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The Old Man and The Sea1 by Ernest Hemingway

First question

1. The two main characters of the novel is an old Cuban fisherman named Santiago and his
apprentice, Manolin, a boy presumably in his adolescence. How would you describe these
characters? You may think about these questions:

What do they care about? , What are they obsessed with? , What do they fear or avoid? , What is
one word you would use to define each of the characters?


The old man and the child are very interdependent. Even if the child’s family doesn’t allow and goes to
another ship, the child doesn’t hesitate to help the old man and stays with him. The old man also loves
the child very much. I think the old man is a grumpy person but someone who never gives up. The
bond between the old man and the child is astounding. Even as the old man was dealing with the big
fish in the sea alone, he thought many times “I wish the boy was with me.” It’s like they complete each
other. We can define the child as a loyal person. We can define the old man as an obsessive person who
cannot give up easily.

Second question

2. What do you think is the “main problem” in the novel? How does the central character,
Santiago, react to this problem as an attempt to cope with it? Is he successful in his quest?


The main problem in the novel is that Santiago, who has not been able to fish for months,
does not give up his passion for fishing with determination. His perseverance despite the
hardships he experienced at sea teaches us that we should not give up on something so
easily. Santiago solves this problem by keeping up. And it is successful.

Third question

3. One of the themes highlighted in the novel is “friendship”. Explain how the theme “friendship” is
depicted in the novel? You may think about these questions:

- What is the basis of the old man’s friendship with the boy? How does their relationship
function? Who helps whom? Can you list three examples of the way they act as good friends in the
- Why does the old man identify the fish as both a brother and an enemy? How is this possible?

- The old man identifies kinship with lots of creatures, but few or no men. How can you explain


The old man and the boy's friendship dates back to the boy's childhood. Since they were
with him since they were 4-5 years old, the bond between them got stronger. Their
relationship usually works with the boy standing next to the old man. Usually the boy helps
the old man. For example, we can say that the child goes hunting with the old man even
though he is on another ship, he hunts sardines for the old man, and when the old man
returns from the sea, he is very worried about him and helps him.

Fourth question

4. Another theme presented in the novel is “perseverance”, which means “never giving up”. It is the
virtue by which we overcome great difficulties to achieve a goal. How does Santiago show perseverance
in the novel?


In the novel, Santiago's first perseverance is that he hasn't been able to fish for
months, but still tries to fish. The second is that when he catches a big fish, Even if it
hurts, it is to catch that fish eventually without giving up.

Fifth question

5. Amazingly, the old man seems to be both proud and humble. How is this possible? Does pride help
or hurt the old man in his battle against the marlin? What about humility? Based on his memories and
stories, has the old man gained or lost pride over time?


The old man is able to balance his behavior. I think the old man is a proud person and his
proud helps him in everything. His humble may also depend on his age and experience.
Someone who doesn't like to brag. As he got older, he may have realized that he could not
gain anything from showing off. I think the old man gained more proud over time. People
made fun of him for not being able to fish for a long time. This may have hurt his pride. But I
think he regained his proud when he caught that big fish afterwards.
Sixth question

6. The boy says, “The best fisherman is you… There are many good fishermen and some great ones.
But there is only you.” Later, the old man thinks, “Perhaps I should not have been a fisherman… But
that was the thing that I was born for.” (p. 19)

If you could pick one thing, what do you think you were born to become and do? Have you ever
bragged about this? If so, what did you say? If not, then why not? Do you ever fear you are not good
enough to become this person? Why or why not?


I think I was born to add something to people. Therefore, I will either be a teacher or do
another profession that will benefit my country and add something to people. If I do such a
job and be successful at my job, I can brag. Against myself, if not against people. There are
times when I think I'm not good enough at it because I haven't worked hard enough. I can
never get over this feeling. I'm not as determined as the old man. I hope I can do this.

Seventh question

7. At one point, Santiago addresses the fish uttering these words: “Fish,… I love you and respect you
very much. But I will kill you dead before this day ends.” (p. 52)

If you were the fish that could speak like a human, how would you respond him? What would you tell

If I was a talking fish I would say to him, "We spent that much time with you. Now we have a
bond. You can give up on me and catch other fish. That's how our friendship will last forever.
You don't have to kill me. There are a lot of fish in the sea. Why me? Why feed me to
sharks." You did. It hurt so much. Even if I died, my soul followed you." I would say.

Eighth question

8. What is meant by the following quote from the novel, which is one of the contemplations of
Santiago: “But man is not made for defeat, … A man can be destroyed but not defeated.” (p. 103)
Explain briefly.
A person can resort to anything in order not to be defeated. This could be killing, wounding,
stealing or other bad things. We are stronger than other beings. That's why we see ourselves
higher than other living things. For example, we can say in the book that the old man hunts
other small fish without thinking. Or we can cite as an example the fact that he wandered
around for days without water and hungry, in order not to be defeated by the big fish, and
experienced many problems. We can tell him to hunt small fish without thinking. Or we can
show him as an example that he wanders around without water for days and has many
problems in order not to be eaten by the big fish.

Nineth question

9. If you were asked to advertise the novel, what slogan would you come up with? Give your reasons.

"Never give up" may be the slogan of the book. Because the old man never gives up
even though he has had many problems in his life, his recent fishing and the last big
fish he caught. The book tells us that we should never give up on something. That is
why this slogan is appropriate for this book.

Tenth question

10. The following reviews are taken from a page from where The Old Man and the Sea
is briefly disclosed to readers:


I read this as a young man and was disappointed. It didn't work for me. I thought it was about a crazy
old man gone off the reservation, picking a fight with an innocent fish while ranting about the New
York Yankees ("I would like to take the great DiMaggio fishing. They say his father was a

This book had me hooked from the beginning (sorry I couldn’t resist). But seriously, this book gripped
me from the beginning. It is definitely a tearjerker. The Old Man and The Sea is deeply moving and
filled with symbolism. This is a perfect example of an author showing instead of telling, and what a
beautiful masterpiece! Overall, a deeply moving novella that I can’t wait to read again.

Which of the reviews do you happen to have similar ideas? Write a short review expressing your
genuine opinion of the novel. Include whether or not you recommend it to other readers.


I agree more with the 2nd Goodreads comment. When I read the novel, I was struck by the
bond of friendship between the old man and the boy. Maybe I won't read it over and over
again, but it was enough to read it once. The author has very well explained the bond of
friendship and never giving up. The reason I disagree with the first comment is that he
doesn't like the novel. Also, the author did not criticize seriously enough.

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