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1st Laboratory Exam

ESSAY: (Credit will be given not only for the biological content, but also for the organization and
presentation of the essay and use of grammar, punctuation, and spelling.)

Important: Plagiarism should be below 30%.

1. What is the difference between a semi-permeable and a selectively permeable membrane?

Semi-permeable and selectively permeable are both used to classify the type of cell
membrane. Though, they slightly differ in terms of their function. Semi- permeable membrane
is a type of membrane in which it allows molecule to pass through, but not others. A concrete
example is the tubules that are present in our kidneys. In which they allow molecules such as
electrolytes and other fluid, but not others. In the other hand, selectively permeable is specific,
in which it only allows specific molecules, from the word itself “select”. Example of a selectively
permeable membrane is a phospholipid bilayer, in which it only allows uncharged molecules to
pass through.

2. What is the importance of staying hydrated? (5pts)

Our survival depends on our state of being balance such as in the materials and energy
that our body needs. One of the factors that needs to be balanced to acquired homeostasis is
our body’s water level. We need to stay hydrated in a form of drinking water or eating watery
fruits. In this case, it doesn’t just help our body maintaining equilibrium. Hence, it also provides
benefits, including regulating our body temperature, keeping our organ system moving and
more. Moreover, loss of homeostasis; an actual cause of death.

3. Explain how cell transport helps an organism maintain homeostasis. (5pts)

Homeostasis is the state of being balance. Oxygen level, sugar level, blood
pressure and more, are some of the factors that needed to maintain in order to survive. Cell
transport involves movement of materials across the cell membrane. An example of a cell
transport is Endocytosis, wherein it transports materials such as fluids, electrolytes and
proteins. Our body needed the presence of cell transport in order to have the balanced and
sufficient materials and energy which our body need; by this homeostasis will be acquired.
Furthermore, these electrolytes are helpful as well which regulate the levels of oxygen in our
body and more.

4. Discuss the effects of dehydration and electrolyte imbalance in our body. (10pts)

As mentioned above, loss of homeostasis can be an actual cause of death to patient.

Dehydration and electrolyte imbalances are the aspects that can lead to loss of homeostasis.
When an individual suffers from dehydration and electrolyte imbalances, the water levels, the
body temperature, and blood pressure will be affected. Since there is less or unbalanced level
of water in the body, the brain will send a signal which leads to constriction of blood vessels,
and by this the blood pressure will increase that would give conditions including hypertension,
stroke or even death.

5. Relate the significance of the structures of cellulose and starch to their respective
functions. (5pts)

Cellulose and starch are both present in plants, though they differ in terms of their
function. Cellulose are present in the plant cell wall in which helps the plants to become strong
and stiff. This is the reason why, roots do not rupture when there is a process of osmosis,
because of strong cellulose it contains. In the other hand, starches are the storage form of
energy in plants. They are important in plants, which they help in obtaining sufficient energy for
growth. Furthermore, in relating to osmosis, starch contains a small effect of lowering the
water potential of plants.

6. Differentiate colloids from crystalloids. Site some examples. (5pts)

In terms of medical intervention, colloids and crystalloids are categories of IV fluids that
plays a vital role in treatment for patients. They are both function as fluid replacement. Though,
they differ base on their characteristics and usage. Crystalloid fluids are administered to
patients with hemorrhages or dehydration. This fluid has smaller molecules, and are in first in
line when it comes to resuscitation. Lactate ringers and normal saline are some of the
examples of Crystalloid fluids. In the other hand, Colloids are a bit expensive and administered
to patients with cardiac surgery intervention. Albumin, dextran and hydroxyethyl starch are
some of the examples of colloid fluids.

7. Explain the principle behind dialysis. (10pts)

In chemistry, Dialysis is a process which involves separation of molecules through the

semipermeable membrane. This idea is associated to medical procedures for patients suffering
from certain conditions. In order to maintain homeostasis, our body should have a balance
number of fluids and electrolytes. Since the loss of homeostasis can lead to other complication
or even death. The Urinary system, which is composed of a kidney, plays a vital role in
maintaining homeostasis. Hence, the system is vital for filtering and removing waste from our
body in a form of urine. If the kidneys are not functioning well due to kidney diseases or
unhealthy lifestyle and diet, these will lead to other complications. Including, increased
accumulation of waste, toxins, hypernatremia, hypokalemia and more. If a patient suffering
from these conditions and its kidney does not function anymore, a patient will be treated with
the process called dialysis. In this process, it involves filtering the waste, toxins and excess fluid
in the blood by the help of filters and fluid called dialysate. The dialysate fluid pulls or filter the
toxins in the blood, this method can be understood in the process of diffusion, in which the
toxins that are present in the blood diffuses in the fluid.

8. Explain the relevance of dehydration to potato soaked in salted water. (5pts)

By doing the experiment, we can evaluate and assess a better understanding towards
diffusion. Furthermore, it also provides the understanding in terms of the effect of our body if
we suffer from dehydration. As observe, there were differences and changes acquired by the
potato after soaked in a salted water. The potato decreases its weight and length. The texture
of the potato became bendy. If we are going to apply it in scientific explanation, assumed that
the potato represents the cells of our body. Therefore, there is a shrinkage of our cells due to
less water. Less water, means a tendency to loss homeostasis. Loss of homeostasis leads to
conditions, or even death.

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