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ATIIVIDADE Educador: Prof Layla Belissa

Ano/Série: 6º ano Turma: Turno: Data: / /

1- Write down the subject pronouns into the gaps.

I hate Sam's brother because_____is mean.

The girls are in the park._____play soccer with their friends.
Susan's plane leaves in three hours._____needs to hurry.
My best friend and I often go camping._____will have a lot of fun.
They have a new pet._____is a little black dog.

2- Substitute the underlined words for personal pronouns: (Substitua as palavras grifadas
por um pronome pessoal).

a- The cake is delicious ________is delicious.

b- Mário is my father. _________is my father.
c- Mrs. Francis Alves is my English teacher. _________is my English teacher.
d- Sandro and Cristina are my uncle and aunt. _____________are my uncle and aunt.

3- Translate:

4- Circle the correct word:

5- Cross out the wrong word:

6- Circle the correct words.

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