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BATCH 2019-24


“Role of Information Technology in Banking

Sector in India”
Banking and Insurance Law

Submitted to: Submitted by:

Ms. Aishwariya, Aaditya Popat
FACULTY OF LAW, ROLL NO- 91901040011


I, AADITYA POPAT, certify that the work embodied in this project work,
entitled “Role of Information Technology in Banking Sector in India”, is my
own bon-a-fide work carried out by me under the supervision of Ms. Aishwariya
of Faculty of Law, Marwadi University. The matter embodied in this Project has
not been submitted for the award of any other degree/diploma.
I declare that I have faithfully acknowledged, given credit to and referred to the
authors/ research workers wherever their works have been cited in the text and
the body of the project. I further certify that I have not wilfully lifted up some
other's work, Para, text, data, results, figures etc. reported in the journals, books,
magazines, reports, dissertations, theses, etc., or available at web-sites and
included them in this project work and cited as my own work.

Place: Marwadi University


This is to certify that the work embodied in the accompanying project entitled
“Role of Information Technology in Banking Sector in India” has been carried
out entirely by the candidate AADITYA POPAT under my direct supervision
and guidance and that the candidate has fulfilled the requirements of the
regulations laid down for the partial fulfilment of B. A. LLB Hons. degree
examination in the course Banking and Insurance Law (Semester VIII), Faculty
of Law, Marwadi University.

Ms. Aishwariya
Assistant Professor (B&I Law),
Faculty of Law,
Marwadi University


The success and final outcome of this project required a lot of guidance and
assistance from the supervisor and I am extremely privileged to have got this all
along the completion of my project. All that I have done is only due to such
supervision and assistance of Ms. Aishwariya ma’am. I am thankful to and
fortunate enough to get constant encouragement, support and guidance from her.

Place: Marwadi University


Serial no. Particulars Page no.

1 Introduction 06

2 Critical Role of Information 11

Technology in Banking sector

3 Issues and Challenges of Digital 14

Innovation for Banks

4 Suggestions & Conclusion 17

References 20


The banking sector in India has come a long way from its traditional roots of brick and mortar
banking. The introduction of modern technologies and digital innovations has transformed the
banking industry, making it more accessible and convenient for customers. The integration of
information technology in banking has led to the development of new products and services,
including online banking, mobile banking, and digital payments. This has revolutionized the
way banks operate, making transactions faster, more secure, and more efficient.

The role of information technology in the banking sector in India can be traced back to the
early 1990s. The country's economic liberalization policies led to the entry of private sector
banks, which were quick to adopt modern technologies to compete with the traditional public
sector banks. This led to a wave of technological advancements in the banking sector, with
banks investing heavily in IT infrastructure and building robust systems to support their

The first major technological development in the banking sector in India was the introduction
of online banking in the early 2000s. This allowed customers to access their accounts and
perform transactions from the comfort of their homes or offices, without having to visit a bank
branch. This was a game-changer for the banking industry, as it made banking more convenient
and accessible to customers. Online banking also helped banks reduce their operational costs,
as they no longer had to maintain large networks of physical branches.

The next major development in the banking sector was the introduction of mobile banking.
With the widespread adoption of smartphones, banks began to develop mobile apps that
allowed customers to access their accounts and perform transactions on the go. This was a
significant development, as it allowed banks to reach customers who were previously
underserved, such as those in rural areas or those who did not have access to a computer.
Mobile banking also helped banks reduce their operational costs, as they no longer had to invest
in expensive IT infrastructure to support their operations.

In recent years, digital payments have emerged as the next big thing in the banking sector in
India. With the government's push towards a cashless economy, banks have developed a range
of digital payment solutions, including mobile wallets, UPI (Unified Payment Interface), and
BHIM (Bharat Interface for Money). These solutions have made it easier for customers to make

payments, both online and offline, without having to carry cash. Digital payments have also
helped reduce the incidence of fraud and corruption, as all transactions are tracked and

The integration of information technology in the banking sector has had a significant impact
on the industry and society as a whole. It has made banking more convenient, accessible, and
secure for customers. It has also helped banks reduce their operational costs, increase
efficiency, and improve customer service. The use of technology has also led to the
development of new products and services, including digital loans, robo-advisory, and
blockchain-based solutions.

In conclusion, the role of information technology in the banking sector in India cannot be
overstated. It has transformed the industry, making it more efficient, accessible, and secure.
The integration of modern technologies has led to the development of new products and
services, which have helped banks stay competitive and serve their customers better. As the
banking sector in India continues to evolve, the role of information technology will only
become more critical.

1.1. Review of literature

Here is a brief literature review on the role of technology in the development of the banking
sector in India:

1.1.1. "Impact of Information Technology on the Indian Banking Sector" by P. Mohan, S.

Singh, and S. Tiwari (2015)1 This paper highlights the impact of information
technology on the Indian banking sector, with a focus on the implementation of core
banking solutions, online banking, mobile banking, and payment systems. The authors
argue that technology has transformed the Indian banking sector, making it more
accessible, efficient, and secure.
1.1.2. "The Role of Technology in Indian Banking Sector" by R. Gupta and R. Mittal (2017)2
This paper examines the role of technology in the Indian banking sector, with a focus
on the impact of electronic banking, automated systems, and mobile banking. The

Mohan, P., Singh, S., & Tiwari, S. (2015). Impact of Information Technology on the Indian Banking Sector.
International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, 5(5), 1-6.
Gupta, R., & Mittal, R. (2017). The Role of Technology in Indian Banking Sector. International Journal of
Computer Science and Mobile Computing, 6(5), 191-195.

authors argue that technology has helped to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of
banking services in India, leading to greater customer satisfaction and financial
1.1.3. "A Study of the Impact of Technology on Banking in India" by A. Singh and N.
Mohapatra (2016)3 This paper investigates the impact of technology on the Indian
banking sector, with a focus on the implementation of core banking solutions and
mobile banking. The authors argue that technology has helped to reduce the cost of
banking services, improve the quality of customer service, and increase the speed and
efficiency of transactions.
1.1.4. "The Impact of Technology on Indian Banking: A Critical Study" by S. Mahalakshmi
(2019)4 This paper analyses the impact of technology on the Indian banking sector, with
a focus on the implementation of mobile banking and payment systems. The author
argues that technology has helped to improve the accessibility and affordability of
banking services, promoting financial inclusion and economic growth in India.

Overall, these studies suggest that technology has played a critical role in the development of
the banking sector in India, enabling banks to improve their operational efficiency, expand
their reach, and provide secure and convenient banking services to customers.

1.2. Statement of problem

One common statement of the problem in the role of technology in the banking sector in India
is the digital divide. While the adoption of technology has transformed the banking sector in
India, many people still do not have access to digital banking services, particularly in rural and
remote areas. The lack of access to technology and digital infrastructure can create barriers to
financial inclusion, making it difficult for people to access banking services, transfer money,
and make payments.

Additionally, there is also a concern about the security of banking services and the potential
for fraud and cybercrime. As the use of technology increases in the banking sector, there is a
need to implement robust security measures to safeguard customer data and prevent fraud and
other security threats.

Singh, A., & Mohapatra, N. (2016). A Study of the Impact of Technology on Banking in India. International
Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Software Engineering, 6(12), 51-55.
Mahalakshmi, S. (2019). The Impact of Technology on Indian Banking: A Critical Study. International Journal
of Pure and Applied Mathematics, 120(5), 5515-5523.

Another problem that arises is the need for training and capacity building among banking staff
and customers to effectively use and adopt technology-based services.

1.3. Objectives

Some of common objectives to study the role of technology in banking sector in India includes:

• To identify the impact of technology on the banking sector in India, such as the extent
to which technology has transformed banking services, increased operational
efficiency, and improved customer satisfaction.
• To examine the factors that influence the adoption and implementation of technology
in the banking sector in India, such as the role of government policies, infrastructure,
and consumer demand.
• To evaluate the challenges and opportunities associated with the adoption of technology
in the banking sector in India, such as the digital divide, security concerns, and the need
for training and capacity building.
• To explore the potential of technology to promote financial inclusion in India,
particularly for underbanked communities in rural and remote areas.
• To identify best practices and strategies for implementing technology-based solutions
in the banking sector in India, such as the use of mobile banking and payment systems,
core banking solutions, and customer relationship management tools
1.4. Hypothesis

Following Hypothesis are used to study the role and impact of technology on Banking sector
in India:

• Hypothesis 1: The adoption of technology-based solutions in the banking sector in India

has a positive impact on operational efficiency, customer satisfaction, and financial
• Hypothesis 2: The digital divide in India is a major barrier to the adoption of technology
in the banking sector, particularly in rural and remote areas, leading to a gap in financial
• Hypothesis 3: The implementation of strong security measures in technology-based
banking services in India can reduce the risk of fraud and cybercrime, increasing trust
and confidence in digital banking services.

1.5.Research methodology

The method adopted here is “Doctrinal method” of acquiring information. Doctrinal method
allows the researcher to carry out a detailed historical research (history of law, for e.g.),
whereby the information has been gathered with the use of secondary sources with established
facts and figures, thus aiding in acquiring a better conceptual clarity.

Chapter 2

Critical Role of Information Technology in Banking sector

In order to evaluate the critical role played by Information Technology in Banking sector, it is
important to consider both sides of an argument. However, in the case of the critical role of
information technology in the banking sector, the evidence overwhelmingly supports the use
of IT as a vital tool for success. In this essay, I will explore the ways in which information
technology has revolutionized the banking industry and why it plays such a critical role in
today's economy.

First and foremost, information technology has vastly improved the efficiency and
effectiveness of banking operations. Transactions that used to take days to complete can now
be done in a matter of seconds thanks to the use of electronic payment systems. This means
that customers can quickly and easily transfer money between accounts, pay bills online, and
make purchases using their debit or credit cards. The adoption of electronic payment systems
has not only improved customer experience but has also increased the speed and accuracy of
financial transactions.

In addition to improving efficiency, IT has also provided banks with valuable insights into
customer behavior and preferences. By tracking customer data, banks can better understand the
needs of their customers and create personalized products and services to meet those needs.
For example, a bank may analyse a customer's spending patterns and offer them a credit card
with rewards tailored to their specific spending habits. This level of personalization not only
improves customer satisfaction but can also increase revenue for the bank.

Some of the prominent judgement highlighting the importance of digital transactions even in
the banking sector has been delivered by the apex court in the cases of:

1. K.S. Puttaswamy and Ors. v. Union of India and Ors. 5: This landmark case dealt with
the right to privacy in India and its impact on the use of digital technology, including
in the banking sector. The judgment recognized the importance of protecting privacy in
the digital age and upheld the constitutional right to privacy as a fundamental right.

Moreover, information technology has helped banks to reduce costs and increase profitability.
Automated teller machines (ATMs) allow customers to withdraw cash and perform other

AIR 2017 SC 4161

simple transactions without the need for a teller, reducing staffing costs for banks. Additionally,
online banking has reduced the need for physical branches, further reducing overhead costs.
By using IT to streamline operations and reduce costs, banks can increase profitability and
offer better rates and services to their customers.

Another critical role that information technology plays in the banking sector is in the area of
security. In today's digital age, cyber threats are an ever-present danger. However, banks have
implemented sophisticated security measures to protect their customers' data and prevent
fraudulent activities. These measures include two-factor authentication, encryption, and
biometric identification. The use of these security measures not only protects customers but
also helps to build trust and loyalty between customers and their banks.

Furthermore, IT has allowed banks to expand their reach beyond their traditional geographic
boundaries. With online banking and mobile apps, customers can access their accounts from
anywhere in the world, making banking more convenient and accessible. This has also allowed
banks to expand their customer base by targeting customers who may not have previously had
access to banking services. By using IT to reach new markets, banks can increase revenue and
grow their business.

Finally, the use of information technology has helped banks to stay competitive in a rapidly
evolving industry. Traditional banks are facing increased competition from fintech start-ups,
which are leveraging technology to offer innovative financial products and services6. By
embracing IT, traditional banks can not only keep up with their competitors but also offer their
own innovative products and services. For example, many traditional banks are now offering
mobile banking apps that provide customers with a seamless banking experience similar to that
of a fintech start-up.

In conclusion, information technology plays a critical role in the banking sector. It has vastly
improved the efficiency and effectiveness of banking operations, provided valuable insights
into customer behavior, reduced costs and increased profitability, enhanced security, expanded
reach, and helped banks stay competitive in a rapidly evolving industry. While there may be
some downsides to the use of IT in banking, such as the potential for cyber threats, the benefits

Canara Bank v. Continental Warehousing Corporation (Nhava Sheva) Ltd. Special Leave Petition (CIVIL) Diary
No(s). 18446/2018

far outweigh the risks. The use of information technology in banking is not only necessary for
success but also essential for the growth and prosperity of the industry.

Chapter 3

Issues and Challenges of Digital Innovation for Banks

While information technology (IT) has brought significant benefits to the banking sector in
India, it has also brought several issues and challenges. In this chapter, I will explore some of
the major issues and challenges faced by the Indian banking sector in using IT.

One of the most significant challenges is the digital divide in India. While the use of IT
in banking has been steadily increasing, there is still a significant portion of the
population that is not comfortable with technology or does not have access to it. This
divide is particularly evident in rural areas, where internet connectivity is often
unreliable or non-existent. As a result, many rural customers are unable to use online
banking services, forcing them to rely on physical branches. This can be a significant
challenge for banks looking to expand their reach in rural areas and offer innovative
products and services.
Another challenge faced by the Indian banking sector is the lack of regulatory
framework and cybersecurity standards. While the government has introduced several
measures to improve cybersecurity, such as the Data Protection Bill, there is still a long
way to go. Cybersecurity threats are constantly evolving, and banks must be able to
keep up with them. The absence of proper regulations and standards could lead to
cybersecurity breaches, which can have severe consequences for customers and banks
Moreover, India is still a cash-driven economy, and many customers prefer to use cash
instead of digital payments. This is partly due to the lack of trust in the security of
digital payments and partly due to the lack of awareness about the benefits of digital
payments. Banks must invest in educating customers about the advantages of digital
payments and building trust in their digital platforms.
Furthermore, the use of IT in the banking sector has led to the emergence of fintech
startups, which are disrupting traditional banking practices. Fintech startups are using
technology to offer innovative financial products and services, which are often more
convenient and user-friendly than those offered by traditional banks. This has put
pressure on traditional banks to adopt new technologies and offer innovative products
and services, which can be a challenge for banks that have been slow to adapt to digital

Another challenge faced by the Indian banking sector in using IT is the cost of
technology implementation and maintenance. Upgrading IT infrastructure can be
expensive, and many banks may not have the financial resources to invest in the latest
technologies. This can put them at a disadvantage compared to larger banks with more
significant resources to invest in technology.
Finally, the Indian banking sector faces a shortage of skilled professionals in the field
of IT. Many banks struggle to find and retain skilled IT professionals, which can make
it challenging to implement and maintain IT infrastructure. Additionally, many IT
professionals prefer to work for fintech startups, which can offer higher salaries and
more exciting work environments.

Apex court of India has also highlighted the significance of having a stable, secure and reliable
digital space in order to smoothen the banking transactions across the country and also ensure
better banking interface.

• Reserve Bank of India v. Jayantilal N. Mistry7: This case involved the use of mobile
technology in banking transactions. The Supreme Court held that banks and financial
institutions can use mobile technology to facilitate transactions, provided that
appropriate security measures are in place.
• Reserve Bank of India v. Peerless General Finance and Investment Co. Ltd.8: In this
case, the Supreme Court held that banks can use computer technology for their
operations and transactions, provided that the technology is reliable and secure.
• Canara Bank v. Continental Warehousing Corporation (Nhava Sheva) Ltd.9: This case
dealt with the use of digital signatures in banking transactions. The Supreme Court held
that digital signatures can be used in place of physical signatures, as long as they are
verified and authenticated in accordance with the law.

In conclusion, while information technology has brought significant benefits to the banking
sector in India, it has also brought several issues and challenges. These include the digital
divide, lack of regulatory framework and cybersecurity standards, preference for cash
transactions, competition from fintech startups, high implementation and maintenance costs,

M.A. No.2342 of 2019
1987 AIR 1023
Supra note 2

and shortage of skilled IT professionals. It is crucial for banks to address these challenges to
fully leverage the benefits of IT and provide the best possible services to their customers.

Chapter 4

Suggestions & Conclusion

I would like to suggest some strategies that could help banks in India improve their usage of
information technology and digital innovation ideas:

1. Bridge the Digital Divide: Banks need to address the issue of the digital divide by
providing digital financial services to rural and low-income customers. This can be
done by offering mobile banking services, agent banking, and establishing banking
correspondents in remote areas.
2. Cybersecurity and Compliance: Banks should prioritize cybersecurity and compliance
to protect customers' sensitive information from data breaches and cyber threats. This
can be achieved by implementing robust cybersecurity measures, including multi-factor
authentication, encryption, and monitoring of security incidents.
3. Educate and Encourage Digital Payments: Banks need to promote the adoption of
digital payments by educating customers about the benefits of digital payments and
building trust in their digital platforms. They can also incentivize customers to use
digital payments by offering cashback rewards, loyalty programs, and other incentives.
4. Foster Collaboration with Fintech Startups: Banks can collaborate with fintech startups
to bring innovative financial products and services to their customers. This will not only
provide customers with better financial solutions but also help banks stay competitive
in the market.
5. Invest in Emerging Technologies: Banks should invest in emerging technologies such
as Artificial Intelligence, Blockchain, and Cloud Computing to streamline their
operations and enhance their customer experience. These technologies can help banks
reduce costs, improve efficiency, and personalize their services.
6. Embrace Open Banking: Open Banking is a financial services trend that allows third-
party providers to access financial data from banks through Application Programming
Interfaces (APIs). Banks can leverage this trend by collaborating with third-party
providers to offer better financial solutions to their customers.
7. Enhance the Digital Customer Experience: Banks should focus on providing a seamless
digital customer experience by investing in digital channels such as mobile banking
apps, websites, and social media. They can also use data analytics and customer
feedback to personalize their services and improve customer satisfaction.

In conclusion, the Indian banking sector needs to embrace digital innovation to stay
competitive and provide better financial solutions to their customers. By bridging the digital
divide, prioritizing cybersecurity and compliance, educating and encouraging digital payments,
collaborating with fintech startups, investing in emerging technologies, embracing open
banking, and enhancing the digital customer experience, banks can unlock the full potential of
information technology and digital innovation.

Following up to the list of suggestions are also certain ideas to digitally innovate the banking
sector in India:

1. Voice-Enabled Banking: With the widespread adoption of smart speakers and virtual
assistants like Alexa and Google Assistant, banks can introduce voice-enabled banking.
Customers can use their voice to check account balances, make payments, and even
apply for loans. This will provide a more convenient and hands-free banking
2. AI-Powered Chatbots: Chatbots can provide quick and efficient customer service by
answering frequently asked questions, providing account information, and resolving
complaints. Banks can use Artificial Intelligence (AI) to make chatbots more intelligent
and personalized, improving the customer experience.
3. Digital Onboarding: Banks can streamline their account opening process by introducing
digital onboarding. Customers can open accounts using their mobile phones,
eliminating the need to visit physical branches. This will provide a more convenient
and efficient account opening experience.
4. Personalized Investment Advice: Banks can use data analytics and AI to provide
personalized investment advice to their customers. By analysing customers' financial
history, risk tolerance, and investment goals, banks can offer tailored investment
solutions that meet their customers' unique needs.
5. Blockchain-Based Payments: Banks can leverage Blockchain technology to offer
secure and transparent payment solutions. Blockchain can facilitate faster and cheaper
cross-border payments, reduce fraud, and increase transparency.
6. Personalized Rewards Programs: Banks can use data analytics to offer personalized
rewards programs to their customers. By analysing customers' spending habits and
preferences, banks can offer rewards that match their customers' interests and provide
more value.

In conclusion, digital innovation ideas such as voice-enabled banking, AI-powered chatbots,
digital onboarding, personalized investment advice, wearable banking, blockchain-based
payments, and personalized rewards programs can help banks in India provide a more
convenient and personalized banking experience to their customers, stay competitive, and drive


In conclusion, the role of Information Technology (IT) in the banking sector in India cannot be
overstated. IT has revolutionized the way banks operate, providing new opportunities for
growth and innovation. With the advent of mobile banking, digital payments, and online
banking, customers can now access banking services from the comfort of their homes and on-

Moreover, IT has enabled banks to improve their efficiency, reduce costs, and offer
personalized solutions to their customers. By leveraging emerging technologies such as
Artificial Intelligence, Blockchain, and Cloud Computing, banks can streamline their
operations, reduce the risk of fraud, and personalize their services.

In addition, IT has enabled banks to expand their reach to rural and low-income customers
through agent banking, mobile banking, and banking correspondents. This has helped to bridge
the digital divide and promote financial inclusion in India.

Overall, the banking sector in India has made significant progress in adopting IT to enhance
their operations and provide better services to their customers. As India continues to embrace
digital transformation, we can expect to see further innovations in the banking sector, making
banking more accessible, convenient, and personalized for all.



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