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Lesson Objectives:

At the end of the lesson, the students will understand and

learn about:

● Malaysia’s Government system

● Malaysia’s Police Organization, Police system
and Recruiting process
● Transnational Crimes in Malaysia
● And Police models for crime prevention
Malaysia and Its Government

By: Mr. Moleño, Viegnch V.

What is Malaysia?
What can you tell about it?
Short Profile of Malaysia:

● Malaysia is located at the southeast continent of Asia. Malaysia has a population of about 33
million people.

● Spoken language consist of Malay and English .

● Malaysia comprises two regions: the Peninsular Malaysia and the states of Sabah and Sarawak.

● Its capital city is Kuala Lumpur which is also the largest city in Malaysia.

● It has 3 Federal territories which are Kuala Lumpur, Labuan and Patrajaya and 13 states.

● Malaysia’s government form, practices the parliament democracy

when assigning people to power, along with Constitutional

● There are 9 kings in Malaysian Monarchy that rules in each state.

● One of them will be the Yang-di Pertua Agong, in each rotation in

every 5 years.

● Malaysia’s government system is Federalism

The Federal Government System of Malaysia
“Federal Government”
National Power or the Parliament divides into 3 parts: legistative,
Excecutive and Judiciary
● Legistative – They Abolish, Make and Amend Law
● Excecutive -They run and Govern the Country in accordance to their
● Judiciary - Where they resolve conflicts in the court.
-Federal Court & Civil Court
State Government

Ruled by the Head of State which are the “Sultans”

● Can make laws exclusive in the states. But, still follows the federal
● Has the power to Govern and Run the state without the control of
central government.
● Has its own excecutive council and Legistative.
Any Questions Regarding to Malaysia
Government System?
Police Organization & System of

By: Ms. Abella, Janice

Police Organization of

• Law enforcement in Malaysia is performed by numerous law enforcement

agencies and generally comes under the direct purview of the Royal Malaysia
Police, the main government agency entrusted with the maintenance of law
and order in the country. Like many federal nations, the nature of the
Constitution of Malaysia mandates law and order as a subject of the state,
therefore the bulk of the policing lies with the respective states and territories
of Malaysia.

Report by: Janice

Royal Malaysia
● Is a (primarily) uniformed national and federal police force
in Malaysia.
● Is a part of the security forces structure in Malaysia. The force
is a centralized organization with responsibilities ranging from
traffic control to intelligence gathering. It’s headquarters is
located at Bukit Aman, Kuala Lumpur.
● In carrying out its responsibilities, the regular RMP is also
assisted by a support group comprising of Extra Police
Logo of the Royal Malaysia Police
Constables, Police Volunteer Reserves, Auxiliary Police, Police
Cadets and a civilian service element.
Bukit Aman (officially Ibu Pejabat Polis Diraja
Royal Malaysia Police Headquarters Malaysia) is a metonym for a large area that
Ibu Pejabat Polis Diraja Malaysia serves as the Royal Malaysia Police headquarters
Lembah Pantai, Kuala Lumpur in Malaysia and has several police complexes. It is situated on
a hill in Kuala Lumpur known as Bukit Ayang
(later renamed Bukit Aman, which translates as
'Peace Hill') and houses several buildings that
serve as the headquarters for some departments
of the Royal Malaysia Police. The Malaysia
Control Centre, a national level command and
control facility, is also located here.
● The main functions of Royal Malaysian Police is as stated in
Section 3(3) Police Act 1967, as the Force shall subject to this Act
be employed in and throughout Malaysia are: maintenance of law
and order, preservation of the peace and security of Malaysia,
prevention and detection of crime, apprehension and prosecution
of offenders and, the collection of security intelligence.
The RMP constantly co-operates closely with police forces
worldwide, which include those from the four neighbouring
countries Malaysia shares border with: Indonesian National
Police, Royal Brunei Police Force, Royal Thai Police and
Singapore Police Force.

The modern police organization in malaysia started in 25 March

1807 after the charter of Justice in Penang was granted.

Most of the officers were of British origin. Later this organization

was developed in the Straits Settlemens and other Malay State,
particularly the Federal Malay State.
Civil Affairs Police Force
This organization was formed in Malaya and led by H. B. Longworthy.

The British colonial had to stabilize the police organization after a

nationwide anarchy took place during Japanese state time.

Law enforcement in Malaysia is performed by numerous law enforcement

agencies and generally comes under the direct purview of the Royal
Malaysia Police, the main government agency entrusted with the
maintenance of law and order in the country. Like many federal nations, the
nature of the Constitution of Malaysia mandates law and order as a subject
of the state, therefore the bulk of the policing lies with the respective states
and territories of Malaysia.
A Leading Enforcement Agency of Integrity, Competent
and Committed to work with Community.


The Royal Malaysia Police Force is Committed to

serve and Protect the nation and to work in
partnership with the Community.
System of Recruitment
● Attain the Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM) at minimum. The educational
requirements to become a member of the RMP will differ depending on
what rank you are eyeing. If you’re seeking to be a constable, the lowest
ranking non-gazetted officer, then you can make do with an SPM. If you
want to climb the ranks as an inspector, then a diploma is highly
encouraged. And if you dream of becoming the Inspector-General of Police,
then a bachelor or masters degree is typically required.
● Complete a minimum of three months of police training. Like educational
requirements, training duration will depend on the post you are seeking.
Constables will require at least 6 months of training, while inspectors
require 12 months. All tracks will study Malaysian law, police science,
weapons, and martial arts.
● Graduate from the police academy and complete field
duty. After finishing police academy training, police
officers will be exposed to real police work as
trainees. Your first job will have you start at the
bottom as a constable or probationary inspector.

● Work your way up the ranks. The RMP’s career

growth paths are systematic. To become a general or
commissioner, you must pass through every position
up the ladder.
Any Questions Regarding to Police
Organization & System of Recruitment?
Police Entry Requirements &

By: Mr. Concepcion, Nap Vincent


• Malaysian citizens aged between 18 and 28 years

• Excellent health condition and vision with no physical
• No criminal record
• Diploma in Electrical / Electronic / Mechanical / Science
/ Engineering / Information Technology with minimum
Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) of 3.00
• Minimum qualification of Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM)
with credits in five (5) subjects including Bahasa
Malaysia, English and Mathematics
For Female
For Male • Minimum Height (without
• Minimum Height (without shoes) : 163cm
shoes) : 165cm
• Minimum Weight : 48kg
• Minimum Weight : 50kg
• Chest Size : At least 81cm; and 86cm • Chest Size : -
(during inhalation) • Body Mass Index (BMI) : Between
• Body Mass Index (BMI) : Between 19 to 19 to 26
• Vision : Pass visual test for the left
• Vision : Pass visual test for the left and
right eye (separate testing) with and right eye (separate testing)
accuracy of V/6/9 without glasses or with accuracy of V/6/9 without
contact lenses and not colour blind. glasses or contact lenses and not
colour blind.
You’ll Need:
Legal knowledge including court procedures and government regulations

Knowledge of public safety and security.

Negotiation skills for keeping people safe.

Patience and the ability to remain calm in stressful situations.

Sensitivity and understanding for dealing with traumatic situations.

Police Promotion

In the police force, the promotion process is not something that

could be bought or paid for, as it goes through stringent filtering
based on procedures.

As with most promotions within an organization, police officer

promotions rely on completing training and duty requirements,
performance and seniority.

Each process of promotion also includes recommendations from

the IGP, deputy IGP, department directors and state police chiefs.


- Means a police officer of any rank from and including the Inspector
General down to and including an Inspector on probation.
❖ Inspector General

❖ Deputy Inspector General

❖ Commissioner

❖ Deputy Commissioner

❖ Senior Assistant Commissioner

❖ Assistant Commissioner
❖ Superintendent

❖ Deputy Superintendent

❖ Assistant Superintendent

❖ Inspector

❖ Probationary Inspector
- Means a police officer of any rank from and including a Sub-Inspector down to and
including a Corporal
❖ Sub-Inspector

❖ Sergeant-Major

❖ Sergeant

❖ Corporal

- Means a police officer below the rank of Corporal and includes a Recruit;
❖ Lance Corporal
Minimum Retirement Age

1. Notwithstanding any other written law, the minimum retirement age of an

employee shall be upon the employee attaining the age of sixty years.

2. The minister may, by notification in the GAZETTE, prescribe a minimum

retirement age provided under subsection.

3. When the minister prescribes a higher minimum retirement age under

subsection, the prescribed minimum retirement age provided under

1. An employer shall not prematurely retire an employee before the employee

attains the minimum retirement age.

2. An employer who contravenes subsection commits an offence and shall, on

conviction, be liable to the fine not exceeding ten thousand ringgit.

3. A premature retirement shall not include an optional retirement under section

6 and a termination of a contract of service for any reason other than on the

ground of age.

Notwithstanding the minimum retirement age, an

employee may retire upon attaining the age of optional

retirement as agreed in the contract of service or

collective agreement.
Any Questions Regarding to Police Entry
Requirements &
Quick Assessment!

1.) What is the highest rank in senior police officer?

2.) What are the 3 types of retirement?
Answer key
1)Inspector General

2)Minimum retirement age

-premature retirement age
-optinal retirement
Transnational Crimes in Malaysia

By: Mr. Salialam, Al- Rhidzkhan

What are transnational crimes?

Transnational crimes are violations of law

that involve more than one country in their
planning, execution, or impact.
Here are 3 examples of transnarional Crimes in
1. drug trafficking, a global illicit trade involving the cultivation,
manufacture, distribution and sale of substances which are
subject to drug prohibition laws.

2. Wildlife trade refers to the of products that are derived from

non-domesticated animals or plants usually extracted from
their natural environment or raised under controlled
Ex: Malaysian Tigers & Sumatran Rhinos
3. Political corruption is the abuse of public power, office,
or resources by elected government officials for personal
gain, by extortion, soliciting or offering bribes. It can also
take the form of office holders maintaining themselves in
office by purchasing votes by enacting laws which use
taxpayers' money.
Ex: On 28 July 2020, the High Court
convicted Najib Razak on all seven
counts of abuse of power, money
laundering and criminal breach of trust,
becoming the first Prime Minister of
Malaysia to be convicted of corruption,
and was sentenced to 12 years'
imprisonment and fined RM210 million.
Any Questions Regarding to Transnational
Crimes in Malaysia?
Malaysia Police Model of Crime Prevention

By: Mr. Gregorio, Armando

What is a Policy Model?

A plan or course of action, as of a government,

political party, or business, intended to
influence and determine decisions, actions,
and other matters
Malaysia introduce a Policy model
“Omnipresence Program” to fight crimes.

The Royal Malaysia Police (often abbreviated RMP) (Malay: Polis

Diraja Malaysia (PDRM)), is a (primarily) uniformed national and
federal police force in Malaysia.

7.3 PDRM launched the Omnipresence Programme to fight crime by

raising police presence in residential and business areas. Police
patrols and omnipresence were increased through the Unit Rondaan
Bermotosikal (URB), Mobile Patrol Vehicle (MPV) and high profile
policing programmes.
Malaysia introduce a Crime Control Policy for
Drug trafficking

Malaysia strictly enforces its drug laws. If you possess, use, or traffic in
illegal drugs in Malaysia, you will be sentenced to significantly longer
prison sentences and much heavier fines than in the United States.
Malaysian legislation provides for a mandatory death penalty for
convicted drug traffickers.

Malaysian legislation provides for a mandatory death penalty for convicted

drug traffickers. If you are arrested in possession of 15 grams (1/2 ounce) of
heroin or 200 grams (seven ounces) of marijuana, you will be presumed by
law to be trafficking in drugs.
Any Questions Regarding to Malaysia
Police Model of Crime Prevention?

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