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The Central Processing Unit, or CPU, is the central part of a

computer, the brain that does all of the computations. Because the
CPU performs many different functions, you need to divide it up into
its main parts to understand it. Only then can you successfully
describe what it does.
 There are four component parts that need a mention. These are:
1. The Arithmetic Logic Unit (known as the ALU).
2. The Control Unit.
3. The Registers.
4. The Immediate Access Store or IAS. This is where
all the programs we are currently using, and all the
data we currently need is held and is very
important. You will hear the IAS called other
names, including the memory, main memory,
memory unit, Random Access Memory, RAM and
primary memory). Some authors treat the IAS as
part of the CPU and show it as such. Others treat it
as a separate component which 'talks' to the CPU.
Either way, the other components in the CPU (the
ALU, the Control Unit and the Registers) will be
reading from and using data held in the IAS, and
will be writing data back to the IAS. We will treat
the IAS as part of the CPU.

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