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1. Why do you think it is necessary to understand crime and its causes?

So, we can be able to determine the cause of the crime and help the family of
the victim to put the suspect behind bars, examine the reason of the crime and
carefully plan everything in advance to increase gain and decrease risk.
2. Do you think there are perfectly similar crimes? Why?

Yes, because maybe the killer might kill the same victim maybe because they
work together

3. What should be the qualities of a good explanation on the causes of crimes? Why?
Jealousy, Poverty, parental neglect, low self-esteem

4. Why do you think some people violates the community quarantine policy?

Lack of supplies in their houses, boredom, need to work to have salary

5. Examine your explanations above and analyze what solution does it propose.

We must follow and respect authorities because they cannot control all of us
because we have the number and buy ahead of the lacking supplies in the

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