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Preview: “TEACHERS”

You are going to watch an extract from the “Fallon Tonight Show”. Tom Cruise plays MadLibs

theatre with Jimmy Fallon, but first you may need some vocabulary:

puppy: Little dog Pollywog: tiny frog to crawl: walk on the hands and knees

relative: family member Doodie-Head: “cabeza de chorlito”

humongous: enormous lemming: a type of mouse

Lets watch the first part try to fill the gaps:

Name of a cute puppy: My Little cookie Plural Objects: Sofas

A silly Word: pollywog Curse Word a 1st grader would use: Doodie-head

Adjetive: amazing Fictional Character: Huckleberry Finn

Plural type of proffession: sanitation engineers Something you would find in the kitchen: Knife

Somethign you buy on Ebay: vintage sneakers Another number: 7

Type of 80’s technology: walkman Celebrity name: Ingrid Bergman

What would you shout if you see a spider VERB (+ing): running

crawling your leg: Come here darling! Another adjetive: Humongous

Type of relative: aunt Plural animals: lemming

Woman’s name: Ingrid Other VERB (+ing): kissing

Number: 1,000,256 Favourite song lyric: Poopy-di-scoop


You are going to watch an extract form the “Fallon Tonight Show”. Tom Cruise plays MadLibs theatre with

Jimmy Fallon, but first you may need some vocabulary:

puppy: Little dog Pollywog: tiny frog to crawl: walk on the hands and knees

relative: family member Doodie-Head: cabeza chorlito

humongous: enormous lemming: a type of mouse

Lets watch the first part try to fill the gaps:

1. Name of puppy: 13. Fictional Character:

___________________________ __________ ___________

2. A silly Word: 14. In the kitchen: _____________________

____________________________ 15. Another number: ___________

3. Adjetive: ____________________________ 16. Celebrity:

4. Plural proffession: ______________ ___________________

____________ _________ 17. VERB (+ing): _________________________

5. 80’s technology: __________________ 18. Another adjetive: Humongous

6. Smth. buy on Ebay: 19. Plural animals: lemming

__________ ___________ 20. Other VERB (+ing): _________________

7. SHOUT if spider crawling your leg: 21. Favourite song lyric: Poopy-di-scoop

______ ___________ __________ !

8. Relative: _____________________

9. Woman’s name: ______________________

10. Number: ______________________

11. Plural Objects: ________________________

12. Curse Word a 1st grader would use:

How to Properly Wear a Face Mask
Now is your turn:
When you wear a mask, you protect others as well as yourself… (complete with words)

- Number:

- Verb Base Form:

- Noun Plural:

- Part of Body:

- Noun:

- Location:

- Part of Body:

- Food:

- Number:

- Animal- Plural:

- Adjetive:

Remember the different parts of speech

In case you've forgotten what the various parts of speech are, here is a quick review of the

● A noun is the name of a person, place or thing.

Examples include umbrella, sidewalk and car.
● An adjective describes someone or something.
Examples include creative, red, ugly and short.
● A verb is an action word.
Examples include run, jump, swim and fly.
● An adverb tells how something is done.
Examples include greedily, rapidly, and carefully.
How to Properly Wear a Face Mask
When you wear a mask, you protect others as well as yourself. Masks work
best when everyone wears one.

A mask is NOT a substitute for social distancing. Masks should still be

worn in addition to staying at least _______________(number) feet
apart, especially when indoors around people who don't
_______________(verb base form) in their _______________(noun

Masks should completely cover the nose and _______________(part

body) and fit snugly.

Masks should be worn any time you are traveling on a plane, bus,
_______________(noun), or other form of public transportation traveling
into, within, or out of the United States and in U S. transportation hubs
such as airports and _______________(location).

People age 2 and older should wear masks in public settings and when
around people who don't _______________(verb base form) on their
_______________(noun plural)

Wash your _______________(part body) with soap and

_______________(food) for at least _______________(number) seconds
or use hand sanitizer with at least 60 % alcohol after touching or
removing your mask.

Masks may not be necessary when you are outside by yourself away from
_______________(animal plural), or with _______________(animal
plural) who live in your household. However, some areas may have mask
mandates while out in public, so please check the rules in your local area
(such as in your city, county, or state). Additionally, check whether any
______________(adjetive) mask mandates apply to where you will be
Los MADLIBs, son unos libros que causan furor en Estados Unidos, pues hace años existía un
programa de televisión con el mismo nombre.. La mecánica es muy sencilla, unos textos con huecos
para rellenar y componer disparatadas historias.

Elegimos un texto para pasar al alumnado. Los alumnos rellenarán una lista de palabras sin saber de
qué va el texto. Por ejemplo nombre de mujer, adjetivo, animal en plural... Utilizaremos esas
palabras para rellenar los huecos de nuestra historia y por último lo leeremos en voz alta.

Donde más jugo les he sacado es en el área de Inglés, pues existe un programa de televisión "El show
de Jimmy Fallon" donde los utilizan para crear un pequeño "scketch" con personajes famosos. Y así
le sumamos un buen ejercicio de comprensión oral. En este caso en concreto junto a Tom Cruise.

Además en la web de MADLIBS tienes enlaces a algunos ejemplos para imprimir (aunque enfocados
a primaria) y una interesante guía didáctica, que te puede ser de ayuda. Y unas APPS para utilizar,
aunque en inglés existen diferentes webs para jugar online como estas: online online

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