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Definition of the disease/illness

 Meniere’s disease is a chronic disease of the inner ear that can lead to dizzy spells
(vertigo) and hearing loss. In most cases, Meniere’s disease affects only one ear. It can
occur at any age but it usually starts between young and middle-aged adulthood.
Common signs and symptoms
 Recurring episodes of vertigo- spinning sensation that starts and stop spontaneously
which usually lasts for 20 minutes to several hour but not more than 24 hours.
 Hearing loss- it may come and go but eventually becomes permanent hearing loss
 Tinnitus- ringing, buzzing, whistling or hissing sound in your ear
 Feeling of fullness in the ear- pressure in the affected ear (aural fullness)
Diagnostic test and findings
 Audiogram test- hearing loss
 Electronystagmography- labyrinth dysfunction
Nursing interventions
 Assess hearing status
 Monitor vital signs
 Provide safe and quiet environment
 Attend to health needs
 Administer medications as ordered
 Advise to maintain a low-salt diet
 Discuss the importance of avoiding stimulants
 Diuretics- reduce fluid in the affected ear
 Garamycin and Decadron- improve symptoms of vertigo
 Betahistine- improve blood flow in the inner ear
 Diet: Low sodium diet-lower the fluid builds up in the inner ear
 Corticosteroid- help reduce swelling
5 nursing problems
 Risk for falls
 Impaired adjustment related to unpredictability of vertigo
 Anxiety related to disabling effects of vertigo
 Impaired verbal communication related to tinnitus
 Self-care deficit related to vertigo

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