Final Organizational Culture

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Development of Strategic Objectives

Strategic Theme: - Building organizational culture

Strategic Result: -Sustained implementation that improve performance and quality of work life

Name of Strategic
No. Content and Scope of the Strategic Objective Result expected from the Strategic Objective

Customer Perspective
1. Improve To improve sustainability of implementation  Improved customer satisfaction
sustainability of  Conduct certification, convection and awarding
services based on standard
 Conduct customer satisfaction and feedback survey on
certification, convection and awarding

2. Enhance customer To enhance customer handling and engagement  Improved customer engagement
handling and  Managing customer feedback and complaints on
certification, convection and awarding
 creating effective channel to respond necessary
information and upgraded promotion

Resources Perspective
3. improving utilization To improve the utilization of allocated and  Efficiency of utilization and service effectiveness
of allocated and generated resources
generated resource
 maximizing effective use of shared costs
Name of Strategic
No. Content and Scope of the Strategic Objective Result expected from the Strategic Objective

 reducing unnecessary cost

4. Develop resource for To develop resource for sustainability program  Additional income gained
sustainability  Generate income from certification, qualification and
evaluation services
 Negotiate with organizations for cost sharing

Internal Process Perspective

5. Creating sustaining To create sustained organization  Institutionalized technology
organization/ model
 Selecting best suited organization for particular
 Enabling themodification of organizational behavior
with new knowledge/Kaizen technologies
 Promote new technologies recommended by research
 Test new technologies on selected companies and
Continual follow up to see results.
 Evaluate the effectiveness of new technology and make
long term continual customizations
6. Establishing Kaizen To improve sustainability of implementation  Improved sustainability and quality of implementation
related qualification
 Conduct benchmarking study and establish private
system for private organization Kaizen related qualification system
organization  Conduct continuous benchmarking and research to
identify and Standardize kaizen knowledge areas that
Name of Strategic
No. Content and Scope of the Strategic Objective Result expected from the Strategic Objective

need qualification
 Certify organization and individuals as per the
7. Establish nationwide To develop motivation and recognition mechanism  Improved experience sharing and sustainability
client organization  Negotiating to Link government support for industries
and awarding system with regard totheir Kaizen implementation
 Conduct detail benchmarking studies to establish QCC
convention system countrywide

 Organize customers continuously throughout the

 Establish QCC conventions at all regions and zones
 Organize and conduct QCC convention periodically
 establish national awarding system for implementing
8. Developing system To develop a system for training with in industry  Sustained capacity building system
for training with in  Conduct benchmarking studies on TWI and customize
industry to Ethiopian situation
 Prepare and revise TWI guide lines and policies
consciously that will promote learning organization
 Follow up the implementation of TWI in Kaizen
implementing organization
 Creating linkage with technical training providers to
acquire knowledge needed
9. Improving training To improve training and consultancy service  Sustained implementation and built strong
and consulting  Conduct research on the social practice knowledge organizational culture
Name of Strategic
No. Content and Scope of the Strategic Objective Result expected from the Strategic Objective
service that enables needed for organizations
sustainability and  Improve training consultancy service that brings
building betterorganizational physical environment
organizational  Improving the training package regard to socio
culture technical and change management
 Conduct periodical assessment and viewing cultural
changing behaviors
 Consult on improving effective utilization of human
resource management
 Consult in improving organization conciseness on
understanding their customer requirement using Kaizen
 Consult in construction sustaining team work values
and supporting practice of team work in organizations
 Encouraging employee ownership attitude and
employee empowerment
10. Establishing labor To improve labor management cooperation  Reached cooperation agreement
management  Promote the establishment of labor unions in
cooperation system organizations
 Facilitate signing of labor contract/improvement
collaboration agreement/ between management and
labor unions
 Follow up and evaluate effectiveness of labor contract
 supporting in creating conflict resolution mechanisms
 Create guideline and institutionalize compensation and
rewarding mechanism for team and individuals based
on performance and behavior in organizations
Name of Strategic
No. Content and Scope of the Strategic Objective Result expected from the Strategic Objective

11. develop Kaizen To strengthening companies management  Improved company management commitment
leadership program commitment
to strengthen  Enhance effective training package for top and middle
companies management
management  Establishawarding system for best performing
commitment managers
 Organize top management experiences sharing forum
 Create periodical EKI top management to organization
management level communication
12. Enhancing R&D To enhance R&D on organizational culture  Enhanced organizational culture research
studies on  Improving the prove of new technologies from outside
organizational  Conduct continuous descriptive research on Ethiopian
culture organizational culture and identify gaps
 Benchmark other countries organizational culture practices
and adapt to Ethiopian industries
 Involving customers in R&D activities
 publicize improvement efforts and conducting
nationwide panel discussion and seminars

Learning and Growth Perspective

13. Improving To improve the capability on organizational socio  Improved Knowledge and skill on social practice
capabilities on technical practices
organization social  building capacity onsocio technical
practice components,change management and industrial
Name of Strategic
No. Content and Scope of the Strategic Objective Result expected from the Strategic Objective

 introduce industrial psychology capability in EKI

14. Enhancing utilization To enhance utilization of IT for networking  Improved interactionwith implementing organization
of IT for networking implementing companies and to provide TWI database through utilization of IT
implementing  Install networks and database that enable implementing
companies and companies exchange experience and EKI provide
provide database necessary information/TWI
 building employee IT capability continuously

Designing socio technical practices in consultant qualification system

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