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On this day Osvaldo Valdés personally appeared before me who, being duly sworn, made oath
that he is competent to testify by first hand knowledge and does hereby affirm that:

1- Alleged debt as presented to him by RUBIN & ROTHMAN, LLC on April 30, 2010 is not his
debt and if it is his debt, he denies that it is still a valid debt and if it is a valid debt, he denies
the amount sued for is the correct amount, and;

2- Showing good faith, he tendered payment for the full amount of this alleged debt on 18
March 2010 to CITI BANK Billing Disputes / Claims PO Box 6000 THE LAKES, NV 89163 Certified Mail:
7008 1830 0000 5942 3219 in the amount of $5049.39, and;

3- Bank Attorney Ruben and Rothman were notified by affidavit 7008 2810 0001 3258 9477 of these
facts on 14 May, 2010;

4- He denies he has an agreement with CITIBANK and if he has an agreement it was amended
effective 18 March 2010 Certified Mail: 7008 1830 0000 5942 3219 and CITIBANK is now under default
and stoppel. CITIBANK now owes him $1,231,132.18, and;

5-CITIBANK was notified, of these facts on 05 May 2010 sent to CITIBANK, Billing Disputes / Claims
PO Box 6000 THE LAKES, NV 89163; Certified Mail: 7008 3230 0003 2004 4839,and;

6-He denies ever having been lent money by CITIBANK.

The above facts are true and accurate to the best of his knowledge and belief. Given under my
hand the 19th day of October, 2010.

By: grantor
Osvaldo Valdés 184 East 7th Street, New York, NY 10009

Taken, subscribed and sworn to before me, Notary Public in and for the City/County and State
aforesaid, in my City/County aforesaid this 19th day of October, 2010.

Notary Public

My commission expires on ______________________________

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