Task 1, Write A Formal Business Letter

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Alyssa Risbert

Tidal, Canada
2000 Peel Street
Montreal Canada
H3A 2W5

March 9, 2023

Ms. Carolina Smith

2188 Papineau Avenue
Montreal Canada
H2K 4J5

Dear Ms. Smith,

Congratulations on acquiring the position as Music Journalist at Tidal Canada effective March 13 th, 2023.

For print newspapers, online journals, magazines, and broadcast media channels, you will provide
coverage of the music industry. You will be composing concert and album reviews, creating feature
articles about musicians and the music industry, and break news about the music industry.

The hours for this job are 8:00 am to 5:00 pm, including an hour for lunch. You will be working 40 hours a

I hope to see you on March 13th, 2023, for training. You will be in training for the first week from March 13 th
to the 17th .


Alyssa Risbert


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