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Dear people of 11-Justice I’m Dhyl Kaiser Tampus the resource speaker for today.

Today, I would like to talk to you about the emphasis on the risk factors underlying disasters
and how you can be equipped with knowledge on how to mitigate the effects of a disaster.
Disasters are events that can cause great harm to people, communities, and even entire
countries. They come in many forms, such as natural disasters like hurricanes, earthquakes,
floods, and wildfires, or human-made disasters like industrial accidents, terrorism, and
cyber-attacks. No matter what type of disaster it is, one thing is for sure: it can have
devastating effects on people's lives, livelihoods, and health. To mitigate the effects of a
disaster, it is important to understand the risk factors underlying it. Risk factors are the
conditions or situations that make it more likely for a disaster to occur or have a greater
impact. For example, living in a flood-prone area, having a weak infrastructure, or lacking
emergency preparedness plans can increase the risk of a disaster.

As young people, you have the power to reduce the risk of disasters and to mitigate their
effects. Here are some ways you can equip yourself with knowledge on how to do so:

Learn about the types of disasters that can occur in your area: Knowing the types of
disasters that can happen in your area can help you prepare for them. You can learn about
the history of disasters in your area and how they have impacted people's lives.

Identify the risk factors in your area: Once you know the types of disasters that can happen
in your area, you can identify the risk factors that increase the likelihood or impact of a
disaster. For example, if you live in a flood-prone area, you can identify the areas that are at
higher risk of flooding and take measures to protect your home and property.

Develop an emergency plan: Having an emergency plan can help you and your family stay
safe during a disaster. Your emergency plan should include evacuation routes,
communication plans, and emergency contacts.

Build an emergency kit: An emergency kit should include items such as water, food, first aid
supplies, and important documents. Having an emergency kit can help you and your family
stay safe and comfortable during a disaster.

Get involved in your community's emergency preparedness efforts: Many communities

have emergency preparedness plans in place, and getting involved in these efforts can help
you learn more about the risk factors and ways to mitigate the effects of a disaster.

In conclusion, disasters can have devastating effects on people's lives and communities.
However, by understanding the risk factors underlying disasters and taking steps to mitigate
their effects, you can help reduce the impact of disasters. As young people, you have the
power to make a difference and to create a safer and more resilient world. Thank you.

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