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Godown and Specify the

Enter an Al
sank Reconciliation Select Prirr
Under v hi
exist pr~:;
Two opti~

Multiple godown handling, rransler of materials across godown, Bank Reconci\i~ ► Third~
the g
► Our
3.1. 1ntroducti~
the Godown it is not onJY ]Jrruted to physical godown but it is also used to kee O comp
;nvento,Y within a factory prenuses at ,•anous manufactunng units- further it is als 0 P"'<

from one place to other. Tally.ERP 9 maintains third party (which shall n ot be
companies own inventory) to take care in efficiently managing such inventory.
track ;nventory of raw materials, semi finished as well as finished products to trans!e r_equu,;,

nux up'
'"' °"
The following steps are required to maintain godown

To Activate Godown : -
Gateway of Tally --+ press Fl l (Company Features)-
Press F2 (Inventory Features).
Maintain multiple Godown : Type Yes
Storage and Classification ? Yes 3.2
Maintain multiple Godowns 1.

Accept Yes 'l

To create GodO\.\'TI er mg e Godown select Create (Fig.-3.l.l

Gateway of Tally) ....... Inventory Info-+ Godown-+ Und s· 1

Inventory Info. I 1r1

Stock Groups Single Godown

Stock Items
Units of Measure
Multiple Godowns
Reorder Levels
Voucher Types Display
Copy Allocation Details


Fig.-3.1. : Godown Creation

~~- Je Goc o,'i"" a""d Ba'1K Rec onci liatio

Speci.~ ·~ :-.~ e ~ - ~· - . _._, ~ .l'n' '"" type How rah)

tion Gocim,'"Il nam e it requ ired
En~ an Ali&S r-.a...~ fu. t1k' Loca ..- the ltX-- ahon God own
a~ :,.ub hx:atio..._ otheri.,L"'<=' 'c~.f
Saec t Prk...a..~ a ri: • .. no: --ab ~ow
k to be categ o.nze d If theparent God own L...,--:1tion do.', not
L"ruier ,._ ,'tich the loc~ tion Gcxi own God own
exist ~e:,s A.It - C to ce,at e the
riren t Lo..-abor.
;~un ded .tr Talh ,.,.!::,et it "") ~ Xo as rer our req= men t.
Tn·o are CT\:\.1 ted LS u~,i to .,cco unt
this opaO!l to -Yes '" it the ~odo wn
,. Thir d Part y Stoc k with us: 5.?t not af"'tect the c-nmp.m)
a.,d tfa:" "tod. . of third F ~ iliou Jd
t h e ~ :ece ned trom tr-.ud pa..-t)·
5!nd "ame .
n i:- u...:ro h.'I ucr-mmt tht'
: 5.:· this optio n to \es if the ~ow
, Our S:oc k with Thin f Part y :hi.a part) ".
£..=p a.~• ::, ~oo:is. p ~ t w1t.h i1'le
Ii ~ 't l)iiJ:..<.' I

Nam e · How rah


..,"10er J Primary

Use for.
Acce pt?
Otir stoc.. ;.n ;.:-.:ro party
TIL~ part: stoc <\dh us Yes ' No

3.2. Mai nta inin g Mul tiple god own

te (und er Mul tiple
y Info . > Locations. God .own s > Crea
Go ~ Gate way of Tall y > In,e ntor
GodO 'l\'nS ).
s to be crea ted in the field
2. Se.fed the pare nt grm.ip ~de
r whic h you wan t !:he ne· · God own
and Haz ra unde r
crea te iwC' God m "!". .na..'Tlek. ~a.... tola
Cnd er God m-.-n (Her e Hazr a). Kow ·
as S.."10\\"TI i.n the follo wing figu.-e 3
How rJi God own


Fig.-3.2.: Mul tiple Godown Creation

of tl'le selected godo wn.
~ow the Mul ti God own Disp lay screen appe ars, displayin_g the details
God own s
3.3. Tra nsf er of materials acr oss the
Thro ugh Tally YOU
own to anot her we need Stock Journals
To tran,g'er a mate rial trom one God r...:LS betw een god o,1. n:--.
can crea te \OU cher class, whic h
help s in simplifying the transfer of mate
To tran sfer materials (Stock Transfer
, Go oG a~a yof Tal l) lm·e Gon
ntor yV01Jchers.
mn and the God own
ilien select Stock Item in Source colu
., Pres s Al! .... F7 Stock Journal and
p2rticu -~
f 1ox notum .c ~~
1 \II\ 111 Ull\11

mll In llw II l)

Ila ......

fis.-J .. 1. : StocJ.. Jc11m1,1/

3.4. To transfer of materials using Voucher Classes
Step 1 : To nl',ttl' Voudwr Cl,1ss -
, , 1 ,11, . \l'l'o11nts lnhi Im l'llllln Into ' \ l>udwr I') l'l'~ -> J\ltc1- >Sdrct Stolk
l ,., I l \\ 1
\-\ I \ i ' '

Journ,11,' t,ib dt>\\ n Ill N,\llW nl Cl,1:-:- Itl'ld ,\l\d "fWl 11\ ( I,\~~ l\,lt\ll' (l',g. Gl>dnwn l 1'tlll 1·Jcr)
&•t "Ust• Cl,1s:- llll' lnll'r Clldll\\ n l'r,mskn!' Ill '\ l''i
Step 2: C1t•atl' Stock Tr,msfl'f Journ,tl Voudtl'r -
Gn tew,1y of r.111) - .. Im l'lllllr) \ tiuclwrs -> Alt, l · ('-thlCk Jtl\1t'n,tl) ~i'll'l· t l ,ndnwn I r,,m,for cl.,ss
from VtH1dwr Cl,1ss I tsl
S..•lt•ct Dl•i,tin:1tiu11 God()\'\ n dl•l,1ils. shwl-. 11l•ms, Sll\ll'l'l' Clldll\\ n
3.5. Bank Reconclllatlon
Bank R1•rnnt ili,1lion St,1tt•nwnt iH ,ln t•,pl,m,,litm tlf tlw d1lfl't\'l\1.'l' lwlWl'1.'n h,\nk b,\lnrn:(' ,\s p1.•1· ..,,,sh
book and b,,nk h,1l,11Kl' ,ls pl't P,1sshol1"- (H,ml-. st,lll'tl\l'I\I) ~1.1nwtmws, tl-w b,rnk b,,l,\I\Cl' :,~ per ll\,h
book a_nd pn~shook do not l,111} "1th l'.ld, llllw1 , tlwn \\ l ' 1-.thl\\ tlw ditkn•nC'l' bl'lWl'('n tlwm h)
preparing tlw b,mk rl'Co1wili,1l1nn st,1lt•11wnl.
·~ ..- n R ·\ i ...-
Godown and Bank Reconciliation
Bank Reconciliation
GoT>Bank->Bank Reconciliation->Select a bank account from the list of Banks.
Now Enter the Date on which the cheque is cleared. Tue screen is as follows.
Ledger. SBI Account ,.-•..,
(Reconciliation) rotHWM
Date Particulars
Vch Ti Transaction Tvoe IDstrurMnt No. Instrument Dae Bank Date Oab\1. ~
1-4-2019 Jalan lntotech
Receipt Same ~k Transfer 3456677 1--t-2019 1U/2tM I aa,000.00
Fig.-3.4. : Bank Reconcilation
..-r~_- .
,~,.~~-- .
llabus tor Calcutta Un\versi\y 2011

Budget and Control

5.1. Budget perio d of time . A bud get

It contains financial guid eline s for
the futur e plan of action for a selec ted te a
ently. In Tally ERP 9, you can creat e, alter, and dele
helps to define goals and use fund s effici
budg et.
To c1ctivatc the "bud get and control " (Fig.-5.1.)
-► Press Fl (Acc ount ing features)
CoT -> Press Fll(C omp any features)

Invoicing ? Yes
Enable invoicinQ ? Yes
Record purchases in invoice mode
? Yes
Use debit and credit notes ? Yes
Record credit notes in invoice mode ? Yes
Record debit notes in invoice mode
Budgets and Scen ario Man agem
Maintain budgets and controls
0§@ l@ot!i§III§ )6611191§ 9116 BPlibliJI 0bdtli@i§
? Yes
'-i¥ I
Fig.-5.1.: Enabling budg et and cont rol
Now we create the foilowing ledger using
GoT-+ account info -+ ledg er-> create(Mu
lAlOefl, rtJUp • AH mtme
vr.- fled er
~ ~

1. Rent Oft lc1~

rect ~
2. Power
3. Advert11tmtnl
OP-ct E:l;.,er.5e:
"· Wig•• I

optio 2)
n from acco unt info as (F.1g.__:,..
Now to create budg et Select "Bud get"
.. Ung of Tox Rot

'11,ViPW I

orouPII c ,1)'1 -. d
co11 ( nteoorte!i l'trllo l

COAi centft;S

l!id r11.1r ,r,e

voucher l ypes
sra1utorv into
QUII f'rt•<;S
fis, ar»,l. : S1•/t cl loll of l111tlgt'I

Nl,,\ fill \II' b\ldgl'I cn•,11ilil\ llmn 11 !4 lllllllW l4 (Pig.-[<1.)

Period of Budaet I Set / Alter Budaets of

English From I To: I Groups I Ledaera .. Direct
Nome : Office Expenae• lndlrt


1-May.2019 Yes Ye,

Under . J Prtmary

I ,.1,r.:.-,,,: ..1•: UtuJgt'I Creation

Nl•,1 l'n\1k tlw vnudwr 1mtry:
Cl, r ► Arnninli1w0 voudwr ► Pn•ss
" pr.' (t> ,iynH.•nl Vouclwr)(Fig.·5.4.) DI

!11111Uilllllllat101 1•Allr.f'

'ro~~w: 1 ~cu~lacn ================-------

-!!'"....1;~-----------========= ------~~~
========:JDt~b[it::. ~ 20,000.00
CwM 2U0U0Or
Dr l"owtf
ewe. 11,oeuo o, 5,000,00
D! ,ue1
Cw/W' 7,UUODr 1,000.00
Dr Rent
Cw eat 36,IIOO..O 1K 10,000.00
I) AdVenlttlltnt
CwS. 11.NUODr 1,000.00
I) . . ,
QwB,I ,,. .... Dr 50,000.00
Cw&/ 1,N,NOOOC'.r

fig.-5.4. : Sl'it•ct io11 of hrulgl't

11re, .
I nrntro,r using p
ayment Vouclter
a]t}~ ,. Budget and Control
Tt) \ k" thl~ n:-p1.111 of budget find control, tollow this !.leps:
t;,>T • d1,rl,w _. tn,1I bal,uh~ (Vih.-5.5.)



Fig.-5.5.: Tri,1/ Balance of budget and control

Pn-ss .\lt+F2 to change f't.>riod To: 1-.5-2019
r~ss .\lt-t B to, iew the rt>port of budget and control
T,Te 0th~ E,penses
The tollowing scrl:'en appear : ,,·ill
Par1icular1 1~-2019 to 1-May-2019 1-Apr-2019 to 1-May-2019
0/f"ioe~ Actuals
CloslnQ Balance CIO&ina Balance
Debi I Creel.I Debt I Cre<il

_194 .... ,1111

~-:.:: ......
Oirea Expe,- 42,600.00
lndnct Expenses 1,52,000.00

Press Alt+Fl to show the details (Fig.-5.6.)

ABC Pvt Lt ABC Pvt Lt
1-Apr-2019 to 1-May-2019 1-Apr-2019 to 1-May-2019
Office Exoense3 Actuals
Cla&ino Balance CI06ina Balance
Debit I Cl'edit Detit I Cr.dit

• :<to; ........
. • s J.°·.·· 1,94500.00 I
:>ired Expenses
A.. 20,000.00
Ind ired Expemes
Ren! 1,00,000 00

Fig.-5.6. : Details report of budget and control


Payroll Accounting, Features

®@ C
Payroll Master, Payslip
a i
6.1. Introduction C
Payroll is.a process of maintaining records of all employee's salary under various pay head, all statutorv
and non-statutory deduction attendance/absent are recorded .
6.2. Features of payroll in Tally ERP 9
Create a
.,.. Payroll accounting in Tally offers the benefits of simplified payroll processing and accounting Gateway
due to its added benefit of integration with accounts.
).. The payroll module 1s flexible.
► It is used to create user defined earnings and deductions pay heads.
► The module uses unlimited grouping of Payroll Masters.
► It offers all-inclusive cost centre as well as employee wise costing reports.
,. Ensures timely and precise processing of salary of employees.
► It helps to generate a Statutory forms and challans for EPF & ESI as prescribed.
► The payroll module helps in tracking the loan details of employees as well.
6.3. Create a Payroll using a Tally
Generate a payroll in Tally requires 3 steps
Step 1 : The first step is to create employee master.
Under this the following tasks are involved .
,. Employee Creation
.,.. Employee Group Creation
► Create payroll units
► Create Pay heads for salary Components
>-'Salary detail creation
Step 2 : Second step is to create payroll voucher.
Step 3: Finally Generate a Payslip.
6.3.1. Create a Payroll Masters
Enable payroll feature in Tally ERP 9
Gateway of Tally--+ F 11 : Features--+ : Accounting Features. Under Cost/Profit Centers Management
section, Set the option "Maintain payroll" to "Yes".
Also set "Maintain more than one payroll or cost category" to "Yes".
The screen is as follows (Fig.-6.1.)

~ ~. J. Payroll Accounting, Features, Payroll Master, Payslip Generation -

Cost/Profit Centres Management

I Maintain payroll ? Yes I
Maintain cost centres ? Yes
. . ?

Show opening balance for revenue items in reports

Fig.-6.1. : Enabling Payroll Features

ate attendance/production types as follow (Fig.-6.2.)
teway of Tally-. Payroll Info-. Attendance/Production Types-. Create.

• I 11111 r•-·• ,__ ., . . ....

Name : Leave

Under : J Primary

Attendance type Leave without Pa}

Period type Days Accept?

Yes_or No

. ····•
Name · Overtime

• J Primary

· Production
Attendance type Accept?

: hr Yes_or .Ho
. _ . Creation 0'J1 Leave and Overtime
Fig. 6.2. .
e.ate unit hr using Alt+C.

Computerised Accounting System and E-Filing of Tax Return
Employee Group Creation
Gateway of Tally----+ Payroll Info----+ Employee Group----+ Create (Single)(Fig.-6.3.)
Pay He
m o ee Grou Creation
Category Primary Cost Category
Name Manager

Under : .J Primary

Define salary details ? No

Yes or No

Fig.-6.3. : Employee Group Creation

In the same way create "Accountant", "Clerk"
Now create employee:
Path for employee creation : G.O.T. (Gateway of Tally) ----+ Payroll Info ----+ Employees -+ Create
(Single) (Fig. -6.4.)
Em lo ee Creation Meltrek Pvt.

Category : Primary Cost Category

Name : Souren Sen


Display name rn reports as : Souren Sen

Under : Mana11er
(J Primary)
Date of joining : 1-Apr-2019
Define salary details ? No

General Information Provide bank details ? No

Employee Number · 111 Statutory Details
Designation : Officer
Function : Supervise Income Tax Number (PAN)
Location · Purchase Aadhaar number ·
Gender : Male Universal Account Number (lJAN);
Date of birth : 1.Jan-1970 PF account number
Blood group : AB Positive PR account number (PRAN)
Father's/mother's name: Ranendra Nath Se
Spouse's name : Juhi Sen ESI number
Address · 23/Tilak Road
Phone no. : 7033455797
E-Mail .
Yes or No

Fig.-6.4. : Employee Record Creation

Similarly enter the records for other employee.


.J,\,,,.•,.. \. ' ◄
\ ,,,t·•\\~\•I:; 1~,\\\\\\\\,\1
Je Payroll Accounting, Feature,, Payroll M11ter, Paysllp Generation -
ray H~ad Creation: Gntc>w.\y ot folly • l\wroll lnto • P,w I fonds .. Crcatl'.(fig.•h.5.)

PdV Hed (rt,!dl1011

\Jame : Salary

Pay Head Information

Pay head type : Earnings for Employees
lncom3 type : Fixed
Under : Indirect Expenses

Affect net sslary ? Yes

Name to be displayed in pays ip : Salary
Use for calculatim d gratuity' ? No
Calculat on type : On Attendance
Attenoanceneave Mth pay : J Not Applicable
Leave witoout pay : Leave
Calculation period : Months
Basis of cak:ulaion (per day) : As per Calendar Period

Fig.-6.5. : Pay Head Creation

. stem and E-Filing of Tax Return
·sed Accounting 5Y
compu terl
't ~
.~ - ;
: overtime Nam.t
Name (altaa)


Pay Head Information

: Earnings for Employees
Pay head type
: Fixed
Income type : lndi rect Expenses

Affect net salary ? Yes

Name to be displayed in payslip : Ove-rtime
Use for calculation of gratuity ? No
Calculation type : On Production
Production type : Overtime

Fig.-6.5. (a). Pa
. y per head creation (Overtime)

~ 2- Payroll Accounting, Features, Payroll Master, Payslip Generation -£ 47 ?

Name O.urnesa Allow11nce
. ~t~nlng~~M!..
(el/a~) :
1,10,000.00 Or

. __ _QJ!forence
1 10 000.00 Dr

Poy Head Information Comeutatlon lnformotion

p eyheed typo Eornlnga for Employees Compute On Current Earning• rotal
Income type Verlobla Amount Up Sleb Typo Valuo
Effective Amount
undof · Indirect Expenaoa From Greater Then To
! 1-Apr-2019
M ect net salary ? Yes 50,000.00 Percentage 10%
Nomo to be displayod in payslip 50,000.0( 75,000.00 Percentage 12%
Deernon Allowenco 15%
uae for calculation of gratuity ? No 75,000.00 1,00,000.00 Percentage
Calculation type 1,00,000.00 2,50,000.00 Percentage 15%
/u Computed Volue 15%
2 50 000.00 Percent.Dae
Calculation period Months

Fig.-6.5. (b) : Dearness Allowance

~irauJ ■!OOfflll•JI
Name HRA

Pay Head Information

Pay head type : Earnings for Employees
Income type : Fixed
Under : Indirect Expenses

Affect net salary ? Yes

Name to be displayed in payslip : HRA
Use for calculation of gratuity ? No
Calculation type : Flat Rate

Calculation period : Months

Fig.-6.5. (c) : HRA


and E-Flllng of Tax Return
5 stem - .
uterlsed Accounting Y
uil- -- Co:,m:,mi'liJJi•h
Provide nt Fund

Pay Head Information

- Deductions From Employees
Pay head type - Indirect Expenses
? Yes
Affect net salary . F d
Name to be displayed in payshp : Provident un

· Flat Rate
Calculation type
: Months
Calculation period

Fig.-6.5. (d): Providt•11t fond

6.3.2. Second step is~~ C!_eate payroll voucher

"Ctr\ + F4," to open payroll
Gateway of Tally__. Payroll Voucher > Press "Clrl + FS" and then press
voucht r (Fig. -6.6.)


tlon:a=.:T.ucYP!"--.---------------.--- __.Y!~• u.-

a.::a(m""'efor"""t!="=""'f=----=Emolo't!!=-=H:::.:..-=-.,Atrt=,._=:.:..~f!d=uc $ O.ya
111 cw 1W ' o.,. 3~
112 CWUJ~

Fig.-6.6.: Payroll Voucl1er

6.3.3. Finally Generate Payslip
Payslip Single Payslip
~~teway of Tally ➔ Display-+ Payroll Report - Statement of Payroll _.,


~ \•.1 \\·' Wr -~ 'H,~

\. mt-'~- 2- Payroll Accounting, Features, Payroll Master, Payslip Generation -

Statements of Payroll

Pay Sheet

PaYroll Statement
PayMent Advice

PayRoll Register

Employee ProFile

Employee Head Count

Employee Pay Head Break,up

Pay Head Employee Breakup


Fig.-6.7. : Statement of Payroll List

Pay Slip + Single Pay Slip. Now Press Enter and From "List of Employee" Select "Employee Name"
The Follow mg Screen will appear (Fig.-6.8.).

ti: Corttd Ca.-tra ',tt_: SIJpp,!111 C.t,t~ ,!i: Help

P!r snp 1c, Aern1019

- - - -.. -
PflCCW\lftUmber •!UN'l




Fig.-6.8. : Pay Slip Screen

C A S & E-F T R • 4


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