This was his private sanctum, the room where nobody was
allowed to enter.

And it contained my portraits.

"W-Why do I have pictures on the walls and even on the ceiling?" I asked,
bewildered with everything.

"These paintings are the evidences how crazy I am for you since years before. I
thought I would never show them to you or to anybody because I made a vow not to...
but I thought you need to know about this..."

"Since when did you start doing this?"

"These aren't only the paintings I have of you. I have several of them, princess."

"N-Nigel, t-this is just too much..." I expressed, not knowing whether to cry or

"When Annie died, I stopped painting... but when you arrived at the palacio, there
was that urge again. Every time I saw your beautiful eyes, there was that desire to
have them to be painted... so, one day, I painted you, and that was my first
painting after Annie died... and then, that started it... I often found myself lost
in my own little world with you in my mind. I was crazy...

I sat up and looked at the portraits surrounding me. "No wonder I have a younger
version of me here," I said looking at the portrait in front of me. "It's because
you've been painting me since before..." I couldn't help myself but felt proud on
this kind of devotion that I just discovered.

Nigel stared at my eyes. "Yeah... you are actually the reason that I went back to
paint... I thought I wouldn't anymore... until you came... You became my subject,
my painting addiction, my muse... until I wasn't satisfied anymore with painting
you on canvases. I had to make something bigger. One day, in my irritation, I threw
paints on the wall... on that wall..." He pointed the wall just opposite of the bed
"W-when was that?"

"Remember the time when you stole me a kiss?"


"Had a memory gap already?"

"I can't recall..."

"There was a time when I just arrived from travel... I sat on a chair and you came
to massage my head... then, suddenly, you stole me a kiss on my forehead..."

Oh, yeah... that one. I was just new to the condo back then. If I would recall, he
got really irritated with me because of that kiss.

"I wasn't able to rest after it. I was supposed to take a rest at that time but
your kiss lingered on my skin. Not knowing what to do, I went into the studio and I
threw paints on the wall. Next thing I did, I was already painting you in there...
And that started it all... After that portrait, I made the one in our left, then
next the one in the right. Finally, the one on the ceiling. It took me months, even
years, to complete all of them because I have to make them perfect."

If you would see humongous portaits on walls and each one of them was yours, how
would you react? For me, it was a feeling where I thought I stopped breathing...
All positive adjectives weren't enough to actually describe how I felt.

"H-How did you do all of these?" I asked, gasping hard and almost choking. "I never
posed even once for you..."

Nigel cupped my cheek. "I've had several pictures of you in my phone, the ones mom
sent... but most of them, they were done through my memory... As I said, your face
haunted me. Even if I'd close my eyes, I'd still see you. I was crazy, Althea...
And it wasn't easy doing all of these... I had to use several ladders just to
complete all of these... especially the one on the ceiling. It was quite a stunt.
If you could see how I did it, you might think I was really crazy."

I reached out for his neck and embraced him hard.

He had already proven himself too much... What more could I ask for?

"I love you so much, Nigel. This has been too much already. I... I think... I

Nigel looked at me lovingly. "You think what?"

"I think, I'm going to faint now..."

"W-What?" he asked, turning worried. "Please, don't kid me, princess..."

"I'm really almost fainting... Please... just let me... faint..."



What was that, princess? Late reaction? Haha!

Anyway, guys, hope you liked this chapter... and don't forget to VOTE, COMMENT, and

I'll be posting something in this book after this chapter.

Hey, please also check out my other book "Why Can't It Just Be You?" and tell me
what you think. I'll also be updating it today.

Thank you all!

Have a wonderful day!

(sapphiregirl22) ~_^

Obviously, this is NOT a chapter update.

Just sharing something to you... Yep, yep! The one below! I was thinking that you
might just want to watch it...

Enjoy, world!


I want to thank MYSELF for this! Hahaha! Just an amateur video from an amateur


Thanks for your time!!!

(sapphiregirl22) ~_^

Chapter 54 - Question and Answer



I did not faint.


Almost... like I would stop breathing...

Nigel, truly anxious of my condition, didn't know what to do to energize me... so

he kissed me instead.

Just like magic, it brought me back to life.


I learned that at the back of the bed's head, it was the area where he would draw
and paint. That area contained paintings... paintings on canvases of any sort...
and painting materials on cabinets and some were scattered on the floor.

There were two doors found in that area. One led to a gym where he spent working
out and where the door to the hallway was found. The other led to a bar where he
said he'd spent when he wanted a drink. I learned eventually that apart from
painting on a Sunday, he also worked out... No wonder he had those rocks in his

Given a tour of the place, I also learned that this studio combined with his gym,
with all the gym facilities, and bar, with all his stock of wine of all sorts, was
the biggest space in the unit and actually occupied almost half of his condo.
Truly, this was his man cave.

I learned that the studio was the main reason why he couldn't give up this condo,
especially the area where my mural portraits were found.

Would you believe it? I stayed here for like a year before and I didn't know there
was this place. It looked like a small space when you were in the hallway but when
you entered it, it was definitely a numerous size with three different rooms.

"This place was off-limits. Suzana isn't even allowed to come here. How do you
manage to keep this neat and clean?" I asked him after seeing the whole area.

"Suzana is allowed at the gym and the bar... but here, this particular space where
I paint... no..."

"So, who does the cleaning?"

"I clean it myself," he answered, smiling.

Oh, I couldn't imagine a man as muscular as him and CEO of the Sarmiento
Corporation was doing some stuffs like wiping, dusting, or vacuuming the whole

"You are really a weird man," I remarked, "really the weirdest man I know."

He grinned and swept me off my feet and carried me back to the white bed.

"And you also have a bed here!" I exclaimed when he was placing me back on it. "Do
you sleep here?"

"Most of my nights..." he said, sitting on my side. "This is the perfect place to

sleep... you know, with your portraits surrounding me." He winked and I blushed.

Really a weird man... weird... so weird...

Sleeping with my portraits all around him?

And what was with the rose petals on the floor?

"Did you also do that?" I asked, pointing to the petals.

He smiled. "Got nothing to do while you were sleeping... You slept so soundly..."

"And you also carried me here from your bedroom?"

"That was the best part..." he grinned widely. "My princess sleeping so soundly in
my arms..."
I couldn't help but smile at him. Nigel was really a man of unpredictability... and

"Now, let's do something entertaining," he said as he held my hand.

"Like what?" I asked with my back resting on the headboard just like him.

"Let's do a Q and A stuff," he said.

"Q and A?"

"I know there are still things that we want to know about each other. So, let's ask
three questions alternately to each other and let's answer each one of them
honestly. You ask me three things that you haven't asked me yet and I'll answer
them one by one and vice versa." Nigel entertwined our fingers.

"Sounds fun..." I muttered. "So... who's gonna ask first?"

"You first," he said. "I'm giving you the privilege to shoot the first question and
you give me the privilege to ask the last question."

"Okay," I agreed and started to think of my first question.


"I remembered you said during my birthday that you can never forget that date
because it's the date that always made you go running back to The Fields... Is it
true? Did you really purposely go home during my seventeenth and eighteenth
birthday just to see me?" I began.

"Yes. I don't know why but your birthday always fell on a very busy day for me...
but, thinking of you and imagining how beautiful you've become each year, I
couldn't help myself but leave my work in spite of my tight schedule and drive late
to the province... yeah, just to see you... on your birthday..."

I rolled my eyes at him. "Yet, you never greeted me. What I remembered instead is
you always insult me during that important day of my life."

"Yeah... I wasn't supposed to do that but you always had the best way of making me
jealous during your birthdays."


I narrowed my eyes. Did I make him jealous during my birthdays?

"Really, Nigel Joaquin?"

He just smiled at me.

"Here's my first question, princess," he said. "You knew already that I have been a
jealous brute since before. Do you know when was the first time that I ever got
jealous of a guy?"

"During my acquaintance party at St. Louis? You got jealous of my date. I forgot
the name of the guy."

"Nope... "
"But you said you got jealous at that time."

"Yup... yeah, I mean, I got jealous of that guy but it wasn't my first."

"Oh, no! So when was it? I can't tell when. Oh, my God! I can't answer it. You're
so unfair. I am supposed to know the answer for that..." I muttered, complaining.

"I'll answer it for you."

"Okay, go ahead," I said.

"During your seventeenth birthday," he said immediately.

I widened my eyes at him.

"I had been to an emotional battle since I left The Fields..." he explained. "I
tried to forget you when I was in the university. You were thirteen when I left.
After four years, I realized I got really this great, great crush on that little
girl that I left in the palacio. During your seventeenth birthday, I realized I
needed to see you again personally because I had been missing you so much. So, I
went home. Sad to say, on my way to the palacio, I saw you with some guy in the
dark roadside. It was the first time ever that I felt there was a stab in my

"Huh? Really? Some guy?"

"The gardener's son... whom I learned to be Diego and, later, became mom's driver."


"He was the first boy I ever got jealous with, princess. I swear, I got a terrible
jealousy on that guy."

"Oh, my God! He was just a friend to me," I quipped.

"But I know when a guy feels something for a girl. I could tell that while I was
admiring you silently, he also had secret feelings for you."

I surrendered, "Yeah... he did have a crush on me. But now, he's already gotten
over me. He loves Elena now and they're happy."

"Yup, I know, princess."


This endearment...

"Okay, here's my second question, Nigel Joaquin."

"Okay, hit it."

"Why do you call me princess? You said to me before, it's something that has just
become a habit... Just tell me why it becomes my nickname..."

Nigel became silent for like a minute after that.

"Is it a difficult question?" I said, wondering, when he wasn't speaking.

"Once when I was a kid," he said afterwards, "I heard about the tale of a
beautiful princess who slept after she got pricked by some sharp object and the
only thing that could make her wake up is a true love's kiss."

"Sleeping Beauty," I said. "I first heard it from my mama. It's my favorite fairy

"Really? Because I also heard it first from your mama. She always told Annie and me
a fairy tale before tucking us both to bed every time mom and dad weren't around,"
Nigel divulged.

"Really?" I said, turning my face to him.

Nigel also turned to face me. "When I was eighteen, I saw this very beautiful girl
lying on a blanket that was laid out on the ground of her private place at home.
She just turned thirteen that day. I wasn't supposed to go after her but, for
years, I had been so intrigued with what she always did in that place by the
lagoon... so I followed her. Then, I saw her sleeping there," Nigel began his
story, playing the corner of my eyes with his fingers.

Of course, I knew the girl he meant... because I still could remember that day.
That was the day that he finally conversed with me...

"While looking at her, closing her eyes and sleeping there on the ground, I
recalled the story of Sleeping Beauty because I actually felt at that very moment
that I saw the real Sleeping Beauty. She really looked like a real princess. At
that time, though she was still very young, I felt so guilty of wanting to kiss
her. When she opened her eyes, my tongue slipped and called her princess. Since
then, it has become a habit."


I opened my mouth to say something but words wouldn't come out.

"You are my princess, Althea," he concluded and kissed my forehead.

There, just like that, my tears fell down. I was really a cry-baby. Please, nobody
should snatch this moment away from me. Let me cry, please.

"Have I answered your question?" he asked as he scraped the tears in my cheeks with
his fingers. "Okay, stop crying now. This was supposed to be fun."

I nodded my head and pressed my lips together. "O-Okay, your turn now to ask."

"When did you first feel that you love me?" he posed his second question.

I paused and asked myself.

When did I realize it?

"I first felt my admiration on you the first time I saw you. You were in the
library at that time. I was still eight but I already got a crush on you. I
couldn't recall when exactly was the time that I realized my love for you. My
feelings just got stronger and stronger everyday until one day, on my thirteenth
birthday, I realized that there was nothing I'd like to have but you as my husband.
Thus, I went to mom and begged to her that I'd like to be your wife in the future."

"And I spoiled it all..." he added, "by being mean to you."

"Forget it. Everything's forgiven," I quipped.

He then brought his face closer to me and we shared a kiss.

"Your question now... last, by the way," he said later.

"Great that we have this discussion, Nigel Joaquin, so I can finally ask you this,"
I began. Gosh, this was going to be the most difficult question that I ever would
ask someone.

"Okay, what is it? I'm prepared to answer all questions from you."

Suddenly, I felt the heat in my cheeks. Was I really ready to ask this?

"Come on..." he persuaded me.

"D-During the acquaintance party at St. Louis, I got drunk..."

"Uh-huh... and?"

"A-And Suzana told me that it was you who changed my clothes," I stated, not giving
him an eye contact. "Is it true? Was it you?"

He didn't speak, so I looked at him.

He was playfully grinning at me.

"Hey, answer me..." I said, really shy of the question but at the same time having
that urge to know the truth.

"Yes, princess. I was the one."

I covered my face with my palms. "Oh, so shameful!"

He reached out for my neck and brought me to his chest. "You really are just like a

"You took advantage of me then," I complained.

"I didn't. I had no choice but to do it myself. You were so drunk and so drowned in
your sleep and you were wet all over because you vomited. I really needed to change

Oh, talking about my most embarrassing experience!

"Okay. Okay. Okay," I said.

"If I had taken advantage of you, that night would have been your first..." he
whispered to my ear.

Oh, no! I blushed even more.

"But I'm not so much of a jerk. I had an enormous amount of self-restraint," he

said, chuckling.

"Oh, my God! I couldn't just imagine how you did it."

"Trust me, you don't wanna know how I did it."

Oh, and he was back being a brute again.

He enveloped me in his arms tightly. "You received a kiss from me that time, but
just in your cheek. Here... this portion here," he said and, then, kissed my left

I groaned. "Okay, I don't want to know anymore how you did it. I might not be able
to bear your narration and I might get a feeling of fainting again," I joked.

"Yeah, just be satisfied of the fact that it was I who did it... but, yeah, I
wasn't used to doing that... especially to a girl... to a very attractive girl... I
think, I blushed a great deal while doing it."

Hugging him in return, I smiled and blushed, too.

"It's a great experience..." he said.

"Jerk," I said.

"It is... absolutely... You know why? Because I made a masterpiece out of that..."

Confused, I pulled away from him. "Masterpiece?"

"Yup, masterpiece."

What? Did he... did he?

"Did you draw me in that state, Nigel Joaquin? Did you?" I cried out, almost
jumping my ass on the bed.

He grinned at me and placed both of his hands at the back of his head while he
leaned at the headboard. He looked amused watching me.

"Oh, my God! Answer me, Nigel Joaquin? Did you?"

"But, I don't need it anymore. I have the real thing on my bed now," he said
sexily, scrutinizing my body under my transparent night dress with his teasing

Horny, Nigel! From the looks of it, he had really a nude painting of me.

"I swear I'm going to kill you if you have it!" I knelt on the bed now. I really
thought I was going to faint again.

He was just smiling beautifully at me.

He was really unfair! While I felt like dying, there he was acting like nothing was
the matter and even looking very pleased!

"I'm going to cry now," I challenged him.

He still looked like he didn't care. Instead, he moved and took something from the
drawer of the bedside table.

"What's that?" I said when I saw something like a remote control.

"Another secret that you need to know."

"What secret? Why do you have a lot of secrets?"

The mind of this artist was really freaky and creepy and weird I couldn't
understand him!

"Come here, princess. I'll show you something," he said, signalling a hand to me to
come closer to him.

"No... not until you tell me if you indeed have a nude painting of me!" I said very

"I'm going to answer you now so come here, sit by my side. Come here. Come on," he
said softly now. His voice was really so soft that I couldn't help but do what he
said. I moved to him and, immediately, he caught my waistline with his right arm.

"That's it. That's very good, my princess." Then, with his left hand, he showed the
stuff to me.

"Remote control?" I asked.

"Yup... and this is the key to my best masterpiece," he said with a weird tone.
"You ready?"

I neither answer him with a Yes nor nod at him. I just looked at him in disbelief.

He grinned again. "There, see!" he said to me, pointing to the foot of the bed, as
he hit a button.

Right in an instant, a big screen... like a TV monitor... from nowhere about as

wide as the bed, probably from the floor, came out at the foot of the bed and
raised high and higher until it just levelled our faces.

"Screen? Where the hell does it come from?"

"You ask too much. Just watch and learn..." Hitting another button, a painting
appeared in the screen... not just a painting... but a NUDE painting indeed... of

I decided it was time for me to faint for real... but I didn't.

I brushed my eyes with my hand and stared at it hard. It was really me inside the
big screen, with my body that was all naked...

"T-That's beautiful..." I uttered.

The lovely face. The perfect curves. The beautiful color of the skin. The amazing
interpretation of the breasts. The appealing triangular shape in between the thighs
that was slightly covered as one of both legs made a slanting line, crossing the

"That's beautiful... Is that really me?"

"Just my interpretation of you... but, of course, the real thing is a hundred times
better," he said, hugging me.

I was truly amazed at how it appeared. It didn't look obscene. It was just

"Is that really the original painting behind the monitor?"

"No, just a replica of the original one."

"Where is the original painting then?"

"At my room in the palacio."

"What? Did you hang it on your wall?"

"Of course not. It's there in one of my cabinets together with my other paintings
of you."

I stared at the screen again. I couldn't imagine how he did all of these drawings
of me.

"You are truly gifted," I stated, turning to him.

He just winked at me.

"But why on earth did you place it there at your bed's foot?"

"It's just the most convenient place where I could see you when I want to rest and
just want to sit here on the bed. When you left and you were gone to the South, I
always promised myself as I stared at that screen that I would do all my best just
to have you back," he said, kissing my forehead. "Thank you for coming back to my
life, Althea. Thank you very much."

I closed my eyes... and just felt him hugging me.

"Okay, my turn this time," he said, his voice turned huskier.


"Have you forgotten I still have one remaining question?"

"Oh, yeah, sorry I forgot. That nude painting in there just made me forget
everything! Look how it affects me!"

"That nude painting in there just affects me more," he said, gulping something in
his throat.

I smiled at him. "Okay, shoot!" I exclaimed. "That's going to be your last


"I know... and this is my privilege..."

I stared at him. "Yeah, so make it good," I said, kidding him. "Be sure that it's
something that I can answer."

He gulped again and his adam's apple moved in his throat.

"I have already divulged to you all my secrets, especially these murals in this
room and, of course, the nude painting in the screen. I guess, I've already shown
to you everything about me and, I guess, we've already cleared a lot of things in
the past," he said, then he paused.

He paused for about ten seconds... as if he was thinking of words to say.

Nigel clasped my left hand and squeezed it with his. I waited for him to continue
talking. He released me slowly and he stood up.
Where was he going?

He went to the other side of the bed, at my right. He reached out for me and I
moved closer to him. I was sitting on the side of the bed now. He was standing in
front of me and was reaching out to hold my left hand.

"It's been years since we got engaged..." he started, "and in all those years, the
engagement has never been official..."


Why was there a nervous skipping of my heart? What was he going to ask?

"Althea, I want everything to be official now. I want to claim and possess you as
mine alone. I was supposed to do this years before but everything has to be done at
the right time. For me, this is the right time for me to ask you this... and,
knowing that you're not comfortable with too much exposure, I really planned this
to be private, just the two of us... here in my man cave..."

Nigel smiled and knelt down a knee on the floor with rose petals.

Bending down his knee?

"Nigel..." I muttered his name nervously.

With a quick movement, he got a velvety red box from his shorts' pocket. He made a
quick jerk of a finger and the box opened. Inside of it was the most jaw-droppingly
beautiful and most expensive-looking diamond engagement ring I had ever seen in my
whole life! There was a big oval shaped diamond stone in the middle with tiny
stones of glittering diamonds surrounding it. Wow!

I clasped my mouth with my right hand as I heard Nigel popped his question.

"My princess, Althea Molina Ruiz, I want to settle down now with you. Marry me,
please. Will you?"

What would you do when the man of your dreams popped the question finally?

With my portraiture on the walls and on the ceiling, with my nude painting at the
bed's foot, with the rose petals on the floor, with the shining diamond ring in the
box, and with the man of my dreams kneeling down for me, what else should I say?

"Of course, Nigelito Joaquin Saavedra Sarmiento, yes, I will marry you!" I
exclaimed, bursting tears of joy as I hugged him.



Okay, done with the proposal. Finally. But it's not the end yet... There is still
something more and you're not going to like it!!!


Anyway, if you liked this chapter, here's the magic words: VOTE, COMMENT, SHARE! If
you will, I certainly will appreciate it! Thank you so much!

Please read WHY CAN'T IT JUST BE YOU? if you haven't still.

(sapphiregirl22) ~_^

Chapter 55 - Sour
~~~ CHAPTER 55 - SOUR ~~~

"What?" I exclaimed shockingly.

I was just done cooking for our dinner when Nigel arrived from work. Immediately,
he told me that his PI had already forwarded his findings about Dylan and Maria
Stella. Facing each other and clasping our hands, we sat on stools beside the
kitchen island.

"Yes, they're just not friends. They've been in a relationship for years," Nigel
repeated like he also couldn't believe it.

I bit my bottom lip. What was I going to say?

"Obviously, they had really connived to get revenge from me... and the mission is
to ruin you first, then me," he said gripping my hands harder, "The initial plan
was to destroy me, then the company... but when you started to live with me here,
they started to do research on who you are in my life. They learned you're my
fiancée... and they diverted their plan. You became the subject of their interest,

Oh, my God!

Trembling, I began to feel fear. Terrible fear.

"But Dylan has gone mental..." Nigel continued.


"Yes, he's gone crazy. Three years ago, when I learned that he'd started to copy
his father's acts and that he'd planned to work in the Corp after his graduation, I
had him banned in the Corporate Building. Now that I learn that he has some
psychological problems, Althea, it only convinces me more that I did the right
thing. I didn't know he's been to a mental institution... and now, it looks like he
has it again..."

"What? No wonder he appeared to be insane when I last saw him... it was because he
was really insane... and he was roaming around the city in that state!"


"But we have nothing to worry now, princess. He's been confined now back to mental
hospital. You're safe now... so stop worrying about Fernandez. I was supposed to
have my lawyer take care of the legal action against him for assaulting you in the
bar just few weeks ago..."
Oh! Dylan Fernandez was mentally ill. How sad...

"But he is already in an asylum... I don't think you still need to do that," I


"Yeah, yeah... that was actually what I thought. Let's just let the institution
take care of him..."

"It's so unbelievable, Nigel," I commented, shaking my head, "He had become a

friend of mine and, in those times, he appeared sane. He even graduated from St.
Louis. He was intelligent."

"Yeah... It's really unbelievable, princess."


Nigel and I decided to deal on the bright side of life. It was a Friday the next
day and, to prepare for the opening night of the painting exhibition, he
accompanied me to shopping for a dress and accessories.

"Aren't you needed in the office or in the art gallery today?" I asked him as we
held hands, entering a designer store.

"My men can take care of tomorrow night's event, princess. Anyway, advertisements,
invitations, and all other things related to the exhibit are already taken cared

"That's cool," I said excitedly. "And, by the way, I'm so excited that mom's coming
tonight. Do you know that I haven't told her of the proposal yet?"

"And why is that?" he asked.

Uniformed ladies welcomed us to the store and started entertaining us.

"We're looking for a pair of shoes," I said.

"Yes, ma'am, this way," the lady said, giggling while catching a glimpse of my
Nigel Joaquin. The other girls also blushed as they looked at him.

"They've got a crush on you," I whispered, elbowing his side.

The brute smirked and put his left arm around my shouders. "Show them your ring
then," he suggested, joking.

We followed the lady and he remembered our previous topic. "Why didn't you tell

"I just want to surprise our mom. Tonight, I'll tell her."

"Actually, there's no need for you to tell her," he said.


"She already knows... even before I proposed to you..."


We reached the shoe displays and the saleslady turned to us.

Nigel got his arms off my shoulders and held my left hand. The lady was supposed to
say something but refrained when she saw the PDA Nigel was doing with me.

"While we were in the South, attending your graduation, I told her that I'm going
to propose to you," he said, kissing my hand.

"Oh, mom! She didn't tell me!" I said, very surprised.

"She's even frantic right now, you know. She's starting to contact a wedding
planner and I told her she doesn't have to get herself very thrilled. She needs to
be careful because of her condition. You have to advise her tonight, princess. I
think, she listens to you more than me."

Oh, I could tell mom was very happy right now. But, yes, I agreed with Nigel. Mom
had to take everything easy.


Truly, when mom and I saw each other when she arrived that night, the first thing
that she asked was to see my hand. When she saw my ring, she hugged me tightly and
she cried. Gosh, I was really like her and she was just like me. We really loved to
cry. There was no wonder why we clicked.

Then, I did what Nigel told me. I advised her to just take it easy. She had nothing
to worry on the wedding preparations because Nigel and I could take care of it.

"But I'd like to have lavenders in the wedding, darling," she said.

I hugged her. "Of course, mom, we'll have lavenders."

"And lots, lots of my flowers, okay?"

"Of course, mom!"

"Okay. You may take care of the preparations now," she advised me.

She really couldn't wait for it...


The opening night of the painting exhibition came. Mommy Carol, of course, attended
the very important event.

I didn't expect how glorious and superb it had become. Painting collectors,
celebrities, media men attended. There were serving of beverages such as champagne,
wine and non-alcoholic choices, and offering of finger food on a buffet. There were
friendly conversations among the guests. There was also music that was played at a
low level. There were picture takings for the daily papers, interviews for TV
shows, and bidding of Nigel's most valued pieces. It was a splendid night.

All through the night, Nigel didn't separate from me. He was holding my hand all
the time and telling people, even the media, of our upcoming wedding. Photographers
even tried their best to get a good angle of my ring in my hand.

Camera click here, camera click there.

Once again, I was brought to Nigel's real world. He was really famous and there was
nothing I could do about it. The public would always want to know his private life.
One journalist even commented that with Nigel's announcement of our upcoming
wedding, he definitely broke a lot of girls' hearts.

He's a heartbreaker after all... but not heartless... I said to myself.

The exhibits received positive reviews. All the guests marvelled at his works just
like how I marvelled at them. I couldn't exactly gauge how proud I was of the man
who was the star of the night. Once again, I came to ask to myself what goodness I
had made to the world to deserve a man like him.


"I'm sorry I'll come home late tonight, princess. Something came up in the office
that I have to immediately respond. Please, just tell Suzana to stay tonight,"
Nigel told me in the phone. It was six in the evening on a Tuesday night and it was
supposedly time for him to arrive at the condo.

"It's okay, Nigel Joaquin. I'll just find anything that will please me while
waiting for you," I replied.

"No... just take a rest. Don't stay up late just to wait for me, okay?"

"O-Okay," I agreed even if I wasn't sure if I could sleep while he wasn't around.


While Suzana was cooking for dinner, I decided to go out to buy for some fruits. I
didn't know why but I felt like I was craving for something I couldn't exactly tell
what food I wanted to take in. I just felt some weird palpitations in my upper

"But we have fruits in the pantry, señorita," Suzana told me before I went out.

"Do we have green mangoes or anything sour?" I inquired.

"Sour?" she asked, wondering. "I don't think we have something sour..."

"Then, I really need to buy something, Suzana."

She looked at me with a weird expression.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" I asked, wanting to know why she had that
weird expression on her face.

"Why do you want to eat something sour?" she retorted back.

"I... I don't know. Just feel some weird sensation in my tummy... like... like I
want to eat something sour..."

Her eyes widened but she just refrained from telling me what was on her mind. "I'll
just buy it for you after I'm done cooking, señorita," she said instead.

"No, don't bother. I can manage, Suzana," I said as I headed to the door.


I went to the grocery store located at the first floor of the condominium building.
Seeing the green mangoes on display, my saliva started to be activated. I wetted my
lips and started to get some pieces of it and placed in the grocery basket.
I really felt so weird today, starting from the time that I woke up, like there
were some activities in my stomach that I couldn't quite describe even to myself. I
felt a burning sensation inside me from the bottom of my breastbone up to my lower
throat. I felt some kind of acid in my throat and my mouth which gave me some sour
or bitter taste that I wanted to throw up.

Throw up?


Could it be... a heartburn?

Though I tasted something sour inside my mouth, I couldn't understand why I still
craved for the green mangoes.

Then, I thought of a yoghurt. Yeah, perhaps I could have some yoghurt, too.

I was so occupied in my thoughts when my basket hit some guy at my side just as I
was about to find some yoghurt.

"I'm sorry..." I said and took a step to my left to give him a way. However, as I
did it, the guy grasp my arm.

I looked up to him and I saw the very last guy I expected to see in the grocery.

"Hello, Thea," he said, grinning devilishly at me.

"D-Dylan..." I stuttered, looking at the guy who wore a hooded coat.

Right there and then, I was in panic mode!

How could I not panic? Dylan Fernandez was psychologically incapacitated!

"Great! You still recognize me," he quipped, tightening his hold of my arm.

"Why are you here? You are supposed to be in the asylum!" I said, remembering what
Nigel told me.

He chuckled. "People in there are all stupid... and I'm not."


"I'm here... so obviously, I'm not there. Why are they pushing me in there when I
don't belong there?"


He'd gone out of the asylum? This soon?

How? Was he cured already?

"H-How did you---"

"Escape?" he caught up.

What? Escape?

Was it even possible?

"Did... Did... you escape?" I stammered, fumbling for words.

A smile flickered across Dylan's face. That smile reminded me of the Dylan that I
used to know in the past. I swore, as I looked at him right now, he seemed to be
having a sound mind.

However, in just a wink of an eye, that expression in his face changed abruptly.
From a pleasant smile, he showed me again that devilish grin.

"To break away is easy... but to find someone is hard..."


"But now that I found you..."

What? Was he searching for me?


It was indeed a moment to panic! I felt immediately the cold sweat in some areas of
my body. My heart raced frantically.

With the presence of several people in the store, I knew I could be safe.

"O-Okay... g-great to see you, Dylan," I tried to get along with him, knowing that
he was not quite right in his mind. I had to try my best not to provoke him or else
he might do something violent right now. "I... I need to go now... Excuse me..."

"No, you aren't going anywhere without me," he informed me and that again lose my
control. It looked like this madman had been planning something stupid to me.

Oh, God! I needed to do something now!

"H---" Before I could shout the word 'Help', a handkerchief was pressed to my nose.
In just a wink of an eye, everything around me went black...



So, that scene up there is the real creepy thing... What now?

I don't know.

For the meantime, just VOTE, COMMENT, and SHARE!

By the way, please watch the trailer attached here. It's for my other book WHY


Thank you, guys! Have a nice day!!!

(sapphiregirl22) ~_^

Chapter 56 - The Ring

*Violent Scene Ahead*

~~~ CHAPTER 56 - THE RING ~~~

I opened my eyes and I was in an unfamiliar room. With my whole back pressed to the
surface of the bed, I had my eyes fixed on the ceiling. Suddenly, it dawned on me
that both of my legs and both of my arms were tied with ropes to each of the posts
in each corner of the bed that it was absolutely impossible for me to escape. My
mouth was also tied up with something so tight to my skin which I presumed a duct

Where was I?

I twisted and turned my head from left to right and vice versa. I noticed that
nothing was in the room except for the bed where I was lying down and the tiny
table in one corner. The place was definitely an old room with a faded yellow

Where the heck was I? God, where was I?

No, Nigel must have been looking for me now! I needed to get out of here!

Oh, please, God! Just let this be a nightmare! Just let me wake up and discover
that everything was just a nightmare!

What happened? Why was I in this room?

Then, my brain did remember my encounter with Dylan Fernandez. Oh, no!

Nigel! Nigel, I need you! My mind screamed.

By and by, the door creaked open and in came the man who obviously abducted me and
put me in this situation!

Just as who I expected, it was Dylan, who was in black tank top now. "How are you?
You slept well," he said very calmly. He was giving me that serious look and it
felt so terrible to be gazed by a pyscho. Though he tried himself to look calm,
still I couldn't disregard his bulging eyes penetrating through me.

What? I slept. Oh, my God! I did sleep. How did I sleep? I remembered I was in the
grocery store when I saw him. How did he get me out of there?

What did you do to me? I wanted to ask but I couldn't due to the hindrance of the
duct tape covering my mouth. Tears started to roll down the sides of my face like
waterfalls. I was trembling terribly.

My mouth started to hurt now, even my arms and legs that were tied with rope.

Looking up at Dylan, I sensed that there was no need to ask whether he was sane or
not. It was obvious. He really was not sane.

Suddenly, he showed me something as he sat at my side.

A knife.

A knife with a blade that glittered against the light of the room.

Then, I remembered, it was probably the middle of the night now. Had Nigel arrived
the condo already? Had he learned that I wasn't around?

What was I going to do now? As I thought of my horrible, desperate state, tears

didn't stop falling from my eyes.

"You know what I want to do with you?" The madman placed the tip of that sharp
object against my neck.

I closed my eyes and trembled in panic. Would this be my end? Would he kill me? Was
he really capable of doing it?

"Your Nigel Sarmiento ruined my family and I won't rest until I ruined him and all
those around him... I will kill you..." he said in a whisper bending his face
nearer to mine, "just like how he killed my father."

Oh, God, please! He really intended to kill me.

He didn't kill your father! I wanted to shout at him as I opened again my eyes.
Your father killed himself! He killed himself because of shame for betraying the
Sarmiento Corporation! Why can't you understand it?

Dylan smiled at me in a devilish way while he pressed more the sharp portion of the
knife in my throat. I stretched my throat out and controlled myself not to move
even a bit for I was aware that one wrong move that I would make, I would have my
throat cut.

Dylan's face was sweating this time, even his arms, and probably his whole body. It
was because the room was too hot. There was no aircon or even a fan in there. I
felt I was sweating, too, a lot. With the stressful situation, it wasn't
questionable why sweat and tears just kept on coming out from me.

"But before I do that, let's have a game first, Thea Ruiz," he whispered again and
it caused goosebumps everywhere my body.

Game? What kind of game? What was he going to do?

He finally pulled out the knife from my throat and I was back to breathing again.

"You've always been a delicious treat... I want to taste you," he said.

I jerked when he placed the tip of the knife under my blouse in my stomach. For a
second, I thought he was going to thrust it there in my belly. I closed again my
eyes. I felt like I was passing out any moment from now.

Then, unexpectedly, with the use of his sharp weapon, he ripped open my blouse all
the way from the bottom to the top of it. However, ripping my blouse completely
open was in vain because my neckline was hard enough to tear. In irritation, Dylan
settled on top of me, cornering my body with his knees and legs. Putting the knife
on my side, he ripped open the neckline with his bare hands.

I moaned out now. He couldn't do this to me! No!

He held the sides of my face with his hands as he bent his face to me. "I really
come to find you... I've been searching for you everywhere."

He moved on top of me and brought his mouth close to my face. His breathing reached
my nose and I almost died of the disgusting smell coming from his mouth.

Oh, filthy Dylan!

Then, he pressed his lips to my left eye, kissed and licked it that I wanted to
throw up.

Please, God, send someone to save me tonight. Please, send someone! Send my Nigel!
Let him know that I was kidnapped and about to be raped now! Let him find me!

Could my Nigel do it?

Would it be possible for him to do it?

Sensing the impossibility of my expectation, I cried even more.

Nigel wasn't God and he didn't have some kind of power! And even if he indeed was
searching for me now, there was no way that he would ever find me because even
myself, I didn't f-cking knew where the hell I was!

Dylan was indeed insane... because he was insanely kissing all parts of my face
leaving his disgusting, sticky saliva on my skin. He appeared like a mad dog and I
loathed him like hell!

I was at least a bit thankful of the tape covering my mouth because if I didn't
have it, he probably had kissed my mouth as well. If he would do that, I'd
definitely spit his face.

Dylan, this time, didn't cease his kissing and licking of my skin. I found his
mouth travelling now to my neck. When he reached the portion of my cleavage, he
seemed annoyed of the presence of my bra.

No! He really was doing it to me now! Dylan would force himself to me!

He had a grip of the knife again and, laughing this time, show the blade near my
eyes. I moaned at the sight of the glittering blade.

"Nigel Sarmiento, I'm coming after you! I'm coming after you. I'm going to cut your
throat. I'm going to kill you!" he said loudly as he looked at my eyes.

Oh, no! He was thinking that I was Nigel this time!

"Finally, dad was gonna get his revenge! You're finally gonna have your revenge,
dad! This is it, dad!"

Truly trembling now, I just had to lift everything up to God. If he was going to
kill me now, I prayed that Nigel and mom and all other people who loved me would
not have a hard time accepting.

But, I cried even more thinking of Nigel. If he would lose me, I didn't think he
would accept it so soon. The loss of his sister was too much for him and it took
him years to finally moved on from it. If he would lose me, perhaps, he wouldn't
ever move on from it...

All the beautiful moments we had lately appeared in my mind. His love and devotion
for me were so strong and powerful that I believed he would even die for me! If he
would lose me, I couldn't imagine what he was capable of doing to himself!

"You f-cking son-of-a-b----!" Dylan shouted and held his head with both of his
hands. His loud voice reverberated and echoed the whole room. "I got it, dad! I got
it, dad!" he shouted, closing his eyes!
What was wrong with him?

"I got him now, dad! Got him finally! Mom will finally be happy for us! She will
finally be happy for you and for me! Finally, she will be proud of me!"

God! Dylan! Where was the former angelic Dylan that I knew? What exactly happened
to you? I wanted to ask him.

Trying to find an escape, especially this time that he seemed to be lost for a
while, I tugged my hands. I pulled both of them from each corner of the bed where
each of them was tied. I tugged and pulled but I couldn't really make it! The tie
was so tightly done.

When he noticed the tugging of my arms, he gazed at me.

"Planning to escape? Really, planning to escape?"

Please, just let me go! Just let me, please...

He jumped to the side of the bed and looked at my left hand. He held it and stared
at it for a while. "Ring?" he muttered.

What? He saw my ring?

"Ring?" He asked again.

I just had to blink my eyes at him.

"Marrying him? Marrying the bastard, Thea Ruiz?"

Though I wanted to spit the word 'Yes!' to his face, I just couldn't do it! How
would I deal with a madman?

Then, unexpectedly, he took off the ring from my finger. He did it by force that it
produced a tingling pain in my finger.

What the hell are you doing? Why are you taking my ring?

He stared at it as he held it with his thumb and forefinger. "Marrying him? You are
really marrying him?"

I just stared at him with abundant tears in my eyes.

Then, with tears in his eyes too, he cried. He cried as he looked at me. "I love
you, Thea. Don't do this to me... Don't marry him. I love you. Don't marry the
bastard..." And he was back to kissing my face and licking my skin. He was really

I gulped the saliva that was stuck in my mouth. At the moment, there was nothing
anymore that I could do to save myself. I felt so helpless. Would I ever still have
a chance to escape? Would this be my end?

I twisted my head and struggled. I wanted to be freed from the ropes. I pulled my
hands and feet again.

Seeing my reaction and remembering his knife, Dylan once again held it in his hand
and brought the tip to my neck. "You can't marry him. D'you hear me? You can't!
You're only mine." Still with tears rolling down his cheeks, he grinned widely at

Seeing his hand holding the knife, I suddenly noticed that he was no longer holding
my ring.

"Where's my ring?" I finally uttered but all that came out were incomprehensible
sounds due to the tape in my mouth.

Where's my ring? No one will ever take it away from me!

Dylan was truly grinning like he enjoyed watching me suffer with the knife in my

I hate you, Dylan Fernandez! I hate you!

"Wheeere's my riiiiing?" I shouted desperately, because it wasn't just some

circular object... the diamond ring was my future, my love, my life, my Nigel
Joaquin. For years, since I was young, I longed to receive that ring from my Nigel
Joaquin and, now that I had it, some psycho would just take it from me that easily!

Probably sensing my words, he began to wonder about the ring as well. Taking off
finally the sharp object from my neck, he stared at both of his hands. Indeed, the
ring was gone.

He seemed to panic as well as he surveyed the space he was sitting on. I looked at
the surface of the bed as well where he was sitting even if it was difficult for me
to bend my head too much since I was lying down. I couldn't get a glimpse of the

Nigel, my ring is lost! The psycho lost it!

All of a sudden, he brought his fingers to my eyes and, there, I saw again the
circular object! Thanking that it wasn't lost, I breathed hard.

Dylan also appeared happy seeing the piece of jewelry. He laughed loudly. "Marry
me, Thea Ruiz. Marry me, Thea Ruiz," he kept on saying as he offered me the ring. I
wanted to snatch it from him but how could I do it when my hands were tied up?

"Marry me, okay?" he said, pleading now as he scratched his hair with his
fingertips that were holding the ring. He scratched and scratched his head. He
scratched it hard... until my ring fell down on the bed. I watched it as it rolled
down the bed's surface going to the edge until my eyes lost it as it dropped to the

My ring! No, my ring! I swore I was not ever going to lose my ring!

Watching my engagement ring roll down away from me, I became really frantic now. It
was the time that I felt my stomach wanted to release something through my mouth. I
felt sick... so, so sick...

I felt nauseous as well.

With the feeling, I remembered why I went to the grocery store --- to find green
mangoes to satisfy some peculiar craving, some craving that I happened to sense
since two days ago...


Could it be...
Could it be that I was pregnant?

Was I?

I shut my eyes when I felt something inside me want to disgorge all contents in my
stomach... It was not a very good feeling.

God, I feel so sick. Please, somebody help me...

Truly, as I couldn't help myself anymore, some bitter liquid run from my stomach up
to my throat then to my mouth. Since I was lying down on the bed and with the duct
tape in my mouth, it was hard for me to throw up completely the unfavorable liquid
from my stomach. I wanted to release it all. How I wished I could release it all to
at least make me feel better! Suddenly, it struck me... I was now trying to gasp
some air as I felt the lack of oxygen in the room. My nose wanted to take in oxygen
yet I felt my sweating skin absorb all the air around me. I felt so cold ---
terribly, terribly cold.

My lips under the duct tape turned cold, too. I wanted to breathe.

Oxygen, please! I need oxygen!

But, it was too late for me...

Dylan, on the other hand, as I saw through my peripheral vision, was like a mad dog
as he jumped to the floor to search for something. "I neeeed the fff---cknggg
riiinnng!!!" he yelled.

That was the last thing I remembered and heard as darkness enveloped my whole



I'm sorry, guys, that I have to do this. I'm not happy doing this. This is the most
hateful chapter that I've ever done. I hate it so much that I have to make it
short. :(

I've thought of Dylan's role since I started writing this novel. If you remember I
asked in my A/N in Chapter 19 about his role in our heroine's life... This chapter
is the answer. Sorry if this has become violent but this is how his character is
originally planned. Dylan's hatred to Nigel Sarmiento and the love that he
developed for Thea are the two main reasons why he is an important character here.
So, what is going to happen next to Thea? 😷😷😷😱😱😱 It's for you to find out next
update... 😢😢😭😭😭😭😭😭

Hey, by the way, I've spotted typo and grammatical errors in this work. Just bear
with them for a while, okay? I'll just edit after I complete this work... Oh, yeah,
Engaged to the Heartless Heartbreaker is coming to an end... and, yeah, I'm sad but
I'm happy... mixed emotions I'm feeling here. Althea and Nigel (#Angel) will always
be a part of my life... They are two characters who have affected me in a lot of
ways, two characters who give me a lot of sleepless nights, producing pimples on my
face (hehe), with the urge of giving you regular updates. I love Althea and Nigel
so much and the thought that their story is about to end, I want to cry... Oh, I'm
getting emotional already. Can I have a tissue, please?

Anyway, if you love the story, don't forget to VOTE, COMMENT, and SHARE!
Thank you so much as always.

Love you, guys!

(sapphiregirl22) ~_^

Chapter 57 - Sleeping Beauty


Butterflies. Lots of butterflies.

I was at my lagoon bank. The water was still and shimmering just like always. The
mahogany trees were still as gigantic as ever. The sun's rays were still as
brilliant as I last saw them.

And my butterfly friends.

They were fluttering gloriously in the air. They were wonderful and they seemed to
invite me to flying...

I wanted to follow them... I wanted to fly... I wanted to be free... just like


Then, I heard a voice calling me.

A masculine voice that was so familiar to me. A voice that seemed to come from far,
far away... but, no matter how far it was from me, the voice persisted to call
me... to come back to him... come back to him...


Huh? I turned around and I saw no one...


I opened my eyes and I saw the widest fields of flowers... different flowers of
different colors...

I was walking alone on the footpath. The narrow pathway seemed to be never-ending.
I kept on walking and walking. Everywhere around were flowers. Somehow, they
soothed me. The flowers felt like home.

The fresh air brushing my skin was very refreshing. I felt so alive that all I
wanted to do was just take the air.

From a distance, I heard a woman's voice.


The voice seemed to be following me.

"Mom!" I called her out.



Then, there was darkness again.


"Princess, please, come back!" I heard that voice again.

I was back in the lagoon bank... I looked at the shimmering water and it felt so
inviting. I wanted to plunge my body into it.



"Wake up, please..." he pleaded.

Wake up?

I looked ahead and I didn't see the lagoon anymore. I was in a place I couldn't
discern where... for it was very, very dark. I was gasping for air. I wanted to

"Wake up, Althea! Please!"

Nigel! Nigel, where are you? Nigel, I need you!

I felt like my hands were stretched over my head and tied to something since
forever. But when I pulled them to my side, I finally made it. I was free!

"Do we have a pulse?"

"Yes, but brady around 55!"

"BP 90/60."

I heard voices... lots of voices. I also felt hands holding and touching some parts
of my body.

"Airway patency?"

"Clearing airway... she's breathing!"

I wanted to cough... and I did. I felt the bitter liquid in my throat. I coughed
once more as I tried to gasp for more air.

"Sats 94 to 95 percent at room air. Prepare for transport!"

"Okay! Move it!"

My body was then carried up by someone's arms.

Then, from the dark, I saw light.

There were several people. The guy, whom I couldn't recognize, was carrying me to
somewhere. Though I felt weak, I still managed to look around to seek for
someone... and I saw him running, too, at my bearer's side.

My body was then placed on a surface made of a thick cloth. Then, I heard some
engine sounds and sirens.

Something was placed in my face which I assumed a mask and I felt cold air. Oh,
finally, oxygen!

For a while, I just wanted to take a rest.


Light came back and I was brought back to a very familiar scene.

"Ne-he-lee-to-wa-kin?" I asked my mama who was sitting on her arm chair in the
family room with me on her lap. I was still six years old and the unfamiliar name
she just told me seemed so foreign to my ears.

"Yes, Thea. The boy's name is Nigelito Joaquin. One day, you're going to meet him,"
she said as she patted my head.

I stared at the photograph held by my mother. She enveloped me in her other arm.

"When will I meet him?"

"One day, we're going to have a vacation at The Fields. You're going to love that
place. For sure, you're going to love it there because it's the most beautiful
place that I've ever gone to. There, you'll meet my best friend, Carol. You'll also
love her. Most of all, you'll meet this boy in the photograph. You're going to love
him, for sure... because I also love him. I love him like a son."

"Really, mama?"

Mama brushed my hair with her fingers. "He's a gifted boy, Thea. He draws and
sketches very well."

"Oh, yeah?"

"One time, I narrated to him your favorite fairy tale, Sleeping Beauty, and he made
the most amusing remark after my storytelling."


"He was still five years old then and he told me that when he finally finds his
Sleeping Beauty, he is going to make a drawing of her."

I laughed at it. "Really? He surely sounds cute..."

"He's actually a handsome boy, very handsome. I can't wait for you to meet him."

"I want to meet him, mama."

My mother kissed my cheek.

"When we have time to have a vacation, we'll go there..."

"When is it, mama?"

"Only time will tell, Thea."


"Have you ever drawn mama, papa?"

Papa's face lightened up. "No, I haven't. Why? Why are you asking me that, baby?"
We were both seated at the dining table while mama was setting it for us.

"I want someone to draw me... I want my prince to draw me..." I said.

I heard him laugh as he called out mama's attention. "What have you told her this
time, honey?"

Bringing a bowl of soup, mama went near us. Putting the bowl on the table, she
said, "I just told her about my Nigelito. Why?"

"She wants someone to make a drawing of her," papa repeated what I said to him.

Mama laughed. "Okay, when we meet that boy, we'll ask him to draw you, Thea."

"Then, I have to be his Sleeping Beauty... I have to be his princess..." I



"Princess..." I heard the male voice again. This time, it sounded so near to my

Not only that, I felt someone grasp my hand. His palms felt so warm in mine like

"I love you, princess. I love you very, very much." There was that voice again.

Then, I felt a pair of lips touching mine so softly and tenderly. They felt so warm
and alive. They also felt like love... and life... and future... and happiness...

I wanted to wake up for him.

I wanted to be with the man who made it possible for me to achieve my dream when I
was still a little girl --- to have someone to draw me.

It was a childish dream that I happened to forget as time passed by... but now, I
remembered it again...

I dreamed only of a simple drawing of me...

But this man, who just kissed me, gave me four humongous murals it was impossible
for me to believe... and, probably, who kept a lot of other drawings and paintings
of me that I had still not seen...

"Princess," he spoke again. His lips were still close to my mouth that I could feel
his breathing.

My Nigelito.

My mama's Nigelito.

My Mommy Carol's Nigelito.

I had to open my eyes for him.

Because he was my life and my reason for breathing.

Because he was my prince who kissed me during my deep slumber.


Then, I opened my eyes.

Waiting for me to wake up for him, he was indeed there, leaning down on me. His
face was just inches away from mine.

"Princess..." he said.

He had those dark circles around his eyes like he hadn't slept for hours, like he
hadn't taken rest at all, like he had been crying hard...

"Nigel Joaquin," I muttered, with tears in my eyes.

"Althea." Tears were glowing in the corners of his eyes, too.

"Where am I?"

He kissed my forehead. "You're safe now. Everything's okay now, princess."

"W-What happened?"

"You've been just resting... and sleeping..." He clasped my hand and held it
tightly. "S-Sorry... sorry... I'm really, really sorry..."

"Huh?" Why was he saying sorry to me?

"Sorry about my negligence. I'm really, really sorry..."

What did he mean by his negligence?

Nigel breathed hard and kissed my knuckles. "I should've come home early last

Oh! He was talking about last night... and it made me remembered it... and he was
blaming himself...

"No, please..." I clasped his hand hard. "Don't blame yourself, please."

He leaned his head to the edge of my bed, at my right, and he wrapped his right arm
around me. He was like that for a while that I knew he was battling his pain. I
reached out for his head and rubbed it with my right hand.

"I'm here... I'm okay..."

He looked up to me and wiped his reddened face with his palm. "I'm really stupid. I
should've let you sleep right now but I've disturbed you. The doctors told me that
you need to rest but I've still disturbed you... It's just that I feel like you're
so near to me yet you're so far... You seem to be in deep sleep that you seem to be
so far away... I'm afraid..."


He brushed my forehead. "Yes, we're in the hospital."

I looked around me and all I saw was a white-painted room. There was a TV attached
to the wall across me, a dining table with chairs at the far corner with a sink and
refrigerator near it, a sala set on the other side, and just near the door were...
"G-Guards?" I asked Nigel when I saw two men in uniform standing by the door.

"Police. I've requested security. I know it's too late to be having security but it
pays to make sure of your safety," he explained.

"Where's mom?"

Nigel once again wiped his face with his hand before he said, "She's in the next

"Next room? What happened to her?"

"Hypertension... but she's alright now. Please, don't worry about mom anymore.
She's okay. Trust me, princess."

Oh, God! There was no need for me to ask why mom had her hypertension attack. It
was very clear that it was because of what happened to me. Oh, mom! She had arrived
here in the capital for me.

"What? I want to see mom. Please, let me see her, Nigel," I pleaded, seeking his

"Ssshhh, calm down, princess. Mom's okay. It wasn't serious. I just had her
admitted so she can rest. Just trust me, okay?"

Well, I trusted him. If he said mom was okay, I trusted him. I closed my eyes and
imagined mom's smiling face.

"You'll see her soon... just not right now. We have to make sure first of your
health." I heard Nigel said.

My health? Why, what happened? But I felt fine.

Flashing back my thoughts on what happened, I recalled Dylan, his stupid act,

"Nigel," I cried out, opening my eyes.

"Yes?" He locked his gaze on me.

"My ring. I lost my ring," I said, remembering that it was taken away from me. "I
lost my ring... I'm so sorry. I'm so, so sorry..."

"Ssshh, don't be sorry. It's okay. It's okay, princess. The most important thing is
you're back here with me."


I made it to safety.

It was unbelievable but God still gave me another life. It was my third life this

I was saved from the car accident years ago.

And now, I was saved from the hands of a madman... with neither a wound nor a cut.
But there were some bruises in my wrists and ankles probably due to the ropes tied
in them.
Still, it was unbelievable.

So, how was I recovered from the madman?

I learned that Suzana called Nigel when I hadn't returned after several minutes.
She got really worried.

Immediately, Nigel asked the help of the authorities. It wasn't easy for him to
handle the happening. I could just imagine how he tried to handle it. I knew it was
never easy to him.

All guards on duty were interrogated and were asked to give information and present
details of how I was taken out of the store.

The moment that Nigel saw the recorded video through the store's CCTV, he learned
that I was carried by the arms by someone wearing a hooded coat. Carrying me, the
hooded man stopped by the exit door when the guard queried him. There were some
explanations done. After a minute or two, the hooded man was allowed to exit.

Seeing the video file, Nigel had only one suspect in his head especially when he
heard the guard's description of the hooded man. He told the authorities about
Dylan Fernandez. Moments later, he learned the news that Dylan was able to escape
from the mental hospital where he was confined. The authorities tried to search for
anyone who could tell the possible place where Dylan would possibly hide.

The place that Dylan brought me was the old and deserted Fernandez' residence. I
was unconscious when the policemen raided the area. Nigel went with the police. I
didn't want to imagine how he dealt with the situation... but he made sure that
medics were available, too. I just admired him for his presence of mind in spite of
the stressful situation.

Barging in, they destroyed all closed doors in the old house. Finally, they found
the room where Dylan hid me. Nigel said they found him squatting in a corner and
seemed lost and crying while playing with his knife with his fingers. I, on the
other hand, according to Nigel, was unconsciously lying on the bed with my blouse
totally torn out. My rescuers did a physical examination on me.

To make the story short, my abductor was captured and I was recovered. I was
immediately brought to the nearest hospital because of my condition.

So, the big question was Who told the rescuers the place where Dylan Fernandez was
possibly hiding me?

The answer was someone I never imagined would do... but this person did... really


"I want to go home now," I said to Nigel after he told me everything. I even
learned from him that aside from the two men in uniform inside my room, there were
also guards outside of it. He said he wanted full security.

"Yeah... but not until we learn the lab results," he answered.

"Lab results? Is it really necessary? There's nothing wrong with me, Nigel

"But you've fainted. We have to know the reason why," he insisted.

"I was just probably afraid. You know me, I always faint when I'm terribly afraid."

"Yes, you've been traumatized again, princess. It's something that we have to find
for some solution. Trauma is something that you've been fighting since you were a
kid. I don't want you to be in the same situation again."

"Now that I know that Dylan has already been captured and turned over to the best
asylum in the country, I am already relieved. It will no longer be possible for him
to escape from there. From what has happened, I'm sure that he will be guarded with
utmost strictness. Trust me, I feel truly safe now that I'm with you again," I
assured him, stating what I partially knew about Dylan.

I knew the psychopath would face litigations because of what he did to me. Nigel's
legal counsel had been in full charge of everything. I also learned that the mental
hospital where Dylan was previously confined would be facing legal investigations
for its dereliction.

"But we need to wait for what your doctor will say, okay?"

"Okay..." I said, pulling his palm to my right cheek. His hand felt so warm that I
just wanted it to be pressed to my face. "I'm truly happy that I'm with you again,
but there is just one thing..."

"What is it?"

"My ring. I want my ring back, Nigel. Do you know that, of all things that Dylan
ever did to me, taking off my ring was the most unforgivable thing? In fact, it was
the main thing that made me lost myself from the world. When I saw it rolled down
to the floor, it freaked me out and I lost consciousness."

"Princess... no, no, don't worry about it anymore."

"It's the ring that you gave me..."

Oh, how could I tell him that I really, really wanted it back? How could I tell him
that I didn't want another ring? That it was what I wanted? Because it was the
proposal ring... and when he gave it to me, it was very memorable that my heart
would ache thinking about it.

"Sshh, please, don't worry about it," he said, comforting me.


Actually, I had been feeling nauseous sometimes and Nigel and mom, who had already
recovered, had been so worried about me. Nigel had to make sure that I was taken
cared of properly in the hospital and all necessary lab exams would be facilitated
in the soonest time. Although I felt that way, I still felt confident that nothing
was wrong with me.

Hence, there had been interviews by doctors and nurses on my condition as they
would like to get personal statements from me to describe how I truly felt. Some
laboratory examinations were also done aside from the previous labs that they had
already conducted.

When everything was facilitated, my attending physician at the same time mom's, a
renowned cardiologist, visited me to explain my condition. Finally, with Mommy
Carol in my hospital room, with Elena and Diego, with Kara and Serge, and with
Suzana, I was surrounded by concerned people and I was not afraid whatever the
doctor would tell us. He was very famous and, just looking at his calm and easy
demeanor, it made me feel that I was in good hands.

Nigel was sitting on the chair beside me and was clasping my hand while the doctor
began explaining my condition.

"Though she wasn't smothered completely for her nose wasn't covered, the medical
team still thought she had risk for asphyxiation or suffocation. Good thing her
blood gases were compensating. Her hypoxemia is already addressed and gases are now
normal. There was actually no need for intubation at the time she was rescued.
However, she suffered vasovagal syncope after the heightened emotional stress."

"Syncope?" I asked innocently.

"Well, it's temporary loss of consciousness or fainting in layman's term," the

doctor addressed me, smiling. "We were also able to rule out arrythmias or
irregular heart beating that causes syncope. We're glad cardiac monitoring is now
in normal sinus rhythm after initial bradycardic episodes. Nothing serious is
captured in your ECG, and your EEG is absolutely fine, Miss Ruiz."

"That's great news, doc," Nigel remarked happily and kissed my forehead.

Mom was happy as well. She was sitting on a wheel chair at my left beside the
doctor. Elena was standing steadily at her back. I looked at them both and they
were smiling at me.

"However," the doctor added, "we've learned you were complaining that, before you
fainted, you felt like vomiting, so my team was concerned you might have aspirated.
That could happen if your vomitus had been directed to your trachea instead of your
esophagus which could lead to pneumonia... so..." The doctor held his stethoscope
and approached me. From the looks of it, he was going to give me a physical

Truly, the doctor did. Letting me do deep breathing, he auscultated my chest and

"Great, clear breath sounds..." he mumbled. He further listened to my heart sounds

and checked my mouth. Then, he talked once more, "To make sure that you haven't
aspirated, we took your mom's consent to run certain blood tests..."

I looked at mom when the doctor mentioned her and she smiled. I smiled at her, too.

Taking now a step away from me, the doctor continued talking, "We wanted to do a
chest X-ray but we need to rule out something first...but since clinically you're
okay as you have clear breath sounds, we can do X-rays later to determine if you're
symptomatic for pneumonia."

"Okay, doc, please do anything that's needed," Nigel said.

However, still concerned of something, I asked the doctor, "So, why am I nauseated
and dizzy at times, doc? Also, sometimes, I feel like vomiting..."

The physician smiled. "It's mild syptoms of anemia, Miss Ruiz. It's just normal and
experienced by twenty percent of..." the doctor cleared his throat, "of pregnant
women... and your body is starting to adapt to changes in your hormonal levels."

Changes in my hormonal levels?

Wait --- Did he just say pregnant women?

"PREGNANT?" Everyone in the room echoed the doctor.

"Pregnant?" Nigel asked surprisingly as well, tightening his clasp of my hand.

Could I be? Could I really be pregnant?

Of course, the green mangoes... Yeah, the green mangoes.

Well, I saw mangoes in my mind and I wetted my lips when I thought of them.

I think, I need one right now, Nigel Joaquin.



The song "Only Time" by Enya is attached to this chapter because it is such a
peaceful song. It's just when I wrote some parts of this chapter, I was spending
time on a very peaceful islet... such a perfect place to write... See the pic
below? I was lying down on the beach and got a shot of the morning sky. So
beautiful and so relaxing...

Well, that's all for now. Please, VOTE, COMMENT, and SHARE! I really want to hear
your thoughts on this chapter. Hope you're happy with the development! Of course,
Thea shouldn't die because if she would, who else would narrate the rest of the
story now? Remember, this story is strictly Thea's POV only. Hehe...

Thank you so much for your time!!!

(sapphiregirl22) ~_^

Chapter 58 - New Life

~~~ CHAPTER 58 - NEW LIFE ~~~

"Pregnant?" Nigel stared at me with blazing light in his eyes. "God! Oh, God!" He
grinned widely and touched my stomach. "Is she pregnant, doc?" He looked at the
doctor to wait for the latter's statement.

"Yes, she is! Congratulations, Mr. Sarmiento! Your fianceé's pregnant!" Then, the
doctor gave me a happy smile. "There's a new life forming in your womb, young lady.


It was true! My suspicion was true! I was pregnant... and the doctor was correct...
I was bringing a new life in my womb --- my baby and Nigel's...

The rest around me seemed to be really shocked for nobody was able to speak, even

Nigel and I gazed at each other. He then touched both of my cheeks with his palms.
"We're going to have a baby soon," Nigel said, just a whisper at first.

"Yes, a baby..." I repeated with tears in my eyes now.

"You're pregnant. I'm gonna be a father soon!" he exclaimed, almost shouting now. I
had never seen him this excited and jubilant all his life, especially when he threw
a fist on the air. "Mom, I'm gonna be a father soon!"

Mom, this time, was producing guttural sounds from her mouth as if she couldn't
exactly put her words together. Tears were in her cheeks, too.

Finally, another voice was heard in the room. "Oh, my God!" Kara almost shrieked,
gasping her mouth. "I'm gonna be an aunt!"

Being the crying Althea that I was, tears just abundantly flowed out from my eyes.
Nigel brushed my hair. "Princess, princess... you really make me so happy..."

The doctor cleared his throat to catch everyone's attention. It was as if everyone
had forgotten that the cardiologist was still around. "Okay, so... Miss Ruiz, we
still need to do the X-ray, okay? But I will refer you to an OB this time for

Still having no power to speak, I just nodded my head repeatedly.

"Yes, doc. Thank you. Thank you so much," Nigel stood up and clasped the palm of
the doctor.

"Grandchild..." A voice was then heard. It was mom's. "Oh, God, let's have the
wedding soon!"

We all looked at her. She stood up from her wheel chair and moved enthusiastically
to me. "I want to give my darling a kiss," she said.

Oh, it looked like mom was totally better now!


At the doctor's cue, the authorities who were in-charge of my case conducted an
interview with me. They asked me a lot of questions centering mostly about the
homicide and rape attempt. Clasping my hand hard, Nigel sat at my side on the bed
and cursed silently when he heard my testimony.

I handled the interview well. Mom was happy to know that I was strong dealing with
the questions. They were just so concerned of the trauma that I had been through
once again. But, after everything, I didn't think I could still allow myself to get
weak. With God's new life given to me, I knew that all He wanted me to do was be
strong and be happy for I had everything --- I had my friends around me; I had
Mommy Carol; I had Nigel; most of all, I had a new life in my tummy. I was going to
be a mother soon!


From a short nap, I was awakened with my hand held by someone. I learned it was
Nigel, smiling at me wonderfully.

"How are you?" he asked.

"Feeling great... of course..." I looked around and saw lots of roses around me.
Oh, Nigel!

I remembered the first time he sent me thousands of roses and they all occupied the
lobby of the last institution where I had my internship. Now, I also saw roses of
different colors, arranged beautifully by the wall, but just as not as many as that
first time. Still, they were of considerable number.

"What's this? Drowning Me with Your Flowers Part 2?" I said, joking.

"You deserve these beautiful roses."

"Thank you." I knew it was my first time to thank him for all the flowers he sent
me but better late than never.

Nigel kissed my forehead. "Anything for my princess."

Oh, what would I do without this man?

"Someone would like to talk to you." He said afterwards.

"Huh? Who is it?" I was definitely wondering who it was for all my friends had
already visited and talked to me.

"The person who helped get the trail to where Dylan hid you." He tucked the strands
of my hair to the side of my face.

"Maria Stella?"

"Yes, princess."

Nigel signalled the guards to open the door.

Indeed, when the door was opened, the familiar face whom I hadn't seen for years
came into view. Just like before, she still had that sophisticated beauty and ramp
model figure. I thought I would no longer see her but I was mistaken. I thought I
wouldn't be going to give her a sensible talk after what she did to me in the past.
However, after Nigel told me that it was she who made it possible for the
authorities to track me down, I really believed that I owed her one sensible

"I'll be just right outside with mom," Nigel said, pulling me to sit on the bed and
then kissing my forehead again when I had properly settled myself.

I nodded.

"Just press the button when you need something," he reminded me.

I nodded again.

Nigel went outside of my hospital room but made sure that the two security guards
were still in. Maria Stella stepped closer to me.

"Althea Ruiz," she muttered my name. Of course, I instantly recognized the

different tone she had this time. It wasn't bitchy anymore like before. It was calm
and diplomatic.

"Maria Stella," I also muttered her name. "Please, take a seat." I signalled to her
the chair, beside my bed, where Nigel sat down a while ago.
"Thank you," she said, taking the seat.

Gauging each other, we were kind of looking at each other for quite a while.

I spoke first after the pause. "Thank you," I extended to her my appreciation for
what she did for me lately.

"No..." she replied instead, "I'm sorry."

Sorry... that shocked me. I didn't expect her to apologize.

"I'm sorry for everything, Althea Ruiz."


"I love Dylan," she uttered, starting her story, "but I can't anymore consent or be
part of all the things he does."

"He's gone insane," I remarked.

"It's on and off. One minute he's okay, the next minute he's lost in his own

"Yeah, I actually observed it..."

"He fell for you... hard," she said, revealing something I didn't expect.


"First plan was to make a revenge against Nigel. You know the story about his

"Yes, Nigel told me."

"Yes, but when he met you, he fell for you and wanted to have you. We were on a
relationship and he hid that truth from me. All the while, I thought we were only
working on the revenge but he had also another thing in his mind. Apart from
destroying the Sarmiento Corporation CEO, he wanted to keep Nigel's fiancée as

I felt a lump in my throat as I heard her words. Dylan fell for me?

"I was his girlfriend and I loved him. If not, I wouldn't have involved myself in
his preposterous revenge plot. Maybe, I was foolish as well. So I became his main
weapon to penetrating Nigel by seducing him. I succeeded. I became Nigel's bed
partner for some time. When you entered the picture, Dylan changed. It was too late
for me to know that he fell for you," Maria Stella continued with her story,
appearing too determined to reveal everything.

I, on the other hand, just listened to her.

"But I believe that Dylan and I are just equal. He betrayed me by falling for you.
I betrayed him by falling for Nigel."


"You fell for Nigel?" I reiterated her words.

She nodded. "Yeah, deeply."

I shut my eyes. So, she really did love my Nigel.

"Showing an engagement ring to you about three years ago was never part of our
plan. I planned it myself for I was too desperate at that time to take Nigel as
mine. However, after that night, Nigel banned me everywhere he was around, just
like how he banned all the other girls who got involved with him. So, Dylan and I
got back together. On our first year of being back together, everything felt
fine... but I didn't know Dylan had been making some means to find you. When I
discovered it, I got angry and that started him to become really violent to me."


"Yeah, violent! I had become a battered girlfriend and he's been using drugs."

"Oh..." I gasped my mouth. "So that is why he becomes like that."

"Yup, there's a great possibility that it's the drugs. But, he has also a history
of mentall illness."

"Yes, I already learned about that one..." Nigel had already told that to me.

"All those years that I stayed with him, I actually thought I was punished with
what I did to you, Althea. I suffered a lot of physical pain from him."

"Why did you not leave him?"

With tears sparkling now in her eyes, she cleared her throat first and spoke almost
hoarsely, "I tried a number of times but it was all in vain. He kept an eye on me.
That made me stop my modelling career."

So, her career had also suffered from her problematic situation with Dylan.

I stared at Maria Stella's face and, for the first time, I felt pity on her. No
matter how bad she might be on me in the past, I still believed that she still
deserved some happiness.

"Finally, I found the chance to run away from him," she added.

Remembering Dylan's assault on me in a bar, I asked, "How about that time when he
called you weeks ago when he saw me at a bar, were you still with him at that

"No, not anymore... but I had to give in to his request to lie for you like telling
you that Nigel and I are to be married. It was because if I would tell you the
truth, I was so aware that he was capable of turning so violent and he would hurt
you right there in the bar. I didn't want it to happen."

"Why did you still keep a communication with him?"

"Because, no matter what..." she paused, pressing her lips together.

I waited for what she would say.

"I still love him," she concluded.

Oh, love...
"Do you mean to say you've forgotten your feelings for Nigel?"

"I have long given up on your Nigel, Althea. Don't worry, I will no longer steal
him from you," she said firmly.

I closed my eyes and breathed in and out deeply.

"I'm sorry for everything," I heard her say.


Yup, indeed, it was time for us to move on now and face the future and forget the
horrible past. It was time to forgive those who had hurt you and charge all
terrible things to experience. It was time to treat all ugly experiences as lessons
learned and things that drive you to move forward with a positive outlook.

"I forgive you so let's forget everything, Maria Stella," I said, opening now my

"Thank you," she muttered.

"Thank you as well for saving me," I said.

"It's the least that I can do for you after everything I did before."

"So, now that Dylan has been admitted to the asylum, what's your plan now?"

"I'll stand as a witness during the litigation. His side would, for sure, use
insanity defense..."

"Yes, for sure. But we will wait for the court's verdict. No matter what, he still
was able to keep up with a plan... He's not totally insane."

"Yes..." Maria Stella nodded. "As I said, Althea, I'll stand as a witness in your
favor. I love him but, I believe, it's now time to correct all the wrongs. He truly
needs to be confined in the institution. He's turned himself into a dangerous
man..." she paused and there was silence. She made a sigh, then continued,
"Afterwards... I'll go overseas. My family has been telling me to be with them. I
guess, this is now the time that I'll be with them overseas."


When Maria Stella left, Nigel and mom went inside.

"We can go home now," mom announced.

"Really? Oh, thank you. See? There's nothing wrong with me," I said, looking now at

"Of course, there's nothing wrong with you," Nigel replied, giving me a very
beautiful smile, as he sat on my side and clasped my hand. "Absolutely no wrong
with you, princess. Absolutely... Your OB, by the way, visited while you took a
nap. She has already arranged an schedule for prenatal checkups."

"Thank God!" I said, reaching out for his neck and hugged him.

Both on the bed, we hugged for a long time. The feeling was heaven for me.

When we separated, he got something from his pocket. "Sorry that this has to be
lost for a while but here it is now."

I fixed my eyes on the velvety box in between his two fingers.

Gosh! He opened it and, there, I saw the glittering thing inside.

"Oh, Nigel! My ring!"

"I don't want you to be worrying anymore. See? It's been recovered."

I even burst in tears especially when he slipped it into my ring finger.

"I had this examined already. It's still as good as new, princess. One hundred
percent intact."

At last, I got my ring back.

Oh, God!

God was really good! All the time!

"So, Miss Ruiz, marry me. Marry me, ASAP," Nigel said, holding my hand.

"ASAP, yes... Yes, Nigel Joaquin!"



Almost there... 😭😭😭😭😭 Two more chapters... Next update will be next weekend.

Maria Stella issue, hope it's clear now to you!

If you're happy with this, please make me happy, too...


(sapphiregirl22) ~_^

Chapter 59 - Paradise

"I've heard some news today," Elena told me while I was at the balcony of my room,
overlooking the spacious palacio grounds.

Busy men and women were seen below preparing and cleaning the concreted front yard
near the pool for the wedding reception. The wedding was to be held a week from now
and was actually set on Wednesday next week, exactly during my twenty-second

Not far away, there were people mowing and making the lawn so beautifully and
perfectly manicured. Every single one of the people below seemed very happy and
lively that nobody wanted to stop from what they had been doing.

"What news, Elena?" I said, turning my head to her. We were both standing by the
carved wooden railing.

"Javier Suarez is to get married on Saturday, just four days before yours," she

"What?" I uttered surprisingly.

"You seem really surprised," she remarked, almost laughing.

"Of course! It seems unbelievable," I said, remembering what happened during that
charity event night.

"Yes, it really is true, Thea. Javier Suarez is getting married," she said in

"OMG! To whom?" I asked, still disbelieving.

"Guess what? He's marrying a senator's daughter," Elena said.

"Oh!" I gasped and turned back my sight at the grounds below.

During the charity event, Javier still appeared to have loved me. He was genuinely
hurt when I left him outside the gym. Now, I began to wonder if he was even real
with all those things he said to me in the past.

"Thea, come on. It's my first gift for you. You can't refuse it, okay?" Javier
said, fluttering his eyes as if begging for my reconsideration. Indeed, he appeared
very sexy on that kind of facial expression.

"B-But this seems very expensive..." I muttered as I looked at the bracelet that he
offered to me as my twenty-first birthday gift from him.

"Because I only want to give the best for you," he explained, smiling at me and
grabbing my wrist. "Okay, let me try it on you."

Indeed, when the bracelet was already worn on my wrist, it took my breath away. It
was so beautiful.

"I love you, Thea," Javier stated softly while he was holding my hand.

Suddenly, Nigel appeared in my mind and the three words that he also told me the
night before... his very first time to say those words to me.

I took the bracelet off my wrist.

"No, please, don't take it off," Javier pleaded.

I gave the delicate thing back to him. "I'm sorry, Javier, but I can't accept it.
I'm really sorry."

Oh, the thought of him giving me some bracelet a year ago! I was thankful to myself
that I didn't get the mistake of accepting it.

"Yeah... I'm surprised... but I'm happy that he's finally moved on with his life,"
I said to Elena.

"I've heard there has been a flurry of preparations for Javier's wedding... I
think, for political purposes... knowing that the senatorial election is just
around the corner. Media men are all invited to cover the whole wedding event. I
think, it's going to be for publicity."


"You seem to know a lot..." I commented.

"Well," she said, smiling, "I have my connections..."

I smiled, too.

"Actually, people at La Carlota love to talk about upcoming big events. They talk
about Javier's wedding on Saturday... and they also talk about the biggest event
that will ever take place next week here in The Fields. They are all happy for the
señorito, the Master of The Fields... Of course, they are also happy for you.
Remember the kids that we visited at La Carlota before? Well, most of them are no
longer kids now, and they are all happy for the beautiful señorita who found time
for them one summer in their lives."

With that, I remembered the kids in the village just outside The Fields that I had
served one summer vacation through my outreach program. Finally, remembering the
Sarmiento Foundation that Nigel was establishing for me, I had now the means to
continue what I had started. With Nigel's trust in me to manage it, I would
definitely show to the whole world that helping others not connected to you by
blood is definitely a noble undertaking.


My wedding was going to be very special.

Of course, it should take place in my evermost beloved The Fields. Where else
should it be? I always imagined a flower-and-lantern-themed country wedding for me.

All through the week before the big event, everyone in the palacio were very busy
preparing to make the special event very memorable. The palacio was made sure to be
neat and clean. Lawn mowers were visible in the grounds. Every single part of the
gallant palacio and its surrounding vicinity were readied for perfection. Every
tiny detail had been polished.

As I didn't want to have a lot of exposure being a bride especially to the media,
Nigel and I didn't invite much of them, just some selected few. Even the guests, we
made sure that those who had been close to me and to him were to be part of the
ceremony which would take place in La Carlota's historical chapel. It was built
some centuries ago through the means of the Sarmientos as a gift to the villagers
who served the hacienda, The Fields, for years.

Many asked why the wedding ceremony had to be in a small chapel in the village.
Nigel and I decided that we only wanted the wedding to happen in our childhood
place since La Carlota was a village just outside the fences of The Fields. Most of
all, that particular chapel was special. It was where mom, Nigel, and I went to
church every Sunday when we were still young. I still could recall that mom
wouldn't miss our Sundays without going to the chapel to attend mass. In fact, I
would even look forward to it because going to church meant sitting beside the
snobbish Nigelito Joaquin Sarmiento.

Hence, it had to be in that chapel but, because of the flower farm inspiration,
Nigel promised to transform the ceremony venue into the most beautiful garden. I
was mesmerized that he had to hire the best landscape architect to set up the
surrounding yards of the chapel into a garden. I didn't know how it was going to be
materialized but, with Nigel's love of surprises, I just allowed myself to be
surprised during my wedding day.
My maid of honor was going to be Kara Mondego, of course. Elena would be my
bridesmaid together with Miss Paula Dela Rosa and some of my former internship
mates. Nigel's men naturally consist of his close friends from university and in
the Corporation.

Who else was assigned for the cakes? Of course, it had to be Mrs. Riviera who would
be expected to arrive the palacio on Monday. She would bring, of course, the whole
cake shop team from the South to prepare the biggest multi-tiered wedding cake
which would be placed in the middle of the reception area. My vision of a wedding
cake was something that would reflect The Fields. Thus, we decided to have a cake
that would be formed to be like that of layered cut wooden trunk and it had to be
decorated with icing wild flowers sprouting from the trunk. There was a debate on
the color of the cake with the team during the planning process but Nigel and I won
it. Though the cake would look like a big trunk of a tree cut in layers and with
each layer put irregularly on top of each other, Nigel and I still went with the
classic white wedding cake! I knew for sure that it would be very mesmerizing to

Mother Clarita and three of my nun friends from Marianne Orphanage would also be
expected to arrive. I was already excited.

Where was my Nigelito Joaquin? Well, he was still in the capital giving a scrutiny
on a new business project. He was so annoyed of the fact why the analysis of a
project with the board had to be done a week before the grand event. He couldn't
really wait for the wedding... I thought he was even more excited than I was. He
was scheduled to arrive three days, on Sunday, before the most awaited occasion.

He had to come on Sunday, of course! He was in charge of supervising the setting up

of the lanterns in the palacio ground because he actually drew the sketch of the
plan. I wanted the reception which would happen at dusk to be that spectacular with
a view of lit lanterns around the area. By the end of the dinner, everyone would be
given a Chinese lantern and would be expected to join the release of lanterns to
the sky. I imagined it as something really beautiful and romantic.

There would be dancing all throughout the night.

And, of course, there would also be a party and celebration all throughout the
village of La Carlota where most of The Fields' workers were residing.

Yeah, it was going to be a big celebration!

I couldn't wait for it.


Clocks ticktocked unceasingly and Friday came.

I was closing my eyes and was lying on my blanket in my lagoon bank when I felt
somebody else's presence.

The next thing I knew, before I could open my eyes, someone pressed his lips
against mine. The lips caressing mine were so full and sweet I couldn't help but
respond to their demands. His familiar scent somehow melted my body. No one else
smelled as good as him.

I moaned and the owner of the lips moaned as well.

"I missed you," he whispered after the long kiss.

"I missed you, too," I said, looking at his eyes. He was already sitting at my
side. "I thought you'd be here not until Sunday."

"Because I missed you," he said, positioning himself to lie beside me. "Not seeing
you drives me insane, you know... I hate the capital when you're not there with

I made a pout at him. "So how about your work?"

"We are still earning money without me in the office," he said, smiling and already
lying on my blanket as well. "How's my preggy soon-to-be-wifey? How's your six

"Yeah... there's always the morning sickness but nothing worse that I can't handle.
And, yeah, I always feel like eating something tart. Last time, some farmers
brought me tamarind. Oh, it was heavenly, Nigel Joaquin. I also had a green mango
this morning," I told him. "I always like to have a green mango before breakfast
because I feel like it's the only thing that can prevent the weird sensations in my
tummy. I don't know why."

"Then, let's have plenty of that," he said. "We're very lucky that it's harvesting
season. You can have mangoes anytime."

"Yeah, so lucky of me... and our baby..." I said, caressing my stomach which was
still quite not obvious that I was bringing a very dear life inside of it because
it still looked flat.

Nigel lay on his side after he turned his body to face me. He also caressed my
stomach gently. "My little Joaquin..." he whispered softly.

"With talented hands like his daddy," I added.

"Or my little Princess Althea..." he continued, "with pretty eyes like her mommy."

We smiled at each other and we shared again a kiss. It was lovely. A kiss shared
with him would always be lovely to me.


"How long will it take you to finish that?" I asked him. I was lying on my left
side on the blanket while Nigel was sketching me on his sketchpad using a pencil.

Crossing his legs with the pad on his lap, he was sitting on the dried and glossy
mahogany leaves on the ground across where I was facing.

"Almost done," he uttered, concentrating on what he was doing. "Just putting on

some finishing touches on your eyes."

I was observing him and he really was sexy as he did his sketch of me. It was my
first time to pose for him and I felt like a model.

After the kiss that we shared minutes ago, that was only the time that I learned he
brought a backpack with him. From it, he showed me his sketchpad. The moment I saw
it, it produced excitement in me. I didn't know why but Nigel's drawing and
painting tools had that unexplainable effect on me lately. Now, as I was posing for
him, it even excited me more. I felt so happy.

"...muse..." he murmured something.

"What is it again?"

"Finally, I got my muse posing for me," he said and smiled before he went back to
scribble on the pad.


He looked at me once more. "Yeah... you're my drawing inspiration. You're my muse

and doing this with you is a dream come true. Next time, I'll paint you while you
pose for me. When that happens, let's make it really memorable."


"So how do you like me to pose for you by then?"

He paused scribbling again and fixed his eyes on me. "Honestly... I want to paint
you while you pose naked in front of me."

Suddenly, my heart went crazy as it drummed bam, bam, bam.

"Oh... you've already painted me naked..." I said, really blushing, lying now my
back on the blanket. Suddenly, I felt like not looking at him. I always felt
butterflies in my stomach when I remembered his nude painting of me.

"That was different. I painted you from memory. Next time, I want a real nude pose
of you... like really nude... you know..." I heard him mumble.

Oh! I felt so hot suddenly!

There was silence and he went back to what he was doing. He was so engrossed with

Really wanting to observe him, I lay again on my side to face him.

"How I wish I could draw like you," I said, gazing at him. Why did a man look so
damn hot doing a sketch?

"You want to draw?"

"Wish I could but I don't have the talent. I just want to observe you. Honestly,
you look so sexy doing that. You're so handsome, Nigel Joaquin."

He gave me a long look this time. "That's your first time to say I'm handsome," he
stated, smirking at me.

I smiled. "Really? Oh, that surprises me! Haven't I told you that one before?"

"Nope, you haven't... It actually made me think you're not physically attracted to
me," he said.

I laughed and uttered, "Jerk."

He also laughed. "Okay, here's what the jerk has just done," he announced as he
presented me his work.

Oh! There was no doubt that I was seeing a very beautiful Althea on the pad.

"Wow!" I mused, sitting up and pressing down my palms at each side of me on the
ground. "Am I really that beautiful?"

"You wouldn't be my favorite painting subject if you aren't."

"Really? Wow... Well, it's just that I feel I'm more beautiful in your drawings
than the real me. You are really good, Nigel Joaquin. But it flatters me to see I'm
that beautiful..."

"You always are, Althea," he said, as he came to sit beside me.

"While the rest call me Thea, why do you prefer to call me by my real name?" I
asked when I heard my name.

"Because I like your real name Althea. Well, I have a trivia for you. Althea comes
from a Greek verb which means "to heal." It also comes from a Greek plant which is
believed to have healing powers. See? You're a healer. It's true because you
actually heal all the pain in my heart."

Oh! His trivia was like a news to me. I didn't know what my name meant until now.


After the memorable sketching session, we both lie down with our back on the
blanket and intently looked up what was above us.

"Very beautiful," Nigel muttered as he gazed at the afternoon sky. We only saw a
little portion of it because of the mahogany trees around us, all seemed to zoom up
towards the sky. Their lush green leaves fluttered so gaily in the air; dried ones
fell down every time. It was almost sunset and the sky with its yellowish orange
hue creeping above the trees looked like a painted scene.

"Yes, very beautiful... super..." I replied.

Only very few butterflies were seen flying above us now. The others seemed to find
place to rest after the whole day pleasure. Cicadas from nowhere started to buzz
and enveloped the whole sanctuary with their happy chirping. It was a country scene
that I would always look forward to experience even until I grew old.

"Now I know the reason why you love this side of the lagoon bank. This is paradise,
princess," he muttered in a whisper as he seek for my left hand and entertwined our

"Paradise it is. This is where I usually dreamed about you when I was still young.
I'm so glad I'm finally lying here today with the man of my dreams," I said,
tightening my hold of his hand.

"Man of your dreams... Wow, I love the phrase," he said, turning his face to me and
grinning widely.

"Of course..." I muttered, also looking at him. "You really are the man of my
dreams, brute!"

"Yet you're calling me Brute," he said, grinning.

Teasing him, I only made a face at him.

"Really, huh? I'm still a brute to you!" he exclaimed, grabbing my waistline. "Now,
let me show you what the brute can do to you in this paradise..." he cautioned
roughly and kissed me on the lips. Our tongues were immediately engaged in a
thrilling combat and, all along, he caressed my right thigh that was exposed due to
the short sundress I was wearing.

"Nigel..." I moaned as I felt the tingling sensation along the length of my thigh.

Hearing me release a moan, he even made his fingers traveled higher in my right
thigh and pushed the hemline of my floral dress up exposing my black lacy panties.

"You wicked brute..." I uttered, kidding him but at the same time feeling the
excitement of what he was planning to do.

"God... this is very pretty, princess," he whispered sexily as he caught sight of

my panties, "very, very pretty... but I'm sorry that I have to take this off...
because..." He leaned his mouth to my ear, "because I'm a wicked brute as you

"Uhmm," I groaned in pleasure, embracing his neck and anticipating his next move.

Nigel whispered again, "Really have to take this off... because... what's inside
this... is a whole lot prettier..." With that, his hand tugged the black thing
slowly down my legs to my feet until my legs were fully relieved of the tiny cloth,
making me giggle in the process.

When he finally made it, he waved playfully the black lacy cloth in the air with
his left hand. He was at the same time giving me a proud smile like he had just won
some war.

"Really wicked..." I laughed, trying to get up to snatch the cloth from his hand.

Before I even had the chance to catch it, he threw it away and, I swore, I didn't
know where the poor thing landed. Oh, no! It seemed like I'd go home now without my
dear panties.

I was still giggling so much and he was watching me with a smirk. His right hand
pinned me back to the ground while his left hand once again moved back to rub my
exposed thigh, producing goosebumps all over me... His fingers travelled
dramatically from my knee to my upper thigh and, slowly, slipped into the sensitive
area in between my thighs. I could just feel myself dripping wet already.

I gasped when I felt his hand there... and, wanting him to move on, I closed my
eyes. He was just filling a finger into my core and I swore to myself I wouldn't
want him to stop, but then, I remembered something. "Hey..." I opened my eyes and
grabbed his arm.

Appearing confused, he stared at me, eyes clouded with mist. I could tell his eyes
had turned darker than they had ever been.

"The baby..." I reminded him.

His eyes then flickered as he smiled at me mischievously. "The baby is still six
weeks. The baby will understand that Daddy has to do this..." he muffled hoarsely
and leaned down his face to my neck and nibbled my earlobe. Oh, the sensations were
unbearable. It was very tickly that I grabbed his hair.

His hand transferred to my upper body as he pulled down the strap of my dress in my
right arm.
Then, Nigel held my waistline and pulled me up gently as he sat down, cross-legged,
and made me straddle on his lap facing him. With our foreheads touching, he pulled
down my dress' other strap and then pulled the bodice down more to my belly,
showing my strapless bra. "Sorry, baby, but daddy badly needs this... Daddy needs
to play with mommy now..." he mumbled, starting to trail kisses on the side of my
neck downwards.

"Nigel..." I moaned out his name, feeling the sweet sensation of his lips and his
tongue on my skin, especially when he sucked on my collarbone.

"Like what the brute is doing?" he asked me with a hoarse voice, so thick with

Before I was able to say something, he claimed my lips once more while one of his
hands rubbed along the spine at my back, giving me delicious sensations all over my
body. The kiss deepened as we tasted each other; tongues were moving in and out,
fencing and fighting wildly.

Breathing heavily after it, both of us were totally elated, not only because of the
tempting beauty of the whole place, but also of the heat exuded by our bodies.
Skillfully and expertly, his hands were already busy unhooking my bra, slipping it
away from my chest and tossing it away.

Oh, I was to lose my bra as well!

"You're gonna pay for them," I kidded him, embracing his neck while I was still
sitting on his lap.

"You don't need them right now and neither do I," he grunted and pushed my body a
little away from him so he could see my breasts. He pushed aside the portion of my
hair covering them so he could have a full view of the erect peaks. "You are the
most beautiful sight on earth, princess..." He stared at them for seconds, one hand
was still busy tucking my hair in place. Not being able to fight it anymore, he
brought his lips to one of the pink headlights.

Oh, God, there was too much pleasure in it.

I ground and wiggled on his lap because of the indescribable sensation that his
tongue brought to that portion he was sucking. I wiggled more and felt his erection
underneath my buttocks. I could feel his growing need for me.

"You're amazing on that..." I panted as I wanted him to go on with it.

He stopped, however, almost torturing me, and intensely stared up to me with those
dark eyes, "Who's doing this? What's the name?"


He brought his lips to the peak again and played it with his tongue, while I moaned

Then, teasing me again, he paused and looked up to me. "No, not that name."

Wanting him to go on, I moaned out, "Nigel Joaquin... please, stop..."


I clang to his neck. "No... brute... I mean, stop teasing me... and stop
stopping... 'cause you're killing me right now..."
With face so red due to intense heat and desire, he smiled wickedly at me, "What's
the name again?"

"Nigel Joaquin!" I cried out loudly, craving him to just continue.

"Sshhh, you're gonna drive the butterflies away..." he said hoarsely as I felt his
hand cupped again one of my breasts.

"Nigel Joaquin..." I moaned out his name sweetly from my mouth this time, biting my
bottom lip sexily afterwards as I tried to seduce him to move on. He was really
torturing me.

"I've always remembered our first kiss every time you bite your lips like that..."
he mumbled and claimed my mouth once more, his hand playing with my breast. Once
again, it was an exhilarating kiss... like both of our lives depended so much in

Then, we gasped for air.

"We also don't need this... do we?" he whispered when he was starting to undress
me; his hands were pulling up my dress over my head. He was gulping his throat and
gazing at my body intensely when my whole body was flaunted to him.

I imitated him by pulling off his tee shirt as well. He helped me with it. Just
when his shirt was over his head, I saw his glorious body against the reddish,
pinkish, orangy rays of the setting sun. His body looked so tempting that, while my
left hand was clinging around his neck, I had to run my right palm on his front,
from his left shoulder to his hard chest down to his rocky abs just for me to feel
him... to feel how hot he was. He was on fire and I was, too!

Yes, the smiling sun was on its way to hide behind the mountains as if trying to
cover both of our naked stature from the lights. Enveloped by the whole
surroundings that turned orangy and grayish now, both of our bodies alighted and
blazed intensely that we could actually burn the dried mahogany leaves on the
ground under our poor messed-up blanket.

Leaving my throbbing breasts and searching for more ways to pleasure me, Nigel lay
me down on the blanket slowly and got on his knees in between my legs. Right there
and then, I knew what he was about to do. He cast me first his dark, sexy gaze
before he began to run wet kisses from my breast down to my belly.

Oh, heavens! Just feeling his lips and tongue on my skin was already a great turn
on and I could come right there!

Then, I felt him moving down further and I knew where he was heading... then I felt
it. His tongue was doing it now on my core. Oh, God! He was doing a tormenting
ordeal on my core!

And it was...

"Ooooohhh... Goddd!" I moaned in great sensational pleasure as I arched my back,

grappling the blanket with my fingers like I was struggling for my dear life.
"Nigel Joaquin!"

And the brute seemed to enjoy very much watching and feeling my whole body shake
uncontrollably under his shadow.

"You're so f-cking amazing, princess..." he muffled roughly before his tongue once
again savored the flavor of my soft, sensitive folds, "you taste better than my
paella... you know that?" Then, he went on and on and I shuddered helplessly. He
was giving me too much pleasure down there and hitting every sensitive spot that it
seemed I couldn't hold it anymore. I whimpered and whined and panted so heavily.

When he heard my pulsating pants, he looked at me with hazy eyes and muttered
within his rough breathing, "And you're so f-cking sweet... even sweeter... than my

Gosh, what was with the comparison?

This time, I reached out for his head and grabbed his hair very hard like I was
about to uproot all of them from his scalp.

Okay, no more paella and cupcake for you, brute...

But with me grabbing his hair even made him become rougher and wilder. Totally
aroused with all the exciting and indescribable things he did to me down below, my
whole body giggled, shuddered, and convulsed... hard...

"Nigel Joaquin..." I cried out his name for the nth time.

"That's the name... yeah... princess..." the brute panted, too, tracing wet kisses
back to my belly button.

Oh, so tickly... yet I didn't like him to stop. I wanted more.

Seeking for the ultimate relief now, Nigel stood up and removed his jeans and
boxers which in no time showed his steel-hard rod. Oh, God! He was one tough,
sturdy man who looked like Tarzan in the middle of the woods! I giggled at the
sight of him.

He knelt down once again, held my waist with his hands, and, at last, thrust
himself deeply into me. I was pregnant and we were doing this... but, God, I needed
him so much I could die right now... Thus, there was nothing I did but welcomed him
willingly as I wrapped my legs around him. I needed him so badly and desperately.

Nigel was careful and gentle at first, thinking of the innocent little life in
between us. But, we couldn't stop just like that. We both wanted more. We both knew
that we wanted more. By and by, his movement built up momentum. He became rougher
and faster, slamming himself wildly into me. I was delirious with his cataclysmal
maneuver --- with his wild sensational, rhythmical pacing --- but still I was able
to keep up with him... because I needed him like no other.

And it felt so freaking good...

"I love you," he mumbled and slammed into me deeper and deeper.

"I love you, too, Nigel Joaquin..."

With the happy sounds of the buzzing cicadas around us, with the bouyant fluttering
of few colorful butterflies above us, and with the vocalized moans and groans from
the both of us, lovemaking was totally both serene and raw in this place Nigel and
I called paradise.

Both reaching the peak of our passion, we were both panting heavily. It took us a
long time to cool off our bodies and I couldn't even recall why I was now lying on
top of him and his arms were wrapped around me. Oh, yeah, we had changed position!
Relishing the beautiful moment, it was also too late for me to realize that we
actually did it outdoors... at my lagoon bank...

But, yeah, it didn't matter to me at all.

It was paradise anyway.

It really was.


The sun had finally made its farewell.

Caged in darkness now, the whole surroundings were getting misty...

And I got a problem. One big problem.

"Somebody would go home tonight without any undies at all," Nigel whispered,
knowing that it would be impossible to find them now.

I giggled on top of him. He chuckled mercilessly. We were both crazy.

We were in that position for like an eternity. I swore I could sleep right here
under the woods.


Later, my flaccid body, with only my skimpy sundress on and nothing else more, was
carried by the arms of my prince towards the palacio. His backpack was slung on his
back. I wondered how he managed to be this sturdy after our exhaustible physical

With the aid of the moonlight and some lampposts along the pathway, he trod on the
rugged ground vigorously.

"How about you sleep on my bed tonight?" he suggested.

"Shut up! Mom's definitely not going to permit it."

Nigel groaned in utter complaint.

It was true. Mom was actually a bit shocked at first how on earth I got pregnant
before the wedding! But, she was very, very happy with the news... It was just...

"No more sex before the wedding," our conservative Mommy Carol reminded Nigel and
me when we were still in the hospital. She really thought we were still her babies.

Nigel just laughed at it.

"Just look at that face, mom, and tell me if that's the kind that could hold
himself back," I complained to mom, referring to Nigel.

He even laughed more and winked at me.

"I'm serious, Nigelito!" mom demanded with her hands on her waist.

The brute just smirked at her.

"Okay, starting now, I'm sleeping in my darling's room," mom declared.

That was only the time that Nigel changed his expression. "You're so brutal, mom."

"No, no... No way... you can't touch my darling before the wedding..." she added.

Nigel made a frown. "No, you're not doing this to me, mom."

Remembering that conversation, I said, "Mom will be with me tonight especially that
you're here with us."

"That's why, I can't wait for our wedding night. She's watching you like a hawk and
I can't f-cking believe it!" he said.

I pinched his chest. "Stop acting like you haven't just f-cked me, brute. We just
did it. Got an amnesia?"

He stopped walking. "How about we just stay outdoors tonight?"

"And you're so freaking unbelievable, Nigel Joaquin!" I quipped.

"Well, let's stay indoors then... There's a cottage in my Forest Garden, just so
you know..."

I giggled at the thought of me and him spending night at his Forest Garden. "Stop
it. Mom will freak out if she knows we're not home, Nigel Joaquin."

He continued walking anyway. I could feel his arm muscles flexing as he was
carrying me. "Why do you always arouse me every time you call me by both names?"

What? Was that the reason why he always wanted me to call him Nigel Joaquin?

"Nigelito, Nigelito, Nigelito, Nigelito, Nigelito," I chanted his real name,

teasing him. "Nigelito, Nigelito---"

"It's not working, princess. You still arouse me..."

"What? So it's not the name then?" I asked innocently.

With my body in his arms and with my arms around his neck, he was treading now on
the concreted pavement heading to the iron gate.

"Probably, it's because I f-cking know that you don't have your undies on right
now," he mused, teasing me as well.

"Who's the culprit why I don't have them right now?"

He laughed.

"You better make sure that people in the palacio won't notice it, Nigel Joaquin.
I'd die of embarrassment if they'd know..."

The iron gates were opened for us and he was still chuckling as he brought me into
the mansion.



Ahahaha... whatevz... whatevz... 🙆🙅🙇

One more chapter and it's closing time. 💒💐💏 It will be posted next weekend.


(sapphiregirl22) ~_^

Chapter 60 - The Knot

Bridal march song on top... ☝

The finale is dedicated to my big bro for his support. I know, bro, that you
haven't read yet the second half of this book because you're too busy with your
career. I can't even believe that you still tried to read this in spite of the
nature of your work, that's why, I'm so grateful because you're there for me.

~~~ CHAPTER 60 - THE KNOT ~~~


My twenty-second birthday.

I woke up and there was Mommy Carol in bed with me..

I hugged the sleeping beauty and she opened her eyes.

"Darling... is it morning already?" she wondered, rubbing her eyes.

"Yup," I said.

"Oh, happy birthday!" she said, hugging me back. "My baby is now going to be a

I laughed. "Thank you, mom, and yeah, right! I'm going to be a mom soon just like
you. Hence, no more baby acting for me."

"No, you're always be my baby darling," she insisted as she played with my hair
that covered my face while I lay down facing her. "And you're going to be my son's
wife today. Finally, we're going to have the same name, Sarmiento. Finally,
darling... and I'd like to be the first person to say it... Mrs. Althea Molina
Ruiz-Sarmiento... Oh, so good, really good."

"Mrs. Althea Molina Ruiz-Sarmiento," I repeated her. "It sounds so surreal, mom..."

"No, it isn't, darling, because it's real. Very real. And I'm so happy."

Yeah, finally. If my life story were a novel or movie, I would have entitled it
"Finally" after all the things that I had been through.

When I turned thirteen, I was engaged to Nigel. Today, exactly nine years later and
exactly on the same date, I was to wed him. It was truly a dream come true!

"Oh," mom contemplated, "you don't know how much both you and Nigelito make me so
happy... especially now that you're giving me a grandkid. I can't wait..."

Both rising up from the bed, mom and I held our hands. We embraced for a minute or
two. "I love you so much, mom," I said.

"I love you, too, Althea. You're the best thing that has ever happened to me since
I lost my Annie."

As I already expected, a time with Mommy Carol before my wedding would be this
emotional. I loved her so much and I vowed to be the best daughter for her. I would
take care of her just like how she took care of me.

At last, when we separated and about to get off from the bed, we both saw the
wedding gown that was hung in the rack just in front of my bed's foot.

White strapless ballgown.

It was so perfect and so beautiful for me that it was hard for me to find the exact
words to describe it. With a demure sweetheart neckline and made of dreamy English
net covered with an exquisite floral lace appliqué around its bodice and bigger
floral laces going downwards until the hemline, my wedding gown was just superb. It
was so full and flowing that, even if I hadn't still worn it, I could already
picture myself out as a princess in my wedding.

"My dream gown," I murmured. "That's absolutely a knockout, mom! I can't wait to
wear it!"


After lunch with my girls, I was made up by the country's best make-up artist. I
was in my room and sitting in front of my vanity mirror. There was a nervous
drumming in my heart as I looked at myself being transformed into a princess. My
girls and Mommy Carol were also there with me, also preparing themselves, as I
wanted them to stay with me. I was just so nervous that I wanted to feel everyone's

"Beautiful, beautiful..." I heard them say every time they caught a glimpse of me
and I just smiled at them. Every now and then, there were flashes of phone cameras.

I knew that Nigel had also been preparing himself by this time and I grew even more
nervous thinking about him. I wondered what he was exactly doing at this time as I
was looking at myself in the mirror. For sure, my Nigel Joaquin was making himself
the most handsome groom ever... and I couldn't wait to see him already.

I just saw him twice this morning. First was when he sneaked to my room after
learning that mom was no longer there with me. He greeted me on my birthday and we
made out on my bed, then he left. The second time I saw him was when we took our
breakfast which was just very quick since he went to entertain friends from the
capital who had arrived. We just had a quick peck on the lips after the meal and we
separated. That made me crave for him even more today.

Before lunch, a bunch of red roses to my bedroom was sent with a birthday note from

In the afternoon, a helicopter was stationed flying above La Carlota and the
hacienda. It contained camera men to get an aerial view of the whole event.

Bedecked in my gown, tiara and veil, I was transported from the palacio to the
chapel in La Carlota by a flower-filled horse-drawn carriage. And, yes, the
helicopter was escorting my journey, giving an aerial shot of me. People in the
village appeared to have waited at the roadside for the passing of the bride since
they were all so ready to wave their hands at me once I appeared in their view.
Everyone's face was in celebrating mood. Children blew flying kisses towards my
direction. I waved at them as well.

My bridesmaids shrieked when they saw me arrive at the wedding venue.

"You are just like a real princess," Kara said happily when she saw how I was
brought to the ceremony venue. We didn't have much time to talk for the occasion
started just as I arrived.

Looking at the whole place, I could see the complete transformation of the chapel
yard. The landscape architect really did the most wonderful job in setting up the
garden. The yard was just made perfect with combined green shrubs and white roses
around. The place looked like a little version of mom's flower plantation. The tree
branches near the chapel had lanterns hanging in them that were ready to be lit up
once the sun would set.

All the guests were already settled inside. Watching the processional start, I was
on the carriage to wait for my turn to walk.

My girls in lavender gowns with the groomsmen walked through the pathway of the
garden going to the chapel door. Wow, it looked like there was an aisle even in the
yard and it was filled with lavender petals in each side. Oh, my God! It was

If the yard looked this great, how much more was the chapel itself! I couldn't wait
to see what was inside it.

At 5:00 P.M., exactly an hour before the sun would set, the carriage door was
opened and I was made to set my feet on the ground. The moment my shoes touched the
ground just at the endmost portion of the outdoor aisle, the lanterns in the trees
alighted! I paused for a while, not making a step yet, for the lights just took my
breath away.

Oh, Nigel! You're really setting up all this drama! For that, I wanted to cry.

With the bouquet made of lavenders and white roses in my hands, I began to walk now
on the yard aisle. I walked slowly feeling every beat of my heart. This was my day
with Nigel and I wondered how he was also feeling right now.

The door was closed when I reached at the front of the chapel. I took the breathing
exercise as I prepared for the bridal march. When the door was opened, a song was
started to be played. My heart just wanted to stop beating when I listened to the
first three lines.

🎵It's always been a mystery to me

How two hearts can come together
And love can last forever🎵

My feet began to tread on the chapel aisle now. It wasn't only the song that
overwhelmed me so much but the whole chapel interior. It was like the whole
lavender plantation of mom was transferred in there! It was unbelievable. So her
lavender request was materialized! Lavender flowers were decorated and placed in
every available space just beside the chairs to the wall. The sides of the aisle,
where I was walking on, however, was decorated with white roses. Even on the
carpet, white rose petals just filled it.

And the lanterns... they were everywhere lighting the whole chapel! The lights just
reflected my white gown that I heard someone muffled in her seat, "She's glowing...

I couldn't believe it myself. Was I? Oh, so much drama, Nigel Joaquin!

🎵But now that I have found you, I believe

That a miracle has come
When God sends the perfect one
Now gone are all my questions about why
And I've never been so sure of anything in my life🎵

With the beauty and splendor of the bridal lane, it was an emotional walk for me. I
wanted to cry so much but I had to control myself because it was time for me to be

I walked in the middle of the white chairs lined in rows. There were only about
fifty people in there, just few special people who had all their eyes on me.

I looked ahead and...

There he was... my Nigel Joaquin... standing by the altar.

🎵I wonder what God was thinking

When He created you
I wonder if He knew everything I would need
Because He made all my dreams come true
When God made you
He must have been thinking about me🎵

There he really was... my Nigel Joaquin in his black tuxedo, standing by the altar
and waiting for me. He had his eyes trained on me... only to me... Gripping the
bouquet in my hand, I felt the pumping of my heart and, there it was, I felt no
other than the familiar beating of my heart as I moved closer to him.

Bam. Bam. Bam.

🎵I promise that wherever you may go

Wherever life may lead you
With all my heart I'll be there too🎵

I walked closer and he extended his hand for me when I was nearing him. We held
hands and I felt his grip...

🎵From this moment on I want you to know

I'll let nothing come between us
And I will love the ones you love
Now gone are all my questions about why
And I've never been so sure of anything in my life🎵

Security... I felt it in his hand. I felt so secure to be with him. I thought he

was teary-eyed just like me but we managed to keep our composure. All along, his
eyes never left my face.
"You're the most beautiful bride on earth, princess," Nigel whispered to me.
Indeed, as I stared at him, I saw two beautiful dark eyes locking gaze with mine. I
felt so overwhelmed to be tying the knot with this drop-dead gorgeous man standing
before me.

🎵He made the sun, He made the moon

To harmonize in perfect tune
One can't do without the other
They just have to be together🎵

Hand in hand, Nigel and I went to the altar to receive God's blessing.

🎵That is why I know it's true

You're for me and I'm for you
'Cause my world just can't be right
Without you in my life🎵

Right that moment, I got a strong belief that papa and mama had witnessed the grand
event happening right now and I knew, for sure, that my mama was very happy that I
was to wed the son of her best friend of whom she also considered like her son.

🎵Oh, I wonder what God was thinking

When He created you
I wonder if He knew everything I would need
Because He made all my dreams come true
When God made you
He must have been thinking about me🎵

Yes, I believed on the message of my entrance song. God created Nigel especially
for me and I for him. He was destined to be mine and I to be his.


The ceremony began and, for me, it was smooth-flowing, emotional, and solemn. And I
could feel that Mommy Carol was settling on her chair and tapping her eyes with a
hanky every once in a while.

Then, it was time for us to say our vows.

It was Nigel's turn to speak first. He paused first and gazed at my eyes before he
started. He gulped something in his throat and I smiled at him.

Finally he began, "When I was a kid, I dreamed of a princess to kiss."

Some people in the audience smiled; others laughed a little; girls and women
giggled. But they became silent when he spoke again.

"One day, I found her sleeping... nine years ago on exactly the same date... just
like that sleeping princess in the classic tale. Right that very moment, I knew
that my heart confirmed that she was the one I had been dreaming of. She was you,
Althea. However, just like what happened in the immortal tale, time and fate tested
the both of us and tested how strong and deep our feelings for each other. Before
we both stand here today in front of this altar, we've been through a lot."

"Now, that you are mine to keep, my princess, Althea Molina Ruiz, I promise to be
your Nigel forever, your champion, your fighter, your warrior, your defender in all
battles of life that you and I have yet to face together. I promise to be always
right here for you, to make you happy, and to be the better half that you expect me
to be. I pledge all my love, respect, trust, and fidelity to you. You are my first
love and forever will be my only love."

"I vow to spend the rest of my life showing my never-ending devotion to you. For
all the aspirations that you still want to achieve, I vow to be here supporting you
all the way. Today and always, I am yours, Althea."

Certainly, Nigel was a bit teary-eyed as he pronounced each word. As I heard him, I
knew his words came from the deepest part of his heart. Indeed, he was my Nigel, my
champion, my knight. Didn't his name mean champion?

Then, it was my turn.

I looked up to him and stared at his eyes.

"All thoughout my life, I've fallen in love with only one man --- you. Now that I
have you as mine, Nigel Joaquin Sarmiento, from this day forward, I promise myself
to be yours to keep. I am not perfect and I am not the best but I promise to do my
best to keep a home filled with love, happiness, and respect. In all life's ups and
downs, I will stand by your side until my last breath. I pledge to support you in
everything that you do. I vow to submit myself wholly to you as your wife, friend,
lover, and everything in your life. I am yours forever, Nigel Joaquin."

The exchange of rings were done as well and, with me, seeing my wedding ring on my
finger, it was magical. The whole ceremony was just the kind of wedding that I
imagined it.

When the priest said, "You may now kiss the bride," Nigel lifted up my veil and we
stared at each other for a second or two before we expressed our love to each other
with a gentle, satisfying kiss. Everybody clapped afterwards. I looked at mom and
she was teary-eyed again, even Kara and Elena, too.

When the ceremony was over, Nigel swept me off my feet and carried me by his arms
as he treaded to find the way out of the chapel.

Everyone, smiling and laughing now, teased us as they showered us flower petals.
The horse-drawn carriage was there waiting for Nigel and me outside the chapel.
Passing the countryroad, we both rode on it on our way to the palacio.

Men and women, workers of The Fields and their families and who had become our
family, too, stood by the sides of the road, brought lanterns in their hands, and
threw confetti of flowers to us when we passed by.

Feeling like a princess, I was smiling but teary-eyed the whole time. I was so
touched by all the efforts these dear people just did for us. I was now Sra. Althea
Sarmiento, and with that name, I began to feel the responsibility I had for these
people who had been serving the Sarmiento family ever since. Now that I was the
wife of the Master of The Fields, I knew that it was going to be a very big
responsibility. However, with Mommy Carol who would be guiding me, I knew I would
make a difference in their lives.

"I feel like a real princess," I said, smiling at Nigel who drew my waistline and
pulled me to him.

He was so handsome as he stared at me. He was smiling, too, but he wasn't speaking.

I stared at him as well. "Hey, S. Eliakim, playing speechless?" I said.

He just clasped my head and pulled me for a kiss.

By the way, I just got married to a certain S. Eliakim. It was how he signed our
marriage contract. It was his official signature, wasn't it?


The reception venue was just the place that I imagined it to be. Lanterns were
everywhere. And the humongous cake in the middle of it? Wow, it was amazing! Just
the wedding cake that Nigel and I imagined it to be! Mrs. Riviera together with the
rest of the cake team certainly nailed it!

Dinner was superb. Everything was just superb. The reception rites were done and
every one was in the mood for a party. Just after the toasts were done, the guests
held their lighted lanterns and we released them in the air.

Together with the lanterns flying in the dark atmosphere, I made my prayers and
wishes. The dark sky looked amazing with the flying lights. Nigel then hugged and
kissed me. He was just being like that all throughout the night. He never seemed to
get enough of me. Of course, who was I to object?

Then, our first dance as couple came next. Both of us picked the song for it. It
was a song that reminded him of me and me of him.

As I was in his arms, I came to realize that it was actually our first time to
dance together. It felt so wonderful to move my body in synchronization with him. I
stared at his eyes and, yes, a pair of dark, beautiful Spanish eyes was staring
back at me. His eyes were always an inescapable trap. My heart had been trapped in
them since a very long time ago.

We were dancing slowly and Nigel's lips touched my forehead. I closed my eyes and I
felt his lips travel to one of my eyelids and kissed it very, very gently.

"They are always a lure to me, you know that, don't you?" he said.

I opened them and I felt his fingers in the corners of my eyes, slowly brushing the
tears that glistened in them.


By the end of the celebration, I found myself carried by my groom's arms to the
helicopter waiting for us. I didn't know where the helicopter would bring us but I
trusted my groom. It would all be up to him. It looked like I had another surprise
on my wedding night... Nigel loved to do that... surprises... and I would always be
that wife who would always feel like fainting every time he would show me one...

--- THE END ---



Exactly in the 60th chapter, this novel is through! FINALLY!

Hope you like it, guyz!

Isn't it one long journey? The story opened with the engagement in Chapter 1 and
ended with the wedding in Chapter 60... hehe... At least, we're done with all the
Please, make me happy... VOTE, COMMENT, SHARE, FOLLOW... and you'll have a bonus
chapter from me. I know you still want to know something so I'll be giving it to
you as a bonus... I still don't know when but I'll just notify my followers when
I'm ready with it.

Thank you so much!

(sapphiregirl22) ~_^

(Hervina blows flying kisses to every one and takes a bow...)

A/N 2

Let's take a stroll down memory lane with the video on top. Can you still recall
from which scenes of this novel these lines are taken? Haha, just trying to have
some fun with you... and just want to reminisce all those irritating scenes with
you!!! Haha!


Okay, done watching it?

Now, let's get down to business... hehe...

Finally, my first Wattpad novel Engaged to the Heartless Heartbreaker has its
curtains falling down and I can't believe it. It seems just like yesterday that I
was starting it... and, now, is it even true that I've just finished it? (Please,
somebody pinch me!)

From this novel, I've discovered and realized a lot of things. The following are
just a few of them:

FIRST, Most of us are hopeful when it comes to LOVE. Though we are hurt and
shattered, still we cling to that small amount of hope in our hearts that the
person hurting us will still find some time to realize our worth. I just knew it
because most of you, while reading the first half of this, hoped that Nigel would
come to love Thea back. We hate him but we still have that hope in our hearts.

SECOND, I love Althea and Nigel. Though they are fictional characters but they hold
a special place in my heart. I want to believe that they are real people... so they
can be a living testimony that it is possible to love only one person throughout
one's lifetime... and a proof that forever does exist.

THIRD, It will take me a long time before I'll be able to move on from my ANGEL.

FOURTH, Just pursue your dream, never stop, and believe that you can. To be honest,
I've been apprehensive at first of posting this story here with the fear of being
criticized. But how can we tell that we can do something if we don't take a certain
risk? So, I said to myself, "Never be afraid of criticisms! They are the ones that
help you!" Hence, one day, I decided to post the first part... then followed by one
update, then another update... At first, there were just very few readers... until
they became a lot... and now, thousands...

FIFTH, Never be afraid to eliminate a chapter that doesn't feel quite right. Well,
just a trivia... I have written five long chapters intended for this novel that I
decided to exclude. Though I spent a lot of efforts on those scenes but because I
felt they don't just feel right, I just keep them to myself. I don't regret I
didn't post them... because if I did... Oh, no... just don't ask me about it...

SIXTH, I have the most amazing readers in the whole wide world... Guys, you're
there supporting and you've never been judgmental of me. Yes, you judge and hate my
characters (and I'm even loving it... because Nigel and Althea were really designed
to be hated and criticized in most parts of this novel) but you don't include
hating the author. You criticize the characters but you never give negative remarks
directed to me (Well, at least for now... hehe) You only made suggestions or
corrections, you never bash me. For that, I feel really, truly amazing. THANK YOU,

SEVENTH, When readers make votes or make comments that they love the story or when
they add the story to their reading list especially the one that is labeled
Faves/Favorites/Best and the like, it's what keeps the author pumped up. It's an
amazing feeling I can't truly describe it!

EIGHTH, Readers' thoughts and opinions are very helpful. Some of you might have
noticed that I keep some of your suggestions by actually carrying it out in the
story. Hope I make you happy.

NINTH, It is indeed possible to gain friends in Wattpad. Because of this, I love

Wattpad even more. Because of Wattpad, I come to meet amazing, wonderful people
from the different parts of the world.

TENTH, there's nothing that I'd like to do right now but just to extend my
heartfelt THANKS and GRATITUDE to the following:

To our Almighty God, for this wonderful opportunity. You are the giver of gifts,
Lord, and I'm glad You give me the ability to write. Without you, the source of
ideas, I would have nothing to write.

To my husband, Rey, for the support. You've always been there for me, giving me
ideas and suggestions as to the flow of the story. Because of you, I got to think
of S. Eliakim. For being my real-life-knight-in-shining-armor, thank you and I love
you, pa.

To my kids, Baby Hero and Baby Zaiyeh, for providing me a reservoir of love and
inspiration. Your smiles and laughter bring me to heights. And, in the next months,
papa and mama will be away from you. We will surely miss you both, it's going to be
hard I know but, for you Yoh and Yeh, I'll try to be strong.

To my siblings, Ghay, JP, and Pon, for being my first ever supporters. Truly,
family supports one another. If no one does, who else will? Family yesss!!!

To my amazing READERS, VOTERS, COMMENTERS and FOLLOWERS, for choosing to read this
story, for inspiring me, and for your support and love. Definitely, Engaged to the
Heartless Heartbreaker wouldn't be this grand to me without all of YOU, so thank
you. Thank you. Thank you. If you could only see my hêăřt right now, you could sèé
the happiness you've brought to my life... ❤💙💚💛💜💗💟

To sapphiregirl22's crazy CHEERLEADING TEAM --- Cindy, Lina, Thethisz, Nov1567 ---
for the crazy chit-chats during update time. Thank you, girls! You've become a part
of me you can't ever imagine.

To everyone who has been there since the beginning until the end. Thank you very
much for sticking around, for your patience in waiting for updates, for just being
there for this story... THANK YOU VERY MUCH!

To everyone who will still read this, THANKS in advance!

Hope you all enjoy it as much as I love writing it.

To all of you, LOVE, LOVE, LOVE!!! Mwaahhh👄👄👄!!!

See you around!

(sapphiregirl22) ~_^
a.k.a. Hervina


Please read "Why Can't It Just Be You?"

Having been able to think of a new plot, I've already posted the blurb of my newest
story entitled "Finding Hale." Here's the cover.


Some of you ask if I'm going to write a sequel of Engaged to the HEARTLESS
HEARTBREAKER and I still don't know... It depends...

Actually, I want to stop where I just stopped... because I want to believe that
Nigel's and Althea's life together as husband and wife is the same to a fairytale's
ending, "AND THEY LIVE HAPPILY EVER AFTER." I want to give that kind of ending to
their story because they both have been through a lot... They deserve to have a
happy life after everything...

So that's it.

But, who knows? My mind can be pretty fickle sometimes. I might write a sequel in
the future... It really depends...

But, yeah, I'll be posting a bonus chapter some time soon...


Book Covers
This is just a collection of the covers I made for this book from the earliest to
the latest. Feel free to make comments on them. Thank you.

(1) The Crying Girl

(2) Confident Althea

(3) Demure

(4) Sweet Selena and Cute Gui

(5) My Favorite - The Guy's Uncaring Hand

(6) Lagoon Butterflies

(7) Girl in the Rain

(8) Beautiful Selena with Gui's Pinkish Silhouette

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