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John 4:23-24 is a passage from

the Bible that reads:

"Yet a time is coming and has

now come when the true
worshipers will worship the
Father in the Spirit and in truth,
for they are the kind of
worshipers the Father seeks.
God is spirit, and his worshipers
must worship in the Spirit and in

This passage is part of a

conversation between Jesus and
a Samaritan woman he met at a
well. The woman was surprised
that Jesus, a Jew, would speak
to her, a Samaritan, and Jesus
went on to explain to her that he
was the Messiah and that
worshiping God is not limited to a
specific location, but rather it is a
matter of worshiping in spirit and
In this passage, Jesus is
emphasizing the importance of
true worship, which is not just
about outward actions or rituals,
but also about the inner spirit and
the truth of one's heart. He is
saying that the Father seeks
those who worship in this way, in
the spirit and in truth, rather than
those who merely go through the
motions of worship without truly
understanding or connecting with

Overall, this passage

emphasizes the importance of
genuine, heartfelt worship as the
key to truly connecting with God.
Based on that bible verses how
will the true worshippers worship
the Father
According to John 4:23-24, the
true worshippers will worship the
Father in the Spirit and in truth.
This means that true worship is
not just a matter of external
actions or rituals, but also
involves the inner spirit and truth
of one's heart.

To worship in the Spirit means to

worship with a deep sense of
connection to God and a genuine
desire to honor and glorify Him. It
involves being led by the Holy
Spirit and having a heartfelt,
sincere relationship with God.

To worship in truth means to

worship with a genuine
understanding and
acknowledgement of who God is
and what He has done. It
involves seeking to know and
understand the truth about God
through His Word and through
the guidance of the Holy Spirit.
Therefore, the true worshippers
will worship the Father with both
their spirit and their mind,
engaging both their hearts and
their intellect in their worship of
God. True worship is a matter of
the whole person, involving both
the inner spirit and the outward
expression of that spirit through
actions and words.

And also based on that bible

verse what kind of worshippers
does the Father seek
According to John 4:23-24, the
Father seeks the kind of
worshippers who worship in the
Spirit and in truth. This means
that the Father desires
worshippers who have a
genuine, heartfelt relationship
with Him and who seek to know
and honor
Him in a way that is consistent
with His character and truth.

The Father is not interested in

superficial or insincere worship
that is only focused on external
actions or rituals. Instead, He
desires worshippers who worship
from the heart, with a deep
sense of connection to Him and
a genuine desire to honor and
glorify Him.

In essence, the Father seeks

worshippers who worship Him in
a way that is authentic and true
to who He is, as revealed
through His Word and the
guidance of the Holy Spirit. This
means that the Father desires
worshippers who seek to know
Him intimately, who trust in Him
completely, and who follow Him

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