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SECTION 1 Questions 1 - 5

Listen to four PhD candidates named Lee Sang Lau, Marko Manevsk, Patience Paul, and Maria
Esteban Lopez talking about their studies in biomedical sciences at a US university. Choose the
correct answer, A, B, C, or D.

1 Lee’s current research projects focus on

A employing immunotherapy in cancer treatment
B the benefits of sugars in cancer treatment
C how glycans worsens the progression of cancer in patients
D how the immune system adapts to cancer in the presence of sugars

2 Marko’s opinion on the laboratories is that

A they are too small for practical work
B they are reasonably sized for interaction with peers and supervisors
C he would like to work here for another two years
D they enable his research on COPD

3 According to Patience Paul, tuberculosis

A is not as concerning a medical issue as the world thinks
B is resisting many available antibiotics
C does not currently require development of new drugs
D does not currently have an effective treatment

4 According to the recording, Maria…

A is hopeful about her research on bone-related diseases
B is planning to pursue a career in translation
C is undergoing therapy for osteoporosis
D has identified potential therapeutic treatments for many bone-related diseases

5 Maria’s reasons for choosing the university to pursue her PhD include
A its relatively lightweight program
B highly capable supervisors
C her Spanish nationality
D its rich international and collaborative atmosphere
SECTION 2 Questions 6 - 10

Listen to an informative recording about the plague, and decide whether each of the statements
below is TRUE (T), FALSE (F), or NOT GIVEN (NG) according to what you hear.

6 The disease is transmitted to humans via rodent bites. _______

7 Yersinia pestis bacteria evade the immune system by killing _______
macrophages with their toxins.
8 The plague can potentially be utilized in warfare. _______

9 Humans may be able to coexist with plague-carrying animals. _______

10 First-world nations see no need to launch vaccination _______

campaigns against the plague anymore.

SECTION 3 Questions 11 - 16

Listen to an informative recording about steroid medication in asthma patients.


11 The steroid puffer is not to be used when the patient is seeking…


12 How long after a steroid application does the patient start to think that their asthma has
gone away?

13 In some countries, what made doctors and patients initially apprehensive about using
steroids in asthma treatment?

14 Which potential side effect of steroid medication might the patient enjoy, according to
the speaker?

15 What can yeast-like infections that occur on the patient’s throat be treated with?
SECTION 4 Questions 16 - 25

Listen to a speech about stimulants and the role they play in ADHD treatment, and complete the
notes below.


● Stimulants are often prescribed to treat attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), which
may sound counter-intuitive but can be explained by a (16)_______________ in the brain

● Most ADHD symptoms are localized in the category of (17)_______________, such as focusing,
memorizing or self-management

● The exact mechanism of ADHD is hard to determine, but a theory proposes that people who
suffer from ADHD have (18)____________________, meaning unbalanced neuron activity
between brain regions or that chemicals that communicate signals are not flowing properly

● The key is dopamine, a neurotransmitter related to the brain’s (19)_______________________

● Two types of dopamine levels: tonic dopamine that exists between neurons, and phasic
dopamine that is released based on a (20)________________. People with ADHD have a lower
level of tonic dopamine, which requires more stimulation for the dopamine flow to return to

● Stimulant medications come in two categories, methylphenidate and amphetamines.

- Methylphenidate: dopamine reuptake (21)_____________
- Amphetamines: dopamine release stimulant
Both help increase tonic dopamine levels. Other treatment options exist, but are generally
less effective.

● However, the stimulants’ (22)______________ makes them abusable for recreational

purposes, such as to study or to get high. For many reasons, this is a bad idea, including
chances of developing addiction, (23)______________ and heart problems. Overall, if the user
does not have ADHD, they might not even have any (24)______________. In some rare cases
where there are improvements, evidence suggests that a (25)_____________ is involved.

● Overall, stimulants work because they change the brain’s chemistry, not because they give the
patients more energy. Taking them while not having ADHD is likely to give you adverse effects
for benefits similar to a placebo’s.

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