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Joshua Kyle S.

Lacastesantos G7-Mabini March 22, 2023

Values PT
Topic: Death Penalty Has No Place In the Modern World

• In the modern world, there is growing consensus that the death penalty has no place in our justice
• The use of capital punishment is a divisive issue that raises important questions about human rights,
justice, and morality.
• Many people argue that the death penalty is a violation of the fundamental human right to life and a
form of cruel and inhumane punishment.
• Others point to the risk of executing innocent people, the discriminatory application of the law, and
the lack of evidence that the death penalty serves as an effective deterrent to crime furthermore, the
use of the death penalty can be a costly and inefficient process, often taking years to reach a final
decision, with countless appeals and legal procedures.
• Additionally, there are many alternatives to the death penalty, such as life imprisonment without
parole, that are equally effective at protecting society and rehabilitating offenders. The death penalty
also has a significant impact on the mental health and well-being of those involved in the process,
including jurors, lawyers, and prison staff.

Evidence 1: The Death Penalty Is Ineffective

• There is little evidence to suggest that the death penalty is an effective deterrent to crime. According
to a report by the National Research Council, studies conducted over the past few decades have
consistently failed to demonstrate a causal relationship between the use of the death penalty and
reductions in crime rates. This suggests that the death penalty does not serve as a deterrent to potential

Evidence 2: The Death Penalty Is Costly

• The death penalty is a costly and inefficient process that often takes years to reach a final decision. In
many cases, the cost of pursuing the death penalty is significantly higher than the cost of life
imprisonment without parole. According to a report by the California Commission on the Fair
Administration of Justice, the state could save over $1 billion over the next five years by abolishing the
death penalty.

Evidence 3: The Risk of Executing Innocent People

•There have been numerous cases of individuals who were wrongfully convicted and sentenced to
death. The Innocence Project, an organization that works to exonerate wrongfully convicted individuals,
has identified over 160 individuals who were sentenced to death and later exonerated.
•This suggests that there is a significant risk of executing innocent people if we continue to use the
death penalty.
•In addition to the above evidence, there are other reasons why the death penalty has no place in the
modern world.
•The use of the death penalty is a violation of the fundamental human right to life and is a form of cruel
and inhumane punishment.
•It also has a significant impact on the mental health and well-being of those involved in the process.
• In conclusion, the use of the death penalty has no place in the modern world. The evidence shows that
it is an ineffective, costly, and discriminatory punishment that violates fundamental human rights and
does not serve the interests of justice or fairness. The risk of executing innocent people is too high, and
the death penalty does not act as a deterrent to potential criminals.

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