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Cleric,1 | War Acolyte Ivo

Twin Darsa
Aasimar (Fallen) Lawful Good

War Priest 3 3
1 1
+2 16 +1 30ft

14 +2 10 10


+1 Darkvision: 60ft
13 +1 Resistance: Necrotic/Radiant
+1 1
+1 +1 damage
D8 Languages: Common, Celestial,
Abyssal, Orc
14 -----------Class Traits-----------
+2 Warhammer +3 1d8+1 B 5ft War Priest: When you use the
Attack action, you can make one
Handaxe +3 1d6+1 S 20-60ft
weapon attack as a bonus
action. You regain all expended
8 -1 uses when you finish a long
-1 rest.
-1 +1
+1 -----------Race Traits------------
Wis 13 +5 Healing Hands: As an action,
16 +3 touch a creature heal a number
of hit points equal to your level.
+3 +3
Once you use this trait, you
+3 can’t use it again until you finish
a long rest.

10 +3
2 2
+0 +3

Chain Mail

Simple ddd Warhammer



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