Measurement of Porosity (12s2029) Petroleum

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University of Technology and Applied Sciences-Muscat

Engineering Department-MIE Section

Semester 2- (2022-2023)
Petroleum and petrochemical processing

Experiment NO (1): measurement of porosity

Student Name Moath Talib AL-MAAWALI

Student ID No. 12s2029
Section No. 1
Utilize a gas porosimeter to ascertain the core plugs' porosity.

Gas porosity is a common issue in many manufacturing industries, including aerospace,
automotive, and others. It refers to the presence of gas pockets or voids within a solid material,
which can weaken the material and reduce its mechanical properties, making it more prone to
failure under stress. The amount of gas porosity within a material can be quantified using the
following equation:[1]

Porosity (%) = (Vg / Vt) x 100

where Vg is the volume of gas present in the material and Vt is the total volume of the material.

The causes of gas porosity can vary, ranging from improper casting or welding techniques to the
presence of impurities in the material. Inadequate degassing of the melt is another common cause
of gas porosity. To prevent and detect gas porosity, it is important to take measures such as using
proper techniques and equipment, ensuring adequate degassing of the melt, and performing non-
destructive testing methods such as X-ray or ultrasonic inspection.[1]

One study by Wang et al. (2020) investigated the effects of different welding parameters on gas
porosity in aluminum alloy welds. The researchers found that increasing the welding speed could
reduce gas porosity while increasing the welding current had the opposite effect. This highlights
the importance of proper welding techniques in minimizing gas porosity.[1]

We measure the core plug's length and diameter using a vernier caliper before calculating its
volume. The porometer is then used to determine the volume of the smile. On our initial attempt,
we leave the coil empty and record the initial pressure. Then, we open the gas valve and record
the second pressure. Then, using Boyle's law to determine that Vcoil=0.53Vcell, we proceeded to
insert a spacer into the cell on the second attempt. Then we observe the initial pressure. We then
open the gas valve and record the second pressure. Then, using Boyle's law once more, we arrive
at a new equation. After that, by solving the tow equation, we discovered that Vcell= 68.5 cm3.
Then, in the third attempt, we inserted the core plug and spacer into the cell. Then we notice the
initial pressure. After so, we open the gas valve and record the second pressure. Using Boyle's
law, we determined that Vg=36.26cm3. Next, we calculated the volume of the poor using this
equation (Vbulk=Vpoors+Vgrin), which was 48.79 cm3. The porosity of the core plug was then
calculated and found to be =0.5. Finally, we calculated the grin's density, which was =2.3 gcm3.

Length of the core plug = 75mm = = 7.5cm

Diameter of the core plug = 38mm = =¿ 3.8cm

π 2 π 2 3
Vbulk = D L= ×3.8 ×7.5=85.05 cm
4 4

first trial :

p 1V 1= p 2 V 2

98.1 Vcoil=34.2 ( Vcoil+Vcell )

Vcoil=0.53Vcell ( equation1 )

For the second try:

p 1V 1= p 2 V 2

98.12 Vcoil=39.6 ( Vcoil+Vcell−Vspeacer )

98.12 Vcoil=39.6 Vcoil+39.6 Vcell−( 39.6 ×14.898 ) equation 2

By substitute equation 1 in 2 we get :

98.12 ( 0.53 ×Vcell ) =39.6 ( 0.53Vcell )+ 39.6Vcell−589.9

We get that Vcell

Vcell=68.7 cm

then by substitute Vcell in equation 1 Vcoil=0.53× 68.7=36.411cm 3

From the third try:

p 1V 1= p 2 V 2

98.1 Vcoil=66.4 (Vcoil+ Vcell−Vspacer −Vgrin )

We know that:


Vcell=68.7 cm3

Vspacser= 14.898 cm3

So Vgrin:

98.1 ×36.411=66.4 ( 36.411+ 68.7−14.898−Vgrin )

Vgrin=¿36.419cm 3

Vpore=Vbulk −Vgrin

Vpore=84.05−36.411=48.639 cm

Vpore 48.639
∅= = =0.57
Vbulk 85.05

m grin 84
ρ= = = 2.3g\cm3
Vgrin 36.411

A cylinder-shaped rock sample called a core plug rock is extracted from the reservoir. Porosity
and volume are two separate features of this rock that vary depending on the kind and volume of
the rock. This rock has fluids like water, oil, and gas inside of it.
A rock's porosity determines its capacity to hold liquid. There are other forms of porosity, such
as complete absolute porosity, where the internal complexity of the holes in rocks commonly
leads to the production of isolated pores. Another sort of porosity is effective porosity, which is
the total amount of linked pore space and is typically used to describe the porosity of a rock.
We notice that the porosity that we get is 0.55 which is very high compared to the real industry
due to many reasons such as takes only the number with two decimals .
As we did the experiment , we get error in porosity value due the we did not takes the full value
with decimals , as well as in take the numbers from the equipment we discovered how to use the
pyrometer tool and how to utilize the tool and the Boyles equation to compute the volume of a
smile. We also learn about the many types of porosity and the factors that might influence it. We
also know how to estimate the rock's porosity.

1)Wang, X., Jia, X., Li, X., Li, L., & Li, M. (2020). Effects of welding parameters on gas
porosity formation in aluminum alloy welds. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 277,

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