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Cycles: multiple choice

1. By what process does carbon dioxide in air enter en ecosystem?

A Respiration B Photosynthesis C Excretion D Absorption

2. Changing nitrogen gas in air to a useful form plants can use is called?

A Denitrification B Decomposition C Nitrification D Respiration

3. Water evaporates from plants through which structures?

A Guard cells B Waxy cuticle C Stomata D Roots

4. Water loss from plants occurs via what process?

A Transpiration B Photosynthesis C Excretion D Respiration

5. By what process is water absorbed from the soil into the roots?

A Respiration B Evaporation C Osmosis D Transpiration

6. Nitrogen in air cannot be used by plants and animals because

A It’s toxic B They don’t need it C It’s unreactive D It’s too reactive

7. Nitrogen in air exists as

A N2 B N C N4 D N6

8. What % of the air is carbon dioxide?

A 4 B 0.4 C 0.04 D 0.004

9. When a plant or animal dies, which organisms feed on them?

A Consumers B Producers C Decomposers D Herbivores

10. Living organisms need nitrogen to make

A Fats B Proteins C Lipids D Carbohydrates

11. One way of nitrogen fixing is using

A Lightning B Rain C Wind D Sun

12. Plants absorb nitrogen from the soil in the form of

A Nitrogen gas B Nitrates C Proteins D Nitrides

13. Which bacteria turn nitrates and ammonia in the soil into nitrogen gas?

A Nitrifying B Denitrifying C Fixing D Nitriding

14. What % of the air is nitrogen gas?

A 7.9 B 0.79 C 79 D 0.179

15. Carbon dioxide is released back into the air by what process?

A Excretion B Digestion C Absorption D Respiration

16. When water turns fron a liquid to a gas or vapour we call this

A Condensation B Freezing C Evaporation D Melting

17. When carbon is taken up by plants, the carbon atoms first become part of

A Glucose B Starch C Proteins D Oils

18. Carbon is an essential element in

A Fats B Carbohydrates C Proteins D All 3 molecules

19. Lightning in the sky makes some nitrogen react and form

A Nitrogen oxides B Ammonia C Urea D Nitrates

20. The chemical representation of a nitrate is


21. When it rains, we often call this

A Propagation B Predation C Predipation D Precipitation

22. Cutting down trees would do what to the amount of water in the air?

A Reduce it B Nothing C Increase it D None of the answers

23. Coal and petroleum oil are examples of

A Fats B Proteins C Fossils D Fossil fuels

24. Fertilizers generally have three main elements in them.


25. The molecular formula of ammonia is


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