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Leadership Procedure Form Person(s) in Charge:_ade Nelson, Ava Sync Nate Cuvless Team Members: Date of Event:_13 Havch 2073 4° _{7_March 2023 "Procedure tor is Be completed and turned ih the Acts Diecior one week ater the tevent. tis the respensiily of the student leader to meet this dealine without a reminder. Final Grade: ASt-A “To be completed fy the AD. Note: signals from he AD wil not be completed the day this form due, Signatures must be competed prior to de date, ‘Team Leader Check in Form:_$4__/60 RHS Paperwork Procedure Form Score: !2 {up _ja@ (point value can change due to activity) AD Evaluation of Execution of Event Score:_Q__/10 Total PointFinal Score: SO/SH Hoe ‘Your Responses opts owevew Fecean tederphip a das cc be ow Mewihensgot catiay Site maser tne ‘ple mene purpose fay ere The purpox ef His actedig is te Messag tan ae fy He. a venom +3 1 jo “10 sore ting wad a Wich, ‘is By ees il BSTC OTE ABCONE Sly Enabe Suara we deg 3 ‘ = ; < . » | | eno a ea aT RS oe \ Enthusiasts dnteeg 5 2. Happy a oe > fn Conneetve | orp casos repose ty sta ale cor Sit tna. Sate lao comes Comte esi vy Bet recede rermscerig | isp ‘herenstsontnd in paperwetSeagonbogeaete | Frsdtrom | Ba a nutes {ane ye cnn ane cope nf edie ne ; Sanereee ret ‘lsps | go rdose non | conptean Ate Ath Raper AAR afta es vibe | eins | Ce 60 Congratulations on being a Team Leader! What's the difference between acting as Team Leader and acting as Team Member? Being a Team Member is about contributing and completing Being Team Leader is about facilitating, delegating, supporting, and celebrating, ‘Asa Team Leader you have an entirely different set of responsibilities which center around 1) ensuring that your Team Members have the sills to complete their tasks on time ‘a. Seethe Check In Process below 2) understanding the big picture and making sure all the pleces come together ‘THE CHECK IN PROCESS: = Fsined task? es N, Yes | No Four main reasons a group t } member does NOT complete their task: IF¥es, celebrate bee success! | | 1fno, ak them, Why? t 1. Forgetfulness Address their needs. 2. Lack of resources Deny the urge to complete the tak for them! Lack of time ‘See your advisor if you have questions about how to help. t Set anew Choc Dato and mos the Task Checklist. + Repeat! 4, Lack of interest » Event Planning Outline (Breakcown) vent Name: Dow geha vent Date: 3f13]2023 - 3|nfroz> Event Location: Sout» Gyr Brief Description of Event: Wis a week Ipna + wh wk s in gum te win the championsiig| Toolbox for event (supplies needed) _Vollcuboals, Players, Beforces ____ Welcome / Greeting lose/ShutDown jump tmust ave veer The Delgevall Rourravad{ Ta. Oa4geoot tourna uc | TH Bodgcban Torrmenent butte mst uitmin [gives 4 Hue ohdunt rinents the chain fu snatinw body [body becouse Ie gies fhedy beet IF gies vecause it aows trump trum someting to [Rm fe and eineg fae oF lunch with Mua] pehvity te attend at friends whut 44 Punch. 4 3140 bpons up fae preying ine ra south gum te Heramen oF #85 Jano shdents go in tra stands and — lingide and get out Dbtervirey Thy cn build closer ishenships: BE he, Powys, Mimi, with Hur peers by [eats otivnding te fro build Svuty own hams, Wich gues ue shdunts He opportunity to lawn Tow 40 bk 2 ham Player and tosh ore ancthux, gprs. is Responsible (only 1 person) DUE DATE NoTes eH Jorg with Race| Ava Brocchini [2/z3]1024 Yes |tpocter/ news Wes wad Ble BF Sinnouncoment fom Kade Nelson |313]2023 | Yes | Anmeuncing dedgehsil tad SS Aimeuncemens frm} Kode nelson [3/8/2003] Yes [meow sign-ups) rig r with Pexet and In meenng | Ava Biocerini |3ftol2073| Yes [Seams feud Hara Ask fov vefivees | Nate Curless [3hole02>|Yes | anouguat 3Je- ho Tovenst E73 Ask Taa fw balls] Ava Bioechini | 28/2023 Yes | sitive Sv vetley et [TS pe poska Matt se boc] Ave Brocehinn [}rz)2013| Yes [Rad at ay enaans| ne to Bhar Crate googie frl Nan cuvuss [alalns|yes [sho ) Stand we | Crake iste accort| Kade Melson | Blalwra |Yes. +9 Event Planning Outline (Breakdown) vent Name:_Dod geval Event Date: 9/13 )2022 - afr1po2> Event Location: Sout) Gum. Brief Description of Event: is’ wie tong tnpynament wher cine 6 oly in south gum ip win the champtonsh ‘Toolbox for event supplies needed) VOlleuloals, Olavevs, Defvees Main Attraction {ose/Shut Down awe exert rue aaqeeat tournamuree me Bodgebant tourrormer gives 4 tne chain [buries the haent Body because ques [body peeause HF gives liruen Zormetiving we [therm fon and Gxeiting do a lonth with thuafackuiry t atind at friends, ulutur Hit lunch. HF alse opens up fan prouing in-rue Law sown gum te tow chacnts te go Welcome / Greeting BUILD TRUST The nodgebalt to builds hast within WU sradind body vecouse i aows Ahem] Ho bud Muir oun ams, Wien gnes. Hue shdents te opportunity 49 Kavn hhow 42 Cham player and test ont another, Pournamunt oY sitting in te stands and doseving Thuy can build closer wlaenshigs with Heer peers by fincide and get ovr Jor tru poor, rainy Jucarren, Jatwondine the games. How To... Dedgebail 5 "You can type up this document and add here, or add another piece of paper as needed. bo Weeks? gor in confer witin Hey Peret fe Stark planning Ht evant 4 Weeks: | sschedule a mechhg with My. Peer and athletes Commissioners Ye plan 2 det for Me informational tam weehng and to design tye einen fournament lowcke and ty cat “all wes fov the jouynamant B weeks* ‘seh asking RAChwS to volumner Te ver HIM games (Mle Sconer Ya etry) ' ‘send a facility mayest GY Ame South YM OF lunch fo the week of Mn fburnanunt Hack Sea Cugtadions Be leaing hash cans te Mee South gym ab lunch for Fie werk bE Hae Foyene mune sack PE. hackers IF you ea bow vollsufballs foy the ewer A, | 2 weeks: ) ‘Stovt fopubliciee Hu ewer wsith Social Media posts and announcement fem 2k “he iN ye Storhng dodgiball sign-ups Mur week, Sy tyred.” 1 “CMaR He google fm for Shdents te AN out Y qeck= “enan an OnnoUNcent farm thet sprees He date oF sign-ups and thm (tee OF he IWNanunt and aaa the den of dhe Intormotone! mectin ‘rend out Hea qnegle form via email te tha Shudent beddy e) Nuit He Avet Cight Hams 4e sign us te the Mes mucting [eae tte info muting te 4th Hams Hue wee and explain Hu bacect _ A bracket ps i Week of: And post on seciel mudia fy Ha fist day of games “hosh games iy Hu SoA gym at tonch rgd volley balls bef tre games begin and return Hem wher the ganus cred supdan dre bwetel wwayday and wpost co thet Gach Ham Enews thin Yiu Su playing Pete eents “comptere procedur form? sgend ook thank you Coeds O rordoy die plague fr the Champion ham of 4h turnanunt Step 6: How To. Create the steps in how your crew completed this activity. From the start til the end, what steps were taken to ensure this event wasa success. Depth and detall will be very important in this task ahead and will be used as a reference for future leaders in this activity, **Exampled Provided: Class T-Shirts 2 weeks + Create tshirt(s) design(s) and/or crew neck/ tank top + Get approved by class officers + Create clothing on iza design + Create a unit price + Send out class text with pictures of designs + Have all clas officers create social media posts with clothing + Create shifts throughout officer team forthe day of + Create a spread sheet to keep track of orders and kids’ clas schedule = Create a poster with pictures of the designs on them ‘+ Create another social media post + Create another class text + Bring tables/chatrs/ music ‘+ Bring poster with images Leadership Activity Fvent Procedure Form Directions; Any tne ouclas ae an svt fr our sunt boy te mp mule fom and se fo set chers ave ascot cc hn on wast als Se comes 09 AG 9 Fa sci manne, Ths over ge wl depend om Ce completeness otis ev gg and dons dl incase wet: Gey invoiedornot, We ae funetoning usin, sd lb oe ry aotber be sce. Working tose: is ky kl ened in ti course an aa a sl lp everyone wih tit Tesponsiies a cooperation with oe. Procedure Tndiwdaals Responsible] Point | Points [ CommentsNeotes Valuz_| Received Name of Event: Dadgebal Date of Event ig /aova. = 2) 1712035 Fae ora: Si wi prt Tpit [OT | Copy? toprd aiach econfrmaionf | ctv 1 (assist as . eee te fleeng ws | heii Diner (sit Fhipdkewariponnighneiase- otfactes, nia | Bechaae Order Ppl rm points | [nnd nerys etc crake |, ee |e Gihee ‘2, Who filled form out bpfa Date Activin Detar signed the form & ASD Tresurer enle Seta ASD Te ow | Stl cy the ISB () |= ‘Bookkeeper here eopy ma Darna oo TO iam 5, | Roancomenty Spoints | 4S Se am a aa Soe es rigacardes | *allupian® Lads Seisen Dizewor enor Hed Abie PDacumes ine vader | b-Bbal2o%>_ SBE tomcene coun | * Acs ofallanmcuncemens mt Soret sac Olaf c.)ni20r> 43 }iizpy3 ___ 6. | Paty ———\ Fpeints | 22 Ferm of publi use an ek i B.D publi putup & by nstaayonn ____ b.a}ip- 3) Ava B "F | Coat Ba Form form on Tpeins | “Morg fie er vi ant Ee arectmoe Opies | * OR ————_—— ) JD a ck y ) |f.Due Activate: Dredorsied | 20) be fom & ASB Teaser (Da for ned nn the Bookheeve —— ‘Must be signed of by The ASB Bookkeeper here: [Danes Foes Ora] — Ty Spon | —Dance Poca Form 7 rome Foe Prince a ‘a Date form is picked up a8 —_______ ‘asm coupe se Daonimed are thewteniance fOM@ ‘atee ela pleas lide py of eSnpetad fem Sauna Maton S2SOWT 4 Datel & 89 whom «nh Date consti file outand «| 12 retuned t company. Tobe completed by Dor Heed dior, |B_)8 ommaiaton ey! Date cfeal buck ne week rior |e, ys J 3.) Minato 3 points | a Datcof menting location — | = b DeteminnsemiedtoaD | *—hJ@—_____ a | 1° edgy of ie mien mate present on completed procedure fara, For AD to Sign: A copy was ) ‘emailed tothe Activities Director: LL ee President Tponis [BE les EE IS Spam ‘Total amount of poiat value and points received Gate #0 ny ‘After Action Report We Enjoyed Hu acnvity 2S we gave sre Student bol 2 2 Whole. We thine that now [fin aemyity te attend dvsng year we shoud commnut With [lye at RO cosh Wve asic! having two repuceniehvesimect | yun te pavhepan bY play) in Pever's voom for by gus wabching om ehing Breast iH went by the Stonde. We gave Hho Muth Smo Then was * oo Sonu thing A Wook Freed Re ~ . 4 ck Our OF players duning *he tur Hanan] and a piace v eee ee ye ae aenee [tM WU for @ HL Bi hinnieenes. Akin acsiviel We beith test amory He Student body by giving Fhe @ Wey achviisy bur benetrrd ftudint body because i gave omeorienity oe gat mowed |eNSunry Frat tluy Loud im an arnune achuity thar | be Safe fF ty paid thay Mey not hae faten @ | diuntion and Hustd He isk on clecevterc. piepie Bround Hum, Score your event ~ 1 being poor, 10 being great 10 We would neommend cnating @ Verge paper pestur pA ganas With she biacked on tt and updating it as conmmut, If you keep if WW Fhe South Gym ail week, peop > nad pt ee , Linge Activities Director Evaluation of Event Completion Event Tearn Leader Debrief & Communication Factor ‘Team leader(s) was abe to debrief cobesively when asked If team leader was ‘ungvailabe, a group member vas knowledgeable and able 1 present [ADs inguire of “to dos” and/or deadlines met were answered professionally by the team Tender/group | Pata Value yr Comments: Professionalism & Respect Team Leades/Group Members acted and executed the event ‘with professionalism and efficiency. Respect toward peers, group ‘members, staff, and AD were executed with professionalism 1 (Overall Evaluation ADs perspective of the overall ‘completion of activity “Deadlines met “Were constant reminders from the AD necessary ‘All eam members present oF sere there excuses “Did the team execute a stoog sctvity or was there disappointment and improvement that could have ‘been made? 56 Total Points: A110 DINGLES CHEETO WINNERS FROM PLAY IN THE BRACE WINNERS BRACKET TEN SOPHOMORES: DINGLES WHOEVER WINS BE THE CHAM! TUNNEL BUDDIES: FROSTED FLAKES ‘THESE TEAMS WI GAME FROM YEST LOS BELICONES ‘TUNNEL BUDDIES — FROSTED FLAKES - CHEETO LOSERS BRACKET ¢ WINNER GAME 1 - WINNER GAME 2-

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