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Bicol University Tabaco


GEC 14: Mathematics in the Modern World

Module 1: Mathematics in Nature

Objectives: Introduction
• Identify Fibonacci sequence Nothing can beat the beauty
in nature. of nature. Finding mathematics in
• Determine the nth term of a nature at a first glance may
Fibonacci sequence. seem less obvious. However, if one
• Use golden ratio in does take time to examine nature,
appreciating mathematics in then one can describe its beauty
human anatomy and in mathematically.

Identify the flower and the number of its petals

Image Name Number

of Petals
Bicol University Tabaco

The numbers 3, 5, 8, 13, and 21

are all parts of the Fibonacci Sequence.
The number of petals of a flower is
usually a Fibonacci number. The
man behind this sequence is
Leonardo Pisano Bogollo, whose
nickname was “Fibonacci”.
Study the pattern of the
Sequence below.

Term (𝑭𝒏) 0 1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 …

Term 0 1 2 3 4 5 67 8 9 …
number (n)
Bicol University Tabaco

What is the 9th term? Answer:

How did you solve the 9th term?


What is the pattern of the Fibonacci sequence?


To get the 8th term which is 21, the sixth term and the seventh term were added. So,
8+13=21. Therefore, adding the two consecutive terms will result to another term of the
Fibonacci Sequence.
𝐹 = 𝐹𝑛−1 + 𝐹𝑛−2

where: 𝐹𝑛 = Fibonacci number

𝐹𝑛−1 = the previous term

𝐹𝑛−2 = the term before 𝐹𝑛−1

Find the 11th to 15th term of the Fibonacci Sequence.

a. 11th term:
b. 12th term:
c. 13th term:
d. 14th term:
e. 15th term:

What is the 80th term of the Fibonacci Sequence? This may take you an hour or more to find
it. However, one may calculate the Fibonacci number using the Golden Ratio. It is
usually denoted using the Greek letter “phi” 𝜑 or ∅.

The Golden Ratio is a special number which is approximately equal to 1.618034 and may
be used to find the nth term of a Fibonacci Sequence using the Binet’s formula.
𝑛 𝑛
1 −
1 + √5 √5
( 2 ) −( 2 )
𝐹𝑛 =
Find the following terms of the Fibonacci Sequence.

a. 35th term:
b. 40th term:
c. 47th term:
Bicol University Tabaco

Aside from the famous painting Mona Lisa, Leonardo da Vinci was also known for his
Vitruvian man. It was one of the most important works of the Italian Renaissance. According to
Vitruvius (1492), the 15th century drawing was also known as “the proportions of the human

Leonardo da Vinci [Public domain]

Bicol University Tabaco


Form a group of 4 and discover how golden ratio is evident on human body.

My Data Measurement
Distance form your knees to the ground A
Distance form you belly button to the ground B
Distance from the top of your head to your belly button C
Distance from your wrist to your elbows D
Length of your hand E
Refer to the Figure below


Get the ratio of the following and round-off your answers to the nearest ten thousandths.
Bicol University Tabaco

1. B ÷ C=
2. B ÷ A=
3. D ÷ E=
4. G ÷ F=
5. H ÷ G=
What can you say about the ratios from numbers 1 to 5?

Group’s Data
Collect the data from the members of your group.

No. Members B÷C B÷A D÷E G÷F H÷G


Write your conclusion on how evident golden ratio on human body.

Do you want to have a perfect collage of photos that will be perfect on your social media
account? Then, layout using the Golden Ratio Diagram.

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