Correlation Between Modern Technology and Academic Performance

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Existing Modern Technology and Academic Performance among Grade 12 STEM

Science Students at Adamson University

Blas, Xean Yrveene Vouriez M., Inocentes, Fionna Marie L., Javier, Margaux Laigne O., Leonardo, Sean
Matthew C., Olay, Julliana C., Rellosa, Ma. Alessandra S., Sandoval, Sofhia Anne S.

12 SSCI 03
Research Paper in Inqs., Invsts, and Immersion
Senior High School Department
Adamson University, Manila, Philippines

Rey-Ar Amoroso, LPT

Research Adviser

Introduction use of existing modern technology and Grade 12

STEM Science students' academic performance
Background of the Study
at Adamson University, which includes content
Everything in this world is subjected to
comprehension and the development of skills in
change, whether it's huge or small. These
areas like problem-solving, creative thinking,
changes have its corresponding effects, either
analytical reasoning, and information evaluation.
good or bad. And technology is a concrete
The objective of the researchers in this study is
example of those things that are currently
to find an answer to their study's general
undergoing a huge change (The Effects of
problem and determine whether existing modern
Modern Technology, 2021). The emergence of
technology affects various STEM students at
existing modern technology has reduced the
Adamson University in terms of productivity,
physical barriers to communication and offered a
results of their written work and activities, or
wide range of options to society. The education
academic performance. The outcome of this
sector is no exception, as technology has been
research would help determine whether existing
merged into various aspects of education, such
modern technology helps students complete
as teaching, learning, and assessment. Many
tasks faster and on time or if it simply distracts
students nowadays have phones, laptops, and
them, causing them to exert more effort, and,
other devices that they use for multiple reasons,
finally, define the factors that contribute to
which include entertainment and researching
STEM students' academic performance.
various topics for tests or projects. These
devices have a lot of benefits; however, using
Review of Related Literature
them for a long period of time would cause
As the world adapts and evolves, technology
others to get distracted and leave a ton of
is more and more intertwined with aspects of our
unfinished tasks. This got a few people daily lives. Technology has even found its way
wondering if the academic performance level of into our education. The relationship between
students has a connection to their use of existing academic performance and technology is just
modern technology. The purpose of this study is one of the topics of interest that can be
to find out if there is a correlation between the researched. In this section, a handful of literature
related to this study is reviewed.
major help to students in increasing their
Modern Technology in Academic Performance academic performance. The use of modern
technology in the classroom can increase student
Nemati and Matlabi (2017) IA is particularly productivity and attention, but teachers should
linked to poor academic performance in still be assisting students even though
adolescents. Students with IA experience more technology is present in the classroom. Books
academic failure than their peers, according to are very expensive in the Philippines, that’s why
empirical research. According to a study, social students are more likely to surf the internet.
media use has a significant impact on how well
medical students perform academically. Modern Technology in Students Social Skills
(Alnjadat et al., 2019). According to another
analysis, students' performance in chemistry was D'Angelo ( 2018) Students must keep up with
significantly predicted by cognitive abilities but current digital trends while still gaining a
not by psychomotor abilities or everyday thorough understanding of course material as the
applications. (Ramnarain and Ramaila, 2018). educational system and workforce change to
According to structural equation modeling, become more technologically literate. By
compassion partially mediates the connection incorporating technology into the curriculum,
between mindfulness and engagement and, as a instructors have a priceless chance to improve
result, improves academic performance. student engagement and academic achievement.
(Miralles-Armenteros et al., 2021) Unser (2017) Students can work together with peers on digital
stated that the use of technological devices, platforms, explore creativity through
programs, and aids in the classroom should technological features, engage in higher-order
improve students’ assessment performance, level thinking strategies, take part in inquiry-based
of engagement, and academic success. However, learning, and create an online social presence.
these results depend directly on the self-efficacy, While incorporating technology into the
and continuous training of classroom teachers. curriculum changes the learning environment to
When teachers are properly trained, and that be more student-centered, instructors still play a
training is conducted continuously, students do, crucial role in helping students understand,
in fact, benefit from the use of video technology providing support, and taking the necessary
in the classroom, making class content more precautions to make sure they are present and
motivating and engaging. Cong Qi (2019) has achieving their learning objectives. Overall, both
written a study on 208 university students that students and teachers are supportive of the use
examines the relationship between technology of technology in the classroom and believe it has
and the academic performance of students. a positive impact on students satisfaction,
Results corroborated that students’ academic engagement, and academic success Siago et al.
usage of mobile devices does not lead to (2019) Technology has the potential to
technostress; however, it helps in enhancing significantly alter how people learn. It can aid in
academic performance. American University strengthening and advancing relationships
(2022) can assist teachers in enhancing student between teachers and students, reimagining
performance, a goal that they have. methods for learning and teamwork, closing
Administrators should assist instructors in long-standing equity and accessibility gaps, and
acquiring the skills necessary to improve student customizing educational experiences to suit the
learning through technology to lessen the needs of all students. Schools, community
difficulties. The use of technology in the colleges, and universities ought to serve as hubs
classroom should also facilitate teachers' tasks for research and creation. Teachers should
without adding to their daily workload. constantly seek out new information and pick up
Downloading online books can make it simpler new skills to learn alongside their students. The
to find what you're looking for because some data collected showed that teachers used a
physical books are not accessible in the variety of technologies, including laptops,
Philippines, which makes gathering information lapels, speakers, projectors, desktops, printers,
a little more difficult. Social media is really a and others, in their classes. These innovations
had a positive impact on students' academic resource is one of its biggest advantages. You
performance. Their interest and involvement in can easily find any kind of information you
discussions, activities, and project creation also might require in academic settings online. You
increased as a result. Technology is an essential can research topics in a variety of subjects, from
teaching tool. Every teacher needs to be Economics to medicine, thanks to the abundance
proficient in using and managing various of data on the internet from various disciplines.
technologies in the classroom. However, if it's Today's students can read scientific articles in
possible, schools should buy and install these online journals, check some statistics, and
technologies in every room. There should be analyze the most recent studies. The local library
instructional videos and other digital media is no longer necessary because information has
available. According to Vordos et al. (2020), already been converted to digital form and is
social media is a type of communication that available on your smartphone. Never before has
allows teachers and students to connect via studying been so simple. Social media is a great
online learning tools while maintaining social tool for students, it may improve their social
distance standards. In other words, social media skills and increase their collaboration, but not all
is a subset of computer-mediated technology that students can have this positive effect. Some
disseminates ideas, raises people's social students get really addicted to social media and
awareness, creates career interests, facilitates might decrease their academic performances and
knowledge sharing and social networking, and not be able to attain their good grades.
fosters the formation of virtual communities
(Abbas et al., 2019). Enos (2021) Effective Modern Technology in Student Psychological
collaboration and communication are the first Development
main benefits of technology in education. They
facilitate peer communication and aid instructors According to recent research, IA may also
in involving students. There is no longer a need disrupt students' psychological learning
to wait for hours for an answer to a question processes and interfere with their motivation and
about the classroom because modern apps allow academic values. (Reed and Reay, 2015; Truzoli
us to send instant messages. Second, students et al., 2020). For instance, it has been discovered
have more opportunities to receive academic that problematic Internet use has a negative
assistance thanks to new software and impact on academic motivation, learning
technological advancements. There are efficiency, and psychosocial status, all of which
numerous websites that offer reasonable have an adverse effect on academic
academic support in all fields. Because I knew performance. (Truzoli et al., 2020). Ramrez et al.
they could write my essay for me for a (2021) Every day, more people are using new
reasonable price when I was a student, I hired technologies, such as smartphones, tablets, video
professionals from custom writing companies. game consoles, and Internet access, in greater
Third, a personalized approach, which allows for numbers and at younger ages. With increased
the customization of study schedules for each use comes increased worry about the negative
student. It offers countless chances to design effects of technology use and how it affects
lessons based on student interests, strengths, and young people's emotional and cognitive growth.
weaknesses. According to various learning The evidence regarding how technology use
preferences, instructors can arrange the affects children's and adolescents' development
information in a specific way. They can present is still up for debate. On the other hand, negative
information in text or audio formats depending effects of technology use have been linked.
on the learning needs of the students. Fourth, According to a recent systematic review, using
increased productivity. Students can use technology can have negative psychological
technology to increase their productivity. effects. A longitudinal study of teenagers found
Numerous productivity apps can help with that life satisfaction decreased with increased
concentration and distraction-free studying. The time spent on technological devices. The use of
availability of resources is the final benefit of screens has also been linked to decreased
modern technology. Online access to any kind of cognitive and academic performance, including
issues with learning, attention, language, educational activities, providing evaluative
memory, and visuospatial processing. Poor feedback, encouraging collaborative exercises
connectivity on the internet can cause students to with technology, and positively responding to
feel distressed because it can lead to failing the inclusion of technology in the classroom are
grades . Too much technology on teenagers can a few examples of professional competencies
have a decreased cognitive problem, you may that educators believe should be covered in
have a difficult time to critically think and make training. (Guzman & Nussbaum, 2019). Too
you less attentive. much dependence on technology can be bad.
Students that depend on technology too much
Modern Technology Assisting Students on lead to academic dishonesty. Some students
Academic Activities don't exert any effort to learn due to
dependency; they will still get high scores in just
Style & Style (2021) Technology has an a few clicks of their fingers.
impact on everything we do, with education
being one of the most heavily affected fields. We
have observed numerous advantages, and it is Modern Technology in Classes
good for students who use it properly. We can
still be amazed at how far the education sector Bay Atlantic University et al. (2022) For the
has come, despite the negative effects. This longest time, traditional face-to-face instruction
essay does not aim to argue against or restrict has been an effective way to learn and teach. Up
students' access to technology in the classroom. until the CoVid-19 pandemic, which prevented
It is meant to make you more aware of how everyone from attending the conventional
disastrous an over-reliance on technology can in-person classes, it had produced observable
be. There is a distinction between asking for and satisfying results and wasn't questioned. So
assistance and lying. Many students search for how does technology impact students' learning?
people who can assist them in cheating and First, technology is used in modern education. In
completing their assignments rather than seeking the modern world, technology has permeated
out academic support. Few students are aware of every aspect of our lives, including the field of
this error. By achieving your educational goals, education. It is a tool that facilitates the speedy
you can build the necessary corporate world and effective completion of challenging tasks.
skills. Many students who do not perform well But it's important to remember that while
on tasks end up being poor employees. Consider technology can be an aid in education, it can't
a situation where doctors graduated by fraud. As resolve issues on its own. The effectiveness of
a learner, assume responsibility and act morally. educational technology depends on how teachers
Seek assistance to comprehend your assignment use it to best serve their students' needs. Digital
and complete it on your own, as opposed to learning tools used effectively in the classroom
cheating. The fact that everything students can increase student engagement, help teachers
require is readily available does not enable them develop better lesson plans, and promote
to make better use of their work. They lose their personalized learning. It also aids in the growth
ability to think creatively and come up with of critical thinking abilities in students. Second,
original ideas as a result. It's enjoyable to spend there are advantages to using contemporary
time on social media catching up with friends. technology in education. We all use technology
Due to this, many students now spend their free in some capacity throughout the course of our
time using technology. They don't study during daily lives. It has grown in importance over
that time; instead, they play games, watch time, changing how we receive and interpret
movies, or chat. They take these actions because information in our lives. Every aspect of our
they are aware that a simple text like "write my lives has been impacted by technology, but in
essay" will attract thousands of writing recent years, the impact on education has been
businesses eager to complete the task on their the most obvious. In an effort to keep up with
behalf. Technology-handling skills, curriculum the latest technological developments and better
integration, technology integration into prepare students for the rapidly evolving world
of technology, schools are introducing more and Better communication is the sixth benefit of
more technology into the classroom. Third, technology, which students can use to interact
putting students' knowledge to use. Putting with people in their classrooms and around the
students' knowledge and skills to use is one of globe. Students are prepared for almost any
the biggest advantages of using technology in career by learning how to collaborate on projects
education. Through online classes, conversations using digital tools. Global student collaboration
with teachers, and interactions with other encourages cultural learning and teaches
students, students gain useful knowledge. students how to work with others who are
However, it is crucial to put these new abilities different from them. When used wisely, the
into practice. Through a variety of applications, internet can offer a great sense of community
technology enables students to put their newly and support, even though occasionally it can be
acquired knowledge into practice. The use of an unpleasant place filled with hate. Students of
technology in the classroom makes it easier for all ages can benefit from classroom websites.
teachers to give students a variety of tasks and They frequently help students connect with one
assignments that let them use what they have another and give them a place to work together
learned and experienced to solve problems and on group projects. They assist students by giving
create solutions to situations. Fourth, technology them a sense of community and belonging.
can help students develop their critical thinking Lastly, students and teachers have created useful
skills. This depends on a number of factors, and accessible teaching and learning
including the type of technology used and the environments with the aid of technology. An
context in which it is used. It is a well-known extremely significant technological impact on
fact that using technology in the classroom can education is the rise in class participation and
make the learning process and activities more interactivity. The effects of technology on
interesting. Technology can appeal to multiple student learning also include improved overall
senses and increase students' interest in the comprehension, practical learning, time
subject matter. The use of the right technology in management, and a combination of learning
the classroom improves student academic methodologies. The right amount of technology
performance, self-confidence, classroom can really help students excel in their classes. It
motivation, and attendance. Technology helps can aid students' collaboration and confidence.
students make the transition from passively
listening and paying attention to more active Modern Technology in Student Learning
learning. Fifth, greater collaboration.
Educational technology can promote Teachers believe that, when given the proper
collaboration. During lessons, teachers can talk instruction in professional digital competences,
to students, but they can also interact with one they may employ technological learning. he
another. Through interactive educational games classroom to improve students' learning. Various
and online classes, students work together to factors, such as the kind of technology utilized
solve problems. Through group projects, and the context in which it is used, will have an
students can encourage one another while effect on technology's ability to affect students'
exchanging ideas. Technology also makes it critical thinking abilities. It is a well-known
possible for students to speak with teachers truth that using technology in the classroom may
directly. Students can get more help with the make the learning process and activities more
challenging subject matter and ask questions interesting. Technology can appeal to numerous
about the classroom environment. Homework senses and boost students' interest in the subject
can be uploaded by students, and teachers can matter. (Kirkscey, 2018).
access and view it on their devices.
Implementing instructional technology has been
shown in numerous studies to increase overall
student motivation and engagement in learning.
Technology specifically engages students
cognitively, emotionally, and behaviorally.
Synthesis lives after their studies. The most beneficial
impact of technology on students is that it allows
Students with IA experience have more them to learn more efficiently. Students can
academic failure according to empirical research manage their work from anywhere due to the
and social media has a significant impact on ease with which everyone can now carry cell
how the medical student performs academically phones, laptops, and iPads thanks to modern
according to AInjadat et al., 2019. Based on technology. While there are numerous
Ramnarain and Ramaila, 2018 students' advantages to technology, one cannot ignore its
performance in chemistry was significantly drawbacks. Students may become lazy thinkers
predicted by cognitive abilities. Structural as a result of the plethora of knowledge that is so
equation improves academic performance easily accessible online. When everything is
written by Miralles-Armentros et al., 2021. The instantly at your fingertips, finding the
use of technological devices should improve motivation to really study and learn can seem
students' assessment performance. However it like a tedious process. Additionally, it makes
depends on the teacher. When teachers are people more lazy because they won't use their
properly trained it does in fact benefit the use of imagination to make their work stand out when
video technology in the classroom stated by they know they can finish their essays at the last
Unser 2017. According to Cong Qi 2019 minute by simply searching them up online.
relationship between technology and academic Another drawback of technology is that it is
performance of students it does not lead to quite addictive. As a result, rather than working
technostress however it helps enhance academic in groups to study and brainstorm, students
performance. The use of technology in the choose to remain alone and do their own work.
classroom improves students' learning and can Even though many students will use technology
make the student increase productivity and to their advantage, it is also incredibly simple to
attention. Having technology in the classroom become distracted while using it. Online, there
can help because books are expensive and the are a ton of inappropriate and unsuitable
students tend to surf more on the internet rather activities that could draw pupils. Students who
than having a physical book based on American use technology excessively can become familiar
University 2022. with such items and have easy access to them.
Distractions of this nature hinder pupils'
According to the aforementioned findings, academic progress and pose a moral hazard. The
there is both a good and adverse correlation use of technology must be strictly limited by
between modern technology and students parents, teachers, and other adults. Online video
academic performance. Technology has made games and movies/videos are also incredibly
incredible strides in recent years, and this has accessible, which may serve as additional
increased its popularity and effect on our daily sources of distraction for students. (Global
lives. In every way, it has made life easier and Owls, 2022)
easier. Information that has been updated and
developed is easily accessible in every subject, Statement of the Problem
including education. Education and teaching This research aims to answer the question, "Is
have benefited significantly from technology. there a correlation between the use of modern
There are more recent methods of teaching with technology and academic performance among
technology that help students. Technology can senior high students at Adamson University?" It
help you study more effectively and develop is specifically aimed at responding to the
your strengths. With so much information and following questions:
assistance available online, no student is a
stranger to searching for their respective fields 1. What is the frequency of the
and becoming proficient in them. With ongoing respondents’ usage of existing modern
technological advancements, the more students technology?
use it, the better they will be able to handle the
technicalities that they will face in their practical
2. What is the Academic Performance of Theoretical Framework
the respondents in terms of? This study relies on two main theories that
A. Written activities connect the two variables in the study, which are
B. Class participation the existing modern technology and the
C. Productivity and work completion
academic performance of Grade 12 STEM
3. Is there a significant relationship
between the frequency of usage of Science students currently enrolled at Adamson
technology and the level of academic University. The first theory is Social
performance of Grade 12 STEM Science Constructivism Learning Theory, introduced by
students? Russian psychologist Lev Vygotsky. This theory
gives dyads and small groupings a lot of
attention. Social constructivism contends that
Alternative Hypothesis
effective teaching and learning depend heavily
on interpersonal interaction and discussion, with
There is a significant relationship between
modern technology and the academic the main emphasis on the students'
performance of Grade 12 STEM Science understanding of the discussion. For example,
students at Adamson University. students learn primarily through interactions
with their peers, teachers, and parents, whereas
Conceptual Framework teachers stimulate and facilitate conversation by
utilizing the natural flow of conversation in the
classroom. The ZPD outlines the tasks that
students may complete independently and those
that they require instructor assistance to
complete. According to the ZPD, pupils are able
to comprehend and master knowledge and
abilities that they would not be able to do on
their own without the aid of a teacher. (Schreiber
& Valle, 2013). Once the students have mastered
a particular talent, they can carry it out on their
own. According to this notion, rather than acting
as a passive figure, the instructor actively
The conceptual framework of this study contributes to the pupils' knowledge gain. (Chen,
is shown in the diagram above. The diagram
2012; Schreiber & Valle, 2013). Social
above will show the process of this research. It
includes the base, which is existing modern constructivism, sometimes known as the
technology, and the other variable, which is the "sociology of knowledge," is the theoretical
academic performance of Grade 12 STEM framework we use to comprehend knowledge. It
Science students at Adamson University. The defines knowledge as the systems of ideas or
researcher will be distributing surveys in order mental constructs that humans employ to make
to collect the answers given by the participants. sense of the world's happenings and actions.
The survey question involves the results of their
Empiricism, a philosophy of knowledge that
written exam and activities, their practical exams
and activities, as well as their productivity and holds that the world is largely as we perceive it
work completion. All of the participants' to be, is in stark contrast to this approach to
answers will have a huge impact on the final knowledge. According to social constructivism,
data. After the data collection, the researcher knowledge is created as a means of
will be able to use statistical analysis in order to understanding the world, and these means of
finalize the data from this research.
understanding are only a portion of all possible students will have an easier and more productive
methods. This sounds like a really logical way of doing their academic work. The
approach, albeit one that is a little more difficult, researchers will conduct a survey through
when we take into account the broad variety of Google Forms with 140 STEM science students
worldviews. A shaman can read natural at Adamson University as respondents.
occurrences as portents or signs thanks to his
understanding of the spirit world. Our ability to Significance of the Study
judge behavior as right or wrong, unlawful, This research aims to provide crucial
unethical, or fair depends on our moral information and knowledge regarding the
relationship between the academic performance
expertise. A programmer who is familiar with
levels of Grade 12 STEM Science students at
invoice processing can create letters of reminder Adamson University and modern technology.
on demand. Social constructivism does not make The following are the beneficiaries of the study:
a determination regarding the reality of "spirits,"
"right and wrong," or even "invoices." Whether Grade 12 STEM Science Students
Pathan tribesmen or Wall Street financiers, This study will have a huge significance for
people within social groupings construct this Grade 12 STEM Science students since the point
of this research is to find out the relationship
reality over time primarily in speech and through
between the academic performance levels of
social rituals, which are ways of bridging the high school students and modern technology.
gaps between the particular consciousnesses of This will help them understand how major the
various people. The tangible manifestation of a impact of technology is on their academic
group's collaborative, long-lasting solutions to studies.
its ongoing issues is shared language, artifacts,
and symbolic behavior. These approaches
Through this research, professors will gain
continue to be used by groups as interpretive knowledge and understanding of the relationship
structures that are constantly articulated, between the academic performance level of
enacted, and hence recreated in social behavior Grade 12 STEM Science students and modern
processes. technology.

Scope and delimitation Parents

The parents will know how important modern
technology is to their child's needs, especially
This study aims to provide in-depth
for high school students. The result of this
information about the correlation between research can help them by giving their child the
modern technology and the academic best quality education that they essentially need.
performances of senior high school students at
Adamson University, STEM science students in Future Researchers
particular. Also, the study focuses on the This research will serve as a guide or the
relationship between modern technology and reference for future researchers who will be
conducting or planning research on a related
students' academic performance. In order to
improve their performance, modernization plays
a huge role. The more their technologies are
used, the higher the possibility that it will have a
positive or negative effect on their academic
performance. This research can be shared and
answered online through links. Thus, more
Methodology probability sampling techniques, this one is the
easiest to understand because it only requires
Research Design one random selection and little prior population
This quantitative study was conducted to knowledge. Any research conducted with this
discover the impact of modern technology on sample should have high internal and external
various STEM students at Adamson University validity and be less likely to be biased by factors
like sampling bias and selection bias because
based on their productivity/academic
randomization is used. (Thomas, 2022)
performance. Therefore, this study aims to
provide crucial information and knowledge Since this study, the simple random sampling
regarding the relationship between the academic technique is suitable for the research. So the
performance levels of Grade 12 STEM Science researchers can gain a meaningful and in-depth
students at Adamson University and modern understanding of technology and academic
technology. The researchers are going to conduct performance among Grade 12 STEM Science
students at Adamson University, they will
quantitative research to measure the relationship
contribute the basic information required for this
between the variables. Quantitative research is research.
the process of gathering and interpreting
numerical data. It can be used to identify trends
Research Instrument
and averages, formulate hypotheses, examine
causality, and extrapolate findings to larger The researchers are going to use a survey
populations (Bhandari, 2022). This study questionnaire as an instrument to collect data. A
employs a correlational research design to questionnaire is a type of research tool used to
gather data from respondents and consists of a
further understand the essence and the
series of questions or other prompts (Bhat,
relationship between modern technology and the 2023). The researchers are going to measure the
academic performance of Grade 12 STEM usage of modern technology and academic
Science students. According to Chiang et al. performance by using the two instruments that
(2015), a nonexperimental research method they’ve made, which are (1) Influence of
known as correlational analysis measures two Modern Technology in Terms of Exposure
variables and evaluates the statistical (IMTE), (2) Influence of Academic Performance
Scale (IAPS). Survey forms will be conducted
relationship (also known as the correlation)
on a fairly rating scale, which allows the
between them with little to no effort to control respondents to accurately answer the questions.
unrelated variables. The nature of the study is The survey questions will revolve around the
quantitative since it is a process of collecting statement of the problem. Considering that this
and analyzing numerical data. The researchers research is quantitative and requires scalar data
utilize a correlational research design since they gathering, the researchers are going to conduct
are investigating the relationship between surveys. As a result, the survey will be
conducted online by giving a link to the target
variables, which are modern technology and
respondents. The researchers will carefully
academic performance. construct questions to achieve the research
objectives. The survey forms that will be given
Sampling Technique by the researchers will determine the correlation
The researchers will be using simple random between the use of modern technology and
sampling techniques in order to collect study academic performance among senior high school
participants. The simple random sampling students at Adamson University.
technique is a population subset that has been
randomly chosen. Each person in the population The Influence of Modern Technology in
has an exact equal probability of being chosen Terms of Exposure (IMTE) and the Influence of
using this sampling technique. Of all the Academic Performance Scale (IAPS) consist of
20 items each and are scored using a four-point Statistical Analysis
Likert -type scale used to assess the relationship
of modern technology towards the academic This study uses both descriptive and
performance of the students. inferential statistics and uses statistical analysis
and the Pearson correlation formula to assess the
1 = Strongly Disagree relationship between the variables. Given the
2 = Disagree formulas:
3 = Agree
4 = Strongly Agree Mean= x ¯ = ∑ x n

To find the correlation between academic The mean will be used to identify the average
performance and modern technology among the answer of the collected data in order to compute
students, add the scores of the 20 items. Low the correlation.
influencing scores are 39 and below, moderate
influencing scores are 40-65, and high Pearson Correlation Formula
influencing scores are 66 and above.
r= correlation coefficient

The researchers gave the instrument to a 𝑥𝑖= values of the x-variable in a sample
certified top tutor in order to truly validate the
instrument. The tutor then assessed each
question to see whether it needed improvement, 𝑥= mean of the values of the x-variable
was adequate as is, or should be removed.
𝑦𝑖= values of the y-variable in a sample
Data Collection Procedure
The data gathering process for the research is 𝑦= mean of the values of the y-variable
a survey questionnaire made in Google Forms
that is delivered through Messenger or email.
Since this study involves the collection of
personal data from multiple individuals, a
consent form must be sent to each participant
prior to the processing of their data. The consent
form must state that the participant's identity,
personal information, and responses will not be
disclosed to anyone other than the research Presentation, Analysis, and Interpretation of
team. It should also explain how their data will Data
be used and what steps the researchers are taking
to keep their data secure. providing consent
forms to be sent via email, allowing the This chapter explains the findings'
researcher to collect the data that the participants interpretation, the ramifications of the data
imputed. When the research teacher gives the collected, and the studies that corroborate them.
researchers the go-ahead, the researchers will
begin this research. The data collection process 1. What is the frequency of the
will begin by gathering participants from respondents’ usage of existing modern
Adamson University's Grade 12 STEM Science technology?
students who are willing to participate in the
survey questions. The data that survey Table 1: Reflection of the mean of the frequency
participants provide will be kept private and of the respondents usage of existing modern
confidential, and the researchers will protect the technology.
participants' privacy.
Frequency of usage Mean Score 3. Is there a significant relationship between the
frequency of usage of technology and the level
Total Score: 3.45755714 of academic performance of Grade 12 STEM
Table 1 shows the overall mean score of Science students?
all the respondents in their usage of existing
modern technology. Existing modern technology Weighted Mean Verbal
consists of gadgets that the respondents use in Interpretation
their academics. The majority of respondents
believe that technology helps them efficiently 1-1.50 Low
communicate outside the school premises, and
increases their productivity in academics. Most 1.51-2.50 Moderate
of the respondents' average answer is 4.
2.51-3.50 High

2. What is the level of reliability of the 3.51-4 Very High

scores of the respondents’ usage of
existing modern technology? Table 3: The average weighted score
from the 4-point likert scale used in the survey
show a high correlation between the frequency
Cronbach’ alpha score Level of reliability
of usage of technology and the level of academic
0.679467531 Quite reliable performance of Grade 12 STEM Science
students with the overall average weight mean of
0.7079827 Reliable 3.46. The statement in the survey with the
lowest average score is "I am having a hard time
0.691719646 Quite reliable
studying using physical books" which has a
score of 2.4, meanwhile the statement with the
Table 2: Reflection of Cronbach's alpha score of
highest score is "I can easily communicate with
respondents’ usage of existing modern
technology. others, by the use of modern technology, both on
and outside of the school premises" with a
We got the results and found the level weighted average of 3.78.
of reliability of our research study, we used
Cronbach's alpha. To find out the results of
Cronbach's alpha, we first need to find the total Discussion
score by summing up the points each respondent Summary
answered in each question. After getting the
total score, we counted the total number of test The ongoing study focuses on the
items in our research study and calculated each relationship between modern technology and
column's variance to get the sum of the item academic performance of STEM science
variances, and then we calculated the variance of students of adamson university. The purpose of
total scores. After gathering all of this this study is to determine the outcome of each
information, we used Cronbach's alpha formula student's academic performance with the
to assess the reliability of our test items. We involvement of modern technologies in
divided the number of our components by itself improving their school activities and works.
minus one times one minus the sum of the item
variances divided by our total score variance. The study circulates around 3 main
This is how we got the results of our research questions: (1) What is the frequency of the
study. respondents’ usage of existing modern
technology? (2) Is there a significant
relationship between the frequency of usage of a hard time studying using physical
technology and the level of academic books" which has a score of 2.4 that a
performance of Grade 12 STEM Science significant number of respondents may
students? (3) What is the Academic Performance
prefer using digital resources for
of the respondents in terms of? (3.1) written
activities, (3.2) class participation, (3.3) studying, or may be experiencing
productivity and work completion. difficulties with physical books due to
factors such as accessibility or
Findings convenience.
The following responses were reached
based on the information the researchers 2. The total weighted mean rating of
collected: the Likert for survey in the
academic performance of Grade 12
1. The mean of STEM-Science Stem Science students is 3.46, and
students’ survey score of all the including the easy way to
respondents in their usage of communicate with others by using
existing modern technology. modern technology. This indicates
However, it can be used as a basis that the Grade 12 Stem Science
for identifying areas where students have a moderately positive
respondents may need further perception of their academic
assistance or training in using performance, and they recognize the
modern technology. It can also help importance of modern technology in
institutions develop strategies to communication.
improve the integration of
technology in academic settings.
Based on the data collected, the
1.1 As shown in Tables 1 and 2, the total researchers have concluded the following:
mean of the respondents’ scores in the 1. The majority of the respondents believe
survey is 4, while the total mean score that technology helps them to
of all the respondents in their usage of communicate outside the school
existing modern technology consists of premises efficiently.
gadgets that the respondents use in their 1.1 Most respondents indicated that
academics. We computed the total modern technology helps them increase
number of mean results in the most their academic performance.
answers which are efficiently
1.2 Most of the respondents' average
communicated outside the school answer for the question “What is the
premises. frequency of the respondents’ usage of
existing modern technology?” is 4
1.2 As shown in Table 3, The weighted which indicates always.
mean of the respondent’s level of
2. The researchers used Cronbach's alpha
frequency of usage of technology and in order to check the reliability of the
the level of academic performance of researchers' study.
Grade 12 STEM Science students is
2.1 Cronbach's alpha formula was used
3.46. The statement in the survey with
to assess the reliability of the test items
the lowest average score is "I am having of the study. The researchers divided the
number of components by itself minus 3. Parents should always permit their
one times minus the sum of the item children to utilize any existing modern
variances divided by our total score technology as a tool to enhance their
variance. This is how we got the results
academic performance, increase their
of the research study.
capacity for learning, and enhance their
2.2 The researchers came up with a memory of what they have learned.
“(number of Cronbach's alpha score)”
which indicates the level of reliability of
the respondents' score quite reliable and
3. There is a significant relationship
between the frequency of usage of
technology and the level of academic
performance of Grade 12 STEM Science
students at Adamson University.
3.1 Most of the respondents answered
that they can easily communicate with
others, by the use of modern technology.
3.2 The researchers obtained a weighted
average of 3.78 which indicates a “very
high” in verbal interpretation for the
weighted mean.
The following suggestions have been
made by the researchers based on the research's
summary of findings and conclusions:

1. In order for students to effectively

utilize modern technology for both
academic and recreational purposes,
they must be aware of how to strike a
balance between the two.

2. In order to assist the kids study while

having fun, educators should be aware
of and permit their pupils to continue
using contemporary technology for
activities on websites like Quizizz and
Kahoot. Additionally, it will benefit
their overall academic performance and
knowledge acquisition.

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