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October 23, 2021

The first day of us connecting with each other. I'll never forget the way you made
me feel comfortable and cared for since the
day we talked. You were always there for me whenever I need you.
From morning until midnight we talked and talked and we never looked back.
February 12, 2022 is the day
that we first met, you're so beautiful on that day, but well you're always
beautiful anyways. I was so
nervous and my heart was beating so fast on that day. It's only been 9 months
but it feels like I've already known you for years. We have so many similarities
and suddenly we just clicked.
You were my bestfriend but now I don't want you to be my bestfriend anymore, I want
our relationship to level up, I want
you to be my girlfriend. Whenever I'm with you I feel safe. They said that home is
where you're most comfortable and
loved, so with that, you're my home. I love you with all my heart Majoe. I want you
to be mine forever. The genuine
and unconditional love that I was looking and craving for, I felt it because of
you. I'm not gonna promise a smooth
relationship but I assure you that we'll do our best to make it work. I love you
with all my heart baby!

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