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4/25/23, 9:42 PM APHG Review

APHG Review
54 Questions DATE  : 

1. According to von Thunen's Model, which agricultural zone is closest to the market?

A Livestock B Forestry

C Dairy Farming D Commercial Grain

2. The result of overgrazing in semi-arid climates is

A desertification B environmental modification

C aquaculture D desalination

3. Which crop is associated with intensive agriculture?

A Cotton B Rice

C Wheat D Corn

4. Farmers that produce food that they need to survive on a daily basis are called

A Commercial agriculture B Slash-and-burn agriculture

C subsistence agriculture D Industrial agriculture

5. Agricultural hearths developed in four areas around the world


A Eastern Europe B Western Africa

C Central America D Northwestern South America

6. Mediterranean agriculture must be practiced in a climate that is

A Plentiful rainfall year round B Dry summer, cool moist winter

C Wet summer, dry winter D Mild and dry year round 1/9
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7. All of the following are aspects of commercial agriculture EXCEPT

a small percentage of the workforce is

A the product is consumed off the farm B
engaged directly in agriculture.

there is little relationship to other

C a heavy reliance on machinery D

8. Corn was first domesticated in

A the Tibetan Plateau B Northern Argentina.

C the Canadian Prairie. D Central Mexico

9. Physiological density is defined as 

the average farm production compared the number of farmers as compared to

to arable land. the total population.

the number of people compared to the number of farms compared to the

arable land. total land area.

10. A region where boundaries are very thinly or weakly developed, zones where territoriality
is unclear and not well established.

A Satellite State B Frontier

C Shatterbelt D Buffer State

11. A state or group of states that exists within a sphere of competition between larger states
and is often culturally, economically, and politically fragmented and splintered.

A Shatterbelt B Frontier

C Buffer State D Satellite States

12. A state with only one nation within its borders

A Stateless-Nation B Ethnocentric Nation

C Statehood D Nation-State

13. a state that contains more than one ethnicity.

A United States B Multi-Ethnic State

C Multi-Cultural State D Nation-State 2/9
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14. a country that contains more than one ethnicity with traditions of self-determination.

A Nationalism B Multi-Ethnic State

C Multi-National State D Stateless Nation

15. Which of the following is not a part of the United Kingdom?

A England B Scotland

C Ireland D Wales

16. The Sahara desert and Himalayan mountains are examples of which type of boundary?

A Cultural B Superimposed

C Antecedent D Susequent

17. Which characteristic do all the nations seen here share?

A All are federal states B All are members of OPEC

C All are landlocked D All are compact

18. The UN is an example of what?

A Military alliance B Supranational organization

C Multinational state D Confederation

19. Which of the following is not a strong centripetal force in the United States?

A the many ethnic groups living within it B network television

C the flag D "The Star Spangled Banner"

20. The morphology of Namibia is best described as

A prorupt(ed). B fragmented.

C elongated. D compact. 3/9
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21. The morphology of Vietnam is best described as

A elongated. B prorupt(ed).

C fragmented. D compact.

22.  Centrifugal forces _____, while centripetal forces _____.

A unite : divide B divide : unite

23.  Farming that requires lots of labor and/or capital investment is:

A subsistence agriculture B diffusion agriculture

C intensive agriculture D extensive agriculture

24. 1.  Situation costs are critical to a firm that wishes to

minimize production costs inside the

A  avoid skilled laborers. B

identify unique characteristics of a

C D  minimize transport costs.
particular industry.

25. 1.  Soda bottling is an example of a

A  labor intensive industry. B  bulk-gaining industry.

C  communications-oriented industry. D  perishable industry.

26.  The Chicago area became a significant asset for the Western Great Lakes region owing to
its steel industries and its

access to the nation's transportation greater distance from raw materials

network. essential for the steel industry.

large market area.

C  skilled labor force. D

27. A company which uses more than one mode of transport will often locate near what?

A Consumer Products  B Break-of-bulk Point

C Factory D Raw materials 4/9
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28. Why are the factories in Mexico close to the border? 

A The geography is best there B Easy to ship in and out

C Where the best resources are

29. What are the factories in Mexico called?

A Commercial Factories B Mariachi

C Maquiladoras D No factories in Mexico

30. According to Alfred Weber, which one of the following costs of production is the most
important factor in locating a new industry?

A Agglomeration Costs B Transportation

C Raw Materials D Labor

31. Targets generally have Best Buys, Sally Beauty Salons, Famous Footwear, JC Penny, &
Petsmarts near them. This is known as what? 

A Outsourcing B Maquiladora Industires

C Agglomerations D Just-in-time planning

32. AT&T having their call centers stationed in India and China is known as what industry

A Outsourcing B NAFTA

C Special Economic Zones D Agglomerations

33. If a product is heavier when it arrives at the factory than when it leaves (trees--> paper,
potatoes-->chips) then the factory will be ____________ to the market

A farther  B closer

34. A Doctor or Lawyer would be in which economic sector?

A Secondary B Primary

C Qinary D Tertiary 5/9
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35. Shows the influence of women in a society by measuring women's income, participation
in labor force, and political influence. 

A GDP B Gender Empowerment Index

C Human Development Index D GNP

36. The term used for a country with high birth rates, high death rates, little economic
growth, and a high population in the primary sector.



37. Mining and farming are part of which economic sector?

A Primary B Tertiary

C Quaternary D Secondary

38. A Country with an HDI of .92 is most likely what type of country 


C In between

39. What makes up the human development index?

A per capita income B life expectancy

C education level and literacy rate D all of the above

40. Newly industrialized countries (NICs) like Brazil and Mexico are considered part of the 

A Core B Semi-Periphery

C Periphery D External

41. Whose development model consists of a 5 stage process that countries go through as
they develop economically?

A Weber B Losch 

C Rostow  D Wallerstein 6/9
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42. Which movement has aims to improve economic prospects for producers and laborers in

A maquiladora movement B sustainability initiative

C World Trade Organization D fair trade 

43. Countries in _____ and _____ would likely have the highest rates of gender equality.

A North America: South America B East Asia: South America

C South America: Western Europe  D North America: Western Europe 

44. Which region of the world has no core countries?

A North America B Oceania

C Sub-Saharan Africa D Western Europe

45. Created by Wallerstein to show that the world is interconnected and that we are all
interdependent on each other.  Divides us into three tiers of economic prosperity.

A structural adjustment loan B Dependency Theory

C Neo liberal counterrevolution D World Systems theory

46. Which of the following is a renewable resource?

A oil B hydroelectricity

C coal D fossil fuel

47. The UN considers all but the following factors when determining a country's level of
development, its HDI (Human Development Index).

A Natural increase rate B Literacy rate

C Life expectancy D Income per capita

48. In which of the following countries is one most likely to find speakers whose native
language belongs to the Uralic family?

A Libya B Kazakhstan

C Cambodia D Portugal 7/9
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49. Which of the following terms best describes the geographic boundary of a particular
linguistic feature?

A Isogloss B Linguistic hearth

C Choropleth interval D Toponym

50. A highly simplified language developed between two heterogeneous groups for the
purpose of basic group inter group communication is a

A Standard dialet B Pidgin language

C Creole language D Lingua franca

51. All of the following belong to the Indo-European language family except

A Dutch B Farsi

C Mandarin D Hindi

52. Which of the following toponyms best belongs in a formal culture region defined by
common traits of Catholicism and Spanish languages?

A Saint Paul B San Jose

C Tel Aviv D Fauske

53. The predominance of English as the preferred language spoken at international business
meetings and political summits could be cited to support the claim that English is 

A a pidgin language B a lingua franca

C a popular dialect D a creole language

54. Which of the following will encompass the largest number of speakers?

A language family B dialect

C language branch D language group

Answer Key

1.c 2.a 3.b 4.c

5.a 6.b 7.d 8.d

9.c 10.b 11.a 12.d 8/9
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13.b 14.c 15.c 16.c

17.c 18.b 19.a 20.a

21.a 22.b 23.c 24.d

25.b 26.a 27.b 28.b

29.c 30.b 31.c 32.a

33.a 34.d 35.b 36.a

37.a 38.a 39.d 40.b

41.c 42.d 43.d 44.c

45.d 46.b 47.a 48.b

49.a 50.b 51.c 52.b

53.b 54.a 9/9

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