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The Computer

& Your Health

Teacher Mark
Computer Health Risks

The computer has become such an

important machine in our world today that
many people use it regularly at home and at
work. Whether it is surfing on the Internet,
e-mailing, chatting, or playing computer games,
people tend to spend long periods of time on
the computer.
Computer Health Tips

● Stretch every twenty minutes.

This will help you relax and make
your muscles less tired. You can
also do gentle stretching exercises
with your head, neck, hands,
wrists, and fingers.
● Sit up straight and make sure
that your upper and lower back
are well-supported by your
chair. Your upper arms should
be close to the body and
relaxed. Both feet should be on
the floor. If your feet cannot
reach the floor, use a footrest.
● Make sure your eyes are about
two feet away from the screen. It
is also helpful to blink often to
avoid drying your eyes. And
always use lighting that is not too
bright nor too dark.
● Do not work on the computer for
more than two hours at a time.
Stand up, walk around, or simply
do something else.

● Taking short five-minute breaks

will exercise your muscles and
also lessen eyestrain. Use a timer
to remind you to take a break.

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