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MusIc of soutH AsIA And tHE MIddlE EAst

Traditional Music of India:

1. Carnatic Music
• Music of Southern India
• It is directed to a Hindu god, which is why it is called “temple music”
• In contrast to northern styles, Carnatic music is more thoroughly oriented to the voice
2. Hindustani Music
• Music of Northern India
• It goes back to Vedic period around 1000 BC
• Rigveda is considered to be the oldest known Vedic Sanskrit text that exhibits the ancient Indian collection of

The following terms are used in Indian music:

• Raga – combination of musical notes
• Shruti – smallest interval of sound
• Tala – a metric cycle or RHYTHMIC SYSTEM with a specific number of beats that recur in the same pattern
• Laya – tempo
• Melisma – a group of notes sung to one syllable of text

ANILE ANILE Odi Vaa is a traditional folk song in Sri Lanka and India. The time signature of this song is 4/4
This song tells about how people harvest from their land.
P. E

HEALTH RELATED FITNESS - Defined as a condition in which an individual has enough energy to avoid fatigue and enjoy
The following are components of Health-Related Fitness:
• Body Composition
• Flexibility
• Muscular Strength


When playing Scrabble, anywhere from two to four players will enjoy the game. The object when playing is to
score more points than other players. As words are placed on the game board, points are collected and each
letter that is used in the game will have a different point value. The main strategy is to play words that have the
highest possible score based on the combination of letters.
The Scrabble Board
• A standard Scrabble board will consist of cells that are located in a large square grid. The board offers 15 cells
high and 15 cells wide. The tiles used on the game will fit in each cell on the board.
Scrabble Tiles
• There are 100 tiles that are used in the game and 98 of them will contain letters and point values. There are 2
blank tiles that can be used as wild tiles to take the place of any letter. When a blank is played, it will remain in
the game as the letter it substituted for.
• Different letters in the game will have various point values and this will depend on how rare the letter is and
how difficult it may be to lay that letter. Blank tiles will have no point values.
Tile Values
• Below are the point values for each letter that is used in a Scrabble game.
• 0 Points - Blank tile.
• 1 Point - A, E, I, L, N, O, R, S, T and U.
• 2 Points - D and G.
• 3 Points - B, C, M and P.
• 4 Points - F, H, V, W and Y.
• 5 Points - K.
• 8 Points - J and X.
• 10 Points - Q and Z.
Extra Point Values
• When looking at the board, players will see that some squares offer multipliers. Should a tile be placed on these
squares, the value of the tile will be multiplied by 2x or 3x. Some squares will also multiply the total value of the
word and not just the single point value of one tile.
• Double Letter Scores - The light blue cells in the board are isolated and when these are used, they will double
the value of the tile placed on that square.
• Triple Letter Score - The dark blue cell in the board will be worth triple the amount, so any tile placed here will
earn more points.
• Double Word Score - When a cell is light red in colour, it is a double word cell and these run diagonally on the
board, towards the four corners. When a word is placed on these squares, the entire value of the word will be
• Triple Word Score - The dark red square is where the high points can be earned as this will triple the word score.
Placing any word on these squares will boos points drastically. These are found on all four sides of the board and
are equidistant from the corners.
• One Single Use - When using the extra point squares on the board, they can only be used one time. If a player
places a word here, it cannot be used as a multiplier by placing another word on the same square.
Brief History of Chess
There is some vagueness to the exact origins of chess. Most experts believe the game evolved from
early board games played in India. The modern game of chess became popular in Europe from the 15th
century onward.

Chess Players

Two single opponents contest a game of chess. Players should sit on opposite sides of the chess board facing
their challenger.

Chess Equipment

Playing the game requires only a few pieces of equipment. You need a chess set and a chess board.

The chessboard divides into 64 squared sections of alternating colours called ranks and files. The squares are
often black and white or they can be light and dark shades instead.

Standard chess sets contain 32 pieces which are two sets of coloured chessmen. As a rule there will be one set
of playing pieces coloured black and the other set will be all white.

A set of 16 pieces contains 1 king, 1 queen, 2 bishops, 2 knights, 2 rooks, and 8 pawns. Both players use one
full set of 16 pieces each (either black or white).

Chess Piece Mobility:

Pawn: As a rule pawns can only move one square forward at a time. The exception occurs on their first move
when they can move one or two squares. They capture enemy pieces by moving one square forward in a
diagonal direction.

Rook: Rooks can move any number of squares, up and down and side to side.

Knight: The two knights can only move only in an L-shape. That means any combination of one square up and
two over, or two squares over and one down in any direction.

Bishop: Both of the two bishops can move any number of squares in a diagonal direction.

Queen: Queens can make the same moves as all other pieces except the knight. That means it can move any
number of squares along ranks, files, and diagonals.

King: Kings can only move one square at a time but in any direction.

General Rules and Regulations of Chess

Chess Rule Pawn Promotion

The chess rule promotion applies to pawns. Each pawn has a special ability to gain promotion to the role of
any other piece. But, the pawn must reach the other side of the board before it can become another chess
Chess Rule En Passant

En passant also applies to pawns. What if a pawn moves out two squares on its first move and lands to the
side of an opponent's pawn? In effect it has jumped past the other pawn's ability to capture it.

That pawn then has the option of capturing the first pawn as it passes by. You must make this move
immediately after the first pawn has moved past.

Chess Rule Castling

Chess game rules and regulations have a special move called 'castling'. This move means you can make two (2)
important steps in one move. You can try to get your king to safety and move your rook from the corner and
into the game.

Check and Checkmate to Win at Chess

The main purpose of chess is to checkmate your opponent's king. This only occurs when the king gets put into
check and cannot escape it. The game is over if a king cannot escape checkmate.

Chess board rules allow three ways for a king to get out of check:

1. Make a legal move to get out of the way (excluding castling).

2. Block the check using another chess piece.
3. Capture the piece of your opponent that is threatening your king.

Dominoes is a family of tile-based games played with gaming pieces. Each domino is a rectangular tile, usually
with a line dividing its face into two square ends. Each end is marked with a number of spots or is blank. The
backs of the tiles in a set are indistinguishable, either blank or having some common design.

Domino Rules

There are a variety of types of domino sets in use all over the world and a great number of games that can be
played with them. Following are the rules for the two most commonly played games in the West - the
"standard" or "Block" game and the "Draw" game. The instructions describe the games played with the
standard or "double-six" domino set comprising 28 tiles, but both games can be played with a double-nine or a
double-twelve set. In British pubs, these are also the most common games which are often played by four
players as two sets of partners sitting opposite each other.

Disease is a harmful deviation from the normal structural or functional state of an organism, generally associated with
certain signs and symptoms differing in nature from physical injury. Disease can affect human, animals, and plants.

Communicable Disease
also known as infectious diseases or transmissible diseases, are illnesses that result from the infection,
presence and growth of pathogenic (capable of causing disease) biologic agents in an individual human or
other animal host. It can transfer from one person to another.

➢ Primary prevention
Primary prevention aims to prevent disease or injury before it ever occurs. This is done by preventing
exposures to hazards that cause disease or injury, altering unhealthy or unsafe behaviours that can lead to
disease or injury, and increasing resistance to disease or injury should exposure occur.
➢ Secondary prevention
Secondary prevention aims to reduce the impact of a disease or injury that has already occurred. This is done
by detecting and treating disease or injury as soon as possible to halt or slow its progress, encouraging
personal strategies to prevent reinjury or recurrence, and implementing programs to return people to their
original health and function to prevent long-term problems.
➢ Tertiary prevention
Tertiary prevention aims to soften the impact of an ongoing illness or injury that has lasting effects. This is
done by helping people manage long-term, often-complex health problems and injuries (e.g. chronic diseases,
permanent impairments) in order to improve as much as possible their ability to function, their quality of life
and their life expectancy.

Non-Communicable Disease
not transferred between people or organisms

4 Main Types of Diseases

• Infectious disease

• Deficiency disease

• Hereditary disease including both genetic and non-genetic hereditary disease

• Physiological disease
TB DOTS - This government program is responsible for the control and prevention of
tuberculosis, which aims to reduce the mortality rate in the country


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