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A Thesis Manuscript Submitted to the Department of Criminology, Colegio de

Kidapawan, Kidapawan City, Partial Fulfillment of the
Requirements of the Degree





Background of the Study

The Philippine National Police, as one of the bureaus of the Department of

Interior and Local Government mandated by Republic Act 6975, is charged with the

responsibility of enforcing all laws and ordinances pertaining to the protection of lives

and property, the maintenance of peace and order, and the taking of all necessary steps to

ensure public safety, investigating and preventing crimes, effecting criminal arrests,

bringing criminal offenders to justice and assisting in their prosecution.

Peace and order is an essential ingredient in maintaining economic development,

social order and political stability. A condition of peace and order facilitates the growth of

investments, generates more employment opportunities and attracts more tourists.

Economic development generally refers to the sustained, concerted actions of policymakers

and communities that promote the standard of living and economic health of a specific

area. Peace refers to absence of hostility. It refers to an environment that is characterized by

healthy interpersonal and international relationships, acknowledgment of equality and


Community relations is a system in which police community courts attempt to

develop the working connection and trust of the national community by professional,

dynamic, and motivated performance. This performance is thereafter broadcast to the

community through every available and visible means (Maralit, 2000).


Identifying the difficulties experienced by the PNP during market days is one

method of preserving peace and order. Police community relations initiatives are

designed to develop favorable impressions, attitudes, and beliefs about the police -

popularly referred to as "image improvement." The basic idea is that the community

should be more proactive in promoting peace and order and should coordinate its efforts.

The people should participate in the production of public safety and order as "co-

producers." Thus, community policing places a new obligation on the police to develop

acceptable mechanisms for linking the community with law enforcement and maintaining


Additionally, the purpose of this study was to determine the problems

encountered by Carmen PNP in the maintenance of peace and order during market days.

This study assisted in assessing the difficulties experienced by the PNP during market


Statement of the Problem

This study focused with the problems encountered by the Carmen PNP in

maintaining peace and order during market days. The research addressed the following


1. What is the socio-demographic profile of the respondents in terms of age, sex,

religion, rank, civil status, length of service, educational attainment and trainings


2. What are the problems encountered by Carmen PNP in the maintenance of peace

and order during market days in terms of effecting criminal arrest, enforcement of

ordinance, prevention of crimes, public safety and social order?

Objective of the Study

The general objective of the study was to determine the problems encountered by

Carmen PNP in preserving peace and order during market days. It sought to determine

the following objectives which were to:

1. determine the socio-demographic profile of the respondents in terms of sex, age,

rank, position rank, status, length of service, educational attainment and training

attended; and

2. determine the problems encountered by Carmen PNP in the maintenance of peace

and order during market days in terms of effecting criminal arrest, enforcement of

ordinance, prevention of crimes, public safety and social order.


Significance of the Study

The result of the study was deemed significant to the following group of people;

To the Community- the result of this study enlightened them to follow the rules

implemented by the PNP.

To the Philippine National Police- the result of this study helped them maintain

peace and order during market days.

To Researchers- enlightened them about the problems encountered by the

Carmen PNP in the maintenance of peace and order.

Future Researchers. The result of the study served as a reference material and

guide for future researchers who wished to conduct a related study.

Scope and Limitations of the Study

This study was conducted at Carmen, Province of Cotabato. Particularly, the

study sought to determine the problems encountered by Carmen PNP in the maintenance

of peace and order during market days. The respondents of the study were the PNP

personnel of Carmen Police station. The study focused on the socio-demographic profile

of the respondents in terms of sex, age, civil status, religion, rank, length of service,

educational attainment and trainings attended and the problems encountered by Carmen

PNP in the maintenance of peace and order during market days in terms of effecting

criminal arrest, enforcement of ordinance, prevention of crimes, public safety and social


Operational Definition of Terms

Effecting Criminal Arrest- it is a figurative figures placing of a person in custody or

under restraint, usually for the purpose of compelling obedience to the law.

Enforcement of Ordinance- if authoritative figures enforce a law or regulation, they

ensure that it is followed, often by penalizing those who do not comply.

Market. Is a regular gathering of people for the purchase and sale of provision,

livestock, and other commodities.

Market day- it is a day of week when people sell goods.

Peace and order- is an occurrence of harmony characterized by the lack of violence,

conflict behaviours and the freedom from fear of violence.

Philippine National Police- it is both a national and a local police force in that it

provides all law enforcement services throughout the Philippines.

Prevention of crime- comprises strategies and measures that seek to reduce the risk of

crimes occurring, and their potential harmful effects on individuals and society.

Public Safety- includes the creation and execution of plans, policies, and procedures to

ensure public safety, particularly the readiness for preventative or rescue actions

during times of disasters and catastrophes.


Social Order- the manner in which diverse societal components collaborate to sustain

stability and the status quo.

Theoretical Framework

The research was anchored on Social Systems Theory by Newstrom, 2011. A

social system is a diverse collection of human interactions that interact in a variety of

ways. Systems theory is concerned with the interactions and linkages between

components in order to comprehend the organization, functioning, and results of an entity

(Mele, Pels & Polese, 2010). The process of implementing a peace deal after a civil war

is one of the most perilous and unpredictable in any post-war era. Many think that

pledges of substantial power sharing agreements in future administrations and foreign

involvement contribute to the advancement of a peace process' implementation. Because

a peace deal will alter the factions' military, economic, or political vulnerability, the

implementation process will accelerate when the faction leaders experience reciprocal

vulnerability. Liberia's almost decade-long battle, punctuated by moments of tenuous

calm, gives a chance to evaluate the influence of changes in military and political

vulnerabilities on the implementation process.




This chapter discussed the relevant literature to the research, which aided in the

study's reliability. These evaluations of relevant literature included papers and studies

from prior researchers who were similarly interested in learning about the difficulties

which the police officers faced in preserving law and order.

Problems Encountered by Carmen PNP in the Maintenance of Peace and Order

during Market Day

Effecting Criminal Arrests

One of the trickiest and most perplexing issues in the law of criminal

procedure is how much force may be used to make an arrest and how much force can be

used to thwart an arrest. This is due to the fact that this question lacks an obvious

solution. It's probable that this is caused by the fact that the problem has several phases

and effects, at least in part. The issue covers a range of situations, such as those involving

crimes and misdemeanors, as well as arrests made both with and without warrants. In

each of these situations, the issue of whether the arresting officer can ever go so far as to

kill the party in order to accomplish his purpose of subduing the party and if anything less

than this would be adequate to fulfill the goal of the arrest emerges.

Whoever is authorized to conduct arrests is also authorized to use whatever level

of force that may be necessary to carry out such arrests. This includes the use of deadly

force. This generalization is accurate to a significant extent; nevertheless, due to the

breadth of its application, it has a high risk of being misleading. It goes without saying

that the one who is making the arrests has the right to meet force with force; nevertheless,

in the vast majority of instances, this basic principle of tort law will not result in a

successful arrest; rather, it will result in a standoff between the two parties. If the person

who is being arrested puts up resistance, the person who is conducting the arrest will have

no choice but to employ greater force than the arrestee is able to take in order to coerce

the person who is being arrested into giving in. This is due to the fact that the individual

making the arrest does not have any other choice.

The problem at hand in the case of the arrested individual includes, among other

things, a distinction of rule based on the issue of whether or not the arrest was lawful. A

number of other factors, such as, for instance, whether the flaw was obvious or latent at

the time of the arrest, might affect the decision when an arrest is made on a flawed

warrant. Both the person making the arrest and the person being arrested must agree that

this is accurate. Last but not least, there are a number of fundamentally different issues

that often get intertwined with and a part of the general problem of the use of force in

carrying out or resisting arrest.

Therefore, it is immediately clear that one of the main difficulties in a discussion

of the degree of force that may be used in carrying out or resisting an arrest is how to

dissect the issue so that its numerous components can be covered in detail and with

clarity. The above outlined circumstance makes this difficulty instantly obvious. In light

of this, it has been proposed that we begin the discussion by examining the case in which

a law enforcement official or a private citizen uses force to make an arrest for a

significant or horrific crime, (Moreland, 2018).

Enforcement of Ordinances

Ordinances must contain implementation and enforcement provisions to ensure

that residents and businesses comply with the law. Without any enforcement provision, a

community would have to rely on voluntary compliance. When a city council adopts an

ordinance, it decides how to enforce the new law (ChangeLab Solutions2022).

Ordinance is often used to refer to a local legislation of a municipal corporation,

established by the competent authorities and prescribing broad, uniform, and permanent

standards of behavior pertaining to municipal activities. By definition, an ordinance,

municipal legislation, or regulation passed by a city council or other comparable body

with state-delegated powers is legislative in character. A local ordinance is a municipal

legislative legislation. An ordinance enacted according to explicit legislative power is a

law with the same effect as a local law, and it may trump a general law on the same topic.

Consequently, an ordinance is equivalent to a local legislation, and it regulates issues not

previously covered by federal or state law. Ordinance is often used to refer to a local

legislation of a municipal corporation, established by the competent authorities and

prescribing broad, uniform, and permanent standards of behavior pertaining to municipal

activities. By definition, an ordinance, municipal legislation, or regulation passed by a

city council or other comparable body with state-delegated powers is legislative in


A local ordinance is a municipal legislative legislation. An ordinance enacted

according to explicit legislative power is a law with the same effect as a local law, and it

may trump a general law on the same topic. Consequently, an ordinance is equivalent to a

local legislation, and it regulates issues not previously covered by federal or state law.

However, if an ordinance directly or indirectly permits activities or vocations that state

laws prohibit, or if an ordinance prohibits conduct authorized by legislation or the

constitution, then the ordinance is invalid. Note that a municipal ordinance is distinct

from a resolution. They are two very different government acts. Ordinance refers to

anything beyond a simple verbal motion or decision. Unlike a mere motion or resolution,

it must be carried out with the formalities, solemnities, and qualities of an ordinance.

Unlike ordinances, a resolution incorporates all other acts of the local body. A resolution

deals with concerns of a particular or temporary nature, while an ordinance establishes a

permanent norm of behavior or governance that remains in effect until it is abolished. An

ordinance is a legislative act, while a resolution is a statement of opinion, thought, or

policy about a specific matter within the legislative body's official jurisdiction. Note that

an ordinance may only be repealed by another ordinance, not by a resolution. Adoption of

papers outside of an ordinance or regulation by incorporation by reference is generally

lawful provided the material is adequately recognized and made part of the public record.

Nonetheless, the idea of incorporation by reference only applies in the absence of a

contrary legislative or charter provision. Similarly, an ordinance cannot simultaneously

create a document as a public record and reference it as a previously formed public

record. Subject to other provisions of law, municipalities have wide authority to enforce

ordinances and impose fines for infractions. In certain jurisdictions, ordinance violations

are penalized by a fine, jail, or both. However, a municipality cannot penalize a breach of

its regulations unless the ordinance in question expressly prohibits the behavior in

question (Smith, 2005).

Prevention of Crime

The maxim that it is preferable to prevent criminal activity than to punish those

who participate in it has long existed and is generally regarded as common wisdom, even

if different legislative bodies have not always given it the full attention it needs. We

cannot wish for another reason more compelling, any other argument more potent to

induce us to pursue such a beneficial course of action as those, if we are to consider only

the humanity of such a proceeding, and if we are to remember that we have an example

that is as sublime as it is benevolent, in the Administrator of the Universe, who would not

want the death of a sinner, but rather that he should repent and be saved. If we are to

focus only on the humanity of such a situation, then it is crucial for society to guide

people's minds in the proper directions and work to change any attitudes that may

otherwise lead to suffering and adversity. This is because human rules cannot penetrate

the depths of the heart, much less uncover its hidden effects. This is because human laws

are unable to probe the depths of the heart, much less reveal its subtle effects (Brewster,


The proposed provisions on crimes against humanity, much like the Genocide

Convention, do not limit themselves to addressing just questions of punishment. In


addition to this, they impose a responsibility to take preventative measures, both in the

preamble and particularly in Article 4. The ruling handed down by the International Court

of Justice in 2007 as well as the precedents set by international human rights courts are

the primary sources of inspiration for this work. This commitment includes an internal

component, which requires governments to take preventative measures against crimes

against humanity that occur inside their own territories. However, it also has an external

component, which compels international collaboration and maybe even intervention, all

of which have to be in conformity with the Charter of the United Nations. When it comes

to the unfinished crimes of incitement and conspiracy, the proposed provisions are not as

powerful as the Genocide Convention. In addition, the requirement of non-refoulement is

included as a component of the preventive function that the draft articles play (Schabas,


Public Safety

Public Safety which includes the formulation and implementation of programs

and policies and procedures to achieve public safety, especially the preparedness for

preventive or rescue operations during times of calamities and disasters such as

conflagrations, earthquake, flood and tidal waves; and coordination and mobilization of

resources and the implementation for rehabilitation and relief operations in coordination

with national agencies concerned (GOVPH 2019).

Increase police presence and professionalize police ranks. Efforts to enhance

police presence to maintain peace and order is primordial. As such, the PNP will strive to

meet the standard police-to-population ratio of 1:500 to greatly improve public safety. In

addition, the government will pursue the construction of additional police stations in

every community to further strengthen and expand their presence. To enhance policing

presence in communities, various programs and activities, such as Pulis Nyo Po sa

Barangay, Barangay Peacekeeping Action Teams, and Barangay Information Networks,

will be organized and empowered as force multipliers for the PNP. Moreover, the

Community and Service-Oriented Policing System will be strengthened to help build ties

between the PNP and communities and to strengthen the involvement of the latter in

addressing public safety issues such as crime, social disorder, and fear of crime.

Strengthen the partnership between law enforcement agencies, local peace and order

institutions, and communities. LGUs will continuously strengthen local peace and order

institutions to effectively address criminality within communities (Updated Philippine

Development Plan 2017-2022).

Peace and safety are two things that every person expects to find in their local

environment. It is the conviction that "The significance of giving a sense of security in

public settings cannot be overstated." The sense of insecurity may lead to antisocial

behavior and stress-related consequences. Therefore, the preservation of peace and order

in the community is necessary to give inhabitants with a sense of security and safety

(Shehayeb, 2008).

Bush (2004) highlighted the capacity of Local Government to increase public

engagement in peace-building as one of its most outstanding aspects. Municipal

governments have a critical role in encouraging, mobilizing, and enabling the

engagement of diverse stakeholders in promoting peace, including sponsoring


community-based, grassroots peace projects engaging peace advocates. Effective public

participation and community-based mechanisms, such as dialogues, consultations, and

public information campaigns, can be implemented by municipal governments in

partnership with peace advocates and peace bodies in the community, possibly even at

the national and international levels. By collaborating within such strategic alliances

(local, national, and international), local governments may maximize their beneficial

contributions to peacebuilding. The prevention and control of crime, according to Soriano

(2013), is not only the government's job and obligation, but also the duty and

responsibility of the society and every member of the community. Active community

engagement or group participation may be done most effectively via the barangay and its

constituents. The barangay is a coherent group of residents with a well-defined and

substantial function that may be translated into productive and harmonious action for

crime and delinquency prevention and control. Therefore, community members must be

engaged and participating in the battle against crime. This implies that all infractions of

the law must be reported to law enforcement. Important witnesses must be willing to

prosecute the case against the suspect after they have been identified. A high degree of

stability, peace, and order can only be accomplished with the active engagement of the

community. The barangay must monitor all inhabitants under its authority, particularly

those involved in illegal activity, in accordance with its legal responsibilities. For crime

prevention and even discovery and capture of criminals, a close working relationship

with the local police department must be created (Guererro, 2013). Similarly, Gaventa

(2004), as referenced in Gabriel and Manuzon's (2016) research, said that the function of

the barangay is crucial for enhancing local and participatory government. Participation of

the populace in local government is seen as a crucial factor in the economic and political

growth of a nation. At the barangay level, citizens' engagement in community activities

and initiatives meant to enhance the countryside and expand democratic participation is

best executed.

Social Order
The term social order can be used in two senses: In the first sense, it refers to a

particular system of social structures and institutions. Examples are the ancient, the

feudal, and the capitalist social order. In the second sense, social order is contrasted to

social chaos or disorder and refers to a stable state of society in which the existing social

structure is accepted and maintained by its members. The problem of order or Hobbesian

problem, which is central to much of sociology, political science and political

philosophy, is the question of how and why it is that social orders exist at all (Wikipedia


Outside the field of sociology, people often use the term "social order" to refer to

a state of stability and consensus that exists in the absence of chaos and upheaval.

Sociologists, however, have a more complex understanding of the term.Within the field,

it refers to the organization of many interrelated parts of a society. Social order is present

when individuals agree to a shared social contract that states that certain rules and laws

must be abided and certain standards, values, and norms maintained.Social order can be

observed within national societies, geographical regions, institutions and organizations,

communities, formal and informal groups, and even at the scale of global society.

Within all of these, social order is most often hierarchical; some people hold more

power than others so they can enforce the laws, rules, and norms necessary for the

preservation of social order. Practices, behaviors, values, and beliefs that are counter to

those of the social order are typically framed as deviant and/or dangerous and are

curtailed through the enforcement of laws, rules, norms, and taboos. Social order is a

necessary feature of any society and it is deeply important for building a sense of

belonging and connection with others. At the same time, social order is also responsible

for producing and maintaining oppression (Cole, 2019).

Markets are social interaction spaces. They provide a social framework and

institutional order for the voluntary trade of rights in commodities and services, allowing

agents to assess, buy, and sell these rights. In addition to the element of exchange,

markets are characterized by competition, which means that the existence of a market

requires at least three actors: one on one side of the market competing with at least two

other actors whose offers can be compared; and at least one on the other side of the

market competing with at least two other actors whose offers can be compared. "A

market may be said to exist whenever there is rivalry, even if it is just unilateral, among

several prospective participants for exchange possibilities." Actors on both sides of the

market interface have partially similar and partially conflicting interests: while they must

both be interested in the exchange of a good, they have conflicting interests regarding the

price and other specifications of the contract, resulting in a "price struggle" that leads to a

compromise between exchange partners if the exchange is to occur. How can economic

production and distribution be coordinated so effectively via markets? At first glance, this

may seem to be a futile issue, given that billions of market transactions occur "silently"

every day, and the coordination of the production and distribution of goods through the

market therefore looks to be quite straightforward. We only grasp how presuppositional

and hence implausible the coordination of economic processes through markets is when

we take an external viewpoint. The organization of economic activity via markets poses

risks for all market participants, making it improbable that they would leave their

economic well-being to this system. It is possible that the producer will be unable to sell

his product at a profitable price, either because prospective buyers do not need it or

because a rival grabs his market share. Buyers and sellers may breach their contractual

obligations and commit fraud against their exchange partners. The product may not have

the attributes advertised. Buyers do not know if they can acquire the goods elsewhere at a

lower price or of higher quality, or whether the purchase of a different product will prove

to be more profitable. Workers are uncertain as to whether their labor force will match

market demand. These examples demonstrate that market transaction is fraught with

uncontrollable variables and, thus, a significant degree of result uncertainty. The

uncertainties of market transaction render markets insecure social interaction settings

whose "functioning" is everything but obvious. The market can function as a mechanism

for the fulfillment of adaptive functions in society only when it is feasible to integrate the

individual behavior of market participants in such a manner that they have sufficient

confidence to accept the risks of market exchange (Aspers and Beckert 2008).



This chapter described the research design, locale and respondents of the study,

sampling size and sampling technique, research procedure of the study and statistical tool


Research Design

This research study utilized the descriptive method of study. Descriptive method

was defined as survey method research. Respondents answered questions administered

through interviews or questionnaires, after the respondents answered the questions

researchers described the responses given. In order for the survey to be both reliable and

valid it was important that the questions were constructed properly.

Locale and Respondents of the Study

The study was conducted at Carmen, Province of Cotabato. The respondents of

this study were the 32 Police Personnel of Camen Police station.

Sampling Size and Sampling Technique

The sampling size of this study were 32 Police personnel. Complete enumeration

was the technique used in this study.


Research Procedure

The researchers made a permission letter signed by the researcher's adviser and

was approved by the dean of the college of criminal justice education, addressed to the

Police Chief of Carmen PNP. Upon the approval, the researchers conducted the said

study and gathered the data needed. Lastly, the data gathered was analysed with the used

of descriptive statistics by the researcher's statistician.

Statistical Tool

The data was analysed using descriptive statistics. The statistical tool that was

used was weighted mean and percentage distribution.

1. Frequency and Percentage Computation

%= f/N X 100

Where: %= percent


N= Number of Respondents

2. Weighted Arithmetic Mean

X= ⅀ fx
Where X= Weighted arithmetic mean

fx = Sum of all the products of f and x where f was the frequency of

each score and x is the weight of each score.

f = Sum of all the respondents


1. Likert’s five-point scale was used to determine the problems encountered by

Carmen PNP personnel in the maintenance of peace and order during market


2. Scale Descriptive Index Interval

5 Strongly Agree 4.5 - 5.0
4 Agree 3.5 – 4.49
3 Moderately Agree 2.5 – 3.49

2 Moderately Disagree 1.5 – 2.49

1 Disagree 1.0 – 1.49



The purpose of this research was to ascertain the problems encountered by the

Carmen PNP in the maintenance of peace and order during market days. Specifically, this

study sought to: (1) ascertain the socio-demographic profile of the respondents in terms

of age, sex, religion, rank, civil status, length of service, educational attainment and

trainings attended; and (2) ascertain the problems encountered by the Carmen PNP in the

maintenance of peace and order during market day in terms of effecting criminal arrest,

enforcement of ordinance, prevention of crimes, public safety and social order.

The Socio-demographic Profile of the Respondents

Table 1 presented the findings for the first objective of the study which was to

determine the socio-demographic profile of the respondents in terms of age, sex, religion,

rank, civil status, length of service, educational attainment and trainings attended.

Age. The age distribution of respondents ranged from 21-50 years old and above.

A total number of 32 respondents were selected from Carmen Philippine National Police.

Based on the result, age group of 30-39 years old obtained the highest frequency of 18

which was equivalent to 56.25% of the total respondents. This was followed by the age

group of 21-29 years old which obtained a frequency of 8 and equivalent of 25% of the

total respondents. On the other hand, age group of 40-49 years old and 50 years old and

above obtained the lowest frequencies of 6 and 0 respectively which were equivalent to

18.75% and 0% of the total respondents respectively. The data implied that majority of

the Carmen PNP were in the age group of 30 to 39 years old.

Sex. The table showed the frequency distribution of the sex of the respondents.

Based on the result, female obtained a frequency of 6 and equivalent to 18.75% of the

total respondents. While male obtained a frequency of 26 and equivalent to 81.25% of the

total respondents. The data implied that majority of the Carmen PNP were females.

Religion. The table showed the frequency distribution of the religion of the

respondents. A total number of 32 respondents were selected from Carmen Philippine

National Police. Based on the result, Roman Catholics obtained the highest frequency of

25 which was equivalent to 78.125% of the total respondents. This was followed by

religion group of Islam which obtained a frequency of 6 and an equivalent of 18.75% of

the total respondents. On the other hand, religion group of protestants obtained the lowest

frequency of 1 which was equivalent to 3.125% of the total respondents. The data implied

that majority of the Carmen PNP were in the religion group of Roman Catholics.

Table 1. Socio-Demographic Profile of the Police Officers in Carmen Police

Station, May 2022.
(n=32) (100%)
21-29 8 25
30-39 18 56.25
40-49 6 18.75
50 above 0 0
TOTAL 32 100

Female 6 18.75
Male 6 81.25
TOTAL 32 100
Roman Catholic 25 78.125
Protestants 1 3.125
Islam 6 18.75
TOTAL 32 100
Civil Status:
Single 11 34.375
Married 21 65.625
Widowed 0 0
TOTAL 32 100
Educational Attainment:
Bachelor’s Degree 29 90.625
Master’s Degree 3 9.375
Doctorate’s Degree 0 0
TOTAL 32 100
PCOL 0 0
PMAJ 0 0
PCPT 0 0
PLT 0 0
PEMS 4 12.5
PSSg 1 3.125
PCpl 4 12.5
Pat 22 68.75
PMSG 1 3.125
TOTAL 32 100
NAPOLCOM 10 31.25
R.A 11131 (Board Exam) 6 18.75
R.A 6506 (Board for Criminologist) 12 37.5
R.A 1080 (Bar and Board Exam) 4 12.5
Career Service Professional 0 0
TOTAL 32 100
Training Attended:
Basic Internal Security Operation (BISOC) 26 81.25
Public Safety Basic Recruit Course (PSBRC) 21 65.62
Patrol Officer Basic Course (POBC) 1 3.12
Field Training Officer Course (FTOC) 4 12.5
Training Management Staff Course (TMSC) 0 0

Civil status. The table showed the frequency distribution of the civil status of the

respondents. A total number of 32 respondents were selected from Carmen Philippine

National Police. Based on the result, married obtained the highest frequency of 21 which

was equivalent to 65.625% of the total respondents. This was followed by single group

which obtained a frequency of 11 and equivalent of 34.375% of the total respondents. On

the other hand, widowed group obtained the lowest frequency of 0 which was equivalent

to 0% of the total respondents. The data implied that majority of the Carmen PNP were


Educational attainment. The table showed the frequency distribution of the

religion of the respondents. A total number of 32 respondents were selected from Carmen

Philippine National Police. Based on the result, bachelor’s degree obtained the highest

frequency of 29 which was equivalent to 90.625% of the total respondents. This was

followed by the master’s degree which obtained a frequency of 3 and equivalent of

9.375% of the total respondents. On the other hand, religion group of protestant obtained

the lowest frequency of 0 which was equivalent to 0% of the total respondents. The data

implied that majority of the Carmen PNP took bachelor’s degree.

Rank. A total number of 32 respondents were selected from Carmen Philippine

National Police. Based on the result, Pat obtained the highest frequency of 22 which was

equivalent to 68.75% of the total respondents. This was followed by PEMS and PCpl

which obtained a frequency of 4 and an of equivalent of 12.5% of the total respondents.

On the other hand, PSSg, PMSG, PCOL, PLTCOL, PMAJ, PCPT, and PLT obtained the

lowest frequencies of 1 and 0 respectively which was equivalent to 3.125% and 0% of the

total respondents respectively. The data implied that majority of the Carmen PNP ranked

as Patrolman.

Eligibility. The table showed the frequency distribution of the religion of the

respondents. A total number of 32 respondents were selected from Carmen Philippine

National Police. Based on the result, R.A 6506 (board for criminologist) obtained the

highest frequency of 12 which was equivalent to 37.5% of the total respondents. This was

followed by NAPOLCOM which obtained a frequency of 10 and an equivalent of

31.25% of the total respondents. On the other hand, R.A 11131 (board exam), R.A 1080

(bar and board exam), and Career Service Professional obtained the lowest frequencies of

6, 4, and 0 respectively which were equivalent to 18.75%, 12.5% and 0% of the total

respondents respectively. The data implied that majority of the Carmen PNP’s eligibility

was R.A 6506 (board for criminologist).

Trainings attended. The table showed the frequency distribution of the religion

of the respondents. A total number of 32 respondents were selected from Carmen

Philippine National Police. Based on the result, Basic Internal Security Operation

(BISOC) obtained the highest frequency of 26 which was equivalent to 81.25% of the

total respondents. This was followed by Public Safety Basic Recruit Course (PSBRC)

which obtained a frequency of 21 and equivalent of 65.62% of the total respondents. On

the other hand, Training Management Staff Course (TMSC) and Patrol Officer Basic

Course (POBC), and Filed Training Officer (FTOC) obtained the lowest frequencies of 4,

1 and 0 respectively which were equivalent to 12.5%, 3.12% and 0% of the total

respondents respectively. The data implied that majority of the Carmen PNP attended

training was the Basic Internal Security Operation (BISOC).

Problems Encountered by Carmen PNP in the Maintenance of Peace and Order

during Market Days

Table 2 presented the findings for the second objective of the study which was to

determine the problems encountered by Carmen PNP in the maintenance of peace and

order during market days in terms of enforcement of ordinance, effecting criminal arrest,

prevention of crimes, public safety and social order.

Table 2 presented the level of problems encountered by Carmen PNP in the

maintenance of peace and order during market days in terms of effecting criminal arrest.

Based on the result, statement 7 obtained the highest weighted mean of 4.93 (strongly

agree), which stated that “The PNP cite reasons why they conduct arrest”. This was

followed by statement 6 which obtained a weighted mean of 4.90 (strongly agree) and

stated that “The PNP secures peaceful way of arresting offenders”. On the other hand,

statements 1, 5, 2, 3 and 4 obtained the lowest weighted mean of 4.81(strongly agree),

4.78(strongly agree) and 4.75, respectively. The grand mean of 4.82 implied that the

respondents strongly agreed that the effecting criminal arrest helped them maintain the

peace and order during market days.


Table 2. Problems encountered by Carmen PNP in the maintenance of peace and

order during market day in terms of Effecting Criminal Arrest.
Effecting Criminal Arrest Weighted Descriptive Index
1. Checkpoints help established and 4.81 Strongly Agree
enforced circulation control
measures, laws, orders and
regulations. Also when there is a
need to arrest a criminal or fugitive
from justice.
2. The officers are calm and able to
control their temper in dealing 4.78 Strongly Agree
with aggressive violators.
3. The PNP conducts criminal arrest
without fear and favour. 4.75 Strongly Agree
4. The officers have more control on
how to deal with violators. 4.75 Strongly Agree
5. The PNP is knowledgeable and
skilful in terms of initiating or doing 4.81 Strongly Agree
6. The PNP secures peaceful way of
arresting offenders. 4.90 Strongly Agree
7. The PNP cite reasons why they
conduct arrests. 4.93 Strongly Agree
Grand Mean 4.82 Strongly Agree

1. Likert’s five-point scale was used to determine the problems encountered by

Carmen PNP personnel in the maintenance of peace and order during market
2. Scale Descriptive Index Interval
5 Strongly Agree 4.5 - 5.0
4 Agree 3.5 – 4.49
3 Moderately Agree 2.5 – 3.49

2 Moderately Disagree 1.5 – 2.49

1 Disagree 1.0 – 1.49

Table 2a presented the level of problems encountered by Carmen PNP in the

maintenance of peace and order during market days in terms of enforcement of

ordinance. Based on the result, statement 4 obtained the highest weighted mean of 4.93

(strongly agree) which stated that “Law enforcers can constantly adapt to the changing

nature of crime and criminal behavior when enforcing ordinances.” This was followed by

statements 2 and 5 which obtained a weighted mean of 4.78 (strongly agree) which

stated that “The PNP runs after vagrants violating local ordinances during market day”

and “The PNP implements and executes the plans and policies of the Board in the

operation of the public markets concerning sanitation, cleanliness, security and order

within the market premises”, respectively. On the other hand, statements 3, 4, 6 and 7

obtained the lowest weighted mean of 4.75(strongly agree), and 4.68(strongly agree)

respectively. The grand mean of 4.77 implied that the respondents strongly agreed that

the enforcement of ordinance helped them maintain the peace and order during market


Table 2a. Problems encountered by Carmen PNP in the maintenance of peace and
order during market days in terms of Enforcement of Ordinance.
Enforcement of Ordinance Weighted Descriptive
Mean Index
1. Law enforcers can constantly adapt 4.93 Strongly Agree
to the changing nature of crime and
criminal behavior when enforcing
2. The PNP runs after vagrants 4.78 Strongly Agree
violating local ordinances during
market day. 4.75 Strongly Agree
3. The PNP is stepping up the anti-
crime drive and enforcement of local
ordinances in coordination with the

local government units to arrest the

rise of common street crimes. 4.75 Strongly Agree
4. The PNP participates in the
formulation of policies, rules and
regulations for market operations
and administration. 4.78 Strongly Agree
5. The PNP implements and executes
the plans and policies of the Board
in the operation of the public
markets concerning sanitation,
cleanliness, security and order
within the market premises. 4.75 Strongly Agree
6. The PNP’s are involved in setting or
enforcing policies and procedures
within law enforcement agencies in
maintaining peace and order during
market day. 4.68 Strongly Agree
7. The PNP are open and responsive to
the concerns of community members
in connection to the enforcement of
ordinances for the betterment of
maintaining peace and order.
Grand Mean 4.77 Strongly Agree

1. Likert’s five-point scale was used to determine the problems encountered by

Carmen PNP personnel in the maintenance of peace and order during market
2. Scale Descriptive Index Interval
5 Strongly Agree 4.5 - 5.0
4 Agree 3.5 – 4.49
3 Moderately Agree 2.5 – 3.49

2 Moderately Disagree 1.5 – 2.49

1 Disagree 1.0 – 1.49

Table 2b presented the level of problems encountered by Carmen PNP in the

maintenance of peace and order during market days in terms of prevention of crime.

Based on the result, statements 1 and 4 obtained the highest weighted mean of 4.81

(strongly agree) whic stated that “The PNP organizes a street watch composed of

community members to report unusual or suspicious behavior every area.” and “One of

the most important aspects of investing in crime prevention policies is that they can result

in significant reductions in the costs of criminal justice and other public services, and it

can also bring considerable benefits to society.” respectively. This was followed by

statement 7 which obtained a weighted mean of 4.78 (strongly agree) which stated “The

PNP can anticipate and recognize crime risk and able to initiate action to reduce it”. On

the other hand, statements 3, 6, 5, and 2 obtained the lowest weighted mean of

4.75(strongly agree), 4.71(strongly agree), 4.62 (strongly agree), and 4.53(strongly

agree), respectively. The grand mean of 4.72 implied that the respondents strongly agreed

that the prevention of crime helped them maintain the peace and order during market


Table 2b. Problems encountered by Carmen PNP in the maintenance of peace and order
during market days in terms of Prevention of Crime.
Prevention of Crime Weighted Descriptive
Mean Index
1. The PNP organizes a street watch 4.81 Strongly Agree
composed of community members to
report unusual or suspicious behavior
every area.
2. The PNP offers opportunities for a 4.53 Strongly Agree
humane and more cost-effective
approach to the problems of crime.
3. Police collaborate with the 4.75 Strongly Agree
governments because they have the
key role in developing overall
policies, and in promoting,
coordinating and supporting crime
4. One of the most important aspects of
investing in crime prevention 4.81 Strongly Agree
policies is that they can result in
significant reductions in the costs of
criminal justice and other public
services, and it can also bring
considerable benefits to society.
5. Personnel with different skills and
roles in crime prevention whether 4.62 Strongly Agree
policymakers, police officers, judges
and prosecutors, probation officers,
social workers, health service and
other practitioners, researchers, civil
society organizations or
communities, will all find examples,
references and resources that can aid
project development and
6. Personnel organize a crime
prevention strategy or program to 4.71 Strongly Agree
maintain peace.

7. The PNP can anticipate and

recognize crime risk and able to 4.78 Strongly Agree
initiate action to reduce it.
Grand Mean 4.72 Strongly Agree

1. Likert’s five-point scale was used to determine the problems encountered by

Carmen PNP personnel in the maintenance of peace and order during market
2. Scale Descriptive Index Interval
5 Strongly Agree 4.5 - 5.0
4 Agree 3.5 – 4.49
3 Moderately Agree 2.5 – 3.49

2 Moderately Disagree 1.5 – 2.49

1 Disagree 1.0 – 1.49

Table 2c presented the level of problems encountered by Carmen PNP in the

maintenance of peace and order during market days in terms of public safety. Based on

the result, statements 1, 6 and 7 obtained the highest weighted mean of 4.81 (strongly

agree) which stated that “PNP puts signage so that the community members can observe

precautionary measures and personal safety during market days”, “Police officers

collaborate and communicate with the community members concerning to the

maintenance of peace and order during market day.”, and “The PNP enforces law,

prevents and controls crimes, maintain peace and order during market day for public

safety purposes.” respectively. This was followed by statement 5 which obtained a

weighted mean of 4.78 (strongly agree) and stated that “The officers are calm and able to

control their temper over trying and provoking circumstances”. On the other hand,

statements 3, 2 and 4 obtained the lowest weighted mean of 4.71(strongly agree), and

4.62(strongly agree), respectively. The grand mean of 4.74 implied that the respondents

strongly agreed that the public safety helped them maintain the peace and order during

market days.

Table 2c. Problems encountered by Carmen PNP in the maintenance of peace and order
during market days in terms of Public Safety.
Public Safety Weighted Descriptive Index
1. PNP puts signage so that the 4.81 Strongly Agree
community members can observe
precautionary measures and
personal safety during market days.
2. PNP has patrol members to always 4.62 Strongly Agree
look for indications of vices and
other illegal activities during market
days. 4.71 Strongly Agree
3. PNP encourages the community
members to provide input (comments,
suggestions, and concerns) their
experiences during market days. 4.62 Strongly Agree
4. PNP’s have different technologies to
help them guard the public market. 4.78 Strongly Agree
5. The officers are calm and able to
control their temper over trying and
provoking circumstances. 4.81 Strongly Agree
6. Police officers collaborate and
communicate with the community
members concerning to the
maintenance of peace and order during 4.81 Strongly Agree
market days.
7. The PNP enforces law, prevents and
controls crimes, maintain peace and
order during market day for public
safety purposes.
Grand Mean 4.74 Strongly Agree

1. Likert’s five-point scale was used to determine the problems encountered by

Carmen PNP personnel in the maintenance of peace and order during market
2. Scale Descriptive Index Interval
5 Strongly Agree 4.5 - 5.0
4 Agree 3.5 – 4.49
3 Moderately Agree 2.5 – 3.49

2 Moderately Disagree 1.5 – 2.49

1 Disagree 1.0 – 1.49

Table 2d presented the level of problems encountered by Carmen PNP in the

maintenance of peace and order during market days in terms of social order. Based on the

result, statements 6 and 7 obtained the highest weighted mean of 4.84 (strongly agree),

which stated that “The PNP has good interactions with institutions and with the people

around to maintain the rules, norms and behavior that enable them smoothen the function

of society.” and “The PNP respects every individual’s religion and culture in order to

have a good relationship with the people and social order”, respectively. This was

followed by statement 1 which obtained a weighted mean of 4.81 (strongly agree) and

stated that “The Carmen PNP helps the government to maintain stability and status quo

specifically every market day”. On the other hand, statements 2, 4, 5 and 3 obtained the

lowest weighted mean of 4.75(strongly agree), and 4.65(strongly agree), respectively.

The grand mean of 4.77 implied that the respondents strongly agreed that the social order

helped them maintain the peace and order.

Table 2d. Problems encountered by Carmen PNP in the maintenance of peace and order
during market days in terms of Social Order.

Social Order Weighted Descriptive

Mean Index
1. The Carmen PNP helps the 4.81 Strongly Agree
government to maintain stability
and status quo specifically every
market day.
2. The Carmen PNP is gives 4.75 Strongly Agree
importance to social order because
it is a necessary feature of any
society and it is deeply important
for building a sense of belonging
and connection with others
specifically, during market day.
3. The PNP ensures social order with 4.65 Strongly Agree
the active support of the
4. The PNP considers every 4.75 Strongly Agree
individual’s practices, behavior,
values and beliefs that are
counted to those of the social
order to maintain peace and
order during market day.
5. The PNP secures that every 4.75 Strongly Agree
individual who agrees to a
shared social contract which
states that certain rules and laws
must be abided by certain
standards, values, and norms
maintained. 4.84 Strongly Agree
6. The PNP has a good interactions
with institutions and with the
people around to maintain the
rules, norms and behaviour that
enable them smoothen the 4.84 Strongly Agree
function of society.
7. The PNP respects every
individual’s religion and culture in
order to have a good relationship

with people and social order.

Grand Mean 4.77 Strongly Agree

1. Likert’s five-point scale was used to determine the problems encountered by

Carmen PNP personnel in the maintenance of peace and order during market
2. Scale Descriptive Index Interval
5 Strongly Agree 4.5 - 5.0
4 Agree 3.5 – 4.49
3 Moderately Agree 2.5 – 3.49

2 Moderately Disagree 1.5 – 2.49

1 Disagree 1.0 – 1.49



This portion dealt with the findings, conclusions and recommendations of the

study. It provided the findings of the researcher on the socio-demographic profile of the

respondents and determine the problems encountered by Carmen PNP in the maintenance

of peace and order during market days.


A study entitled “Problems Encountered by Carmen PNP in the Maintenance of

Peace and Order during Market Days” was conducted at Carmen, Province of Cotabato.

Specifically, the Philippine National Police personnel of Carmen.

Based on the data obtained and analyzed, the results and findings were summarized as


1. As to socio-demographic profile of the respondents, majority (56.25%) aged 30-

39 years old, females obtained the highest percentage of (81.25%), majority

(78.125%) were roman catholics, majority (65.625%) were females, majority

(90.625%) were bachelor’s degree holders, in terms of their rank Pat obtained the

highest percentage of (61.75%), majority (37.5%) took R.A 6505 (board for

criminologist) and most of them had attended Basic Security Operation (BISOC).

2. The findings for the second objective of the study which was to determine the

problems encountered by Carmen PNP in the maintenance of peace and order

during markets day in terms of enforcement of ordinance, statement 4 obtained

the highest weighted mean of 4.93 (strongly agree) which stated that “Law

enforcers can constantly adapt to the changing nature of crime and criminal

behavior when enforcing ordinances.” Enforcement of ordinance had a grand

mean of 4.77(strongly agree). In the second indicator (effecting criminal arrest),

statement 7 obtained the highest weighted mean of 4.93 (strongly agree), which

stated that “The PNP cite reasons why they conduct arrest.” Effecting criminal

arrest obtained the highest grand mean of 4.82 among the indicators. In terms of

prevention of crimes, statements 1 and 4 obtained the highest weighted mean of

4.81 (strongly agree), which stated that “The PNP organizes a street watch

composed of community members to report unusual or suspicious behavior every

area.” and “One of the most important aspects of investing in crime prevention

policies is that they can result in significant reductions in the costs of criminal

justice and other public services, and it can also bring considerable benefits to

society.” Prevention of crimes had a grand mean of 4.72. in terms of public safety,

statements 1, 6 and 7 obtained the highest weighted mean of 4.81 (strongly agree),

which stated that “PNP puts signage so that the community members can observe

precautionary measures and personal safety during market days”, “Police officers

collaborate and communicate with the community members concerning to the

maintenance of peace and order during market day.”, and “The PNP enforces law,

prevents and controls crimes, maintain peace and order during market day for

public safety purposes.” Public safety had a grand mean of 4.74. And for the last

indicator, social order, statements 6 and 7 obtained the highest weighted mean of

4.84 (strongly agree), which stated that “The PNP has good interactions with

institutions and with the people around to maintain the rules, norms and behavior

that enable them smoothen the function of society.”and “The PNP respects every

individual’s religion and culture in order to have a good relationship with the

people and social order” Social order had a grand mean of 4.77.


Based on the findings, the researchers highlighted some conclusions. The

researchers found out that the different indicators namely; effecting criminal arrest,

enforcement of ordinance, prevention of crimes, public safety and social order were

objectively executed by the Philippine National Police in Carmen, Province of Cotabato

and Carmen PNP dealt properly to the problems they encountered during market days in

the maintenance of peace and order in the said community.


The following recommendations were drawn:

1. The Carmen Philippine National Police should continue their professional

development by pursuing higher education and attending more trainings and

seminars related to their job.


2. A review in the different indicators with low weighted mean for the betterment in

the maintenance of peace and order.

3. Related studies may be conducted but representative sample of respondents

should be considered for a more objective results.



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