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Daffa Rifqi Pratama

MM5004 – Operation Marketing

Operation Management

Operation management is the application of knowledge, skills, tools, and techniques to project
activities to meet the project requirements.

A. Project Life Cycle.

1. Project Initation : The goal is to define the project at board level. The output is project charter
or a project initiation document (PID).
2. Project Planning : Begin with setting objectives. The output is a document (scope, work
breakdown structure, milestone, gantt chart, risk management plan).
3. Project Execution : Develop team, execute project management plan, update project schedule.
4. Project Control : Measuring project progression and performance and ensuring that everything
happening aligns with the project management plan.
5. Project Closing : Represent the completed project.

B. Network Planning Technique

1. Describe the project : We should describe the project in terms that everyone involve will
2. Diagram the network : We make the project diagram as a network the interrelationships
between the activities.
3. Estimate the project completion time : The PM evaluated the connected paths through the
4. Monitoring the project progression : Planning the project is necessary but monitoring its
progress is even more important.

C. Activities and Preducessor

A predecessor is an activity whose start or finish controls start or finish of another activity. And a
successor is an activity whose start or finish is controlled by start or finish of another activity.
D. Critical path analysis (CPA)
Critical path analysis (CPA) is a project management technique that requires mapping out every
key task that is necessary to complete a project.

1. Earliest start time (ES): This is simply the earliest time that a task can be started in your
2. Latest start time (LS): This is the very last minute in which you can start a task before it
threatens to upset your project schedule. With LS, you can better schedule the project to meet its
3. Earliest finish time (EF): The earliest an activity can be completed, based on its duration and
its earliest start time.
4. Latest finish time (LF): The latest an activity can be completed, based on its duration and its
latest start time.

Adventage of CPA :
1. Especially useful when scheduling and controlling large projects
2. Straightforward concept and not mathematically complex
3. Graphical networks help highlight relationships among project activities
4. Critical path and slack time analyses help pinpoint activities that need to be closely watched
5. Project documentation and graphics point out who is responsible for various activities
6. Applicable to a wide variety of projects
7. Useful in monitoring not only schedules but costs as well

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