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QUIZ 1 Distribution Management

Name: __________________________________ Date: _____________ Score: ___________

Based from our discussion answer the following essay questions.

Rubrics: 10 points each
6 points- content (Ideas and/ or responses are coherent, and logical)
2 points- organization (The ideas are well-structured)
2 point- grammar (The responses are written with minimal/ tolerable grammatical errors)

1. Discuss the relationship between channel management and the marketing mix.
2. Why is the concept of channel flows useful for a better understanding of channel management?
3. Case Study:
Susan Jensen, a marketing manager for a major consumer package goods manufacturer, is very upset
with the sales results of the new oat bran cookies her company introduced three months ago. She believes
that an important factor in the lackluster sales results is that too many supermarkets across the country
were not featuring the product in giant end-of-aisle displays recommended by the manufacturer to evoke
consumer impact and awareness. “I feel like hitting those store managers over the head for not featuring
this product—if only I had more control over these guys,” remarked a frustrated and angry Susan Jensen.

Discuss this situation in the context of the definition of the marketing channel presented in the text

QUIZ 1 Distribution Management

Name: __________________________________ Date: _____________ Score: ___________

Based from our discussion answer the following essay questions.

Rubrics: 10 points each
7 points- content (Ideas and/ or responses are coherent, and logical)
2 points- organization (The ideas are well-structured)
2 point- grammar (The responses are written with minimal/ tolerable grammatical errors)

4. Discuss the relationship between channel management and the marketing mix.
5. Why is the concept of channel flows useful for a better understanding of channel management?
6. Case Study:
Susan Jensen, a marketing manager for a major consumer package goods manufacturer, is very upset
with the sales results of the new oat bran cookies her company introduced three months ago. She believes
that an important factor in the lackluster sales results is that too many supermarkets across the country
were not featuring the product in giant end-of-aisle displays recommended by the manufacturer to evoke
consumer impact and awareness. “I feel like hitting those store managers over the head for not featuring
this product—if only I had more control over these guys,” remarked a frustrated and angry Susan Jensen.

Discuss this situation in the context of the definition of the marketing channel presented in the text

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