Reading NAT Reviewer

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Do not write anything on this booklet.

Directions: Read the selection below and answer the questions that follow. Shade the letter of
your answer in the answer sheet provided.

Days of the Week

MONDAY. In mythology, the moon was the wife of the sun, and so had to have her day in the
week, which in Old English was Mōnandæg, or “moon day,” a translation of the Latin luane dies,
“day of the moon.” In the superstitious England of those times people believed that the phases of
the moon affected crops and disturbed the potency of medicine, and they were sure too that
bacon killed on the old of the moon would shrivel in the pan.
TUESDAY In Norse mythology, there was a god named Tyr. A wolf spirit called Fenrir was
troubling the world and Tyr volunteered to bind him. He used a chain made of strange
substances, the footsteps of a cat, the beards of women, the roots of stones, and the breath of
fishes. Tyr put his hand in Fenrir’s mouth and bound him, but his hand, in the process, was bitten
off. In Old English the god’s name Tyr appears as Tiw. He was really a Germanic deity, one very
much like Mars, the Roman god of war, and his name gave us the Old English word Tiwesdæg,
“the day of Tiw,” our Tuesday, which is a rendering of the Latin dies martis, “day of Mars.”

WEDNESDAY In Old English Wednesday was spelled Wōdnesdæg, which was the day of the
great Germanic god Woden, who corresponded to the Roman divinity Mercury. Both were swift in
movement and noted for their eloquence. Woden was the father of Tyr, who gave us the name
Tuesday, and was the god of storms. He welcomed brave warriors to the heaven of Valhalla and
treated them to the pleasures that they most loved on earth. He also slew Chaos and created
earth from his body, his flesh making the dry land, his bones the mountains, his blood the sea, his
skull the vault of the heavens. In Latin “Woden’s day” was Mercurii dies, the “day of Mercury,”
and the French took this over as Mercredi, their name for Wednesday.

THURSDAY Thor was the strongest and bravest of the Norse deities, and corresponded in the
heavenly hierarchy to the Roman god Jupiter, who also handled the lightning bolts. Thor, you see,
was the god of thunder which he made with a chariot drawn by he-goats across the sky. Thor
owned a massive hammer which the giant Thrym once stole from him and refused to give up
unless Freya, the goddess of love, world marry him. Thor dressed up in her clothes, wheedled the
hammer from Thrym, and then slugged his host. It was the name of this same Thor that formed
the Old English word thūresdæg, or Thursday, :the day of Thor,” which equals the Roman dies
jovis, or “day of Jupiter.”

FRIDAY In Old English, Friday was frīgedæg, the day of the Norse goddess Frigg, wife of Woden
and the goddess of marriage. She was the Norse counterpart of the Roman goddess Venus, and
her day, Friday, was like the Latin dies Veneris, or “day of Venus.” Wednesday and Thursday had
been named for her husband Woden and her son Thor, so Friday was assigned to her as
appeasement. The Norsemen regarded Friday as their lucky day, but not so the Christians since
the Crucifixion took place on Friday.

SATURDAY In Old English sæternesdæg, merely “Saturn’s day,” is a halftranslation and half-
adoption of the Latin Saturni dies, or “day of Saturn,” the Roman god of sowing.

SUNDAY Sunday replaced Saturday as the Sabbath because the Resurrection took place on a
Sunday. It was around the 4th century that the church made it a holiday and forebade anyone to
work. In Old English it was spelled sunnandæg, literally the “sun’s day ,” a translation of the Latin
dies solis, or “day of the sun.”

1. Which day of the week was referred to as ‘moon day’ or ‘day of the moon’?
A. Tuesday B. Monday C. Friday D. Saturday

2. What food was believed to shrivel if killed on the old of the moon?
A. cutlet B. bacon C. meat D. shrimp

3. In superstitious England, Monday is generally viewed as

A. a lucky day C. a day of happiness and joyful celebration
B. a gloomy day D. a day when bad things could happen

4. How are the sun and moon related?

A. They are best of friends C. They are neighbors.
B. They are husband and wife. D. They are enemies.

5. According to mythology, why was Monday created?

A. For the sun to have his own day. C. For the stars to be happy.
B. For the moon to have her own day. D. For the sky to become blue.

6. What was the name of the wolf spirit that caused troubles in the world?
A. Tyr B. Fenrir C. Fernc D. Fille

7. What were the substances of the chain that Tyr used to bind the troublemaker wolf spirit?
A. face of a kangaroo, beards of men, branches of stones, and gills of fishes
B. footsteps of a dog, the beards of men, the roots of rocks, and the breath of shrimps
C. footsteps of a cat, the beards of women, the roots of stones, and the breath of fishes
D. footsteps of a can, the beards of womb, the roots of styles, and the breath of figs

8. Who was the Roman god of war?

A. Venus B. Jupiter C. Pluto D. Mars

9. What does ‘dies martis’ mean?

A. day of Marse B. day of mice C. day of Mars D. day of math

10.How was the Wednesday spelled in Old English?

A. Wōdnesdæg B. Wōodnesdæg C. Wōdnesdæy D. Wōdneesdæg

11.Wednesday is the great day for a great Germanic god named

A. Mercury B. Woodeen C. Wden D. Woden

12.Tyr was known to be the god of

A. shores B. seas C. wind D. storms
13.What is Wednesday for the French people?
A. Miyerkules B. Mercari C. Mercy D. Mercredi

14.What is the name of the Roman god equal to Thor?

A. Pluto B. Neptune C. Mars D. Jupiter

15.What is the name of the Norse goddess of love?

A. Aphrodite B. Venus C. Cupid D. Freya

16.What is the name of the Norse god in which Thursday was named after?
A. Fenrir B. Thor C. Loki D. Thrym

17.Which of the following mean ‘day of Jupiter’?

A. dies myer B. dies thoris C. dies jovis D. dies freys

18.Frigg, the wife of Woden is the goddess of

A. hearth B. happiness C. relationship D. marriage

19.Why was Friday assigned to Frigg?

A. It was her gift. C. It was to appease her.
B. It was a to make her cry even more. D. It was to make her silent.

20.How do Norsemen consider Friday?

A. Friday is the day when they can drink whatever they want.
B. Friday is a sad day.
C. Friday is a lucky day.
D. Frida is when Christ was said to be crucified.

21.What is the name of the Roman god which was the basis for the name of Saturday?
A. Saturr B. Saturn C. Seturn D. Saturna

22.Why was the Sabbath said be moved from Saturday to Sunday?

A. So people can work on Saturdays.
B. So people can eat on Sundays.
C. Jesus was resurrected on a Sunday.
D. Jesus was died on a Sunday.

23.What does ‘dies solis’ mean?

A. day of the son B. day of the sin C. day of sun D. day of shun


24. Which is NOT an element of the communication process?

A. Message B. Sender C. Technology D. Receiver

25. In the communication process, decoding takes place
A. by the sender C. when replying
B. within the message D. by the receiver

26. An error or mistake in a document due to encoding is a sample of a barrier.

A. True B. Maybe C. False D. It doesn't tell

27. This is the process by which one exchanges ideas, facts, opinions, or emotions with another

A. Talking B. Communication C. Reporting D. Conversation

28. This is the element of communication which refers to the one initiating the conversation.

A. Receiver B. Channel C. Sender D. Context

29.This is the means or tool by which a message is transmitted.

A. Noise B. Channel C. Context D. Sender

30.Johnny has a habit of ignoring the message of his mother. Which element is referring to
Johnny's response to the message?
A. Channel B. Participation C. Context D. Feedback

31. When we convert a message into actions, it is called__________

A. decoding B. encoding C. listening D. feedback loop

32.This is the response of the decoder once the message conveyed reaches him/her. This can be
a frown, a smile, or a verbal comment.
A. Message B. Medium C. Noise D. Feedback

33. Communication skills are helpful in

A. teaching B. asking questions C. listening D. All are correct.

34. Margie names four ingredients for Kyla to buy at the grocery store. Who is the sender of the

A. Kyla B. Margie C. grocery store D. ingredients

35. The School Principal gives his speech during the first School Recognition program. Who is the
receiver of the message?

A. recognition program B. Principal C. the parents D. the students

36. Which is an example of an audience feedback?

A. Laughter B. Half-closed eyelids C. Silence D. all of the above

37. One function of communication is to exercise restraint or direction formally or informally.

A. Control B. Motivation C. Social interaction D. Information dissemination

38. It is that type of talk that refers to the tactful use of power to get results and may be used to
motivate people.
A. Straight Talk C. Heavy - Control Talk
B. Light Control Talk D. Search Talk

39. It is another nonthreatening approach when you want to gather data or the consensus of
others to be able to provide information.

A. Small Talk B. Light control Talk C. Search Talk D. Heavy - Control Talk

40. This talk is designed to place blame and to control or regulate people. This creates
defensiveness on the part of the receiver and is rarely, if ever, appropriate.

A. Heavy – Control Talk C. Search Talk

B. Light Control Talk D. Small Talk

41.The city mayor presents her strategies to execute the plans in a public forum.
A. Emotional Expression C. Control
B. Information dissemination D. Social Interaction

42. The President delivers his State of the Nation Address.

A. Emotional Expression C. Information dissemination

B. Control D. Social Interaction

43. James greets May; then, they start talking about their plans for the holidays.
A. Motivation C. Social Interaction

B. Information dissemination D. Control

44. Mona shares her personal frustrations with Chona.

A. Emotional Expression C. Control

B. Information dissemination D. Social Interaction

45. Which proponent of the communication model says that communication is linear?
A. Schramm Model C. Charles Osgood's Model

B. Shannon-Weaver D. Dance

46. This theorist refers transmission model of communication as that involves signal.

A. Shannon-Weaver C. Schramm
B. Charles Osgood's D. Dance

47. He showed communication as a dynamic or two-way process in which there is interactive

relationship between the source and the receiver of the message.

A. Osgood B. Schramm C. Shannon D. Weaver

48. The following elements are added to the Transactional Model, EXCEPT:

A. nonverbal communication B. feedback C. context D. meaning

49.Which of the following is NOT true of the Shannon Weaver Model of Communication?
A. Message does not consist of written and spoken words.
B. The model does not introduce the concept of noise.
C. It is a two-way process.
D. all of the above

50. The following are the main elements of Wilbur Schramm's simplified communication model
(1954), EXCEPT

A. barrier B. channel C. speaker / source D. receiver

51. Frank Dance introduced the Helical model under this model of communication.

A. Linear B. Transmission C. Transactional D. Interactive

52. The characteristic of the communication model such as “communication evolves from the very
first day until the existing moment is high:”

A. Linear B. Transmission C. Transactional D. Interactive

53.This Transactional Model that shows the development of communication on how the
knowledge-base of a person deepens and expands throughout life is introduced by:
A. Wilbur Schramm C. Frank Dance C. Shannon-Weaver D. Wilbert Schindler

54. Which functions of communication was described in this situation:

Doctors’ Prescription
“Take your medicine 3 times a day.”

Parents’ Instruction to their child

“Wash the dishes now, or else I won’t allow you to go to the party later.”

Friends giving advice on what to do

“Move on. He doesn’t love you anymore.”

A. Control B. Motivation C. Emotional expression D. Information dissemination

55. Which functions of communication was described in this situation:

“Did you know that there’s a secret apartment at the top of the Eiffel tower?”

A. Social interaction C. Motivation

B. Emotional expression D. Information dissemination

56. Which functions of communication was described in this situation:

“I’m so glad that you came into my life.”
“I like you so much!
“Are you false teeth? It’s because I can’t smile without you.”

Expressing one’s ambition

“I want to finish up my studies with good grades to be accepted in a good university.”

Expressing a need
“I need you in my life.”

Expressing prayers
“We pray for those who suffered a broken heart from their crush.”

A. Social interaction B. Motivation C. Emotional expression D. Information dissemination

57. In the communication process, decoding takes place_________.

A. by the sender C. when dealing effectively with the element of noise

B. within the message D. by the receiver

58. In communication, negative motivation can lead into the following conditions, EXCEPT for:
A. social anxiety C. communication apprehension
B. feeling upset stomach D. public speaking anxiety

59. Communication anxiety happens when a person becomes fearful of communicating with
another person or a group. Signs of apprehension include

A. Uncomfortable feeling when speaking to a small group or people

B. Sweaty palms or feeling upset stomach also known as butterflies in the stomach
C. A person hesitates or avoids speaking in front of a large group or large audience
D. A person feels threatened and scared of what other people say or think about them

60. This is when a person hesitates or avoids speaking in front of a large group or large audience.
This communication anxiety refers to:

A. shyness B. social anxiety C. public speaking D. context apprehension

61. Heavy- Control Talk is designed to place blame and to control or regulate people. Its purpose
includes the following, EXCEPT for:
A. to blame B. to attack C. to demand D. to center or an issue

62. Which is NOT an element of the communication process?

A. Message B. Sender C. Technology D. Receiver

63. Communication is
A. a process C. verbal only

B. form ONLY one to many D. transmission of information with passive recipients

64.These characteristics emphasize the lack of feedback in the Linear Model of Communication,
A. It has one-way communication.
B. It is a simple communication act.
C. It values psychological more than social effects.
D. It focuses on persuasion rather than on mutual understanding.

65.When a communication is affected by the society, culture, situations, psychological or

sociological events or experiences of the sender and receiver, this element is known as:
A. Channel B. Feedback C. Context D. Field of Experience

66.The linear model was the first kind of model that experts have made to understand the
process of communication. The following are the remarkable characteristics of the linear
model, EXCEPT:
A. complex C. persuasion not mutual understanding

B. unidirectional D. values psychological over social effects

67.The Shannon-Weaver model (1949), also known as the transmission model and
the mother of all communication models is one best example of a one-way or linear process of
communication consisting of five elements which have been criticized for missing one element
in the communication process, what is that missing element?
A. Source B. Decoder C. Encoder D. Feedback

68.Nonverbal cues impact the communication process in a variety of ways. Which one is not one
of the appropriate ways?
A. Eliciting B. Confirming C. Replacing D. Contradicting

69.In which of the following situation is a verbal communication necessary?

A. Running to a track meet C. Listening to a radio program
B. Hurrying to your classroom D. Calling someone on the phone

70.The following are forms of non- verbal communication, EXCEPT:

A. clapping B. reciting in class C. frowning D. hugging a friend

71. Nana Delia would like to ask Rico about an upcoming event on Monday. In the communication
process, Nana Delia is in the step of _____.
A. giving feedback C. decoding the message
B. activating the stimulus D. ending the conversation

72. Which of the following is NOT a channel?

A. Letter B. Phone Call C. E-mail D. Environment

73.Maria has a habit of ignoring the messages of her classmates. Which of the following elements
is usually missing from interactions with Maria?
A. Channel B. Feedback C. Context D. Participation
(74-80) Select the best answer that fits to each statement.
74. Critical thinking is the ability to think clearly and rationally. Which of the following does not
define the underlined word?
A. reasonable B. wise C. sound D. invalid

75. Which of the following is not one of the macro skills of communication?
A. thinking B. writing C. speaking D. visualizing

76. In coherence, a written work becomes coherent through the use of what device/technique?
A. Prepositional phrase B. transitional devices C. adjective D. adverb

77. Mr. William E. Borja, Jr. writes his autobiography where in each sentence his name always
appears. What should he consider?
A. Pronoun B. noun C. interjection D. verb

78. The following are synonymous to the word arrangement except: _______
A. flow B. irregularity C. organization D. procedure

79. I got the chance to read your speech of hope for the people of India. It was indeed cohesive!
A. intense B. broken C. perfect D. smooth

80. Every brown skin still endures the sad fate rooted in poverty. Every young and old
continuously bear the upshots of scarcity. The underlined word means:
A. Oversupply B. shortage C. equilibrium D. fair distribution

(81-88) Select the letter that best corresponds/relates to the application being
portrayed. Write your answer on the space provided.

81. You are tasked to report about Siargao and Boracay. What would be your best strategy?
A. Use Spider Web to connect the problems encountered.
B. Use comparison-contrast essay to see their similarities and differences.
C. Use brainstorming in uniting ideas.
D. Use summarizing to get important ideas.

82. Which of the following does not follow appropriate use of graphic organizer?
A. Cherry writes the causes and effects of radiation through outlining.
B. Juniel compares and contrasts Millennials vs Robots through semantic map.
C. Rhean reports about the causes and effects of smoking through fishbone map.
D. John Michael makes use of creative shapes and lines in organizing facts for his report.

83. Which of the following scenarios portrays the use of reading appropriately?
A. Alfred writes a summary of a written text.
B. Gylejoe reads the text without understanding it.
C. Micah applies the steps in critical reading.

D. Justin watches A Walk to Remember instead of reading its book version.

84. How to lessen writing too many details in a written work?

A. Copy and paste works of others from the internet.
B. Use fragments instead of complete sentences.
C. Use precise vocabulary. Refrain from being too wordy.
D. Just continue writing regardless of its length.

85. Which of the following does not show clear manifestation of mechanics?
A. Anica always misspells the names of the important persons in her essays.
B. Eva makes use of subject-verb agreement properly.
C. Nissan is aware about the proper use of capitalization in writing names.
D. Myra is already particular with proper spelling of words.

86. Why should a written work apply mechanics?

A. to make the output organized
B. to make use the output uses the right language
C. to produce an output that is cohesive
D. to produce an output that is free from errors
87. Fake news is being spread widely to all sources of information. As a critical thinker, what
should you bear in mind?
A. Define a set of criteria for feedback.
B. Find new solutions.
C. Examine problems closely.
D. Reject information that is incorrect or irrelevant.

88. How should you respond to reading materials fairly?

A. Identify arguments and issues presented.
B. Seek for alternative views on a topic.
C. Base judgments on ideas and evidence.
D. Recognize errors in thought and persuasion as well as to recognize good arguments.

(89-96) Select the best answer that fits to each statement. Write A if the first
statement is the correct answer. Write B if the second statement is the correct
answer. Write C if both of the statements are correct. Write D if neither statement A
nor statement B is the correct answer.

89. Aside from writing pattern, brainstorming is an effective tool in generating and producing
ideas from one to another.
A. It’s an initial step in preparation to writing effectively.
B. It’s a helpful tool in outlining and concept mapping.

90. In chronological pattern, details must be in order.

A. Timeline of events
B. Ma. Eva’s happy moment

91. When writing about geographical location, spatial organization is best to use.
A. Details are arranged in chronological order.
B. Sentences are used with directions such as left-to-write, up-to-down, and top-to-

92. The Precious Gem of Pilarnons by Jian E. Orejas was written showing support to what industry
in Siargao Island?
A. education B. tourism

93. Exemplification, description, process, persuasion

A. critical thinking techniques B. patterns of writing development

94. A critical thinker is eager to express thoughts on a topic.

A. One must show zest or energy as you reflect on what you read.
B. One must not be excited as to showing your feelings to avoid blocking the reading

95. A critical thinker is able to ask thought-provoking questions to evaluate ideas.

A. He or She asks questions that can hook the interest of others.
B. He or She asks questions with sense and can achieve reasonable answers.

96. Cohesion can be thought of as all the grammatical links that link one part of discourse.
A. It includes the use of synonyms and verbs.
B. It aims to organize paragraphs of a text.

(97-110) Evaluate the questions based on the appropriate idea to be answered. Write
your answer on the space provided.

97. It is the most popular tool in generating creative and rich ideas.
A. debate B. role play C. story telling D. brainstorming

98. How will the information in the essay be used with the help of graphic organizer?
A. The written work will be shortened and lose the irrelevant parts.
B. There will be a scene of clear and creative discussion of all the relevant information.
C. Readers will adjust to another way of reading the material.
D. There will be more chances for the readers to shift or change the reading material.

99. Jill aims to campaign Lexy for the next SK election. What point of view should he apply?
A. Use persuasive to convince people.
B. Use descriptive to illustrate Lexy.
C. Use narrative to tell Lexy’s background.
D. Use expository to explain Lexy’s advocacy.

100. Which of the following should be applied in responding to the text?

A. Reject the not so important ideas. C. Copy the whole text.
B. Have a reflection from your own ideas. D. Stop reading and forget about it.

101. In Practical Research, how are you going to use critical reading?
A. Let others seek for evidences.
B. Don’t ask questions; give chance to others.
C. Solve problems in a not so organized way.
D. Check relevancy/sufficiency of what is read.

102. Judy Ann and Judy Abott are known in thinking clearly and rationally.
A. They have the ability to engage in reflective thinking.
B. They are engaged in thinking dependently.
C. They just reject the ideas of others except theirs.
D. They read for the sake of reading itself.

103. After reading, Joy writes his insights on any issue being digested.
A. Reading and thinking are inseparable.
B. Critical thinking is better than critical reading.
C. You can do reading without sharing insights.
D. After reading, just understand it, no need to reflect.

104. Christian is confused with the word “stubborn.” What should be his action about this? He
should create a schedule in reading stories where the word “stubborn” exists.
A. He should create a playlist where “stubborn” is literally heard.
B. He should create a list where synonymous words define the unfamiliar word.
C. He should create plans when to search about the word “stubborn”.
D. He should not mind his confusion. Just continue reading the text.

105. You have this difficulty of understanding unfamiliar words while you are reading a novel.
What should be created to solve this?
A. Ask a friend to define unfamiliar words.
B. Compose a story without using the unfamiliar words.
C. Create a novel using the unfamiliar words.
D. Create a mini dictionary where you search the word and define by key words.

106. Michaella Mae was tasked by the teacher to write an essay about typhoon aftermath,
specifically on its important facts to remember. How should he deal this case?
A. She should explain and present the information about it.
B. She should tell a story of a typhoon survivor.
C. She should just have to convince people to stop this issue.
D. She should just tell the teacher to change the topic.

107. Which of the following does not apply the appropriate use of cohesion?
A. not using proper pronouns C. integration of conjunction
B. use of transitional devices D. correct use of synonym and antonym

108. You are a teacher of Grade 11 students under Reading and Writing subject. You would like to
let students do something very productive after reading stage. Which of the following is best to
A. Compose a song analysis to the essay being read.
B. Create a concept map summarizing the written work.
C. Let students perform a debate.
D. Create a reflection of the article being read.

109. You are a teacher of Grade 11 students. You would like you students to read effectively.
What are you going to do?
A. I will introduce the steps in critical reading.
B. I will produce a dictionary with translation to mother tongue.
C. I will define critical reading and critical thinking.
D. I will download a movie version of it so that they may have background knowledge of it.

110. The spread of fake news in social media is very active. As a student, which of the following
actions should you do?
A. I will create a group that deletes fake news on social media.
B. I will create an open letter about responsible readers and critical thinkers.
C. I will create a concept map featuring the disadvantages of fake news.
D. I will trace the trolls who continue spreading fake news.


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