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Narrative Documentation in

Field Study 1

Submitted by:

Venturina, Aira V.

BSEd 3-C

Submitted to:

Mr. Edwin A. Estrella

Field Study 1

Narrative Documentation
From thirteen weeks of my observation and having the opportunity to experience
being deployed in a traditional face-to-face class, I have seen the teacher’s different
roles and responsibilities inside the school premises. I learned different teaching
strategies that I can use in the future, as my cooperating teacher told me, if you are a
beginner in the field of teaching you really must maximize your strategies and teaching
techniques in order to catch your students' attention. I also observed that the
surroundings or learning environment can really affect the student's willingness to learn,
therefore, it is a must to provide an environment that is conducive for learning.
Through this observation, I have also seen the impact of the CoVid-19 pandemic
on the students. I experienced calling students one by one in front and having them
read a selection in order to know whether the student can read or not. Sadly, half of
them cannot read a simple word. I have also experienced handling my cooperating
teacher’s class. At first, I was nervous, I doubted myself. It was my very first time
handling a class and I do not even have a lesson plan to begin with because it is
unexpected, but I felt relieved that I was able to do so.
Last October 24, it was an academic health break in the university, but I chose to
go to my cooperating school because I wanted to see the class's performance of their
Desiderata. I wanted to show support for their performance. Then, on my last second
week of observation, my co-observers and I volunteered to do the English department’s
bulletin board. I contributed word of the day and trivia. My co-observers painted the
bulletin board while Nicka, Demy and I were putting adhesive to the materials that will
be posted on the bulletin board.
I really thought that the students did not like me because when I handle them, I
give them the impression that I am strict and grumpy. I do not want to build an
impression that I am kind because I do not want them to have emotional attachment
towards me and I do not want that to be their basis so that they would think I am easy to
convince. But when I was already telling them that November 29 would be my last
observation day, most of them felt sad and they told me that they will miss me, and they
even thanked me. Some asked me if I will go back by next year to teach them, I told
them I am not sure about it because when I turned 4th year, they will be Grade 10 and I
am not sure whose cooperating teacher will handle me.
The best part about this observation is that I was able to see different behaviors
of students that I might encounter when I am already teaching, and that will serve as my
guide when I am already a teacher. I will not forget the reminders and pieces of advice
that my cooperating teacher told me.

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