Annas Egges

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Anna’s egg’s

Aurthe;David Oakden

Look at my painting ;said Anna. Its of Auntie Jo.As she jumped up to show her painting to her mother,her sleeve caught on the
adge of the table.Crash. The painting,the brush,and a big jar of dirty water fall on the floor. Oh no.said Anna.Dont worry
Mum.I’’ll clear it up She ran over to the sink to get a cloth What a mess .groaned Mum.You;re always having
accidents,Anna.Just then there was a knock at the door and in came Auntie Jo.Sorry to bother you;she said.My telephone is out
of order.m May I use yours. Anna and her mum were on their hands and knees,clearing up the mess on the floor .Oh dear ;said
Auntie Jo.Whats been happening here. Has Anna had another accident. Anna is always having accidents; said mum. But I always
help clear the mess up;said Anna.Yes you do;said Mum but you should think before you do things,Anna.Anna held up her
painting.This was a painting of you ,Auntie Jo,she laughed,but you;ve gone soggy and runny.Look at you hair .It turned
purple.Soon the table and floor were clean again .In the hall ,Auntie Jo was talking to thetelephone .Mum had poured out a
glass of orange juice for Anna and made cups of coffee for herself and Auntie Jo. She sat down at the kitcken table. Stop; cried
Anna. You’re sitting on my painting.Oh no Anna, why did you put it on the chair .said mum crossly. When Mum stood up there
was purple,red and green paint all over her skirt.

.Crash. The painting,the brush,and a big jar of dirty water fall on the floor. Oh no.said Anna.Dont worry Mum.I’’ll clear it up She
ran over to the sink to get a cloth What a mess .groaned Mum.You;re always having accidents,Anna.Just then there was a knock
at the door and in came Auntie Jo.Sorry to bother you;she said.My telephone is out of order.m May I use yours. Anna and her
mum were on their hands and knees,clearing up the mess on the floor .Oh dear ;said Auntie Jo.Whats been happening here.
Has Anna had another accident. Anna is always having accidents; said mum. But I always help clear the mess up;said Anna.Yes
you do;said Mum but you should think before you do things,Anna.Anna held up her painting.This was a painting of you ,Auntie
Jo,she laughed,but you;ve gone soggy and runny.Look at you hair .It turned purple.Soon the table and floor were clean again .In
the hall ,Auntie Jo was talking to thetelephone .Mum had poured out a glass of orange juice for Anna and made cups of coffee
for herself and Auntie Jo. She sat down at the kitcken table. Stop; cried Anna. You’re sitting on my painting.Oh no Anna, why
did you put it on the chair .said mum crossly. When Mum stood up there was purple,red and green paint all over her skirt.

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